text.map revision 151498
1# Map HP MSL numbers and HP Unicode values to troff names for a text font.
3# Created 30 December 2003 -- you need hpftodit from groff 1.19.1 or newer!
5# Glyphs marked with an asterisk have (also) an entry in `special.umap'.
6# Unknown MSL numbers are marked with a question mark; glyphs with an
7# uncertain Unicode mapping are tagged also with a question mark.
9# 0 space -- unused
101	0021	!
112	0022	" dq
123	0023	# sh
134	0024	$ Do
145	0025	%
156	0026	&
16# 7 ?
178	2019	' cq
189	0028	(
2010	0029	)
2111	002A	*
22# 12 *
2312	002B	+
2413	002C	,
2514	002D	- hy
2615	002E	.
2716	002F	/ sl
2817	0030	0
2918	0031	1
3019	0032	2
3220	0033	3
3321	0034	4
3422	0035	5
3523	0036	6
3624	0037	7
3725	0038	8
3826	0039	9
3927	003A	:
4028	003B	;
4129	003C	<
43# 30 *
4430	003D	=
4531	003E	>
4632	003F	?
4733	0040	@ at
48# 34 *
4934	0041	A
50# 35 *
5135	0042	B
5236	0043	C
5337	0044	D
54# 38 *
5538	0045	E
5639	0046	F
5840	0047	G
59# 41 *
6041	0048	H
61# 42 *
6242	0049	I
6343	004A	J
64# 44 *
6544	004B	K
6645	004C	L
67# 46 *
6846	004D	M
69# 47 *
7047	004E	N
71# 48 *
7248	004F	O
73# 49 *
7449	0050	P
7650	0051	Q
7751	0052	R
7852	0053	S
79# 53 *
8053	0054	T
8154	0055	U
8255	0056	V
8356	0057	W
84# 57 *
8557	0058	X
8658	0059	Y
87# 59 *
8859	005A	Z
9060	005B	[ lB
9161	005C	\ rs
9262	005D	] rB
9363	005E	ha
9464	005F	_
95# 65 ?
9666	2018	` oq
9767	0061	a
9868	0062	b
9969	0063	c
10170	0064	d
10271	0065	e
10372	0066	f
10473	0067	g
10574	0068	h
10675	0069	i
10776	006A	j
10877	006B	k
10978	006C	l
11079	006D	m
11280	006E	n
11381	006F	o
11482	0070	p
11583	0071	q
11684	0072	r
11785	0073	s
11886	0074	t
11987	0075	u
12088	0076	v
12189	0077	w
12390	0078	x
12491	0079	y
12592	007A	z
12693	007B	lC {
12794	007C	ba |
12895	007D	rC }
129# 96 *
13096	007E	ti
131# 97 medium shading *
132# 98 uppercase greek delta -- unused
13399	00C0	`A
135100	00C2	^A
136101	00C8	`E
137102	00CA	^E
138103	00CB	:E
139104	00CE	^I
140105	00CF	:I
141106	00B4	aa
142107	0060	ga
143108	02C6	^ a^
144109	00A8	ad
146110	02DC	a~ ~
147111	00D9	`U
148112	00DB	^U
149113	00AF	u00AF
150114	00DD	'Y
151115	00FD	'y
152116	00B0	de
153117	00C7	,C
154118	00E7	,c
155119	00D1	~N
157120	00F1	~n
158121	00A1	r!
159122	00BF	r?
