2204591Sluigi# $FreeBSD: releng/10.2/sys/netpfil/ipfw/dummynet.txt 239124 2012-08-07 07:52:25Z luigi $
5204591SluigiNotes on the internal structure of dummynet (2010 version)
6204591Sluigiby Riccardo Panicucci and Luigi Rizzo
7204591SluigiWork supported by the EC project ONELAB2
11204591Sluigi* INDEX *
13204591SluigiImplementation of new dummynet
14204591Sluigi    Internal structure
15204591Sluigi    Files
16204591SluigiPacket arrival
17204591Sluigi    The reconfiguration routine
20204591Sluigi    Add a pipe
21204591Sluigi    Add a scheduler
22204591Sluigi    Add a flowset
23204591SluigiListing object
24204591SluigiDelete of object
25204591Sluigi    Delete a pipe
26204591Sluigi    Delete a flowset
27204591Sluigi    Delete a scheduler
28204591SluigiCompatibility with FreeBSD7.2 and FreeBSD 8 ipfw binary
29204591Sluigi    ip_dummynet_glue.c
30204591Sluigi    ip_fw_glue.c
31204591SluigiHow to configure dummynet
32204591SluigiHow to implement a new scheduler
36204591SluigiOPEN ISSUES
38204591Sluigi20100131 deleting RR causes infinite loop
39204591Sluigi	presumably in the rr_free_queue() call -- seems to hang
40204591Sluigi	forever when deleting a live flow
43204591SluigiDummynet is a traffic shaper and network emulator. Packets are
44204591Sluigiselected by an external filter such as ipfw, and passed to the emulator
45204591Sluigiwith a tag such as "pipe 10" or "queue 5" which tells what to
46204591Sluigido with the packet. As an example
48204591Sluigi	ipfw add queue 5 icmp from to all
50204591SluigiAll packets with the same tag belong to a "flowset", or a set
51204591Sluigiof flows which can be further partitioned according to a mask.
52204591SluigiFlowsets are then passed to a scheduler for processing. The
53204591Sluigiassociation of flowsets and schedulers is configurable e.g.
55204591Sluigi	ipfw queue 5 config sched 10 weight 3 flow_mask xxxx
56204591Sluigi	ipfw queue 8 config sched 10 weight 1 ...
57204591Sluigi	ipfw queue 3 config sched 20 weight 1 ...
59204591Sluigi"sched 10" represents one or more scheduler instances,
60204591Sluigiselected through a mask on the 5-tuple itself.
62204591Sluigi	ipfw sched 20 config type FIFO sched_mask yyy ...
64204591SluigiThere are in fact two masks applied to each packet:
65204591Sluigi+ the "sched_mask" sends packets arriving to a scheduler_id to
66204591Sluigi  one of many instances.
67204591Sluigi+ the "flow_mask" together with the flowset_id is used to
68204591Sluigi  collect packets into independent flows on each scheduler.
70204591SluigiAs an example, we can have
71204591Sluigi	ipfw queue 5 config sched 10 flow_mask src-ip 0x000000ff
72204591Sluigi	ipfw sched 10 config type WF2Q+ sched_mask src-ip 0xffffff00
74204591Sluigimeans that sched 10 will have one instance per /24 source subnet,
75204591Sluigiand within that, each individual source will be a flow.
77204591SluigiInternal structure
79204591SluigiDummynet-related data is split into several data structures,
80204591Sluigipart of them constituting the userland-kernel API, and others
81204591Sluigispecific to the kernel.
82204591SluigiNOTE: for up-to-date details please look at the relevant source
83204591Sluigi	headers (ip_dummynet.h, ip_dn_private.h, dn_sched.h)
85204591SluigiUSERLAND-KERNEL API	(ip_dummynet.h)
87204591Sluigi    struct dn_link:
88204591Sluigi	contains data about the physical link such as
89204591Sluigi	bandwith, delay, burst size;
91204591Sluigi    struct dn_fs:
92204591Sluigi	describes a flowset, i.e. a template for queues.
93204591Sluigi	Main parameters are the scheduler we attach to, a flow_mask,
94204591Sluigi	buckets, queue size, plr, weight, and other scheduler-specific
95204591Sluigi	parameters.
97204591Sluigi    struct dn_flow
98204591Sluigi	contains information on a flow, including masks and
99204591Sluigi	statistics
101204591Sluigi    struct dn_sch:
102204591Sluigi	defines a scheduler (and a link attached to it).
103204591Sluigi	Parameters include scheduler type, sched_mask, number of
104204591Sluigi	buckets, and possibly other scheduler-specific parameters,
106204591Sluigi    struct dn_profile:
107204591Sluigi	fields to simulate a delay profile
110204591SluigiKERNEL REPRESENTATION	(ip_dn_private.h)
112204591Sluigi    struct mq
113204591Sluigi	a queue of mbufs with head and tail.
115204591Sluigi    struct dn_queue
116204591Sluigi	individual queue of packets, created by a flowset using
117204591Sluigi	flow_mask and attached to a scheduler instance selected
118204591Sluigi	through sched_mask.
119204591Sluigi	A dn_queue has a pointer to the dn_fsk (which in turn counts
120204591Sluigi	how many queues point to it), a pointer to the
121204591Sluigi	dn_sch_inst it attaches to, and is in a hash table in the
122204591Sluigi	flowset. scheduler instances also should store queues in
123204591Sluigi	their own containers used for scheduling (lists, trees, etc.)
124204591Sluigi	CREATE: done on packet arrivals when a flow matches a flowset.
125204591Sluigi	DELETE: done only when deleting the parent dn_sch_inst
126204591Sluigi		or draining memory.
128204591Sluigi    struct dn_fsk
129204591Sluigi	includes a dn_fs; a pointer to the dn_schk; a link field
130204591Sluigi	for the list of dn_fsk attached to the same scheduler,
131204591Sluigi	or for the unlinked list;
132204591Sluigi	a refcount for the number of queues pointing to it;
133204591Sluigi	The dn_fsk is in a hash table, fshash.
134204591Sluigi	CREATE: done on configuration commands.
