ctm_rmail.c revision 15456
2 * Accept one (or more) ASCII encoded chunks that together make a compressed
3 * CTM delta.  Decode them and reconstruct the deltas.  Any completed
4 * deltas may be passed to ctm for unpacking.
5 *
6 * Author: Stephen McKay
7 *
8 * NOTICE: This is free software.  I hope you get some use from this program.
9 * In return you should think about all the nice people who give away software.
10 * Maybe you should write some free software too.
11 */
13#include <stdio.h>
14#include <stdlib.h>
15#include <strings.h>
16#include <ctype.h>
17#include <errno.h>
18#include <unistd.h>
19#include <sys/types.h>
20#include <sys/stat.h>
21#include <fcntl.h>
22#include <limits.h>
23#include "error.h"
24#include "options.h"
26#define CTM_STATUS	".ctm_status"
28char *piece_dir = NULL;		/* Where to store pieces of deltas. */
29char *delta_dir = NULL;		/* Where to store completed deltas. */
30char *base_dir = NULL;		/* The tree to apply deltas to. */
31int delete_after = 0;		/* Delete deltas after ctm applies them. */
32int apply_verbose = 0;		/* Run with '-v' */
33int set_time = 0;		/* Set the time of the files that is changed. */
35void apply_complete(void);
36int read_piece(char *input_file);
37int combine_if_complete(char *delta, int pce, int npieces);
38int combine(char *delta, int npieces, char *dname, char *pname, char *tname);
39int decode_line(char *line, char *out_buf);
40int lock_file(char *name);
43 * If given a '-p' flag, read encoded delta pieces from stdin or file
44 * arguments, decode them and assemble any completed deltas.  If given
45 * a '-b' flag, pass any completed deltas to 'ctm' for application to
46 * the source tree.  The '-d' flag is mandatory, but either of '-p' or
47 * '-b' can be omitted.  If given the '-l' flag, notes and errors will
48 * be timestamped and written to the given file.
49 *
50 * Exit status is 0 for success or 1 for indigestible input.  That is,
51 * 0 means the encode input pieces were decoded and stored, and 1 means
52 * some input was discarded.  If a delta fails to apply, this won't be
53 * reflected in the exit status.  In this case, the delta is left in
54 * 'deltadir'.
55 */
57main(int argc, char **argv)
58    {
59    char *log_file = NULL;
60    int status = 0;
61    int fork_ctm = 0;
63    err_prog_name(argv[0]);
65    OPTIONS("[-Dfuv] [-p piecedir] [-d deltadir] [-b basedir] [-l log] [file ...]")
66	FLAG('D', delete_after)
67	FLAG('f', fork_ctm)
68	FLAG('u', set_time)
69	FLAG('v', apply_verbose)
70	STRING('p', piece_dir)
71	STRING('d', delta_dir)
72	STRING('b', base_dir)
73	STRING('l', log_file)
76    if (delta_dir == NULL)
77	usage();
79    if (piece_dir == NULL && (base_dir == NULL || argc > 1))
80	usage();
82    if (log_file != NULL)
83	err_set_log(log_file);
85    /*
86     * Digest each file in turn, or just stdin if no files were given.
87     */
88    if (argc <= 1)
89	{
90	if (piece_dir != NULL)
91	    status = read_piece(NULL);
92	}
93    else
94	{
95	while (*++argv != NULL)
96	    status |= read_piece(*argv);
97	}
99    /*
100     * Maybe it's time to look for and apply completed deltas with ctm.
101     *
102     * Shall we report back to sendmail immediately, and let a child do
103     * the work?  Sendmail will be waiting for us to complete, delaying
104     * other mail, and possibly some intermediate process (like MH slocal)
105     * will terminate us if we take too long!
106     *
107     * If fork() fails, it's unlikely we'll be able to run ctm, so give up.
108     * Also, the child exit status is unimportant.
109     */
110    if (base_dir != NULL)
111	if (!fork_ctm || fork() == 0)
112	    apply_complete();
114    return status;
115    }
119 * Construct the file name of a piece of a delta.
120 */
121#define mk_piece_name(fn,d,p,n)	\
122    sprintf((fn), "%s/%s+%03d-%03d", piece_dir, (d), (p), (n))
125 * Construct the file name of an assembled delta.
126 */
127#define mk_delta_name(fn,d)	\
128    sprintf((fn), "%s/%s", delta_dir, (d))
131 * If the next required delta is now present, let ctm lunch on it and any
132 * contiguous deltas.