160123	00A4	Cs
161124	00A3	Po
162125	00A5	Ye
163126	00A7	sc
164127	0192	Fn
165128	00A2	ct
166129	00E2	^a
168130	00EA	^e
169131	00F4	^o
170132	00FB	^u
171133	00E1	'a
172134	00E9	'e
173135	00F3	'o
174136	00FA	'u
175137	00E0	`a
176138	00E8	`e
177139	00F2	`o
179140	00F9	`u
180141	00E4	:a
181142	00EB	:e
182143	00F6	:o
183144	00FC	:u
184145	00C5	oA
185146	00EE	^i
186147	00D8	/O
187148	00C6	AE
188149	00E5	oa
190150	00ED	'i
191151	00F8	/o
192152	00E6	ae
193153	00C4	:A
194154	00EC	`i
195155	00D6	:O
196156	00DC	:U
197157	00C9	'E
198158	00EF	:i
199159	00DF	ss
201160	00D4	^O
202161	00C1	'A
203162	00C3	~A
204163	00E3	~a
205164	00D0	-D
206165	00F0	Sd
207166	00CD	'I
208167	00CC	`I
209168	00D3	'O
210169	00D2	`O
212170	00D5	~O
213171	00F5	~o
214172	0160	vS
215173	0161	vs
216174	00DA	'U
217175	0178	:Y
218176	00FF	:y
219177	00DE	TP
220178	00FE	Tp
221# 179 lowercase middle dot -- unused (no Unicode mapping)
223180	00B5	mc
224181	00B6	ps
225182	00BE	34
226# 183 *
227183	2212	\-
228184	00BC	14
229185	00BD	12
230186	00AA	Of
231187	00BA	Om
232188	00AB	Fo
233# 189 medium solid box *
235190	00BB	Fc
236# 191 *
237191	00B1	t+-
238192	00A6	bb
239193	00A9	co
240# 194 *
241194	00AC	tno
242195	00AD	u00AD
243196	00AE	rg
244197	00B2	S2
245198	00B3	S3
246199	00B8	ac
248200	00B9	S1
249# 201 *
250201	00D7	tmu
251# 202 *
252202	00F7	tdi
253# 203 open smiling face *
254# 204 solid smiling face *
255# 205 solid heart *
256# 206 solid diamond *
257# 207 solid club *
258# 208 solid spade *
259# 209 medium solid bullet *
261# 210 large solid square/open dot *
262# 211 large open bullet ?
263# 212 large solid square/open ring *
264# 213 male symbol *
265# 214 female symbol *
266# 215 musical note *
267# 216 pair of musical notes *
268# 217 compass, 8 pointed sun *
269# 218 right solid arrowhead *
270# 219 left solid arrowhead *
272# 220 up/down arrow *
273221	203C	u203C
274# 222 thick horizontal mark *
275# 223 up/down arrow baseline *
276# 224 up arrow *
277# 225 down arrow *
278# 226 right arrow *
279# 227 left arrow *
280# 228 tick up at left (`logicalnotflopped') *
281# 229 left/right arrow *
283# 230 up solid arrowhead *
284# 231 down solid arrowhead *
285232	20A7	u20A7
286# 233 tick down at left *
287# 234 light shading *
288# 235 dark shading *
289# 236 vertical 1 *
290# 237 left 1 vertical 1 *
291# 238 left 2 vertical 1 *
292# 239 left 1 vertical 2 *
294# 240 left 1 down 2 *
295# 241 left 2 down 1 *
296# 242 left 2 vertical 2 *
297# 243 vertical 2 *
298# 244 left 2 down 2 *
299# 245 left 2 up 2 *
300# 246 left 1 up 2 *
301# 247 left 2 up 1 *
302# 248 left 1 down 1 *
303# 249 right 1 up 1 *
305# 250 horizontal 1 up 1 *
306# 251 horizontal 1 down 1 *
307# 252 right 1 vertical 1 *
308# 253 horizontal 1 *
309# 254 horizontal 1 vertical 1 *
310# 255 right 2 vertical 1 *
311# 256 right 1 vertical 2 *
312# 257 right 2 up 2 *
313# 258 right 2 down 2 *
314# 259 horizontal 2 up 2 *
316# 260 horizontal 2 down 2 *
317# 261 right 2 vertical 2 *
318# 262 horizontal 2 *
319# 263 horizontal 2 vertical 2 *
