3267843Sdelphij# $File: sgi,v 1.21 2014/04/30 21:41:02 christos Exp $
4267843Sdelphij# sgi:  file(1) magic for Silicon Graphics operating systems and applications
6267843Sdelphij# Executable images are handled either in aout (for old-style a.out
7267843Sdelphij# files for 68K; they are indistinguishable from other big-endian 32-bit
8267843Sdelphij# a.out files) or in mips (for MIPS ECOFF and Ucode files)
11267843Sdelphij# kbd file definitions
12267843Sdelphij0	string	kbd!map		kbd map file
13267843Sdelphij>8	byte	>0		Ver %d:
14267843Sdelphij>10	short	>0		with %d table(s)
16267843Sdelphij0	beshort	0x8765		disk quotas file
18267843Sdelphij0	beshort	0x0506		IRIS Showcase file
19267843Sdelphij>2	byte	0x49		-
20267843Sdelphij>3	byte	x		- version %d
21267843Sdelphij0	beshort	0x0226		IRIS Showcase template
22267843Sdelphij>2	byte	0x63		-
23267843Sdelphij>3	byte	x		- version %d
24267843Sdelphij0	belong	0x5343464d	IRIS Showcase file
25267843Sdelphij>4	byte	x		- version %d
26267843Sdelphij0	belong	0x5443464d	IRIS Showcase template
27267843Sdelphij>4	byte	x		- version %d
28267843Sdelphij0	belong	0xdeadbabe	IRIX Parallel Arena
29267843Sdelphij>8	belong	>0		- version %d
31267843Sdelphij# core files
33267843Sdelphij# 32bit core file
34267843Sdelphij0	belong	0xdeadadb0	IRIX core dump
35267843Sdelphij>4	belong	1		of
36267843Sdelphij>16	string	>\0		'%s'
37267843Sdelphij# 64bit core file
38267843Sdelphij0	belong	0xdeadad40	IRIX 64-bit core dump
39267843Sdelphij>4	belong	1		of
40267843Sdelphij>16	string	>\0		'%s'
41267843Sdelphij# N32bit core file
42267843Sdelphij0       belong	0xbabec0bb	IRIX N32 core dump
43267843Sdelphij>4      belong	1               of
44267843Sdelphij>16     string	>\0             '%s'
45267843Sdelphij# New style crash dump file
46267843Sdelphij0	string	\x43\x72\x73\x68\x44\x75\x6d\x70	IRIX vmcore dump of
47267843Sdelphij>36	string	>\0					'%s'
49267843Sdelphij# Trusted IRIX info
50267843Sdelphij0	string	SGIAUDIT	SGI Audit file
51267843Sdelphij>8	byte	x		- version %d
52267843Sdelphij>9	byte	x		\b.%d
54267843Sdelphij0	string	WNGZWZSC	Wingz compiled script
55267843Sdelphij0	string	WNGZWZSS	Wingz spreadsheet
56267843Sdelphij0	string	WNGZWZHP	Wingz help file
58267843Sdelphij0	string	#Inventor V	IRIS Inventor 1.0 file
59267843Sdelphij0	string	#Inventor V2	Open Inventor 2.0 file
60267843Sdelphij# GLF is OpenGL stream encoding
61267843Sdelphij0	string	glfHeadMagic();		GLF_TEXT
62267843Sdelphij4	belong	0x7d000000		GLF_BINARY_LSB_FIRST
63267843Sdelphij!:strength -30
64267843Sdelphij4	belong	0x0000007d		GLF_BINARY_MSB_FIRST
65267843Sdelphij!:strength -30
66267843Sdelphij# GLS is OpenGL stream encoding; GLS is the successor of GLF
67267843Sdelphij0	string	glsBeginGLS(		GLS_TEXT
68267843Sdelphij4	belong	0x10000000		GLS_BINARY_LSB_FIRST
69267843Sdelphij!:strength -30
70267843Sdelphij4	belong	0x00000010		GLS_BINARY_MSB_FIRST