133 */
136    {
137    int i, dn;
138    int lfd;
139    FILE *fp, *ctm;
140    struct stat sb;
141    char class[20];
142    char delta[30];
143    char junk[2];
144    char fname[PATH_MAX];
145    char here[PATH_MAX];
146    char buf[PATH_MAX*2];
148    /*
149     * Grab a lock on the ctm mutex file so that we can be sure we are
150     * working alone, not fighting another ctm_rmail!
151     */
152    strcpy(fname, delta_dir);
153    strcat(fname, "/.mutex_apply");
154    if ((lfd = lock_file(fname)) < 0)
155	return;
157    /*
158     * Find out which delta ctm needs next.
159     */
160    sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", base_dir, CTM_STATUS);
161    if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
162	{
163	close(lfd);
164	return;
165	}
167    i = fscanf(fp, "%s %d %c", class, &dn, junk);
168    fclose(fp);
169    if (i != 2)
170	{
171	close(lfd);
172	return;
173	}
175    /*
176     * We might need to convert the delta filename to an absolute pathname.
177     */
178    here[0] = '\0';
179    if (delta_dir[0] != '/')
180	{
181	getcwd(here, sizeof(here)-1);
182	i = strlen(here) - 1;
183	if (i >= 0 && here[i] != '/')
184	    {
185	    here[++i] = '/';
186	    here[++i] = '\0';
187	    }
188	}
190    /*
191     * Keep applying deltas until we run out or something bad happens.
192     */
193    for (;;)
194	{
195	sprintf(delta, "%s.%04d.gz", class, ++dn);
196	mk_delta_name(fname, delta);
198	if (stat(fname, &sb) < 0)
199	    break;
201	sprintf(buf, "(cd %s && ctm %s%s%s%s) 2>&1", base_dir,
202				set_time ? "-u " : "",
203				apply_verbose ? "-v " : "", here, fname);
204	if ((ctm = popen(buf, "r")) == NULL)
205	    {
206	    err("ctm failed to apply %s", delta);
207	    break;
208	    }
210	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), ctm) != NULL)
211	    {
212	    i = strlen(buf) - 1;
213	    if (i >= 0 && buf[i] == '\n')
214		buf[i] = '\0';
215	    err("ctm: %s", buf);
216	    }
218	if (pclose(ctm) != 0)
219	    {
220	    err("ctm failed to apply %s", delta);
221	    break;
222	    }
224	if (delete_after)
225	    unlink(fname);
227	err("%s applied%s", delta, delete_after ? " and deleted" : "");
228	}
230    /*
231     * Closing the lock file clears the lock.
232     */
233    close(lfd);
234    }
238 * This cheap plastic checksum effectively rotates our checksum-so-far
239 * left one, then adds the character.  We only want 16 bits of it, and
240 * don't care what happens to the rest.  It ain't much, but it's small.
241 */
242#define add_ck(sum,x)	\
243    ((sum) += ((x)&0xff) + (sum) + (((sum)&0x8000) ? 1 : 0))
247 * Decode the data between BEGIN and END, and stash it in the staging area.
248 * Multiple pieces can be present in a single file, bracketed by BEGIN/END.
249 * If we have all pieces of a delta, combine them.  Returns 0 on success,
250 * and 1 for any sort of failure.
251 */
253read_piece(char *input_file)
254    {
255    int status = 0;
256    FILE *ifp, *ofp = 0;
257    int decoding = 0;
258    int got_one = 0;
259    int line_no = 0;
260    int i, n;
261    int pce, npieces;
262    unsigned claimed_cksum;
263    unsigned short cksum = 0;
264    char out_buf[200];
265    char line[200];
266    char delta[30];
267    char pname[PATH_MAX];
268    char tname[PATH_MAX];
269    char junk[2];
271    ifp = stdin;
272    if (input_file != NULL && (ifp = fopen(input_file, "r")) == NULL)
273	{
274	err("cannot open '%s' for reading", input_file);
275	return 1;
276	}
278    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), ifp) != NULL)
279	{
280	line_no++;
282	/*
283	 * Remove all trailing white space.
284	 */
285	i = strlen(line) - 1;
286	while (i > 0 && isspace(line[i]))
287		line[i--] = '\0';
289	/*
290	 * Look for the beginning of an encoded piece.