320# 264 horizontal 2 up 1 *
321# 265 horizontal 1 up 2 *
322# 266 horizontal 2 down 1 *
323# 267 horizontal 1 down 2 *
324# 268 right 1 up 2 *
325# 269 right 2 up 1 *
327# 270 right 2 down 1 *
328# 271 right 1 down 2 *
329# 272 horizontal 1 vertical 2 *
330# 273 horizontal 2 vertical 1 *
331# 274 left 1 up 1 *
332# 275 right 1 down 1 *
333# 276 solid full rectangle *
334# 277 bottom 1/2 solid rectangle *
335# 278 left 1/2 solid rectangle *
336# 279 right 1/2 solid rectangle *
338# 280 top 1/2 solid rectangle *
339# 281 lowercase greek alpha -- unused
340# 282 lowercase greek beta -- unused
341# 283 uppercase greek gamma -- unused
342# 284 lowercase greek pi -- unused
343# 285 uppercase greek sigma -- unused
344# 286 lowercase greek sigma -- unused
345# 287 lowercase greek tau -- unused
346# 288 uppercase greek phi -- unused
347# 289 uppercase greek theta -- unused
349# 290 uppercase omega, ohms -- unused
350# 291 lowercase greek delta -- unused
351# 292 infinity sign *
352# 293 lowercase greek phi -- unused
353# 294 lowercase greek epsilon -- unused
354# 295 set intersection *
355# 296 exactly equals *
356# 297 greater than/equal to *
357# 298 less than/equal to *
358# 299 top segment integral *
360# 300 bottom segment integral *
361# 301 2 wavy line approximation *
362# 302 *
363302	00B7	pc
364# 303 radical symbol *
365# 304 lowercase greek eta -- unused
366# 305 small solid box *
367306	013F	u013F
368307	0140	u0140
369308	2113	u2113
370309	0149	u0149
372310	2032	fm
373311	2033	sd
374312	2020	dg
375313	2122	tm
376314	2017	u2017
377315	02C7	ah
378316	02DA	ao
379# 317 uppercase acute accent -- unused
380# 318 uppercase grave accent -- unused
381# 319 uppercase circumflex accent -- unused
383# 320 uppercase dieresis accent -- unused
384# 321 uppercase tilde accent -- unused
385# 322 uppercase hacek accent -- unused
386# 323 uppercase ring accent -- unused
387324	2215	f/
388325	2014	em
389326	2013	en
390327	2021	dd
391328	0131	.i
392329	0027	aq
394# 330 uppercase cedilla -- unused
395331	2022	bu
396332	207F	u207F
397# 333 home plate *
398# 334 ?
399335	0138	u0138
400# 336 ?
401# 337 ?
402338	0166	u0166
403339	0167	u0167
405340	014A	u014A
406341	014B	u014B
407342	0111	u0111
408# 343-369 ?
410# 370 `lira' ?
411# 371-374 ?
412# 375 `asciigrave' ?
414# 376-399 ?
416400	0102	u0041_0306
417401	0103	u0061_0306
418402	0100	u0041_0304
419403	0101	u0061_0304
420404	0104	u0041_0328
421405	0105	u0061_0328
422406	0106	'C
423407	0107	'c
424# 408 ?
425# 409 ?
427410	010C	u0041_030C
428411	010D	u0061_030C
429# 412 ?
430# 413 ?
431414	010E	u0044_030C
432415	010F	u0064_030C
433416	011A	u0045_030C
434417	011B	u0065_030C
435418	0116	u0045_0307
436419	0117	u0065_0307
438420	0112	u0045_0304
439421	0113	u0065_0304
440422	0118	u0045_0328
441423	0119	u0065_0328
442# 424-427 ?
443428	0122	u0047_0327
444429	0123	u0067_0327
446# 430 ?
447# 431 ?
448432	012E	u0049_0328
449433	012F	u0069_0328
450434	012A	u0049_0304
451435	012B	u0069_0304
452# 436 ?
453# 437 ?
