2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License.
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System.
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc.
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 1995 - 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): Kish Shen, IC-Parc
22% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23% System:	ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System
24% Version:	$Id: ech.pl,v 1.6 2013/02/16 02:55:20 kish_shen Exp $
25% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
27%  New CHR implementation
28%  Kish Shen, March - June 1998, version 1
29%             March - April, 1999, some fixes
30%             Sept 1999,  further fixes
31%             Sept 2001, merged into one file
32%  Partial support for multi-head (>2) rules: no multi-head propagation rules
33%  Syntax changes and minor semantic changes from old CHR
34%  Faster execution
36:- module(ech).
38:- meta_attribute(ech, [
39			  unify:   unify_ech/2
40                          %print:   print_ech/2
41   ]).
43:- export op(1100, fy, handler).
44:- export op(1000, fy, constraints).
45%:- export op(1200, fy, [label_with]).
46:- export op(1190, xfx, [==>, <=>]).
47%:- export op(1200, xfx, :--).
48:- export op(1200, xfx, ::=). % replaces @ in old syntax
49:- export op(1100, xfx, |).
50:- export op(1100, xfx, \ ).
51:- export op(700, xfx, flag).
53:- local struct(chrcinfo(spec,count,prio)).
54:- local variable(chr_priority, 9).
56:- export record_chrrule/3, record_chrprule/3, new_constraints/3,
57          ignore_handler/2, record_namedrule/3, appliedpos/2,
58          suspendindexpos/2, constraintnumpos/2,
59          wrapperinpos/2, cdeletethreshold/2.
61:- tool(record_namedrule/2, record_namedrule/3).
62:- tool(record_chrrule/2, record_chrrule/3).
63:- tool(record_chrprule/2, record_chrprule/3).
64:- tool(new_constraints/2, new_constraints/3).
67:- export suspend_constraint/4, get_global_constraint/2,
68          get_constraint_list/3, kill_constraint/2, check_pairapplied/6,
69          check_pairapplied_direct/6, insert_pairapplied/6, is_in_store/2,
70          create_applied/2, check_samepairapplied/6, insert_samepairapplied/6,
71          check_samepairapplied_direct/6, check_samepairapplied_directmarked/8,
72          check_pairapplied_directmarked/8, find_partner/4, in_chrstore/2,
73	  chr_get_gconstraint/2, chr_get_vconstraint/3.
76:- export chr/1, chr/2, in_chrstore/1, option/2, option/3, chr_get_constraint/1,
77       chr_get_constraint/2, (constraints)/1, (constraints)/2, (handler)/1.
80:- tool(suspend_constraint/4, suspend_constraint/5).
81:- tool(get_global_constraint/2, get_global_constraint/3).
82:- tool(get_constraint_list/3, get_constraint_list/4).
83:- tool(kill_constraint/2, kill_constraint/3).
84:- tool(check_pairapplied/6, check_pairapplied/7).
85:- tool(insert_pairapplied/6, insert_pairapplied/7).
86:- tool(check_samepairapplied/6, check_samepairapplied/7).
87:- tool(insert_samepairapplied/6, insert_samepairapplied/7).
88:- tool(check_pairapplied_directmarked/8, check_pairapplied_directmarked/9).
89:- tool(check_samepairapplied_directmarked/8,
90        check_samepairapplied_directmarked/9).
91:- tool((chr)/1, (chr)/2).
92:- tool(in_chrstore/1, in_chrstore/2).
93:- tool(option/2, option/3).
94:- tool((constraints)/1, (constraints)/2).
95:- tool(chr_get_constraint/1, chr_get_gconstraint/2).
96:- tool(chr_get_constraint/2, chr_get_vconstraint/3).
100% avoid magic number in code
101realconstraintpos(constraint_in_wrapper_pos, 2).
102% arg. pos for const. in wrapper
103suspendindexpos(suspendid_pos, 3). % arg. pos for Index in wrapper
104% arg. pos for In arg. in wrapper
105wrapperinpos(wrapper_inpos, 4).
106% arg. pos for global const. no. in wrapper
107constraintnumpos(constraintnum_pos, 1).
108% arg. pos for applied-list in wrapper
109appliedpos(applied_pos, 5).
110% threshold for general clean-up of var's constraint list
111%varslistthreshold(varslist_threshold, 100).
112% threshold of number of kill_constraints before general cleanup
113cdeletethreshold(cdelete_threshold, 15).
115% macros for use when CHR syntax code is being read in
117ignore_handler(_, []).
119record_chrrule(Rule, [], Module) :-
120      % put in front as later we add to Processed at the front of the list
121      check_if_new_or_update(Module),
122      recorda('CHRcode', Rule)@Module.
124record_chrprule(Rule0, [], Module) :-
125      check_if_new_or_update(Module),
126      erase('CHRprule_count', count(Module,Np)),
127      Np1 is Np + 1,
128      (Rule0 = (Name ::= Rule1) ->
129         Rule = (Name ::= Np1-(Rule1)) ; Rule = Np1-(Rule0)
130      ),
131      recorda('CHRcode', Rule)@Module,
132      recorda('CHRprule_count',count(Module,Np1)).
134record_namedrule(NamedRule, [], Module) :-
135     NamedRule = (_Name ::= Rule),
136     ( Rule = (Head ==> Body) -> record_chrprule(NamedRule, [], Module)
137    ;( Rule = (Head <=> Body) -> record_chrrule(NamedRule, [], Module)
138    ;  writeln(error, "Syntax error, ::= is not followed by a valid rule in"),
139       pretty_write(NamedRule), nl
140     )).
142new_constraints(constraints ConstDec, [], Module) :- % still support old syntax for now
143   check_if_new_or_update(Module),
144   erase('CHRconst_count', count(Module,NConst0)),
145   count_and_record_constraints(ConstDec, NConst0, Count0, Module),
146   recorda('CHRconst_count', count(Module,Count0)).
148constraints(ConstDec, Module) :-
149   check_if_new_or_update(Module),
150   erase('CHRconst_count', count(Module,NConst0)),
151   count_and_record_constraints(ConstDec, NConst0, Count0, Module),
152   recorda('CHRconst_count', count(Module,Count0)).
154handler _. % do nothing; for compatibility only
158:- export macro((handler)/2, ignore_handler/3, [clause]).
159:- export macro((==>)/2, record_chrprule/3, [clause]).
160:- export macro((<=>)/2, record_chrrule/3, [clause]).
161:- export macro((::=)/2, record_namedrule/3, [clause]).
162:- export macro((constraints)/1, new_constraints/3, [clause]).
163:- export macro(no_macro_expansion(constraint_in_wrapper_pos/0), realconstraintpos/2, []).
164:- export macro(no_macro_expansion(suspendid_pos/0), suspendindexpos/2, []).
165:- export macro(no_macro_expansion(constraintnum_pos/0), constraintnumpos/2, []).
166:- export macro(no_macro_expansion(applied_pos/0), appliedpos/2, []).
167:- export macro(no_macro_expansion(wrapper_inpos/0), wrapperinpos/2, []).
168%:- export macro(varslist_threshold/0, varslistthreshold/2, []).
169:- export macro(no_macro_expansion(cdelete_threshold/0), cdeletethreshold/2, []).
172:- pragma(expand).
176% global constraint count
177:- local variable(constraint_number, 0).
179:- import sepia_kernel.
181:- set_flag(coroutine, on).
184:- lib(lists).
185:- lib(numbervars).
188:- local struct(
189         ech(
190           slists,      % indexed store for suspension lists of constraint
191           count
192         )
193   ).
196% `compiler'
198chrcompile(Error, Culprit, Module) :- Culprit = (term,_,_), !,
199   error(default(Error), Culprit, Module).
200chrcompile(Error, Culprit, Module) :- Culprit = (_, _, dumped), !,
201   error(default(Error), Culprit, Module).
202chrcompile(Error, Culprit, Module) :-
203   recorded_list('CHRadding_code', Modules),
204   erase_all('CHRadding_code'),
205   (Modules \== [] -> % have read in some constraints
206        chrcompile_by_module(Modules) ; true
207   ),
208   error(default(Error), Culprit, Module).
210chrcompile_by_module([]) :- !.
211chrcompile_by_module([Module|Modules]) :-
212   recorded('CHRconst_count', count(Module,N)),
213   % N should be > 0
214   recorded_list('CHRconstraints', Constraints)@Module,
215   recorded_list('CHRcode', Rules)@Module,
216   compile_term([(:- import sepia_kernel), (:- set_flag(coroutine, on)),
217          number_of_constraints(N)])@Module,
218   (transform(Rules,Constraints,N, Module) ->
219        true
220   ;
221        printf(error, "***Compiling of CHRs failed in module %w. Please"
222               " report problem.",
223               [Module]),
224        abort
225   ),
226   ArraySize is N + 1, % need +1 to avoid using 0.
227   (current_array('CHRcdelete_count'(OldSize),_)@Module ->
228      (OldSize \== ArraySize ->
229         erase_array('CHRcdelete_count'/1)@Module,
230         local(array('CHRcdelete_count'(ArraySize), integer))@Module
231       ; true
232      )
233     ;local(array('CHRcdelete_count'(ArraySize), integer))@Module
235   ),
236   chrcompile_by_module(Modules).
238check_if_new_or_update(Module) :-
239   (recorded('CHRadding_code', Module) ->
240        true
242      ; % indicates that CHR code is being added since last (if any) compile
243        recorda('CHRadding_code', Module)
244   ),
245   (current_array('CHRcstore',_)@Module ->
246    % CHRcstore will be defined in Module if CHR encountered for Module
247    % must use something from Module as the module may have been erased
248        true ; initialise_module_for_chr(Module)
249   ).
252:- local initialization(set_event_handler(139, chrcompile/3)).
254/* transform(+Rules, +Constraints, +N, +Module)
255   transforms the list of CHR in rules into Prolog code. Constraints is the
256   list of declared constraints for these rules. N is the number of
257   constraints, and Nprule is the number of propagation rules in the CHR
259transform(Rules, Constraints, N, Module) :-
260    initialise_processed(N, ProcessedRules),
261    syntax_check(Rules, Constraints, ProcessedRules, Module),
262    recorded('CHRprule_count', count(Module,Nprule)),
263    compile_term(number_of_propagations(Nprule))@Module,
264    translate(ProcessedRules, Constraints, Nprule, Module).
267indexing_argsize(_N, 0).% :- writeln(_N). % for now
270/* translate(+Processed, +Constraints, +Nprule, +Module)
271   translate the processed rules in Processed into Prolog code. Constraints is
272   the list of constraints, and Nprule is the number of propagation rules --
273   if this is zero, the suspension can be simplified.
275translate(Processed,Constraints,Nprule, Module) :-
276    functor(Processed,_,Size),
277    translate_each_constraint(Size, Processed, Constraints, Nprule, Module).
279/* translate_each_constraint(+Nth, +Processed, +Constraints, +Nprule, +Module)
280   translate the rules associated with the Nth constraint, i.e. those rules
281   where the Nth constraint occurs in the head. Note that seperate code needs to
282   be generated for each occurance of a head constraint, except where the
283   situation is symmetric and can be optimised
285translate_each_constraint(0,_,_,_,_) :- !.