135204591Sluigi	DELETE: on configuration commands.
137204591Sluigi    struct dn_sch_inst
138204591Sluigi	a scheduler instance, created from a dn_schk applying sched_mask.
139204591Sluigi	Contains a delay line, a reference to the parent, and scheduler-
140204591Sluigi	specific info.  Both dn_sch_inst and its delay line can be in the
141204591Sluigi	evheap if they have events to be processed.
142204591Sluigi	CREATE: created from a dn_schk applying sched_mask
143204591Sluigi	DELETE: configuration command delete a scheduler which in turn
144204591Sluigi		sweeps the hash table of instances deleting them
146204591Sluigi    struct dn_schk
147204591Sluigi	includes dn_sch, dn_link, a pointer to dn_profile,
148204591Sluigi	a hash table of dn_sch_inst, a list of dn_fsk
149204591Sluigi	attached to it.
150204591Sluigi	CREATE: configuration command. If there are flowsets that
151204591Sluigi		refer to this number, they are attached and moved
152204591Sluigi		to the hash table
153204591Sluigi	DELETE: manual, see dn_sch_inst
156204591Sluigi	fshash                            schedhash
157204591Sluigi      +---------------+   sched        +--------------+
158204591Sluigi      |      sched-------------------->|      NEW_SCHK|
159204591Sluigi  -<----*sch_chain    |<-----------------*fsk_list    |
160204591Sluigi      |NEW_FSK        |<----.          | [dn_link]    |
161204591Sluigi      +---------------+     |          +--------------+
162204591Sluigi      |qht (hash)     |     |          |  siht(hash)  |
163204591Sluigi      |   [dn_queue]  |     |          |  [dn_si]     |
164204591Sluigi      |   [dn_queue]  |     |          |  [dn_si]     |
165204591Sluigi      |     ...       |     |          |   ...        |
166204591Sluigi      |   +--------+  |     |          | +---------+  |
167204591Sluigi      |   |dn_queue|  |     |          | |dn_si    |  |
168204591Sluigi      |  |    fs *----------'          | |         |  |
169204591Sluigi      |  |    si *---------------------->|         |  |
170204591Sluigi      |  +---------+  |                | +---------+  |
171204591Sluigi      +---------------+                +--------------+
173204591SluigiThe following global data structures contain all
174204591Sluigischedulers and flowsets.
176204591Sluigi- schedhash[x]: contains all scheduler templates in the system.
177204591Sluigi	Looked up only on manual configurations, where flowsets
178204591Sluigi	are attached to matching schedulers.
179204591Sluigi	We have one entry per 'sched X config' command
180204591Sluigi	(plus one for each 'pipe X config').
182204591Sluigi- fshash[x]: contains all flowsets.
183204591Sluigi	We do a lookup on this for each packet.
184204591Sluigi	We have one entry for each 'queue X config'
185204591Sluigi	(plus one for each 'pipe X config').
187204591SluigiAdditionally, a list that contains all unlinked flowset:
188204591Sluigi- fsu:  contains flowset that are not linked with any scheduler.
189204591Sluigi	Flowset are put in this list when they refer to a non
190204591Sluigi	existing scheduler.
191204591Sluigi	We don't need an efficient data structure as we never search
192204591Sluigi	here on a packet arrivals.
194204591SluigiScheduler instances and the delay lines associated with each scheduler
195204591Sluigiinstance need to be woken up at certain times. Because we have many
196204591Sluigisuch objects, we keep them in a priority heap (system_heap).
198204591SluigiAlmost all objects in this implementation are preceded by a structure
199204591Sluigi(struct dn_id) which makes it easier to identify them.
204204591SluigiThe dummynet code is split in several files.
205204591SluigiAll kernel code is in sys/netinet/ipfw except ip_dummynet.h
206204591SluigiAll userland code is in sbin/ipfw.
207204591SluigiFiles are
208204591Sluigi- sys/netinet/ip_dummynet.h defines the kernel-userland API
209204591Sluigi- ip_dn_private.h contains the kernel-specific APIs
210204591Sluigi  and data structures
211204591Sluigi- dn_sched.h defines the scheduler API
212204591Sluigi- ip_dummynet.c cointains module glue and sockopt handlers, with all
213204591Sluigi  functions to configure and list objects.
214204591Sluigi- ip_dn_io.c contains the functions directly related to packet processing,
215204591Sluigi  and run in the critical path. It also contains some functions
216204591Sluigi  exported to the schedulers.
217204591Sluigi- dn_heap.[ch] implement a binary heap and a generic hash table
218204591Sluigi- dn_sched_* implement the various scheduler modules
220204591Sluigi- dummynet.c is the file used to implement the user side of dummynet.
221204591Sluigi  It contains the function to parsing command line, and functions to
222204591Sluigi  show the output of dummynet objects.
223204591SluigiMoreover, there are two new file (ip_dummynet_glue.c and ip_fw_glue.c) that
224204591Sluigiare used to allow compatibility with the "ipfw" binary from FreeBSD 7.2 and
225204591SluigiFreeBSD 8.
229204591SluigiAt the moment the entire processing occurs under a single lock
230204591Sluigiwhich is expected to be acquired in exclusive mode
231204591SluigiDN_BH_WLOCK() / DN_BH_WUNLOCK().
233204591SluigiIn perspective we aim at the following:
234204591Sluigi- the 'busy' flag, 'pending' list and all structures modified by packet
235204591Sluigi  arrivals and departures are protected by the BH_WLOCK.
236204591Sluigi  This is normally acquired in exclusive mode by the packet processing
237204591Sluigi  functions for short sections of code (exception -- the timer).
238204591Sluigi  If 'busy' is not set, we can do regular packet processing.
239204591Sluigi  If 'busy' is set, no pieces can be accessed.
240204591Sluigi  We must enqueue the packet on 'pending' and return immediately.
242204591Sluigi- the 'busy' flag is set/cleared by long sections of code as follows:
243204591Sluigi	UH_WLOCK(); KASSERT(busy == 0);
244204591Sluigi	BH_WLOCK(); busy=1; BH_WUNLOCK();
245204591Sluigi	... do processing ...
