1239310Sdim//===----- HexagonPacketizer.cpp - vliw packetizer ---------------------===//
3239310Sdim//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5239310Sdim// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6239310Sdim// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10239310Sdim// This implements a simple VLIW packetizer using DFA. The packetizer works on
11239310Sdim// machine basic blocks. For each instruction I in BB, the packetizer consults
12239310Sdim// the DFA to see if machine resources are available to execute I. If so, the
13239310Sdim// packetizer checks if I depends on any instruction J in the current packet.
14239310Sdim// If no dependency is found, I is added to current packet and machine resource
15239310Sdim// is marked as taken. If any dependency is found, a target API call is made to
16239310Sdim// prune the dependence.
19239310Sdim#define DEBUG_TYPE "packets"
20239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/DFAPacketizer.h"
21239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h"
22239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineDominators.h"
23239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
24239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineLoopInfo.h"
25239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/ScheduleDAG.h"
26239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/ScheduleDAGInstrs.h"
27239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/LatencyPriorityQueue.h"
28239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/SchedulerRegistry.h"
29239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFrameInfo.h"
30239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
31239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
32239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionAnalysis.h"
33239310Sdim#include "llvm/CodeGen/ScheduleHazardRecognizer.h"
34239310Sdim#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
35239310Sdim#include "llvm/Target/TargetInstrInfo.h"
36239310Sdim#include "llvm/Target/TargetRegisterInfo.h"
37239310Sdim#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
38239310Sdim#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
39239310Sdim#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
40239310Sdim#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrItineraries.h"
41239310Sdim#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
42239310Sdim#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
43239310Sdim#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
44239310Sdim#include "Hexagon.h"
45239310Sdim#include "HexagonTargetMachine.h"
46239310Sdim#include "HexagonRegisterInfo.h"
47239310Sdim#include "HexagonSubtarget.h"
48239310Sdim#include "HexagonMachineFunctionInfo.h"
50239310Sdim#include <map>
51251662Sdim#include <vector>
53239310Sdimusing namespace llvm;
55251662Sdimstatic cl::opt<bool> PacketizeVolatiles("hexagon-packetize-volatiles",
56251662Sdim      cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::Hidden, cl::init(true),
57251662Sdim      cl::desc("Allow non-solo packetization of volatile memory references"));
59251662Sdimnamespace llvm {
60251662Sdim  void initializeHexagonPacketizerPass(PassRegistry&);
64239310Sdimnamespace {
65239310Sdim  class HexagonPacketizer : public MachineFunctionPass {
67239310Sdim  public:
68239310Sdim    static char ID;
69251662Sdim    HexagonPacketizer() : MachineFunctionPass(ID) {
70251662Sdim      initializeHexagonPacketizerPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
71251662Sdim    }
73239310Sdim    void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
74239310Sdim      AU.setPreservesCFG();
75239310Sdim      AU.addRequired<MachineDominatorTree>();
76251662Sdim      AU.addRequired<MachineBranchProbabilityInfo>();
77239310Sdim      AU.addPreserved<MachineDominatorTree>();
78239310Sdim      AU.addRequired<MachineLoopInfo>();
79239310Sdim      AU.addPreserved<MachineLoopInfo>();
80239310Sdim      MachineFunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
81239310Sdim    }
83239310Sdim    const char *getPassName() const {
84239310Sdim      return "Hexagon Packetizer";
85239310Sdim    }
87239310Sdim    bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &Fn);
88239310Sdim  };
89239310Sdim  char HexagonPacketizer::ID = 0;
91239310Sdim  class HexagonPacketizerList : public VLIWPacketizerList {
93239310Sdim  private:
95239310Sdim    // Has the instruction been promoted to a dot-new instruction.
96239310Sdim    bool PromotedToDotNew;
98239310Sdim    // Has the instruction been glued to allocframe.
99239310Sdim    bool GlueAllocframeStore;
101239310Sdim    // Has the feeder instruction been glued to new value jump.
102239310Sdim    bool GlueToNewValueJump;
104239310Sdim    // Check if there is a dependence between some instruction already in this
105239310Sdim    // packet and this instruction.
106239310Sdim    bool Dependence;
108239310Sdim    // Only check for dependence if there are resources available to
109239310Sdim    // schedule this instruction.
110239310Sdim    bool FoundSequentialDependence;
112251662Sdim    /// \brief A handle to the branch probability pass.
113251662Sdim   const MachineBranchProbabilityInfo *MBPI;
115251662Sdim   // Track MIs with ignored dependece.
116251662Sdim   std::vector<MachineInstr*> IgnoreDepMIs;
118239310Sdim  public:
119239310Sdim    // Ctor.
120239310Sdim    HexagonPacketizerList(MachineFunction &MF, MachineLoopInfo &MLI,
121251662Sdim                          MachineDominatorTree &MDT,
122251662Sdim                          const MachineBranchProbabilityInfo *MBPI);
124239310Sdim    // initPacketizerState - initialize some internal flags.
125239310Sdim    void initPacketizerState();
127239310Sdim    // ignorePseudoInstruction - Ignore bundling of pseudo instructions.
128239310Sdim    bool ignorePseudoInstruction(MachineInstr *MI, MachineBasicBlock *MBB);
130239310Sdim    // isSoloInstruction - return true if instruction MI can not be packetized
131239310Sdim    // with any other instruction, which means that MI itself is a packet.
132239310Sdim    bool isSoloInstruction(MachineInstr *MI);
134239310Sdim    // isLegalToPacketizeTogether - Is it legal to packetize SUI and SUJ
135239310Sdim    // together.
136239310Sdim    bool isLegalToPacketizeTogether(SUnit *SUI, SUnit *SUJ);
138239310Sdim    // isLegalToPruneDependencies - Is it legal to prune dependece between SUI
139239310Sdim    // and SUJ.
140239310Sdim    bool isLegalToPruneDependencies(SUnit *SUI, SUnit *SUJ);
142239310Sdim    MachineBasicBlock::iterator addToPacket(MachineInstr *MI);
143239310Sdim  private:
144239310Sdim    bool IsCallDependent(MachineInstr* MI, SDep::Kind DepType, unsigned DepReg);
145239310Sdim    bool PromoteToDotNew(MachineInstr* MI, SDep::Kind DepType,
146251662Sdim                         MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MII,
147251662Sdim                         const TargetRegisterClass* RC);
148239310Sdim    bool CanPromoteToDotNew(MachineInstr* MI, SUnit* PacketSU,
149251662Sdim                            unsigned DepReg,
150251662Sdim                            std::map <MachineInstr*, SUnit*> MIToSUnit,
151251662Sdim                            MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MII,
152251662Sdim                            const TargetRegisterClass* RC);
153239310Sdim    bool CanPromoteToNewValue(MachineInstr* MI, SUnit* PacketSU,
154251662Sdim                              unsigned DepReg,
155251662Sdim                              std::map <MachineInstr*, SUnit*> MIToSUnit,
156251662Sdim                              MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MII);
157239310Sdim    bool CanPromoteToNewValueStore(MachineInstr* MI, MachineInstr* PacketMI,
158251662Sdim                                   unsigned DepReg,
159251662Sdim                                   std::map <MachineInstr*, SUnit*> MIToSUnit);
160239310Sdim    bool DemoteToDotOld(MachineInstr* MI);
161239310Sdim    bool ArePredicatesComplements(MachineInstr* MI1, MachineInstr* MI2,
162239310Sdim                    std::map <MachineInstr*, SUnit*> MIToSUnit);
163239310Sdim    bool RestrictingDepExistInPacket(MachineInstr*,
164239310Sdim                    unsigned, std::map <MachineInstr*, SUnit*>);
165239310Sdim    bool isNewifiable(MachineInstr* MI);
166239310Sdim    bool isCondInst(MachineInstr* MI);
167239310Sdim    bool tryAllocateResourcesForConstExt(MachineInstr* MI);
168239310Sdim    bool canReserveResourcesForConstExt(MachineInstr *MI);
169239310Sdim    void reserveResourcesForConstExt(MachineInstr* MI);
170239310Sdim    bool isNewValueInst(MachineInstr* MI);
171239310Sdim  };
174251662SdimINITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(HexagonPacketizer, "packets", "Hexagon Packetizer",
175251662Sdim                      false, false)
180251662SdimINITIALIZE_PASS_END(HexagonPacketizer, "packets", "Hexagon Packetizer",
181251662Sdim                    false, false)
184239310Sdim// HexagonPacketizerList Ctor.
186251662Sdim  MachineFunction &MF, MachineLoopInfo &MLI,MachineDominatorTree &MDT,
187251662Sdim  const MachineBranchProbabilityInfo *MBPI)
188239310Sdim  : VLIWPacketizerList(MF, MLI, MDT, true){
189251662Sdim  this->MBPI = MBPI;
192239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizer::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &Fn) {
193239310Sdim  const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Fn.getTarget().getInstrInfo();
194239310Sdim  MachineLoopInfo &MLI = getAnalysis<MachineLoopInfo>();
195239310Sdim  MachineDominatorTree &MDT = getAnalysis<MachineDominatorTree>();
196251662Sdim  const MachineBranchProbabilityInfo *MBPI =
197251662Sdim    &getAnalysis<MachineBranchProbabilityInfo>();
198239310Sdim  // Instantiate the packetizer.
