pmc.tsc.3 revision 183082
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$FreeBSD: head/lib/libpmc/pmc.tsc.3 183082 2008-09-16 16:29:41Z jkoshy $

.Dd September 15, 2008 .Os .Dt PMC.TSC 3 .Sh NAME .Nm pmc.tsc .Nd measurements using the i386 timestamp counter .Sh LIBRARY .Lb libpmc .Sh SYNOPSIS n pmc.h .Sh DESCRIPTION In the i386 architecture, the timestamp counter is a monotonically non-decreasing counter that counts processor cycles.

p This counter may be selected specifying an event specifier .Dq Li tsc to .Xr pmc_allocate 3 . The TSC is a read-only counter that may only be allocated in system-wide counting mode. The .Dq Li tsc event does not support further event qualifiers.

p Multiple processes are allowed to allocate the TSC. Once allocated, the TSC may be read using the .Fn pmc_read function, or by using the .Li RDTSC instruction. .Ss Event Name Aliases The alias .Dq Li cycles maps to the TSC. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr pmc 3 , .Xr pmc.k7 3 , .Xr pmc.k8 3 , .Xr pmc.p4 3 , .Xr pmc.p5 3 , .Xr pmc.p6 3 , .Xr pmclog 3 , .Xr hwpmc 4 .Sh HISTORY The .Nm pmc library first appeared in .Fx 6.0 . .Sh AUTHORS The .Lb libpmc library was written by .An "Joseph Koshy" .Aq .