154359SrobertoRadio Timecode Formats (README.timecodes)
354359SrobertoFollowing are examples of the serial timecode formats used by various
454359Srobertotimecode receivers as given in the instruction manuals. These examples
554359Srobertoare intended only for illustration and not as the basis of system
654359Srobertodesign. The following symbols are used to identify the timecode
754359Srobertocharacter that begins a subfield. The values given after this symbol
854359Srobertorepresent the character offset from the beginning of the timecode string
954359Srobertoas edited to remove control characters.
1154359SrobertoC         on-time character (start bit)
1254359SrobertoY         year of century
1354359SrobertoT         time of day
1454359SrobertoD         day of year or month/day
1554359SrobertoA         alarm indicator (format specific)
1654359SrobertoQ         quality indicator (format specific)
1754359Sroberto<LF>      ASCII line feed (hex 0a)
1854359Sroberto<CR>      ASCII carriage return (hex 0d)
1954359Sroberto<SP>      ASCII space (hex 20)
2154359SrobertoIn order to promote uniform behavior in the various implementations, it
2254359Srobertois useful to have a common interpretation of alarm conditions and signal
2354359Srobertoquality. When the alarm indicator it on, the receiver is not operating
2454359Srobertocorrectly or has never synchronized to the broadcast signal. When the
2554359Srobertoalarm indicator is off and the quality indicator is on, the receiver has
2654359Srobertosynchronized to the broadcast signal, then lost the signal and is
2754359Srobertocoasting on its internal oscillator.
2954359SrobertoIn the following uppercase letters, punctuation marks and spaces <SP>
3054359Srobertostand for themselves; lowercase letters stand for fields as described.
3154359SrobertoSpecial characters other than <LF>, <CR> and <SP> are preceded by ^.
3354359SrobertoSpectracom 8170 and Netclock/2 WWV Synchonized Clock (format 0)
3554359Sroberto"<CR><LF>i  ddd hh:mm:ss  TZ=zz<CR><LF>"
3654359Sroberto C       A  D   T
3854359Sroberto     poll: ?; offsets: Y = none, D = 3, T = 7, A = 0, Q = none
3954359Sroberto     i = synchronization flag (<SP> = in synch, ? = out synch)
4054359Sroberto     ddd = day of year
4154359Sroberto     hh:mm:ss = hours, minutes, seconds
4254359Sroberto     zz = timezone offset (hours from UTC)
4454359Sroberto     Note: alarm condition is indicated by other than <SP> at A, which
4554359Sroberto     occurs during initial synchronization and when received signal has
4654359Sroberto     been lost for about ten hours
4854359Sroberto     example: "   216 15:36:43  TZ=0"
4954359Sroberto               A  D   T
5154359SrobertoNetclock/2 WWV Synchonized Clock (format 2)
5354359Sroberto"<CR><LF>iqyy ddd hh:mm:ss.fff ld"
5454359Sroberto C       AQY  D   T
5654359Sroberto     poll: ?; offsets: Y = 2, D = 5, T = 9, A = 0, Q = 1
5754359Sroberto     i = synchronization flag (<SP> = in synch, ? = out synch)
5854359Sroberto     q = quality indicator (<SP> < 1ms, A < 10 ms, B < 100 ms, C < 500
5954359Sroberto     ms, D > 500 ms)
6054359Sroberto     yy = year (as broadcast)
6154359Sroberto     ddd = day of year
6254359Sroberto     hh:mm:ss.fff = hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds of day
6354359Sroberto     l = leap-second warning (L indicates leap at end of month)
6454359Sroberto     d = standard/daylight time indicator (<SP> standard, D daylight)
6654359Sroberto     Note: alarm condition is indicated by other than <SP> at A, which
6754359Sroberto     occurs during initial synchronization and when received signal has
6854359Sroberto     been lost for about ten hours; unlock condition is indicated by
6954359Sroberto     other than <SP> at Q, with time since last lock indicated by the
7054359Sroberto     letter code A < 13 min, B < 1.5 hr, C < 7 hr, D > 7 hr.