454438	0136	u004B_0327
455439	0137	u006B_0327
457440	0139	u004C_0301
458441	013A	u006C_0301
459442	013D	u004C_030C
460443	013E	u006C_030C
461444	013B	u004C_0327
462445	013C	u006C_0327
463446	0143	u004E_0301
464447	0144	u006E_0301
465448	0147	u004E_030C
466449	0148	u006E_030C
468450	0145	u004E_0327
469451	0146	u006E_0327
470452	0150	u004F_030B
471453	0151	u006F_030B
472454	014C	u004F_0304
473455	014D	u006F_0304
474456	0154	u0052_0301
475457	0155	u0072_0301
476458	0158	u0052_030C
477459	0159	u0072_030C
479460	0156	u0052_0327
480461	0157	u0072_0327
481462	015A	u0053_0301
482463	015B	u0073_0301
483# 464 ?
484# 465 ?
485466	0164	u0054_030C
486467	0165	u0074_030C
487468	0162	u0054_0327
488469	0163	u0074_0327
490470	0168	u0055_0303
491471	0169	u0075_0303
492# 472 ?
493# 473 ?
494474	0170	u0055_030B
495475	0171	u0075_030B
496476	016E	u0055_030A
497477	016F	u0075_030A
498478	016A	u0055_0304
499479	016B	u0075_0304
501480	0172	u0055_0328
502481	0173	u0075_0328
503482	0179	u005A_0301
504483	017A	u007A_0301
505484	017B	u005A_0307
506485	017C	u007A_0307
507486	0128	u0049_0303
508487	0129	u0069_0303
509# 488 ?
510# 489 ?
512# 490-499 ?
514# 500 radical segment *
515# 501 proportional to symbol *
516# 502 lowercase italic e *
517# 503 alternate lowercase epsilon *
518# 504 therefore *
519# 505 uppercase greek gamma *
520# 506 uppercase greek delta *
521# 507 uppercase greek theta *
522# 508 uppercase greek lambda *
523# 509 uppercase greek xi *
525# 510 uppercase greek pi *
526# 511 uppercase greek sigma *
527# 512 uppercase greek upsilon *
528# 513 uppercase greek phi *
529# 514 uppercase greek psi *
530# 515 uppercase greek omega *
531# 516 nabla symbol *
532# 517 partial diff symbol *
533# 518 terminal sigma *
534# 519 not equal to symbol *
536# 520 underline, composite ?
537# 521 because *
538# 522 lowercase greek alpha *
539# 523 lowercase greek beta *
540# 524 lowercase greek gamma *
541# 525 lowercase greek delta *
542# 526 lowercase greek epsilon *
543# 527 lowercase greek zeta *
544# 528 lowercase greek eta *
545# 529 lowercase greek theta *
547# 530 lowercase greek iota *
548# 531 lowercase greek kappa *
549# 532 lowercase greek lambda *
550# 533 lowercase greek mu *
551# 534 lowercase greek nu *
552# 535 lowercase greek xi *
553# 536 lowercase greek omicron *
554# 537 lowercase greek pi *
555# 538 lowercase greek rho *
556# 539 lowercase greek sigma *
558# 540 lowercase greek tau *
559# 541 lowercase greek upsilon *
560# 542 lowercase greek phi *
561# 543 lowercase greek chi *
562# 544 lowercase greek psi *
563# 545 lowercase greek omega *
564# 546 open lowercase greek theta *
565# 547 open lowercase greek phi *
566# 548 alternate lowercase pi *
567# 549 wavy/straight approximation *
569# 550 not exactly equal to *
570# 551 up arrow double stroke *
571# 552 right arrow double stroke *
572# 553 down arrow double stroke *
573# 554 left arrow double stroke *
574# 555 up/down arrow double stroke *
575# 556 left/right arrow double stroke *
576# 557 right over left arrow *
577# 558 left over right arrow *
578# 559 vector symbol *
580# 560 overline, composite *
581# 561 for all symbol *
582# 562 there exists symbol *
583# 563 top symbol *
584# 564 bottom symbol *
585# 565 set union symbol *
586# 566 element of symbol *
587# 567 contains symbol *
588# 568 not element of symbol *
589# 569 proper subset symbol *
591# 570 proper superset symbol *
592# 571 not proper subset symbol *
593# 572 not proper superset symbol *
594# 573 subset symbol *
595# 574 superset symbol *
596# 575 plus in circle symbol *
597# 576 dot in circle *
598# 577 times in circle *
599# 578 minus in circle *
600# 579 slash in circle *
602# 580 logical and symbol *
603# 581 logical or symbol *
604# 582 exclusive or symbol *
605# 583 function composition symbol *
606# 584 large open circle *
607# 585 assertion symbol *
608# 586 backwards assertion symbol *
609# 587 integral symbol *
610# 588 curvilinear integral symbol *
611# 589 angle symbol *
613# 590 empty set *
614# 591 hebrew aleph *
615# 592 hebrew beth *
616# 593 hebrew gimmel *
617# 594 fractur uppercase c *
618# 595 fractur uppercase i *
619# 596 fractur uppercase r *
620# 597 fractur uppercase z *
621# 598 top left bracket *
622# 599 bottom left bracket *
624# 600 top left brace *
625# 601 middle left brace *
626# 602 bottom left brace *
627# 603 middle curvature integral -- no Unicode mapping!
