11573Srgrimes#	@(#)README	8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93
2190498Sdelphij# $FreeBSD: releng/10.2/lib/libc/db/hash/README 190498 2009-03-28 07:31:02Z delphij $
41573SrgrimesThis package implements a superset of the hsearch and dbm/ndbm libraries.
61573SrgrimesTest Programs:
71573Srgrimes	All test programs which need key/data pairs expect them entered
81573Srgrimes	with key and data on separate lines
101573Srgrimes	tcreat3.c	
111573Srgrimes		Takes 
121573Srgrimes			bucketsize (bsize), 
131573Srgrimes			fill factor (ffactor), and
141573Srgrimes			initial number of elements (nelem).  
151573Srgrimes		Creates a hash table named hashtest containing the 
161573Srgrimes		keys/data pairs entered from standard in.
171573Srgrimes	thash4.c
181573Srgrimes		Takes
191573Srgrimes			bucketsize (bsize), 
201573Srgrimes			fill factor (ffactor), 
211573Srgrimes			initial number of elements (nelem)
221573Srgrimes			bytes of cache (ncached), and
231573Srgrimes			file from which to read data  (fname)
241573Srgrimes		Creates a table from the key/data pairs on standard in and
251573Srgrimes		then does a read of each key/data in fname
261573Srgrimes	tdel.c
271573Srgrimes		Takes
281573Srgrimes			bucketsize (bsize), and
291573Srgrimes			fill factor (ffactor).
301573Srgrimes			file from which to read data (fname)
311573Srgrimes		Reads each key/data pair from fname and deletes the
321573Srgrimes		key from the hash table hashtest
331573Srgrimes	tseq.c
341573Srgrimes		Reads the key/data pairs in the file hashtest and writes them
351573Srgrimes		to standard out.
361573Srgrimes	tread2.c
371573Srgrimes		Takes
381573Srgrimes			butes of cache (ncached).
391573Srgrimes		Reads key/data pairs from standard in and looks them up
401573Srgrimes		in the file hashtest.
411573Srgrimes	tverify.c
421573Srgrimes		Reads key/data pairs from standard in, looks them up
431573Srgrimes		in the file hashtest, and verifies that the data is
441573Srgrimes		correct.
481573SrgrimesThe man page ../man/db.3 explains the interface to the hashing system.
491573SrgrimesThe file hash.ps is a postscript copy of a paper explaining
501573Srgrimesthe history, implementation, and performance of the hash package.
521573Srgrimes"bugs" or idiosyncracies
541573SrgrimesIf you have a lot of overflows, it is possible to run out of overflow
551573Srgrimespages.  Currently, this will cause a message to be printed on stderr.
561573SrgrimesEventually, this will be indicated by a return error code.
581573SrgrimesIf you are using the ndbm interface and exit without flushing or closing the
591573Srgrimesfile, you may lose updates since the package buffers all writes.  Also,
601573Srgrimesthe db interface only creates a single database file.  To avoid overwriting
611573Srgrimesthe user's original file, the suffix ".db" is appended to the file name
621573Srgrimespassed to dbm_open.  Additionally, if your code "knows" about the historic
631573Srgrimes.dir and .pag files, it will break.  
651573SrgrimesThere is a fundamental difference between this package and the old hsearch.
661573SrgrimesHsearch requires the user to maintain the keys and data in the application's
671573Srgrimesallocated memory while hash takes care of all storage management.  The down
681573Srgrimesside is that the byte strings passed in the ENTRY structure must be null
691573Srgrimesterminated (both the keys and the data).