README revision 111726
1111726Sfenner@(#) $Header: /tcpdump/master/tcpdump/README,v 2003/02/26 07:08:58 fenner Exp $ (LBL)
3111726SfennerTCPDUMP 3.7.2
475115SfennerNow maintained by "The Tcpdump Group"
775115SfennerPlease send inquiries/comments/reports to
975115SfennerAnonymous CVS is available via:
10111726Sfenner	cvs -d login
1175115Sfenner	(password "anoncvs")
12111726Sfenner	cvs -d checkout tcpdump
14111726SfennerVersion 3.7.2 of TCPDUMP can be retrived with the CVS tag "tcpdump_3_7rel2":
15111726Sfenner	cvs -d checkout -r tcpdump_3_7rel2 tcpdump
1775115SfennerPlease send patches against the master copy to
1975115Sfennerformerly from 	Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2075115Sfenner		Network Research Group <>
2175115Sfenner (3.4)
2317680SpstThis directory contains source code for tcpdump, a tool for network
2475115Sfennermonitoring and data acquisition.  This software was originally
2575115Sfennerdeveloped by the Network Research Group at the Lawrence Berkeley
2675115SfennerNational Laboratory.  The original distribution is available via
2775115Sfenneranonymous ftp to, in tcpdump.tar.Z.  More recent
2875115Sfennerdevelopment is performed at,
3075115SfennerTcpdump uses libpcap, a system-independent interface for user-level
3117680Spstpacket capture.  Before building tcpdump, you must first retrieve and
3275115Sfennerbuild libpcap, also originally from LBL and now being maintained by; see .
3517680SpstOnce libpcap is built (either install it or make sure it's in
3617680Spst../libpcap), you can build tcpdump using the procedure in the INSTALL
3939297SfennerThe program is loosely based on SMI's "etherfind" although none of the
4039297Sfenneretherfind code remains.  It was originally written by Van Jacobson as
4139297Sfennerpart of an ongoing research project to investigate and improve tcp and
4239297Sfennerinternet gateway performance.  The parts of the program originally
4339297Sfennertaken from Sun's etherfind were later re-written by Steven McCanne of
4439297SfennerLBL.  To insure that there would be no vestige of proprietary code in
4539297Sfennertcpdump, Steve wrote these pieces from the specification given by the
4639297Sfennermanual entry, with no access to the source of tcpdump or etherfind.
4839297SfennerOver the past few years, tcpdump has been steadily improved by the
4939297Sfennerexcellent contributions from the Internet community (just browse
5039297Sfennerthrough the CHANGES file).  We are grateful for all the input.
5239297SfennerRichard Stevens gives an excellent treatment of the Internet protocols
5339297Sfennerin his book ``TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1''. If you want to learn more
5439297Sfennerabout tcpdump and how to interpret its output, pick up this book.
5617680SpstSome tools for viewing and analyzing tcpdump trace files are available
5717680Spstfrom the Internet Traffic Archive:
6139297SfennerAnother tool that tcpdump users might find useful is tcpslice:
6539297SfennerIt is a program that can be used to extract portions of tcpdump binary
6639297Sfennertrace files. See the above distribution for further details and
69111726SfennerProblems, bugs, questions, desirable enhancements, etc. should be sent
70111726Sfennerto the address "".  Bugs, support requests,
71111726Sfennerand feature requests may also be submitted on the SourceForge site for
72111726Sfennertcpdump at
76111726SfennerSource code contributions, etc. should be sent to the email address
77111726Sfenner"", or submitted as patches on the SourceForge site
78111726Sfennerfor tcpdump.
80111726SfennerCurrent versions can be found at, or the SourceForge
81111726Sfennersite for tcpdump.
8375115Sfenner - The TCPdump team
8575115Sfenneroriginal text by: Steve McCanne, Craig Leres, Van Jacobson
8817680SpstThis directory also contains some short awk programs intended as
8917680Spstexamples of ways to reduce tcpdump data when you're tracking
9017680Spstparticular network problems:
9317680Spst	Simplifies the tcpdump trace for an ftp (or other unidirectional
9417680Spst	tcp transfer).  Since we assume that one host only sends and
9517680Spst	the other only acks, all address information is left off and
9617680Spst	we just note if the packet is a "send" or an "ack".
9817680Spst	There is one output line per line of the original trace.
9917680Spst	Field 1 is the packet time in decimal seconds, relative
10017680Spst	to the start of the conversation.  Field 2 is delta-time
10117680Spst	from last packet.  Field 3 is packet type/direction.
10217680Spst	"Send" means data going from sender to receiver, "ack"
10317680Spst	means an ack going from the receiver to the sender.  A
10417680Spst	preceding "*" indicates that the data is a retransmission.
10517680Spst	A preceding "-" indicates a hole in the sequence space
10617680Spst	(i.e., missing packet(s)), a "#" means an odd-size (not max
10717680Spst	seg size) packet.  Field 4 has the packet flags
10817680Spst	(same format as raw trace).  Field 5 is the sequence
10917680Spst	number (start seq. num for sender, next expected seq number
11017680Spst	for acks).  The number in parens following an ack is
11117680Spst	the delta-time from the first send of the packet to the
11217680Spst	ack.  A number in parens following a send is the
11317680Spst	delta-time from the first send of the packet to the
11417680Spst	current send (on duplicate packets only).  Duplicate
11517680Spst	sends or acks have a number in square brackets showing
11617680Spst	the number of duplicates so far.