628# 604 top left summation -- no Unicode mapping!
629# 605 double vertical line, composite *
630# 606 bottom left summation -- no Unicode mapping!
631# 607 bottom diagonal summation -- no Unicode mapping!
632# 608 top right bracket *
633# 609 bottom right bracket *
635# 610 top right brace *
636# 611 middle right brace *
637# 612 bottom right brace *
638# 613 thick vertical line, composite *
639# 614 thin vertical line, composite *
640# 615 bottom radical, vert *
641# 616 top right summation -- no Unicode mapping!
642# 617 middle summation -- no Unicode mapping!
643# 618 bottom right summation -- no Unicode mapping!
644# 619 top diagonal summation -- no Unicode mapping!
646# 620 minus over plus sign *
647# 621 left angle bracket *
648# 622 right angle bracket *
649# 623 mask symbol, superior -- no Unicode mapping!
650# 624 wavy/2 straight approximation *
651# 625 45 degrees arrow *
652# 626 -45 degrees arrow *
653# 627 -135 degrees arrow *
654# 628 135 degrees arrow *
655# 629 up open triangle *
657# 630 right open triangle *
658# 631 down open triangle *
659# 632 left open triangle *
660# 633 much less than sign *
661# 634 much greater than sign *
662# 635 proportional to symbol *
663# 636 defined as symbol *
664# 637 lowercase greek digamma *
665# 638 planck's constant/2 pi *
666# 639 laplace transform symbol *
668# 640 power set symbol ?
669# 641 weierstrassian symbol *
670# 642 summation symbol, sigma *
671# 643 left double bracket *
672# 644 middle double bracket -- no Unicode mapping!
673# 645 right double bracket *
674# 646 left top round corner *
675# 647 left bottom round corner *
676# 648 extension large union/product -- no Unicode mapping!
677# 649 bottom large union -- no Unicode mapping!
679# 650 top large intersection -- no Unicode mapping!
680# 651 top left double bracket -- no Unicode mapping!
681# 652 bottom left double bracket -- no Unicode mapping!
682# 653 large open box ?
683# 654 open diamond *
684# 655 right top round corner *
685# 656 right bottom round corner *
686# 657 bottom large bottom product -- no Unicode mapping!
687# 658 top large top product -- no Unicode mapping!
688# 659 top right double bracket -- no Unicode mapping!
690# 660 bottom right double bracket -- no Unicode mapping!
691# 661 large solid box ?
692# 662 solid diamond *
693# 663 such that *
694# 664 math asterisk sign *
695# 665 horizontal arrow extension *
696# 666 double horizontal arrow extension -- no Unicode mapping!
697# 667 complement of #617 -- no Unicode mapping!
698# 668 right angle symbol *
699# 669 product symbol *
701# 670-683 ?
703684	25CA	u25CA
705# 684-999 ?
7071000	2070	u2070
7081001	2074	u2074
7091002	2075	u2075
7101003	2076	u2076
7111004	2077	u2077
7121005	2078	u2078
7131006	2079	u2079
714# 1007-1009 ?