286translate_each_constraint(N, Processed, Constraints, Nprule, Module) :-
287   arg(N,Processed,HRuleList),
288   length(HRuleList, NRule),
289   indexing_argsize(NRule, NRule1),
290   nth_member(N, Constraints, F/A),
291   printf(log_output, "Found CHR %a/%w in module %w, generating transformed"
292          " code\n", [F,A, Module]),
293   gen_code_for_constraint(HRuleList, [], F, A, 1, NRule1, Nprule, Code0, Module),
294   optimise(Code0, Code),
295%   printcode(Code),
296   compile_term([(:- pragma(expand))|Code])@Module,
297   N1 is N - 1,
298   translate_each_constraint(N1, Processed, Constraints, Nprule, Module).
300/* construct_exec_constraint(+WrappedF, +WrappedA, +F, +A, +ConstNum, +
301   Priority, +NRule, +Nprule, -Code, +Module)
302    constructs the various codes for managing a particular constraint. Two
303    clauses are needed: one (WrappedF/WrappedA) that is suspended, and when
304    woken, calls the rules (with possible optimisations); and the other,
305    called from the plane constraint (F/A), which is used to initiate a
306    new call to the rules. A demon directive for WrappedF/WrappedA is also
307    needed so that it is not killed when woken. ConstNum is the index number
308    into the constraint store for this constraint (F/A)
310construct_exec_constraint(WF, WA, CF, CA, ConstNo, Prio, NRule, Nprule, Code, Module) :-
311    functor(WHead, WF, WA), % wrapped constraint
312    make_current_rule_name(CF, CA, 1, NRule, Nprule, FirstRule0, A),
313    WHead =.. [_F,_ConsNum,Constraint|MetaArgs],
314    % WHead - suspended constraint, for wake up calls
315    functor(Constraint,CF,CA),
316    Constraint =.. [CF|ConsArgs], % original constraint form
317    length(Index,NRule),
318    instantiate_list(Index, 1),  % make all 1 for now
319    append(Index, ConsArgs, L1),
320    append(L1, MetaArgs, ArgList),
321    functor(FirstRule0, FirstRuleF, A),
322    Body =.. [FirstRuleF|ArgList],
323    add_check_in_store(Constraint, Body, ConstNo, Prio, Call, Module),
324    % to add optimising code before Body in WHead
325    Code = [(:- demon(WF/WA)), ( WHead :- Body), (Constraint :- Call)].
328add_check_in_store(Constraint, Call, No, Prio, Check, Module) :-
329   PriCall = call_priority(Call, Prio),
330   (recorded('CHRdont_in_store', Module) ->
331         Check = PriCall
332       ; Check = (ech:get_global_constraint(No, SuspL),
333                   (ech:is_in_store(SuspL, Constraint) -> true ; PriCall)
334                 )
335   ).
337/* extract the first Ath argument from the structure NewHead as a list, ConsArgs */
338get_constraint_args(NewHead, A, ConsArgs) :-
339 NewHead =.. [_|Args],
340 split_list(A, Args, ConsArgs, _).
343gen_code_for_constraint([], PreviousTryNexts, F, A, Nth, NRule, Nprule, CodeTail, Module) :- !,
344  % need to generate termination rule
345    (PreviousTryNexts \== none -> % have processed rules for this constraint
346    make_rulefunctor(F, A, Nth, Functor),
347    nmetaargs(Nprule, N),
348    NewArity is A + N, % no indexing for this last clause.
349    functor(NewHead, Functor, NewArity),
350    get_constraint_args(NewHead, A, ConsArgs),
351    Head =.. [F|ConsArgs], % set the constraint arguments
352    AddBase is A + 1, % start of extra args
353    arg(AddBase, NewHead, Index),
354    %%% MAGIC NUMBER
355    InPos is AddBase + 1,
356    arg(InPos, NewHead, In),
357    (Nprule =:= 0 -> ExtraArgs = [Index,In]
358          ; AppPos is AddBase + 2, arg(AppPos, NewHead, Applied),
359            ExtraArgs = [Index,In,Applied]
360    ),
362    get_constraintnumber_fa(F,A, ConstNo, Prio, Module),
363    construct_wrapper_constraint(Head, ExtraArgs, Constraint, _),
364    construct_writeconstraint_code(Constraint, WriteDefine, WriteRule),
365    CodeTail = [( NewHead :-
366      (var(Index) ->
367          ech:suspend_constraint(Constraint, Head, ConstNo, Prio)
368        ; get_suspension_data(Index, goal, Goal),
369          setarg(wrapper_inpos, Goal, In)
370      )
371    ),WriteDefine, WriteRule| ExecConstraint],
372    functor(Constraint, WH, WA),
374    construct_exec_constraint(WH,WA,F,A, ConstNo, Prio, NRule, Nprule,
375         ExecConstraint, Module),
376    construct_previous_try_next(PreviousTryNexts, A, NRule, NRule, NewHead)
377  ; /* no code for this constraint at all */
378    printf(warning_output, "Warning: No rule found for constraint %w/%w.\n",[F,A]),
379    CodeTail = []).
381    PInfo, ComInfo, _Name)|Rest],
382    PreviousTryNexts, F, A, Nth, NRule, Nprule, Transformed1, Module) ?-
383  Head =.. [F|ArgList],
384  make_current_rule_name(F,A,Nth,NRule,Nprule,  CHead, _Arity),
385  % CHead is clause head here (i.e. with meta args); Head is constrtraint
386  construct_previous_try_next(PreviousTryNexts, A, NRule, 0, CHead),
387  fill_current_head(CHead, A, Nth,NRule, ArgList, IndexHeadArgs,MetaArgs),
388  % fill in the arguments for the head
389  (Nprule \== 0 ->
390     MetaArgs = [CIndex,In,_Applied]
391   ; MetaArgs = [CIndex,In]
392  ),
393  append(DeleteHeads, KeepHeads, Partners),
394  %DeleteHeads first so that these can be deleted in body
395  Clause = (CHead ?- Code0), % Code0 to be filled in
396  rule_type(Rule, RuleType),
397  construct_main_clause(RuleType, Status, Partners, DeleteHeads, KeepHeads, Head, CHead, Body, Nth, Nprule, PInfo, ComInfo, IndexHeadArgs, MetaArgs, Code0, Vars, Cans, InsChecks, TryNexts0, PreFiredCodes0, PostFiredCodes0, AllRest, Module),
398  construct_2ndclause(CHead, Nth, NRule, A, SecondClause, TryNexts1),
400  (Partners \== [] -> % not needed if no partners
401     construct_prefired_otherpartners(RuleType, Status, Partners, DeleteHeads, KeepHeads, CHead, Head, Body, A, AllRest,
402        Nth, NRule, Nprule, Cans, InsChecks, PInfo, ComInfo, PreFiredName, PreFiredCodes1, PostFiredCodes1, TryNexts2, PrePRule, Module),
403     construct_postfired_otherpartners(RuleType, Status, Partners, DeleteHeads, KeepHeads, CHead, Head, Body, A, AllRest,
404        Nth, NRule, Nprule, Cans, InsChecks, PInfo, ComInfo, PostFiredName, PostFiredCodes2, TryNexts3, PostPRule, Module),
405     % fill in various bits of code
406     functor(CHead, CFunc, _),
407     construct_instancematches(Partners, Cans, Vars, InsChecks, CFunc, 1, Module),
409     fill_in_try_otherrest(PreFiredCodes0, PreFiredName),
410     fill_in_try_otherrest(PreFiredCodes1, PreFiredName),
411     fill_in_try_otherrest(PostFiredCodes0, PostFiredName),
412     fill_in_try_otherrest(PostFiredCodes1, PostFiredName),
413     fill_in_try_otherrest(PostFiredCodes2, PostFiredName),
414     append(TryNexts0,TryNexts1, TryNexts4),
415     append(TryNexts4, TryNexts2, TryNexts5),
416     append(TryNexts5, TryNexts3, TryNexts),
417     PrePRule = [Pre1,Pre2], PostPRule = [Post1,Post2],
418     Transformed1 = [Clause,SecondClause,Pre1,Pre2,Post1,Post2|Transformed2]
420   ; /* should not have prefirecodes etc. if no partners */
421     append(TryNexts0, TryNexts1, TryNexts),
422     Transformed1 = [Clause,SecondClause|Transformed2]
423  ),
426  Nth1 is Nth + 1,
427  gen_code_for_constraint(Rest, TryNexts, F, A, Nth1, NRule, Nprule, Transformed2, Module).
430construct_instancematches([], [], [], [], _, _, _) :- !.
431construct_instancematches([Partner|Ps], [Candidate|Cans], [Common-Remain|Cs], [ICheck|ICs], CFunc, N, Module) :-
432   copy_term(Remain,CRemain),
433   concat_atom([CFunc,match,N], NewFunc),
434   ICheck =.. [NewFunc,Candidate,Common, Remain],
435   GoalHead =.. [NewFunc,Partner,Common, CRemain],
436   compile_term((GoalHead ?- CRemain = Remain))@Module,
437   N1 is N + 1,
438   construct_instancematches(Ps, Cans, Cs, ICs, CFunc, N1, Module).
441fill_in_try_otherrest([], _Name) :- !.
442fill_in_try_otherrest([f(ArgList,TobeFilled)|Others], Name) :-
443   (var(TobeFilled) ->
444        TobeFilledGoal =.. [Name|ArgList],
445	% add a cut before the call to prevent spurious backtracking
446	TobeFilled = (!, TobeFilledGoal)
447   ;    true),
448   % TobeFilled is not var if no code needs to be filled in
449   fill_in_try_otherrest(Others, Name).
452rule_type((_H==>_B), Type) ?-  !, Type = propagation.
