3267843Sdelphij# $File: fonts,v 1.27 2014/04/30 21:41:02 christos Exp $
468349Sobrien# fonts:  file(1) magic for font data
6186690Sobrien0	search/1	FONT		ASCII vfont text
768349Sobrien0	short		0436		Berkeley vfont data
868349Sobrien0	short		017001		byte-swapped Berkeley vfont data
1068349Sobrien# PostScript fonts (must precede "printer" entries), quinlan@yggdrasil.com
11192348Sdelphij0	string		%!PS-AdobeFont-1.	PostScript Type 1 font text
12192348Sdelphij>20	string		>\0			(%s)
13133359Sobrien6	string		%!PS-AdobeFont-1.	PostScript Type 1 font program data
14226048Sobrien0	string		%!FontType1	PostScript Type 1 font program data
15226048Sobrien6	string		%!FontType1	PostScript Type 1 font program data
16226048Sobrien0	string		%!PS-Adobe-3.0\ Resource-Font	PostScript Type 1 font text
1868349Sobrien# X11 font files in SNF (Server Natural Format) format
19267843Sdelphij# updated by Joerg Jenderek at Feb 2013
20267843Sdelphij# http://computer-programming-forum.com/51-perl/8f22fb96d2e34bab.htm
2168349Sobrien0	belong		00000004		X11 SNF font data, MSB first
22267843Sdelphij#>104	belong		00000004		X11 SNF font data, MSB first
23267843Sdelphij!:mime	application/x-font-sfn
24267843Sdelphij# GRR: line below too general as it catches also Xbase index file t3-CHAR.NDX
25267843Sdelphij0	lelong		00000004		
26267843Sdelphij>104	lelong		00000004		X11 SNF font data, LSB first
27267843Sdelphij!:mime	application/x-font-sfn
2968349Sobrien# X11 Bitmap Distribution Format, from Daniel Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com)
30186690Sobrien0	search/1	STARTFONT\ 		X11 BDF font text
3268349Sobrien# X11 fonts, from Daniel Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com)
3368349Sobrien# PCF must come before SGI additions ("MIPSEL MIPS-II COFF" collides)
3468349Sobrien0	string		\001fcp			X11 Portable Compiled Font data
3568349Sobrien>12	byte		0x02			\b, LSB first
3668349Sobrien>12	byte		0x0a			\b, MSB first
3768349Sobrien0	string		D1.0\015		X11 Speedo font data
4068349Sobrien# FIGlet fonts and controlfiles
4168349Sobrien# From figmagic supplied with Figlet version 2.2
4268349Sobrien# "David E. O'Brien" <obrien@FreeBSD.ORG>
4368349Sobrien0	string		flf		FIGlet font
4468349Sobrien>3	string		>2a		version %-2.2s
4568349Sobrien0	string		flc		FIGlet controlfile
4668349Sobrien>3	string		>2a		version %-2.2s
4868349Sobrien# libGrx graphics lib fonts, from Albert Cahalan (acahalan@cs.uml.edu)
4968349Sobrien# Used with djgpp (DOS Gnu C++), sometimes Linux or Turbo C++
5068349Sobrien0	belong		0x14025919	libGrx font data,
5168349Sobrien>8	leshort		x		%dx
5268349Sobrien>10	leshort		x		\b%d
5368349Sobrien>40	string		x		%s
5468349Sobrien# Misc. DOS VGA fonts, from Albert Cahalan (acahalan@cs.uml.edu)
5568349Sobrien0	belong		0xff464f4e	DOS code page font data collection
5668349Sobrien7	belong		0x00454741	DOS code page font data
5768349Sobrien7	belong		0x00564944	DOS code page font data (from Linux?)
5868349Sobrien4098	string		DOSFONT		DOSFONT2 encrypted font data
6068349Sobrien# downloadable fonts for browser (prints type) anthon@mnt.org
6168349Sobrien0	string		PFR1		PFR1 font
6268349Sobrien>102	string		>0		\b: %s
64133359Sobrien# True Type fonts
65133359Sobrien0	string	\000\001\000\000\000	TrueType font data
66226048Sobrien!:mime application/x-font-ttf
68133359Sobrien0	string		\007\001\001\000Copyright\ (c)\ 199	Adobe Multiple Master font
69133359Sobrien0	string		\012\001\001\000Copyright\ (c)\ 199	Adobe Multiple Master font
71226048Sobrien# TrueType/OpenType font collections (.ttc)
72226048Sobrien# http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/otff.htm
73192348Sdelphij0	string		ttcf		TrueType font collection data
74226048Sobrien>4	belong		0x00010000	\b, 1.0
75226048Sobrien>>8	belong		>0		\b, %d fonts
76226048Sobrien>4	belong		0x00020000	\b, 2.0
77226048Sobrien>>8	belong		>0		\b, %d fonts
78226048Sobrien# 0x44454947 = 'DSIG'
79226048Sobrien>>>16	belong		0x44534947	\b, digitally signed
81133359Sobrien# Opentype font data from Avi Bercovich
82226048Sobrien0	string		OTTO		OpenType font data
83226048Sobrien!:mime application/vnd.ms-opentype
85267843Sdelphij# Gurkan Sengun <gurkan@linuks.mine.nu>, www.linuks.mine.nu 
86169962Sobrien0	string		SplineFontDB:	Spline Font Database 
87226048Sobrien!:mime application/vnd.font-fontforge-sfd
88169962Sobrien>14	string		x		version %s
90226048Sobrien# EOT
91226048Sobrien34	string		LP		Embedded OpenType (EOT)
92226048Sobrien!:mime application/vnd.ms-fontobject
94267843Sdelphij# Web Open Font Format (.woff)
95267843Sdelphij# http://www.w3.org/TR/WOFF/
96267843Sdelphij0	string		wOFF	Web Open Font Format
97267843Sdelphij>4	belong		x	\b, flavor %d
98267843Sdelphij>8	belong		x	\b, length %d
99267843Sdelphij>20	beshort		x	\b, version %d
100267843Sdelphij>22	beshort		x	\b.%d