175422Srwatson$FreeBSD: releng/10.2/tools/regression/security/proc_to_proc/README 75447 2001-04-12 17:46:20Z rwatson $
375422Srwatson  Inter-Process Authorization Test Suite
475422Srwatson  Robert Watson, TrustedBSD Project
675422SrwatsonThis test suite attempts to determine the behavior of inter-process
775422Srwatsonauthorization policy present in the kernel.  It analyzes a series of
875422Srwatsonimportant scenarios using specifically crafted process credentials
975422Srwatsonand a set of operations.  It then reports on any divergence from the
1075422Srwatsonexpected results.
1275422SrwatsonTest operations:
1475422Srwatsonptrace		cred1 attempts ptrace attach to cred2
1575447Srwatsonsighup		cred1 attempts SIGHUP of cred2
1675447Srwatsonsigsegv		cred1 attempts SIGSEGV of cred2
1775422Srwatsonsee		cred1 attempts getpriority() on cred2
1875422Srwatsonsched		cred1 attempts setpriority() on cred2
2075422SrwatsonTest scenarioes:
2275422Srwatsonpriv on priv		root process on another root process
2375422Srwatsonpriv on unpriv1		root process on a non-root process
2475422Srwatsonunpriv1 on priv		non-root process on a root process
2575422Srwatsonunpriv1 on unpriv1	non-root process on a similar non-root process
2675422Srwatsonunpriv1 on unpriv2	non-root process on a different non-root process
2775422Srwatsonunpriv1 on daemon1	non-root process on a root daemon process acting with
2875422Srwatson			same non-root effective credentials
2975422Srwatsonunpriv1 on daemon2	non-root process on a root daemon process acting with
3075422Srwatson			different non-root effective credentials
3175422Srwatsonunpriv1 on setuid1	non-root process on a setuid-root process with same
3275422Srwatson			non-root real credentials
3375422Srwatsonunpriv1 on setuid2	non-root process on a setuid-root process with
3475422Srwatson			different non-root real credentials
3675422SrwatsonThe credential elements supported by the test suite are:
3875422Srwatson	effective uid
3975422Srwatson	real uid
4075422Srwatson	saved uid
4175422Srwatson	P_SUGID flag
4375422SrwatsonOther untested aspects of interest include groups, as well as session
4475422Srwatsonrelationship.  Other test operations that might be of interest are SIGCONT,
4575447Srwatsonand SIGIO.
4775422SrwatsonThe current set of tests includes some tests where normally the P_SUGID
4875422Srwatsonflag is set, but isn't in the test.  The result is that some tests fail
4975422Srwatsonthat may not reflect real-world software configurations.  However, they
5075422Srwatsondo point to possible changes that could be made in the authorization system
5175422Srwatsonto improve resilience to failure or violation of invariants.
5375422SrwatsonThese tests rely on __setugid(), a system call enabled using options