453rule_type((H<=>_B), Type) ?-
454  H = (_\_) ->
455     Type = simpogation ; Type = simplification.
458construct_main_clause(RuleType, Status, Partners, DeleteHeads, KeepHeads, Head, CHead, Body, Nth, Nprule, PropInfo, CompInfo,
459     IndexHeadArgs, MetaArgs, Code0, Vars, Candidates,
460     InstanceChecks, TryNexts, PreFiredCodes, PostFiredCode, AllRest, Module) :-
462  get_constraintnumber(Head, ConstNo, Module),
463  decompose_body(Body, Guard, BGoals),
465  % construct the clause
466  CommonArgs = a(Head,CHead,MetaArgs,Nth,AllRest,_PIndecies,_GConst,
467     _Add_Applied,AppTail),
468  ExtendArgs = a(Status,ConstNo,BGoals,DeleteHeads,KeepHeads,PostFired0,NTryNext),
470  construct_find_partners(Partners, CommonArgs, 1, [], [],
471                          Vars, Candidates, InstanceChecks, FindPartners,
472                          Module),
473  MetaArgs = [_,In|_],
474  (FindPartners \== true ->
475       TryNexts0 = [f(Try_Next_Rule,[Nth-np|In],CHead)], % don't know how Cth
476                                                     % is used, omitted
477       Code0 = (FindPartners ->
478                    Code1
479               ;
480                    !, Try_Next_Rule
481               )
482  ;
483       TryNexts0 = [],
484       Code0 = Code1
485  ),
486  construct_applied(RuleType, Partners, CommonArgs, PropInfo, CompInfo, Code1,
487     PreFired0, TryNext0, Code2),
488  construct_guard(Guard, (Head,Partners), CommonArgs, CompInfo, ExtendArgs, Nprule, Code2, PreFired1, TryNext, Code3, Module),
489  construct_body(CommonArgs, ExtendArgs, Nprule, Code3, PostFired, TryNext1, Module),
491  % construct the various arg list
492  multi_append([TryNext0,TryNext,TryNext1,TryNexts0,NTryNext], TryNexts),
493  append(IndexHeadArgs, [AllRest], L0),
494  append(L0, MetaArgs, Post1),
495  append(L0, [applied|MetaArgs], Pre0), append(L0, [gf|MetaArgs], Pre1),
496  (Nprule == 0 ->
497      Post1 = PostFiredArgs,
498      Pre1 = PreArgs1,
499      Pre0 = PreArgs0
500    ; append(Post1, [AppTail], PostFiredArgs),
501      append(Pre0, [AppTail], PreArgs0),
502      append(Pre1, [AppTail], PreArgs1)
503  ),
504  PostFiredCode = [f(PostFiredArgs,PostFired),f(PostFiredArgs,PostFired0)],
505  PreFiredCodes = [f(PreArgs0,PreFired0),f(PreArgs1,PreFired1)].
508construct_2ndclause(OldHead, Nth, NRule, ConsArity, Code, TryNexts) :-
509   functor(OldHead, F,A),
510   functor(NewHead, F,A), % construct new head
511   InPos is ConsArity + NRule + 2, % second meta-arg is In
512   arg(InPos, NewHead, In),
513   (NRule > 0 ->
514      arg(Nth, NewHead, I), % the indexing var. for this clause
515      %% MAGIC NUMBER
516      TryNexts = [f(TryNext1,[Nth-hf|In],NewHead),f(TryNext0,In,NewHead)],
517      Code = (NewHead :-
518         I == 1 -> TryNext0
519	      ; TryNext1
520      )
521    ; Code = (NewHead :- TryNext0),
522      TryNexts = [f(TryNext0,[Nth-hf|In],NewHead)]
523   ).
526fill_previous_infoargs(PInfoPos, NRule, TryOtherHead, [FailType,SuspL,AppTail]) :-
527   arg(PInfoPos, TryOtherHead, FailType),
528   SuspPos is NRule + 2,
529   arg(SuspPos, TryOtherHead, SuspL),
530   AppTailPos is NRule + 3,
531   arg(AppTailPos, TryOtherHead, AppTail).
534construct_previous_try_next([], _, _, _, _) :- !.
535construct_previous_try_next([f(TryNext, NewIn, PrevHead)|TryNexts], OArity, NRule, RemoveArg, NewHead) :-
536% RemoveArg normally set to zero, so that indexing args are not removed, except for last clause for this constraint
537   (TryNext \== true ->
538     functor(NewHead, Name, _A), % NewHead used as template to construct calling goal
539     add_inarg(PrevHead, OArity, NRule, NewIn, NewArgs0),
540     remove_indexing(RemoveArg, NewArgs0, NewArgs),
541     TryNext =.. [Name|NewArgs] % code for calling goal
542    ;true
543   ),
544   construct_previous_try_next(TryNexts, OArity, NRule, RemoveArg, NewHead).
546/* updates MetaArgs from OldIn to NewIn */
547add_inarg(PrevHead, OArity, NRule, NewIn, NewArgs) :-
548   divide_vars(PrevHead, OArity, NRule, OIndexHeadArgs, OMetaArgs),
549   update_inarg(OMetaArgs,NewIn, NMetaArgs),
550   append(OIndexHeadArgs, NMetaArgs, NewArgs).
552/* updates In when given Metaargs */
553update_inarg([Index,_OldIn|Rest], NewIn, [Index,NewIn|Rest]).
556/* removes the first Nth arguments from rule clause, which are for indexing */
557remove_indexing(0, Args0, Args1) :- !, Args0 = Args1. % nothing to remove
558remove_indexing(1, [_|Args0], Args1) :- !, Args0 = Args1.
559remove_indexing(N, [_|Args0], Args1) :- N > 1,
560   N1 is N - 1,
561   remove_indexing(N1, Args0, Args1).
564/* connect_orig_args(+OrigHead, +NRule, +IndexHeadArgs)
565   connect the original args. (i.e. "real" arguments from the constraint
566   OrigHead) with their corresponding args. in the current clause being
567   constructed -- these are in the IndexHeadArgs, which includes the
568   indexing args at the start
570connect_orig_args(OHead, NRule, IndexHeadArgs) :-
571   OHead =.. [_|RealArgs],
572   remove_indexing(NRule, IndexHeadArgs, RealArgs).
576construct_prefired_otherpartners(RuleType, Status, Partners, DeleteHeads,KeepHeads,
577  RuleF, Head, Body, OrigArity, AllRests, Nth, NRule, Nprule, Candidates, CheckInsts, PInfo, ComInfo, PreFiredName,
578  PreFiredCodes, PostFiredCode, TryNexts, Code0, Module) :-
579   decompose_body(Body, Guard, BGoals),
580   get_constraintnumber(Head, ConstNo, Module),
581   make_try_other_name(RuleF, prefired, PreFiredName),
582   nmetaargs(Nprule, BasicSize), % number of "basic" meta-args
583   (Nprule == 0 -> MetaSize is BasicSize  + 2; MetaSize is BasicSize + 3),
584   % 4 fixed meta-args (AllRest,Reason,Index,In) + 2 w/propagation (Applied, AppTail)
585   Arity is NRule + OrigArity + MetaSize,
586   functor(CHead, PreFiredName, Arity),
587   divide_vars(CHead, OrigArity, NRule, IndexHeadArgs, PreMetaArgs),
588   connect_orig_args(Head, NRule, IndexHeadArgs),
589   PreMetaArgs = [AllRests,_Reason|MetaArgs],
590   get_appliedtail(Nprule, MetaArgs, AppTail),
591   Code0 = [(CHead ?- Code1), (CHead :- NextRule)],
592   MetaArgs = [_Index,In|_],
594   construct_basic_head(CHead, Head, NRule, Nprule, MetaArgs, ConsHead),
595   TryNext0 = [f(NextRule, In, ConsHead)],
596   CommonArgs = a(Head,CHead,MetaArgs,Nth,AllRests1,_PIndecies,_GConst,
597     _Add_Applied, NAppTail),
598   % we no longer create TryNexts branches in fguards, so no need for TryNext
599   ExtendArgs = a(Status,ConstNo,BGoals,DeleteHeads,KeepHeads,PostFired0,[]),
601   construct_other_findpartners(AllRests, Partners, CommonArgs, NRule,
602      1, [], Nprule, Candidates, CheckInsts, Code1, Code2),
603   construct_fapplied(RuleType, AppTail, CommonArgs, PInfo, ComInfo, Code2,
604      PreFired0, Code3),
605   construct_fguard(Guard, (Head,Partners), CommonArgs, ExtendArgs, ComInfo, Nprule, Code3, Code4, Module),
606   construct_body(CommonArgs, ExtendArgs, Nprule, Code4, PostFired, TryNext1, Module),
608   % same args as head, except for AllRest, Reason and AppTail
609   % no need to append TryNext0, should not have pre/post fired if no
610   % partner
611   new_metaargs(Nprule, MetaArgs, NAppTail, NewMetaArgs),
612   append(TryNext0, TryNext1, TryNexts),
613   append(IndexHeadArgs, [AllRests1,applied|NewMetaArgs], PreArgs0),
614   append(IndexHeadArgs, [AllRests1|NewMetaArgs], PostArgs),
615   PreFiredCodes = [f(PreArgs0,PreFired0)],
616   PostFiredCode =  [f(PostArgs,PostFired),f(PostArgs,PostFired0)].
620construct_postfired_otherpartners(RuleType, Status, Partners, DeleteHeads, KeepHeads, RuleF, Head, Body, OrigArity, AllRests, Nth, NRule, Nprule, Candidates, CheckInsts, PInfo, ComInfo, PostFiredName, PostFiredCodes, TryNexts, Code0, Module) :-
621   decompose_body(Body, Guard, BGoals),
622   get_constraintnumber(Head, ConstNo, Module),
623   make_try_other_name(RuleF, postfired, PostFiredName),
624   nmetaargs(Nprule, BasicSize),
625   (Nprule ==0 -> MetaSize is BasicSize +1 ; MetaSize is BasicSize + 2),
626   % should try to remove these magic numbers
627   Arity is NRule + OrigArity + MetaSize,
628   functor(CHead, PostFiredName, Arity),
629   divide_vars(CHead, OrigArity, NRule, IndexHeadArgs, PostMetaArgs),
630   connect_orig_args(Head, NRule, IndexHeadArgs),
631   PostMetaArgs = [AllRests|MetaArgs],
632   get_appliedtail(Nprule, MetaArgs, AppTail),
633   Code0 = [( CHead :- Code1), (CHead :- NextRule)],
634   MetaArgs = [_Index,In|_],
636   construct_basic_head(CHead, Head, NRule, Nprule, MetaArgs, ConsHead),
637   TryNext0 = [f(NextRule, In, ConsHead)],
638   CommonArgs = a(Head,CHead,MetaArgs,Nth,AllRests1,_PIndecies,_GConst,
639     _Add_Applied,AppTail1),
640   ExtendArgs = a(Status,ConstNo,BGoals,DeleteHeads,KeepHeads,PostFired3,[]),
643   construct_other_findpartners(AllRests, Partners, CommonArgs, NRule,
644     1, [], Nprule, Candidates, CheckInsts, Code1, Code2),
645   construct_fapplied(RuleType, AppTail, CommonArgs, PInfo, ComInfo, Code2, PostFired0, Code3),
646   construct_fguard(Guard, (Head,Partners), CommonArgs, ExtendArgs, ComInfo, Nprule, Code3, Code4, Module),
647   construct_body(CommonArgs, ExtendArgs, Nprule, Code4, PostFired2, TryNext1, Module),
648   % no need to delete post-fired
650   append(TryNext0,TryNext1, TryNexts),
652   (Status == keep -> true; fill_in_with_true(TryNexts)),
653   new_metaargs(Nprule, MetaArgs, AppTail1, NewMetaArgs),
654   append(IndexHeadArgs, [AllRests1|NewMetaArgs], PostArgs),
655   PostFiredCodes = [f(PostArgs,PostFired0),f(PostArgs,PostFired2),f(PostArgs,PostFired3)].
658/* new_metaargs(+Nprule, +OldArg, -NewAppTail, NewArgs)
659   creates NewArgs, the new meta-args, for the recursive calls to pre- and post-
660   fired clauses, from within a pre- and post- fire clause. OldArgs are the
661   original meta-args upon entry into the pre-/post-fired clause that is
662   being created, and the only value that needs to be changed is the AppTail
663   argument, if it exist
665new_metaargs(Nprule, OldArgs, NewAppTail, NewArgs):-
666    (Nprule =:= 0 -> NewArgs = OldArgs ;
667         OldArgs = [Index,In,Applied,_],
668         NewArgs = [Index,In,Applied,NewAppTail]
669    ).
