README revision 275970
1275970ScyThis directory contains some example rc scripts for ntpd.
3275970ScyIn general, ntpd should be started as soon as possible in the boot process. If
4275970Scyany services require stable system clock, the ntpwait script should be run
5275970Scybefore them as late as possible.
7275970ScyThe rc.d contains scripts for systems using rc.d init system (originated in
8275970ScyNetBSD). If a service requires stable system time, indicate it with TIMESYNC
9275970Scydependency and set ntpwait_enable to YES.
11275970ScyFor SysV init systems, you'll have to create links as /etc/rc2.d/S20ntpd and
12275970Scy/etc/rc2.d/S80ntpwait yourself. (The numbers are just examples, try to give
13275970Scyntpd as much time as possible to synchronize before running ntpwait).