199251662Sdim  HexagonPacketizerList Packetizer(Fn, MLI, MDT, MBPI);
201239310Sdim  // DFA state table should not be empty.
202239310Sdim  assert(Packetizer.getResourceTracker() && "Empty DFA table!");
204239310Sdim  //
205239310Sdim  // Loop over all basic blocks and remove KILL pseudo-instructions
206239310Sdim  // These instructions confuse the dependence analysis. Consider:
207239310Sdim  // D0 = ...   (Insn 0)
208239310Sdim  // R0 = KILL R0, D0 (Insn 1)
209239310Sdim  // R0 = ... (Insn 2)
210239310Sdim  // Here, Insn 1 will result in the dependence graph not emitting an output
211239310Sdim  // dependence between Insn 0 and Insn 2. This can lead to incorrect
212239310Sdim  // packetization
213239310Sdim  //
214239310Sdim  for (MachineFunction::iterator MBB = Fn.begin(), MBBe = Fn.end();
215239310Sdim       MBB != MBBe; ++MBB) {
216239310Sdim    MachineBasicBlock::iterator End = MBB->end();
217239310Sdim    MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI = MBB->begin();
218239310Sdim    while (MI != End) {
219239310Sdim      if (MI->isKill()) {
220239310Sdim        MachineBasicBlock::iterator DeleteMI = MI;
221239310Sdim        ++MI;
222239310Sdim        MBB->erase(DeleteMI);
223239310Sdim        End = MBB->end();
224239310Sdim        continue;
225239310Sdim      }
226239310Sdim      ++MI;
227239310Sdim    }
228239310Sdim  }
230239310Sdim  // Loop over all of the basic blocks.
231239310Sdim  for (MachineFunction::iterator MBB = Fn.begin(), MBBe = Fn.end();
232239310Sdim       MBB != MBBe; ++MBB) {
233239310Sdim    // Find scheduling regions and schedule / packetize each region.
234239310Sdim    unsigned RemainingCount = MBB->size();
235239310Sdim    for(MachineBasicBlock::iterator RegionEnd = MBB->end();
236239310Sdim        RegionEnd != MBB->begin();) {
237239310Sdim      // The next region starts above the previous region. Look backward in the
238239310Sdim      // instruction stream until we find the nearest boundary.
239239310Sdim      MachineBasicBlock::iterator I = RegionEnd;
240239310Sdim      for(;I != MBB->begin(); --I, --RemainingCount) {
241239310Sdim        if (TII->isSchedulingBoundary(llvm::prior(I), MBB, Fn))
242239310Sdim          break;
243239310Sdim      }
244239310Sdim      I = MBB->begin();
246239310Sdim      // Skip empty scheduling regions.
247239310Sdim      if (I == RegionEnd) {
248239310Sdim        RegionEnd = llvm::prior(RegionEnd);
249239310Sdim        --RemainingCount;
250239310Sdim        continue;
251239310Sdim      }
252239310Sdim      // Skip regions with one instruction.
253239310Sdim      if (I == llvm::prior(RegionEnd)) {
254239310Sdim        RegionEnd = llvm::prior(RegionEnd);
255239310Sdim        continue;
256239310Sdim      }
258239310Sdim      Packetizer.PacketizeMIs(MBB, I, RegionEnd);
259239310Sdim      RegionEnd = I;
260239310Sdim    }
261239310Sdim  }
263239310Sdim  return true;
267239310Sdimstatic bool IsIndirectCall(MachineInstr* MI) {
268239310Sdim  return ((MI->getOpcode() == Hexagon::CALLR) ||
269239310Sdim          (MI->getOpcode() == Hexagon::CALLRv3));
272239310Sdim// Reserve resources for constant extender. Trigure an assertion if
273239310Sdim// reservation fail.
274239310Sdimvoid HexagonPacketizerList::reserveResourcesForConstExt(MachineInstr* MI) {
275239310Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
276249423Sdim  MachineFunction *MF = MI->getParent()->getParent();
277249423Sdim  MachineInstr *PseudoMI = MF->CreateMachineInstr(QII->get(Hexagon::IMMEXT_i),
278249423Sdim                                                  MI->getDebugLoc());
280239310Sdim  if (ResourceTracker->canReserveResources(PseudoMI)) {
281239310Sdim    ResourceTracker->reserveResources(PseudoMI);
282239310Sdim    MI->getParent()->getParent()->DeleteMachineInstr(PseudoMI);
283239310Sdim  } else {
284239310Sdim    MI->getParent()->getParent()->DeleteMachineInstr(PseudoMI);
285239310Sdim    llvm_unreachable("can not reserve resources for constant extender.");
286239310Sdim  }
287239310Sdim  return;
290239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::canReserveResourcesForConstExt(MachineInstr *MI) {
291239310Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
292249423Sdim  assert((QII->isExtended(MI) || QII->isConstExtended(MI)) &&
293239310Sdim         "Should only be called for constant extended instructions");
294239310Sdim  MachineFunction *MF = MI->getParent()->getParent();
295249423Sdim  MachineInstr *PseudoMI = MF->CreateMachineInstr(QII->get(Hexagon::IMMEXT_i),
296239310Sdim                                                  MI->getDebugLoc());
297239310Sdim  bool CanReserve = ResourceTracker->canReserveResources(PseudoMI);
298239310Sdim  MF->DeleteMachineInstr(PseudoMI);
299239310Sdim  return CanReserve;
302239310Sdim// Allocate resources (i.e. 4 bytes) for constant extender. If succeed, return
303239310Sdim// true, otherwise, return false.
304239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::tryAllocateResourcesForConstExt(MachineInstr* MI) {
305239310Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
306249423Sdim  MachineFunction *MF = MI->getParent()->getParent();
307249423Sdim  MachineInstr *PseudoMI = MF->CreateMachineInstr(QII->get(Hexagon::IMMEXT_i),
308249423Sdim                                                  MI->getDebugLoc());
310239310Sdim  if (ResourceTracker->canReserveResources(PseudoMI)) {
311239310Sdim    ResourceTracker->reserveResources(PseudoMI);
312239310Sdim    MI->getParent()->getParent()->DeleteMachineInstr(PseudoMI);
313239310Sdim    return true;
314239310Sdim  } else {
315239310Sdim    MI->getParent()->getParent()->DeleteMachineInstr(PseudoMI);
316239310Sdim    return false;
317239310Sdim  }
321239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::IsCallDependent(MachineInstr* MI,
322239310Sdim                                          SDep::Kind DepType,
323239310Sdim                                          unsigned DepReg) {
325239310Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
326239310Sdim  const HexagonRegisterInfo* QRI =
327239310Sdim              (const HexagonRegisterInfo *) TM.getRegisterInfo();
329239310Sdim  // Check for lr dependence
330239310Sdim  if (DepReg == QRI->getRARegister()) {
331239310Sdim    return true;
332239310Sdim  }
334239310Sdim  if (QII->isDeallocRet(MI)) {
335239310Sdim    if (DepReg == QRI->getFrameRegister() ||
336239310Sdim        DepReg == QRI->getStackRegister())
337239310Sdim      return true;
338239310Sdim  }
340239310Sdim  // Check if this is a predicate dependence
341239310Sdim  const TargetRegisterClass* RC = QRI->getMinimalPhysRegClass(DepReg);
342239310Sdim  if (RC == &Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass) {
343239310Sdim    return true;
344239310Sdim  }
346239310Sdim  //
347239310Sdim  // Lastly check for an operand used in an indirect call
348239310Sdim  // If we had an attribute for checking if an instruction is an indirect call,
349239310Sdim  // then we could have avoided this relatively brittle implementation of
350239310Sdim  // IsIndirectCall()
351239310Sdim  //
352239310Sdim  // Assumes that the first operand of the CALLr is the function address
353239310Sdim  //
354239310Sdim  if (IsIndirectCall(MI) && (DepType == SDep::Data)) {
355239310Sdim    MachineOperand MO = MI->getOperand(0);
356239310Sdim    if (MO.isReg() && MO.isUse() && (MO.getReg() == DepReg)) {
357239310Sdim      return true;
358239310Sdim    }
359239310Sdim  }
361239310Sdim  return false;
364239310Sdimstatic bool IsRegDependence(const SDep::Kind DepType) {
365239310Sdim  return (DepType == SDep::Data || DepType == SDep::Anti ||
366239310Sdim          DepType == SDep::Output);
369239310Sdimstatic bool IsDirectJump(MachineInstr* MI) {
370239310Sdim  return (MI->getOpcode() == Hexagon::JMP);
373239310Sdimstatic bool IsSchedBarrier(MachineInstr* MI) {
374239310Sdim  switch (MI->getOpcode()) {
375239310Sdim  case Hexagon::BARRIER:
376239310Sdim    return true;
377239310Sdim  }
378239310Sdim  return false;
381239310Sdimstatic bool IsControlFlow(MachineInstr* MI) {
382239310Sdim  return (MI->getDesc().isTerminator() || MI->getDesc().isCall());
385239310Sdimstatic bool IsLoopN(MachineInstr *MI) {
386239310Sdim  return (MI->getOpcode() == Hexagon::LOOP0_i ||
387239310Sdim          MI->getOpcode() == Hexagon::LOOP0_r);
390239310Sdim/// DoesModifyCalleeSavedReg - Returns true if the instruction modifies a
391239310Sdim/// callee-saved register.
