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16257814Sgjb  <info><title>&os; &release.current; README</title>
19257814Sgjb    <author><orgname>The &os; Project</orgname></author>
2182666Sbmah    <pubdate>$FreeBSD$</pubdate>
2382666Sbmah    <copyright>
24260611Sgjb      <year>2014</year>
25134817Shrs      <holder role="mailto:doc@FreeBSD.org">The &os; Documentation Project</holder>
2682666Sbmah    </copyright>
28257814Sgjb    <legalnotice xml:id="trademarks" role="trademarks">
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33119884Ssimon      &tm-attrib.general;
34119884Ssimon    </legalnotice>
3682666Sbmah  <abstract>
3782666Sbmah    <para>This document gives a brief introduction to &os;
3888959Sbmah      &release.current;.  It includes some information on how to
3988959Sbmah      obtain &os;, a listing of various ways to contact the &os;
4088959Sbmah      Project, and pointers to some other sources of
4188959Sbmah      information.</para>
4282666Sbmah  </abstract>
43257814Sgjb  </info>
45257814Sgjb  <sect1 xml:id="intro">
4682666Sbmah    <title>Introduction</title>
4882666Sbmah    <para>This distribution is a &release.type; of &os; &release.current;, the
4982666Sbmah      latest point along the &release.branch; branch.</para>
5182666Sbmah    <sect2>
5282666Sbmah      <title>About &os;</title>
5482666Sbmah      <para>&os; is an operating system based on 4.4 BSD Lite for
55171891Sbmah	AMD64 and Intel EM64T based PC hardware (&arch.amd64;),
56171891Sbmah	Intel, AMD, Cyrix or NexGen <quote>x86</quote> based PC hardware (&arch.i386;),
57171891Sbmah	Intel Itanium Processor based computers (&arch.ia64;),
58171891Sbmah	NEC PC-9801/9821 series PCs and compatibles (&arch.pc98;),
59171891Sbmah	and &ultrasparc; machines (&arch.sparc64;).  Versions
60179456Shrs	for the &arm; (&arch.arm;), &mips; (&arch.mips;), and
61179456Shrs	&powerpc; (&arch.powerpc;) architectures are currently under
6282666Sbmah	development as well.  &os; works with a wide variety of
6382666Sbmah	peripherals and configurations and can be used for everything
6482666Sbmah	from software development to games to Internet Service
6582666Sbmah	Provision.</para>
6782666Sbmah      <para>This release of &os; contains everything you need to run
6882666Sbmah	such a system, including full source code for the kernel and
6982666Sbmah	all utilities in the base distribution.  With the source
7082666Sbmah	distribution installed, you can literally recompile the entire
7182666Sbmah	system from scratch with one command, making it ideal for
7282666Sbmah	students, researchers, or users who simply want to see how it
7382666Sbmah	all works.</para>
7582666Sbmah      <para>A large collection of third-party ported software (the
7682666Sbmah	<quote>Ports Collection</quote>) is also provided to make it
77114787Sbmah	easy to obtain and install all your favorite traditional &unix;
7882666Sbmah	utilities for &os;.  Each <quote>port</quote> consists of a
7982666Sbmah	set of scripts to retrieve, configure, build, and install a
8082666Sbmah	piece of software, with a single command.  Over &os.numports;
8182666Sbmah	ports, from editors to programming languages to graphical
8282666Sbmah	applications, make &os; a powerful and comprehensive operating
8382666Sbmah	environment that extends far beyond what's provided by many
84114787Sbmah	commercial versions of &unix;.  Most ports are also available as
8582666Sbmah	pre-compiled <quote>packages</quote>, which can be quickly
8682666Sbmah	installed from the installation program.</para>
8782666Sbmah    </sect2>
8982666Sbmah    <sect2>
9082666Sbmah      <title>Target Audience</title>
92250746Sgabor      <para releasetype="current">This &release.type; is aimed primarily at early adopters
93134116Shrs	and various other users who want to get involved with the
94134116Shrs	ongoing development of &os;.  While the &os; development team
95134116Shrs	tries its best to ensure that each &release.type; works as
96134116Shrs	advertised, &release.branch; is very much a
97134116Shrs	work-in-progress.</para>
99250746Sgabor      <para releasetype="current">The basic requirements for using this &release.type; are
100134116Shrs	technical proficiency with &os; and an understanding of the
101134116Shrs	ongoing development process of &os; &release.branch; (as
102259790Sgjb	discussed on the &a.stable;).</para>
104250746Sgabor      <para releasetype="current">For those more interested in doing business with &os; than
105134116Shrs	in experimenting with new &os; technology, formal releases
106134116Shrs	(such as &release.prev.stable;) are frequently more appropriate.
