set3 revision 83098
1178476Sjb$ $Id: set3,v 1.4 2001/04/26 19:07:48 kim Exp $
2178476Sjb$ Editor function descriptions
3178476Sjb$set 3 
4178476Sjb1 Move back a character
5178476Sjb2 Delete the character behind cursor
6178476Sjb3 Cut from beginning of current word to cursor - saved in cut buffer
7178476Sjb4 Cut from beginning of line to cursor - save in cut buffer
8178476Sjb5 Move to beginning of current word
9178476Sjb6 Move to beginning of line
10178476Sjb7 Capitalize the characters from cursor to end of current word
11178476Sjb8 Vi change case of character under cursor and advance one character
12178476Sjb9 Vi change to end of line
13178476Sjb10 Clear screen leaving current line on top
14178476Sjb11 Complete current word
15178476Sjb12 Tab forward through files
16178476Sjb13 Tab backward through files
17178476Sjb14 Complete current word ignoring programmable completions
18178476Sjb15 Copy current word to cursor
19178476Sjb16 Copy area between mark and cursor to cut buffer
20178476Sjb17 Expand to preceding word for which this is a prefix
21178476Sjb18 Delete character under cursor
22178476Sjb19 Delete character under cursor or signal end of file on an empty line
23178476Sjb20 Delete character under cursor or list completions if at end of line
24178476Sjb21 Delete character under cursor, list completions or signal end of file
25178476Sjb22 Cut from cursor to end of current word - save in cut buffer
26178476Sjb23 Adds to argument if started or enters digit
27178476Sjb24 Digit that starts argument
28178476Sjb25 Move to next history line
29178476Sjb26 Lowercase the characters from cursor to end of current word
30178476Sjb27 Indicate end of file
31178476Sjb28 Move cursor to end of line
32178476Sjb29 Exchange the cursor and mark
33178476Sjb30 Expand file name wildcards
34178476Sjb31 Expand history escapes
35178476Sjb32 Expand the history escapes in a line
36178476Sjb33 Expand variables
37178476Sjb34 Move forward one character
38178476Sjb35 Move forward to end of current word
39178476Sjb36 Exchange the two characters before the cursor
40178476Sjb37 Search in history backward for line beginning as current
41178476Sjb38 Search in history forward for line beginning as current
42178476Sjb39 Insert last item of previous command
43178476Sjb40 Incremental search forward
44178476Sjb41 Incremental search backward
45178476Sjb42 Clear line
46178476Sjb43 Cut to end of line and save in cut buffer
47178476Sjb44 Cut area between mark and cursor and save in cut buffer
48178476Sjb45 Cut the entire line and save in cut buffer
49178476Sjb46 List choices for completion
50178476Sjb47 List choices for completion overriding programmable completion
51178476Sjb48 List file name wildcard matches
52178476Sjb49 List choices for completion or indicate end of file if empty line
53178476Sjb50 Display load average and current process status
54178476Sjb51 Expand history escapes and insert a space
55178476Sjb52 Execute command
56178476Sjb53 Expand pathnames, eliminating leading .'s and ..'s
5754 Expand commands to the resulting pathname or alias
5855 Switch from insert to overwrite mode or vice versa
5956 Add 8th bit to next character typed
6057 Add the next character typed to the line verbatim
6158 Redisplay everything
6259 Restart stopped editor
6360 Look for help on current command
6461 This character is added to the line
6562 This character is the first in a character sequence
6663 Set the mark at cursor
6764 Correct the spelling of current word
6865 Correct the spelling of entire line
6966 Send character to tty in cooked mode
7067 Toggle between literal and lexical current history line
7168 Exchange the character to the left of the cursor with the one under
7269 Exchange the two characters before the cursor
7370 Tty delayed suspend character
7471 Tty flush output character
7572 Tty interrupt character
7673 Tty quit character
7774 Tty suspend character
7875 Tty allow output character
7976 Tty disallow output character
8077 Indicates unbound character
8178 Emacs universal argument (argument times 4)
8279 Move to previous history line
8380 Uppercase the characters from cursor to end of current word
8481 Vi goto the beginning of next word
8582 Vi enter insert mode after the cursor
8683 Vi enter insert mode at end of line
8784 Vi change case of character under cursor and advance one character
8885 Vi change prefix command
8986 Vi change to end of line
9087 Enter vi command mode (use alternative key bindings)
9188 Vi command mode complete current word
9289 Vi move to previous character (backspace)
9390 Vi delete prefix command
9491 Vi move to the end of the current space delimited word
9592 Vi move to the end of the current word
9693 Vi move to the character specified backward
9794 Vi move to the character specified forward
9895 Vi move up to the character specified backward
9996 Vi move up to the character specified forward
10097 Enter vi insert mode
10198 Enter vi insert mode at beginning of line
10299 Vi repeat current character search in the same search direction
103100 Vi repeat current character search in the opposite search direction
104101 Vi repeat current search in the same search direction
105102 Vi repeat current search in the opposite search direction
106103 Vi replace character under the cursor with the next character typed
107104 Vi replace mode
108105 Vi search history backward
109106 Vi search history forward
110107 Vi replace character under the cursor and enter insert mode
111108 Vi replace entire line
112109 Vi move to the previous word
113110 Vi move to the next word
114111 Vi undo last change
115112 Vi goto the beginning of line
116113 Perform which of current command
117114 Paste cut buffer at cursor position
118115 Replace just-yanked text with yank from earlier kill
119116 (WIN32 only) Copy cut buffer to system clipboard
120117 (WIN32 only) Paste clipboard buffer at cursor position
121118 (WIN32 only) Convert each '/' in next word to '\\\\'
122119 (WIN32 only) Convert each '/' in previous word to '\\\\'
123120 (WIN32 only) Page visible console window up
124121 (WIN32 only) Page visible console window down