11817680Spst	Here is a short sample from near the start of an ftp:
11917680Spst		3.00    0.20   send . 512
12017680Spst		3.20    0.20    ack . 1024  (0.20)
12117680Spst		3.20    0.00   send P 1024
12217680Spst		3.40    0.20    ack . 1536  (0.20)
12317680Spst		3.80    0.40 * send . 0  (3.80) [2]
12417680Spst		3.82    0.02 *  ack . 1536  (0.62) [2]
12517680Spst	Three seconds into the conversation, bytes 512 through 1023
12617680Spst	were sent.  200ms later they were acked.  Shortly thereafter
12717680Spst	bytes 1024-1535 were sent and again acked after 200ms.
12817680Spst	Then, for no apparent reason, 0-511 is retransmitted, 3.8
12917680Spst	seconds after its initial send (the round trip time for this
13017680Spst	ftp was 1sec, +-500ms).  Since the receiver is expecting
13117680Spst	1536, 1536 is re-acked when 0 arrives.
13417680Spst	Computes chunk summary data for an ftp (or similar
13517680Spst	unidirectional tcp transfer). [A "chunk" refers to
13617680Spst	a chunk of the sequence space -- essentially the packet
13717680Spst	sequence number divided by the max segment size.]
13917680Spst	A summary line is printed showing the number of chunks,
14017680Spst	the number of packets it took to send that many chunks
14117680Spst	(if there are no lost or duplicated packets, the number
14217680Spst	of packets should equal the number of chunks) and the
14317680Spst	number of acks.
14517680Spst	Following the summary line is one line of information
14617680Spst	per chunk.  The line contains eight fields:
14717680Spst	   1 - the chunk number
14817680Spst	   2 - the start sequence number for this chunk
14917680Spst	   3 - time of first send
15017680Spst	   4 - time of last send
15117680Spst	   5 - time of first ack
15217680Spst	   6 - time of last ack
15317680Spst	   7 - number of times chunk was sent
15417680Spst	   8 - number of times chunk was acked
15517680Spst	(all times are in decimal seconds, relative to the start
15617680Spst	of the conversation.)
15817680Spst	As an example, here is the first part of the output for
15917680Spst	an ftp trace:
16117680Spst	# 134 chunks.  536 packets sent.  508 acks.
16217680Spst	1       1       0.00    5.80    0.20    0.20    4       1
16317680Spst	2       513     0.28    6.20    0.40    0.40    4       1
16417680Spst	3       1025    1.16    6.32    1.20    1.20    4       1
16517680Spst	4       1561    1.86    15.00   2.00    2.00    6       1
16617680Spst	5       2049    2.16    15.44   2.20    2.20    5       1
16717680Spst	6       2585    2.64    16.44   2.80    2.80    5       1
16817680Spst	7       3073    3.00    16.66   3.20    3.20    4       1
16917680Spst	8       3609    3.20    17.24   3.40    5.82    4       11
17017680Spst	9       4097    6.02    6.58    6.20    6.80    2       5
17217680Spst	This says that 134 chunks were transferred (about 70K
17317680Spst	since the average packet size was 512 bytes).  It took
17417680Spst	536 packets to transfer the data (i.e., on the average
17517680Spst	each chunk was transmitted four times).  Looking at,
17617680Spst	say, chunk 4, we see it represents the 512 bytes of
17717680Spst	sequence space from 1561 to 2048.  It was first sent
17817680Spst	1.86 seconds into the conversation.  It was last
17917680Spst	sent 15 seconds into the conversation and was sent
18017680Spst	a total of 6 times (i.e., it was retransmitted every
18117680Spst	2 seconds on the average).  It was acked once, 140ms
18217680Spst	after it first arrived.
18617680Spst	Output one line per send or ack, respectively, in the form
18717680Spst		<time> <seq. number>
18817680Spst	where <time> is the time in seconds since the start of the
18917680Spst	transfer and <seq. number> is the sequence number being sent
19017680Spst	or acked.  I typically plot this data looking for suspicious
19117680Spst	patterns.
19417680SpstThe problem I was looking at was the bulk-data-transfer
19517680Spstthroughput of medium delay network paths (1-6 sec.  round trip
19617680Spsttime) under typical DARPA Internet conditions.  The trace of the
19717680Spstftp transfer of a large file was used as the raw data source.
19817680SpstThe method was:
20017680Spst  - On a local host (but not the Sun running tcpdump), connect to
20117680Spst    the remote ftp.
20317680Spst  - On the monitor Sun, start the trace going.  E.g.,
20417680Spst      tcpdump host local-host and remote-host and port ftp-data >tracefile
20617680Spst  - On local, do either a get or put of a large file (~500KB),
20717680Spst    preferably to the null device (to minimize effects like
20817680Spst    closing the receive window while waiting for a disk write).
21017680Spst  - When transfer is finished, stop tcpdump.  Use awk to make up
21117680Spst    two files of summary data (maxsize is the maximum packet size,
21217680Spst    tracedata is the file of tcpdump tracedata):
21317680Spst      awk -f send-ack.awk packetsize=avgsize tracedata >sa
21417680Spst      awk -f packetdat.awk packetsize=avgsize tracedata >pd
21617680Spst  - While the summary data files are printing, take a look at
21717680Spst    how the transfer behaved:
21817680Spst      awk -f stime.awk tracedata | xgraph
21917680Spst    (90% of what you learn seems to happen in this step).
22117680Spst  - Do all of the above steps several times, both directions,
22217680Spst    at different times of day, with different protocol
22317680Spst    implementations on the other end.
22517680Spst  - Using one of the Unix data analysis packages (in my case,
22617680Spst    S and Gary Perlman's Unix|Stat), spend a few months staring
22717680Spst    at the data.
22917680Spst  - Change something in the local protocol implementation and
23017680Spst    redo the steps above.
23217680Spst  - Once a week, tell your funding agent that you're discovering
23317680Spst    wonderful things and you'll write up that research report
23417680Spst    "real soon now".