3267843Sdelphij# $File: sql,v 1.15 2014/04/30 21:41:02 christos Exp $
4111658Sobrien# sql:  file(1) magic for SQL files
6111658Sobrien# From: "Marty Leisner" <mleisner@eng.mc.xerox.com>
7111658Sobrien# Recognize some MySQL files.
8267843Sdelphij# Elan Ruusamae <glen@delfi.ee>, added MariaDB signatures
9267843Sdelphij# from https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maria-captains/maria/5.5/view/head:/support-files/magic
11111658Sobrien0	beshort			0xfe01		MySQL table definition file
12111658Sobrien>2	byte			x		Version %d
13267843Sdelphij0	belong&0xffffff00	0xfefe0700	MySQL MyISAM index file
14111658Sobrien>3	byte			x		Version %d
15267843Sdelphij0	belong&0xffffff00	0xfefe0800	MySQL MyISAM compressed data file
16111658Sobrien>3	byte			x		Version %d
17267843Sdelphij0	belong&0xffffff00	0xfefe0900	MySQL Maria index file
18267843Sdelphij>3	byte			x		Version %d
19267843Sdelphij0	belong&0xffffff00	0xfefe0A00	MySQL Maria compressed data file
20267843Sdelphij>3	byte			x		Version %d
21111658Sobrien0	belong&0xffffff00	0xfefe0500	MySQL ISAM index file
22111658Sobrien>3	byte			x		Version %d
23111658Sobrien0	belong&0xffffff00	0xfefe0600	MySQL ISAM compressed data file
24111658Sobrien>3	byte			x		Version %d
25267843Sdelphij0	string			\376bin		MySQL replication log
26267843Sdelphij0	belong&0xffffff00	0xfefe0b00
27267843Sdelphij>4	string			MARIALOG	MySQL Maria transaction log file
28267843Sdelphij>>3	byte			x		Version %d
29267843Sdelphij0	belong&0xffffff00	0xfefe0c00
30267843Sdelphij>4	string			MACF		MySQL Maria control file
31267843Sdelphij>>3	byte			x		Version %d
34159764Sobrien# iRiver H Series database file 
35159764Sobrien# From Ken Guest <ken@linux.ie>
36159764Sobrien# As observed from iRivNavi.iDB and unencoded firmware
38159764Sobrien0   string		iRivDB	iRiver Database file
39159764Sobrien>11  string	>\0	Version %s
40159764Sobrien>39  string		iHP-100	[H Series]
43169962Sobrien# SQLite database files
44169962Sobrien# Ken Guest <ken@linux.ie>, Ty Sarna, Zack Weinberg
46169962Sobrien# Version 1 used GDBM internally; its files cannot be distinguished
47169962Sobrien# from other GDBM files.
49169962Sobrien# Version 2 used this format:
50169962Sobrien0	string	**\ This\ file\ contains\ an\ SQLite  SQLite 2.x database
52169962Sobrien# Version 3 of SQLite allows applications to embed their own "user version"
53267843Sdelphij# number in the database at offset 60.  Later, SQLite added an "application id"
54267843Sdelphij# at offset 68 that is preferred over "user version" for indicating the
55267843Sdelphij# associated application.
57267843Sdelphij0   string  SQLite\ format\ 3
58267843Sdelphij>60 belong  =0x5f4d544e  Monotone source repository - SQLite3 database
59267843Sdelphij>68 belong  =0x0f055112  Fossil checkout - SQLite3 database
60267843Sdelphij>68 belong  =0x0f055113  Fossil global configuration - SQLite3 database
61267843Sdelphij>68 belong  =0x0f055111  Fossil repository - SQLite3 database
62267843Sdelphij>68 belong  =0x42654462  Bentley Systems BeSQLite Database - SQLite3 database
63267843Sdelphij>68 belong  =0x42654c6e  Bentley Systems Localization File - SQLite3 database
64267843Sdelphij>68 belong  =0x47504b47  OGC GeoPackage file - SQLite3 database
65267843Sdelphij>68 default x            SQLite 3.x database
66267843Sdelphij>>68 belong  !0          \b, application id %u
67267843Sdelphij>>60 belong  !0          \b, user version %d
69267843Sdelphij# SQLite Write-Ahead Log from SQLite version >= 3.7.0
70267843Sdelphij# http://www.sqlite.org/fileformat.html#walformat
71267843Sdelphij0	belong&0xfffffffe	0x377f0682	SQLite Write-Ahead Log,
72267843Sdelphij>4	belong	x	version %d
74267843Sdelphij# SQLite Rollback Journal
75267843Sdelphij# http://www.sqlite.org/fileformat.html#rollbackjournal
76267843Sdelphij0	string	\xd9\xd5\x05\xf9\x20\xa1\x63\xd7	SQLite Rollback Journal
78267843Sdelphij# Panasonic channel list database svl.bin or svl.db added by Joerg Jenderek
79267843Sdelphij# http://www.ullrich.es/job/service-menue/panasonic/panasonic-sendersortierung-sat-am-pc/
80267843Sdelphij# pceditor_V2003.jar
81267843Sdelphij0	string		PSDB\0			Panasonic channel list database
82267843Sdelphij>126	string		SQLite\ format\ 3	
83267843Sdelphij>>&-15	indirect	x			\b; contains