1338531Sdelphij.Dd August 14 2018
2275970Scy.Dt NTP_WAIT 1ntp-waitmdoc User Commands
4275970Scy.\"  EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION  (ntp-wait-opts.mdoc)
6338531Sdelphij.\"  It has been AutoGen-ed  August 14, 2018 at 08:09:10 AM by AutoGen 5.18.5
7275970Scy.\"  From the definitions    ntp-wait-opts.def
8275970Scy.\"  and the template file   agmdoc-cmd.tpl
9275970Scy.Sh NAME
10275970Scy.Nm ntp-wait
11275970Scy.Nd Wait for ntpd to stabilize the system clock
12275970Scy.Sh SYNOPSIS
14275970Scy.\" Mixture of short (flag) options and long options
15275970Scy.Op Fl flags
16275970Scy.Op Fl flag Op Ar value
17275970Scy.Op Fl \-option\-name Ns Oo Oo Ns "=| " Oc Ns Ar value Oc
19275970ScyAll arguments must be options.
21275970Scy.Sh DESCRIPTION
23275970Scywill send at most
24275970Scy.Ar num\-tries
25275970Scyqueries to
26275970Scy.Xr ntpd 8 ,
27275970Scysleeping for
28275970Scy.Ar secs\-between\-tries
29275970Scyafter each status return that says
30275970Scy.Xr ntpd 8
31275970Scyhas not yet produced a synchronized and stable system clock.
34275970Scywill do this quietly, unless the
35275970Scy.Fl v
36275970Scyflag is provided.
37275970ScyThis can be useful at boot time, to delay the boot sequence until after
38275970Scy.Ar ntpd \-g 
39275970Scyhas set the time.
40275970Scy.Sh "OPTIONS"
41275970Scy.Bl -tag
42275970Scy.It  Fl n Ar number , Fl \-tries Ns = Ns Ar number 
43275970ScyNumber of times to check ntpd.
44275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
45275970ScyThe default
46275970Scy.Ar number
47275970Scyfor this option is:
48275970Scy.ti +4
49275970Scy 100
51275970Scy        The maximum number of times we will check \fBntpd\fP to see if
52275970Scy        it has been able to synchronize and stabilize the system clock.
53275970Scy.It  Fl s Ar secs\-between\-tries , Fl \-sleep Ns = Ns Ar secs\-between\-tries 
54275970ScyHow long to sleep between tries.
55275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
56275970ScyThe default
57275970Scy.Ar secs\-between\-tries
58275970Scyfor this option is:
59275970Scy.ti +4
60275970Scy 6
62275970Scy        We will sleep for \fIsecs\-between\-tries\fP after each query
63275970Scy        of \fBntpd\fP that returns "the time is not yet stable".
64275970Scy.It  Fl v , Fl \-verbose 
65275970ScyBe verbose.
67275970Scy        By default, \fBntp\-wait\fP is silent.
68275970Scy        With this option, \fBntp\-wait\fP will provide status information.
69275970Scy.It Fl \&? , Fl \-help
70275970ScyDisplay usage information and exit.
71275970Scy.It Fl \&! , Fl \-more\-help
72275970ScyPass the extended usage information through a pager.
73275970Scy.It Fl v Op Brq Ar v|c|n  Fl \-version Op Brq Ar v|c|n
74275970ScyOutput version of program and exit.  The default mode is `v', a simple
75275970Scyversion.  The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
76275970Scyprint the full copyright notice.
78275970Scy.Sh "EXIT STATUS"
79275970ScyOne of the following exit values will be returned:
80275970Scy.Bl -tag
81275970Scy.It 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)"
82275970ScySuccessful program execution.
83275970Scy.It 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)"
84275970ScyThe operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
85275970Scy.It 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)"
86275970Scylibopts had an internal operational error.  Please report
87275970Scyit to autogen\-users@lists.sourceforge.net.  Thank you.
89275970Scy.Sh AUTHORS
90275970Scy.An "Harlan Stenn"
91275970Scy.Sh NOTES
92275970ScyThis document corresponds to version @VERSION@ of NTP.
94275970ScyThis manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP\-erated from the \fBntp\-wait\fP
95275970Scyoption definitions.