672fill_in_with_true([]) :- !.
673fill_in_with_true([f(ToBeTrue, _, _)|TryNexts]) :-
674   ToBeTrue = true,
675   fill_in_with_true(TryNexts).
679/* fill_current_head(+CurrentHead, +OriginalArity, +Nth, +NRule, +ArgList,
680      -IndexHeadArgs, -MetaArgs)
681   CurrentHead is the head of the translated Prolog goal for the current
682   rule being compiled. OriginalArity is the
683   original arity of the head constraints that triggered the trying of the
684   current rule, Nth indicates that the current rule is the Nth rule for this
685   constraint, and is used to construct the indexing, NRule is the number of
686   rules for this constraint, which determines how many arguments will be
687   needed for indexing. ArgList is a list of the original arguments in the
688   constraint. IndexHeadArgs will be returned with the indexing and head
689   (original arguments of the constraint) arguments of CurrentHead, and
690   MetaArgs are the "meta" arguments of CurrentHead, i.e. those needed to
691   allow for the suspension and rewakening of the constraint.
693fill_current_head(CHead, A, Nth, NRule, ArgList, IndexHeadArgs, MetaArgs) ?-
694/* current scheme for head args are
695   (Indexing..., Original Args..., ConstraintIndex, FailureInfo, Applied) */
696   (NRule \== 0 -> arg(Nth, CHead, 1) ; true),% indexing
697   fill_original_args(0, A, NRule, ArgList, CHead),
698   divide_vars(CHead, A, NRule, IndexHeadArgs, MetaArgs).
701/* divide_vars(+CurrentHead, +OrigArity, +NRule, -IndexHeadArgs, -MetaArgs)
702   splits the arguments of CurrentHead into two lists: IndexHeadArgs, which
703   are the Indexing and head args, and MetaArgs, which are the meta args
705divide_vars(CHead, OArity, NRule, IndexHeadArgs, MetaArgs) :-
706   CHead =.. [_|AllArgs],
707   IndexHeadSize is OArity + NRule,
708   split_list(IndexHeadSize, AllArgs, IndexHeadArgs, MetaArgs).
710fill_original_args(N, N, _, [], _) :- !.
711fill_original_args(N0, Max, NRule, [Arg|ArgList], CHead) :-
712   N1 is N0 + 1,
713   Pos is  NRule + N1,
714   arg(Pos, CHead, Arg), % put Arg in
715   fill_original_args(N1, Max, NRule, ArgList, CHead).
718/* get_appliedtail(+Nprule, +MetaArgs, -AppTail)
719   returns the AppTail meta-argument from MetaArgs if it exists (if there are
720   no propagation rules, i.e. Nprule = 0). This is for the pre and post fired
721   clauses, where the two propagation args would be at the end if they exist
722   The clause simply does not do anything if AppTail does not exist -- this
723   means that following clauses should not make use of AppTail
725get_appliedtail(Nprule, [_,_|Pos], AppTail) :-
726   (Nprule =\= 0 -> Pos = [_Applied,AppTail] ; true).
728/* get_constraintnumber(+Constraint, -ListNumber, +Module)
729   returns the ListNumber for constraint, i.e. which constraint list a
730   particular constraint (in the form of a structure) is stored in
732get_constraintnumber(Cons, ConstNo, Module) :-
733   functor(Cons,F,A),
734   get_constraintnumber_fa(F,A, ConstNo, _, Module).
736get_constraintnumber_fa(F,A, ConstNo, Prio, Module) :-
737   recorded_list('CHRconstraints', Constraints)@Module,
738   chr_constraint_info(Constraints, F/A, ConstNo, Prio).
741construct_check_identical(Partner, Head, PartnerIndex, CIndex, CheckIdentical) :-
742   /*get_constraintnumber(Partner, PartnerIndex),*/
743   (\+ \+(Partner = Head) ->
744   % if unifiable, then need to generate code to check Partner is not current
745       CheckIdentical = (PartnerIndex \== CIndex) ; CheckIdentical = true
746   ).
748% construct code that checks if the currently found partner has already
749% been previously matched in this rule
750construct_not_already_matched([], _, CheckCode) :- !,
751        CheckCode = true.
752construct_not_already_matched([MatchedIndex], PartnerIndex, CheckCode) :- !,
753        CheckCode = (PartnerIndex \== MatchedIndex).
754construct_not_already_matched(MatchedIdxs, PartnerIndex, CheckCode) :-
755% more than one matched head already...
756        CheckCode = (\+memberchk(PartnerIndex, MatchedIdxs)).
759           Com,Cans,InsChk,Code,_M) :- !,
760   Code = true, AllRest = [], PIndex = [], Com = [],
761   InsChk = [], Cans = [].
763   [PartnerIndex|PIndecies],_,_,_), Cth, MatchedPIdxs, MatchedPartners,
764   [Common-Remain|Cs], [Candidate|Cans], [InstanceCheck|ICs], Code, Module) :-
765% Nth rule for this constraint, Cth partner, In for failure info
766% Head is the raw constraint head (i.e. without meta args)
767% MatchedPIdxs are indecies of the suspended goals for already matched
768% partners
769   MetaArgs = [CIndex,_In|_],
770   shared_vars(Partner,  [Head|MatchedPartners], Common, Remain),
771   % non-shared variables in Candidate and Partner are the same
772   get_constraintnumber(Partner,ConstNo, Module),
773   (Common \== []  ->
774        GetSList = ech:get_constraint_list(Common, ConstNo, SuspL)
775   ;
776        GetSList = ech:get_global_constraint(ConstNo, SuspL)
777   ),
778   construct_check_identical(Partner, Head, PartnerIndex, CIndex, CheckIdentical),
779   construct_not_already_matched(MatchedPIdxs, PartnerIndex, CheckNotAlreadyMatched),
780   Code =
781      (GetSList,
782       ech:find_partner(SuspL, PartnerIndex, Candidate, Rest),
783       InstanceCheck,
784       CheckIdentical,
785       CheckNotAlreadyMatched,
786       RestCode0
787      ),
788   % If this is not the first partner, use the original suspension list
789   % instead of Rest (the remaining list after finding he current partner)
790   % This is because there might be dependencies from the earlier partners
791   % that means subsequent refiring of the (simpogation/propagation) rule
792   % needs to check partners that did not match with the current.
793   % A possible optimisation is to determine the dependencies to see if
794   % Rest can be used.
795   (Cth > 1 ->
796       AllRest = [SuspL|AllRest0]
797   ;
798       AllRest = [Rest|AllRest0]
799   ),
800   Cth1 is Cth + 1,
801   construct_find_partners(Partners,a(Head,CHead,MetaArgs,Nth,AllRest0,
802      PIndecies,_,_,_), Cth1, [PartnerIndex|MatchedPIdxs],
803      [Partner|MatchedPartners], Cs, Cans, ICs, RestCode0, Module).
806/* construct_basic_head(+CurrentClauseHead, +OrigConstraintHead, +NRule,
807       +Nprule, +BasicMetaArgs, -ConstructedHead)
808   constructs a "basic" head with just the indexing, real arguments, and
809   the basic meta-args. CurrentClauseHead is the head of the clause that
810   is being constructed. This can contain additional meta-args to the basic
811   one. These need to be removed. OrigConstraintHead is the constraint,
812   without any indexing or meta-args. NRule is the number of rules for this
813   constraint (i.e. number of indexing args.). BasicMetaArgs is the basic
814   meta-args for the CurrentClauseHead
816construct_basic_head(CHead, Head, NRule, Nprule, MetaArgs, NewHead) :-
817   functor(Head,F,A),
818   divide_vars(CHead, A, NRule, IndexHeadArgs, _),
819   nmetaargs(Nprule, N), length(MetaArgs1, N),
820   append(MetaArgs1, _, MetaArgs),
821   % get rid of any extra non-basic arguments at end of MetaArgs
822   append(IndexHeadArgs, MetaArgs1, Args),
823   NewHead =.. [F|Args].
826construct_other_findpartners([], [], a(_,_,_,_,AllRest,PIndex,_,_,_), _, _, _,
827      _, _, _, Code0, Code) :- !,
828   Code0 = Code, AllRest = [], PIndex = [].
829construct_other_findpartners([Rest|Rests], [Partner|Partners], a(Head,CHead,
830    MetaArgs,Nth,AllNRest,[PartnerIndex|PIndecies],_,_,_), NRule, Cth,
831    MatchedPIdxs, Nprule, [Candidate|Cans], [CheckIns|CIs], Code, RestCode) :-
832   MetaArgs = [CIndex, _In|_],
834   % construct ConsHead which contains only the basic meta-args
835   %construct_basic_head(CHead, Head, NRule, Nprule, MetaArgs, ConsHead),
837   construct_check_identical(Partner, Head, PartnerIndex, CIndex, CheckIdentical),
838   construct_not_already_matched(MatchedPIdxs, PartnerIndex, CheckNotAlreadyMatched),
839   Code = (
840      ech:find_partner(Rest, PartnerIndex, Candidate, NewRest),
841      CheckIns,
842      CheckIdentical,
843      CheckNotAlreadyMatched,
845      RestCode0
846   ),
847   % use full original list if Cth > 1
848   (Cth > 1 ->
849       AllNRest = [Rest|NewRests]
850   ;
851       AllNRest = [NewRest|NewRests]
852   ),
853   Cth1 is Cth + 1,
854   construct_other_findpartners(Rests, Partners, a(Head,CHead,MetaArgs,Nth,NewRests,PIndecies,_,_,_), NRule,
855     Cth1, [PartnerIndex|MatchedPIdxs], Nprule, Cans, CIs, RestCode0, RestCode).
858/* extract_applied(+MetaArgs, -Applied) extracts the argument for storing
859   Applied information from the meta arguments of a clause
861extract_applied([_,_,Applied|_], Applied).