291	 */
292	if (!decoding)
293	    {
294	    char *s;
296	    if (sscanf(line, "CTM_MAIL BEGIN %s %d %d %c",
297		    delta, &pce, &npieces, junk) != 3)
298		continue;
300	    while ((s = strchr(delta, '/')) != NULL)
301		*s = '_';
303	    got_one++;
304	    strcpy(tname, piece_dir);
305	    strcat(tname, "/p.XXXXXX");
306	    if (mktemp(tname) == NULL)
307		{
308		err("*mktemp: '%s'", tname);
309		status++;
310		continue;
311		}
312	    if ((ofp = fopen(tname, "w")) == NULL)
313		{
314		err("cannot open '%s' for writing", tname);
315		status++;
316		continue;
317		}
319	    cksum = 0xffff;
320	    decoding++;
321	    continue;
322	    }
324	/*
325	 * We are decoding.  Stop if we see the end flag.
326	 */
327	if (sscanf(line, "CTM_MAIL END %d %c", &claimed_cksum, junk) == 1)
328	    {
329	    int e;
331	    decoding = 0;
333	    fflush(ofp);
334	    e = ferror(ofp);
335	    fclose(ofp);
337	    if (e)
338		err("error writing %s", tname);
340	    if (cksum != claimed_cksum)
341		err("checksum: read %d, calculated %d", claimed_cksum, cksum);
343	    if (e || cksum != claimed_cksum)
344		{
345		err("%s %d/%d discarded", delta, pce, npieces);
346		unlink(tname);
347		status++;
348		continue;
349		}
351	    mk_piece_name(pname, delta, pce, npieces);
352	    if (rename(tname, pname) < 0)
353		{
354		err("*rename: '%s' to '%s'", tname, pname);
355		err("%s %d/%d lost!", delta, pce, npieces);
356		unlink(tname);
357		status++;
358		continue;
359		}
361	    err("%s %d/%d stored", delta, pce, npieces);
363	    if (!combine_if_complete(delta, pce, npieces))
364		status++;
365	    continue;
366	    }
368	/*
369	 * Must be a line of encoded data.  Decode it, sum it, and save it.
370	 */
371	n = decode_line(line, out_buf);
372	if (n <= 0)
373	    {
374	    err("line %d: illegal character: '%c'", line_no, line[-n]);
375	    err("%s %d/%d discarded", delta, pce, npieces);
377	    fclose(ofp);
378	    unlink(tname);
380	    status++;
381	    decoding = 0;
382	    continue;
383	    }
385	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
386	    add_ck(cksum, out_buf[i]);
388	fwrite(out_buf, sizeof(char), n, ofp);
389	}
391    if (decoding)
392	{
393	err("truncated file");
394	err("%s %d/%d discarded", delta, pce, npieces);
396	fclose(ofp);
397	unlink(tname);
399	status++;
400	}
402    if (ferror(ifp))
403	{
404	err("error reading %s", input_file == NULL ? "stdin" : input_file);
405	status++;
406	}
408    if (input_file != NULL)
409	fclose(ifp);
411    if (!got_one)
412	{
413	err("message contains no delta");
414	status++;
415	}
417    return (status != 0);
418    }
422 * Put the pieces together to form a delta, if they are all present.
423 * Returns 1 on success (even if we didn't do anything), and 0 on failure.
424 */
426combine_if_complete(char *delta, int pce, int npieces)
427    {
428    int i, e;
429    int lfd;
430    struct stat sb;
431    char pname[PATH_MAX];
432    char dname[PATH_MAX];
433    char tname[PATH_MAX];
435    /*
436     * We can probably just rename() it into place if it is a small delta.
437     */
438    if (npieces == 1)
439	{
440	mk_delta_name(dname, delta);
441	mk_piece_name(pname, delta, 1, 1);
442	if (rename(pname, dname) == 0)
443	    {
444	    err("%s complete", delta);
445	    return 1;
446	    }
447	}
449    /*
450     * Grab a lock on the reassembly mutex file so that we can be sure we are
451     * working alone, not fighting another ctm_rmail!
452     */
453    strcpy(tname, delta_dir);
454    strcat(tname, "/.mutex_build");
455    if ((lfd = lock_file(tname)) < 0)
456	return 0;
458    /*
459     * Are all of the pieces present?  Of course the current one is,
460     * unless all pieces are missing because another ctm_rmail has
461     * processed them already.
462     */
463    for (i = 1; i <= npieces; i++)
464	{
465	if (i == pce)
466	    continue;
467	mk_piece_name(pname, delta, i, npieces);
468	if (stat(pname, &sb) < 0)
469	    {
470	    close(lfd);
471	    return 1;
472	    }
473	}
475    /*
476     * Stick them together.  Let combine() use our file name buffers, since
477     * we're such good buddies. :-)
478     */
479    e = combine(delta, npieces, dname, pname, tname);
480    close(lfd);
481    return e;
482    }
486 * Put the pieces together to form a delta.
