-*- nroff -*-

IBV_EVENT_TYPE_STR 3 2006-10-31 libibverbs "Libibverbs Programmer's Manual"
ibv_event_type_str - Return string describing event_type enum value
ibv_node_type_str - Return string describing node_type enum value
ibv_port_state_str - Return string describing port_state enum value
 #include <infiniband/verbs.h>  "const char *ibv_event_type_str(enum ibv_event_type " "event_type");  "const char *ibv_node_type_str(enum ibv_node_type " "node_type");  "const char *ibv_port_state_str(enum ibv_port_state " "port_state"); 
ibv_node_type_str() returns a string describing the node type enum value node_type .

ibv_port_state_str() returns a string describing the port state enum value port_state .

ibv_event_type_str() returns a string describing the event type enum value event_type .

These functions return a constant string that describes the enum value passed as their argument.

Roland Dreier < rolandd@cisco.com >