107134116Shrs	Releases undergo a period of testing and quality assurance
108134116Shrs	checking to ensure high reliability and dependability.</para>
110250746Sgabor      <para releasetype="snapshot">This &release.type; is aimed primarily at early adopters
11182666Sbmah	and various other users who want to get involved with the
11282666Sbmah	ongoing development of &os;.  While the &os; development team
11382666Sbmah	tries its best to ensure that each &release.type; works as
11482666Sbmah	advertised, &release.branch; is very much a
11582666Sbmah	work-in-progress.</para>
117250746Sgabor      <para releasetype="snapshot">The basic requirements for using this &release.type; are
11882666Sbmah	technical proficiency with &os; and an understanding of the
11983425Sbmah	ongoing development process of &os; &release.branch; (as
120259790Sgjb	discussed on the &a.stable;).</para>
122250746Sgabor      <para releasetype="snapshot">For those more interested in doing business with &os; than
12382666Sbmah	in experimenting with new &os; technology, formal releases
12492482Smurray	(such as &release.prev.stable;) are frequently more appropriate.
12582666Sbmah	Releases undergo a period of testing and quality assurance
12682666Sbmah	checking to ensure high reliability and dependability.</para>
128250746Sgabor      <para releasetype="release">This &release.type; of &os; is suitable for all users.  It
12982666Sbmah	has undergone a period of testing and quality assurance
13082666Sbmah	checking to ensure the highest reliability and
13182666Sbmah	dependability.</para>
13282666Sbmah    </sect2>
13382666Sbmah  </sect1>
135257814Sgjb  <sect1 xml:id="obtain">
13682666Sbmah    <title>Obtaining &os;</title>
13882666Sbmah    <para>&os; may be obtained in a variety of ways.  This section
13988959Sbmah      focuses on those ways that are primarily useful for obtaining a
14082666Sbmah      complete &os; distribution, rather than updating an existing
14182666Sbmah      installation.</para>
14382666Sbmah    <sect2>
14482666Sbmah      <title>CDROM and DVD</title>
14682666Sbmah      <para>&os; -RELEASE distributions may be ordered on CDROM or DVD
14782666Sbmah	from several publishers.  This is frequently the most
14882666Sbmah	convenient way to obtain &os; for new installations, as it
14982666Sbmah	provides a convenient way to quickly reinstall the system if
15082666Sbmah	necessary.  Some distributions include some of the optional,
15182666Sbmah	precompiled <quote>packages</quote> from the &os; Ports
152171891Sbmah	Collection, or other extra material.</para>
15482666Sbmah      <para>A list of the CDROM and DVD publishers known to the
155257814Sgjb	project are listed in the <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/mirrors.html"><quote>Obtaining
156257814Sgjb	&os;</quote></link> appendix to the Handbook.</para>
15782666Sbmah    </sect2>
15982666Sbmah    <sect2>
16082666Sbmah      <title>FTP</title>
16282666Sbmah      <para>You can use FTP to retrieve &os; and any or all of its
163257814Sgjb	optional packages from <uri xlink:href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</uri>, which is the official
16482666Sbmah	&os; release site, or any of its
16582666Sbmah	<quote>mirrors</quote>.</para>
16782666Sbmah      <para>Lists of locations that mirror &os; can be found in the
168257814Sgjb	<link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/mirrors-ftp.html">FTP
169257814Sgjb	Sites</link> section of the Handbook.
