publickey.3 revision 48794
@(#)publickey.3r 2.1 88/08/07 4.0 RPCSRC

PUBLICKEY 3R "6 October 1987"
publickey, getpublickey, getsecretkey - get public or secret key
 #include <rpc/rpc.h>  #include <rpc/key_prot.h> 

getpublickey(netname, publickey) char netname[\s-1MAXNETNAMELEN\s0+1]; char publickey[\s-1HEXKEYBYTES\s0+1];

getsecretkey(netname, secretkey, passwd) char netname[\s-1MAXNETNAMELEN\s0+1]; char secretkey[\s-1HEXKEYBYTES\s0+1]; char *passwd;

"getpublickey function" "" "\fLgetpublickey() function" "getsecretkey function" "" "\fLgetsecretkey() function" These routines are used to get public and secret keys from the YP database. getsecretkey(\|) has an extra argument, passwd , which is used to decrypt the encrypted secret key stored in the database. Both routines return 1 if they are successful in finding the key, 0 otherwise. The keys are returned as NULL\s0-terminated, hexadecimal strings. If the password supplied to getsecretkey(\|) fails to decrypt the secret key, the routine will return 1 but the secretkey argument will be a NULL string (``'').
publickey (5)

\s-1RPC\s0 Programmer's Manual in .TX NETP