1249261Sdim//===--- TargetCXXABI.h - C++ ABI Target Configuration ----------*- C++ -*-===//
3249261Sdim//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5249261Sdim// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6249261Sdim// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10249261Sdim/// \file
11249261Sdim/// \brief Defines the TargetCXXABI class, which abstracts details of the
12249261Sdim/// C++ ABI that we're targeting.
19249261Sdim#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
20249261Sdim#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
22249261Sdimnamespace clang {
24249261Sdim/// \brief The basic abstraction for the target C++ ABI.
25249261Sdimclass TargetCXXABI {
27249261Sdim  /// \brief The basic C++ ABI kind.
28249261Sdim  enum Kind {
29249261Sdim    /// The generic Itanium ABI is the standard ABI of most open-source
30249261Sdim    /// and Unix-like platforms.  It is the primary ABI targeted by
31249261Sdim    /// many compilers, including Clang and GCC.
32249261Sdim    ///
33249261Sdim    /// It is documented here:
34249261Sdim    ///   http://www.codesourcery.com/public/cxx-abi/
35249261Sdim    GenericItanium,
37249261Sdim    /// The generic ARM ABI is a modified version of the Itanium ABI
38249261Sdim    /// proposed by ARM for use on ARM-based platforms.
39249261Sdim    ///
40249261Sdim    /// These changes include:
41249261Sdim    ///   - the representation of member function pointers is adjusted
42249261Sdim    ///     to not conflict with the 'thumb' bit of ARM function pointers;
43249261Sdim    ///   - constructors and destructors return 'this';
44249261Sdim    ///   - guard variables are smaller;
45249261Sdim    ///   - inline functions are never key functions;
46249261Sdim    ///   - array cookies have a slightly different layout;
47249261Sdim    ///   - additional convenience functions are specified;
48249261Sdim    ///   - and more!
49249261Sdim    ///
50249261Sdim    /// It is documented here:
51249261Sdim    ///    http://infocenter.arm.com
52249261Sdim    ///                    /help/topic/com.arm.doc.ihi0041c/IHI0041C_cppabi.pdf
53249261Sdim    GenericARM,
55249261Sdim    /// The iOS ABI is a partial implementation of the ARM ABI.
56249261Sdim    /// Several of the features of the ARM ABI were not fully implemented
57249261Sdim    /// in the compilers that iOS was launched with.
58249261Sdim    ///
59249261Sdim    /// Essentially, the iOS ABI includes the ARM changes to:
60249261Sdim    ///   - member function pointers,
61249261Sdim    ///   - guard variables,
62249261Sdim    ///   - array cookies, and
63249261Sdim    ///   - constructor/destructor signatures.
64249261Sdim    iOS,
66249261Sdim    /// The generic AArch64 ABI is also a modified version of the Itanium ABI,
67249261Sdim    /// but it has fewer divergences than the 32-bit ARM ABI.
68249261Sdim    ///
69249261Sdim    /// The relevant changes from the generic ABI in this case are:
70249261Sdim    ///   - representation of member function pointers adjusted as in ARM.
71249261Sdim    ///   - guard variables  are smaller.
72249261Sdim    GenericAArch64,
74249261Sdim    /// The Microsoft ABI is the ABI used by Microsoft Visual Studio (and
75249261Sdim    /// compatible compilers).
76249261Sdim    ///
77249261Sdim    /// FIXME: should this be split into Win32 and Win64 variants?
78249261Sdim    ///
79249261Sdim    /// Only scattered and incomplete official documentation exists.
80249261Sdim    Microsoft
81249261Sdim  };
84249261Sdim  // Right now, this class is passed around as a cheap value type.
85249261Sdim  // If you add more members, especially non-POD members, please
86249261Sdim  // audit the users to pass it by reference instead.
87249261Sdim  Kind TheKind;
90249261Sdim  /// A bogus initialization of the platform ABI.
91249261Sdim  TargetCXXABI() : TheKind(GenericItanium) {}
93249261Sdim  TargetCXXABI(Kind kind) : TheKind(kind) {}
95249261Sdim  void set(Kind kind) {
96249261Sdim    TheKind = kind;
97249261Sdim  }
99249261Sdim  Kind getKind() const { return TheKind; }
101249261Sdim  /// \brief Does this ABI generally fall into the Itanium family of ABIs?