246204591Sluigi	BH_WLOCK(); busy=0; drain_queue(pending); BH_WUNLOCK();
247204591Sluigi	UH_WUNLOCK();
248204591Sluigi  this normally happens when the upper half has something heavy
249204591Sluigi  to do. The prologue and epilogue are not in the critical path.
251204591Sluigi- the main containers (fshash, schedhash, ...) are protected by
252204591Sluigi  UH_WLOCK.
254204591SluigiPacket processing
256204591SluigiA packet enters dummynet through dummynet_io(). We first lookup
257204591Sluigithe flowset number in fshash using dn_ht_find(), then find the scheduler
258204591Sluigiinstance using ipdn_si_find(), then possibly identify the correct
259204591Sluigiqueue with ipdn_q_find().
260204591SluigiIf successful, we call the scheduler's enqueue function(), and
261204591Sluigiif needed start I/O on the link calling serve_sched().
262204591SluigiIf the packet can be returned immediately, this is done by
263204591Sluigileaving *m0 set. Otherwise, the packet is absorbed by dummynet
264204591Sluigiand we simply return, possibly with some appropriate error code.
268204591SluigiReconfiguration is the complex part of the system because we need to
269204591Sluigikeep track of the various objects and containers.
270204591SluigiAt the moment we do not use reference counts for objects so all
271204591Sluigiprocessing must be done under a lock.
273204591SluigiThe main entry points for configuration is the ip_dn_ctl() handler
274204591Sluigifor the IP_DUMMYNET3 sockopt (others are provided only for backward
275204591Sluigicompatibility). Modifications to the configuration call do_config().
276204591SluigiThe argument is a sequence of blocks each starting with a  struct dn_id
277204591Sluigiwhich specifies its content.
278204591SluigiThe first dn_id must contain as obj.id the DN_API_VERSION
279204591SluigiThe obj.type is DN_CMD_CONFIG (followed by actual objects),
280204591SluigiDN_CMD_DELETE (with the correct subtype and list of objects), or
283204591SluigiDN_CMD_CONFIG is followed by objects to add/reconfigure. In general,
284204591Sluigiif an object already exists it is reconfigured, otherwise it is
285204591Sluigicreated in a way that keeps the structure consistent.
286204591SluigiWe have the following objects in the system, normally numbered with
287204591Sluigian identifier N between 1 and 65535. For certain objects we have
288204591Sluigi"shadow" copies numbered I+NMAX and I+ 2*NMAX which are used to
289204591Sluigiimplement certain backward compatibility features.
291204591SluigiIn general we have the following linking
293204591Sluigi  TRADITIONAL DUMMYNET QUEUES "queue N config ... pipe M ..."
294204591Sluigi	corresponds to a dn_fs object numbered N
296204591Sluigi  TRADITIONAL DUMMYNET PIPES "pipe N config ..."
297204591Sluigi	dn_fs N+2*NMAX --> dn_sch N+NMAX type FIFO --> dn_link N+NMAX
299204591Sluigi  GENERIC SCHEDULER "sched N config ... "
300204591Sluigi	[dn_fs N+NMAX] --> dn_sch N --> dn_link N
301204591Sluigi	The flowset N+NMAX is created only if the scheduler is not
302204591Sluigi	of type MULTIQUEUE.
304204591Sluigi  DELAY PROFILE	"pipe N config profile ..."
305204591Sluigi	it is always attached to an existing dn_link N
307204591SluigiBecause traditional dummynet pipes actually configure both a
308204591Sluigi'standalone' instance and one that can be used by queues,
309204591Sluigiwe do the following:
311204591Sluigi    "pipe N config ..." configures:
312204591Sluigi	dn_sched N type WF2Q+
313204591Sluigi	dn_sched N+NMAX type FIFO
314204591Sluigi	dn_fs N+2NMAX attached to dn_sched N+NMAX
315204591Sluigi	dn_pipe N
316204591Sluigi	dn_pipe N+NMAX
318204591Sluigi    "queue N config" configures
319204591Sluigi	dn_fs N
321204591Sluigi    "sched N config" configures
322204591Sluigi	dn_sched N type as desired
323204591Sluigi	dn_fs N+NMAX attached to dn_sched N
328227458SeadlerThe dummynet_task() function is the main dummynet processing function and is
329204591Sluigicalled every tick. This function first calculate the new current time, then
330204591Sluigiit checks if it is the time to wake up object from the system_heap comparing
331204591Sluigithe current time and the key of the heap. Two types of object (really the
332204591Sluigiheap contains pointer to objects) are in the
335204591Sluigi- scheduler instance: if a scheduler instance is waked up, the dequeue()
336204591Sluigi  function is called until it has credit. If the dequeue() returns packets,
337204591Sluigi  the scheduler instance is inserted in the heap with a new key depending of
338204591Sluigi  the data that will be send out. If the scheduler instance remains with
339204591Sluigi  some credit, it means that is hasn't other packet to send and so the
340204591Sluigi  instance is no longer inserted in the heap.
342204591Sluigi  If the scheduler instance extracted from the heap has the DELETE flag set,
343204591Sluigi  the dequeue() is not called and the instance is destroyed now.
345204591Sluigi- delay line: when extracting a delay line, the function transmit_event() is
346204591Sluigi  called to send out packet from delay line.
348204591Sluigi  If the scheduler instance associated with this delay line doesn't exists,
349204591Sluigi  the delay line will be delete now.
353204591SluigiTo create a pipe, queue or scheduler, the user should type commands like:
354204591Sluigi"ipfw pipe x config"
355204591Sluigi"ipfw queue y config pipe x"
356204591Sluigi"ipfw pipe x config sched <type>"
358204591SluigiThe userland side of dummynet will prepare a buffer contains data to pass to
359204591Sluigikernel side.
360204591SluigiThe buffer contains all struct needed to configure an object. In more detail,
361204591Sluigito configure a pipe all three structs (dn_link, dn_sch, dn_fs) are needed,
362204591Sluigiplus the delay profile struct if the pipe has a delay profile.