716# 1010-1016 ?
7171017	201C	lq
7181018	201D	rq
7191019	201E	Bq
7211020	2003	u2003
7221021	2002	u2002
723# 1022 ?
7241023	2009	u2009
725# 1024-1027 ?
7261028	2026	u2026
727# 1029 ?
729# 1030 uppercase ogonek -- unused
7301031	017E	vz
731# 1032-1033 ?
7321034	2120	u2120
733# 1035 ?
7341036	211E	u211E
735# 1037-1039 ?
737# older HP TrueType TFM files use Unicode value U+F001 instead
7381040	FB01	fi
739# older HP TrueType TFM files use Unicode value U+F002 instead
7401041	FB02	fl
7411042	FB00	ff
7421043	FB03	Fi
7431044	FB04	Fl
744# 1045 uppercase double acute accent -- unused
745# 1046 ?
7461047	0133	ij
747# 1048 ?
748# 1049 ?
750# 1050-1059 ?
7521060	2105	u2105
7531061	011E	u0047_0306
7541062	011F	u0067_0306
7551063	015E	u0053_0327
7561064	015F	u0073_0327
7571065	0130	u0049_0307
758# 1066 ?
7591067	201A	bq
7601068	2030	%0
7611069	20AC	Eu
763# 1070-1079 ?
765# 1080-1083 ?
7661084	02C9	a-
767# 1085 uppercase macron accent -- unused
7681086	02D8	ab
769# 1087 uppercase breve accent -- unused
7701088	02D9	a.
771# 1089 uppercase overdot accent -- unused
7731090	0153	oe
7741091	0152	OE
7751092	2039	fo
7761093	203A	fc
7771094	25A1	sq
7781095	0141	/L
7791096	0142	/l
7801097	02DD	a"
7811098	02DB	ho
782# 1099 carriage return symbol *
784# 1100 registered, full, serif -- unused
785# 1101 copyright, full, serif -- unused
786# 1102 trademark, full, serif -- unused
787# 1103 registered, full, sans -- unused
788# 1104 copyright, full, sans -- unused
789# 1105 trademark, full, sans -- unused
7901106	017D	vZ
7911107	0132	IJ
792# 1108 small open box *
793# 1109 small open bullet *
795# 1110 medium open bullet *
796# 1111 large solid bullet ?
797# 1112 visible carriage return *
798# 1113 visible tab (`arrowtab') ?
799# 1114 visible space *
800# 1115 visible soft hyphen -- unused
801# 1116 visible end-of-file (`embox')?
802# 1117 `enspacereverse' ?
803# 1118 `emspacereverse' ?
804# 1119 ?
806# 1120-1399 ?
8081400	0301	u0301
8091401	0300	u0300
8101402	0302	u0302
8111403	0308	u0308
8121404	0303	u0303
8131405	030C	u030C
8141406	0306	u0306
8151407	030B	u030B
8161408	030A	u030A
8171409	0307	u0307
8191410	0304	u0304
8201411	0327	u0327
8211412	0328	u0328
822# 1413 combining uppercase acute accent -- unused
823# 1414 combining uppercase grave accent -- unused
824# 1415 combining uppercase circumflex accent -- unused
825# 1416 combining uppercase dieresis accent -- unused
826# 1417 combining uppercase tilde accent -- unused
827# 1418 combining uppercase caron accent -- unused
828# 1419 combining uppercase breve accent -- unused
830# 1420 combining uppercase double acute accent -- unused
831# 1421 combining uppercase ring accent -- unused
832# 1422 combining uppercase dot accent -- unused
833# 1423 combining uppercase macron accent -- unused
834# 1424 combining uppercase cedilla -- unused
835# 1425 combining uppercase ogonek -- unused
836# 1426 ?
837# 1427 uppercase middle dot -- unused (no Unicode mapping)
838# 1428 ?
839# 1429 ?
841# 1430-3811 ?
843# 3812 ornament, apple ?
845# EOF