csh.login revision 208116
1202188Sed# $FreeBSD: head/etc/csh.login 208116 2010-05-15 17:49:56Z jilles $
3202188Sed# System-wide .login file for csh(1).
4202188Sed# Uncomment this to give you the default 4.2 behavior, where disk
5202188Sed# information is shown in K-Blocks
6202188Sed# setenv BLOCKSIZE	K
8202188Sed# For the setting of languages and character sets please see
9202188Sed# login.conf(5) and in particular the charset and lang options.
10202188Sed# For full locales list check /usr/share/locale/*
12202188Sed# Check system messages
13202188Sed# msgs -q
14202188Sed# Allow terminal messages
15202188Sed# mesg y