364204591SluigiIf configuring a scheduler only the struct dn_sch is wrote in the buffer,
365204591Sluigiwhile if configuring a flowset only the dn_fs struct is wrote.
367204591SluigiThe first struct in the buffer contains the type of command request, that is
368204591Sluigiif it is configuring a pipe, a queue, or a scheduler. Then there are structs
369204591Sluigineed to configure the object, and finally there is the struct that mark
370204591Sluigithe end of the buffer.
372204591SluigiTo support the insertion of pipe and queue using the old syntax, when adding
373204591Sluigia pipe it's necessary to create a FIFO flowset and a FIFO scheduler, which
374204591Sluigihave a number x + DN_PIPEOFFSET.
376204591SluigiAdd a pipe
378204591SluigiA pipe is only a template for a link.
379204591SluigiIf the pipe already exists, parameters are updated. If a delay profile exists
380204591Sluigiit is deleted and a new one is created.
381204591SluigiIf the pipe doesn't exist a new one is created. After the creation, the
382204591Sluigiflowset unlinked list is scanned to see if there are some flowset that would
383204591Sluigibe linked with this pipe. If so, these flowset will be of wf2q+ type (for
384204591Sluigicompatibility) and a new wf2q+ scheduler is created now.
386204591SluigiAdd a scheduler
388204591SluigiIf the scheduler already exists, and the type and the mask are the same, the
389204591Sluigischeduler is simply reconfigured calling the config_scheduler() scheduler
390204591Sluigifunction with the RECONFIGURE flag active.
391204591SluigiIf the type or the mask differ, it is necessary to delete the old scheduler
392204591Sluigiand create a new one.
393204591SluigiIf the scheduler doesn't exists, a new one is created. If the scheduler has
394204591Sluigia mask, the hash table is created to store pointers to scheduler instances.
395204591SluigiWhen a new scheduler is created, it is necessary to scan the unlinked
396204591Sluigiflowset list to search eventually flowset that would be linked with this
397204591Sluigischeduler number. If some are found, flowsets became of the type of this
398204591Sluigischeduler and they are configured properly.
400204591SluigiAdd a flowset
402204591SluigiFlowset pointers are store in the system in two list. The unlinked flowset list
403204591Sluigicontains all flowset that aren't linked with a scheduler, the flowset list
404204591Sluigicontains flowset linked to a scheduler, and so they have a type.
405204591SluigiWhen adding a new flowset, first it is checked if the flowset exists (that is,
406204591Sluigiit is in the flowset list) and if it doesn't exists a new flowset is created
407204591Sluigiand added to unlinked flowset list if the scheduler which the flowset would be
408204591Sluigilinked doesn't exists, or added in the flowset list and configured properly if
409204591Sluigithe scheduler exists. If the flowset (before to be created) was in the
410204591Sluigiunlinked flowset list, it is removed and deleted, and then recreated.
411204591SluigiIf the flowset exists, to allow reconfiguration of this flowset, the
412204591Sluigischeduler number and types must match with the one in memory. If this isn't
413204591Sluigiso, the flowset is deleted and a new one will be created. Really, the flowset
414204591Sluigiit isn't deleted now, but it is removed from flowset list and it will be
415204591Sluigideleted later because there could be some queues that are using it.
417204591SluigiListing of object
419204591SluigiThe user can request a list of object present in dummynet through the command
420204591Sluigi"ipfw [-v] pipe|queue [x] list|show"
421204591SluigiThe kernel side of dummynet send a buffer to user side that contains all
422204591Sluigipipe, all scheduler, all flowset, plus all scheduler instances and all queues.
423204591SluigiThe dummynet user land will format the output and show only the relevant
425204591SluigiThe buffer sent start with all pipe from the system. The entire struct dn_link
426204591Sluigiis passed, except the delay_profile struct that is useless in user space.
427204591SluigiAfter pipes, all flowset are wrote in the buffer. The struct contains
428204591Sluigischeduler flowset specific data is linked with the flowset writing the
429204591Sluigi'obj' id of the extension into the 'alg_fs' pointer.
430204591SluigiThen schedulers are wrote. If a scheduler has one or more scheduler instance,
431204591Sluigithese are linked to the parent scheduler writing the id of the parent in the
432204591Sluigi'ptr_sched' pointer. If a scheduler instance has queues, there are wrote in
433204591Sluigithe buffer and linked thorugh the 'obj' and 'sched_inst' pointer.
434204591SluigiFinally, flowsets in the unlinked flowset list  are write in the buffer, and
435204591Sluigithen a struct gen in saved in the buffer to mark the last struct in the buffer.
438204591SluigiDelete of object
440204591SluigiAn object is usually removed by user through a command like
441204591Sluigi"ipfw pipe|queue x delete". XXX sched?
442204591Sluigiipfw pass to the kernel a struct gen that contains the type and the number
443204591Sluigiof the object to remove
445204591SluigiDelete of pipe x
447204591SluigiA pipe can be deleted by the user throught the command 'ipfw pipe x delete'.
448204591SluigiTo delete a pipe, the pipe is removed from the pipe list, and then deleted.
449204591SluigiAlso the scheduler associated with this pipe should be deleted.
450204591SluigiFor compatibility with old dummynet syntax, the associated FIFO scheduler and
451204591SluigiFIFO flowset must be deleted.
453204591SluigiDelete of flowset x
455204591SluigiTo remove a flowset, we must be sure that is no loger referenced by any object.
456204591SluigiIf the flowset to remove is in the unlinked flowset list, there is not any
457204591Sluigiissue, the flowset can be safely removed calling a free() (the flowset
458204591Sluigiextension is not yet created if the flowset is in this list).
459204591SluigiIf the flowset is in the flowset list, first we remove from it so new packet
460204591Sluigiare discarded when arrive. Next, the flowset is marked as delete.
461204591SluigiNow we must check if some queue is using this flowset.
462204591SluigiTo do this, a counter (active_f) is provided. This counter indicate how many
463204591Sluigiqueues exist using this flowset.
464204591SluigiThe active_f counter is automatically incremented when a queue is created
465204591Sluigiand decremented when a queue is deleted.
