FAQ revision 68651
1117521SnjlOpenSSL  -  Frequently Asked Questions
4151937Sjkim* Which is the current version of OpenSSL?
5151937Sjkim* Where is the documentation?
6151937Sjkim* How can I contact the OpenSSL developers?
7151937Sjkim* Do I need patent licenses to use OpenSSL?
8151937Sjkim* Is OpenSSL thread-safe?
9151937Sjkim* Why do I get a "PRNG not seeded" error message?
10151937Sjkim* Why does the linker complain about undefined symbols?
11151937Sjkim* Where can I get a compiled version of OpenSSL?
12151937Sjkim* I've compiled a program under Windows and it crashes: why?
13151937Sjkim* How do I read or write a DER encoded buffer using the ASN1 functions?
14151937Sjkim* I've tried using <M_some_evil_pkcs12_macro> and I get errors why?
15151937Sjkim* I've called <some function> and it fails, why?
16151937Sjkim* I just get a load of numbers for the error output, what do they mean?
17151937Sjkim* Why do I get errors about unknown algorithms?
18151937Sjkim* How do I create certificates or certificate requests?
19151937Sjkim* Why can't I create certificate requests?
20151937Sjkim* Why does <SSL program> fail with a certificate verify error?
21151937Sjkim* Why can I only use weak ciphers when I connect to a server using OpenSSL?
22151937Sjkim* How can I create DSA certificates?
23151937Sjkim* Why can't I make an SSL connection using a DSA certificate?
24151937Sjkim* How can I remove the passphrase on a private key?
25151937Sjkim* Why can't the OpenSSH configure script detect OpenSSL?
26151937Sjkim* Why does the OpenSSL test fail with "bc: command not found"?
27151937Sjkim* Why does the OpenSSL test fail with "bc: 1 no implemented"?
28151937Sjkim* Why does the OpenSSL compilation fail on Alpha True64 Unix?
29151937Sjkim* Why does the OpenSSL compilation fail with "ar: command not found"?
32151937Sjkim* Which is the current version of OpenSSL?
34151937SjkimThe current version is available from <URL: http://www.openssl.org>.
35151937SjkimOpenSSL 0.9.6 was released on September 24th, 2000.
37151937SjkimIn addition to the current stable release, you can also access daily
38151937Sjkimsnapshots of the OpenSSL development version at <URL:
39151937Sjkimftp://ftp.openssl.org/snapshot/>, or get it by anonymous CVS access.
42151937Sjkim* Where is the documentation?
44151937SjkimOpenSSL is a library that provides cryptographic functionality to
45151937Sjkimapplications such as secure web servers.  Be sure to read the
46151937Sjkimdocumentation of the application you want to use.  The INSTALL file
47151937Sjkimexplains how to install this library.
49151937SjkimOpenSSL includes a command line utility that can be used to perform a
50151937Sjkimvariety of cryptographic functions.  It is described in the openssl(1)
51151937Sjkimmanpage.  Documentation for developers is currently being written.  A
52151937Sjkimfew manual pages already are available; overviews over libcrypto and
53151937Sjkimlibssl are given in the crypto(3) and ssl(3) manpages.
55151937SjkimThe OpenSSL manpages are installed in /usr/local/ssl/man/ (or a
56151937Sjkimdifferent directory if you specified one as described in INSTALL).
57151937SjkimIn addition, you can read the most current versions at
58151937Sjkim<URL: http://www.openssl.org/docs/>.
60151937SjkimFor information on parts of libcrypto that are not yet documented, you
61151937Sjkimmight want to read Ariel Glenn's documentation on SSLeay 0.9, OpenSSL's
62151937Sjkimpredecessor, at <URL: http://www.columbia.edu/~ariel/ssleay/>.  Much
63151937Sjkimof this still applies to OpenSSL.
