2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License.
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System.
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc.
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 2000 - 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): Warwick Harvey and Kish Shen, IC-Parc
22% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23% System:       ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System
24% Version:      $Id: eplex_relax.pl,v 1.1 2006/09/23 01:53:27 snovello Exp $
26% Linear relaxations of various constraints for use with eplex.
28% (Currently just contains the convex hull relaxation of the piecewise
29% constraint.)
31% W.Harvey, IC-Parc
33% Modified by K.Shen, IC-Parc, to work with standalone eplex. Based on
34% ic_eplex_relax.ecl rather than the old eplex_relax.pl code.
36% TODO:
38% - Add support for infinite bounds in piecewise_linear_hull/3.  Currently,
39%   if any bound is infinite, no convex hull is generated.
41% - When the eplex module provides support for subsuming constraints,
42%   exploit it by subsuming constraints from old convex hulls when they are
43%   not part of the new convex hull.
45% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
47% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
48:- module(eplex_relax).
49% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
51:- export piecewise_linear_hull/3.
52:- export piecewise_linear_hull/4.
54:- lib(eplex).
56% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
57% The piecewise linear (convex hull) constraint
58% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
60:- lib(ic).
61:- lib(ic_constraints).	% For piecewise_linear_2/4 and struct(chunk/3).
64% Computing the convex hull:
66% The convex hull is found by computing the convex hull of all the points in
67% the piecewise linear specification which are feasible with respect to the
68% bounds on X and Y, as well as all the points where a current bound
69% intersects a segment from the piecewise linear constraint.
71% The actual convex hull computation is done using an approach similar to
72% that used by the Graham scan algorithm for computing convex hulls.
73% In this implementation, we compute and maintain the convex hull in two
74% parts; the "upper" part and the "lower" part.  These are computed
75% simultaneously, but are treated as separate entities.  Essentially,
76% we process the points we wish to "wrap" in order from left to right,
77% maintaining the upper and lower convex hulls of the points processed so
78% far.  When processing a new point, some of the points on the existing
79% convex hulls may fall inside the new ones (i.e. below the upper hull or
80% above the lower one).  These are always the most recent points to have
81% been added, and are fairly easy to identify (and thus remove) by examining
82% gradients.
84% When all points have been processed, one is left with a list of points
85% which are on the convex hull.  It is then straightforward to generate
86% appropriate constraints defining this hull.
89% Updating the convex hull:
91% To update the convex hull when a bound has changed, we simply recompute it
92% and send any new constraints to eplex.  Note that it should be possible to
93% optimise this by only recomputing the parts of the convex hull which are
94% now infeasible (and thus changed).  However, the implementation seems
95% complicated enough already.  :-)
99	% Structure for holding information about the convex hull, namely
100	% lists of the points on the upper and lower hulls and lists of the
101	% corresponding constraints.
102:- local struct(hull_info(upoints, lpoints, uconstraints, lconstraints)).
104	% Structure for holding information about a constraint.  Currently
105	% this is not used except for diagnostics, but when the eplex module
106	% supports subsumption of constraints, this will store the
107	% constraint identifier required to subsume the constraint.
108:- local struct(constraint(dummy)).
110	% The predicate to be called by the user.  It just calls other
111	% predicates to set up the propagation-only constraint, and then add
112	% the convex hull extension.
114piecewise_linear_hull(X, Points, Y) :-
115	piecewise_linear_hull(X, Points, Y, eplex).
117piecewise_linear_hull(X, Points, Y, Pool) :-
118	% Make sure X and Y have IC attributes before we try to suspend on
119	% them...
120	ic:reals([X, Y]),
121        % lower priority than propagate_hull/6
122        suspend(ic_to_eplex_bounds(X,Pool,S), 7, [X->ic:min,X->ic:max], S),
123	piecewise_linear_2(X, Points, Y, ChunkList),
124	piecewise_linear_hull_2(X, Y, ChunkList, Pool).
127	% Construct the initial hull info, set up the propagation demon, and
128	% perform the initial propagation.
129piecewise_linear_hull_2(X, Y, ChunkList, Pool) :-
130	Chunks =.. [[] | ChunkList],
131	HullInfo = hull_info with
132			[upoints:[], lpoints:[],
133			uconstraints:[], lconstraints:[]],
134	suspend(propagate_hull(X, Y, Chunks, HullInfo, Pool, Susp), 6,
135			[X->min, X->max, Y->min, Y->max], Susp),
136	propagate_hull(X, Y, Chunks, HullInfo, Pool, Susp).
139	% The demon which updates the convex hull whenever bounds change.
140:- demon(propagate_hull/6).
141propagate_hull(X, Y, Chunks, HullInfo, Pool, Susp) :-
142	( var(X), var(Y) ->
143	    get_bounds(X, XMin, XMax),
144	    get_bounds(Y, YMin, YMax),
145	    HullInfo = hull_info with
146		    [upoints:UHullPoints, lpoints:LHullPoints,
147		    uconstraints:UConstraints, lconstraints:LConstraints],
149	    % Compute the new integer hull and update the constraints.
150	    compute_hull_points(Chunks, XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax,
151		    NewUHullPoints, NewLHullPoints),
152	    %printf("Upper Hull Points:%n%DQw.%n", [NewUHullPoints]),
153	    %printf("Lower Hull Points:%n%DQw.%n", [NewLHullPoints]),
154	    update_hull_constraints(upper, Pool, X, Y, UHullPoints, NewUHullPoints,
155		    UConstraints, NewUConstraints),
156	    update_hull_constraints(lower, Pool, X, Y, LHullPoints, NewLHullPoints,
157		    LConstraints, NewLConstraints),
159	    % Update the description of the convex hull.