466204591SluigiIf the counter is 0, the flowset can be safely deleted, and the delete_alg_fs()
467204591Sluigischeduler function is called before deallocate memory.
468204591SluigiIf the counter is not 0, the flowset remain in memory until the counter become
469204591Sluigizero. When a queue is delete (by dn_delete_queue() function) it is checked if
470204591Sluigithe linked flowset is deleting and if so the counter is decrementing. If the
471204591Sluigicounter reaches 0, the flowset is deleted.
472204591SluigiThe deletion of a queue can be done only by the scheduler, or when the scheduler
473204591Sluigiis destroyed.
475204591SluigiDelete of scheduler x
477204591SluigiTo delete a scheduler we must be sure that any scheduler instance of this type
478204591Sluigiare in the system_heap. To do so, a counter (inst_counter) is provided.
479204591SluigiThis counter is managed by the system: it is incremented every time it is
480204591Sluigiinserted in the system_heap, and decremented every time it is extracted from it.
481204591SluigiTo delete the scheduler, first we remove it from the scheduler list, so new
482204591Sluigipacket are discarded when they arrive, and mark the scheduler as deleting.
484204591SluigiIf the counter is 0, we can remove the scheduler safely calling the
485204591Sluigireally_deletescheduler() function. This function will scan all scheduler
486204591Sluigiinstances and call the delete_scheduler_instance() function that will delete
487204591Sluigithe instance. When all instance are deleted, the scheduler template is
488204591Sluigideleted calling the delete_scheduler_template(). If the delay line associate
489204591Sluigiwith the scheduler is empty, it is deleted now, else it will be deleted when
490204591Sluigiit will became empy.
491204591SluigiIf the counter was not 0, we wait for it. Every time the dummynet_task()
492204591Sluigifunction extract a scheduler from the system_heap, the counter is decremented.
493204591SluigiIf the scheduler has the delete flag enabled the dequeue() is not called and
494204591Sluigidelete_scheduler_instance() is called to delete the instance.
495204591SluigiObviously this scheduler instance is no loger inserted in the system_heap.
496204591SluigiIf the counter reaches 0, the delete_scheduler_template() function is called
497204591Sluigiall memory is released.
498204591SluigiNOTE: Flowsets that belong to this scheduler are not deleted, so if a new
499204591Sluigi      scheduler with the same number is inserted will use these flowsets.
500204591Sluigi      To do so, the best approach would be insert these flowset in the
501204591Sluigi      unlinked flowset list, but doing this now will be very expensive.
502204591Sluigi      So flowsets will remain in memory and linked with a scheduler that no
503204591Sluigi      longer exists until a packet belonging to this flowset arrives. When
504204591Sluigi      this packet arrives, the reconfigure() function is called because the
505204591Sluigi      generation number mismatch with one contains in the flowset and so
506204591Sluigi      the flowset will be moved into the flowset unlinked list, or will be
507204591Sluigi      linked with the new scheduler if a new one was created.
512204591SluigiDummynet is not compatible with old ipfw binary because internal structs are
513204591Sluigichanged. Moreover, the old ipfw binary is not compatible with new kernels
514204591Sluigibecause the struct that represents a firewall rule has changed. So, if a user
515204591Sluigiinstall a new kernel on a FreeBSD 7.2, the ipfw (and possibly many other
516204591Sluigicommands) will not work.
517204591SluigiNew dummynet uses a new socket option: IP_DUMMYNET3, used for both set and get.
518204591SluigiThe old option can be used to allow compatibility with the 'ipfw' binary of
519204591Sluigiolder version (tested with 7.2 and 8.0) of FreeBSD.
520204591SluigiTwo file are provided for this purpose:
521204591Sluigi- ip_dummynet_glue.c translates old dummynet requests to the new ones,
522204591Sluigi- ip_fw_glue.c converts the rule format between 7.2 and 8 versions.
523204591SluigiLet see in detail these two files.
527204591SluigiThe internal structs of new dummynet are very different from the original.
528204591SluigiBecause of there are some difference from between dummynet in FreeBSD 7.2 and
529204591Sluigidummynet in FreeBSD 8 (the FreeBSD 8 version includes support to pipe delay
530204591Sluigiprofile and burst option), I have to include both header files. I copied
531204591Sluigithe revision 191715 (for version 7.2) and the revision 196045 (for version 8)
532204591Sluigiand I appended a number to each struct to mark them.
534204591SluigiThe main function of this file is ip_dummynet_compat() that is called by
535204591Sluigiip_dn_ctl() when it receive a request of old socket option.
537204591SluigiA global variabile ('is7') store the version of 'ipfw' that FreeBSD is using.
538204591SluigiThis variable is set every time a request of configuration is done, because
539204591Sluigiwith this request we receive a buffer of which size depending of ipfw version.
540204591SluigiBecause of in general the first action is a configuration, this variable is
541204591Sluigiusually set accordly. If the first action is a request of listing of pipes
542204591Sluigior queues, the system cannot know the version of ipfw, and we suppose that
543204591Sluigiversion 7.2 is used. If version is wrong, the output can be senseless, but
544204591Sluigithe application should not crash.
546204591SluigiThere are four request for old dummynet:
547204591Sluigi- IP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH: the flush options have no parameter, so simply the
548204591Sluigi  dummynet_flush() function is called;
549204591Sluigi- IP_DUMMYNET_DEL: the delete option need to be translate.
550204591Sluigi  It is only necessary to extract the number and the type of the object
551204591Sluigi  (pipe or queue) to delete from the buffer received and build a new struct
552204591Sluigi  gen contains the right parameters, then call the delete_object() function;
553204591Sluigi- IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE: the configure command receive a buffer depending of
554204591Sluigi  the ipfw version. After the properly extraction of all data, that depends
555204591Sluigi  by the ipfw version used, new structures are filled and then the dummynet
556204591Sluigi  config_link() function is properly called. Note that the 7.2 version does
557204591Sluigi  not support some parameter as burst or delay profile.
