swissfrench.iso.kbd revision 38140
136946Ssteve# swissfrench keyboard mapping V 0.1, for FreeBSD 2.2.6-RELEASE by
236946Ssteve# Francois TAMONE,,
436946Ssteve# Quick fix partially checked, for test only, 9 june 1998.
536946Ssteve# No warranty to standard conformance at all.
636946Ssteve# Derived from swissgerman mapping from Adrian Steinmann.
736946Ssteve# Send corrections to also, thanks.
936946Ssteve#                                                         alt
1036946Ssteve# scan                       cntrl          alt    alt   cntrl lock
1136946Ssteve# code  base   shift  cntrl  shift  alt    shift  cntrl  shift state
1236946Ssteve# ------------------------------------------------------------------
1336946Ssteve  000   nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop     O
1436946Ssteve  001   esc    esc    esc    esc    esc    esc    debug  esc     O
1536946Ssteve  002   '1'    '+'    nop    nop    179    179    nop    nop     O
1636946Ssteve  003   '2'    '"'    nul    nul    '@'    '@'    nul    nul     O
1736946Ssteve  004   '3'    '*'    nop    nop    '#'    '#'    nop    nop     O
1836946Ssteve  005   '4'    231    nop    nop    '4'    135    nop    nop     O
1936946Ssteve  006   '5'    '%'    nop    nop    '5'    '%'    nop    nop     O
2036946Ssteve  007   '6'    '&'    nop    nop    170    170    nop    nop     O
2136946Ssteve  008   '7'    '/'    nop    nop    '|'    '|'    nop    nop     O
2236946Ssteve  009   '8'    '('    esc    esc    155    155    esc    esc     O
2336946Ssteve  010   '9'    ')'    gs     gs     '9'    ')'    gs     gs      O
2436946Ssteve  011   '0'    '='    nop    nop    '0'    '='    nop    nop     O
2536946Ssteve  012   '''    '?'    fs     fs     '''    '''    fs     fs      O
2636946Ssteve  013   094    '`'    nop    nop    '~'    '~'    nop    nop     O
2736946Ssteve  014   bs     bs     del    del    bs     bs     del    del     O
2836946Ssteve  015   ht     btab   nop    nop    ht     btab   nop    nop     O
2936946Ssteve  016   'q'    'Q'    dc1    dc1    'q'    'Q'    nul    nul     C
3036946Ssteve  017   'w'    'W'    etb    etb    'w'    'W'    etb    etb     C
3136946Ssteve  018   'e'    'E'    enq    enq    'e'    'E'    enq    enq     C
3236946Ssteve  019   'r'    'R'    dc2    dc2    'r'    'R'    dc2    dc2     C
3336946Ssteve  020   't'    'T'    dc4    dc4    't'    'T'    dc4    dc4     C
3436946Ssteve  021   'z'    'Z'    sub    sub    'z'    'Z'    sub    sub     C
3536946Ssteve  022   'u'    'U'    nak    nak    'u'    'U'    nak    nak     C
3636946Ssteve  023   'i'    'I'    ht     ht     'i'    'I'    ht     ht      C
3736946Ssteve  024   'o'    'O'    si     si     'o'    'O'    si     si      C
3836946Ssteve  025   'p'    'P'    dle    dle    'p'    'P'    dle    dle     C
3936946Ssteve  026   232    252    nop    nop    '['    138    nop    nop     C
4036946Ssteve  027   250    '!'    nop    nop    ']'    ']'    nop    nop     O
4136946Ssteve  028   cr     cr     nl     nl     cr     cr     nl     nl      O
4236946Ssteve  029   lctrl  lctrl  lctrl  lctrl  lctrl  lctrl  lctrl  lctrl   O
4336946Ssteve  030   'a'    'A'    soh    soh    'a'    'A'    soh    soh     C
4436946Ssteve  031   's'    'S'    dc3    dc3    's'    'S'    dc3    dc3     C
4536946Ssteve  032   'd'    'D'    eot    eot    'd'    'D'    eot    eot     C
4636946Ssteve  033   'f'    'F'    ack    ack    'f'    'F'    ack    ack     C
4736946Ssteve  034   'g'    'G'    bel    bel    'g'    'G'    bel    bel     C
4836946Ssteve  035   'h'    'H'    bs     bs     'h'    'H'    bs     bs      C
4936946Ssteve  036   'j'    'J'    nl     nl     'j'    'J'    nl     nl      C
5036946Ssteve  037   'k'    'K'    vt     vt     'k'    'K'    vt     vt      C
5136946Ssteve  038   'l'    'L'    ff     ff     'l'    'L'    ff     ff      C
5236946Ssteve  039   233    246    nop    nop    130    144    nop    nop     C
5336946Ssteve  040   224    228    nop    nop    '{'    133    nop    nop     C
5436946Ssteve  041   237    248    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop     O
5536946Ssteve  042   lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift  O
5636946Ssteve  043   '$'    156    rs     rs     '}'    '}'    rs     rs      O
5736946Ssteve  044   'y'    'Y'    em     em     'y'    'Y'    em     em      C
5836946Ssteve  045   'x'    'X'    can    can    'x'    'X'    can    can     C
5936946Ssteve  046   'c'    'C'    etx    etx    'c'    'C'    etx    etx     C
6036946Ssteve  047   'v'    'V'    syn    syn    'v'    'V'    syn    syn     C
6136946Ssteve  048   'b'    'B'    stx    stx    'b'    'B'    stx    stx     C
6236946Ssteve  049   'n'    'N'    so     so     'n'    'N'    so     so      C
6336946Ssteve  050   'm'    'M'    cr     cr     230    230    nop    nop     C