160	    setarg(upoints of hull_info, HullInfo, NewUHullPoints),
161	    setarg(lpoints of hull_info, HullInfo, NewLHullPoints),
162	    setarg(uconstraints of hull_info, HullInfo, NewUConstraints),
163	    setarg(lconstraints of hull_info, HullInfo, NewLConstraints)
164	;
165	    % If X or Y have become fixed, then we have nothing to add
166	    % over what the piecewise_linear/2 constraint will infer.
167	    kill_suspension(Susp)
168	).
171	% Compute the points on the convex hull.
172	% Note: returns points in reverse order (right-to-left).
173compute_hull_points(Chunks, XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax, UHullPoints, LHullPoints) :-
174	functor(Chunks, _, NumChunks),
176	( XMin > -1.0Inf, XMax < 1.0Inf ->
177	    % Get the convex hull started.
178	    compute_initial_hull_points(Chunks, XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax,
179			    LeftChunkNum, NextPointNum,
180			    UHullPoints0, LHullPoints0, Complete),
182	    ( Complete = yes ->
183		UHullPoints = UHullPoints0,
184		LHullPoints = LHullPoints0
185	    ;
186		fx(Chunks, LeftChunkNum, NumChunks, XMax, YRight,
187				right, RightChunkNum, RightSegNum),
189		LeftChunk is Chunks[LeftChunkNum],
190		LeftChunk = chunk with points:LeftPoints,
191		functor(LeftPoints, _, NumLeftPoints),
193		( LeftChunkNum = RightChunkNum ->
194		    % Left and right points are both in the same chunk.
195		    % Wrap the remaining complete segments in this chunk.
196		    wrap_points(NextPointNum, RightSegNum, LeftPoints,
197				    YMin, YMax, between,
198				    UHullPoints0, UHullPoints3,
199				    LHullPoints0, LHullPoints3)
200		;
201		    % Wrap the rest of this chunk.
202		    wrap_points(NextPointNum, NumLeftPoints, LeftPoints,
203				    YMin, YMax, between,
204				    UHullPoints0, UHullPoints1,
205				    LHullPoints0, LHullPoints1),
207		    % Wrap the remaining complete chunks.
208		    NextChunkNum is LeftChunkNum + 1,
209		    LastChunkNum is RightChunkNum - 1,
210		    wrap_chunks(NextChunkNum, LastChunkNum, Chunks,
211				    YMin, YMax,
212				    UHullPoints1, UHullPoints2,
213				    LHullPoints1, LHullPoints2),
215		    % Wrap the complete segments of the final chunk.
216		    RightChunk is Chunks[RightChunkNum],
217		    RightChunk = chunk with points:RightPoints,
218		    wrap_points(1, RightSegNum, RightPoints,
219				    YMin, YMax, between,
220				    UHullPoints2, UHullPoints3,
221				    LHullPoints2, LHullPoints3)
222		),
224		% Finish it off.
225		compute_final_hull_points(Chunks, XMax, YRight, YMin, YMax,
226				RightChunkNum, RightSegNum,
227				UHullPoints3, UHullPoints,
228				LHullPoints3, LHullPoints)
229	    )
230	;
231	    % We don't support infinite domains yet
232	    UHullPoints = [],
233	    LHullPoints = []
234	),
235	%write("Upper hull points: "),
236	%writeln(UHullPoints),
237	%write("Lower hull points: "),
238	%writeln(LHullPoints),
239	true.
242	% Compute the start of the convex hull (typically up to the first
243	% point to the right of XMin).
244compute_initial_hull_points(Chunks, XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax,
245		LeftChunkNum, NextPointNum,
246		UHullPoints, LHullPoints, Complete) :-
247	functor(Chunks, _, NumChunks),
248	fx(Chunks, 1, NumChunks, XMin, YLeft, left, LeftChunkNum, LeftSegNum),
249	Chunk is Chunks[LeftChunkNum],
250	Chunk = chunk with [points:Points, right:EndRight],
251	functor(Points, _, NumPoints),
253	( NumPoints = 1 ->
254	    % Discontinuity --- simply check whether it should be
255	    % included or not.
256	    P0 is Points[1],
257	    (X0, Y0) = P0,
258	    ( breal_max(Y0) >= YMin, breal_min(Y0) =< YMax ->
259		% XXX - for non-zero-width intervals, might be worth
260		% trimming Y bounds to YMin/YMax if appropriate.
261		UHullPoints = [P0],
262		LHullPoints = [P0]
263	    ;
264		UHullPoints = [],
265		LHullPoints = []
266	    ),
267	    NextPointNum = 2,
268	    Complete = no
269	;
270	    P0 is Points[LeftSegNum],
271	    P1 is Points[LeftSegNum+1],
272	    (X0, Y0) = P0,
273	    (X1, Y1) = P1,
275	    ( ( XMax < breal_min(X1) ; EndRight = infinite, LeftSegNum =:= NumPoints-1 ) ->
276		% We're all in the one segment, which is pretty boring...
277		% Return some fake hull points that result in the correct
278		% constraints and say we're done.
279		% XXX - if the segment extends infinitely in either
280		% direction, the constraints added by these fake points
281		% could inadvertently tighten bounds due to roundoff.
282		UHullPoints = [P1, P0],
283		LHullPoints = [P1, P0],
284		NextPointNum is LeftSegNum + 2,
285		Complete = yes
286	    ; XMin =:= breal_max(X1), LeftSegNum =:= NumPoints-1 ->
287		% We're at the very last point in the segment --- simply
288		% check whether it should be included or not.