102249261Sdim  bool isItaniumFamily() const {
103249261Sdim    switch (getKind()) {
104249261Sdim    case GenericAArch64:
105249261Sdim    case GenericItanium:
106249261Sdim    case GenericARM:
107249261Sdim    case iOS:
108249261Sdim      return true;
110249261Sdim    case Microsoft:
111249261Sdim      return false;
112249261Sdim    }
113249261Sdim    llvm_unreachable("bad ABI kind");
114249261Sdim  }
116249261Sdim  /// \brief Is this ABI an MSVC-compatible ABI?
117249261Sdim  bool isMicrosoft() const {
118249261Sdim    switch (getKind()) {
119249261Sdim    case GenericAArch64:
120249261Sdim    case GenericItanium:
121249261Sdim    case GenericARM:
122249261Sdim    case iOS:
123249261Sdim      return false;
125249261Sdim    case Microsoft:
126249261Sdim      return true;
127249261Sdim    }
128249261Sdim    llvm_unreachable("bad ABI kind");
129249261Sdim  }
131249261Sdim  /// \brief Is the default C++ member function calling convention
132249261Sdim  /// the same as the default calling convention?
133249261Sdim  bool isMemberFunctionCCDefault() const {
134263508Sdim    // Right now, this is always false for Microsoft.
135249261Sdim    return !isMicrosoft();
136249261Sdim  }
138263508Sdim  /// Are temporary objects passed by value to a call destroyed by the callee?
139263508Sdim  /// This is a fundamental language change, since it implies that objects
140263508Sdim  /// passed by value do *not* live to the end of the full expression.
141263508Sdim  /// Temporaries passed to a function taking a const reference live to the end
142263508Sdim  /// of the full expression as usual.  Both the caller and the callee must
143263508Sdim  /// have access to the destructor, while only the caller needs the
144263508Sdim  /// destructor if this is false.
145263508Sdim  bool isArgumentDestroyedByCallee() const {
146263508Sdim    return isMicrosoft();
147263508Sdim  }
149249261Sdim  /// \brief Does this ABI have different entrypoints for complete-object
150249261Sdim  /// and base-subobject constructors?
151249261Sdim  bool hasConstructorVariants() const {
152249261Sdim    return isItaniumFamily();
153249261Sdim  }
155263508Sdim  /// \brief Does this ABI allow virtual bases to be primary base classes?
156263508Sdim  bool hasPrimaryVBases() const {
157249261Sdim    return isItaniumFamily();
158249261Sdim  }
160263508Sdim  /// \brief Does this ABI use key functions?  If so, class data such as the
161263508Sdim  /// vtable is emitted with strong linkage by the TU containing the key
162263508Sdim  /// function.
163263508Sdim  bool hasKeyFunctions() const {
164249261Sdim    return isItaniumFamily();
165249261Sdim  }
167249261Sdim  /// \brief Can an out-of-line inline function serve as a key function?
168249261Sdim  ///
169249261Sdim  /// This flag is only useful in ABIs where type data (for example,
170249261Sdim  /// v-tables and type_info objects) are emitted only after processing
171249261Sdim  /// the definition of a special "key" virtual function.  (This is safe
172249261Sdim  /// because the ODR requires that every virtual function be defined
173249261Sdim  /// somewhere in a program.)  This usually permits such data to be
174249261Sdim  /// emitted in only a single object file, as opposed to redundantly
175249261Sdim  /// in every object file that requires it.
176249261Sdim  ///
177249261Sdim  /// One simple and common definition of "key function" is the first
178249261Sdim  /// virtual function in the class definition which is not defined there.
179249261Sdim  /// This rule works very well when that function has a non-inline
180249261Sdim  /// definition in some non-header file.  Unfortunately, when that
181249261Sdim  /// function is defined inline, this rule requires the type data
182249261Sdim  /// to be emitted weakly, as if there were no key function.
183249261Sdim  ///
184249261Sdim  /// The ARM ABI observes that the ODR provides an additional guarantee:
185249261Sdim  /// a virtual function is always ODR-used, so if it is defined inline,
186249261Sdim  /// that definition must appear in every translation unit that defines
187249261Sdim  /// the class.  Therefore, there is no reason to allow such functions
188249261Sdim  /// to serve as key functions.