7254359Sroberto     example: "  92 216 15:36:43.640  D"
7354359Sroberto               AQ   D   T
7554359SrobertoTrueTime 468-DC Satellite Synchronized Clock (and other TrueTime
7954359Sroberto              D   T       QC
8154359Sroberto     poll: none; offsets: Y = none, D = 0, T = 4, A = 12, Q = 12
8254359Sroberto     hh:mm:ss = hours, minutes, seconds
8354359Sroberto     q = quality/alarm indicator (<SP> = locked, ? = alarm)
8554359Sroberto     Note: alarm condition is indicated by ? at A, which occurs during
8654359Sroberto     initial synchronization and when received signal is lost for an
8754359Sroberto     extended period; unlock condition is indicated by other than <SP>
8854359Sroberto     at Q
9054359Sroberto     example: "216:15:36:43 "
9154359Sroberto               D   T       Q
9354359SrobertoHeath GC-1000 Most Accurate Clock (WWV/H)
9554359Sroberto"<CR>hh:mm:ss.f     dd/mm/yy<CR>"
9654359Sroberto C   T        A     D
9854359Sroberto     poll: none; offsets: Y = none, D = 15, T = 0, A = 9, Q = none
9954359Sroberto     hh:mm:ss = hours, minutes, seconds
10054359Sroberto     f = deciseconds (? when out of spec)
10154359Sroberto     dd/mm = day, month
10254359Sroberto     yy = year of century (from DIPswitches)
10454359Sroberto     Note: 0?:??:??.? is displayed before synch is first established and
10554359Sroberto     hh:mm:ss.? once synch is established and then lost again for about
10654359Sroberto     a day.
10854359Sroberto     example: "15:36:43.6     04/08/91"
10954359Sroberto               T        A     D     Y
11154359SrobertoPST/Traconex 1020 Time Source (WWV/H) (firmware revision V4.01)
11354359Sroberto"frdzycchhSSFTttttuuxx<CR>" "ahh:mm:ss.fffs<CR>" "yy/dd/mm/ddd<CR>"
11454359Sroberto          A   Q               T                   Y  D
11654359Sroberto     poll: "QMQDQT"; offsets: Y = 0, D = 3 T = 1,, A = 11, Q = 13
11754359Sroberto     f = frequency enable (O = all frequencies enabled)
11854359Sroberto     r = baud rate (3 = 1200, 6 = 9600)
11954359Sroberto     d = features indicator (@ = month/day display enabled)
12054359Sroberto     z = time zone (0 = UTC)
12154359Sroberto     y = year (5 = 1991)
12254359Sroberto     cc = WWV propagation delay (52 = 22 ms)
12354359Sroberto     hh = WWVH propagation delay (81 = 33 ms)
12454359Sroberto     SS = status (80 or 82 = operating correctly)
12554359Sroberto     F = current receive frequency (1-5 = 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz)
12654359Sroberto     T = transmitter (C = WWV, H = WWVH)
12754359Sroberto     tttt = time since last update (minutes)
12854359Sroberto     uu = flush character (03 = ^C)
12954359Sroberto     xx = 94 (unknown) (firmware revision X4.01.999 only)
13154359Sroberto     a = AM/PM indicator (A = AM, P = PM, <SP> - 24-hour format)
13254359Sroberto     hh:mm:ss.fff = hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds of day
13354359Sroberto     s = daylight-saving indicator (<SP> standard, D daylight)
13554359Sroberto     yy = year of century (from DIPswitches)
13654359Sroberto     dd/mm/ddd = day of month, month of year, day of year
13854359Sroberto     Note: The alarm condition is indicated by other than ? at A, which
13954359Sroberto     occurs during initial synchronization and when received signal is
14054359Sroberto     lost for an extended period. A receiver unlock condition is
14154359Sroberto     indicated by other than "0000" in the tttt subfield at Q.
14354359Sroberto     example: "O3@055281824C00000394 91/08/04/216  15:36:43.640"
14454359Sroberto                             T       Y        D    T
14654359SrobertoDavid L. Mills
14754359SrobertoUniversity of Delaware
14954359Sroberto23 October 1993