289		( breal_max(Y1) >= YMin, breal_min(Y1) =< YMax ->
290		    % XXX - for non-zero-width intervals, might be worth
291		    % trimming Y bounds to YMin/YMax if appropriate.
292		    UHullPoints = [P1],
293		    LHullPoints = [P1]
294		;
295		    UHullPoints = [],
296		    LHullPoints = []
297		),
298		NextPointNum is LeftSegNum + 2,
299		Complete = no
300	    ;
301		% General case
303		% Add XMin to the hull - being careful that the added point
304		% lies between the bounds (discontinuities can mean YLeft is
305		% actually way outside YMin .. YMax).
306		breal_bounds(YLeft, YLeftMin, YLeftMax),
307		( YLeftMin < YMin ->
308		    LHullPoints0 = [(XMin, YMin)]
309		; YLeftMin > YMax ->
310		    LHullPoints0 = [(XMin, YMax)]
311		;
312		    LHullPoints0 = [(XMin, YLeftMin)]
313		),
314		( YLeftMax > YMax ->
315		    UHullPoints0 = [(XMin, YMax)]
316		; YLeftMax < YMin ->
317		    UHullPoints0 = [(XMin, YMin)]
318		;
319		    UHullPoints0 = [(XMin, YLeftMax)]
320		),
322		% If (the upper bound of) this segment slopes upwards and
323		% intersects YMax, we need to add this intersection point to
324		% the upper hull.
325		( YLeftMin < YMax, YMax < breal_max(Y1) ->
326		    interpolate(Y0, X0, Y1, X1, YMax, Xa),
327		    breal_min(Xa, XaMin),
329		    ( XMin < XaMin, XaMin < breal_min(X1) ->
330			wrap_point_upper((XaMin, YMax),
331					UHullPoints0, UHullPoints)
332		    ;
333			UHullPoints = UHullPoints0
334		    )
335		;
336		    UHullPoints = UHullPoints0
337		),
339		% If (the lower bound of) this segment slopes downwards and
340		% intersects YMin, we need to add this intersection point to
341		% the lower hull.
342		( YLeftMax > YMin, YMin > breal_min(Y1) ->
343		    interpolate(Y0, X0, Y1, X1, YMin, Xb),
344		    breal_min(Xb, XbMin),
346		    ( XMin < XbMin, XbMin < breal_min(X1) ->
347			wrap_point_lower((XbMin, YMin),
348					LHullPoints0, LHullPoints)
349		    ;
350			LHullPoints = LHullPoints0
351		    )
352		;
353		    LHullPoints = LHullPoints0
354		),
356		NextPointNum is LeftSegNum + 1,
357		Complete = no
358	    )
359	).
361	% Compute the end of the convex hull (from the point before the
362	% segment XMax is deemed to be in).
363compute_final_hull_points(Chunks, XMax, YRight, YMin, YMax,
364		RightChunkNum, RightSegNum,
365		UHullPoints0, UHullPoints, LHullPoints0, LHullPoints) :-
366	Chunk is Chunks[RightChunkNum],
367	Chunk = chunk with points:Points,
368	functor(Points, _, NumPoints),
369	breal_bounds(YRight, YRightMin0, YRightMax0),
370	YRightMin is min(YRightMin0, YMax),
371	YRightMax is max(YRightMax0, YMin),
373	( NumPoints = 1 ->
374	    % Discontinuity --- simply check whether it should be
375	    % included or not.
376	    P0 is Points[1],
377	    (X0, Y0) = P0,
378	    ( breal_max(Y0) >= YMin, breal_min(Y0) =< YMax ->
379		% XXX - for non-zero-width intervals, might be worth
380		% trimming Y bounds to YMin/YMax if appropriate.
381		wrap_point_upper(P0, UHullPoints0, UHullPoints),
382		wrap_point_lower(P0, LHullPoints0, LHullPoints)
383	    ;
384		UHullPoints = UHullPoints0,
385		LHullPoints = LHullPoints0
386	    )
387	;
388	    P0 is Points[RightSegNum],
389	    P1 is Points[RightSegNum+1],
390	    (X0, Y0) = P0,
391	    (X1, Y1) = P1,
393	    % General case
395	    % If (the lower bound of) this segment slopes upwards and
396	    % intersects YMin, we need to add this intersection point to
397	    % the lower hull.
398	    ( breal_min(Y0) < YMin, YMin < breal_min(YRightMax) ->
399		interpolate(Y0, X0, Y1, X1, YMin, Xa),
400		breal_max(Xa, XaMax),
402		( breal_max(X0) < XaMax, XaMax < XMax ->
403		    wrap_point_lower((XaMax, YMin),
404				    LHullPoints0, LHullPoints1)
405		;
406		    LHullPoints1 = LHullPoints0
407		)
408	    ;
409		LHullPoints1 = LHullPoints0
410	    ),
412	    % If (the upper bound of) this segment slopes downwards and
413	    % intersects YMax, we need to add this intersection point to
414	    % the upper hull.
415	    ( breal_max(Y0) > YMax, YMax > breal_max(YRightMin) ->
416		interpolate(Y0, X0, Y1, X1, YMax, Xb),
417		breal_max(Xb, XbMax),
419		( breal_max(X0) < XbMax, XbMax < XMax ->
420		    wrap_point_upper((XbMax, YMax),
421				    UHullPoints0, UHullPoints1)
422		;
423		    UHullPoints1 = UHullPoints0
424		)
425	    ;
426		UHullPoints1 = UHullPoints0
427	    ),
429	    % Add XMax to the hull
430	    wrap_point_upper((XMax, YRightMax), UHullPoints1, UHullPoints),
431	    wrap_point_lower((XMax, YRightMin), LHullPoints1, LHullPoints)
432	).
