185213Sdarrenr# $FreeBSD: releng/10.2/share/examples/ipfilter/firewall.2 108317 2002-12-27 12:15:40Z schweikh $
385213Sdarrenr#  This is an example of a fairly heavy firewall used to keep everyone
485213Sdarrenr#  out of a particular network while still allowing people within that
585213Sdarrenr#  network to get outside.
785213Sdarrenr#  The example assumes it is running on a gateway with interface ppp0
885213Sdarrenr#  attached to the outside world, and interface ed0 attached to
985213Sdarrenr#  network which needs to be protected.
1285213Sdarrenr#  Pass any packets not explicitly mentioned by subsequent rules
1485213Sdarrenrpass out from any to any
1585213Sdarrenrpass in from any to any
1785213Sdarrenr#  Block any inherently bad packets coming in from the outside world.
1885213Sdarrenr#  These include ICMP redirect packets, IP fragments so short the
1985213Sdarrenr#  filtering rules won't be able to examine the whole UDP/TCP header,
2085213Sdarrenr#  and anything with IP options.
2285213Sdarrenrblock in log quick on ppp0 proto icmp from any to any icmp-type redir
2385213Sdarrenrblock in log quick on ppp0 proto tcp/udp all with short
2485213Sdarrenrblock in log quick on ppp0 from any to any with ipopts
26108317Sschweikh#  Block any IP spoofing attempts.  (Packets "from" our network
2785213Sdarrenr#  shouldn't be coming in from outside).
2985213Sdarrenrblock in log quick on ppp0 from to any
3085213Sdarrenrblock in log quick on ppp0 from localhost to any
3185213Sdarrenrblock in log quick on ppp0 from to any
3285213Sdarrenrblock in log quick on ppp0 from to any
3485213Sdarrenr#  Block all incoming UDP traffic except talk and DNS traffic.  NFS
3585213Sdarrenr#  and portmap are special-cased and logged.
3785213Sdarrenrblock in on ppp0 proto udp from any to any
3885213Sdarrenrblock in log on ppp0 proto udp from any to any port = sunrpc
3985213Sdarrenrblock in log on ppp0 proto udp from any to any port = 2049
4085213Sdarrenrpass in on ppp0 proto udp from any to any port = domain
4185213Sdarrenrpass in on ppp0 proto udp from any to any port = talk
4285213Sdarrenrpass in on ppp0 proto udp from any to any port = ntalk
4485213Sdarrenr#  Block all incoming TCP traffic connections to known services,
4585213Sdarrenr#  returning a connection reset so things like ident don't take
4685213Sdarrenr#  forever timing out.  Don't log ident (auth port) as it's so common.
4885213Sdarrenrblock return-rst in log on ppp0 proto tcp from any to any flags S/SA
4985213Sdarrenrblock return-rst in on ppp0 proto tcp from any to any port = auth flags S/SA
5185213Sdarrenr#  Allow incoming TCP connections to ports between 1024 and 5000, as
5285213Sdarrenr#  these don't have daemons listening but are used by outgoing
5385213Sdarrenr#  services like ftp and talk.  For slightly more obscurity (though
5485213Sdarrenr#  not much more security), the second commented out rule can chosen
5585213Sdarrenr#  instead.
5785213Sdarrenrpass in on ppp0 proto tcp from any to any port 1024 >< 5000
5885213Sdarrenr#pass in on ppp0 proto tcp from any port = ftp-data to any port 1024 >< 5000
6085213Sdarrenr#  Now allow various incoming TCP connections to particular hosts, TCP
6185213Sdarrenr#  to the main nameserver so secondaries can do zone transfers, SMTP
6285213Sdarrenr#  to the mail host, www to the web server (which really should be
6385213Sdarrenr#  outside the firewall if you care about security), and ssh to a
6485213Sdarrenr#  hypothetical machine caled 'gatekeeper' that can be used to gain
6585213Sdarrenr#  access to the protected network from the outside world.
6785213Sdarrenrpass in on ppp0 proto tcp from any to ns1 port = domain
6885213Sdarrenrpass in on ppp0 proto tcp from any to mail port = smtp
6985213Sdarrenrpass in on ppp0 proto tcp from any to www port = www
7085213Sdarrenrpass in on ppp0 proto tcp from any to gatekeeper port = ssh