1193323Sed//===- llvm/Analysis/MemoryDependenceAnalysis.h - Memory Deps  --*- C++ -*-===//
3193323Sed//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5193323Sed// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6193323Sed// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10193323Sed// This file defines the MemoryDependenceAnalysis analysis pass.
17193323Sed#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
18193323Sed#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
19193323Sed#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
20249423Sdim#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
21249423Sdim#include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
22249423Sdim#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
23249423Sdim#include "llvm/Pass.h"
24249423Sdim#include "llvm/Support/ValueHandle.h"
26193323Sednamespace llvm {
27193323Sed  class Function;
28193323Sed  class FunctionPass;
29193323Sed  class Instruction;
30193323Sed  class CallSite;
31193323Sed  class AliasAnalysis;
32243830Sdim  class DataLayout;
33193323Sed  class MemoryDependenceAnalysis;
34193323Sed  class PredIteratorCache;
35199989Srdivacky  class DominatorTree;
36200581Srdivacky  class PHITransAddr;
38193323Sed  /// MemDepResult - A memory dependence query can return one of three different
39193323Sed  /// answers, described below.
40193323Sed  class MemDepResult {
41193323Sed    enum DepType {
42193323Sed      /// Invalid - Clients of MemDep never see this.
43193323Sed      Invalid = 0,
45193323Sed      /// Clobber - This is a dependence on the specified instruction which
46193323Sed      /// clobbers the desired value.  The pointer member of the MemDepResult
47193323Sed      /// pair holds the instruction that clobbers the memory.  For example,
48193323Sed      /// this occurs when we see a may-aliased store to the memory location we
49193323Sed      /// care about.
50218893Sdim      ///
51221345Sdim      /// There are several cases that may be interesting here:
52221345Sdim      ///   1. Loads are clobbered by may-alias stores.
53221345Sdim      ///   2. Loads are considered clobbered by partially-aliased loads.  The
54221345Sdim      ///      client may choose to analyze deeper into these cases.
55193323Sed      Clobber,
57193323Sed      /// Def - This is a dependence on the specified instruction which
58193323Sed      /// defines/produces the desired memory location.  The pointer member of
59193323Sed      /// the MemDepResult pair holds the instruction that defines the memory.
60193323Sed      /// Cases of interest:
61193323Sed      ///   1. This could be a load or store for dependence queries on
62193323Sed      ///      load/store.  The value loaded or stored is the produced value.
63193323Sed      ///      Note that the pointer operand may be different than that of the
64193323Sed      ///      queried pointer due to must aliases and phi translation.  Note
65193323Sed      ///      that the def may not be the same type as the query, the pointers
66193323Sed      ///      may just be must aliases.
67193323Sed      ///   2. For loads and stores, this could be an allocation instruction. In
68193323Sed      ///      this case, the load is loading an undef value or a store is the
69193323Sed      ///      first store to (that part of) the allocation.
70193323Sed      ///   3. Dependence queries on calls return Def only when they are
71200581Srdivacky      ///      readonly calls or memory use intrinsics with identical callees
72200581Srdivacky      ///      and no intervening clobbers.  No validation is done that the
73200581Srdivacky      ///      operands to the calls are the same.
74193323Sed      Def,
76226633Sdim      /// Other - This marker indicates that the query has no known dependency
77226633Sdim      /// in the specified block.  More detailed state info is encoded in the
78226633Sdim      /// upper part of the pair (i.e. the Instruction*)
79226633Sdim      Other
80226633Sdim    };
81226633Sdim    /// If DepType is "Other", the upper part of the pair
82226633Sdim    /// (i.e. the Instruction* part) is instead used to encode more detailed
83226633Sdim    /// type information as follows
84226633Sdim    enum OtherType {
85193323Sed      /// NonLocal - This marker indicates that the query has no dependency in
86193323Sed      /// the specified block.  To find out more, the client should query other
87193323Sed      /// predecessor blocks.
88226633Sdim      NonLocal = 0x4,
89226633Sdim      /// NonFuncLocal - This marker indicates that the query has no
90226633Sdim      /// dependency in the specified function.
