Warnings.cpp revision 249423
1193323Sed//===--- Warnings.cpp - C-Language Front-end ------------------------------===//
3193323Sed//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5193323Sed// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6193323Sed// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10193323Sed// Command line warning options handler.
14193323Sed// This file is responsible for handling all warning options. This includes
15193323Sed// a number of -Wfoo options and their variants, which are driven by TableGen-
16193323Sed// generated data, and the special cases -pedantic, -pedantic-errors, -w,
17193323Sed// -Werror and -Wfatal-errors.
19249423Sdim// Each warning option controls any number of actual warnings.
20193323Sed// Given a warning option 'foo', the following are valid:
21207618Srdivacky//    -Wfoo, -Wno-foo, -Werror=foo, -Wfatal-errors=foo
23249423Sdim#include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h"
24249423Sdim#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
25263508Sdim#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
26207618Srdivacky#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendDiagnostic.h"
27198090Srdivacky#include "clang/Lex/LexDiagnostic.h"
28206083Srdivacky#include "clang/Sema/SemaDiagnostic.h"
29198090Srdivacky#include <algorithm>
30193323Sed#include <cstring>
31193323Sed#include <utility>
32207618Srdivackyusing namespace clang;
34207618Srdivacky// EmitUnknownDiagWarning - Emit a warning and typo hint for unknown warning
35207618Srdivacky// opts
36207618Srdivackystatic void EmitUnknownDiagWarning(DiagnosticsEngine &Diags,
37193323Sed                                  StringRef Prefix, StringRef Opt,
38193323Sed                                  bool isPositive) {
39193323Sed  StringRef Suggestion = DiagnosticIDs::getNearestWarningOption(Opt);
40198090Srdivacky  if (!Suggestion.empty())
41193323Sed    Diags.Report(isPositive? diag::warn_unknown_warning_option_suggest :
42193323Sed                             diag::warn_unknown_negative_warning_option_suggest)
43193323Sed      << (Prefix.str() += Opt) << (Prefix.str() += Suggestion);
44193323Sed  else
45193323Sed    Diags.Report(isPositive? diag::warn_unknown_warning_option :
46193323Sed                             diag::warn_unknown_negative_warning_option)
47226633Sdim      << (Prefix.str() += Opt);
50193323Sedvoid clang::ProcessWarningOptions(DiagnosticsEngine &Diags,
51193323Sed                                  const DiagnosticOptions &Opts,
52193323Sed                                  bool ReportDiags) {
53193323Sed  Diags.setSuppressSystemWarnings(true);  // Default to -Wno-system-headers
54249423Sdim  Diags.setIgnoreAllWarnings(Opts.IgnoreWarnings);
55249423Sdim  Diags.setShowOverloads(Opts.getShowOverloads());
57193323Sed  Diags.setElideType(Opts.ElideType);
58193323Sed  Diags.setPrintTemplateTree(Opts.ShowTemplateTree);
59193323Sed  Diags.setWarnOnSpellCheck(Opts.WarnOnSpellCheck);
60193323Sed  Diags.setShowColors(Opts.ShowColors);
62193323Sed  // Handle -ferror-limit
63193323Sed  if (Opts.ErrorLimit)
64193323Sed    Diags.setErrorLimit(Opts.ErrorLimit);
65193323Sed  if (Opts.TemplateBacktraceLimit)
66193323Sed    Diags.setTemplateBacktraceLimit(Opts.TemplateBacktraceLimit);
67193323Sed  if (Opts.ConstexprBacktraceLimit)
68193323Sed    Diags.setConstexprBacktraceLimit(Opts.ConstexprBacktraceLimit);
70193323Sed  // If -pedantic or -pedantic-errors was specified, then we want to map all
71202878Srdivacky  // extension diagnostics onto WARNING or ERROR unless the user has futz'd
72202878Srdivacky  // around with them explicitly.
73202878Srdivacky  if (Opts.PedanticErrors)
74193323Sed    Diags.setExtensionHandlingBehavior(DiagnosticsEngine::Ext_Error);
75193323Sed  else if (Opts.Pedantic)
76198090Srdivacky    Diags.setExtensionHandlingBehavior(DiagnosticsEngine::Ext_Warn);
77193323Sed  else
78193323Sed    Diags.setExtensionHandlingBehavior(DiagnosticsEngine::Ext_Ignore);
80193323Sed  SmallVector<diag::kind, 10> _Diags;
81193323Sed  const IntrusiveRefCntPtr< DiagnosticIDs > DiagIDs =
82193323Sed    Diags.getDiagnosticIDs();
83193323Sed  // We parse the warning options twice.  The first pass sets diagnostic state,
84193323Sed  // while the second pass reports warnings/errors.  This has the effect that
85198090Srdivacky  // we follow the more canonical "last option wins" paradigm when there are
86198090Srdivacky  // conflicting options.
87193323Sed  for (unsigned Report = 0, ReportEnd = 2; Report != ReportEnd; ++Report) {
88193323Sed    bool SetDiagnostic = (Report == 0);
90193323Sed    // If we've set the diagnostic state and are not reporting diagnostics then
91193323Sed    // we're done.
92198090Srdivacky    if (!SetDiagnostic && !ReportDiags)
93198090Srdivacky      break;
95207618Srdivacky    for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.Warnings.size(); i != e; ++i) {
96207618Srdivacky      StringRef Opt = Opts.Warnings[i];
97207618Srdivacky      StringRef OrigOpt = Opts.Warnings[i];
99207618Srdivacky      // Treat -Wformat=0 as an alias for -Wno-format.
