tun.4 revision 34504
$NetBSD: tun.4,v 1.1 1996/06/25 22:17:37 pk Exp $
$Id: tun.4,v 1.3 1997/09/29 10:10:22 wosch Exp $
Based on PR#2411

.Dd March 10, 1996 .Dt TUN 4 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm tun .Nd tunnel software network interface .Sh SYNOPSIS .Cd pseudo-device tun Op Ar count .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm tun interface is a software loopback mechanism that can be loosely described as the network interface analog of the .Xr pty 4 , that is, .Nm tun does for network interfaces what the .Nm pty driver does for terminals.

p The .Nm tun driver, like the .Nm pty driver, provides two interfaces: an interface like the usual facility it is simulating

o a network interface in the case of .Nm tun , or a terminal for .Nm pty Pc , and a character-special device .Dq control interface.

p The network interfaces are named .Sy tun Ns Ar 0 , .Sy tun Ns Ar 1 , etc, as many in all as the .Ar count figure given on the .Sy pseudo-device line. Each one supports the usual network-interface .Xr ioctl 2 Ns s , such as .Dv SIOCSIFADDR and .Dv SIOCSIFNETMASK , and thus can be used with .Xr ifconfig 8 like any other interface. At boot time, they are .Dv POINTOPOINT interfaces, but this can be changed; see the description of the control device, below. When the system chooses to transmit a packet on the network interface, the packet can be read from the control device

o it appears as .Dq input there

c ; writing a packet to the control device generates an input packet on the network interface, as if the

q non-existent hardware had just received it.

p The tunnel device, normally

a /dev/tun Ns Sy N , is exclusive-open

o it cannot be opened if it is already open

c and is restricted to the super-user. A .Fn read call will return an error

q Er EHOSTDOWN if the interface is not .Dq ready

o which means that the control device is open and the interface's address has been set

c . Once the interface is ready, .Fn read will return a packet if one is available; if not, it will either block until one is or return .Er EWOULDBLOCK , depending on whether non-blocking I/O has been enabled. If the packet is longer than is allowed for in the buffer passed to .Fn read , the extra data will be silently dropped.

p Packets can be optionally prepended with the destination address as presented to the network interface output routine

q Sq Li tunoutput . The destination address is in .Sq Li struct sockaddr format. The actual length of the prepended address is in the member .Sq Li sa_len . The packet data follows immediately. A .Xr write 2 call passes a packet in to be .Dq received on the pseudo-interface. Each .Fn write call supplies exactly one packet; the packet length is taken from the amount of data provided to .Fn write . Writes will not block; if the packet cannot be accepted for a transient reason

q e.g., no buffer space available , it is silently dropped; if the reason is not transient

q e.g., packet too large , an error is returned. If .Dq link-layer mode is on

q see Dv TUNSLMODE No below , the actual packet data must be preceded by a .Sq Li struct sockaddr . The driver currently only inspects the .Sq Li sa_family field. The following .Xr ioctl 2 calls are supported

q defined in Aq Pa net/if_tun.h Ns : l -tag -width TUNSIFMODE t Dv TUNSDEBUG The argument should be a pointer to an .Va int ; this sets the internal debugging variable to that value. What, if anything, this variable controls is not documented here; see the source code. t Dv TUNGDEBUG The argument should be a pointer to an .Va int ; this stores the internal debugging variable's value into it. t Dv TUNSIFMODE The argument should be a pointer to an .Va int ; its value must be .Dv IFF_POINTOPOINT or .Dv IFF_BROADCAST . The type of the corresponding .Em tun Ns Sy n interface is set to the supplied type. If the value is anything else, an .Er EINVAL error occurs. The interface must be down at the time; if it is up, an .Er EBUSY error occurs. t Dv TUNSLMODE The argument should be a pointer to an .Va int ; a non-zero value turns on .Dq link-layer mode, causing packets read from the tunnel device to be prepended with network destination address. t Dv FIONBIO Turn non-blocking I/O for reads off or on, according as the argument .Va int Ns 's value is or isn't zero

q Writes are always nonblocking . t Dv FIOASYNC Turn asynchronous I/O for reads

o i.e., generation of .Dv SIGIO when data is available to be read

c off or on, according as the argument .Va int Ns 's value is or isn't zero. t Dv FIONREAD If any packets are queued to be read, store the size of the first one into the argument .Va int ; otherwise, store zero. t Dv TIOCSPGRP Set the process group to receive .Dv SIGIO signals, when asynchronous I/O is enabled, to the argument .Va int value. t Dv TIOCGPGRP Retrieve the process group value for .Dv SIGIO signals into the argument .Va int value. .El

p The control device also supports .Xr select 2 for read; selecting for write is pointless, and always succeeds, since writes are always non-blocking.

p On the last close of the data device, by default, the interface is brought down

o as if with .Dq ifconfig tun Ns Sy n No down

c . All queued packets are thrown away.

o If the interface is up when the data device is not open output packets are always thrown away rather than letting them pile up

c . .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr inet 4 , .Xr intro 4 .Sh BUGS Currently is IP-only. .Sh AUTHORS This man page has been obtained from x Net .