435	% Wrap all the points in the chunks from ChunkNum to MaxChunk.
436wrap_chunks(ChunkNum, MaxChunk, Chunks, YMin, YMax,
437		UHullPoints0, UHullPoints, LHullPoints0, LHullPoints) :-
438	( ChunkNum =< MaxChunk ->
439		Chunk is Chunks[ChunkNum],
440		Chunk = chunk with points:Points,
441		functor(Points, _, MaxPoint),
442		wrap_points(1, MaxPoint, Points, YMin, YMax, between,
443				UHullPoints0, UHullPoints1,
444				LHullPoints0, LHullPoints1),
445		ChunkNum1 is ChunkNum + 1,
446		wrap_chunks(ChunkNum1, MaxChunk, Chunks, YMin, YMax,
447				UHullPoints1, UHullPoints,
448				LHullPoints1, LHullPoints)
449	;
450		UHullPoints = UHullPoints0,
451		LHullPoints = LHullPoints0
452	).
454	% Wrap all the points from index I to index N.
455	% Prev indicates whether the previous point was `above', `below' or
456	% `between' the Y bounds (for detecting crossing of a bound).
457	%
458	% Note: any point at YMin (YMax) cannot be on the upper (lower)
459	% convex hull, unless it is also at XMin or XMax (in which case it
460	% is handled elsewhere).
461wrap_points(I, N, Points, YMin, YMax, Prev, UHullPoints0, UHullPoints, LHullPoints0, LHullPoints) :-
462	( I =< N ->
463	    Point1 is Points[I],
464	    Point1 = (X1, Y1),
465	    ( breal_max(Y1) > YMax ->
466		( I > 1, Prev \== above ->
467		    (X0, Y0) is Points[I - 1],
468		    ( Prev = below ->
469			% Find intersection with YMin, wrap that point
470			interpolate(Y0, X0, Y1, X1, YMin, X2),
471			breal_max(X2, X2Max),
472			wrap_point_lower((X2Max, YMin),
473					LHullPoints0, LHullPoints1)
474		    ;
475			LHullPoints1 = LHullPoints0
476		    ),
477		    % Find intersection with YMax, wrap that point
478		    interpolate(Y0, X0, Y1, X1, YMax, X3),
479		    breal_min(X3, X3Min),
480		    ( X3Min > breal_min(X0) ->
481			wrap_point_upper((X3Min, YMax),
482					UHullPoints0, UHullPoints1)
483		    ;
484			% Don't include the intersection if the fuzz puts it
485			% before the endpoint of this segment.
486			UHullPoints1 = UHullPoints0
487		    )
488		;
489		    % Do nothing
490		    UHullPoints1 = UHullPoints0,
491		    LHullPoints1 = LHullPoints0
492		),
493		Curr = above
494	    ; breal_min(Y1) < YMin ->
495		( I > 1, Prev \== below ->
496		    (X0, Y0) is Points[I - 1],
497		    ( Prev = above ->
498			% Find intersection with YMax, wrap that point
499			interpolate(Y0, X0, Y1, X1, YMax, X2),
500			breal_max(X2, X2Max),
501			wrap_point_upper((X2Max, YMax),
502					UHullPoints0, UHullPoints1)
503		    ;
504			UHullPoints1 = UHullPoints0
505		    ),
506		    % Find intersection with YMin, wrap that point
507		    interpolate(Y0, X0, Y1, X1, YMin, X3),
508		    breal_min(X3, X3Min),
509		    ( X3Min > breal_min(X0) ->
510			wrap_point_lower((X3Min, YMin),
511					LHullPoints0, LHullPoints1)
512		    ;
513			% Don't include the intersection if the fuzz puts it
514			% before the endpoint of this segment.
515			LHullPoints1 = LHullPoints0
516		    )
517		;
518		    % Do nothing
519		    UHullPoints1 = UHullPoints0,
520		    LHullPoints1 = LHullPoints0
521		),
522		Curr = below
523	    ;
524		% Point within current Y bounds
525		( Prev = above ->
526		    % Find intersection with YMax, wrap that point
527		    (X0, Y0) is Points[I - 1],
528		    interpolate(Y0, X0, Y1, X1, YMax, X2),
529		    breal_max(X2, X2Max),
530		    ( X2Max < breal_max(X1) ->
531			wrap_point_upper((X2Max, YMax),
532					UHullPoints0, UHullPoints0a)
533		    ;
534			% Don't include the intersection if the fuzz puts it
535			% before the endpoint of this segment.
536			UHullPoints0a = UHullPoints0
537		    ),
538		    LHullPoints0a = LHullPoints0
539		; Prev = below ->
540		    % Find intersection with YMin, wrap that point
541		    (X0, Y0) is Points[I - 1],
542		    interpolate(Y0, X0, Y1, X1, YMin, X2),
543		    breal_max(X2, X2Max),
544		    ( X2Max < breal_max(X1) ->
545			wrap_point_lower((X2Max, YMin),
546					LHullPoints0, LHullPoints0a)
547		    ;
548			% Don't include the intersection if the fuzz puts it
549			% before the endpoint of this segment.