65151937SjkimThere is some documentation about certificate extensions and PKCS#12
66151937Sjkimin doc/openssl.txt
68151937SjkimThe original SSLeay documentation is included in OpenSSL as
69151937Sjkimdoc/ssleay.txt.  It may be useful when none of the other resources
70151937Sjkimhelp, but please note that it reflects the obsolete version SSLeay
74151937Sjkim* How can I contact the OpenSSL developers?
76151937SjkimThe README file describes how to submit bug reports and patches to
77151937SjkimOpenSSL.  Information on the OpenSSL mailing lists is available from
78151937Sjkim<URL: http://www.openssl.org>.
81151937Sjkim* Do I need patent licenses to use OpenSSL?
83151937SjkimThe patents section of the README file lists patents that may apply to
84151937Sjkimyou if you want to use OpenSSL.  For information on intellectual
85151937Sjkimproperty rights, please consult a lawyer.  The OpenSSL team does not
86151937Sjkimoffer legal advice.
88151937SjkimYou can configure OpenSSL so as not to use RC5 and IDEA by using
89151937Sjkim ./config no-rc5 no-idea
92151937Sjkim* Is OpenSSL thread-safe?
94151937SjkimYes (with limitations: an SSL connection may not concurrently be used
95151937Sjkimby multiple threads).  On Windows and many Unix systems, OpenSSL
96151937Sjkimautomatically uses the multi-threaded versions of the standard
97151937Sjkimlibraries.  If your platform is not one of these, consult the INSTALL
100151937SjkimMulti-threaded applications must provide two callback functions to
101151937SjkimOpenSSL.  This is described in the threads(3) manpage.
104151937Sjkim* Why do I get a "PRNG not seeded" error message?
106151937SjkimCryptographic software needs a source of unpredictable data to work
107151937Sjkimcorrectly.  Many open source operating systems provide a "randomness
108151937Sjkimdevice" that serves this purpose.  On other systems, applications have
109151937Sjkimto call the RAND_add() or RAND_seed() function with appropriate data
110151937Sjkimbefore generating keys or performing public key encryption.
112151937SjkimSome broken applications do not do this.  As of version 0.9.5, the
113151937SjkimOpenSSL functions that need randomness report an error if the random
114151937Sjkimnumber generator has not been seeded with at least 128 bits of
115151937Sjkimrandomness.  If this error occurs, please contact the author of the
116151937Sjkimapplication you are using.  It is likely that it never worked
117151937Sjkimcorrectly.  OpenSSL 0.9.5 and later make the error visible by refusing
118151937Sjkimto perform potentially insecure encryption.
120151937SjkimOn systems without /dev/urandom, it is a good idea to use the Entropy
121151937SjkimGathering Demon; see the RAND_egd() manpage for details.
123151937SjkimMost components of the openssl command line tool try to use the
124151937Sjkimfile $HOME/.rnd (or $RANDFILE, if this environment variable is set)
125151937Sjkimfor seeding the PRNG.  If this file does not exist or is too short,
126151937Sjkimthe "PRNG not seeded" error message may occur.
128151937Sjkim[Note to OpenSSL 0.9.5 users: The command "openssl rsa" in version
129151937Sjkim0.9.5 does not do this and will fail on systems without /dev/urandom
130151937Sjkimwhen trying to password-encrypt an RSA key!  This is a bug in the
131151937Sjkimlibrary; try a later version instead.]
133151937SjkimFor Solaris 2.6, Tim Nibbe <tnibbe@sprint.net> and others have suggested
134151937Sjkiminstalling the SUNski package from Sun patch 105710-01 (Sparc) which
135151937Sjkimadds a /dev/random device and make sure it gets used, usually through
136151937Sjkim$RANDFILE.  There are probably similar patches for the other Solaris
137151937Sjkimversions.  However, be warned that /dev/random is usually a blocking
138151937Sjkimdevice, which may have some effects on OpenSSL.
141151937Sjkim* Why does the linker complain about undefined symbols?
143151937SjkimMaybe the compilation was interrupted, and make doesn't notice that
144151937Sjkimsomething is missing.  Run "make clean; make".
