2145353Sache * Belarusian language. Modern/standard (1959) grammar.
3123682Sache * Prepared by Yury Tarasievich <spytar@yahoo.com>
4123682Sache * $FreeBSD: releng/10.2/share/mklocale/be_BY.CP1131.src 145353 2005-04-21 09:15:19Z ache $
5123682Sache */
7123682SacheENCODING	"NONE"
8145353SacheVARIABLE        Belarusian CP1131 (extending the and based on: Russian Alternative code table (CP866) by <ache@nagual.pp.ru>)
11123682Sache# This is a comment
13123682SacheALPHA           'A' - 'Z' 'a' - 'z' 0x80 - 0xaf 0xe0 - 0xf7
14123682SacheCONTROL		0x00 - 0x1f 0x7f
15123682SacheDIGIT		'0' - '9'
16123682SacheGRAPH           0x21 - 0x7e 0x80 - 0xfe
17123682SacheLOWER           'a' - 'z' 0xa0 - 0xaf 0xe0 - 0xef 0xf1 0xf3 0xf5 0xf7
18123682SachePUNCT		0x21 - 0x2f 0x3a - 0x40 0x5b - 0x60 0x7b - 0x7e
19123682SachePUNCT           0xb0 - 0xdf 0xf8 - 0xfe
20123682SacheSPACE		0x09 - 0x0d 0x20 0xff
21123682SacheUPPER           'A' - 'Z' 0x80 - 0x9f 0xf0 0xf2 0xf4 0xf6
22123682SacheXDIGIT          '0' - '9' 'a' - 'f' 'A' - 'F'
23123682SacheBLANK		' ' '\t' 0xff
24123682SachePRINT		0x20 - 0x7e 0x80 - 0xff
26123682SacheMAPLOWER       	<'A' - 'Z' : 'a'>
27123682SacheMAPLOWER       	<'a' - 'z' : 'a'>
28123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0x80 - 0x8f : 0xa0>
29123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0x90 - 0x9f : 0xe0>
30123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xa0 - 0xaf : 0xa0>
31123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xe0 - 0xef : 0xe0>
32123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xf0  0xf1>
33123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xf1  0xf1>
34123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xf2  0xf3>
35123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xf3  0xf3>
36123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xf4  0xf5>
37123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xf5  0xf5>
38123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xf6  0xf7>
39123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xf7  0xf7>
40123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xf8  0xf9>
41123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xf9  0xf9>
42123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xfc  0xfd>
43123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xfd  0xfd>
45123682SacheMAPUPPER       	<'A' - 'Z' : 'A'>
46123682SacheMAPUPPER       	<'a' - 'z' : 'A'>
47123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0x80 - 0x9f : 0x80>
48123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xa0 - 0xaf : 0x80>
49123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xe0 - 0xef : 0x90>
50123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xf0  0xf0>
51123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xf1  0xf0>
52123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xf2  0xf2>
53123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xf3  0xf2>
54123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xf4  0xf4>
55123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xf5  0xf4>
56123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xf6  0xf6>
57123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xf7  0xf6>
58123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xf8  0xf8>
59123682SacheMAPUPPER        <0xf9  0xf8>
60123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xfc  0xfc>
61123682SacheMAPLOWER        <0xfd  0xfc>
63123682SacheTODIGIT       	<'0' - '9' : 0>
64123682SacheTODIGIT       	<'A' - 'F' : 10>
65123682SacheTODIGIT       	<'a' - 'f' : 10>