100207618Srdivacky      if (Opt == "format=0")
101198090Srdivacky        Opt = "no-format";
103193323Sed      // Check to see if this warning starts with "no-", if so, this is a
104198090Srdivacky      // negative form of the option.
105198090Srdivacky      bool isPositive = true;
106198090Srdivacky      if (Opt.startswith("no-")) {
107198090Srdivacky        isPositive = false;
108206124Srdivacky        Opt = Opt.substr(3);
109207618Srdivacky      }
111207618Srdivacky      // Figure out how this option affects the warning.  If -Wfoo, map the
112198090Srdivacky      // diagnostic to a warning, if -Wno-foo, map it to ignore.
113202878Srdivacky      diag::Mapping Mapping = isPositive ? diag::MAP_WARNING : diag::MAP_IGNORE;
115202878Srdivacky      // -Wsystem-headers is a special case, not driven by the option table.  It
116202878Srdivacky      // cannot be controlled with -Werror.
117198090Srdivacky      if (Opt == "system-headers") {
118207618Srdivacky        if (SetDiagnostic)
119198090Srdivacky          Diags.setSuppressSystemWarnings(!isPositive);
120198090Srdivacky        continue;
121198090Srdivacky      }
123206083Srdivacky      // -Weverything is a special case as well.  It implicitly enables all
124206083Srdivacky      // warnings, including ones not explicitly in a warning group.
125206083Srdivacky      if (Opt == "everything") {
126198090Srdivacky        if (SetDiagnostic) {
127198090Srdivacky          if (isPositive) {
128198090Srdivacky            Diags.setEnableAllWarnings(true);
129198090Srdivacky          } else {
130198090Srdivacky            Diags.setEnableAllWarnings(false);
131198090Srdivacky            Diags.setMappingToAllDiagnostics(diag::MAP_IGNORE);
132198090Srdivacky          }
133198090Srdivacky        }
134198090Srdivacky        continue;
135198090Srdivacky      }
137198090Srdivacky      // -Werror/-Wno-error is a special case, not controlled by the option
138202878Srdivacky      // table. It also has the "specifier" form of -Werror=foo and -Werror-foo.
139202878Srdivacky      if (Opt.startswith("error")) {
140202878Srdivacky        StringRef Specifier;
141202878Srdivacky        if (Opt.size() > 5) {  // Specifier must be present.
142198090Srdivacky          if ((Opt[5] != '=' && Opt[5] != '-') || Opt.size() == 6) {
143207618Srdivacky            if (Report)
144207618Srdivacky              Diags.Report(diag::warn_unknown_warning_specifier)
145207618Srdivacky                << "-Werror" << ("-W" + OrigOpt.str());
146198090Srdivacky            continue;
147206083Srdivacky          }
148198090Srdivacky          Specifier = Opt.substr(6);
149198090Srdivacky        }
151198090Srdivacky        if (Specifier.empty()) {
152198090Srdivacky          if (SetDiagnostic)
153198090Srdivacky            Diags.setWarningsAsErrors(isPositive);
154198090Srdivacky          continue;
155201360Srdivacky        }
157198090Srdivacky        if (SetDiagnostic) {
158198090Srdivacky          // Set the warning as error flag for this specifier.
159198090Srdivacky          Diags.setDiagnosticGroupWarningAsError(Specifier, isPositive);
160193323Sed        } else if (DiagIDs->getDiagnosticsInGroup(Specifier, _Diags)) {
161193323Sed          EmitUnknownDiagWarning(Diags, "-Werror=", Specifier, isPositive);
162198090Srdivacky        }
163198090Srdivacky        continue;
164198090Srdivacky      }
166198090Srdivacky      // -Wfatal-errors is yet another special case.
167198090Srdivacky      if (Opt.startswith("fatal-errors")) {
168207618Srdivacky        StringRef Specifier;
169207618Srdivacky        if (Opt.size() != 12) {
170207618Srdivacky          if ((Opt[12] != '=' && Opt[12] != '-') || Opt.size() == 13) {
171207618Srdivacky            if (Report)
172207618Srdivacky              Diags.Report(diag::warn_unknown_warning_specifier)
173207618Srdivacky                << "-Wfatal-errors" << ("-W" + OrigOpt.str());
174198090Srdivacky            continue;
175198090Srdivacky          }
176198090Srdivacky          Specifier = Opt.substr(13);
177201360Srdivacky        }
179207618Srdivacky        if (Specifier.empty()) {
180207618Srdivacky          if (SetDiagnostic)
181207618Srdivacky            Diags.setErrorsAsFatal(isPositive);
182198090Srdivacky          continue;
183198090Srdivacky        }
185207618Srdivacky        if (SetDiagnostic) {
186198090Srdivacky          // Set the error as fatal flag for this specifier.
187198090Srdivacky          Diags.setDiagnosticGroupErrorAsFatal(Specifier, isPositive);
188207618Srdivacky        } else if (DiagIDs->getDiagnosticsInGroup(Specifier, _Diags)) {
189207618Srdivacky          EmitUnknownDiagWarning(Diags, "-Wfatal-errors=", Specifier,
190207618Srdivacky                                 isPositive);
191207618Srdivacky        }
192198090Srdivacky        continue;
193198090Srdivacky      }
195198090Srdivacky      if (Report) {
196198090Srdivacky        if (DiagIDs->getDiagnosticsInGroup(Opt, _Diags))
197207618Srdivacky          EmitUnknownDiagWarning(Diags, isPositive ? "-W" : "-Wno-", Opt,
198207618Srdivacky                                 isPositive);
199207618Srdivacky      } else {
200207618Srdivacky        Diags.setDiagnosticGroupMapping(Opt, Mapping);
201198090Srdivacky      }
202198090Srdivacky    }
203198090Srdivacky  }