1146515Sru$Id: README,v 1.4 2004/04/11 17:56:45 karl Exp $
4114472Sru  Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
6114472Sru  Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
7114472Sru  are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
8114472Sru  notice and this notice are preserved.
1042660SmarkmThis directory contains documentation on the Texinfo system and the TeX
1156160Srusources needed to process Texinfo sources.  We recommend using the
1293139Srutexi2dvi included in this distribution to run a Texinfo manual through
1356160SruTeX to produce a DVI file.
1542660SmarkmThe .tex files are not installed automatically because TeX installations
1642660Smarkmvary so widely.  Installing them in the wrong place would give a false
1742660Smarkmsense of security.  So, you should simply cp *.tex to the appropriate
1842660Smarkmplace.  If your installation follows the TeX Directory Structure
1956160Srustandard (http://tug.org/tds/), this will be the directory
20100513SruTEXMF/tex/texinfo/ for texinfo.tex, TEXMF/tex/generic/dvips/ for epsf.tex,
2193139Sruand TEXMF/pdftex/plain/misc for pdfcolor.tex.  If you use the default
2293139Sruinstallation paths, TEXMF will be /usr/local/share/texmf.  On systems
2393139Sruwith TeX preinstalled, as most GNU/Linux distributions offer, TEXMF
2493139Sruwill often be something like /usr/share/texmf.
2656160SruIt is also possible to put these .tex files in a `local' place instead
2793139Sruof overwriting existing ones, but this is more complicated.  See your TeX
2856160Srudocumentation in general and the texmf.cnf file in particular for information.
3056160SruIf you add files to your TeX installations, not just replace existing
3156160Sruones, you very likely have to update your ls-R file; do this with the
3256160Srumktexlsr command.  In older versions, this was named MakeTeXls-R.
3442660SmarkmYou can get the latest texinfo.tex from
35114472Sruftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/texinfo/texinfo.tex (and all GNU mirrors)
3656160Sruftp://tug.org/tex/texinfo.tex (and all CTAN mirrors)
3742660Smarkmor on the FSF machines in /home/gd/gnu/doc/texinfo.tex.
3842660SmarkmIf you have problems with the version in this distribution, please check
3942660Smarkmfor a newer version.
4142660Smarkmepsf.tex comes with dvips distributions, and you may already have it
4242660Smarkminstalled.  The version here is functionally identical but slightly
4342660Smarkmnicer than the one in dvips574.  The changes have been sent to the
4442660Smarkmepsf.tex maintainer.