550			LHullPoints0a = LHullPoints0
551		    ),
552		    UHullPoints0a = UHullPoints0
553		;
554		    UHullPoints0a = UHullPoints0,
555		    LHullPoints0a = LHullPoints0
556		),
558		wrap_point_upper(Point1, UHullPoints0a, UHullPoints1),
559		wrap_point_lower(Point1, LHullPoints0a, LHullPoints1),
561		Curr = between
562	    ),
564	    I1 is I + 1,
565	    wrap_points(I1, N, Points, YMin, YMax, Curr,
566			UHullPoints1, UHullPoints, LHullPoints1, LHullPoints)
567	;
568	    UHullPoints = UHullPoints0,
569	    LHullPoints = LHullPoints0
570	).
573	% Add a point to the upper convex hull, dropping any points which
574	% would lie "inside" (under) the hull after the addition.
575wrap_point_upper(P, HullPoints0, HullPoints) :-
576	( HullPoints0 = [P0 | HullPoints1] ->
577	    P = (X, Y),
578	    Yu is breal_max(Y),
579	    P0 = (X0, Y0),
580	    Y0u is breal_max(Y0),
581	    ( HullPoints1 = [P1 | _Tail] ->
582		P1 = (X1, Y1),
583		Y1u is breal_max(Y1),
584		(
585		    % Figure out whether P0 should be retained.
586		    ( Y0u > Y1u ->
587			( Yu > Y0u ->
588			    % Both segments going up.
589			    % Use top left corners to compare gradients.
590			    % XXX - assumes min(X1) < min(X0) < min(X) -
591			    % must be updated for non-zero-width intervals.
592			    % (Y0 - Y1) / (X0 - X1) > (Y - Y0) / (X - X0)
593			    % (Y0 - Y1) * (X - X0) > (Y - Y0) * (X0 - X1)
594			    % (Y0 - Y1) * (X - X0) - (Y - Y0) * (X0 - X1) > 0
595			    Y0u1 is breal(Y0u),
596			    X0l1 is breal(breal_min(X0)),
597			    LHS is (Y0u1 - Y1u) * (breal_min(X) - X0l1) -
598				    (Yu - Y0u1) * (X0l1 - breal_min(X1)),
599			    % Assume spanning zero not good enough.
600			    breal_min(LHS) > 0
601			;
602			    % First segment going up, second going down.
603			    true
604			)
605		    ;
606			% If first segment going down, P0 can only be
607			% retained if second segment going down too.
608			Yu =< Y0u,
609			% Use top right corners to compare gradients.
610			% XXX - assumes max(X1) < max(X0) < max(X) -
611			% must be updated for non-zero-width intervals.
612			% (Y0 - Y1) / (X0 - X1) > (Y - Y0) / (X - X0)
613			% (Y0 - Y1) * (X - X0) > (Y - Y0) * (X0 - X1)
614			% (Y0 - Y1) * (X - X0) - (Y - Y0) * (X0 - X1) > 0
615			Y0u1 is breal(Y0u),
616			X0u1 is breal(breal_max(X0)),
617			LHS is (Y0u1 - Y1u) * (breal_max(X) - X0u1) -
618				(Yu - Y0u1) * (X0u1 - breal_max(X1)),
619			% Assume spanning zero not good enough.
620			breal_min(LHS) > 0
621		    )
622		->
623		    % New hull segment
624		    HullPoints = [P | HullPoints0]
625		;
626		    % P0 is (at least approximately) inside the
627		    % convex hull, so drop it and recurse.
628		    wrap_point_upper(P, HullPoints1, HullPoints)
629		)
630	    ;
631		% P0---P is the initial segment: drop the lower of P0 and P
632		% if this segment is vertical (the corresponding constraint
633		% is implied by the X bound).
634		( breal_min(X0) == breal_min(X) ->
635		    ( Y0u < Yu ->
636			HullPoints = [P]
637		    ;
638			HullPoints = HullPoints0
639		    )
640		;
641		    HullPoints = [P | HullPoints0]
642		)
643	    )
644	;
645	    % There aren't any points on the hull yet, so just add
646	    % this one.
647	    HullPoints = [P]
648	).
650	% Add a point to the lower convex hull, dropping any points which
651	% would lie "inside" (above) the hull after the addition.
652wrap_point_lower(P, HullPoints0, HullPoints) :-
653	( HullPoints0 = [P0 | HullPoints1] ->
654	    P = (X, Y),
655	    Yl is breal_min(Y),
656	    P0 = (X0, Y0),
657	    Y0l is breal_min(Y0),
658	    ( HullPoints1 = [P1 | _Tail] ->
659		P1 = (X1, Y1),
660		Y1l is breal_min(Y1),
661		(
662		    % Figure out whether P0 should be retained.
663		    ( Y0l < Y1l ->
664			( Yl < Y0l ->
665			    % Both segments going down.
666			    % Use bottom left corners to compare gradients.
667			    % XXX - assumes min(X1) < min(X0) < min(X) -
668			    % must be updated for non-zero-width intervals.
669			    % (Y0 - Y1) / (X0 - X1) < (Y - Y0) / (X - X0)
670			    % (Y0 - Y1) * (X - X0) < (Y - Y0) * (X0 - X1)
671			    % (Y0 - Y1) * (X - X0) - (Y - Y0) * (X0 - X1) < 0
672			    Y0l1 is breal(Y0l),
673			    X0l1 is breal(breal_min(X0)),
674			    LHS is (Y0l1 - Y1l) * (breal_min(X) - X0l1) -
675				    (Yl - Y0l1) * (X0l1 - breal_min(X1)),
676			    % Assume spanning zero not good enough.