392239310Sdimstatic bool DoesModifyCalleeSavedReg(MachineInstr *MI,
393239310Sdim                                     const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) {
394239310Sdim  for (const uint16_t *CSR = TRI->getCalleeSavedRegs(); *CSR; ++CSR) {
395239310Sdim    unsigned CalleeSavedReg = *CSR;
396239310Sdim    if (MI->modifiesRegister(CalleeSavedReg, TRI))
397239310Sdim      return true;
398239310Sdim  }
399239310Sdim  return false;
402239310Sdim// Returns true if an instruction can be promoted to .new predicate
403239310Sdim// or new-value store.
404239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::isNewifiable(MachineInstr* MI) {
405263508Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
406263508Sdim  if ( isCondInst(MI) || QII->mayBeNewStore(MI))
407239310Sdim    return true;
408239310Sdim  else
409239310Sdim    return false;
412239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::isCondInst (MachineInstr* MI) {
413239310Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
414239310Sdim  const MCInstrDesc& TID = MI->getDesc();
415239310Sdim                                    // bug 5670: until that is fixed,
416239310Sdim                                    // this portion is disabled.
417239310Sdim  if (   TID.isConditionalBranch()  // && !IsRegisterJump(MI)) ||
418239310Sdim      || QII->isConditionalTransfer(MI)
419239310Sdim      || QII->isConditionalALU32(MI)
420239310Sdim      || QII->isConditionalLoad(MI)
421239310Sdim      || QII->isConditionalStore(MI)) {
422239310Sdim    return true;
423239310Sdim  }
424239310Sdim  return false;
428239310Sdim// Promote an instructiont to its .new form.
429239310Sdim// At this time, we have already made a call to CanPromoteToDotNew
430239310Sdim// and made sure that it can *indeed* be promoted.
431239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::PromoteToDotNew(MachineInstr* MI,
432239310Sdim                        SDep::Kind DepType, MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MII,
433239310Sdim                        const TargetRegisterClass* RC) {
435239310Sdim  assert (DepType == SDep::Data);
436239310Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
438239310Sdim  int NewOpcode;
439239310Sdim  if (RC == &Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass)
440263508Sdim    NewOpcode = QII->GetDotNewPredOp(MI, MBPI);
441239310Sdim  else
442263508Sdim    NewOpcode = QII->GetDotNewOp(MI);
443239310Sdim  MI->setDesc(QII->get(NewOpcode));
445239310Sdim  return true;
448239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::DemoteToDotOld(MachineInstr* MI) {
449239310Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
450263508Sdim  int NewOpcode = QII->GetDotOldOp(MI->getOpcode());
451239310Sdim  MI->setDesc(QII->get(NewOpcode));
452239310Sdim  return true;
455263508Sdimenum PredicateKind {
456263508Sdim  PK_False,
457263508Sdim  PK_True,
458263508Sdim  PK_Unknown
461263508Sdim/// Returns true if an instruction is predicated on p0 and false if it's
462263508Sdim/// predicated on !p0.
463263508Sdimstatic PredicateKind getPredicateSense(MachineInstr* MI,
464263508Sdim                                       const HexagonInstrInfo *QII) {
465263508Sdim  if (!QII->isPredicated(MI))
466263508Sdim    return PK_Unknown;
468263508Sdim  if (QII->isPredicatedTrue(MI))
469263508Sdim    return PK_True;
471263508Sdim  return PK_False;
474239310Sdimstatic MachineOperand& GetPostIncrementOperand(MachineInstr *MI,
475239310Sdim                                               const HexagonInstrInfo *QII) {
476239310Sdim  assert(QII->isPostIncrement(MI) && "Not a post increment operation.");
477239310Sdim#ifndef NDEBUG
478239310Sdim  // Post Increment means duplicates. Use dense map to find duplicates in the
479239310Sdim  // list. Caution: Densemap initializes with the minimum of 64 buckets,
480239310Sdim  // whereas there are at most 5 operands in the post increment.
481239310Sdim  DenseMap<unsigned,  unsigned> DefRegsSet;
482239310Sdim  for(unsigned opNum = 0; opNum < MI->getNumOperands(); opNum++)
483239310Sdim    if (MI->getOperand(opNum).isReg() &&
484239310Sdim        MI->getOperand(opNum).isDef()) {
485239310Sdim      DefRegsSet[MI->getOperand(opNum).getReg()] = 1;
486239310Sdim    }
488239310Sdim  for(unsigned opNum = 0; opNum < MI->getNumOperands(); opNum++)
489239310Sdim    if (MI->getOperand(opNum).isReg() &&
490239310Sdim        MI->getOperand(opNum).isUse()) {
491239310Sdim      if (DefRegsSet[MI->getOperand(opNum).getReg()]) {
492239310Sdim        return MI->getOperand(opNum);
493239310Sdim      }
494239310Sdim    }
496239310Sdim  if (MI->getDesc().mayLoad()) {
497239310Sdim    // The 2nd operand is always the post increment operand in load.
498239310Sdim    assert(MI->getOperand(1).isReg() &&
499239310Sdim                "Post increment operand has be to a register.");
500239310Sdim    return (MI->getOperand(1));
501239310Sdim  }
502239310Sdim  if (MI->getDesc().mayStore()) {
503239310Sdim    // The 1st operand is always the post increment operand in store.
504239310Sdim    assert(MI->getOperand(0).isReg() &&
505239310Sdim                "Post increment operand has be to a register.");
506239310Sdim    return (MI->getOperand(0));
507239310Sdim  }
509239310Sdim  // we should never come here.
510239310Sdim  llvm_unreachable("mayLoad or mayStore not set for Post Increment operation");
513239310Sdim// get the value being stored
514239310Sdimstatic MachineOperand& GetStoreValueOperand(MachineInstr *MI) {
515239310Sdim  // value being stored is always the last operand.
516239310Sdim  return (MI->getOperand(MI->getNumOperands()-1));
519239310Sdim// can be new value store?
520239310Sdim// Following restrictions are to be respected in convert a store into
521239310Sdim// a new value store.
522239310Sdim// 1. If an instruction uses auto-increment, its address register cannot
523239310Sdim//    be a new-value register. Arch Spec
524239310Sdim// 2. If an instruction uses absolute-set addressing mode,
525239310Sdim//    its address register cannot be a new-value register.
526239310Sdim//    Arch Spec This is not enabled as
527239310Sdim//    as absolute-set address mode patters are not implemented.
528239310Sdim// 3. If an instruction produces a 64-bit result, its registers cannot be used
529239310Sdim//    as new-value registers. Arch Spec
530239310Sdim// 4. If the instruction that sets a new-value register is conditional, then
531239310Sdim//    the instruction that uses the new-value register must also be conditional,
532239310Sdim//    and both must always have their predicates evaluate identically.
533239310Sdim//    Arch Spec
534239310Sdim// 5. There is an implied restriction of a packet can not have another store,
535239310Sdim//    if there is a  new value store in the packet. Corollary, if there is
536239310Sdim//    already a store in a packet, there can not be a new value store.
537239310Sdim//    Arch Spec:
538239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::CanPromoteToNewValueStore( MachineInstr *MI,
539239310Sdim                MachineInstr *PacketMI, unsigned DepReg,
540263508Sdim                std::map <MachineInstr*, SUnit*> MIToSUnit) {
541263508Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
542263508Sdim  // Make sure we are looking at the store, that can be promoted.