91226633Sdim      NonFuncLocal = 0x8,
92226633Sdim      /// Unknown - This marker indicates that the query dependency
93226633Sdim      /// is unknown.
94226633Sdim      Unknown = 0xc
95193323Sed    };
97193323Sed    typedef PointerIntPair<Instruction*, 2, DepType> PairTy;
98193323Sed    PairTy Value;
99193323Sed    explicit MemDepResult(PairTy V) : Value(V) {}
100193323Sed  public:
101193323Sed    MemDepResult() : Value(0, Invalid) {}
103193323Sed    /// get methods: These are static ctor methods for creating various
104193323Sed    /// MemDepResult kinds.
105193323Sed    static MemDepResult getDef(Instruction *Inst) {
106224145Sdim      assert(Inst && "Def requires inst");
107193323Sed      return MemDepResult(PairTy(Inst, Def));
108193323Sed    }
109193323Sed    static MemDepResult getClobber(Instruction *Inst) {
110224145Sdim      assert(Inst && "Clobber requires inst");
111193323Sed      return MemDepResult(PairTy(Inst, Clobber));
112193323Sed    }
113193323Sed    static MemDepResult getNonLocal() {
114226633Sdim      return MemDepResult(
115226633Sdim        PairTy(reinterpret_cast<Instruction*>(NonLocal), Other));
116193323Sed    }
117226633Sdim    static MemDepResult getNonFuncLocal() {
118226633Sdim      return MemDepResult(
119226633Sdim        PairTy(reinterpret_cast<Instruction*>(NonFuncLocal), Other));
120226633Sdim    }
121224145Sdim    static MemDepResult getUnknown() {
122226633Sdim      return MemDepResult(
123226633Sdim        PairTy(reinterpret_cast<Instruction*>(Unknown), Other));
124224145Sdim    }
126193323Sed    /// isClobber - Return true if this MemDepResult represents a query that is
127239462Sdim    /// an instruction clobber dependency.
128226633Sdim    bool isClobber() const { return Value.getInt() == Clobber; }
130193323Sed    /// isDef - Return true if this MemDepResult represents a query that is
131239462Sdim    /// an instruction definition dependency.
132193323Sed    bool isDef() const { return Value.getInt() == Def; }
134198090Srdivacky    /// isNonLocal - Return true if this MemDepResult represents a query that
135193323Sed    /// is transparent to the start of the block, but where a non-local hasn't
136193323Sed    /// been done.
137226633Sdim    bool isNonLocal() const {
138226633Sdim      return Value.getInt() == Other
139226633Sdim        && Value.getPointer() == reinterpret_cast<Instruction*>(NonLocal);
140226633Sdim    }
142226633Sdim    /// isNonFuncLocal - Return true if this MemDepResult represents a query
143226633Sdim    /// that is transparent to the start of the function.
144226633Sdim    bool isNonFuncLocal() const {
145226633Sdim      return Value.getInt() == Other
146226633Sdim        && Value.getPointer() == reinterpret_cast<Instruction*>(NonFuncLocal);
147226633Sdim    }
149226633Sdim    /// isUnknown - Return true if this MemDepResult represents a query which
150226633Sdim    /// cannot and/or will not be computed.
151226633Sdim    bool isUnknown() const {
152226633Sdim      return Value.getInt() == Other
153226633Sdim        && Value.getPointer() == reinterpret_cast<Instruction*>(Unknown);
154226633Sdim    }
156193323Sed    /// getInst() - If this is a normal dependency, return the instruction that
157193323Sed    /// is depended on.  Otherwise, return null.