677			    breal_max(LHS) < 0
678			;
679			    % First segment going down, second going up.
680			    true
681			)
682		    ;
683			% If first segment going up, P0 can only be
684			% retained if second segment going up too.
685			Yl >= Y0l,
686			% Use bottom right corners to compare gradients.
687			% XXX - assumes max(X1) < max(X0) < max(X) -
688			% must be updated for non-zero-width intervals.
689			% (Y0 - Y1) / (X0 - X1) < (Y - Y0) / (X - X0)
690			% (Y0 - Y1) * (X - X0) < (Y - Y0) * (X0 - X1)
691			% (Y0 - Y1) * (X - X0) - (Y - Y0) * (X0 - X1) < 0
692			Y0l1 is breal(Y0l),
693			X0u1 is breal(breal_max(X0)),
694			LHS is (Y0l1 - Y1l) * (breal_max(X) - X0u1) -
695				(Yl - Y0l1) * (X0u1 - breal_max(X1)),
696			% Assume spanning zero not good enough.
697			breal_max(LHS) < 0
698		    )
699		->
700		    % New hull segment
701		    HullPoints = [P | HullPoints0]
702		;
703		    % P0 is (at least approximately) inside the
704		    % convex hull, so drop it and recurse.
705		    wrap_point_lower(P, HullPoints1, HullPoints)
706		)
707	    ;
708		% P0---P is the initial segment: drop the higher of P0 and P
709		% if this segment is vertical (the corresponding constraint
710		% is implied by the X bound).
711		( breal_min(X0) == breal_min(X) ->
712		    ( Y0l > Yl ->
713			HullPoints = [P]
714		    ;
715			HullPoints = HullPoints0
716		    )
717		;
718		    HullPoints = [P | HullPoints0]
719		)
720	    )
721	;
722	    % There aren't any points on the hull yet, so just add
723	    % this one.
724	    HullPoints = [P]
725	).
728	% Update the hull constraints, based on the new points found for the
729	% convex hull.
730	% UL indicates whether the `upper' or `lower' hull is being updated,
731	% so that the hull-defining constraints can be given the correct
732	% sense.
733update_hull_constraints(UL, Pool, X, Y, OldPoints, NewPoints,
734			OldConstraints, NewConstraints) :-
735	% Find the first point in common between the old and the new hulls,
736	% if it exists.
737	( find_first_common_point(OldPoints, NewPoints, OldN, NewN,
738			OldPoints1, NewPoints1) ->
739		% Find the last point in common.
740		find_last_common_point(OldPoints1, NewPoints1, N,
741				_OldPoints2, NewHullPoints2),
743		% Split the old constraints into those which have been
744		% subsumed, and those which are in common with the new hull.
745		take_drop_n(OldN, OldConstraints, SubsumedConstraints1,
746				OldConstraints1),
747		take_drop_n(N, OldConstraints1, CommonConstraints,
748				SubsumedConstraints2),
750		% Extract the points corresonding to the new constraints
751		% which need to be added at the start of the hull.
752		NewN1 is NewN + 1,
753		take_n(NewN1, NewPoints, NewHullPoints1),
755		% Subsume the constraints no longer needed.
756		subsumed_constraints(SubsumedConstraints1),
757		subsumed_constraints(SubsumedConstraints2),
759		% Add the new constraints required.
760		hull_points_to_constraints(UL, NewHullPoints1, X, Y, Pool,
761				NewConstraints1),
762		hull_points_to_constraints(UL, NewHullPoints2, X, Y, Pool,
763				NewConstraints2),
765		% Construct the new list of constraints.
766		append(CommonConstraints, NewConstraints2, NewConstraints3),
767		append(NewConstraints1, NewConstraints3, NewConstraints)
768	;
769		% No common points, so replace the hull wholesale.
770		subsumed_constraints(OldConstraints),
771		hull_points_to_constraints(UL, NewPoints, X, Y, Pool,
772				NewConstraints)
773	).
775	% Returns the number of mismatching points in each list, as well the
776	% tails of these lists with the mismatching points stripped off.
777find_first_common_point(OldPoints, NewPoints, OldN, NewN, OldTail, NewTail) :-
778	OldPoints = [OldPoint | OldPoints1],
779	NewPoints = [NewPoint | NewPoints1],
780	% XXX - assumes X coordinates are always bounded reals, and
781	% both the lower and upper bounds are non-decreasing (as enforced by
782	% unpack_point/3 and check_sorted_and_trim/2, respectively).
783	compare(R, OldPoint, NewPoint),
784	% Remember: points are in reverse X order.
785	( R = = ->
786		OldN = 0,
787		NewN = 0,
788		OldTail = OldPoints,
789		NewTail = NewPoints
790	; R = < ->
791		find_first_common_point(OldPoints, NewPoints1,
792				OldN, NewN0, OldTail, NewTail),
793		NewN is NewN0 + 1
794	;
795		find_first_common_point(OldPoints1, NewPoints,
796				OldN0, NewN, OldTail, NewTail),
797		OldN is OldN0 + 1
798	).
800	% Strips off all matching points but the last from each list,
801	% returning the number of points removed.