71267843Sdelphij!:strength -30
75133359Sobrien# Performance Co-Pilot file types
76133359Sobrien0	string	PmNs				PCP compiled namespace (V.0)
77133359Sobrien0	string	PmN				PCP compiled namespace
78133359Sobrien>3	string	>\0				(V.%1.1s)
79186690Sobrien#3	lelong	0x84500526			PCP archive
80186690Sobrien3	belong	0x84500526			PCP archive
81133359Sobrien>7	byte	x				(V.%d)
82186690Sobrien#>20	lelong	-2				temporal index
83186690Sobrien#>20	lelong	-1				metadata
84186690Sobrien#>20	lelong	0				log volume #0
85267843Sdelphij#>20	lelong	>0				log volume #%d
86186690Sobrien>20	belong	-2				temporal index
87186690Sobrien>20	belong	-1				metadata
88186690Sobrien>20	belong	0				log volume #0
89267843Sdelphij>20	belong	>0				log volume #%d
90133359Sobrien>24	string	>\0				host: %s
91175296Sobrien0	string	PCPFolio			PCP
92133359Sobrien>9	string	Version:			Archive Folio
93133359Sobrien>18	string	>\0				(V.%s)
94133359Sobrien0	string	#pmchart			PCP pmchart view
95133359Sobrien>9	string	Version
96133359Sobrien>17	string	>\0				(V%-3.3s)
97175296Sobrien0	string	#kmchart			PCP kmchart view
98175296Sobrien>9	string	Version
99175296Sobrien>17	string	>\0				(V.%s)
100133359Sobrien0	string	pmview				PCP pmview config
101133359Sobrien>7	string	Version
102133359Sobrien>15	string	>\0				(V%-3.3s)
103133359Sobrien0	string	#pmlogger			PCP pmlogger config
104133359Sobrien>10	string	Version
105133359Sobrien>18	string	>\0				(V%1.1s)
106186690Sobrien0	string	#pmdahotproc			PCP pmdahotproc config
107186690Sobrien>13	string	Version
108186690Sobrien>21	string	>\0				(V%-3.3s)
109175296Sobrien0	string	PcPh				PCP Help
110133359Sobrien>4	string	1				Index
111133359Sobrien>4	string	2				Text
112133359Sobrien>5	string	>\0				(V.%1.1s)
113133359Sobrien0	string	#pmieconf-rules			PCP pmieconf rules
114133359Sobrien>16	string	>\0				(V.%1.1s)
115133359Sobrien3	string	pmieconf-pmie			PCP pmie config
116133359Sobrien>17	string	>\0				(V.%1.1s)
118133359Sobrien# SpeedShop data files
119133359Sobrien0	lelong	0x13130303			SpeedShop data file
121133359Sobrien# mdbm files
122133359Sobrien0	lelong	0x01023962			mdbm file, version 0 (obsolete)
123133359Sobrien0	string	mdbm				mdbm file,
124133359Sobrien>5	byte	x				version %d,
125133359Sobrien>6	byte	x				2^%d pages,
126133359Sobrien>7	byte	x				pagesize 2^%d,
127133359Sobrien>17	byte	x				hash %d,
128133359Sobrien>11	byte	x				dataformat %d
130159764Sobrien# Alias Maya files
131267843Sdelphij0	string/t	//Maya\040ASCII	Alias Maya Ascii File,
132133359Sobrien>13	string	>\0	version %s
133159764Sobrien8	string	MAYAFOR4	Alias Maya Binary File,
134133359Sobrien>32	string	>\0	version %s scene
135159764Sobrien8	string	MayaFOR4	Alias Maya Binary File,
136133359Sobrien>32	string	>\0	version %s scene
137159764Sobrien8	string	CIMG		Alias Maya Image File
138159764Sobrien8	string	DEEP		Alias Maya Image File