146151937SjkimIf you used ./Configure instead of ./config, make sure that you
147151937Sjkimselected the right target.  File formats may differ slightly between
148151937SjkimOS versions (for example sparcv8/sparcv9, or a.out/elf).
150151937SjkimIn case you get errors about the following symbols, use the config
151151937Sjkimoption "no-asm", as described in INSTALL:
153151937Sjkim BF_cbc_encrypt, BF_decrypt, BF_encrypt, CAST_cbc_encrypt,
154151937Sjkim CAST_decrypt, CAST_encrypt, RC4, RC5_32_cbc_encrypt, RC5_32_decrypt,
155151937Sjkim RC5_32_encrypt, bn_add_words, bn_div_words, bn_mul_add_words,
156151937Sjkim bn_mul_comba4, bn_mul_comba8, bn_mul_words, bn_sqr_comba4,
157151937Sjkim bn_sqr_comba8, bn_sqr_words, bn_sub_words, des_decrypt3,
158151937Sjkim des_ede3_cbc_encrypt, des_encrypt, des_encrypt2, des_encrypt3,
159151937Sjkim des_ncbc_encrypt, md5_block_asm_host_order, sha1_block_asm_data_order
161151937SjkimIf none of these helps, you may want to try using the current snapshot.
162151937SjkimIf the problem persists, please submit a bug report.
165151937Sjkim* Where can I get a compiled version of OpenSSL?
167151937SjkimSome applications that use OpenSSL are distributed in binary form.
168151937SjkimWhen using such an application, you don't need to install OpenSSL
169151937Sjkimyourself; the application will include the required parts (e.g. DLLs).
171151937SjkimIf you want to install OpenSSL on a Windows system and you don't have
172151937Sjkima C compiler, read the "Mingw32" section of INSTALL.W32 for information
173151937Sjkimon how to obtain and install the free GNU C compiler.
175151937SjkimA number of Linux and *BSD distributions include OpenSSL.
178151937Sjkim* I've compiled a program under Windows and it crashes: why?
180151937SjkimThis is usually because you've missed the comment in INSTALL.W32. You
181151937Sjkimmust link with the multithreaded DLL version of the VC++ runtime library
182151937Sjkimotherwise the conflict will cause a program to crash: typically on the
183151937Sjkimfirst BIO related read or write operation.
186151937Sjkim* How do I read or write a DER encoded buffer using the ASN1 functions?
188151937SjkimYou have two options. You can either use a memory BIO in conjunction
189151937Sjkimwith the i2d_XXX_bio() or d2i_XXX_bio() functions or you can use the
190151937Sjkimi2d_XXX(), d2i_XXX() functions directly. Since these are often the
191151937Sjkimcause of grief here are some code fragments using PKCS7 as an example:
193151937Sjkimunsigned char *buf, *p;
194151937Sjkimint len;
196151937Sjkimlen = i2d_PKCS7(p7, NULL);
197151937Sjkimbuf = OPENSSL_malloc(len); /* or Malloc, error checking omitted */
198151937Sjkimp = buf;
199151937Sjkimi2d_PKCS7(p7, &p);
201151937SjkimAt this point buf contains the len bytes of the DER encoding of
204151937SjkimThe opposite assumes we already have len bytes in buf:
206151937Sjkimunsigned char *p;
207151937Sjkimp = buf;
208151937Sjkimp7 = d2i_PKCS7(NULL, &p, len);
210151937SjkimAt this point p7 contains a valid PKCS7 structure of NULL if an error
211151937Sjkimoccurred. If an error occurred ERR_print_errors(bio) should give more
214151937SjkimThe reason for the temporary variable 'p' is that the ASN1 functions
215151937Sjkimincrement the passed pointer so it is ready to read or write the next
216151937Sjkimstructure. This is often a cause of problems: without the temporary
217151937Sjkimvariable the buffer pointer is changed to point just after the data
218151937Sjkimthat has been read or written. This may well be uninitialized data
219151937Sjkimand attempts to free the buffer will have unpredictable results
220151937Sjkimbecause it no longer points to the same address.
