revision 104862
t Last update : 9 Jan 2002 This file is part of groff, the GNU roff type-setting system. Copyright (C) 1989, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. written by James Clark modified by Werner Lemberg <> Bernd Warken <> Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being this .ig-section and AUTHOR, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the Free Documentation License is included as a file called FDL in the main directory of the groff source package. .. . . --------------------------------------------------------------------
. .mso www.tmac . . mso tty-char.tmac . ftr CR R . ftr CI I . ftr CB B .\} . . ftr CB CW .


\\$1 .. . Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
the current line-length - indent, use the default indent.
.. . . --------------------------------------------------------------------

@G@TROFF @MAN1EXT@ "@MDATE@" "Groff Version @VERSION@"
@g@troff - the troff processor of the groff text formatting system . . --------------------------------------------------------------------
. .nr a \n(.j .nr i \n(.i @g@troff .. .OP -abcivzCERU .OP -d cs .OP -f fam .OP -F dir .OP -m name .OP -M dir .OP -n num .OP -o list .OP -r cn .OP -T name .OP -w name .OP -W name "[ " files\|.\|.\|. " ]"

It is possible to have whitespace between a command line option and its parameter. . . --------------------------------------------------------------------

. This manual page describes the GNU version of troff . It is part of the groff document formatting system. . It is functionally compatible with UNIX troff, but has many extensions, see \%groff_diff (@MAN7EXT@). Usually it should be invoked using the groff (@MAN1EXT@) command which will also run preprocessors and postprocessors in the appropriate order and with the appropriate options. . . --------------------------------------------------------------------

\w'-dname=s'u+2n -a Generate an ASCII approximation of the typeset output. .

-b Print a backtrace with each warning or error message. . This backtrace should help track down the cause of the error. . The line numbers given in the backtrace may not always be correct, for @g@troff 's idea of line numbers gets confused by as or am requests. .

-c Disable color output (always disabled in compatibility mode). .

-C Enable compatibility mode. .

-d cs .TQ -d name = s Define c or name to be a string s ; c must be a one letter name. .

-E Inhibit all error messages of @g@troff . Note that this doesn't affect messages output to standard error by macro packages using the tm or tm1 requests. .

-f fam Use fam as the default font family. .

-F dir Search in directory (or directory path) dir for subdirectories dev name ( name is the name of the device) and there for the DESC file and font files. dir is scanned before all other font directories. .

-i Read the standard input after all the named input files have been processed. .

-m name Read in the file name .tmac. If it isn't found, try tmac. name instead. . It will be first searched for in directories given with the -M command line option, then in directories given in the GROFF_TMAC_PATH environment variable, then in the current directory (only if in unsafe mode), the home directory, @SYSTEMMACRODIR@, @LOCALMACRODIR@, and @MACRODIR@. .

-M dir Search directory (or directory path) dir for macro files. . This is scanned before all other macro directories. .

-n num Number the first page num . .

-o list Output only pages in list , which is a comma-separated list of page ranges; n means print page n , m - n means print every page between m and n , - n means print every page up to n , n - means print every page from n . @g@troff will exit after printing the last page in the list. .

-r cn .TQ -r name = n Set number register c or name to n ; c must be a one character name; n can be any troff numeric expression. .

-R Don't load troffrc and troffrc-end . .

-T name Prepare output for device name , rather than the default @DEVICE@ . .

-U Unsafe mode. . This will enable the following requests: open , opena , pso , sy , and pi . For security reasons, these potentially dangerous requests are disabled otherwise. . It will also add the current directory to the macro search path. .

-v Print the version number. .

-w name Enable warning name . Available warnings are described in the section WARNINGS below. . For example, to enable all warnings, use -w all . Multiple -w options are allowed. .

-W name Inhibit warning name . Multiple -W options are allowed. .

-z Suppress formatted output. . . --------------------------------------------------------------------

. The warnings that can be given by @g@troff are divided into the following categories. . The name associated with each warning is used by the -w and -W options; the number is used by the warn request, and by the .warn register; it is always a power of 2 to allow bitwise composition. .


.nr x \w'right-brace'+1n+\w'00000'u .