558204591Sluigi- IP_DUMMYNET_GET: The get command should send to the ipfw the correct buffer
559204591Sluigi  depending of its version. There are two function that build the
560204591Sluigi  corrected buffer, ip_dummynet_get7() and ip_dummynet_get8(). These
561204591Sluigi  functions reproduce the buffer exactly as 'ipfw' expect. The only difference
562204591Sluigi  is that the weight parameter for a queue is no loger sent by dummynet and so
563204591Sluigi  it is set to 0.
564204591Sluigi  Moreover, because of the internal structure has changed, the bucket size
565204591Sluigi  of a queue could not be correct, because now all flowset share the hash
566204591Sluigi  table.
567204591Sluigi  If the version of ipfw is wrong, the output could be senseless or truncated,
568204591Sluigi  but the application should not crash.
572204591SluigiThe ipfw binary also is used to add rules to FreeBSD firewall. Because of the
573204591Sluigistruct ip_fw is changed from FreeBsd 7.2 to FreeBSD 8, it is necessary
574204591Sluigito write some glue code to allow use ipfw from FreeBSD 7.2 with the kernel
575204591Sluigiprovided with FreeBSD 8.
576204591SluigiThis file contains two functions to convert a rule from FreeBSD 7.2 format to
577204591SluigiFreeBSD 8 format, and viceversa.
578204591SluigiThe conversion should be done when a rule passes from userspace to kernel space
579204591Sluigiand viceversa.
580204591SluigiI have to modify the ip_fw2.c file to manage these two case, and added a
581204591Sluigivariable (is7) to store the ipfw version used, using an approach like the
582204591Sluigiprevious file:
583204591Sluigi- when a new rule is added (option IP_FW_ADD) the is7 variable is set if the
584204591Sluigi  size of the rule received corrispond to FreeBSD 7.2 ipfw version. If so, the
585204591Sluigi  rule is converted to version 8 calling the function convert_rule_to_8().
586204591Sluigi  Moreover, after the insertion of the rule, the rule is now reconverted to
587204591Sluigi  version 7 because the ipfw binary will print it.
588204591Sluigi- when the user request a list of rules (option IP_FW_GET) the is7 variable
589204591Sluigi  should be set correctly because we suppose that a configure command was done,
590204591Sluigi  else we suppose that the FreeBSD version is 8. The function ipfw_getrules()
591204591Sluigi  in ip_fw2.c file return all rules, eventually converted to version 7 (if
592204591Sluigi  the is7 is set) to the ipfw binary.
593204591SluigiThe conversion of a rule is quite simple. The only difference between the
594204591Sluigitwo structures (struct ip_fw) is that in the new there is a new field
595204591Sluigi(uint32_t id). So, I copy the entire rule in a buffer and the copy the rule in
596204591Sluigithe right position in the new (or old) struct. The size of commands are not
597204591Sluigichanged, and the copy is done into a cicle.
599204591SluigiHow to configure dummynet
601204591SluigiIt is possible to configure dummynet through two main commands:
602204591Sluigi'ipfw pipe' and 'ipfw queue'.
603204591SluigiTo allow compatibility with old version, it is possible configure dummynet
604204591Sluigiusing the old command syntax. Doing so, obviously, it is only possible to
605204591Sluigiconfigure a FIFO scheduler or a wf2q+ scheduler.
606204591SluigiA new command, 'ipfw pipe x config sched <type>' is supported to add a new
607204591Sluigischeduler to the system.
609204591Sluigi- ipfw pipe x config ...
610204591Sluigi  create a new pipe with the link parameters
611204591Sluigi  create a new scheduler fifo (x + offset)
612204591Sluigi  create a new flowset fifo (x + offset)
613204591Sluigi  the mask is eventually stored in the FIFO scheduler
615204591Sluigi- ipfw queue y config pipe x ...
616204591Sluigi  create a new flowset y linked to sched x.
617204591Sluigi    The type of flowset depends by the specified scheduler.
618204591Sluigi    If the scheduler does not exist, this flowset is inserted in a special
619204591Sluigi    list and will be not active.
620204591Sluigi    If pipe x exists and sched does not exist, a new wf2q+ scheduler is
621204591Sluigi    created and the flowset will be linked to this new scheduler (this is
622204591Sluigi    done for compatibility with old syntax).
624204591Sluigi- ipfw pipe x config sched <type> ...
625204591Sluigi  create a new scheduler x of type <type>.
626204591Sluigi  Search into the flowset unlinked list if there are some flowset that
627204591Sluigi  should be linked with this new scheduler.
629204591Sluigi- ipfw pipe x delete
630204591Sluigi  delete the pipe x
631204591Sluigi  delete the scheduler fifo (x + offset)
632204591Sluigi  delete the scheduler x
633204591Sluigi  delete the flowset fifo (x + offset)
635204591Sluigi- ipfw queue x delete
636204591Sluigi  delete the flowset x
638204591Sluigi- ipfw sched x delete ///XXX
639204591Sluigi  delete the scheduler x
641204591SluigiFollow now some examples to how configure dummynet:
642204591Sluigi- Ex1:
643204591Sluigi  ipfw pipe 10 config bw 1M delay 15 // create a pipe with band and delay
644204591Sluigi                                        A FIFO flowset and scheduler is
645204591Sluigi                                        also created
646204591Sluigi  ipfw queue 5 config pipe 10 weight 56 // create a flowset. This flowset
647204591Sluigi                                           will be of wf2q+ because a pipe 10
648204591Sluigi                                           exists. Moreover, the wf2q+
649204591Sluigi                                           scheduler is created now.
650204591Sluigi- Ex2:
651204591Sluigi  ipfw queue 5 config pipe 10 weight 56 // Create a flowset. Scheduler 10
652204591Sluigi                                           does not exist, so this flowset
653204591Sluigi                                           is inserted in the unlinked
654204591Sluigi                                           flowset list.
655204591Sluigi  ipfw pipe 10 config bw... // Create a pipe, a FIFO flowset and scheduler.
656204591Sluigi                               Because of a flowset with 'pipe 10' exists,
657204591Sluigi                               a wf2q+ scheduler is created now and that
658204591Sluigi                               flowset is linked with this sceduler.