223151937Sjkim* I've tried using <M_some_evil_pkcs12_macro> and I get errors why?
225151937SjkimThis usually happens when you try compiling something using the PKCS#12
226151937Sjkimmacros with a C++ compiler. There is hardly ever any need to use the
227151937SjkimPKCS#12 macros in a program, it is much easier to parse and create
228151937SjkimPKCS#12 files using the PKCS12_parse() and PKCS12_create() functions
229151937Sjkimdocumented in doc/openssl.txt and with examples in demos/pkcs12. The
230151937Sjkim'pkcs12' application has to use the macros because it prints out 
231151937Sjkimdebugging information.
234151937Sjkim* I've called <some function> and it fails, why?
236151937SjkimBefore submitting a report or asking in one of the mailing lists, you
237151937Sjkimshould try to determine the cause. In particular, you should call
238151937SjkimERR_print_errors() or ERR_print_errors_fp() after the failed call
239151937Sjkimand see if the message helps. Note that the problem may occur earlier
240151937Sjkimthan you think -- you should check for errors after every call where
241151937Sjkimit is possible, otherwise the actual problem may be hidden because
242151937Sjkimsome OpenSSL functions clear the error state.
245151937Sjkim* I just get a load of numbers for the error output, what do they mean?
247151937SjkimThe actual format is described in the ERR_print_errors() manual page.
248151937SjkimYou should call the function ERR_load_crypto_strings() before hand and
249151937Sjkimthe message will be output in text form. If you can't do this (for example
250151937Sjkimit is a pre-compiled binary) you can use the errstr utility on the error
251151937Sjkimcode itself (the hex digits after the second colon).
254151937Sjkim* Why do I get errors about unknown algorithms?
256151937SjkimThis can happen under several circumstances such as reading in an
257151937Sjkimencrypted private key or attempting to decrypt a PKCS#12 file. The cause
258151937Sjkimis forgetting to load OpenSSL's table of algorithms with
259151937SjkimOpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(). See the manual page for more information.
262151937Sjkim* How do I create certificates or certificate requests?
264151937SjkimCheck out the CA.pl(1) manual page. This provides a simple wrapper round
265151937Sjkimthe 'req', 'verify', 'ca' and 'pkcs12' utilities. For finer control check
266151937Sjkimout the manual pages for the individual utilities and the certificate
267151937Sjkimextensions documentation (currently in doc/openssl.txt).
270151937Sjkim* Why can't I create certificate requests?
272151937SjkimYou typically get the error:
274151937Sjkim	unable to find 'distinguished_name' in config
275151937Sjkim	problems making Certificate Request
277151937SjkimThis is because it can't find the configuration file. Check out the
278151937SjkimDIAGNOSTICS section of req(1) for more information.
281151937Sjkim* Why does <SSL program> fail with a certificate verify error?
283151937SjkimThis problem is usually indicated by log messages saying something like
284151937Sjkim"unable to get local issuer certificate" or "self signed certificate".
285151937SjkimWhen a certificate is verified its root CA must be "trusted" by OpenSSL
286151937Sjkimthis typically means that the CA certificate must be placed in a directory
287151937Sjkimor file and the relevant program configured to read it. The OpenSSL program
288151937Sjkim'verify' behaves in a similar way and issues similar error messages: check
289151937Sjkimthe verify(1) program manual page for more information.
292151937Sjkim* Why can I only use weak ciphers when I connect to a server using OpenSSL?
294151937SjkimThis is almost certainly because you are using an old "export grade" browser
295151937Sjkimwhich only supports weak encryption. Upgrade your browser to support 128 bit
299151937Sjkim* How can I create DSA certificates?
301151937SjkimCheck the CA.pl(1) manual page for a DSA certificate example.