17082666Sbmah	Finding a close (in networking terms) mirror from which to
17182666Sbmah	download the distribution is highly recommended.</para>
17382666Sbmah      <para>Additional mirror sites are always welcome.  Contact
17482666Sbmah	<email>freebsd-admin@FreeBSD.org</email> for more details on
17591249Skeramida	becoming an official mirror site.  You can also find useful
176257814Sgjb        information for mirror sites at the <link xlink:href="&url.articles.hubs;/">Mirroring
177257814Sgjb        &os;</link> article.</para>
179171891Sbmah      <para>Mirrors generally contain the ISO images generally used to
180171891Sbmah	create a CDROM of a &os; release.  They usually also contain
181171891Sbmah	floppy disk images (for applicable platforms), as well as the
182171891Sbmah	files necessary to do an installation over the network.
183171891Sbmah	Finally mirrors sites usually contain a set of packages for
184171891Sbmah	the most current release.</para>
18582666Sbmah    </sect2>
18682666Sbmah  </sect1>
188257814Sgjb  <sect1 xml:id="contacting">
18982666Sbmah    <title>Contacting the &os; Project</title>
19182666Sbmah    <sect2>
19282666Sbmah      <title>Email and Mailing Lists</title>
19482666Sbmah      <para>For any questions or general technical support issues,
19582666Sbmah	please send mail to the &a.questions;.</para>
19783425Sbmah      <para>If you're tracking the &release.branch; development efforts, you
198259790Sgjb	<emphasis>must</emphasis> join the &a.stable;, in order to
19982666Sbmah	keep abreast of recent developments and changes that may
20093244Skeramida	affect the way you use and maintain the system.</para>
20288959Sbmah      <para>Being a largely-volunteer effort, the &os;
20388959Sbmah	Project is always happy to have extra hands willing to help&mdash;there are already far more desired enhancements than
20482666Sbmah	there is time to implement them.  To contact the developers on
20582666Sbmah	technical matters, or with offers of help, please send mail to
20682666Sbmah	the &a.hackers;.</para>
20882666Sbmah      <para>Please note that these mailing lists can experience
20988959Sbmah	<emphasis>significant</emphasis> amounts of traffic.  If you
21088959Sbmah	have slow or expensive mail access, or are only interested in
21188959Sbmah	keeping up with major &os; events, you may find it
21282666Sbmah	preferable to subscribe instead to the &a.announce;.</para>
21482666Sbmah      <para>All of the mailing lists can be freely joined by anyone
215257814Sgjb	wishing to do so.  Visit the <link xlink:href="&url.base;/mailman/listinfo">
216257814Sgjb	&os; Mailman Info Page</link>.  This will give you more
21782666Sbmah	information on joining the various lists, accessing archives,
21882666Sbmah	etc.  There are a number of mailing lists targeted at special
21982666Sbmah	interest groups not mentioned here; more information can be
220257814Sgjb	obtained either from the Mailman pages or the <link xlink:href="&url.base;/support.html#mailing-list">mailing
221257814Sgjb	lists section</link> of the &os; Web site.</para>
22382666Sbmah      <important>
22482666Sbmah	<para>Do <emphasis>not</emphasis> send email to the lists
225114787Sbmah	  asking to be subscribed.  Use the Mailman interface
22682666Sbmah	  instead.</para>
22782666Sbmah      </important>
22882666Sbmah    </sect2>
23082666Sbmah    <sect2>
23182666Sbmah      <title>Submitting Problem Reports</title>
23382666Sbmah      <para>Suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are
23488959Sbmah	always valued&mdash;please do not hesitate to report any
23582666Sbmah	problems you may find.  Bug reports with attached fixes are of
23682666Sbmah	course even more welcome.</para>
23882666Sbmah      <para>The preferred method to submit bug reports from a machine
23982666Sbmah	with Internet mail connectivity is to use the &man.send-pr.1;
240114787Sbmah	command.