543263508Sdim  if (!QII->mayBeNewStore(MI))
544239310Sdim    return false;
546239310Sdim  // Make sure there is dependency and can be new value'ed
547239310Sdim  if (GetStoreValueOperand(MI).isReg() &&
548239310Sdim      GetStoreValueOperand(MI).getReg() != DepReg)
549239310Sdim    return false;
551263508Sdim  const HexagonRegisterInfo* QRI =
552239310Sdim                            (const HexagonRegisterInfo *) TM.getRegisterInfo();
553239310Sdim  const MCInstrDesc& MCID = PacketMI->getDesc();
554239310Sdim  // first operand is always the result
556239310Sdim  const TargetRegisterClass* PacketRC = QII->getRegClass(MCID, 0, QRI, MF);
558239310Sdim  // if there is already an store in the packet, no can do new value store
559239310Sdim  // Arch Spec
560239310Sdim  for (std::vector<MachineInstr*>::iterator VI = CurrentPacketMIs.begin(),
561239310Sdim         VE = CurrentPacketMIs.end();
562239310Sdim       (VI != VE); ++VI) {
563239310Sdim    SUnit* PacketSU = MIToSUnit[*VI];
564239310Sdim    if (PacketSU->getInstr()->getDesc().mayStore() ||
565239310Sdim        // if we have mayStore = 1 set on ALLOCFRAME and DEALLOCFRAME,
566239310Sdim        // then we don't need this
567239310Sdim        PacketSU->getInstr()->getOpcode() == Hexagon::ALLOCFRAME ||
568239310Sdim        PacketSU->getInstr()->getOpcode() == Hexagon::DEALLOCFRAME)
569239310Sdim      return false;
570239310Sdim  }
572239310Sdim  if (PacketRC == &Hexagon::DoubleRegsRegClass) {
573239310Sdim    // new value store constraint: double regs can not feed into new value store
574239310Sdim    // arch spec section:
575239310Sdim    return false;
576239310Sdim  }
578239310Sdim  // Make sure it's NOT the post increment register that we are going to
579239310Sdim  // new value.
580239310Sdim  if (QII->isPostIncrement(MI) &&
581239310Sdim      MI->getDesc().mayStore() &&
582239310Sdim      GetPostIncrementOperand(MI, QII).getReg() == DepReg) {
583239310Sdim    return false;
584239310Sdim  }
586239310Sdim  if (QII->isPostIncrement(PacketMI) &&
587239310Sdim      PacketMI->getDesc().mayLoad() &&
588239310Sdim      GetPostIncrementOperand(PacketMI, QII).getReg() == DepReg) {
589239310Sdim    // if source is post_inc, or absolute-set addressing,
590239310Sdim    // it can not feed into new value store
591239310Sdim    //  r3 = memw(r2++#4)
592239310Sdim    //  memw(r30 + #-1404) = r2.new -> can not be new value store
593239310Sdim    // arch spec section:
594239310Sdim    return false;
595239310Sdim  }
597239310Sdim  // If the source that feeds the store is predicated, new value store must
598263508Sdim  // also be predicated.
599239310Sdim  if (QII->isPredicated(PacketMI)) {
600239310Sdim    if (!QII->isPredicated(MI))
601239310Sdim      return false;
603239310Sdim    // Check to make sure that they both will have their predicates
604239310Sdim    // evaluate identically
605239310Sdim    unsigned predRegNumSrc = 0;
606239310Sdim    unsigned predRegNumDst = 0;
607239310Sdim    const TargetRegisterClass* predRegClass = NULL;
609239310Sdim    // Get predicate register used in the source instruction
610239310Sdim    for(unsigned opNum = 0; opNum < PacketMI->getNumOperands(); opNum++) {
611239310Sdim      if ( PacketMI->getOperand(opNum).isReg())
612239310Sdim      predRegNumSrc = PacketMI->getOperand(opNum).getReg();
613239310Sdim      predRegClass = QRI->getMinimalPhysRegClass(predRegNumSrc);
614239310Sdim      if (predRegClass == &Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass) {
615239310Sdim        break;
616239310Sdim      }
617239310Sdim    }
618239310Sdim    assert ((predRegClass == &Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass ) &&
619239310Sdim        ("predicate register not found in a predicated PacketMI instruction"));
621239310Sdim    // Get predicate register used in new-value store instruction
622239310Sdim    for(unsigned opNum = 0; opNum < MI->getNumOperands(); opNum++) {
623239310Sdim      if ( MI->getOperand(opNum).isReg())
624239310Sdim      predRegNumDst = MI->getOperand(opNum).getReg();
625239310Sdim      predRegClass = QRI->getMinimalPhysRegClass(predRegNumDst);
626239310Sdim      if (predRegClass == &Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass) {
627239310Sdim        break;
628239310Sdim      }
629239310Sdim    }
630239310Sdim    assert ((predRegClass == &Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass ) &&
631239310Sdim            ("predicate register not found in a predicated MI instruction"));
633239310Sdim    // New-value register producer and user (store) need to satisfy these
634239310Sdim    // constraints:
635239310Sdim    // 1) Both instructions should be predicated on the same register.
636239310Sdim    // 2) If producer of the new-value register is .new predicated then store
637239310Sdim    // should also be .new predicated and if producer is not .new predicated
638239310Sdim    // then store should not be .new predicated.
639239310Sdim    // 3) Both new-value register producer and user should have same predicate
640239310Sdim    // sense, i.e, either both should be negated or both should be none negated.
642239310Sdim    if (( predRegNumDst != predRegNumSrc) ||
643249423Sdim          QII->isDotNewInst(PacketMI) != QII->isDotNewInst(MI)  ||
644263508Sdim          getPredicateSense(MI, QII) != getPredicateSense(PacketMI, QII)) {
645239310Sdim      return false;
646239310Sdim    }
647239310Sdim  }
649239310Sdim  // Make sure that other than the new-value register no other store instruction
650239310Sdim  // register has been modified in the same packet. Predicate registers can be
651239310Sdim  // modified by they should not be modified between the producer and the store
652239310Sdim  // instruction as it will make them both conditional on different values.
653239310Sdim  // We already know this to be true for all the instructions before and
654239310Sdim  // including PacketMI. Howerver, we need to perform the check for the
655239310Sdim  // remaining instructions in the packet.
657239310Sdim  std::vector<MachineInstr*>::iterator VI;
658239310Sdim  std::vector<MachineInstr*>::iterator VE;
659239310Sdim  unsigned StartCheck = 0;
661239310Sdim  for (VI=CurrentPacketMIs.begin(), VE = CurrentPacketMIs.end();
662239310Sdim      (VI != VE); ++VI) {
663239310Sdim    SUnit* TempSU = MIToSUnit[*VI];
664239310Sdim    MachineInstr* TempMI = TempSU->getInstr();
666239310Sdim    // Following condition is true for all the instructions until PacketMI is
667239310Sdim    // reached (StartCheck is set to 0 before the for loop).
668239310Sdim    // StartCheck flag is 1 for all the instructions after PacketMI.
669239310Sdim    if (TempMI != PacketMI && !StartCheck) // start processing only after
670239310Sdim      continue;                            // encountering PacketMI
672239310Sdim    StartCheck = 1;
673239310Sdim    if (TempMI == PacketMI) // We don't want to check PacketMI for dependence
674239310Sdim      continue;
676239310Sdim    for(unsigned opNum = 0; opNum < MI->getNumOperands(); opNum++) {
677239310Sdim      if (MI->getOperand(opNum).isReg() &&
678239310Sdim          TempSU->getInstr()->modifiesRegister(MI->getOperand(opNum).getReg(),
679239310Sdim                                               QRI))
680239310Sdim        return false;
681239310Sdim    }
682239310Sdim  }
684239310Sdim  // Make sure that for non POST_INC stores:
685239310Sdim  // 1. The only use of reg is DepReg and no other registers.
686239310Sdim  //    This handles V4 base+index registers.
687239310Sdim  //    The following store can not be dot new.
688239310Sdim  //    Eg.   r0 = add(r0, #3)a
689239310Sdim  //          memw(r1+r0<<#2) = r0
690239310Sdim  if (!QII->isPostIncrement(MI) &&
691239310Sdim      GetStoreValueOperand(MI).isReg() &&
692239310Sdim      GetStoreValueOperand(MI).getReg() == DepReg) {
693239310Sdim    for(unsigned opNum = 0; opNum < MI->getNumOperands()-1; opNum++) {
694239310Sdim      if (MI->getOperand(opNum).isReg() &&
695239310Sdim          MI->getOperand(opNum).getReg() == DepReg) {
696239310Sdim        return false;
697239310Sdim      }
698239310Sdim    }
699239310Sdim    // 2. If data definition is because of implicit definition of the register,
700239310Sdim    //    do not newify the store. Eg.
701239310Sdim    //    %R9<def> = ZXTH %R12, %D6<imp-use>, %R12<imp-def>
702239310Sdim    //    STrih_indexed %R8, 2, %R12<kill>; mem:ST2[%scevgep343]
703239310Sdim    for(unsigned opNum = 0; opNum < PacketMI->getNumOperands(); opNum++) {
704239310Sdim      if (PacketMI->getOperand(opNum).isReg() &&
705239310Sdim          PacketMI->getOperand(opNum).getReg() == DepReg &&
706239310Sdim          PacketMI->getOperand(opNum).isDef() &&
707239310Sdim          PacketMI->getOperand(opNum).isImplicit()) {
708239310Sdim        return false;
709239310Sdim      }
710239310Sdim    }
711239310Sdim  }
713239310Sdim  // Can be dot new store.