304151937Sjkim* Why can't I make an SSL connection to a server using a DSA certificate?
306151937SjkimTypically you'll see a message saying there are no shared ciphers when
307151937Sjkimthe same setup works fine with an RSA certificate. There are two possible
308151937Sjkimcauses. The client may not support connections to DSA servers most web
309151937Sjkimbrowsers (including Netscape and MSIE) only support connections to servers
310151937Sjkimsupporting RSA cipher suites. The other cause is that a set of DH parameters
311151937Sjkimhas not been supplied to the server. DH parameters can be created with the
312151937Sjkimdhparam(1) command and loaded using the SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh() for example:
313151937Sjkimcheck the source to s_server in apps/s_server.c for an example.
316151937Sjkim* How can I remove the passphrase on a private key?
318151937SjkimFirstly you should be really *really* sure you want to do this. Leaving
319151937Sjkima private key unencrypted is a major security risk. If you decide that
320151937Sjkimyou do have to do this check the EXAMPLES sections of the rsa(1) and
321151937Sjkimdsa(1) manual pages.
324151937Sjkim* Why can't the OpenSSH configure script detect OpenSSL?
326151937SjkimThere is a problem with OpenSSH 1.2.2p1, in that the configure script
327151937Sjkimcan't find the installed OpenSSL libraries.  The problem is actually
328151937Sjkima small glitch that is easily solved with the following patch to be
329151937Sjkimapplied to the OpenSSH distribution:
331151937Sjkim----- snip:start -----
332151937Sjkim--- openssh-1.2.2p1/configure.in.orig	Thu Mar 23 18:56:58 2000
333151937Sjkim+++ openssh-1.2.2p1/configure.in	Thu Mar 23 18:55:05 2000
334151937Sjkim@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@
335151937Sjkim AC_MSG_CHECKING([for OpenSSL/SSLeay directory])
336151937Sjkim for ssldir in "" $tryssldir /usr /usr/local/openssl /usr/lib/openssl /usr/local/ssl /usr/lib/ssl /usr/local /usr/pkg /opt /opt/openssl ; do
337151937Sjkim 	if test ! -z "$ssldir" ; then
338151937Sjkim-		LIBS="$saved_LIBS -L$ssldir"
339151937Sjkim+		LIBS="$saved_LIBS -L$ssldir/lib"
340151937Sjkim 		CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$ssldir/include"
341151937Sjkim 		if test "x$need_dash_r" = "x1" ; then
342151937Sjkim-			LIBS="$LIBS -R$ssldir"
343151937Sjkim+			LIBS="$LIBS -R$ssldir/lib"
344151937Sjkim 		fi
345151937Sjkim 	fi
346151937Sjkim 	LIBS="$LIBS -lcrypto"
347151937Sjkim--- openssh-1.2.2p1/configure.orig	Thu Mar 23 18:55:02 2000
348151937Sjkim+++ openssh-1.2.2p1/configure	Thu Mar 23 18:57:08 2000
349151937Sjkim@@ -1890,10 +1890,10 @@
350151937Sjkim echo "configure:1891: checking for OpenSSL/SSLeay directory" >&5
351151937Sjkim for ssldir in "" $tryssldir /usr /usr/local/openssl /usr/lib/openssl /usr/local/ssl /usr/lib/ssl /usr/local /usr/pkg /opt /opt/openssl ; do
352151937Sjkim 	if test ! -z "$ssldir" ; then
353151937Sjkim-		LIBS="$saved_LIBS -L$ssldir"
354151937Sjkim+		LIBS="$saved_LIBS -L$ssldir/lib"
355151937Sjkim 		CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$ssldir/include"
356151937Sjkim 		if test "x$need_dash_r" = "x1" ; then
357151937Sjkim-			LIBS="$LIBS -R$ssldir"
358151937Sjkim+			LIBS="$LIBS -R$ssldir/lib"
359151937Sjkim 		fi
360151937Sjkim 	fi
361151937Sjkim 	LIBS="$LIBS -lcrypto"
362151937Sjkim----- snip:end -----
365151937Sjkim* Why does the OpenSSL test fail with "bc: command not found"?