\nxu+3n break "\t4" In fill mode, lines which could not be broken so that their length was less than the line length. . This is enabled by default. .

char "\t1" Non-existent characters. . This is enabled by default. .

color "\t524288" Color related warnings. .

delim "\t8" Missing or mismatched closing delimiters. .

di "\t256" Use of di or da without an argument when there is no current diversion. .

el "\t16" Use of the el request with no matching ie request. .

escape "\t32768" Unrecognized escape sequences. . When an unrecognized escape sequence is encountered, the escape character is ignored. .

font "\t131072" Non-existent fonts. . This is enabled by default. .

ig "\t262144" Invalid escapes in text ignored with the ig request. . These are conditions that are errors when they do not occur in ignored text. .

input "\t16384" Invalid input characters. .

mac "\t512" Use of undefined strings, macros and diversions. . When an undefined string, macro or diversion is used, that string is automatically defined as empty. . So, in most cases, at most one warning will be given for each name. .

missing "\t8192" Requests that are missing non-optional arguments. .

number "\t2" Invalid numeric expressions. . This is enabled by default. .

range "\t64" Out of range arguments. .

reg "\t1024" Use of undefined number registers. . When an undefined number register is used, that register is automatically defined to have a value of\~0. . So, in most cases, at most one warning will be given for use of a particular name. .

right-brace "\t4096" Use of \[rs]} where a number was expected. .

scale "\t32" Meaningless scaling indicators. .

space "\t65536" Missing space between a request or macro and its argument. . This warning will be given when an undefined name longer than two characters is encountered, and the first two characters of the name make a defined name. . The request or macro will not be invoked. . When this warning is given, no macro is automatically defined. . This is enabled by default. . This warning will never occur in compatibility mode. .

syntax "\t128" Dubious syntax in numeric expressions. .

tab "\t2048" Inappropriate use of a tab character. Either use of a tab character where a number was expected, or use of tab character in an unquoted macro argument. .

There are also names that can be used to refer to groups of warnings: .

all All warnings except di , mac , and reg . It is intended that this covers all warnings that are useful with traditional macro packages. .

w All warnings. . . --------------------------------------------------------------------


GROFF_TMAC_PATH A colon separated list of directories in which to search for macro files. @g@troff will scan directories given in the -M option before these, and in standard directories (current directory if in unsafe mode, home directory, @SYSTEMMACRODIR@ , @LOCALMACRODIR@ , @MACRODIR@ ) after these. .

GROFF_TYPESETTER Default device. .

GROFF_FONT_PATH A colon separated list of directories in which to search for the dev name directory. @g@troff will scan directories given in the -F option before these, and in standard directories ( @LOCALFONTDIR@ , @FONTDIR@ , @LEGACYFONTDIR@ ) after these. . . --------------------------------------------------------------------

. .Tp \w'@FONTDIR@/devname/DESC'u+3n @MACRODIR@/troffrc Initialization file (called before any other macro package). .

@MACRODIR@/troffrc-end Initialization file (called after any other macro package). .

@MACRODIR@/ name .tmac .TQ @MACRODIR@/tmac. name Macro files .

@FONTDIR@/dev name /DESC Device description file for device name . .

@FONTDIR@/dev name / F Font file for font F of device name .

Note that troffrc and troffrc-end are neither searched in the current nor in the home directory by default for security reasons (even if the -U option is given). . Use the -M command line option or the GROFF_TMAC_PATH environment variable to add these directories to the search path if necessary. . . --------------------------------------------------------------------

. Copyright (C) 1989, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. .

This document is distributed under the terms of the FDL (GNU Free Documentation License) version 1.1 or later. . You should have received a copy of the FDL on your system, it is also available on-line at the RL "GNU copyleft site" . This document was written by James Clark, with modifications from .MTO "Werner Lemberg" and .MTO "Bernd Warken" .

This document is part of groff , the GNU roff distribution. . . --------------------------------------------------------------------


groff (@MAN1EXT@) The main program of the groff system, a wrapper around @g@troff . .

groff (@MAN7EXT@) A description of the groff language, including a short but complete reference of all predefined requests, registers, and escapes of plain groff . From the command line, this is called by

man 7 groff

\%groff_diff (@MAN7EXT@) The differences of the groff language and the classical troff language. . Currently, this is the most actual document of the groff system. .

roff (@MAN7EXT@) An overview over groff and other roff systems, including pointers to further related documentation. .

The groff info file , cf.\& info (@MAN1EXT@), presents all groff documentation within a single document. . . --------------------------------------------------------------------
Emacs variables
. Local Variables:
mode: nroff