714239310Sdim  return true;
717239310Sdim// can this MI to promoted to either
718239310Sdim// new value store or new value jump
719239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::CanPromoteToNewValue( MachineInstr *MI,
720239310Sdim                SUnit *PacketSU, unsigned DepReg,
721239310Sdim                std::map <MachineInstr*, SUnit*> MIToSUnit,
722239310Sdim                MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MII)
725263508Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
726239310Sdim  const HexagonRegisterInfo* QRI =
727239310Sdim                            (const HexagonRegisterInfo *) TM.getRegisterInfo();
728239310Sdim  if (!QRI->Subtarget.hasV4TOps() ||
729263508Sdim      !QII->mayBeNewStore(MI))
730239310Sdim    return false;
732239310Sdim  MachineInstr *PacketMI = PacketSU->getInstr();
734239310Sdim  // Check to see the store can be new value'ed.
735239310Sdim  if (CanPromoteToNewValueStore(MI, PacketMI, DepReg, MIToSUnit))
736239310Sdim    return true;
738239310Sdim  // Check to see the compare/jump can be new value'ed.
739239310Sdim  // This is done as a pass on its own. Don't need to check it here.
740239310Sdim  return false;
743239310Sdim// Check to see if an instruction can be dot new
744239310Sdim// There are three kinds.
745239310Sdim// 1. dot new on predicate - V2/V3/V4
746239310Sdim// 2. dot new on stores NV/ST - V4
747239310Sdim// 3. dot new on jump NV/J - V4 -- This is generated in a pass.
748239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::CanPromoteToDotNew( MachineInstr *MI,
749239310Sdim                              SUnit *PacketSU, unsigned DepReg,
750239310Sdim                              std::map <MachineInstr*, SUnit*> MIToSUnit,
751239310Sdim                              MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MII,
752239310Sdim                              const TargetRegisterClass* RC )
754249423Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
755249423Sdim  // Already a dot new instruction.
756263508Sdim  if (QII->isDotNewInst(MI) && !QII->mayBeNewStore(MI))
757239310Sdim    return false;
759239310Sdim  if (!isNewifiable(MI))
760239310Sdim    return false;
762239310Sdim  // predicate .new
763239310Sdim  if (RC == &Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass && isCondInst(MI))
764239310Sdim      return true;
765239310Sdim  else if (RC != &Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass &&
766263508Sdim      !QII->mayBeNewStore(MI)) // MI is not a new-value store
767239310Sdim    return false;
768239310Sdim  else {
769239310Sdim    // Create a dot new machine instruction to see if resources can be
770239310Sdim    // allocated. If not, bail out now.
771263508Sdim    int NewOpcode = QII->GetDotNewOp(MI);
772239310Sdim    const MCInstrDesc &desc = QII->get(NewOpcode);
773239310Sdim    DebugLoc dl;
774239310Sdim    MachineInstr *NewMI =
775239310Sdim                    MI->getParent()->getParent()->CreateMachineInstr(desc, dl);
776239310Sdim    bool ResourcesAvailable = ResourceTracker->canReserveResources(NewMI);
777239310Sdim    MI->getParent()->getParent()->DeleteMachineInstr(NewMI);
779239310Sdim    if (!ResourcesAvailable)
780239310Sdim      return false;
782239310Sdim    // new value store only
783239310Sdim    // new new value jump generated as a passes
784239310Sdim    if (!CanPromoteToNewValue(MI, PacketSU, DepReg, MIToSUnit, MII)) {
785239310Sdim      return false;
786239310Sdim    }
787239310Sdim  }
788239310Sdim  return true;
791239310Sdim// Go through the packet instructions and search for anti dependency
792239310Sdim// between them and DepReg from MI
793239310Sdim// Consider this case:
794239310Sdim// Trying to add
795239310Sdim// a) %R1<def> = TFRI_cdNotPt %P3, 2
796239310Sdim// to this packet:
797239310Sdim// {
798239310Sdim//   b) %P0<def> = OR_pp %P3<kill>, %P0<kill>
799239310Sdim//   c) %P3<def> = TFR_PdRs %R23
800239310Sdim//   d) %R1<def> = TFRI_cdnPt %P3, 4
801239310Sdim//  }
802239310Sdim// The P3 from a) and d) will be complements after
803239310Sdim// a)'s P3 is converted to .new form
804239310Sdim// Anti Dep between c) and b) is irrelevant for this case
805239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::RestrictingDepExistInPacket (MachineInstr* MI,
806239310Sdim      unsigned DepReg,
807239310Sdim      std::map <MachineInstr*, SUnit*> MIToSUnit) {
809239310Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
810239310Sdim  SUnit* PacketSUDep = MIToSUnit[MI];
812239310Sdim  for (std::vector<MachineInstr*>::iterator VIN = CurrentPacketMIs.begin(),
813239310Sdim       VEN = CurrentPacketMIs.end(); (VIN != VEN); ++VIN) {
815239310Sdim    // We only care for dependencies to predicated instructions
816239310Sdim    if(!QII->isPredicated(*VIN)) continue;
818239310Sdim    // Scheduling Unit for current insn in the packet
819239310Sdim    SUnit* PacketSU = MIToSUnit[*VIN];
821239310Sdim    // Look at dependencies between current members of the packet
822239310Sdim    // and predicate defining instruction MI.
823239310Sdim    // Make sure that dependency is on the exact register
824239310Sdim    // we care about.
825239310Sdim    if (PacketSU->isSucc(PacketSUDep)) {
826239310Sdim      for (unsigned i = 0; i < PacketSU->Succs.size(); ++i) {
827239310Sdim        if ((PacketSU->Succs[i].getSUnit() == PacketSUDep) &&
828239310Sdim            (PacketSU->Succs[i].getKind() == SDep::Anti) &&
829239310Sdim            (PacketSU->Succs[i].getReg() == DepReg)) {
830239310Sdim          return true;
831239310Sdim        }
832239310Sdim      }
833239310Sdim    }
834239310Sdim  }
836239310Sdim  return false;
840263508Sdim/// Gets the predicate register of a predicated instruction.
841263508Sdimstatic unsigned getPredicatedRegister(MachineInstr *MI,
842263508Sdim                                      const HexagonInstrInfo *QII) {
843263508Sdim  /// We use the following rule: The first predicate register that is a use is
844263508Sdim  /// the predicate register of a predicated instruction.
846263508Sdim  assert(QII->isPredicated(MI) && "Must be predicated instruction");
848263508Sdim  for (MachineInstr::mop_iterator OI = MI->operands_begin(),
849263508Sdim       OE = MI->operands_end(); OI != OE; ++OI) {
850263508Sdim    MachineOperand &Op = *OI;
851263508Sdim    if (Op.isReg() && Op.getReg() && Op.isUse() &&
852263508Sdim        Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass.contains(Op.getReg()))
853263508Sdim      return Op.getReg();
854263508Sdim  }
856263508Sdim  llvm_unreachable("Unknown instruction operand layout");
858263508Sdim  return 0;
861239310Sdim// Given two predicated instructions, this function detects whether
862239310Sdim// the predicates are complements
863239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::ArePredicatesComplements (MachineInstr* MI1,
864239310Sdim     MachineInstr* MI2, std::map <MachineInstr*, SUnit*> MIToSUnit) {
866239310Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
868263508Sdim  // If we don't know the predicate sense of the instructions bail out early, we
869263508Sdim  // need it later.
870263508Sdim  if (getPredicateSense(MI1, QII) == PK_Unknown ||
871263508Sdim      getPredicateSense(MI2, QII) == PK_Unknown)
872239310Sdim    return false;
874239310Sdim  // Scheduling unit for candidate
875239310Sdim  SUnit* SU = MIToSUnit[MI1];
877239310Sdim  // One corner case deals with the following scenario:
878239310Sdim  // Trying to add
879239310Sdim  // a) %R24<def> = TFR_cPt %P0, %R25
880239310Sdim  // to this packet:
881239310Sdim  //
882239310Sdim  // {
883239310Sdim  //   b) %R25<def> = TFR_cNotPt %P0, %R24
884239310Sdim  //   c) %P0<def> = CMPEQri %R26, 1
885239310Sdim  // }
886239310Sdim  //
887239310Sdim  // On general check a) and b) are complements, but
888239310Sdim  // presence of c) will convert a) to .new form, and
889239310Sdim  // then it is not a complement
890239310Sdim  // We attempt to detect it by analyzing  existing
891239310Sdim  // dependencies in the packet
893239310Sdim  // Analyze relationships between all existing members of the packet.
894239310Sdim  // Look for Anti dependecy on the same predicate reg
895239310Sdim  // as used in the candidate
896239310Sdim  for (std::vector<MachineInstr*>::iterator VIN = CurrentPacketMIs.begin(),
897239310Sdim       VEN = CurrentPacketMIs.end(); (VIN != VEN); ++VIN) {
899239310Sdim    // Scheduling Unit for current insn in the packet
900239310Sdim    SUnit* PacketSU = MIToSUnit[*VIN];
902239310Sdim    // If this instruction in the packet is succeeded by the candidate...
