ssh-add.0 revision 248613
150477SpeterSSH-ADD(1)                 OpenBSD Reference Manual                 SSH-ADD(1)
443561Skato     ssh-add - adds private key identities to the authentication agent
748351Speter     ssh-add [-cDdkLlXx] [-t life] [file ...]
843561Skato     ssh-add -s pkcs11
943561Skato     ssh-add -e pkcs11
1243561Skato     ssh-add adds private key identities to the authentication agent,
1359535Snyan     ssh-agent(1).  When run without arguments, it adds the files
1461064Snyan     ~/.ssh/id_rsa, ~/.ssh/id_dsa, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa and ~/.ssh/identity.  After
1543561Skato     loading a private key, ssh-add will try to load corresponding certificate
1659228Snyan     information from the filename obtained by appending to the name
1768358Snyan     of the private key file.  Alternative file names can be given on the
1868358Snyan     command line.
2059228Snyan     If any file requires a passphrase, ssh-add asks for the passphrase from
2168358Snyan     the user.  The passphrase is read from the user's tty.  ssh-add retries
2259228Snyan     the last passphrase if multiple identity files are given.
2443561Skato     The authentication agent must be running and the SSH_AUTH_SOCK
2543561Skato     environment variable must contain the name of its socket for ssh-add to
2643561Skato     work.
2843561Skato     The options are as follows:
3053688Snyan     -c      Indicates that added identities should be subject to confirmation
3143561Skato             before being used for authentication.  Confirmation is performed
3243561Skato             by the SSH_ASKPASS program mentioned below.  Successful
3343561Skato             confirmation is signaled by a zero exit status from the
3443561Skato             SSH_ASKPASS program, rather than text entered into the requester.
3656994Skato     -D      Deletes all identities from the agent.
3843561Skato     -d      Instead of adding identities, removes identities from the agent.
3943561Skato             If ssh-add has been run without arguments, the keys for the
4043561Skato             default identities and their corresponding certificates will be
4143561Skato             removed.  Otherwise, the argument list will be interpreted as a
4243561Skato             list of paths to public key files to specify keys and
4343561Skato             certificates to be removed from the agent.  If no public key is
4443561Skato             found at a given path, ssh-add will append .pub and retry.
4643561Skato     -e pkcs11
4744255Skato             Remove keys provided by the PKCS#11 shared library pkcs11.
4943561Skato     -k      When loading keys into or deleting keys from the agent, process
5043561Skato             plain private keys only and skip certificates.
5243561Skato     -L      Lists public key parameters of all identities currently
5343561Skato             represented by the agent.
5565607Skato     -l      Lists fingerprints of all identities currently represented by the
5665607Skato             agent.
5865607Skato     -s pkcs11
5943561Skato             Add keys provided by the PKCS#11 shared library pkcs11.
6165607Skato     -t life
6259228Snyan             Set a maximum lifetime when adding identities to an agent.  The
6343561Skato             lifetime may be specified in seconds or in a time format
6443561Skato             specified in sshd_config(5).
6643561Skato     -X      Unlock the agent.
6843561Skato     -x      Lock the agent with a password.
7143561Skato     DISPLAY and SSH_ASKPASS
7243561Skato             If ssh-add needs a passphrase, it will read the passphrase from
7343561Skato             the current terminal if it was run from a terminal.  If ssh-add
7443561Skato             does not have a terminal associated with it but DISPLAY and
7543561Skato             SSH_ASKPASS are set, it will execute the program specified by
7643561Skato             SSH_ASKPASS and open an X11 window to read the passphrase.  This
7743561Skato             is particularly useful when calling ssh-add from a .xsession or
7843561Skato             related script.  (Note that on some machines it may be necessary
7943561Skato             to redirect the input from /dev/null to make this work.)
8143561Skato     SSH_AUTH_SOCK
8243561Skato             Identifies the path of a UNIX-domain socket used to communicate
8343561Skato             with the agent.
8648351Speter     ~/.ssh/identity
8743561Skato             Contains the protocol version 1 RSA authentication identity of
8843561Skato             the user.
9058871Skato     ~/.ssh/id_dsa
9158871Skato             Contains the protocol version 2 DSA authentication identity of
9243561Skato             the user.
9443561Skato     ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa
9543561Skato             Contains the protocol version 2 ECDSA authentication identity of
9643561Skato             the user.
9843561Skato     ~/.ssh/id_rsa
9945241Skato             Contains the protocol version 2 RSA authentication identity of
10043561Skato             the user.
10243561Skato     Identity files should not be readable by anyone but the user.  Note that
10343561Skato     ssh-add ignores identity files if they are accessible by others.
10543561SkatoEXIT STATUS
10643561Skato     Exit status is 0 on success, 1 if the specified command fails, and 2 if
10743561Skato     ssh-add is unable to contact the authentication agent.
10943561SkatoSEE ALSO
11043561Skato     ssh(1), ssh-agent(1), ssh-keygen(1), sshd(8)
11353206Snyan     OpenSSH is a derivative of the original and free ssh 1.2.12 release by
11444630Skato     Tatu Ylonen.  Aaron Campbell, Bob Beck, Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo
11553206Snyan     de Raadt and Dug Song removed many bugs, re-added newer features and
11653206Snyan     created OpenSSH.  Markus Friedl contributed the support for SSH protocol
11753206Snyan     versions 1.5 and 2.0.
11944630SkatoOpenBSD 5.3                    December 3, 2012                    OpenBSD 5.3