802find_last_common_point(OldPoints, NewPoints, N, OldTail, NewTail) :-
803	OldPoints = [OldPoint | OldPoints1],
804	NewPoints = [NewPoint | NewPoints1],
805	find_last_common_point_2(OldPoint, OldPoints1, NewPoint, NewPoints1, N,
806			OldTail, NewTail).
808find_last_common_point_2(PrevOldPoint, OldPoints, PrevNewPoint, NewPoints, N,
809			OldTail, NewTail) :-
810	(
811		OldPoints = [OldPoint | OldPoints1],
812		NewPoints = [NewPoint | NewPoints1],
813		OldPoint = NewPoint
814	->
815		find_last_common_point_2(OldPoint, OldPoints1,
816				NewPoint, NewPoints1, N0, OldTail, NewTail),
817		N is N0 + 1
818	;
819		N = 0,
820		OldTail = [PrevOldPoint | OldPoints],
821		NewTail = [PrevNewPoint | NewPoints]
822	).
825	% Converts a list of hull points to constraints on X and Y.
826hull_points_to_constraints(upper, Points, X, Y, Pool, Constraints) :-
827	upper_points_to_constraints(Points, X, Y, Pool, Constraints).
828hull_points_to_constraints(lower, Points, X, Y, Pool, Constraints) :-
829	lower_points_to_constraints(Points, X, Y, Pool, Constraints).
831upper_points_to_constraints([], _, _, _, []).	% For infinite hulls
832upper_points_to_constraints([Point | Points], X, Y, Pool, Constraints) :-
833	upper_points_to_constraints_2(Point, Points, X, Y, Pool, Constraints).
835upper_points_to_constraints_2(_, [], _, _, _, []).
836upper_points_to_constraints_2(PrevP, [P | Ps], X, Y, Pool, [C | Cs]) :-
837	% Remember: points are in reverse order.
838	upper_points_to_constraint(P, PrevP, X, Y, Pool, C),
839	upper_points_to_constraints_2(P, Ps, X, Y, Pool, Cs).
841	% Assumes X0 =< X1
842upper_points_to_constraint((X0, Y0), (X1, Y1), X, Y, Pool, C) :-
843	% Y =< Y0 + (Y1 - Y0) / (X1 - X0) * (X - X0)
844	% (X1 - X0) * Y - (Y1 - Y0) * X =< Y0 * (X1 - X0) - X0 * (Y1 - Y0)
845	Y0Max is breal_max(Y0),
846	Y1Max is breal_max(Y1),
847	XCoef0 is breal(Y1Max) - breal(Y0Max),
848	breal_bounds(XCoef0, XCoefMin, XCoefMax),
849	( XCoefMin > 0 ->
850	    % Segment going up.  Use top left points.
851	    XCoef = XCoef0,
852	    X0a is breal_min(X0),
853	    X1a is breal_min(X1)
854	; XCoefMax < 0 ->
855	    % Segment going down.  Use top right points.
856	    XCoef = XCoef0,
857	    X0a is breal_max(X0),
858	    X1a is breal_max(X1)
859	;
860	    % Segment is horizontal (or close enough).
861	    % Constraint should be implied by variable bounds, so just
862	    % return something which yields a tautology.
863	    XCoef = 0.0__0.0,
864	    X0a = 0.0,
865	    X1a = 0.0
866	),
867	YCoef is breal(X1a) - breal(X0a),
868	RHSMax is breal_max(Y0Max * YCoef - X0a * XCoef),
870	% Which bound of the X and Y coefficients to use (for safety)
871	% depends on the sign of the X and Y values its going to be used
872	% with...  Probably we don't have to be too paranoid about this
873	% because:
874	%   a) the coefficient is almost certainly a very narrow interval
875	%      (it's a simple difference between two floats),
876	%   b) we're passing them to an external solver which is going to
877	%      use approximating arithmetic a lot anyway, and presumably
878	%      includes its own safeguards,
879	%   c) we get some fuzz protection from the RHS bound.
880	% So for segments which span a zero coordinate (which would
881	% otherwise require special processing) we just choose the bound
882	% which is appropriate for the majority of the segment...
883	( X0a + X1a >= 0.0 ->
884	    XCoef1 is breal_max(XCoef)
885	;
886	    XCoef1 is breal_min(XCoef)
887	),
888	( Y0Max + Y1Max >= 0.0 ->
889	    YCoef1 is breal_min(YCoef)
890	;
891	    YCoef1 is breal_max(YCoef)
892	),
893	Rep = (YCoef1 * Y - XCoef1 * X =< RHSMax),
895	C = constraint with [dummy:Rep],
896	%printf("Adding constraint: %DQw%n", [Rep]),
897	add_pool_constraint(Rep, Pool).
899lower_points_to_constraints([], _, _, _, []).	% For infinite hulls
900lower_points_to_constraints([Point | Points], X, Y, Pool, Constraints) :-
901	lower_points_to_constraints_2(Point, Points, X, Y, Pool, Constraints).
903lower_points_to_constraints_2(_, [], _, _, _, []).
904lower_points_to_constraints_2(PrevP, [P | Ps], X, Y, Pool, [C | Cs]) :-
905	% Remember: points are in reverse order.
906	lower_points_to_constraint(P, PrevP, X, Y, Pool, C),
907	lower_points_to_constraints_2(P, Ps, X, Y, Pool, Cs).
909	% Assumes X0 =< X1
910lower_points_to_constraint((X0, Y0), (X1, Y1), X, Y, Pool, C) :-
911	% Y >= Y0 + (Y1 - Y0) / (X1 - X0) * (X - X0)
912	% (X1 - X0) * Y - (Y1 - Y0) * X >= Y0 * (X1 - X0) - X0 * (Y1 - Y0)
913	Y0Min is breal_min(Y0),
914	Y1Min is breal_min(Y1),
915	XCoef0 is breal(Y1Min) - breal(Y0Min),
916	breal_bounds(XCoef0, XCoefMin, XCoefMax),
917	( XCoefMax < 0 ->
918	    % Segment going down.  Use bottom left points.