158226633Sdim    Instruction *getInst() const {
159226633Sdim      if (Value.getInt() == Other) return NULL;
160226633Sdim      return Value.getPointer();
161226633Sdim    }
163193323Sed    bool operator==(const MemDepResult &M) const { return Value == M.Value; }
164193323Sed    bool operator!=(const MemDepResult &M) const { return Value != M.Value; }
165193323Sed    bool operator<(const MemDepResult &M) const { return Value < M.Value; }
166193323Sed    bool operator>(const MemDepResult &M) const { return Value > M.Value; }
167193323Sed  private:
168193323Sed    friend class MemoryDependenceAnalysis;
169193323Sed    /// Dirty - Entries with this marker occur in a LocalDeps map or
170193323Sed    /// NonLocalDeps map when the instruction they previously referenced was
171193323Sed    /// removed from MemDep.  In either case, the entry may include an
172193323Sed    /// instruction pointer.  If so, the pointer is an instruction in the
173193323Sed    /// block where scanning can start from, saving some work.
174193323Sed    ///
175193323Sed    /// In a default-constructed MemDepResult object, the type will be Dirty
176193323Sed    /// and the instruction pointer will be null.
177193323Sed    ///
179193323Sed    /// isDirty - Return true if this is a MemDepResult in its dirty/invalid.
180193323Sed    /// state.
181193323Sed    bool isDirty() const { return Value.getInt() == Invalid; }
183193323Sed    static MemDepResult getDirty(Instruction *Inst) {
184193323Sed      return MemDepResult(PairTy(Inst, Invalid));
185193323Sed    }
186193323Sed  };
188218893Sdim  /// NonLocalDepEntry - This is an entry in the NonLocalDepInfo cache.  For
189218893Sdim  /// each BasicBlock (the BB entry) it keeps a MemDepResult.
190218893Sdim  class NonLocalDepEntry {
191218893Sdim    BasicBlock *BB;
192218893Sdim    MemDepResult Result;
193218893Sdim  public:
194218893Sdim    NonLocalDepEntry(BasicBlock *bb, MemDepResult result)
195218893Sdim      : BB(bb), Result(result) {}
197218893Sdim    // This is used for searches.
198218893Sdim    NonLocalDepEntry(BasicBlock *bb) : BB(bb) {}
200218893Sdim    // BB is the sort key, it can't be changed.
201218893Sdim    BasicBlock *getBB() const { return BB; }
203218893Sdim    void setResult(const MemDepResult &R) { Result = R; }
205218893Sdim    const MemDepResult &getResult() const { return Result; }
207218893Sdim    bool operator<(const NonLocalDepEntry &RHS) const {
208218893Sdim      return BB < RHS.BB;
209218893Sdim    }
210218893Sdim  };
212201360Srdivacky  /// NonLocalDepResult - This is a result from a NonLocal dependence query.
213201360Srdivacky  /// For each BasicBlock (the BB entry) it keeps a MemDepResult and the
214201360Srdivacky  /// (potentially phi translated) address that was live in the block.
215201360Srdivacky  class NonLocalDepResult {
216218893Sdim    NonLocalDepEntry Entry;
217201360Srdivacky    Value *Address;
218200581Srdivacky  public:
219201360Srdivacky    NonLocalDepResult(BasicBlock *bb, MemDepResult result, Value *address)
220218893Sdim      : Entry(bb, result), Address(address) {}
222200581Srdivacky    // BB is the sort key, it can't be changed.
223218893Sdim    BasicBlock *getBB() const { return Entry.getBB(); }
225200581Srdivacky    void setResult(const MemDepResult &R, Value *Addr) {
226218893Sdim      Entry.setResult(R);
227200581Srdivacky      Address = Addr;
228200581Srdivacky    }
230218893Sdim    const MemDepResult &getResult() const { return Entry.getResult(); }
232200581Srdivacky    /// getAddress - Return the address of this pointer in this block.  This can
233200581Srdivacky    /// be different than the address queried for the non-local result because
234200581Srdivacky    /// of phi translation.  This returns null if the address was not available
235200581Srdivacky    /// in a block (i.e. because phi translation failed) or if this is a cached
236200581Srdivacky    /// result and that address was deleted.
237200581Srdivacky    ///
238200581Srdivacky    /// The address is always null for a non-local 'call' dependence.
