1284990Scy# ==========================================
2284990Scy#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
3284990Scy#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
4284990Scy#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
5284990Scy# ========================================== 
7284990Scyif RUBY_PLATFORM =~/(win|w)32$/
8284990Scy	begin
9284990Scy		require 'Win32API'
10284990Scy	rescue LoadError
11284990Scy		puts "ERROR! \"Win32API\" library not found"
12284990Scy		puts "\"Win32API\" is required for colour on a windows machine"
13284990Scy		puts "  try => \"gem install Win32API\" on the command line"
14284990Scy		puts
15284990Scy	end
16284990Scy	# puts
17284990Scy  # puts 'Windows Environment Detected...'
18284990Scy	# puts 'Win32API Library Found.'
19284990Scy	# puts
22284990Scyclass ColourCommandLine
23284990Scy  def initialize
24284990Scy    if RUBY_PLATFORM =~/(win|w)32$/  
25284990Scy      get_std_handle = Win32API.new("kernel32", "GetStdHandle", ['L'], 'L')
26284990Scy      @set_console_txt_attrb =
27284990Scy      Win32API.new("kernel32","SetConsoleTextAttribute",['L','N'], 'I')
28284990Scy      @hout = get_std_handle.call(-11)
29284990Scy    end
30284990Scy  end
32284990Scy  def change_to(new_colour)
33284990Scy    if RUBY_PLATFORM =~/(win|w)32$/
34284990Scy      @set_console_txt_attrb.call(@hout,self.win32_colour(new_colour))
35284990Scy    else
36284990Scy	  	"\033[30;#{posix_colour(new_colour)};22m"
37284990Scy	 	end
38284990Scy  end
40284990Scy  def win32_colour(colour)
41284990Scy    case colour
42284990Scy      when :black then 0  
43284990Scy      when :dark_blue then 1
44284990Scy      when :dark_green then 2
45284990Scy      when :dark_cyan then 3
46284990Scy      when :dark_red then 4
47284990Scy      when :dark_purple then 5
48284990Scy      when :dark_yellow, :narrative then 6
49284990Scy      when :default_white, :default, :dark_white then 7
50284990Scy      when :silver then 8
51284990Scy      when :blue then 9
52284990Scy      when :green, :success then 10
53284990Scy      when :cyan, :output then 11
54284990Scy      when :red, :failure then 12
55284990Scy      when :purple then 13
56284990Scy      when :yellow then 14
57284990Scy      when :white then 15
58284990Scy      else
59284990Scy        0
60284990Scy    end
61284990Scy  end
63284990Scy	def posix_colour(colour)
64284990Scy	  case colour
65284990Scy      when :black then 30  
66284990Scy      when :red, :failure then 31
67284990Scy      when :green, :success then 32
68284990Scy			when :yellow then 33
69284990Scy      when :blue, :narrative then 34
70284990Scy      when :purple, :magenta then 35
71284990Scy      when :cyan, :output then 36
72284990Scy      when :white, :default_white, :default then 37
73284990Scy      else
74284990Scy        30
75284990Scy    end
76284990Scy  end
78284990Scy  def out_c(mode, colour, str)
79284990Scy    case RUBY_PLATFORM
80284990Scy			when /(win|w)32$/
81284990Scy			  change_to(colour)
82284990Scy				 $stdout.puts str if mode == :puts
83284990Scy				 $stdout.print str if mode == :print
84284990Scy			  change_to(:default_white)
85284990Scy			else
86284990Scy				$stdout.puts("#{change_to(colour)}#{str}\033[0m") if mode == :puts
87284990Scy				$stdout.print("#{change_to(colour)}#{str}\033[0m") if mode == :print
88284990Scy		end			
89284990Scy  end
90284990Scyend # ColourCommandLine
92284990Scydef colour_puts(role,str)  ColourCommandLine.new.out_c(:puts, role, str)  end
93284990Scydef colour_print(role,str) ColourCommandLine.new.out_c(:print, role, str) end