BSD.root.dist revision 153304
150472Speter# $FreeBSD: head/etc/mtree/BSD.root.dist 153304 2005-12-11 15:21:18Z delphij $
378822Snik# Please see the file src/etc/mtree/README before making changes to this file.
62878Srgrimes/set type=dir uname=root gname=wheel mode=0755
839490Sobrien    bin
92878Srgrimes    ..
1039849Sjkh    boot
1144621Sdcs        defaults
1244621Sdcs        ..
13153304Sdelphij        firmware
14153304Sdelphij        ..
1572515Sru        kernel
1672515Sru        ..
1772515Sru        modules
1872515Sru        ..
1939849Sjkh    ..
20112086Sru    dev             mode=0555
212878Srgrimes    ..
228571Srgrimes    etc
2398079Sobrien        X11
2498079Sobrien        ..
25121580Semax        bluetooth
26121580Semax        ..
2750296Srgrimes        defaults
2850296Srgrimes        ..
298571Srgrimes        gnats
302878Srgrimes        ..
3150296Srgrimes        isdn            mode=0700
3242528Shm        ..
3350296Srgrimes        mail
3450296Srgrimes        ..
358571Srgrimes        mtree
362878Srgrimes        ..
37132697Sru        ntp             mode=0700
38132496Sroberto        ..
3987422Sdes        pam.d
4087422Sdes        ..
4172515Sru        periodic
4272515Sru            daily
4372515Sru            ..
4472515Sru            monthly
4572515Sru            ..
4687514Scjc            security
4787514Scjc            ..
4872515Sru            weekly
4972515Sru            ..
5072515Sru        ..
518571Srgrimes        ppp
528571Srgrimes        ..
5378594Sobrien        rc.d
5478594Sobrien        ..
55146814Srwatson        security
56146814Srwatson        ..
5750296Srgrimes        skel
5850296Srgrimes        ..
5972515Sru        ssh
6072515Sru        ..
6172515Sru        ssl
6272515Sru        ..
632878Srgrimes    ..
64119010Sgordon    lib
65129476Spjd        geom
66129476Spjd        ..
67119010Sgordon    ..
68119010Sgordon    libexec
69119010Sgordon    ..
708571Srgrimes    mnt
712878Srgrimes    ..
722878Srgrimes    proc            mode=0555
732878Srgrimes    ..
74117035Sgordon    rescue
75117035Sgordon    ..
768571Srgrimes    root
772878Srgrimes    ..
7839490Sobrien    sbin
792878Srgrimes    ..
8041853Speter    tmp             mode=01777
812878Srgrimes    ..
828571Srgrimes    usr
832878Srgrimes    ..
848571Srgrimes    var
852878Srgrimes    ..