903239310Sdim    if (PacketSU->isSucc(SU)) {
904239310Sdim      for (unsigned i = 0; i < PacketSU->Succs.size(); ++i) {
905239310Sdim        // The corner case exist when there is true data
906239310Sdim        // dependency between candidate and one of current
907239310Sdim        // packet members, this dep is on predicate reg, and
908239310Sdim        // there already exist anti dep on the same pred in
909239310Sdim        // the packet.
910239310Sdim        if (PacketSU->Succs[i].getSUnit() == SU &&
911263508Sdim            PacketSU->Succs[i].getKind() == SDep::Data &&
912239310Sdim            Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass.contains(
913239310Sdim              PacketSU->Succs[i].getReg()) &&
914239310Sdim            // Here I know that *VIN is predicate setting instruction
915239310Sdim            // with true data dep to candidate on the register
916239310Sdim            // we care about - c) in the above example.
917239310Sdim            // Now I need to see if there is an anti dependency
918239310Sdim            // from c) to any other instruction in the
919239310Sdim            // same packet on the pred reg of interest
920239310Sdim            RestrictingDepExistInPacket(*VIN,PacketSU->Succs[i].getReg(),
921239310Sdim                                        MIToSUnit)) {
922239310Sdim           return false;
923239310Sdim        }
924239310Sdim      }
925239310Sdim    }
926239310Sdim  }
928239310Sdim  // If the above case does not apply, check regular
929239310Sdim  // complement condition.
930239310Sdim  // Check that the predicate register is the same and
931239310Sdim  // that the predicate sense is different
932239310Sdim  // We also need to differentiate .old vs. .new:
933239310Sdim  // !p0 is not complimentary to p0.new
934263508Sdim  unsigned PReg1 = getPredicatedRegister(MI1, QII);
935263508Sdim  unsigned PReg2 = getPredicatedRegister(MI2, QII);
936263508Sdim  return ((PReg1 == PReg2) &&
937263508Sdim          Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass.contains(PReg1) &&
938263508Sdim          Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass.contains(PReg2) &&
939263508Sdim          (getPredicateSense(MI1, QII) != getPredicateSense(MI2, QII)) &&
940249423Sdim          (QII->isDotNewInst(MI1) == QII->isDotNewInst(MI2)));
943239310Sdim// initPacketizerState - Initialize packetizer flags
944239310Sdimvoid HexagonPacketizerList::initPacketizerState() {
946239310Sdim  Dependence = false;
947239310Sdim  PromotedToDotNew = false;
948239310Sdim  GlueToNewValueJump = false;
949239310Sdim  GlueAllocframeStore = false;
950239310Sdim  FoundSequentialDependence = false;
952239310Sdim  return;
955239310Sdim// ignorePseudoInstruction - Ignore bundling of pseudo instructions.
956239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::ignorePseudoInstruction(MachineInstr *MI,
957239310Sdim                                                    MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
958239310Sdim  if (MI->isDebugValue())
959239310Sdim    return true;
961239310Sdim  // We must print out inline assembly
962239310Sdim  if (MI->isInlineAsm())
963239310Sdim    return false;
965239310Sdim  // We check if MI has any functional units mapped to it.
966239310Sdim  // If it doesn't, we ignore the instruction.
967239310Sdim  const MCInstrDesc& TID = MI->getDesc();
968239310Sdim  unsigned SchedClass = TID.getSchedClass();
969239310Sdim  const InstrStage* IS =
970239310Sdim                    ResourceTracker->getInstrItins()->beginStage(SchedClass);
971239310Sdim  unsigned FuncUnits = IS->getUnits();
972239310Sdim  return !FuncUnits;
975239310Sdim// isSoloInstruction: - Returns true for instructions that must be
976239310Sdim// scheduled in their own packet.
977239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::isSoloInstruction(MachineInstr *MI) {
979239310Sdim  if (MI->isInlineAsm())
980239310Sdim    return true;
982239310Sdim  if (MI->isEHLabel())
983239310Sdim    return true;
985239310Sdim  // From Hexagon V4 Programmer's Reference Manual 3.4.4 Grouping constraints:
986239310Sdim  // trap, pause, barrier, icinva, isync, and syncht are solo instructions.
987239310Sdim  // They must not be grouped with other instructions in a packet.
988239310Sdim  if (IsSchedBarrier(MI))
989239310Sdim    return true;
991239310Sdim  return false;
994239310Sdim// isLegalToPacketizeTogether:
995239310Sdim// SUI is the current instruction that is out side of the current packet.
996239310Sdim// SUJ is the current instruction inside the current packet against which that
997239310Sdim// SUI will be packetized.
998239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::isLegalToPacketizeTogether(SUnit *SUI, SUnit *SUJ) {
999239310Sdim  MachineInstr *I = SUI->getInstr();
1000239310Sdim  MachineInstr *J = SUJ->getInstr();
1001239310Sdim  assert(I && J && "Unable to packetize null instruction!");
1003239310Sdim  const MCInstrDesc &MCIDI = I->getDesc();
1004239310Sdim  const MCInstrDesc &MCIDJ = J->getDesc();
1006239310Sdim  MachineBasicBlock::iterator II = I;
1008239310Sdim  const unsigned FrameSize = MF.getFrameInfo()->getStackSize();
1009239310Sdim  const HexagonRegisterInfo* QRI =
1010239310Sdim                      (const HexagonRegisterInfo *) TM.getRegisterInfo();
1011239310Sdim  const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
1013239310Sdim  // Inline asm cannot go in the packet.
1014239310Sdim  if (I->getOpcode() == Hexagon::INLINEASM)
1015239310Sdim    llvm_unreachable("Should not meet inline asm here!");
1017239310Sdim  if (isSoloInstruction(I))
1018239310Sdim    llvm_unreachable("Should not meet solo instr here!");
1020239310Sdim  // A save callee-save register function call can only be in a packet
1021239310Sdim  // with instructions that don't write to the callee-save registers.
1022239310Sdim  if ((QII->isSaveCalleeSavedRegsCall(I) &&
1023239310Sdim       DoesModifyCalleeSavedReg(J, QRI)) ||
1024239310Sdim      (QII->isSaveCalleeSavedRegsCall(J) &&
1025239310Sdim       DoesModifyCalleeSavedReg(I, QRI))) {
1026239310Sdim    Dependence = true;
1027239310Sdim    return false;
1028239310Sdim  }
1030239310Sdim  // Two control flow instructions cannot go in the same packet.
1031239310Sdim  if (IsControlFlow(I) && IsControlFlow(J)) {
1032239310Sdim    Dependence = true;
1033239310Sdim    return false;
1034239310Sdim  }
1036239310Sdim  // A LoopN instruction cannot appear in the same packet as a jump or call.
1037263508Sdim  if (IsLoopN(I) &&
1038263508Sdim     (IsDirectJump(J) || MCIDJ.isCall() || QII->isDeallocRet(J))) {
1039239310Sdim    Dependence = true;
1040239310Sdim    return false;
1041239310Sdim  }
1042263508Sdim  if (IsLoopN(J) &&
1043263508Sdim     (IsDirectJump(I) || MCIDI.isCall() || QII->isDeallocRet(I))) {
1044239310Sdim    Dependence = true;
1045239310Sdim    return false;
1046239310Sdim  }
1048239310Sdim  // dealloc_return cannot appear in the same packet as a conditional or
1049239310Sdim  // unconditional jump.
1050263508Sdim  if (QII->isDeallocRet(I) &&
1051263508Sdim     (MCIDJ.isBranch() || MCIDJ.isCall() || MCIDJ.isBarrier())) {
1052239310Sdim    Dependence = true;
1053239310Sdim    return false;
1054239310Sdim  }
1057239310Sdim  // V4 allows dual store. But does not allow second store, if the
1058239310Sdim  // first store is not in SLOT0. New value store, new value jump,
1059239310Sdim  // dealloc_return and memop always take SLOT0.
1060239310Sdim  // Arch spec
1061239310Sdim  if (QRI->Subtarget.hasV4TOps()) {
1062249423Sdim    if (MCIDI.mayStore() && MCIDJ.mayStore() &&
1063249423Sdim       (QII->isNewValueInst(J) || QII->isMemOp(J) || QII->isMemOp(I))) {
1064239310Sdim      Dependence = true;
1065239310Sdim      return false;
1066239310Sdim    }
1068249423Sdim    if ((QII->isMemOp(J) && MCIDI.mayStore())
1069239310Sdim        || (MCIDJ.mayStore() && QII->isMemOp(I))
1070239310Sdim        || (QII->isMemOp(J) && QII->isMemOp(I))) {
1071239310Sdim      Dependence = true;
1072239310Sdim      return false;
1073239310Sdim    }
1075239310Sdim    //if dealloc_return
1076263508Sdim    if (MCIDJ.mayStore() && QII->isDeallocRet(I)) {
1077239310Sdim      Dependence = true;
1078239310Sdim      return false;
1079239310Sdim    }
1081239310Sdim    // If an instruction feeds new value jump, glue it.