6436946Ssteve  051   ','    ';'    nop    nop    ','    ';'    nop    nop     O
6536946Ssteve  052   '.'    ':'    nop    nop    '.'    ':'    nop    nop     O
6638140Syokota  053   '-'    '_'    us     us     '-'    '_'    us     us      O
6736946Ssteve  054   rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift  O
6836946Ssteve  055   '*'    '*'    nscr   nscr   '*'    '*'    nscr   nscr    O
6936946Ssteve  056   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt    O
7036946Ssteve  057   ' '    ' '    nul    ' '    ' '    ' '    susp   ' '     O
7136946Ssteve  058   clock  clock  clock  clock  clock  clock  clock  clock   O
7236946Ssteve  059   fkey01 fkey13 fkey25 fkey37 scr01  scr11  scr01  scr11   O
7336946Ssteve  060   fkey02 fkey14 fkey26 fkey38 scr02  scr12  scr02  scr12   O
7436946Ssteve  061   fkey03 fkey15 fkey27 fkey39 scr03  scr13  scr03  scr13   O
7536946Ssteve  062   fkey04 fkey16 fkey28 fkey40 scr04  scr14  scr04  scr14   O
7636946Ssteve  063   fkey05 fkey17 fkey29 fkey41 scr05  scr15  scr05  scr15   O
7736946Ssteve  064   fkey06 fkey18 fkey30 fkey42 scr06  scr16  scr06  scr16   O
7836946Ssteve  065   fkey07 fkey19 fkey31 fkey43 scr07  scr07  scr07  scr07   O
7936946Ssteve  066   fkey08 fkey20 fkey32 fkey44 scr08  scr08  scr08  scr08   O
8036946Ssteve  067   fkey09 fkey21 fkey33 fkey45 scr09  scr09  scr09  scr09   O
8136946Ssteve  068   fkey10 fkey22 fkey34 fkey46 scr10  scr10  scr10  scr10   O
8236946Ssteve  069   nlock  nlock  dc3    dc3    nlock  nlock  dc3    dc3     O
8336946Ssteve  070   slock  slock  del    del    slock  slock  del    del     O
8436946Ssteve  071   fkey49 '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'     N
8536946Ssteve  072   fkey50 '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'     N
8636946Ssteve  073   fkey51 '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'     N
8736946Ssteve  074   fkey52 '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'     N
8836946Ssteve  075   fkey53 '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'     N
8936946Ssteve  076   fkey54 '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'     N
9036946Ssteve  077   fkey55 '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'     N
9136946Ssteve  078   fkey56 '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'     N
9236946Ssteve  079   fkey57 '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'     N
9336946Ssteve  080   fkey58 '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'     N
9436946Ssteve  081   fkey59 '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'     N
9536946Ssteve  082   fkey60 '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'     N
9636946Ssteve  083   del    ','    '.'    '.'    '.'    '.'    boot   boot    N
9738140Syokota  084   us     us     us     us     us     us     us     us      O
9836946Ssteve  085   nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop     O
9936946Ssteve  086   '<'    '>'    nop    nop    '\'    '\'    nop    nop     O
10036946Ssteve  087   fkey12 fkey24 fkey36 fkey48 scr12  scr12  scr12  scr12   O
10136946Ssteve  088   fkey12 fkey24 fkey36 fkey48 scr12  scr12  scr12  scr12   O
10236946Ssteve  089   cr     cr     nl     nl     cr     cr     nl     nl      O
10336946Ssteve  090   rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl   O
10436946Ssteve  091   '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'     N
10536946Ssteve  092   nscr   nop    debug  nop    nop    nop    nop    nop     O
10636946Ssteve  093   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt    O
10736946Ssteve  094   fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49  O
10836946Ssteve  095   fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50  O
10936946Ssteve  096   fkey51 fkey51 fkey51 fkey51 fkey51 fkey51 fkey51 fkey51  O
11036946Ssteve  097   fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53  O
11136946Ssteve  098   fkey55 fkey55 fkey55 fkey55 fkey55 fkey55 fkey55 fkey55  O
11236946Ssteve  099   fkey57 fkey57 fkey57 fkey57 fkey57 fkey57 fkey57 fkey57  O
11336946Ssteve  100   fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58  O
11436946Ssteve  101   fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59  O
11536946Ssteve  102   fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60  O
11636946Ssteve  103   fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 boot   fkey61  O
11736946Ssteve  104   slock  slock  slock  slock  slock  slock  slock  slock   O
11836946Ssteve  105   fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62  O
11936946Ssteve  106   fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63  O
12036946Ssteve  107   fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64  O