863/* construct_applied_check
865 this constructs the appropriate direct applied (i.e. applied list has
866 already been extracted) check for propagation rules. This occurs in the
867 pre-fired and post-fired clauses. Currently it only deals with two headed
868 propagation rules (no check needed for single headed propagation
869 rules). In such cases, there are two factors: if the head constraints have
870 the same functor/arity, and if the one initiating the rule has already
871 been added to the constraint store or not. These generate four different
872 situations
875construct_applied_check(1, double(H1,_H2), Head, RuleNo, PList, [PIndex], Index, Add_Applied, Not_AppliedCheck, AppTail, GConsNo, Status) :- !,
876	get_currentheadpos(H1, Head, Pos, OtherPos),
877	Not_AppliedCheck = (
878	    get_suspension_data(PIndex, goal, PGoal),
879            arg(constraintnum_pos, PGoal, PConsNumber), % get the ConsNo for partner
880            PList = [_|PListRest],
881	    (var(Index) -> /* if var, then initiating head is not in constraint store */
882	        /* can only check in that case */
883	        ech:check_samepairapplied_direct(PList, PListRest, Pos-PConsNumber, AppTail, AppRest, Status)
885	      ; /* can check and mark if initiating head already in constraint store */
886	        get_suspension_data(Index, goal, Cons0),
887                arg(constraintnum_pos, Cons0, GConsNo),
889	        ech:check_samepairapplied_directmarked(PList, PListRest, Pos-PConsNumber, AppTail, OtherPos-GConsNo, PGoal, RuleNo, Status)
890            )
892        ),
893	Add_Applied = samepairapplied(Pos,PConsNumber,AppTail,AppRest,OtherPos,PGoal,RuleNo).
894construct_applied_check(1, _, _, RuleNo, PList, [PIndex], Index, Add_Applied,
895    Code, AppTail, GConsNo, Status) :- !,
896	Code = (get_suspension_data(PIndex, goal, PGoal),
897          arg(constraintnum_pos, PGoal, PConsNumber),
898          PList = [_|PListRest],
899	  (var(Index) ->
900                ech:check_pairapplied_direct(PList, PListRest, PConsNumber, AppTail, AppRest, Status)
902	       ;get_suspension_data(Index, goal, Cons0),
903                arg(constraintnum_pos, Cons0, GConsNo),
905	        ech:check_pairapplied_directmarked(PList, PListRest, PConsNumber, AppTail, GConsNo, PGoal, RuleNo, Status)
906          )
907        ),
908        Add_Applied = pairapplied(PConsNumber,AppTail,AppRest,PGoal,RuleNo).
909construct_applied_check(N, _, _, _RuleNo, _PList, _, _Index, Add_Applied,
910    Code, _AppTail, _, _Status) :- !,
911   N > 1,
912   writeln(error, "Propagation rule with more than two head constraints not yet supported. No applied testing done.\n"), flush(error),
913   Add_Applied = true,
914   Code = true.
920appropriate_applied(0, _, _, RuleNo, [], Applied, Code, Add_Applied,
921  AppTail, _ConsNo, Status) :- !,
922    Code = ( nonvar(Applied) ->
923                arg(RuleNo, Applied, App),
924	        (App == * -> Status = found ; Status = notfound)
925	     ; % var(Applied)
926               number_of_propagations(Size),
927               ech:create_applied(Applied, Size),
928               Status = notfound
929           ), AppTail = [],
930    Add_Applied = arg(RuleNo, Applied, *).   % * mark as read
931appropriate_applied(1, double(H1, _H2), Head, RuleNo, [PIndex], Applied, Code,
932  Add_Applied, AppTail, ConsNo, Status) :- !,
933    % propagation rule, with two heads that has the same functor and arity
934    % needs special check and insert applies
935    get_currentheadpos(H1, Head, Pos, OtherPos),
936    Code = ( get_suspension_data(PIndex, goal, PGoal),
937              arg(constraintnum_pos, PGoal, PConsNumber),
938              ech:check_samepairapplied(RuleNo, Applied, Pos-PConsNumber, AppTail, AppRest, Status)
939     ),
940     Add_Applied = ech:insert_samepairapplied(Pos-PConsNumber, AppTail, AppRest, OtherPos-ConsNo, PGoal, RuleNo).
941appropriate_applied(1, _, _, RuleNo, [PIndex], Applied, Code, Add_Applied, AppTail, ConsNo,
942   Status) :- !,
943     Code = ( get_suspension_data(PIndex, goal, PGoal),
944              arg(constraintnum_pos, PGoal, PConsNumber),
945              ech:check_pairapplied(RuleNo, Applied, PConsNumber, AppTail, AppRest, Status)
946     ),
947     Add_Applied = ech:insert_pairapplied(PConsNumber, AppTail, AppRest, ConsNo, PGoal, RuleNo).
948appropriate_applied(N, _, _, _RuleNo, _, _, Code, Add_Applied, _, _, _) :-
949   N > 1,
950   writeln(error, "Propagation rule with more than two head constraints not yet supported. Not applied testing done.\n"), flush(error),
951   Code = true,
952   Add_Applied = true.
956/* get_currentheadpos(+Head1, +Partner, -Pos, -OtherPos)
957   returns in Pos the position (1 or 2) of the current head that is being
958   transformed. OtherPos is the other position. Head1 is the first (leftmost)
959   head as occur in the rule, and Head is the current active head
961get_currentheadpos(Head1, Head, Pos, OPos) :-
962   Head1 \== Head -> Pos = 2, OPos = 1; Pos = 1, OPos = 2.
967construct_applied(Rule_Type, Partners, a(Head,CHead,MetaArgs,Nth,_,PIndecies,
968   GConsNo,Add_Applied,AppTail), RuleNo, ComInfo, Code, PreFiredAlt, TryNext,
969   RestCode) :-
970   Rule_Type == propagation ->
971     length(PIndecies, NPartners),
972     extract_applied(MetaArgs, Applied),
973     appropriate_applied(NPartners, ComInfo, Head, RuleNo, PIndecies, Applied, Not_Applied, Add_Applied, AppTail, GConsNo, Status),
975     Code = (
976        Not_Applied,
977        (Status == notfound ->
978            RestCode
979	  ; !, AltAction
980        )
981     ),
982     (Partners == [] ->
983         MetaArgs = [_Index,In|_], % get In
984         TryNext = [f(AltAction, [Nth-notapp|In], CHead)],
985         PreFiredAlt = true
986       ; TryNext = [], PreFiredAlt = AltAction
987     )
988   ; Add_Applied = true, PreFiredAlt = true, TryNext = [],
989     RestCode = Code.
991construct_fapplied(Rule_Type, Partners, a(Head,_,MetaArgs,_,_,PIndecies,GConsNo,Add_Applied,AppTail), RuleNo, ComInfo, Code, PreFiredAlt, RestCode) :-
992   Rule_Type == propagation ->
993     MetaArgs = [Index|_],
994     length(PIndecies, NPartners),
995     construct_applied_check(NPartners, ComInfo, Head, RuleNo, Partners, PIndecies, Index, Add_Applied, Not_AppliedCheck, AppTail, GConsNo, Status),
997     Code = (
998        Not_AppliedCheck,
999        (Status == notfound ->
1000            RestCode
1001           ; !, PreFiredAlt
1002        )
1003     )
1004   ;
1005     Add_Applied = true,
1006     RestCode = Code.
1008/* metaguard_code(+Guard, -Code)
1009   construct the code for "meta" Guards -- i.e. none of the guards can
1010   constrain the variables in them
1012metaguard_code(Guard, Code) :-
1013    Code = (last_suspension(Mark),
1014            Guard, ttrue, % need to mark differently so not optimised away
1015            new_suspensions(Mark,[]) % no goals in guard has been delayed
1016           ).
1018/* guard_code(+Guard, +Global, -Code)
1019   construct the code for Guards, where they contain goals which are capable
1020   of constraining (global)variables. Code taken from old chr.pl:
1022% Before the guard (Goal) is called, a 'fail' is attached to every variable
1023% of the Goal. Then, as soon as one of these variables is touched
1024% (unified), the call will fail.
1027guard_code(Guard, Globals, Code) :-
1028    Code = (
1029      make_suspension(fail, 1, Susp),
1030      insert_suspension(Globals, Susp, constrained of suspend, suspend),
1031      last_suspension(Mark),
1032      Guard, ttrue,
1033      new_suspensions(Mark, []),
1034      kill_suspension(Susp)
1035    ).
1037construct_invertable_rule(Globals, CommonArgs, InvBody, ExtendArgs, Nprule, Code, Try_Other_Partners, TryNext, Module) :-
1038    decompose_body(InvBody, InvG, InvB),
1039    construct_guard(InvG, Globals, CommonArgs, nil, ExtendArgs, Nprule, Code, Try_Other_Partners, TryNext, RestCode, Module),
1040    ExtendArgs = a(delete,ConstNo,_,DeleteHead,KeepHead,PostFired,TryNext1),
1041    % Delete and Keep Heads swapped
1042    construct_body(CommonArgs, a(keep,ConstNo,InvB,KeepHead,DeleteHead,
1043        PostFired,TryNext1), Nprule, RestCode, PostFired, TryNext1, Module).
1045construct_guard(Guard, Globals, CommonArgs, ComInfo, ExtendArgs, Nprule, Code, Try_Other_Partners, TryNext, Rest_Code, Module) :-
1047   CommonArgs = a(_,CHead,MetaArgs,Nth,AllRest,_,_,_,_),
1048   (Guard \== true ->
1049       ((recorded('CHRdont_guard_bindings', Module) ; nonconstrainable(Guard)) ->
1050       % check if guard can possibly cause the constraining of any variable
1051           metaguard_code(Guard, Execute_Guard)
1052         ; guard_code(Guard, Globals, Execute_Guard)
1053       ),
1055       (AllRest == [] -> /* no need to try other partners */
1056           Code = (
1057              Execute_Guard -> !,
1058                  Rest_Code
1059	        ; !, AltCode
1061           ),
1062           MetaArgs = [_Index,In|_],
1063           TryNext = [f(Try_Next_Rule, [Nth-gf|In], CHead)],
1064           Try_Other_Partners = true
1066         ; %AllRest \== []
1067           Code =
1068             (Execute_Guard -> !,
1069                 Rest_Code
1070               ; !, AltCode
1071           ),
1072           TryNext = []
1073       ),
1075       (ComInfo = twobodies(InvBody) ->
1076           construct_invertable_rule(Globals, CommonArgs, InvBody, ExtendArgs, Nprule, AltCode, Try_Other_Partners, TryNext, Module)
1078         ; (AllRest == [] -> AltCode = Try_Next_Rule ; AltCode = Try_Other_Partners),
1079           ExtendArgs = a(_,_,_,_,_,true,[])
1080       )
1082     ; /* Guard == true */
1083       ExtendArgs = a(_,_,_,_,_,true,[]), % bind the output args
1084       Code = (!, Rest_Code), Try_Other_Partners = true,
1085       TryNext = []
1086   ).
1089construct_fguard(Guard, Globals, CommonArgs, ExtendArgs, ComInfo, Nprule, Code, Rest_Code, Module) :-
1090   (Guard \== true ->
1091       ((recorded('CHRdont_guard_bindings', Module) ; nonconstrainable(Guard)) ->
1092       % check if guard can possibly cause the constraining of any variable
1093           metaguard_code(Guard, Execute_Guard)
1094         ; guard_code(Guard, Globals, Execute_Guard)
1095       ),
1096       (ComInfo = twobodies(Inv) ->
1097          Code = (Execute_Guard ->
1098                   !, Rest_Code ; AltCode
1099                 ),
1100          construct_finvertable_rule(Globals, Inv, CommonArgs, ExtendArgs, Nprule, AltCode, Module)
1102        ; Code = (
1103             Execute_Guard, !,
1104             Rest_Code
1105          )
1108       )
1109     ; /* Guard == true, no difference in twobodies case, as head will be
1110          removed */
1111       Code = (!, Rest_Code)
1112   ).