660204591Sluigi- Ex3:
661204591Sluigi  ipfw pipe 10 config bw...    // Create a pipe, a FIFO flowset and scheduler.
662204591Sluigi  ipfw pipe 10 config sched rr // Create a scheduler of type RR, linked to
663204591Sluigi                                  pipe 10
664204591Sluigi  ipfw queue 5 config pipe 10 weight 56 // Create a flowset 5. This flowset
665204591Sluigi                                           will belong to scheduler 10 and
666204591Sluigi                                           it is of type RR
668204591Sluigi- Ex4:
669204591Sluigi  ipfw pipe 10 config sched rr // Create a scheduler of type RR, linked to
670204591Sluigi                                  pipe 10 (not exist yet)
671204591Sluigi  ipfw pipe 10 config bw... // Create a pipe, a FIFO flowset and scheduler.
672204591Sluigi  ipfw queue 5 config pipe 10 weight 56 // Create a flowset 5.This flowset
673204591Sluigi                                           will belong to scheduler 10 and
674204591Sluigi                                           it is of type RR
675204591Sluigi  ipfw pipe 10 config sched wf2q+ // Modify the type of scheduler 10. It
676204591Sluigi                                     becomes a wf2q+ scheduler.
677204591Sluigi                                     When a new packet of flowset 5 arrives,
678204591Sluigi                                     the flowset 5 becomes to wf2q+ type.
680204591SluigiHow to implement a new scheduler
682204591SluigiIn dummynet, a scheduler algorithm is represented by two main structs, some
683204591Sluigifunctions and other minor structs.
684204591Sluigi- A struct dn_sch_xyz (where xyz is the 'type' of scheduler algorithm
685204591Sluigi  implemented) contains data relative to scheduler, as global parameter that
686204591Sluigi  are common to all instances of the scheduler
687204591Sluigi- A struct dn_sch_inst_xyz contains data relative to a single scheduler
688204591Sluigi  instance, as local status variable depending for example by flows that
689204591Sluigi  are linked with the scheduler, and so on.
690204591SluigiTo add a scheduler to dummynet, the user should type a command like:
691204591Sluigi'ipfw pipe x config sched <type> [mask ... ...]'
692204591SluigiThis command creates a new struct dn_sch_xyz of type <type>, and
693204591Sluigistore the optional parameter in that struct.
695204591SluigiThe parameter mask determines how many scheduler instance of this
696204591Sluigischeduler may exist. For example, it is possible to divide traffic
697204591Sluigidepending on the source port (or destination, or ip address...),
698204591Sluigiso that every scheduler instance act as an independent scheduler.
699204591SluigiIf the mask is not set, all traffic goes to the same instance.
701204591SluigiWhen a packet arrives to a scheduler, the system search the corrected
702204591Sluigischeduler instance, and if it does not exist it is created now (the
703204591Sluigistruct dn_sch_inst_xyz is allocated by the system, and the scheduler
704204591Sluigifills the field correctly). It is a task of the scheduler to create
705204591Sluigithe struct that contains all queues for a scheduler instance.
706204591SluigiDummynet provides some function to create an hash table to store
707204591Sluigiqueues, but the schedule algorithm can choice the own struct.
709204591SluigiTo link a flow to a scheduler, the user should type a command like:
710204591Sluigi'ipfw queue z config pipe x [mask... ...]'
712204591SluigiThis command creates a new 'dn_fs' struct that will be inserted
713204591Sluigiin the system.  If the scheduler x exists, this flowset will be
714204591Sluigilinked to that scheduler and the flowset type become the same as
715204591Sluigithe scheduler type. At this point, the function create_alg_fs_xyz()
716204591Sluigiis called to allow store eventually parameter for the flowset that
717204591Sluigidepend by scheduler (for example the 'weight' parameter for a wf2q+
718204591Sluigischeduler, or some priority...). A parameter mask can be used for
719204591Sluigia flowset. If the mask parameter is set, the scheduler instance can
720204591Sluigiseparate packet according to its flow id (src and dst ip, ports...)
721204591Sluigiand assign it to a separate queue. This is done by the scheduler,
722204591Sluigiso it can ignore the mask if it wants.
724204591SluigiSee now the two main structs:
725204591Sluigistruct dn_sch_xyz {
726204591Sluigi    struct gen g; /* important the name g */
727204591Sluigi    /* global params */
729204591Sluigistruct dn_sch_inst_xyz {
730204591Sluigi    struct gen g; /* important the name g */
731204591Sluigi    /* params of the instance */
733204591SluigiIt is important to embed the struct gen as first parameter. The struct gen
734204591Sluigicontains some values that the scheduler instance must fill (the 'type' of
735204591Sluigischeduler, the 'len' of the struct...)
736204591SluigiThe function create_scheduler_xyz() should be implemented to initialize global
737204591Sluigiparameters in the first struct, and if memory allocation is done it is
738204591Sluigimandatory to implement the delete_scheduler_template() function to free that
740204591SluigiThe function create_scheduler_instance_xyz() must be implemented even if the
741204591Sluigischeduler instance does not use extra parameters. In this function the struct
742204591Sluigigen fields must be filled with corrected infos. The
743204591Sluigidelete_scheduler_instance_xyz() function must bu implemented if the instance
744204591Sluigihas allocated some memory in the previous function.
746204591SluigiTo store data belonging to a flowset the follow struct is used:
747204591Sluigistruct alg_fs_xyz {
748204591Sluigi    struct gen g;
749204591Sluigi    /* fill correctly the gen struct
750204591Sluigi     g.subtype = DN_XYZ;
751204591Sluigi     g.len = sizeof(struct alg_fs_xyz)
752204591Sluigi     ...
753204591Sluigi     */
754204591Sluigi    /* params for the flow */
756204591SluigiThe create_alg_fs_xyz() function is mandatory, because it must fill the struct
757204591Sluigigen, but the delete_alg_fs_xyz() is mandatory only if the previous function
758204591Sluigihas allocated some memory.
