1264790SbaptUsage: YACC [options] filename
4264790Sbapt  -b file_prefix        set filename prefix (default "y.")
5264790Sbapt  -B                    create a backtracking parser
6264790Sbapt  -d                    write definitions (.tab.h)
7264790Sbapt  -i                    write interface (y.tab.i)
8264790Sbapt  -g                    write a graphical description
9264790Sbapt  -l                    suppress #line directives
10264790Sbapt  -L                    enable position processing, e.g., "%locations"
11264790Sbapt  -o output_file        (default ".tab.c")
12264790Sbapt  -p symbol_prefix      set symbol prefix (default "yy")
13264790Sbapt  -P                    create a reentrant parser, e.g., "%pure-parser"
14264790Sbapt  -r                    produce separate code and table files (y.code.c)
15264790Sbapt  -s                    suppress #define's for quoted names in %token lines
16264790Sbapt  -t                    add debugging support
17264790Sbapt  -v                    write description (y.output)
18264790Sbapt  -V                    show version information and exit