1116construct_finvertable_rule(Globals, Inv, CommonArgs, ExtendArgs, Nprule, Code, Module) :-
1117     decompose_body(Inv, InvG, InvB),
1118     construct_fguard(InvG, Globals, CommonArgs, ExtendArgs, nil, Nprule, Code, RestCode, Module),
1119     ExtendArgs = a(delete,ConstNo,_,DeleteHead,KeepHead,PostFired,TryNext1),
1120     % Delete and Keep Heads swapped
1121     construct_body(CommonArgs, a(keep,ConstNo,InvB,KeepHead,DeleteHead,
1122        PostFired,TryNext1), Nprule, RestCode, PostFired, TryNext1, Module).
1126construct_deletion([], _, _, true) :- !.
1127construct_deletion([DHead|DHs], [Index|Indecies], Constraints, Code) :-
1128   functor(DHead,F,A),
1129   chr_constraint_info(Constraints, F/A, ConstNo, _),
1130   Code = (ech:kill_constraint(ConstNo, Index), Code1),
1131   construct_deletion(DHs, Indecies, Constraints, Code1).
1135  ExtendArgs,  Nprule, Code, PostFired, TryNext, Module) :-
1137   ExtendArgs = a(HeadAction,ConstNo,BodyGoals,DeleteHeads,_,_,_),
1138   recorded_list('CHRconstraints', Constraints)@Module,
1139   construct_deletion(DeleteHeads, PIndecies, Constraints, DeleteConstraints),
1140   MetaArgs = [Index,In|_],
1141   nmetaargs(Nprule, BasicSize),
1142   length(BasicMetaArgs, BasicSize),  % only basic MetaArgs are used in suspended constraint
1143   append(BasicMetaArgs, _, MetaArgs),
1144   (HeadAction == keep ->
1145       construct_wrapper_constraint(Head, BasicMetaArgs, Constraint, GConst),
1146       functor(Head,F,A),
1147       get_constraintnumber_fa(F,A, _, Prio, Module),
1148       generate_constraint_suspend(Add_Applied, Index, Constraint, Head,
1149                                   ConstNo, Prio, GConst, SCode),
1150       Code = (
1151          SCode,
1152          DeleteConstraints,
1153          BodyGoals,
1154          May_Continue
1155       ),
1156       (AllRest == [] ->
1157           PostFired = true,
1158           TryNext = [f(Continue1,In,CHead)],
1159	   add_may_continue(BodyGoals, Index, May_Continue, Continue1)
1160       ;
1161	   TryNext = [],
1162           add_may_continue(BodyGoals, Index, May_Continue, PostFired)
1163       )
1165     ; /* HeadAction \= keep */
1166       Code = (
1167         ech:kill_constraint(ConstNo, Index),
1168         DeleteConstraints,
1169         BodyGoals
1170       ), PostFired = true, TryNext = []
1171   ).
1174/* add check for if Index is a live suspension or not if the body goals
1175   could possibly cause the constraint to be killed
1177add_may_continue(BodyGoals, Index, May_Continue, ContinueCode) :-
1178	(nonconstrainable(BodyGoals) ->
1179         % if body goals could not possibly cause constraint to be killed,
1180         % then no need to test if suspension is valid or not.
1181	    May_Continue = ContinueCode
1182         ;  May_Continue =
1183                (is_suspension(Index) ->
1184	            ContinueCode ; true
1185                )
1186	 ).
1188/* generate the code for dealing with the possible addition of a constraint
1189   to the constraint store after a rule is fired. If the rule is a two
1190   headed propagation rule, then special code may need to be generated to
1191   deal with checking if the heads have been applied already. There is also
1192   different code in this case for the initial call and the pre- and post-
1193   fired calls
1196    OtherPos,PGoal,RuleNo), _Index, Constraint, Head, ConstNo, Prio, GConst, Code) ?- !,
1197% double headed propagation rule, with same (same functor) heads. Here
1198% Add_Applied (first arg.) is used to pass extra args for constructing code
1199	Code =
1200          (var(GConst) -> % check GConst instead of Index. Previous check of var(Index) means GConst would be instatiated if Index non-var
1201	      ech:suspend_constraint(Constraint, Head, ConstNo, Prio),
1202	      ech:insert_samepairapplied(Pos-PConsNumber, AppTail, AppRest, OtherPos-GConst, PGoal, RuleNo)
1204            ; true
1205          ).
1207    _Index, Constraint, Head, ConstNo, Prio, GConst, Code) ?- !,
1208% double headed propagation rule, with different heads
1209	Code =
1210          (var(GConst) ->
1211	      ech:suspend_constraint(Constraint, Head, ConstNo, Prio),
1212	      ech:insert_pairapplied(PConsNumber, AppTail, AppRest, GConst, PGoal, RuleNo)
1214            ; true
1215          ).
1216generate_constraint_suspend(Add_Applied, Index, Constraint, Head, ConstNo,
1217                            Prio, GConst, Code) :-
1218% generic case
1219       Code = (
1220          (var(Index) ->
1221	      ech:suspend_constraint(Constraint, Head, ConstNo, Prio)
1222            ; get_suspension_data(Index, goal, Cons0),
1223              arg(constraintnum_pos, Cons0, GConst)
1224              %Cons0 is Constraint, but use new var as no need to deconstruct
1225          ),
1226          Add_Applied
1227      ).
1230/* make_current_rule_name(+CFunctor, +CArity, +Nth, +NRule, +Nprule, -NewRuleHead, -NewArity)
1231   creates a new clause head (NewRuleHead) for a translated rule called with a
1232   constraint CFunctor/CArity. This clause is the Nth clause for this constraint.
1233   There are a total of NRule for this constraint.
1234   Nprule is the number of propagation rule in the program, if this is zero, the
1235   clause head is simplier as it omits the Applied argument
1237make_current_rule_name(CF, CA, Nth, NRule, Nprule, RuleHead, Arity) :-
1238    (Nprule =:= 0 -> Extra = 0 ; Extra = 1),
1239    Arity is CA + Extra + NRule + 2, % NRule args for indexing; 2 extra meta arguments
1240    make_rulefunctor(CF, CA, Nth, Functor),
1241    functor(RuleHead, Functor, Arity).
1243make_rulefunctor(CF, CA, Nth, Functor) :- % creates a (hopefully) unique new name
1244    concat_atom(['CHR',CF,CA,'_',Nth], Functor).
1246/* make_try_other_name(+MainRuleHead, +Position, -Name)
1247   creates the name for the auxillary predicates for the rule with MainRuleHead
1248   as head of the rule. Position is either prefired or postfired, depending
1249   on if the goal is to be called before or after the firing of the rule
1251make_try_other_name(MainRuleHead, Position, Name) :-
1252   functor(MainRuleHead, F, _),
1253   concat_atom([F,Position], Name).
1256/* construct_wrapper_constraint(+CHead, +ExtraArgs, -Constraint, -GlobalNumber)
1257  constructs the actual suspension (Constraint) that is used to represent
1258  the suspended constraint CHead. ExtraArgs is a list of the meta arguments
1259  carried by the actual suspension. GlobalNumber is the global constraint
1260  number used to index CHR constraints for this Constraint
1262construct_wrapper_constraint(CHead, ExtraArgs, Constraint, GConsNo) :-
1263   functor(CHead, CF, CA),
1264   concat_atom(['CHRsusp',CF,CA], WFunctor),
1265   Constraint =.. [WFunctor, GConsNo, CHead|ExtraArgs].
1267nmetaargs(Nprule, N) :-
1268% Currently MetaArgs are Index,In,Applied
1269    (Nprule =:= 0 -> N = 2 ; N = 3).
1272optimise([], []) :- !.
1273optimise([Clause|Code], [OClause|OCode]) :-
1274   optimise_clause(Clause, OClause),
1275   optimise(Code, OCode).
1277optimise_clause((:- Goal), (:- Goal)) :- !.
1278optimise_clause((Head :- Body), (Head :- OBody)) :- !,
1279   optimise_body(Body, OBody0), optimise_further(OBody0, OBody).
1280optimise_clause((Head ?- Body), (Head ?- OBody)) :- !,
1281   optimise_body(Body, OBody0), optimise_further(OBody0, OBody).
1282optimise_clause(Fact, Fact).
1285% convert ttrue to true and remove singleton trues that may be left.
1286optimise_further(ttrue, Out) ?- !, Out = true.
1287optimise_further((ttrue, Goals), Out) ?- !, Out = (true,OGoals),
1288   optimise_further(Goals, OGoals).
1289optimise_further((true, Goals), OGoals) ?- !,
1290   optimise_further(Goals, OGoals).
1291optimise_further((Goal, true), OGoal) ?- !,
1292   optimise_further(Goal, OGoal).
1293optimise_further((Goal,Goals), Out) ?- !, Out = (OGoal,OGoals),
1294   optimise_further(Goal, OGoal), optimise_further(Goals, OGoals).
1295optimise_further((Goal1;Goal2), Out) ?- !, Out = (OGoal1;OGoal2),
1296   optimise_further(Goal1, OGoal1), optimise_further(Goal2, OGoal2).
1297optimise_further((If -> Then), Out) ?- !, Out = (OIf -> OThen),
1298   optimise_further(If, OIf), optimise_further(Then, OThen).
1299optimise_further(Goal, Goal).
1302optimise_body((true, Goals), OGoals) ?- !,
1303   optimise_body(Goals, OGoals).
1304optimise_body((Goal,true), OGoal) ?- !,
1305   optimise_body(Goal, OGoal).
1306optimise_body((Goal,Goals), Out) ?- !, Out = (OGoal,OGoals),
1307   optimise_body(Goal, OGoal),
1308   optimise_body(Goals, OGoals).
1309optimise_body((Goals1;Goals2), Out) ?- !, Out = (OGoals1;OGoals2),
1310   optimise_body(Goals1, OGoals1),
1311   optimise_body(Goals2, OGoals2).
1312optimise_body((If -> Then), Out) ?- !, Out = (OIf -> OThen),
1313   optimise_body(If, OIf),
1314   optimise_body(Then, OThen).
1315optimise_body(Goal, Goal).
1318printcode([]) :- !.
1319printcode([Clause|Clauses]) :-
1320   writeclause(log_output,Clause), nl,
1321   printcode(Clauses).
1324/* nonconstrainable(+Goals) succeeds if all goals in Goals
1325   cannot possibly constrain the value of their arguments.
1327nonconstrainable((Guard1, Guard2)) ?-
1328      nonvar(Guard1), !,
1329      nonconstrainable(Guard1), nonconstrainable(Guard2).
1330nonconstrainable(Guard) :- % single goal
1331      nonconstraining_goal(Guard).
1333nonconstraining_goal(_ > _) :- !.
1334nonconstraining_goal(_ < _) :- !.
1335nonconstraining_goal(_ >= _) :- !.
1336nonconstraining_goal(_ =< _) :- !.
1337nonconstraining_goal(var(_)) :- !.
1338nonconstraining_goal(nonvar(_)) :- !.
1339nonconstraining_goal(_ == _) :- !.
1340nonconstraining_goal(_ =:= _) :- !.
1341nonconstraining_goal(_ =\= _) :- !.