760204591SluigiA struct dn_queue contains packets belonging to a queue and some statistical
761204591Sluigidata. The scheduler could have to store data in this struct, so it must define
762204591Sluigia dn_queue_xyz struct:
763204591Sluigistruct dn_queue_xyz {
764204591Sluigi    struct dn_queue q;
765204591Sluigi    /* parameter for a queue */
768204591SluigiAll structures are allocated by the system. To do so, the scheduler must
769204591Sluigiset the size of its structs in the scheduler descriptor:
770204591Sluigischeduler_size:     sizeof(dn_sch_xyz)
771204591Sluigischeduler_i_size:   sizeof(dn_sch_inst_xyz)
772204591Sluigiflowset_size:       sizeof(alg_fs_xyz)
773204591Sluigiqueue_size:         sizeof(dn_queue_xyz);
774204591SluigiThe scheduler_size could be 0, but other struct must have at least a struct gen.
777204591SluigiAfter the definition of structs, it is necessary to implement the
778204591Sluigischeduler functions.
780204591Sluigi- int (*config_scheduler)(char *command, void *sch, int reconfigure);
781204591Sluigi    Configure a scheduler, or reconfigure if 'reconfigure' == 1.
782204591Sluigi    This function performs additional allocation and initialization of global
783204591Sluigi    parameter for this scheduler.
784204591Sluigi    If memory is allocated here, the delete_scheduler_template() function
785204591Sluigi    should be implemented to remove this memory.
786204591Sluigi- int (*delete_scheduler_template)(void* sch);
787204591Sluigi    Delete a scheduler template. This function is mandatory if the scheduler
788204591Sluigi    uses extra data respect the struct dn_sch.
789204591Sluigi- int (*create_scheduler_instance)(void *s);
790204591Sluigi    Create a new scheduler instance. The system allocate the necessary memory
791204591Sluigi    and the schedulet can access it using the 's' pointer.
792204591Sluigi    The scheduler instance stores all queues, and to do this can use the
793204591Sluigi    hash table provided by the system.
794204591Sluigi- int (*delete_scheduler_instance)(void *s);
795204591Sluigi    Delete a scheduler instance. It is important to free memory allocated
796204591Sluigi    by create_scheduler_instance() function. The memory allocated by system
797204591Sluigi    is freed by the system itself. The struct contains all queue also has
798204591Sluigi    to be deleted.
799204591Sluigi- int (*enqueue)(void *s, struct gen *f, struct mbuf *m,
800204591Sluigi                 struct ipfw_flow_id *id);
801204591Sluigi    Called when a packet arrives. The packet 'm' belongs to the scheduler
802204591Sluigi    instance 's', has a flowset 'f' and the flowid 'id' has already been
803204591Sluigi    masked. The enqueue() must call dn_queue_packet(q, m) function to really
804204591Sluigi    enqueue packet in the queue q. The queue 'q' is chosen by the scheduler
805204591Sluigi    and if it does not exist should be created calling the dn_create_queue()
806204591Sluigi    function. If the schedule want to drop the packet, it must call the
807204591Sluigi    dn_drop_packet() function and then return 1.
808204591Sluigi- struct mbuf * (*dequeue)(void *s);
809204591Sluigi    Called when the timer expires (or when a packet arrives and the scheduler
810204591Sluigi    instance is idle).
811204591Sluigi    This function is called when at least a packet can be send out. The
812204591Sluigi    scheduler choices the packet and returns it; if no packet are in the
813204591Sluigi    schedulerinstance, the function must return NULL.
814204591Sluigi    Before return a packet, it is important to call the function
815204591Sluigi    dn_return_packet() to update some statistic of the queue and update the
816204591Sluigi    queue counters.
817204591Sluigi- int (*drain_queue)(void *s, int flag);
818204591Sluigi    The system request to scheduler to delete all queues that is not using
819204591Sluigi    to free memory. The flag parameter indicate if a queue must be deleted
820204591Sluigi    even if it is active.
822204591Sluigi- int (*create_alg_fs)(char *command, struct gen *g, int reconfigure);
823204591Sluigi    It is called when a flowset is linked with a scheduler. This is done
824204591Sluigi    when the scheduler is defined, so we can know the type of flowset.
825204591Sluigi    The function initialize the flowset paramenter parsing the command
826204591Sluigi    line. The parameter will be stored in the g struct that have the right
827204591Sluigi    size allocated by the system. If the reconfigure flag is set, it means
828204591Sluigi    that the flowset is reconfiguring
829204591Sluigi- int (*delete_alg_fs)(struct gen *f);
830204591Sluigi    It is called when a flowset is deleting. Must remove the memory allocate
831204591Sluigi    by the create_alg_fs() function.
833204591Sluigi- int (*create_queue_alg)(struct dn_queue *q, struct gen *f);
834204591Sluigi    Called when a queue is created. The function should link the queue
835204591Sluigi    to the struct used by the scheduler instance to store all queues.
836204591Sluigi- int (*delete_queue_alg)(struct dn_queue *q);
837204591Sluigi    Called when a queue is deleting. The function should remove extra data
838204591Sluigi    and update the struct contains all queues in the scheduler instance.
840204591SluigiThe struct scheduler represent the scheduler descriptor that is passed to
841204591Sluigidummynet when a scheduler module is loaded.
842239124SluigiThis struct contains the type of scheduler, the length of all structs and
843204591Sluigiall function pointers.
844204591SluigiIf a function is not implemented should be initialize to NULL. Some functions
845204591Sluigiare mandatory, other are mandatory if some memory should be freed.
846204591SluigiMandatory functions:
847204591Sluigi- create_scheduler_instance()
848204591Sluigi- enqueue()
849204591Sluigi- dequeue()
850204591Sluigi- create_alg_fs()
851204591Sluigi- drain_queue()
852204591SluigiOptional functions:
853204591Sluigi- config_scheduler()
854204591Sluigi- create_queue_alg()
855204591SluigiMandatory functions if the corresponding create...() has allocated memory:
856204591Sluigi- delete_scheduler_template()
857204591Sluigi- delete_scheduler_instance()
858204591Sluigi- delete_alg_fs()
859204591Sluigi- delete_queue_alg()