239200581Srdivacky    Value *getAddress() const { return Address; }
240201360Srdivacky  };
242193323Sed  /// MemoryDependenceAnalysis - This is an analysis that determines, for a
243193323Sed  /// given memory operation, what preceding memory operations it depends on.
244193323Sed  /// It builds on alias analysis information, and tries to provide a lazy,
245193323Sed  /// caching interface to a common kind of alias information query.
246193323Sed  ///
247193323Sed  /// The dependency information returned is somewhat unusual, but is pragmatic.
248193323Sed  /// If queried about a store or call that might modify memory, the analysis
249193323Sed  /// will return the instruction[s] that may either load from that memory or
250193323Sed  /// store to it.  If queried with a load or call that can never modify memory,
251193323Sed  /// the analysis will return calls and stores that might modify the pointer,
252193323Sed  /// but generally does not return loads unless a) they are volatile, or
253193323Sed  /// b) they load from *must-aliased* pointers.  Returning a dependence on
254193323Sed  /// must-alias'd pointers instead of all pointers interacts well with the
255193323Sed  /// internal caching mechanism.
256193323Sed  ///
257193323Sed  class MemoryDependenceAnalysis : public FunctionPass {
258193323Sed    // A map from instructions to their dependency.
259193323Sed    typedef DenseMap<Instruction*, MemDepResult> LocalDepMapType;
260193323Sed    LocalDepMapType LocalDeps;
262193323Sed  public:
263193323Sed    typedef std::vector<NonLocalDepEntry> NonLocalDepInfo;
264193323Sed  private:
265193323Sed    /// ValueIsLoadPair - This is a pair<Value*, bool> where the bool is true if
266193323Sed    /// the dependence is a read only dependence, false if read/write.
267218893Sdim    typedef PointerIntPair<const Value*, 1, bool> ValueIsLoadPair;
269193323Sed    /// BBSkipFirstBlockPair - This pair is used when caching information for a
270193323Sed    /// block.  If the pointer is null, the cache value is not a full query that
271193323Sed    /// starts at the specified block.  If non-null, the bool indicates whether
272193323Sed    /// or not the contents of the block was skipped.
273193323Sed    typedef PointerIntPair<BasicBlock*, 1, bool> BBSkipFirstBlockPair;
275218893Sdim    /// NonLocalPointerInfo - This record is the information kept for each
276218893Sdim    /// (value, is load) pair.
277218893Sdim    struct NonLocalPointerInfo {
278218893Sdim      /// Pair - The pair of the block and the skip-first-block flag.
279218893Sdim      BBSkipFirstBlockPair Pair;
280218893Sdim      /// NonLocalDeps - The results of the query for each relevant block.
281218893Sdim      NonLocalDepInfo NonLocalDeps;
282218893Sdim      /// Size - The maximum size of the dereferences of the
283218893Sdim      /// pointer. May be UnknownSize if the sizes are unknown.
284218893Sdim      uint64_t Size;
285218893Sdim      /// TBAATag - The TBAA tag associated with dereferences of the
286218893Sdim      /// pointer. May be null if there are no tags or conflicting tags.
287218893Sdim      const MDNode *TBAATag;
289218893Sdim      NonLocalPointerInfo() : Size(AliasAnalysis::UnknownSize), TBAATag(0) {}
290218893Sdim    };
292193323Sed    /// CachedNonLocalPointerInfo - This map stores the cached results of doing
293193323Sed    /// a pointer lookup at the bottom of a block.  The key of this map is the
294193323Sed    /// pointer+isload bit, the value is a list of <bb->result> mappings.
295218893Sdim    typedef DenseMap<ValueIsLoadPair,
296218893Sdim                     NonLocalPointerInfo> CachedNonLocalPointerInfo;
297193323Sed    CachedNonLocalPointerInfo NonLocalPointerDeps;
299193323Sed    // A map from instructions to their non-local pointer dependencies.