1342nonconstraining_goal(_ \== _) :- !.
1343nonconstraining_goal(ground(_)) :- !.
1344nonconstraining_goal(nonground(_)) :- !.
1345nonconstraining_goal(free(_)) :- !.
1346nonconstraining_goal(integer(_)) :- !.
1347nonconstraining_goal(number(_)) :- !.
1348nonconstraining_goal(float(_)) :- !.
1349nonconstraining_goal(real(_)) :- !.
1350nonconstraining_goal(rational(_)) :- !.
1351nonconstraining_goal(breal(_)) :- !.
1352nonconstraining_goal(_@>_) :- !.
1353nonconstraining_goal(_@<_) :- !.
1354nonconstraining_goal(_@>=_) :- !.
1355nonconstraining_goal(_@=<_) :- !.
1356nonconstraining_goal(_@>_) :- !.
1359/* shared_vars(?T1, ?T2, -Shared, -Remain1)
1360     returns in Shared the shared variables of Terms T1 and T2, Remain1
1361     will contain the non-shared variables in T1
1363shared_vars(T1, T2, Shared, Remain1) :-
1364   term_variables(T1, Vars1),
1365   term_variables(T2, Vars2),
1366   intersect(Vars1, Vars2, Shared, Remain1).
1368intersect([], _, L, R) :- !, L = [], R =[].
1369intersect([V1|L1], L2, Intersect, Remain) :-
1370   (membervar(L2, V1) ->
1371      Intersect = [V1|Intersect0], Remain = Remain0
1372    ; Intersect = Intersect0, Remain = [V1|Remain0]
1373   ), intersect(L1, L2, Intersect0, Remain0).
1376membervar([V1|L], V) :-
1377    V == V1 -> true ; membervar(L,V).
1380initialise_processed(N, Processed) :-
1381    functor(Processed, rules, N),
1382    make_empty_lists(N, Processed).
1384/* make_list(+CommaList, -List)
1385   changes CommaList (in the form (A1,A2,....An) to a normal List)
1387make_list((A1,A2), [A1|L]) :-
1388    !,
1389    make_list(A2, L).
1390make_list(A, [A]).
1393/* decompose_body(+Body, -GuardGoals, -BodyGoals)
1394    breaks down the incoming Body into goals for the guard and body
1396decompose_body((Guards|Goals), Guards, Goals) :- !.
1397decompose_body(Goals, true, Goals).
1401syntax_check([], _, _, _).
1402syntax_check([Rule|Rules], Constraints, PRules, Module) :-
1403    check_one_rule0(Rule, Constraints, PRules, Module),
1404    syntax_check(Rules, Constraints, PRules, Module).
1407check_one_rule0(FRule, Constraints, Processed, Module) :-
1408    (FRule = (Name ::= Rule) ->
1409        check_one_rule(Rule, Constraints, Processed, Name, Module)
1410      ; check_one_rule(FRule, Constraints, Processed, [], Module)
1411    ).
1413check_one_rule((KeepHeads\DeleteHeads <=> Body), Constraints, Processed, Name,
1414      Module) ?- !,
1415    Rule = (KeepHeads\DeleteHeads<=>Body),
1416    make_list(KeepHeads, KHeadsL0),
1417    make_list(DeleteHeads, DHeadsL0),
1418    remove_symmetric(DHeadsL0, DHeadsL),
1419    %may_remove_symmetric(KHeadsL0, KHeadsL),
1420    KHeadsL0 = KHeadsL,
1421    single_simpogation(KHeadsL, DHeadsL, Body, InvBody, Type, Module),
1422    simpogation_action(Type, Rule, KHeadsL0, KHeadsL, DHeadsL0, DHeadsL, Body,
1423       InvBody, Constraints, Processed, Name).
1424check_one_rule((Heads <=> Body), Constraints, Processed, Name, _Module) ?- !,
1425    Rule = (Heads <=> Body),
1426    make_list(Heads, HeadList0),
1427    remove_symmetric(HeadList0, HeadList),
1428    definedheads(HeadList, Constraints, delete, [], HeadList0, Body, 0, Rule,
1429      Name, not_prop, nil, Processed).
1430check_one_rule(PNo-(Heads==>Body), Constraints, Processed, Name, _Module) ?-
1431    Rule = (Heads==>Body),
1432    make_list(Heads, HeadList0),
1433    may_remove_symmetric(Body, HeadList0, HeadList, Info),
1434    definedheads(HeadList, Constraints, keep, HeadList0, [], Body, 0, Rule,
1435      Name, PNo, Info, Processed).
1438simpogation_action(not_reducible, Rule, KHeadsL0, KHeadsL, DHeadsL0, DHeadsL,
1439  Body, _InvBody, Constraints, Processed, Name) ?- !,
1441    definedheads(KHeadsL, Constraints, keep, KHeadsL0, DHeadsL0, Body, 0, Rule,
1442      Name, not_prop, nil, Processed),
1443    definedheads(DHeadsL, Constraints, delete, KHeadsL0, DHeadsL0, Body, 0, Rule,
1444      Name, not_prop, nil, Processed).
1445simpogation_action(nobody, Rule, KHeadsL0, _KHeadsL, DHeadsL0, DHeadsL,
1446  Body, _InvBody, Constraints, Processed, Name) ?- !,
1447    definedheads(DHeadsL, Constraints, delete, KHeadsL0, DHeadsL0, Body, 0,
1448      Rule, Name, not_prop, nil, Processed).
1449simpogation_action(twobodies, Rule, KHeadsL0, _KHeadsL, DHeadsL0, DHeadsL,
1450  Body, InvBody, Constraints, Processed, Name) ?-
1451    definedheads(DHeadsL, Constraints, delete, KHeadsL0, DHeadsL0, Body, 0,
1452      Rule, Name, not_prop, twobodies(InvBody), Processed).
1456get_prop_nclausearg(V0,V1) :- var(V0), !, V0 = V1.
1457get_prop_nclausearg([N-_Head|Rest], [N|Ns]) :-
1458    get_prop_nclausearg(Rest, Ns).
1460/* definedheads(+HeadList, +Constraints, +Status, +KeepHeads, +DeleteHeads,
1461        +Body, +N, +Rule, +Name, +PropNum, +Info, +Processed)
1462    definedheads checks if the head constraints in HeadList of rule Rule are
1463    defined or not. It also does some initial processing on the rule to ease
1464    the later translation: the constraints that are kept (KeepHeads) and those
1465    that are deleted (DeleteHeads) are seperated when called. The HeadList
1466    passed is either those constraints that are kept (i.e. same as KeepHeads)
1467    or those that are deleted (DeleteHeads), as indicated by Status. Body is
1468    the body of the rule (guard and body goals). N is used to indicate the Nth
1469    Head in HeadList is being considered. Processed is used to store the
1470    processed rule. For a particular rule, an entry is made in Processed for
1471    each head constraint in the rule. Name is the name the user gave to the
1472    rule, would be [] if not named. PropNum is the propagation rule number for
1473    this propagation rule (not_prop if not propagation rule).
1474    Additional information deduced obtained during the processing which
1475    have affected the way processed rules are generated - this information
1476    is passed along in Info for correct behaviour during transformation
1479definedheads([H|Hs0], Constraints, Status, AllKHeads, AllDHeads, Body, N0, Rule,  Name, NProp, Info, Processed) ?-
1480    functor(H, F, A),
1481    (chr_constraint_info(Constraints, F/A, ConsNum, _) ->
1482       N1 is N0 + 1,
1483       (Status == keep ->
1484	  remove_head(N1, AllKHeads, OtherHeads),
1485          addto_processed(ConsNum, Rule, keep, H, OtherHeads, AllDHeads, Body,
1486             Name, NProp, Info, Processed)
1487        ; remove_head(N1, AllDHeads, OtherHeads),
1488          addto_processed(ConsNum, Rule, delete, H, AllKHeads, OtherHeads,
1489             Body, Name, NProp, Info, Processed)
1490       ),
1491       definedheads(Hs0, Constraints, Status, AllKHeads, AllDHeads, Body, N1, Rule, Name, NProp, Info, Processed)
1492     ; printf(error, "Syntax error: undefined constraint %a/%w (%w) found in:\n", [F,A,H]),
1493       flush(error),
1494       pretty_write(Rule)
1495       % some error recovery routine
1496    ).
1497definedheads([], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _).
1500% for propagation rule, can only remove symmetric heads if body goals cannot
1501% affect computation (only catch "true" as such a body goal for now)
1503may_remove_symmetric(Body, Hs0, Hs, Info) :-
1504   simple_body(Body) ->
1505       remove_symmetric(Hs0, Hs),
1506       (Hs0 == Hs -> % no removal
1507          check_double_samehead(Hs, Info)
1508        ; Info = nil
1509       )
1510     ; check_double_samehead(Hs0, Info),
1511       Hs0 = Hs.
1513simple_body(true) :- !.
1514simple_body((_G|Body)) :-
1515   simple_body(Body).
1517check_double_samehead([H1,H2], Info) :-
1518   functor(H1, F, A), functor(H2, F, A), !,
1519   Info = double(H1, H2).
1520check_double_samehead(_, nil).
1523remove_symmetric([H1,H2], Hs) :- !,
1524   (is_symmetric(H1, H2) -> Hs = [H1] ; Hs = [H1,H2]).
1525remove_symmetric(Hs, Hs).
1528is_symmetric(H1, H2) :-
1529   \+ \+(H1 = H2),
1530   \+ \+is_pairsymmetric(H1,H2).
1532is_pairsymmetric(H1,H2) :-
1533   copy_term((H2,H1), NPair),
1534   numbervars((H1,H2), 0, N),
1535   numbervars(NPair, 0, N),
1536   NPair == (H1,H2).
1538no_body((true|true)) :- !.
1541% if the simpogation rule has only two heads, and the keep and deleted
1542% heads are symmetric, then generate only one rule for the two heads
1543single_simpogation([KH], [DH], Body, NBody, Type, Module) :-
1544   \+recorded('CHRdont_simpa_symmetric', Module),
1545   \+ \+(KH = DH),
1546   \+ \+is_pairsymmetric(KH, DH), !,
1547   (no_body(Body)  ->
1548      Type = nobody
1550    ; Type = twobodies,
1551      % the following assumes term_variables/2 will extract variables in
1552      % exactly the same order for two symmetric terms
1553      term_variables((KH,Body),Vars1),
1554      term_variables((DH,Body),Vars2),
1555      copy_term((Body,Vars1,Vars2),(NBody,Vars2,Vars1))
1556   ).
1557single_simpogation(_, _, _, _, Type, _M) :- Type = not_reducible.
1561/*   shared_vars(H1, H2, Shared, _Rest),
1562   is_symmetric_with_shared(Shared, H1, H2).
1564is_symmetric_with_shared([], _, _) :- !.
1565is_symmetric_with_shared([Var|Vars], H1, H2) :-
1566   % need to check that all shared vars are in same position
1567   \+ \+(check_one_var(Var, H1, H2)),
1568   is_symmetric_with_shared(Vars, H1, H2).
