1247280SdteskeYou can do network installations over 3 types of communications links:
3247280Sdteske        Serial port:    SLIP / PPP
4247280Sdteske        Parallel port:  PLIP (laplink cable)
5247280Sdteske        Ethernet:       A standard Ethernet controller (includes some
6247280Sdteske                        PCMCIA networking cards).
8247280SdteskeSLIP support is rather primitive and limited primarily to directly
9247280Sdteskeconnected links, such as a serial cable running between a laptop
10247280Sdteskecomputer and another PC.  The link must be hard-wired as the SLIP
11247280Sdteskeinstallation doesn't currently offer a dialing capability (that
12247280Sdteskefacility is offered by the PPP utility, which should be used in
13247280Sdteskepreference to SLIP whenever possible).  When you choose the SLIP
14247280Sdteskeoption, you'll be given the option of later editing the slattach
15247280Sdteskecommand before it's run on the serial line.  It is expected that
16247280Sdteskeyou'll run slattach (or some equivalent command) on the other end of
17247280Sdteskethe link at that time and bring up the line.  FreeBSD will then
18247280Sdteskeinstall itself at serial speeds of up to 115.2K/baud (the recommended
19247280Sdteskespeed for a hardwired cable).
21247280SdteskeIf you're using a modem then PPP is almost certainly your only choice.
22247280SdteskeMake sure that you have your service provider's information handy as
23247280Sdteskeyou'll need to know it fairly early in the installation process.  You
24247280Sdteskewill need to know your service provider's IP address, the IP address 
25247280Sdteskeof your provider's DNS server, and possibly your own IP address unless
26247280Sdteskeyour ISP supports dynamic negotiation, most do.  If you do not choose
27247280Sdteskea PAP or CHAP login you will also need to know how to use the various
28247280Sdteske"AT commands" to dial the ISP with your particular brand of modem as
29247280Sdteskethe PPP dialer provides only a very simple terminal emulator and has no
30247280Sdteske"modem capabilities database".  If you choose a PAP or CHAP login you
31247280Sdteskecan simply enter `dial' (without the quotes) at the ppp prompt if your
32247280Sdteskemodem uses the Hayes compatible AT command set.
34247280SdteskeIf a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD (2.0R or later) machine
35247280Sdteskeis available, you might also consider installing over a "laplink"
36247280Sdteskeparallel port cable.  The data rate over the parallel port is much
37247280Sdteskehigher than what is typically possible over a serial line, and speeds
38247280Sdteskeof over 50KB/sec are not uncommon.
40247280SdteskeFinally, for the fastest possible network installation, an Ethernet
41247280Sdteskeadaptor is always a good choice!  FreeBSD supports most common PC
42247280SdteskeEthernet cards, a table of which is provided in the FreeBSD Hardware
43247280SdteskeGuide (see the `Documentation' entry in the main menu).  If you are
44247280Sdteskeusing one of the supported PCMCIA Ethernet cards, also be sure that
45247280Sdteskeit's plugged in BEFORE the laptop is powered on!  Sysinstall does not,
46247280Sdteskeunfortunately, currently support "hot insertion" of PCMCIA cards.
48247280SdteskeYou will also need to know your IP address on the network, the
49247280Sdteske"netmask" value for your address class, and the name of your machine.
50247280SdteskeYour system administrator can tell you which values to use for your
51247280Sdteskeparticular network setup.  If you will be referring to other hosts by
52247280Sdteskename rather than IP address, you'll also need a name server and
53247280Sdteskepossibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's your
54247280Sdteskeprovider's IP address) to use in talking to it.  If you do not know
55247280Sdteskethe answers to all or most of these questions then you should really
56247280Sdteskeprobably talk to your system administrator FIRST before trying this
57247280Sdtesketype of installation!  Choosing the wrong IP address on a busy network
58247280Sdteskewill NOT make you popular with your systems administrator!  :-)