300249423Sdim    typedef DenseMap<Instruction*,
301193323Sed                     SmallPtrSet<ValueIsLoadPair, 4> > ReverseNonLocalPtrDepTy;
302193323Sed    ReverseNonLocalPtrDepTy ReverseNonLocalPtrDeps;
305193323Sed    /// PerInstNLInfo - This is the instruction we keep for each cached access
306193323Sed    /// that we have for an instruction.  The pointer is an owning pointer and
307193323Sed    /// the bool indicates whether we have any dirty bits in the set.
308193323Sed    typedef std::pair<NonLocalDepInfo, bool> PerInstNLInfo;
310193323Sed    // A map from instructions to their non-local dependencies.
311193323Sed    typedef DenseMap<Instruction*, PerInstNLInfo> NonLocalDepMapType;
313193323Sed    NonLocalDepMapType NonLocalDeps;
315193323Sed    // A reverse mapping from dependencies to the dependees.  This is
316193323Sed    // used when removing instructions to keep the cache coherent.
317193323Sed    typedef DenseMap<Instruction*,
318193323Sed                     SmallPtrSet<Instruction*, 4> > ReverseDepMapType;
319193323Sed    ReverseDepMapType ReverseLocalDeps;
321204642Srdivacky    // A reverse mapping from dependencies to the non-local dependees.
322193323Sed    ReverseDepMapType ReverseNonLocalDeps;
324193323Sed    /// Current AA implementation, just a cache.
325193323Sed    AliasAnalysis *AA;
326243830Sdim    DataLayout *TD;
327234353Sdim    DominatorTree *DT;
328193323Sed    OwningPtr<PredIteratorCache> PredCache;
329193323Sed  public:
330193323Sed    MemoryDependenceAnalysis();
331193323Sed    ~MemoryDependenceAnalysis();
332193323Sed    static char ID;
334193323Sed    /// Pass Implementation stuff.  This doesn't do any analysis eagerly.
335193323Sed    bool runOnFunction(Function &);
337193323Sed    /// Clean up memory in between runs
338193323Sed    void releaseMemory();
340193323Sed    /// getAnalysisUsage - Does not modify anything.  It uses Value Numbering
341193323Sed    /// and Alias Analysis.
342193323Sed    ///
343193323Sed    virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const;
345193323Sed    /// getDependency - Return the instruction on which a memory operation
346193323Sed    /// depends.  See the class comment for more details.  It is illegal to call
347193323Sed    /// this on non-memory instructions.
348193323Sed    MemDepResult getDependency(Instruction *QueryInst);
350193323Sed    /// getNonLocalCallDependency - Perform a full dependency query for the
351193323Sed    /// specified call, returning the set of blocks that the value is
352193323Sed    /// potentially live across.  The returned set of results will include a
353193323Sed    /// "NonLocal" result for all blocks where the value is live across.
354193323Sed    ///
355193323Sed    /// This method assumes the instruction returns a "NonLocal" dependency
356193323Sed    /// within its own block.
357193323Sed    ///
358193323Sed    /// This returns a reference to an internal data structure that may be
359193323Sed    /// invalidated on the next non-local query or when an instruction is
360193323Sed    /// removed.  Clients must copy this data if they want it around longer than
361193323Sed    /// that.
362193323Sed    const NonLocalDepInfo &getNonLocalCallDependency(CallSite QueryCS);
365193323Sed    /// getNonLocalPointerDependency - Perform a full dependency query for an
366193323Sed    /// access to the specified (non-volatile) memory location, returning the
367193323Sed    /// set of instructions that either define or clobber the value.
368193323Sed    ///
369193323Sed    /// This method assumes the pointer has a "NonLocal" dependency within BB.
370218893Sdim    void getNonLocalPointerDependency(const AliasAnalysis::Location &Loc,
371218893Sdim                                      bool isLoad, BasicBlock *BB,
372201360Srdivacky                                    SmallVectorImpl<NonLocalDepResult> &Result);
374193323Sed    /// removeInstruction - Remove an instruction from the dependence analysis,
375193323Sed    /// updating the dependence of instructions that previously depended on it.