487 * Returns 1 on success, and 0 on failure.
488 * Note: dname, pname, and tname are room for some file names that just
489 * happened to by lying around in the calling routine.  Waste not, want not!
490 */
492combine(char *delta, int npieces, char *dname, char *pname, char *tname)
493    {
494    FILE *dfp, *pfp;
495    int i, n, e;
496    char buf[BUFSIZ];
498    strcpy(tname, delta_dir);
499    strcat(tname, "/d.XXXXXX");
500    if (mktemp(tname) == NULL)
501	{
502	err("*mktemp: '%s'", tname);
503	return 0;
504	}
505    if ((dfp = fopen(tname, "w")) == NULL)
506	{
507	err("cannot open '%s' for writing", tname);
508	return 0;
509	}
511    /*
512     * Reconstruct the delta by reading each piece in order.
513     */
514    for (i = 1; i <= npieces; i++)
515	{
516	mk_piece_name(pname, delta, i, npieces);
517	if ((pfp = fopen(pname, "r")) == NULL)
518	    {
519	    err("cannot open '%s' for reading", pname);
520	    fclose(dfp);
521	    unlink(tname);
522	    return 0;
523	    }
524	while ((n = fread(buf, sizeof(char), sizeof(buf), pfp)) != 0)
525	    fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), n, dfp);
526	e = ferror(pfp);
527	fclose(pfp);
528	if (e)
529	    {
530	    err("error reading '%s'", pname);
531	    fclose(dfp);
532	    unlink(tname);
533	    return 0;
534	    }
535	}
536    fflush(dfp);
537    e = ferror(dfp);
538    fclose(dfp);
539    if (e)
540	{
541	err("error writing '%s'", tname);
542	unlink(tname);
543	return 0;
544	}
546    mk_delta_name(dname, delta);
547    if (rename(tname, dname) < 0)
548	{
549	err("*rename: '%s' to '%s'", tname, dname);
550	unlink(tname);
551	return 0;
552	}
554    /*
555     * Throw the pieces away.
556     */
557    for (i = 1; i <= npieces; i++)
558	{
559	mk_piece_name(pname, delta, i, npieces);
560	if (unlink(pname) < 0)
561	    err("*unlink: '%s'", pname);
562	}
564    err("%s complete", delta);
565    return 1;
566    }
570 * MIME BASE64 decode table.
571 */
572static unsigned char from_b64[0x80] =
573    {
574    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
575    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
576    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
577    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
578    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
579    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3e, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3f,
580    0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b,
581    0x3c, 0x3d, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
582    0xff, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06,
583    0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e,
584    0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16,
585    0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
586    0xff, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20,
587    0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28,
588    0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30,
589    0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
590    };
594 * Decode a line of ASCII into binary.  Returns the number of bytes in
595 * the output buffer, or < 0 on indigestable input.  Error output is
596 * the negative of the index of the inedible character.
597 */
599decode_line(char *line, char *out_buf)
600    {
601    unsigned char *ip = (unsigned char *)line;
602    unsigned char *op = (unsigned char *)out_buf;
603    unsigned long bits;
604    unsigned x;
606    for (;;)
607	{
608	if (*ip >= 0x80 || (x = from_b64[*ip]) >= 0x40)
609	    break;
610	bits = x << 18;
611	ip++;
612	if (*ip < 0x80 && (x = from_b64[*ip]) < 0x40)
613	    {
614	    bits |= x << 12;
615	    *op++ = bits >> 16;
616	    ip++;
617	    if (*ip < 0x80 && (x = from_b64[*ip]) < 0x40)
618		{
619		bits |= x << 6;
620		*op++ = bits >> 8;
621		ip++;
622		if (*ip < 0x80 && (x = from_b64[*ip]) < 0x40)
623		    {
624		    bits |= x;
625		    *op++ = bits;
626		    ip++;
627		    }
628		}
629	    }
630	}
632    if (*ip == '\0' || *ip == '\n')
633	return op - (unsigned char *)out_buf;
634    else
635	return -(ip - (unsigned char *)line);
636    }
640 * Create and lock the given file.
641 *
642 * Clearing the lock is as simple as closing the file descriptor we return.
643 */
645lock_file(char *name)
646    {
647    int lfd;
649    if ((lfd = open(name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0600)) < 0)
650	{
651	err("*open: '%s'", name);
652	return -1;
653	}
654    if (flock(lfd, LOCK_EX) < 0)
655	{
656	close(lfd);
657	err("*flock: '%s'", name);
658	return -1;
659	}
660    return lfd;
661    }