367151937SjkimYou didn't install "bc", the Unix calculator.  If you want to run the
368151937Sjkimtests, get GNU bc from ftp://ftp.gnu.org or from your OS distributor.
371151937Sjkim* Why does the OpenSSL test fail with "bc: 1 no implemented"?
373151937SjkimOn some SCO installations or versions, bc has a bug that gets triggered when
374151937Sjkimyou run the test suite (using "make test").  The message returned is "bc:
375151937Sjkim1 not implemented".  The best way to deal with this is to find another
376151937Sjkimimplementation of bc and compile/install it.  For example, GNU bc (see
377151937Sjkimhttp://www.gnu.org/software/software.html for download instructions) can
378151937Sjkimbe safely used.
381151937Sjkim* Why does the OpenSSL compilation fail on Alpha True64 Unix?
383151937SjkimOn some Alpha installations running True64 Unix and Compaq C, the compilation
384151937Sjkimof crypto/sha/sha_dgst.c fails with the message 'Fatal:  Insufficient virtual
385151937Sjkimmemory to continue compilation.'  As far as the tests have shown, this may be
386151937Sjkima compiler bug.  What happens is that it eats up a lot of resident memory
387151937Sjkimto build something, probably a table.  The problem is clearly in the
388151937Sjkimoptimization code, because if one eliminates optimization completely (-O0),
389151937Sjkimthe compilation goes through (and the compiler consumes about 2MB of resident
390151937Sjkimmemory instead of 240MB or whatever one's limit is currently).
392151937SjkimThere are three options to solve this problem:
394151937Sjkim1. set your current data segment size soft limit higher.  Experience shows
395151937Sjkimthat about 241000 kbytes seems to be enough on an AlphaServer DS10.  You do
396151937Sjkimthis with the command 'ulimit -Sd nnnnnn', where 'nnnnnn' is the number of
397151937Sjkimkbytes to set the limit to.
399151937Sjkim2. If you have a hard limit that is lower than what you need and you can't
400151937Sjkimget it changed, you can compile all of OpenSSL with -O0 as optimization
401151937Sjkimlevel.  This is however not a very nice thing to do for those who expect to
402151937Sjkimget the best result from OpenSSL.  A bit more complicated solution is the
405151937Sjkim----- snip:start -----
406151937Sjkim  make DIRS=crypto SDIRS=sha "`grep '^CFLAG=' Makefile.ssl | \
407151937Sjkim       sed -e 's/ -O[0-9] / -O0 /'`"
408151937Sjkim  rm `ls crypto/*.o crypto/sha/*.o | grep -v 'sha_dgst\.o'`
409151937Sjkim  make
410151937Sjkim----- snip:end -----
412151937SjkimThis will only compile sha_dgst.c with -O0, the rest with the optimization
413151937Sjkimlevel chosen by the configuration process.  When the above is done, do the
414151937Sjkimtest and installation and you're set.
417151937Sjkim* Why does the OpenSSL compilation fail with "ar: command not found"?
419151937SjkimGetting this message is quite usual on Solaris 2, because Sun has hidden
420151937Sjkimaway 'ar' and other development commands in directories that aren't in
421151937Sjkim$PATH by default.  One of those directories is '/usr/ccs/bin'.  The
422151937Sjkimquickest way to fix this is to do the following (it assumes you use sh
423151937Sjkimor any sh-compatible shell):
425151937Sjkim----- snip:start -----
426151937Sjkim  PATH=${PATH}:/usr/ccs/bin; export PATH
427151937Sjkim----- snip:end -----
429151937Sjkimand then redo the compilation.  What you should really do is make sure
430151937Sjkim'/usr/ccs/bin' is permanently in your $PATH, for example through your
431151937Sjkim'.profile' (again, assuming you use a sh-compatible shell).