919	    XCoef = XCoef0,
920	    X0a is breal_min(X0),
921	    X1a is breal_min(X1)
922	; XCoefMin > 0 ->
923	    % Segment going up.  Use bottom right points.
924	    XCoef = XCoef0,
925	    X0a is breal_max(X0),
926	    X1a is breal_max(X1)
927	;
928	    % Segment is horizontal (or close enough).
929	    % Constraint should be implied by variable bounds, so just
930	    % return something which yields a tautology.
931	    XCoef = 0.0__0.0,
932	    X0a = 0.0,
933	    X1a = 0.0
934	),
935	YCoef is breal(X1a) - breal(X0a),
936	RHSMin is breal_min(Y0Min * YCoef - X0a * XCoef),
938	% Which bound of the X and Y coefficients to use (for safety)
939	% depends on the sign of the X and Y values its going to be used
940	% with...  Probably we don't have to be too paranoid about this
941	% because:
942	%   a) the coefficient is almost certainly a very narrow interval
943	%      (it's a simple difference between two floats),
944	%   b) we're passing them to an external solver which is going to
945	%      use approximating arithmetic a lot anyway, and presumably
946	%      includes its own safeguards,
947	%   c) we get some fuzz protection from the RHS bound.
948	% So for segments which span a zero coordinate (which would
949	% otherwise require special processing) we just choose the bound
950	% which is appropriate for the majority of the segment...
951	( X0a + X1a >= 0.0 ->
952	    XCoef1 is breal_min(XCoef)
953	;
954	    XCoef1 is breal_max(XCoef)
955	),
956	( Y0Min + Y1Min >= 0.0 ->
957	    YCoef1 is breal_max(YCoef)
958	;
959	    YCoef1 is breal_min(YCoef)
960	),
961	Rep = (YCoef1 * Y - XCoef1 * X >= RHSMin),
963	C = constraint with [dummy:Rep],
964	%printf("Adding constraint: %DQw%n", [Rep]),
965	add_pool_constraint(Rep, Pool).
968	% Subsume the given list of constraints.
969	% XXX - Since eplex doesn't support this yet and it's safe to leave
970	% them active, for now we just do nothing.
971subsumed_constraints(_SubsumedConstraints) :-
973	(
974		foreach(Constraint, SubsumedConstraints)
975	do
976		Constraint = constraint with dummy:Rep,
977		write("Subsuming constraint "),
978		writeln(Rep)
979	).
981	true.
984	% Evaluate the piecewise linear function at the given point.
985	% ChunkLo and ChunkHi give upper and lower bounds on the chunk
986	% number in which to find X.  ChunkNum and SegNum return the chunk
987	% and segment in which X was found, and Y is the function result.
988fx(Chunks, ChunkLo, ChunkHi, X, Y, LeftRight, ChunkNum, SegNum) :-
989	( ChunkLo = ChunkHi ->
990	    Chunk is Chunks[ChunkLo],
991	    Chunk = chunk with points:Points,
992	    functor(Points, _, N),
993	    N_1 is N - 1,	% Number of _segments_
994	    fx(Points, 1, N_1, X, Y, LeftSegNum, RightSegNum),
995	    ( LeftRight = left ->
996		SegNum = LeftSegNum
997	    ;
998		SegNum = RightSegNum
999	    ),
1000	    ChunkNum = ChunkLo
1001	;
1002	    % Do a binary chop.
1003	    ChunkMid is (ChunkLo + ChunkHi + 1) // 2,
1004	    Chunk is Chunks[ChunkMid],
1005	    Chunk = chunk with [points:Points, left:Left],
1006	    (Xp, _) is Points[1],
1007	    select_bound(LeftRight, Xp, Xp0),
1008	    ( go_left(Left, X, Xp0) ->
1009		NewChunkHi is ChunkMid - 1,
1010		fx(Chunks, ChunkLo, NewChunkHi, X, Y, LeftRight, ChunkNum, SegNum)
1011	    ;
1012		fx(Chunks, ChunkMid, ChunkHi, X, Y, LeftRight, ChunkNum, SegNum)
1013	    )
1014	).
1016    % Select the bound of Xp to use as the cut-off point, depending on
1017    % whether we're looking for the leftmost X or rightmost X.
1018select_bound(left, Xp, Xp0) :-
1019	Xp0 is breal_max(Xp).
1020select_bound(right, Xp, Xp0) :-
1021	Xp0 is breal_min(Xp).
1023    % Decide whether to go left or right in the binary chop, depending on
1024    % whether the discontinuity at the left end of the chunk is open or
1025    % closed.
1026go_left(open, X, Xp0) :-
1027	X =< Xp0.
1028go_left(closed, X, Xp0) :-
1029	X < Xp0.
1032take_n(N, List, Head) :-
1033	take_drop_n(N, List, Head, _).
1035take_drop_n(N, List, Head, Tail) :-
1036	(
1037		count(I, 1, N),
1038		fromto(List, [H | ListT], ListT, Tail),
1039		fromto(Head, [H | TakenT], TakenT, [])
1040	do
1041		true
1042	).
1044% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1045% Bounds transfer
1046% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1048:- demon ic_to_eplex_bounds/3.
1049ic_to_eplex_bounds(V, Pool, S) :-
1050        var(V),
1051        ic: get_bounds(V, Min, Max),
1052        Pool: (V:: Min..Max).
1053ic_to_eplex_bounds(V, _, S) :-
1054        nonvar(V),
1055        kill_suspension(S).