24182666Sbmah	<quote>Problem Reports</quote> (PRs) submitted in this way
24282666Sbmah	will be filed and their progress tracked; the &os; developers
24382666Sbmah	will do their best to respond to all reported bugs as soon as
244257814Sgjb	possible.  <link xlink:href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/query-pr-summary.cgi">A list
245257814Sgjb	of all active PRs</link> is available on the &os; Web site;
24682666Sbmah	this list is useful to see what potential problems other users
24782666Sbmah	have encountered.</para>
24982666Sbmah      <para>Note that &man.send-pr.1; itself is a shell script that
25082666Sbmah	should be easy to move even onto a non-&os; system.  Using
25182666Sbmah	this interface is highly preferred.  If, for some reason, you
25282666Sbmah	are unable to use &man.send-pr.1; to submit a bug report, you
25382666Sbmah	can try to send it to the &a.bugs;.</para>
255257814Sgjb      <para>For more information, <link xlink:href="&url.articles.problem-reports;/"><quote>Writing
256257814Sgjb	&os; Problem Reports</quote></link>, available on the &os; Web
25788959Sbmah	site, has a number of helpful hints on writing and submitting
25888959Sbmah	effective problem reports.</para>
25982666Sbmah    </sect2>
26082666Sbmah  </sect1>
262257814Sgjb  <sect1 xml:id="seealso">
26382666Sbmah    <title>Further Reading</title>
26588959Sbmah    <para>There are many sources of information about &os;; some are
26688959Sbmah      included with this distribution, while others are available
26788959Sbmah      on-line or in print versions.</para>
269257814Sgjb    <sect2 xml:id="release-docs">
27082666Sbmah      <title>Release Documentation</title>
27282666Sbmah      <para>A number of other files provide more specific information
27382666Sbmah	about this &release.type; distribution.  These files are
27482666Sbmah	provided in various formats.  Most distributions will include
27582666Sbmah	both ASCII text (<filename>.TXT</filename>) and HTML
27682666Sbmah	(<filename>.HTM</filename>) renditions.  Some distributions
277171891Sbmah	may also include other formats such as Portable Document Format
27882666Sbmah	(<filename>.PDF</filename>).
28082666Sbmah	<itemizedlist>
28182666Sbmah	  <listitem>
28282666Sbmah	    <para><filename>README.TXT</filename>: This file, which
28382666Sbmah	      gives some general information about &os; as well as
28482666Sbmah	      some cursory notes about obtaining a
28582666Sbmah	      distribution.</para>
28682666Sbmah	  </listitem>
28882666Sbmah	  <listitem>
28982666Sbmah	    <para><filename>RELNOTES.TXT</filename>: The release
29082666Sbmah	      notes, showing what's new and different in &os;
29188959Sbmah	      &release.current; compared to the previous release (&os;
29288959Sbmah	      &release.prev;).</para>
29382666Sbmah	  </listitem>
29582666Sbmah	  <listitem>
29682666Sbmah	    <para><filename>HARDWARE.TXT</filename>: The hardware
29786152Solgeni	      compatibility list, showing devices with which &os; has
29882666Sbmah	      been tested and is known to work.</para>
29982666Sbmah	  </listitem>
30182666Sbmah	  <listitem>
30282666Sbmah	    <para><filename>ERRATA.TXT</filename>: Release errata.
30382666Sbmah	      Late-breaking, post-release information can be found in
30482666Sbmah	      this file, which is principally applicable to releases
30582666Sbmah	      (as opposed to snapshots).  It is important to consult
30682666Sbmah	      this file before installing a release of &os;, as it
30782666Sbmah	      contains the latest information on problems which have
30882666Sbmah	      been found and fixed since the release was
30982666Sbmah	      created.</para>
31082666Sbmah	  </listitem>
31182666Sbmah	</itemizedlist>
31282666Sbmah      </para>
314258593Srodrigc      <para>On platforms that support &man.bsdinstall.8; (currently
315171891Sbmah	&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;, &arch.ia64;, &arch.pc98;, and &arch.sparc64;), these documents are generally available via the
31683425Sbmah	Documentation menu during installation.  Once the system is
31793443Sbmah	installed, you can revisit this menu by re-running the
318258593Srodrigc	&man.bsdinstall.8; utility.</para>
32082666Sbmah      <note>
32182666Sbmah	<para>It is extremely important to read the errata for any
32282666Sbmah	  given release before installing it, to learn about any
32382666Sbmah	  <quote>late-breaking news</quote> or post-release problems.
