set7 revision 231990
1231990Smp$ $tcsh: set7,v 1.4 2011/02/04 18:19:42 christos Exp $
283098Smp$ ed.screen.c
383098Smp$set 7
483098Smp1 \n\tTcsh thinks your terminal has the\n
583098Smp2 \tfollowing characteristics:\n\n
683098Smp3 \tIt has %d columns and %d lines\n
783098Smp4 \tIt has %s meta key\n
883098Smp5 a
983098Smp6 no
1083098Smp7 \tIt can%s use tabs\n
1183098Smp8 not
1283098Smp9 \tIt %s automatic margins\n
13231990Smp10 ����������
14231990Smp11 ���� ����������
1583098Smp12 \tIt %s magic margins\n
16231990Smp13 (����������)
17231990Smp14 ����
18231990Smp15 ������
19231990Smp16 ������������: ���� �������� ��������������\r\n
2083098Smp17 DeleteChars: num is riduculous: %d\r\n
21231990Smp18 ������������: ���� �������� ����������������\r\n
2283098Smp19 StartInsert: num is riduculous: %d\r\n
23231990Smp20 %s: ���� �������� �������������� /etc/termcap.\n
2483098Smp21 %s: No entry for terminal type "%s"\n
2583098Smp22 %s: using dumb terminal settings.\n
26231990Smp23 %s: ����������������: Your terminal cannot move up.\n
2783098Smp24 Editing may be odd for long lines.\n
2883098Smp25 no clear EOL capability.\n
2983098Smp26 no delete char capability.\n
3083098Smp27 no insert char capability.\n