1082239310Sdim    MachineBasicBlock::iterator NextMII = I;
1083239310Sdim    ++NextMII;
1084251662Sdim    if (NextMII != I->getParent()->end() && QII->isNewValueJump(NextMII)) {
1085251662Sdim      MachineInstr *NextMI = NextMII;
1087239310Sdim      bool secondRegMatch = false;
1088239310Sdim      bool maintainNewValueJump = false;
1090239310Sdim      if (NextMI->getOperand(1).isReg() &&
1091239310Sdim          I->getOperand(0).getReg() == NextMI->getOperand(1).getReg()) {
1092239310Sdim        secondRegMatch = true;
1093239310Sdim        maintainNewValueJump = true;
1094239310Sdim      }
1096239310Sdim      if (!secondRegMatch &&
1097239310Sdim           I->getOperand(0).getReg() == NextMI->getOperand(0).getReg()) {
1098239310Sdim        maintainNewValueJump = true;
1099239310Sdim      }
1101239310Sdim      for (std::vector<MachineInstr*>::iterator
1102239310Sdim            VI = CurrentPacketMIs.begin(),
1103239310Sdim             VE = CurrentPacketMIs.end();
1104239310Sdim           (VI != VE && maintainNewValueJump); ++VI) {
1105239310Sdim        SUnit* PacketSU = MIToSUnit[*VI];
1107239310Sdim        // NVJ can not be part of the dual jump - Arch Spec: section 7.8
1108239310Sdim        if (PacketSU->getInstr()->getDesc().isCall()) {
1109239310Sdim          Dependence = true;
1110239310Sdim          break;
1111239310Sdim        }
1112239310Sdim        // Validate
1113239310Sdim        // 1. Packet does not have a store in it.
1114239310Sdim        // 2. If the first operand of the nvj is newified, and the second
1115239310Sdim        //    operand is also a reg, it (second reg) is not defined in
1116239310Sdim        //    the same packet.
1117239310Sdim        // 3. If the second operand of the nvj is newified, (which means
1118239310Sdim        //    first operand is also a reg), first reg is not defined in
1119239310Sdim        //    the same packet.
1120239310Sdim        if (PacketSU->getInstr()->getDesc().mayStore()               ||
1121239310Sdim            PacketSU->getInstr()->getOpcode() == Hexagon::ALLOCFRAME ||
1122239310Sdim            // Check #2.
1123239310Sdim            (!secondRegMatch && NextMI->getOperand(1).isReg() &&
1124239310Sdim             PacketSU->getInstr()->modifiesRegister(
1125239310Sdim                               NextMI->getOperand(1).getReg(), QRI)) ||
1126239310Sdim            // Check #3.
1127239310Sdim            (secondRegMatch &&
1128239310Sdim             PacketSU->getInstr()->modifiesRegister(
1129239310Sdim                               NextMI->getOperand(0).getReg(), QRI))) {
1130239310Sdim          Dependence = true;
1131239310Sdim          break;
1132239310Sdim        }
1133239310Sdim      }
1134239310Sdim      if (!Dependence)
1135239310Sdim        GlueToNewValueJump = true;
1136239310Sdim      else
1137239310Sdim        return false;
1138239310Sdim    }
1139239310Sdim  }
1141239310Sdim  if (SUJ->isSucc(SUI)) {
1142239310Sdim    for (unsigned i = 0;
1143239310Sdim         (i < SUJ->Succs.size()) && !FoundSequentialDependence;
1144239310Sdim         ++i) {
1146239310Sdim      if (SUJ->Succs[i].getSUnit() != SUI) {
1147239310Sdim        continue;
1148239310Sdim      }
1150239310Sdim      SDep::Kind DepType = SUJ->Succs[i].getKind();
1152239310Sdim      // For direct calls:
1153239310Sdim      // Ignore register dependences for call instructions for
1154239310Sdim      // packetization purposes except for those due to r31 and
1155239310Sdim      // predicate registers.
1156239310Sdim      //
1157239310Sdim      // For indirect calls:
1158239310Sdim      // Same as direct calls + check for true dependences to the register
1159239310Sdim      // used in the indirect call.
1160239310Sdim      //
1161239310Sdim      // We completely ignore Order dependences for call instructions
1162239310Sdim      //
1163239310Sdim      // For returns:
1164239310Sdim      // Ignore register dependences for return instructions like jumpr,
1165239310Sdim      // dealloc return unless we have dependencies on the explicit uses
1166239310Sdim      // of the registers used by jumpr (like r31) or dealloc return
1167239310Sdim      // (like r29 or r30).
1168239310Sdim      //
1169239310Sdim      // TODO: Currently, jumpr is handling only return of r31. So, the
1170239310Sdim      // following logic (specificaly IsCallDependent) is working fine.
1171239310Sdim      // We need to enable jumpr for register other than r31 and then,
1172239310Sdim      // we need to rework the last part, where it handles indirect call
1173239310Sdim      // of that (IsCallDependent) function. Bug 6216 is opened for this.
1174239310Sdim      //
1175239310Sdim      unsigned DepReg = 0;
1176239310Sdim      const TargetRegisterClass* RC = NULL;
1177239310Sdim      if (DepType == SDep::Data) {
1178239310Sdim        DepReg = SUJ->Succs[i].getReg();
1179239310Sdim        RC = QRI->getMinimalPhysRegClass(DepReg);
1180239310Sdim      }
1181239310Sdim      if ((MCIDI.isCall() || MCIDI.isReturn()) &&
1182239310Sdim          (!IsRegDependence(DepType) ||
1183239310Sdim            !IsCallDependent(I, DepType, SUJ->Succs[i].getReg()))) {
1184239310Sdim        /* do nothing */
1185239310Sdim      }
1187239310Sdim      // For instructions that can be promoted to dot-new, try to promote.
1188239310Sdim      else if ((DepType == SDep::Data) &&
1189239310Sdim               CanPromoteToDotNew(I, SUJ, DepReg, MIToSUnit, II, RC) &&
1190239310Sdim               PromoteToDotNew(I, DepType, II, RC)) {
1191239310Sdim        PromotedToDotNew = true;
1192239310Sdim        /* do nothing */
1193239310Sdim      }
1195239310Sdim      else if ((DepType == SDep::Data) &&
1196239310Sdim               (QII->isNewValueJump(I))) {
1197239310Sdim        /* do nothing */
1198239310Sdim      }
1200239310Sdim      // For predicated instructions, if the predicates are complements
1201239310Sdim      // then there can be no dependence.
1202239310Sdim      else if (QII->isPredicated(I) &&
1203239310Sdim               QII->isPredicated(J) &&
1204239310Sdim          ArePredicatesComplements(I, J, MIToSUnit)) {
1205239310Sdim        /* do nothing */
1207239310Sdim      }
1208239310Sdim      else if (IsDirectJump(I) &&
1209239310Sdim               !MCIDJ.isBranch() &&
1210239310Sdim               !MCIDJ.isCall() &&
1211239310Sdim               (DepType == SDep::Order)) {
1212239310Sdim        // Ignore Order dependences between unconditional direct branches
1213239310Sdim        // and non-control-flow instructions
1214239310Sdim        /* do nothing */
1215239310Sdim      }
1216239310Sdim      else if (MCIDI.isConditionalBranch() && (DepType != SDep::Data) &&
1217239310Sdim               (DepType != SDep::Output)) {
1218239310Sdim        // Ignore all dependences for jumps except for true and output
1219239310Sdim        // dependences
1220239310Sdim        /* do nothing */
1221239310Sdim      }
1223239310Sdim      // Ignore output dependences due to superregs. We can
1224239310Sdim      // write to two different subregisters of R1:0 for instance
1225239310Sdim      // in the same cycle
1226239310Sdim      //
1228239310Sdim      //
1229239310Sdim      // Let the
1230239310Sdim      // If neither I nor J defines DepReg, then this is a
1231239310Sdim      // superfluous output dependence. The dependence must be of the
1232239310Sdim      // form:
1233239310Sdim      //  R0 = ...
1234239310Sdim      //  R1 = ...
1235239310Sdim      // and there is an output dependence between the two instructions
1236239310Sdim      // with
1237239310Sdim      // DepReg = D0
1238239310Sdim      // We want to ignore these dependences.
1239239310Sdim      // Ideally, the dependence constructor should annotate such
1240239310Sdim      // dependences. We can then avoid this relatively expensive check.
1241239310Sdim      //
1242239310Sdim      else if (DepType == SDep::Output) {
1243239310Sdim        // DepReg is the register that's responsible for the dependence.
1244239310Sdim        unsigned DepReg = SUJ->Succs[i].getReg();
1246239310Sdim        // Check if I and J really defines DepReg.
1247239310Sdim        if (I->definesRegister(DepReg) ||
1248239310Sdim            J->definesRegister(DepReg)) {
1249239310Sdim          FoundSequentialDependence = true;
1250239310Sdim          break;
1251239310Sdim        }
1252239310Sdim      }
1254239310Sdim      // We ignore Order dependences for
1255239310Sdim      // 1. Two loads unless they are volatile.