32482666Sbmah	  The errata file accompanying each release (most likely right
32582666Sbmah	  next to this file) is already out of date by definition, but
32682666Sbmah	  other copies are kept updated on the Internet and should be
32782666Sbmah	  consulted as the <quote>current errata</quote> for this
32882666Sbmah	  release.  These other copies of the errata are located at
329257814Sgjb	  <uri xlink:href="&url.base;/releases/">&url.base;/releases/</uri> (as
33082666Sbmah	  well as any sites which keep up-to-date mirrors of this
33182666Sbmah	  location).</para>
33282666Sbmah      </note>
33382666Sbmah    </sect2>
33583425Sbmah    <sect2>
33688959Sbmah      <title>Manual Pages</title>
338119884Ssimon      <para>As with almost all &unix; like operating systems, &os; comes
33988959Sbmah	with a set of on-line manual pages, accessed through the
340257814Sgjb	&man.man.1; command or through the <link xlink:href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi">hypertext manual
341257814Sgjb	pages gateway</link> on the &os; Web site.  In general, the
34288959Sbmah	manual pages provide information on the different commands and
34388959Sbmah	APIs available to the &os; user.</para>
345107569Sbmah      <para>In some cases, manual pages are written to give
34688959Sbmah	information on particular topics.  Notable examples of such
34788959Sbmah	manual pages are &man.tuning.7; (a guide to performance tuning),
34888959Sbmah	&man.security.7; (an introduction to &os; security), and
34988959Sbmah	&man.style.9; (a style guide to kernel coding).</para>
35088959Sbmah    </sect2>
35288959Sbmah    <sect2>
35383425Sbmah      <title>Books and Articles</title>
35583425Sbmah      <para>Two highly-useful collections of &os;-related information,
35683425Sbmah	maintained by the &os; Project,
35783425Sbmah	are the &os; Handbook and &os; FAQ (Frequently Asked
358257814Sgjb	Questions document).  On-line versions of the <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/">Handbook</link>
359257814Sgjb	and <link xlink:href="&url.books.faq;/">FAQ</link>
360257814Sgjb	are always available from the <link xlink:href="&url.base;/docs.html">&os; Documentation
361257814Sgjb	page</link> or its mirrors.  If you install the
36283425Sbmah	<filename>doc</filename> distribution set, you can use a Web
363171891Sbmah	browser to read the Handbook and FAQ locally.  In particular,
364171891Sbmah	note that the Handbook contains a step-by-step guide to
365171891Sbmah	installing &os;.</para>
36784484Sbmah      <para>A number of on-line books and articles, also maintained by
36884484Sbmah        the &os; Project, cover more-specialized, &os;-related topics.
36984484Sbmah        This material spans a wide range of topics, from effective use
37084484Sbmah        of the mailing lists, to dual-booting &os; with other
37184484Sbmah        operating systems, to guidelines for new committers.  Like the
37284484Sbmah        Handbook and FAQ, these documents are available from the &os;
37384484Sbmah        Documentation Page or in the <filename>doc</filename>
37484484Sbmah        distribution set.</para>
37684484Sbmah      <para>A listing of other books and documents about &os; can be
377257814Sgjb        found in the <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/bibliography.html">bibliography</link>
378114787Sbmah        of the &os; Handbook.  Because of &os;'s strong &unix; heritage,
379114787Sbmah        many other articles and books written for &unix; systems are
38083425Sbmah        applicable as well, some of which are also listed in the
38183425Sbmah        bibliography.</para>
38283425Sbmah    </sect2>
38382666Sbmah  </sect1>
385257814Sgjb  <sect1 xml:id="acknowledgements">
38682666Sbmah    <title>Acknowledgments</title>
38882666Sbmah    <para>&os; represents the cumulative work of many hundreds, if not
38982666Sbmah      thousands, of individuals from around the world who have worked
39082666Sbmah      countless hours to bring about this &release.type;.  For a
39182666Sbmah      complete list of &os; developers and contributors, please see
392257814Sgjb      <link xlink:href="&url.articles.contributors;/"><quote>Contributors
393257814Sgjb      to &os;</quote></link> on the &os; Web site or any of its
39482666Sbmah      mirrors.</para>
39682666Sbmah    <para>Special thanks also go to the many thousands of &os; users
39782666Sbmah      and testers all over the world, without whom this &release.type;
39882666Sbmah      simply would not have been possible.</para>
39982666Sbmah  </sect1>