189249261Sdim  ///
190249261Sdim  /// Because this changes the rules for emitting type data,
191249261Sdim  /// it can cause type data to be emitted with both weak and strong
192249261Sdim  /// linkage, which is not allowed on all platforms.  Therefore,
193249261Sdim  /// exploiting this observation requires an ABI break and cannot be
194249261Sdim  /// done on a generic Itanium platform.
195249261Sdim  bool canKeyFunctionBeInline() const {
196249261Sdim    switch (getKind()) {
197249261Sdim    case GenericARM:
198249261Sdim      return false;
200249261Sdim    case GenericAArch64:
201249261Sdim    case GenericItanium:
202249261Sdim    case iOS:   // old iOS compilers did not follow this rule
203249261Sdim    case Microsoft:
204249261Sdim      return true;
205249261Sdim    }
206249261Sdim    llvm_unreachable("bad ABI kind");
207249261Sdim  }
209249261Sdim  /// When is record layout allowed to allocate objects in the tail
210249261Sdim  /// padding of a base class?
211249261Sdim  ///
212249261Sdim  /// This decision cannot be changed without breaking platform ABI
213249261Sdim  /// compatibility, and yet it is tied to language guarantees which
214249261Sdim  /// the committee has so far seen fit to strengthen no less than
215249261Sdim  /// three separate times:
216249261Sdim  ///   - originally, there were no restrictions at all;
217249261Sdim  ///   - C++98 declared that objects could not be allocated in the
218249261Sdim  ///     tail padding of a POD type;
219249261Sdim  ///   - C++03 extended the definition of POD to include classes
220249261Sdim  ///     containing member pointers; and
221249261Sdim  ///   - C++11 greatly broadened the definition of POD to include
222249261Sdim  ///     all trivial standard-layout classes.
223249261Sdim  /// Each of these changes technically took several existing
224249261Sdim  /// platforms and made them permanently non-conformant.
225249261Sdim  enum TailPaddingUseRules {
226249261Sdim    /// The tail-padding of a base class is always theoretically
227249261Sdim    /// available, even if it's POD.  This is not strictly conforming
228249261Sdim    /// in any language mode.
229249261Sdim    AlwaysUseTailPadding,
231249261Sdim    /// Only allocate objects in the tail padding of a base class if
232249261Sdim    /// the base class is not POD according to the rules of C++ TR1.
233249261Sdim    /// This is non strictly conforming in C++11 mode.
234249261Sdim    UseTailPaddingUnlessPOD03,
236249261Sdim    /// Only allocate objects in the tail padding of a base class if
237249261Sdim    /// the base class is not POD according to the rules of C++11.
238249261Sdim    UseTailPaddingUnlessPOD11
239249261Sdim  };
240249261Sdim  TailPaddingUseRules getTailPaddingUseRules() const {
241249261Sdim    switch (getKind()) {
242249261Sdim    // To preserve binary compatibility, the generic Itanium ABI has
243249261Sdim    // permanently locked the definition of POD to the rules of C++ TR1,
244249261Sdim    // and that trickles down to all the derived ABIs.
245249261Sdim    case GenericItanium:
246249261Sdim    case GenericAArch64:
247249261Sdim    case GenericARM:
248249261Sdim    case iOS:
249249261Sdim      return UseTailPaddingUnlessPOD03;
251249261Sdim    // MSVC always allocates fields in the tail-padding of a base class
252249261Sdim    // subobject, even if they're POD.
253249261Sdim    case Microsoft:
254249261Sdim      return AlwaysUseTailPadding;
255249261Sdim    }
256249261Sdim    llvm_unreachable("bad ABI kind");
257249261Sdim  }
259249261Sdim  /// Try to parse an ABI name, returning false on error.
260249261Sdim  bool tryParse(llvm::StringRef name);
262249261Sdim  friend bool operator==(const TargetCXXABI &left, const TargetCXXABI &right) {
263249261Sdim    return left.getKind() == right.getKind();
264249261Sdim  }
266249261Sdim  friend bool operator!=(const TargetCXXABI &left, const TargetCXXABI &right) {
267249261Sdim    return !(left == right);
268249261Sdim  }
271249261Sdim}  // end namespace clang