1256239310Sdim      // 2. Two stores in V4 unless they are volatile.
1257239310Sdim      else if ((DepType == SDep::Order) &&
1258243830Sdim               !I->hasOrderedMemoryRef() &&
1259243830Sdim               !J->hasOrderedMemoryRef()) {
1260239310Sdim        if (QRI->Subtarget.hasV4TOps() &&
1261239310Sdim            // hexagonv4 allows dual store.
1262239310Sdim            MCIDI.mayStore() && MCIDJ.mayStore()) {
1263239310Sdim          /* do nothing */
1264239310Sdim        }
1265239310Sdim        // store followed by store-- not OK on V2
1266239310Sdim        // store followed by load -- not OK on all (OK if addresses
1267239310Sdim        // are not aliased)
1268239310Sdim        // load followed by store -- OK on all
1269239310Sdim        // load followed by load  -- OK on all
1270239310Sdim        else if ( !MCIDJ.mayStore()) {
1271239310Sdim          /* do nothing */
1272239310Sdim        }
1273239310Sdim        else {
1274239310Sdim          FoundSequentialDependence = true;
1275239310Sdim          break;
1276239310Sdim        }
1277239310Sdim      }
1279239310Sdim      // For V4, special case ALLOCFRAME. Even though there is dependency
1280239310Sdim      // between ALLOCAFRAME and subsequent store, allow it to be
1281239310Sdim      // packetized in a same packet. This implies that the store is using
1282239310Sdim      // caller's SP. Hense, offset needs to be updated accordingly.
1283239310Sdim      else if (DepType == SDep::Data
1284239310Sdim               && QRI->Subtarget.hasV4TOps()
1285239310Sdim               && J->getOpcode() == Hexagon::ALLOCFRAME
1286239310Sdim               && (I->getOpcode() == Hexagon::STrid
1287239310Sdim                   || I->getOpcode() == Hexagon::STriw
1288239310Sdim                   || I->getOpcode() == Hexagon::STrib)
1289239310Sdim               && I->getOperand(0).getReg() == QRI->getStackRegister()
1290239310Sdim               && QII->isValidOffset(I->getOpcode(),
1291239310Sdim                                     I->getOperand(1).getImm() -
1292239310Sdim                                     (FrameSize + HEXAGON_LRFP_SIZE)))
1293239310Sdim      {
1294239310Sdim        GlueAllocframeStore = true;
1295239310Sdim        // Since this store is to be glued with allocframe in the same
1296239310Sdim        // packet, it will use SP of the previous stack frame, i.e
1297239310Sdim        // caller's SP. Therefore, we need to recalculate offset according
1298239310Sdim        // to this change.
1299239310Sdim        I->getOperand(1).setImm(I->getOperand(1).getImm() -
1300239310Sdim                                        (FrameSize + HEXAGON_LRFP_SIZE));
1301239310Sdim      }
1303239310Sdim      //
1304239310Sdim      // Skip over anti-dependences. Two instructions that are
1305239310Sdim      // anti-dependent can share a packet
1306239310Sdim      //
1307239310Sdim      else if (DepType != SDep::Anti) {
1308239310Sdim        FoundSequentialDependence = true;
1309239310Sdim        break;
1310239310Sdim      }
1311239310Sdim    }
1313239310Sdim    if (FoundSequentialDependence) {
1314239310Sdim      Dependence = true;
1315239310Sdim      return false;
1316239310Sdim    }
1317239310Sdim  }
1319239310Sdim  return true;
1322239310Sdim// isLegalToPruneDependencies
1323239310Sdimbool HexagonPacketizerList::isLegalToPruneDependencies(SUnit *SUI, SUnit *SUJ) {
1324239310Sdim  MachineInstr *I = SUI->getInstr();
1325239310Sdim  assert(I && SUJ->getInstr() && "Unable to packetize null instruction!");
1327239310Sdim  const unsigned FrameSize = MF.getFrameInfo()->getStackSize();
1329239310Sdim  if (Dependence) {
1331239310Sdim    // Check if the instruction was promoted to a dot-new. If so, demote it
1332239310Sdim    // back into a dot-old.
1333239310Sdim    if (PromotedToDotNew) {
1334239310Sdim      DemoteToDotOld(I);
1335239310Sdim    }
1337239310Sdim    // Check if the instruction (must be a store) was glued with an Allocframe
1338239310Sdim    // instruction. If so, restore its offset to its original value, i.e. use
1339239310Sdim    // curent SP instead of caller's SP.
1340239310Sdim    if (GlueAllocframeStore) {
1341239310Sdim      I->getOperand(1).setImm(I->getOperand(1).getImm() +
1342239310Sdim                                             FrameSize + HEXAGON_LRFP_SIZE);
1343239310Sdim    }
1345239310Sdim    return false;
1346239310Sdim  }
1347239310Sdim  return true;
1351239310SdimHexagonPacketizerList::addToPacket(MachineInstr *MI) {
1353239310Sdim    MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII = MI;
1354239310Sdim    MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MI->getParent();
1356239310Sdim    const HexagonInstrInfo *QII = (const HexagonInstrInfo *) TII;
1358239310Sdim    if (GlueToNewValueJump) {
1360239310Sdim      ++MII;
1361239310Sdim      MachineInstr *nvjMI = MII;
1362239310Sdim      assert(ResourceTracker->canReserveResources(MI));
1363239310Sdim      ResourceTracker->reserveResources(MI);
1364249423Sdim      if ((QII->isExtended(MI) || QII->isConstExtended(MI)) &&
1365239310Sdim          !tryAllocateResourcesForConstExt(MI)) {
1366239310Sdim        endPacket(MBB, MI);
1367239310Sdim        ResourceTracker->reserveResources(MI);
1368239310Sdim        assert(canReserveResourcesForConstExt(MI) &&
1369239310Sdim               "Ensure that there is a slot");
1370239310Sdim        reserveResourcesForConstExt(MI);
1371239310Sdim        // Reserve resources for new value jump constant extender.
1372239310Sdim        assert(canReserveResourcesForConstExt(MI) &&
1373239310Sdim               "Ensure that there is a slot");
1374239310Sdim        reserveResourcesForConstExt(nvjMI);
1375239310Sdim        assert(ResourceTracker->canReserveResources(nvjMI) &&
1376239310Sdim               "Ensure that there is a slot");
1378239310Sdim      } else if (   // Extended instruction takes two slots in the packet.
1379239310Sdim        // Try reserve and allocate 4-byte in the current packet first.
1380239310Sdim        (QII->isExtended(nvjMI)
1381239310Sdim            && (!tryAllocateResourcesForConstExt(nvjMI)
1382239310Sdim                || !ResourceTracker->canReserveResources(nvjMI)))
1383239310Sdim        || // For non-extended instruction, no need to allocate extra 4 bytes.
1384249423Sdim        (!QII->isExtended(nvjMI) &&
1385239310Sdim              !ResourceTracker->canReserveResources(nvjMI)))
1386239310Sdim      {
1387239310Sdim        endPacket(MBB, MI);
1388239310Sdim        // A new and empty packet starts.
1389239310Sdim        // We are sure that the resources requirements can be satisfied.
1390239310Sdim        // Therefore, do not need to call "canReserveResources" anymore.
1391239310Sdim        ResourceTracker->reserveResources(MI);
1392239310Sdim        if (QII->isExtended(nvjMI))
1393239310Sdim          reserveResourcesForConstExt(nvjMI);
1394239310Sdim      }
1395239310Sdim      // Here, we are sure that "reserveResources" would succeed.
1396239310Sdim      ResourceTracker->reserveResources(nvjMI);
1397239310Sdim      CurrentPacketMIs.push_back(MI);
1398239310Sdim      CurrentPacketMIs.push_back(nvjMI);
1399239310Sdim    } else {
1400249423Sdim      if (   (QII->isExtended(MI) || QII->isConstExtended(MI))
1401239310Sdim          && (   !tryAllocateResourcesForConstExt(MI)
1402239310Sdim              || !ResourceTracker->canReserveResources(MI)))
1403239310Sdim      {
1404239310Sdim        endPacket(MBB, MI);
1405239310Sdim        // Check if the instruction was promoted to a dot-new. If so, demote it
1406239310Sdim        // back into a dot-old
1407239310Sdim        if (PromotedToDotNew) {
1408239310Sdim          DemoteToDotOld(MI);
1409239310Sdim        }
1410239310Sdim        reserveResourcesForConstExt(MI);
1411239310Sdim      }
1412239310Sdim      // In case that "MI" is not an extended insn,
1413239310Sdim      // the resource availability has already been checked.
1414239310Sdim      ResourceTracker->reserveResources(MI);
1415239310Sdim      CurrentPacketMIs.push_back(MI);
1416239310Sdim    }
1417239310Sdim    return MII;
1421239310Sdim//                         Public Constructor Functions
1424239310SdimFunctionPass *llvm::createHexagonPacketizer() {
1425239310Sdim  return new HexagonPacketizer();