376193323Sed    void removeInstruction(Instruction *InstToRemove);
378193323Sed    /// invalidateCachedPointerInfo - This method is used to invalidate cached
379193323Sed    /// information about the specified pointer, because it may be too
380193323Sed    /// conservative in memdep.  This is an optional call that can be used when
381193323Sed    /// the client detects an equivalence between the pointer and some other
382193323Sed    /// value and replaces the other value with ptr. This can make Ptr available
383193323Sed    /// in more places that cached info does not necessarily keep.
384193323Sed    void invalidateCachedPointerInfo(Value *Ptr);
386204642Srdivacky    /// invalidateCachedPredecessors - Clear the PredIteratorCache info.
387204642Srdivacky    /// This needs to be done when the CFG changes, e.g., due to splitting
388204642Srdivacky    /// critical edges.
389204642Srdivacky    void invalidateCachedPredecessors();
391218893Sdim    /// getPointerDependencyFrom - Return the instruction on which a memory
392218893Sdim    /// location depends.  If isLoad is true, this routine ignores may-aliases
393218893Sdim    /// with read-only operations.  If isLoad is false, this routine ignores
394249423Sdim    /// may-aliases with reads from read-only locations. If possible, pass
395249423Sdim    /// the query instruction as well; this function may take advantage of
396249423Sdim    /// the metadata annotated to the query instruction to refine the result.
397218893Sdim    ///
398218893Sdim    /// Note that this is an uncached query, and thus may be inefficient.
399218893Sdim    ///
400218893Sdim    MemDepResult getPointerDependencyFrom(const AliasAnalysis::Location &Loc,
401249423Sdim                                          bool isLoad,
402193323Sed                                          BasicBlock::iterator ScanIt,
403249423Sdim                                          BasicBlock *BB,
404249423Sdim                                          Instruction *QueryInst = 0);
407221345Sdim    /// getLoadLoadClobberFullWidthSize - This is a little bit of analysis that
408221345Sdim    /// looks at a memory location for a load (specified by MemLocBase, Offs,
409221345Sdim    /// and Size) and compares it against a load.  If the specified load could
410221345Sdim    /// be safely widened to a larger integer load that is 1) still efficient,
411221345Sdim    /// 2) safe for the target, and 3) would provide the specified memory
412221345Sdim    /// location value, then this function returns the size in bytes of the
413221345Sdim    /// load width to use.  If not, this returns zero.
414221345Sdim    static unsigned getLoadLoadClobberFullWidthSize(const Value *MemLocBase,
415221345Sdim                                                    int64_t MemLocOffs,
416221345Sdim                                                    unsigned MemLocSize,
417221345Sdim                                                    const LoadInst *LI,
418243830Sdim                                                    const DataLayout &TD);
420218893Sdim  private:
421193323Sed    MemDepResult getCallSiteDependencyFrom(CallSite C, bool isReadOnlyCall,
422193323Sed                                           BasicBlock::iterator ScanIt,
423193323Sed                                           BasicBlock *BB);
424218893Sdim    bool getNonLocalPointerDepFromBB(const PHITransAddr &Pointer,
425218893Sdim                                     const AliasAnalysis::Location &Loc,
426193323Sed                                     bool isLoad, BasicBlock *BB,
427201360Srdivacky                                     SmallVectorImpl<NonLocalDepResult> &Result,
428193323Sed                                     DenseMap<BasicBlock*, Value*> &Visited,
429193323Sed                                     bool SkipFirstBlock = false);
430218893Sdim    MemDepResult GetNonLocalInfoForBlock(const AliasAnalysis::Location &Loc,
431193323Sed                                         bool isLoad, BasicBlock *BB,
432193323Sed                                         NonLocalDepInfo *Cache,
433193323Sed                                         unsigned NumSortedEntries);
435193323Sed    void RemoveCachedNonLocalPointerDependencies(ValueIsLoadPair P);
437193323Sed    /// verifyRemoved - Verify that the specified instruction does not occur
438193323Sed    /// in our internal data structures.
439193323Sed    void verifyRemoved(Instruction *Inst) const;
441193323Sed  };
443193323Sed} // End llvm namespace