157257Sdufault$FreeBSD: releng/10.2/tools/regression/README 228975 2011-12-30 00:04:11Z uqs $
311494SphkThis directory is for regression test programs.
523458SmppA regression test program is one that will exercise a particular bit of the
611494Sphksystem to check that we have not reintroduced an old bug.
8137587SnikTests should be implemented in files with a .t extension.  Each .t file
9137587Snikcan contain more than one test, and can be implemented in any scripting
10137587Sniklanguage -- /bin/sh, Perl...
12137587SnikThe test protocol is quite simple.  At its most basic, each .t file should, 
13137587Snikwhen run, print a line in this format:
15137587Snik   1..m
17137587Snikwhere m is the number of tests that will be run.
19137587SnikEach test should produce a single line of output.  This line should start
20137587Snikwith one of
22137587Snik   ok n
23137587Snik   not ok n
25137587Snikto indicate whether or not the test succeeded.  'n' is the test's number.
26137587SnikAnything after this on the line (up to the first '#' if present) is 
27137587Snikconsidered to be the name of the test.  Naming tests is optional, but 
30137587SnikA test may be written which is conditional, and may need to be skipped.
31137587SnikFor example, the netatalk tests require 'options NETATALK' in the kernel.
32137587SnikA test may be skipped by printing '# skip Reason for skipping' after the
33137587Sniktest name.  For example,
35137587Snik    ok 1 - netatalk # skip 'options NETATALK' not compiled in
37137587SnikA test may be flagged as 'todo'.  This indicates that you expect the test
38137587Snikto fail (perhaps because the necessary functionality hasn't been written
39137587Snikyet).  'todo' tests are expected to fail, so when they start working the
40228975Suqstest framework can alert you to this happy occurrence.  Flag these tests 
41137587Snikwith a '# TODO' comment after the test name
43137587Snik    not ok 1 - infiniteloop # TODO write test for an infinite loop
45137587SnikThis is modelled on the protocol followed by the Test::Harness Perl
46137587Snikmodule (and therefore much of the automated testing carried out by the 
47137587SnikPerl community).  More documentation can be found at:
49137587Snik    http://search.cpan.org/~petdance/Test-Harness-2.42/lib/Test/Harness.pm
51137587SnikTo run the tests and parse their output install the devel/p5-Test-Harness
52137587Snikport.  This includes the prove(1) command which is used to run the tests
53137587Snikand collate the output.
55137587Snik    prove geom_concat		# run all the tests in geom_concat
56137587Snik    prove -r lib		# run all tests in lib/, and subdirectories
57137587Snik    prove -r -v lib		# as above, with verbose output
58137587Snik    prove -r			# run *all* the tests
6095138SjmallettTests that are for parts of the base system should go into a directory here
6195138Sjmallettwhich is the same as their path relative to src/, for example the uuencode(1)
6295138Sjmallettutility resides in src/usr.bin/uuencode so its regression test resides in
65169852SddsTo avoid the pre-commit check program complaining about the lack of
66169852SddsCVS keywords in test data files, use a .in suffix for input files and
67169852Sddsa .out suffix for output files.
69167545SddsTo execute individual regression tests for binaries that you are
70167545Sddsdeveloping, add their directory in the path before running the tests.
72167545Sddscd /usr/src/tools/regression/usr.bin
73167545Sdds(PATH=/home/user/src/experimental/jot:$PATH ; make SUBDIR=jot)
7595138SjmallettPlease make a subdir per other regression test, and add a brief description to
7695138Sjmallettthis file.
78169852Sddsacct		Exercise the integer to float conversion used in acct(5)
7997996Sjmallettgeom		Some tests and an out-of-kernel simulator for the GEOM code
80139596Smarcelia64		ia64 specific regression tests
8125889Sdfrnfsmmap		Some tests to exercise some tricky cases in NFS and mmap
8257257Sdufaultp1003_1b	Exercise 1003.1B scheduler
83118262Spbpipe		Pipe code regression test
8488242Sjkhfsx		General filesystem exerciser
85101902Salfredsysvmsg 	SysV IPC Message Queue Regression Utility
86101902Salfredsysvsem 	SysV IPC Semaphore Regression Utility
87101902Salfredsysvshm 	SysV IPC Shared Memory Regression Utility
88126049Sgreengaithrstress	General threaded getaddrinfo(3) exerciser
89192891Sedwindate		Date(1) + format string regression test