1571check_one_var(*, H1, H2) :-
1572   copy_term(H1, H11),
1573   variant(H11, H2).  % need copy_term to get rid of shared var
1575/* addto_processed(+ConsNo, +Rule, +Status, +Head, +KeepHeads, +DeleteHeads,
1576       +Body, +Name, +PropagationNo, +Info, +Processed)
1577   adds information about rule Rule when the trying of the rule is initiated
1578   by Head. ConsNo is the constraint number for Head. Status is either keep or
1579   delete, indicating if Head is to be kept or deleted from the constraint
1580   store if the rule is fired. KeepHeads and DeleteHeads are lists of the
1581   other heads in rule (i.e. excluding Head) that are to be kept or deleted
1582   after firing of rule. Body is the guard and body goals of the rule.
1583   Processed is the structure into which this information is to be added.
1584   PropagationNo is the propagation rule number for this propagation rule.
1585   Info is additional information that may be needed in transformation stage
1587addto_processed(ConsNo, Rule, Status, Head, KeepHeads, DeleteHeads, Body, Name,
1588  NProp, Info, Processed) :-
1589     arg(ConsNo, Processed, RulesList),
1590     setarg(ConsNo, Processed, [rule(Rule,Status,Head,KeepHeads,DeleteHeads,Body, NProp, Info, Name)|RulesList]).
1594remove_head(1, [_Head|Heads], Heads) :- !.
1595remove_head(N, [Head|Heads0], [Head|Heads1]) :-
1596    N1 is N - 1,
1597    remove_head(N1, Heads0, Heads1).
1599construct_writeconstraint_code(SCons, Define, NNameRule) :-
1600    functor(SCons, F, A),
1601    atom_string(F, FS),
1602    append_strings(FS, "print", NNameS),
1603    atom_string(NName, NNameS),
1605    arg(2, SCons, Constraint),
1606    NNameRule =.. [NName, SCons, Constraint],
1607    Define = (:- erase_macro(F/A), export(macro(F/A, NName/2, [write,goal]))).
1609chr(File, Module) :-
1610  chr_clear,
1611  compile(File)@Module.
1627% Runtime stuff
1629count_and_record_constraints((ConstDec1,ConstDec2), Count0, Count, Module) :-
1630   !,
1631   count_and_record_constraints(ConstDec1, Count0, Count1, Module),
1632   count_and_record_constraints(ConstDec2, Count1, Count, Module).
1633count_and_record_constraints(SingleConstDec, Count0, Count, Module) :-
1634   Count1 is Count0 + 1,
1635   % Count is also used as id for constraint
1636   recorded_list('CHRconstraints', ConList)@Module,
1637   (extract_constraint_info(SingleConstDec, ConstSpec, Prio) ->
1638        true
1639   ;
1640        printf(error, "invalid chr constraint declaration: %w;"
1641                       " aborting..%n", [SingleConstDec]),
1642        abort
1643   ),
1644   (chr_constraint_info(ConList, ConstSpec, _,_) ->
1645       % WARNING -- need to be integrated into system errors?
1646       printf(warning_output, "Warning -- constraint %w already declared\n",ConstSpec),
1647       Count = Count0
1648     ; Count = Count1,
1650       recordz('CHRconstraints', chrcinfo with [spec:ConstSpec,count:Count,prio:Prio])@Module
1651   ).
1653extract_constraint_info(F/A:PrioSpec, ConstSpec, Prio) ?-
1654       ConstSpec = F/A,
1655       priospec_to_priority(PrioSpec, F/A, Prio).
1656extract_constraint_info(F/A, ConsSpec, Prio) ?-
1657        ConsSpec = F/A,
1658        getval(chr_priority, Prio).
1660priospec_to_priority(at_higher(N), F/A, Prio) ?-
1661        Prio0 is getval(chr_priority) - N,
1662        (Prio0 < 1 ->
1663             printf(error, "Relative priority specified for %w:higher(%d)"
1664                    " too high; using 1 instead%n", [F/A,N]),
1665             Prio = 1
1666        ;
1667             Prio = Prio0
1668        ).
1669priospec_to_priority(at_lower(N), F/A, Prio) ?-
1670        Prio0 is getval(chr_priority) + N,
1671        (Prio0 > 11 ->
1672             printf(error, "Relative priority specified for %w:lower(%d)"
1673                    " too low; using 11 instead%n", [F/A,N]),
1674             Prio = 11
1675        ;
1676             Prio = Prio0
1677        ).
1678priospec_to_priority(at_absolute_priority(N), F/A, Prio) ?-
1679        (N > 0, N < 12 ->
1680             Prio = N
1681        ;
1682             printf(error, "Absolute priority out of range for"
1683                    " %w:absolute_priority(%d); using default priority"
1684                    " instead%n", [F/A, N]),
1685             getval(chr_priority, Prio)
1686        ).
1689second_member([Nth-I1|Is], I, N) ?-
1690    I == I1 -> N = Nth ; second_member(Is, I, N).
1692chr_constraint_info([chrcinfo with [spec:CSpec0,prio:P0,count:N0]|_],
1693                    CSpec, N, P) :-
1694        CSpec0 == CSpec, !,
1695        N0 = N, P0 = P.
1696chr_constraint_info([_|CInfos], CSpec, N, P) :-
1697        chr_constraint_info(CInfos, CSpec, N, P).
1700nth_member(Nth, [chrcinfo with [count:N, spec:F0/A0]|Constraints], F/A) :-
1701    (Nth == N -> F = F0, A0 = A ; nth_member(Nth, Constraints, F/A)).
1704initialise_module_for_chr(Module) :-
1705   % "global" (to chr in Module) chr constraint list. Note needs to
1706   % be initialised to empty list when used.
1707   local(reference('CHRcstore', 0))@Module,
1710   % the following probably should not use the index database and should be
1711   % module-based; but this update minimise code changes Kish 2002-11-20
1713   % count of number of chr constraints
1714   % remove any existing count (may be there as Module erased
1715   (erase('CHRconst_count', count(Module, _)) -> true ; true),
1716   recorda('CHRconst_count', count(Module,0)),
1718   % count of number of propagation rules
1719   (erase('CHRprule_count', count(Module, _)) -> true ; true),
1720   recorda('CHRprule_count', count(Module,0)),
1722   local(record('CHRcode'))@Module, local(record('CHRconstraints'))@Module,
1724   % define a finalization goal for Module that make sure any stray record
1725   % for Module in the ech module is properly removed.
1726   local(finalization((
1727                          ( current_module(ech) -> % may be erased!
1728                              (erase('CHRconst_count', count(Module,_))@ech->true;true)
1729                          ;
1730                              true   % nothing to be done if ech erased
1731                          )
1732                      ))
1733        )@Module.
1735redefine_cdelete_count(Error, Culprit, Module, LM) :-
1736    (Culprit = local(array('CHRcdelete_count'(_N), integer)) ->
1737           true % allow silent update
1738         ; error(default(Error), Culprit, Module)@LM
1739    ).
1743% allow cdelete_count to be redefined silently.
1744:- set_event_handler(42,  redefine_cdelete_count/4).
1747instantiate_list([], _) :- !.
1748instantiate_list([E|L], E) :-
1749   instantiate_list(L, E).
1752/* split_list(+N, +List, -Front, -Back)
1753   splits the list List such that Front will contain the first Nth elements,
1754   and Back the rest
1756split_list(0, List, [], List) :- !.
1757split_list(N, [E|L], [E|Front], Back) :-
1758   N1 is N - 1,
1759   split_list(N1, L, Front, Back).
1764/* find_partner(+SuspL, -PartnerIndex, +Partner, -RestL, -Condition)
1765   checks the list of suspended constraint SuspL to try to find one that
1766   matches Partner. PartnerIndex is the internal suspension index
1767   associated with the constraint. RestL is the remaining items on the
1768   SuspL after Partner is found.
1770   In the old find_partner/5, Condition returns either yes or no
1771   depending on if Partner is found or not. The predicate does not simply
1772   fail to allow the CHR program to collect information. This information
1773   is not currently used, so the code is commented out
1775find_partner([SIndex|Rest], SIndex, Constraint, Rest, yes) :-
1776    get_suspension_data(SIndex, goal, Suspended),
1777    % need to extract constraint from the meta-info surrounding it
1778    arg(constraint_in_wrapper_pos,Suspended,Constraint).
1779find_partner([_|Rest], SIndex, Constraint, RestL, Cond) :-
1780    find_partner(Rest, SIndex, Constraint, RestL, Cond).
1781find_partner([], _, _, _, no).
1784/* find_parnter(+,-,-,-) */
1785find_partner([SIndex|Rest], SIndex, Constraint, Rest) :-
1786    get_suspension_data(SIndex, goal, Suspended),
1787    % need to extract constraint from the meta-info surrounding it
1788    arg(constraint_in_wrapper_pos,Suspended,Constraint).
1789find_partner([_|Rest], SIndex, Constraint, RestL) :-
1790    find_partner(Rest, SIndex, Constraint, RestL).
1793/* get_global_constraint(+Const, -SuspL, +Module)
1794   get the global constraint list SuspL for constraint number Const
1796get_global_constraint(Const, SuspL, Module) :-
1797    getval_body('CHRcstore', Store, Module),
1798    (Store \== 0 -> arg(Const, Store, SuspL)  ; SuspL = []).
1802% list is terminated by a variable. Find it
1803find_tail(Tail, Tail0) :-
1804   var(Tail), !, Tail0 = Tail.
1805find_tail([_|Rest], Tail) :-
1806   find_tail(Rest, Tail).
1808pretty_write(Term) :- writeln(Term).
1810count_dead([], L,L, D,D) :- !.
1811count_dead([S|Ss], L0, L, D0, D) :-
1812    (is_suspension(S) -> D1 = D0 ; D1 is D0 + 1),
1813    L1 is L0 + 1,
1814    count_dead(Ss, L1, L, D1, D).
1816/* get_constraint_list(?Vars, +ConstNo, -SuspL, +Module)
1817    returns the list of suspended constraints for constraint ConstNo in SuspL.
1818    The list is either those that are suspended on Vars, or the global list,
1819    if none of the variables in Vars remain free.
1821get_constraint_list(Vars, ConstNo, SuspL, Module) :-
1822      nonground(Vars, Var) ->
1823        get_varconstraint(Var, ConstNo, SuspL, Module)
1825      ; get_globalconstraint(ConstNo, SuspL, Module).
1827get_constraint_listi(Vars, ConstNo, SuspL, Cond, Module) :-
1828      nonground(Vars, Var) ->
1829        Cond = var,
1830        get_varconstraint(Var, ConstNo, SuspL, Module)
1832      ; get_globalconstraint(ConstNo, SuspL, Module).
1834/*set_varconstraint(_X{ech:Attr}, ConstNo, SuspL) ?-
1835    setarg(ConstNo, Attr, SuspL).
1838set_varconstraint(_X{ech:Attr}, ConstNo, SuspL) ?-
1839    Attr = ech with [slists: Ss],
1840    setarg(ConstNo, Ss, SuspL).
1842get_wholevarconstraint(X{ech:Attr0}, Attr, Module) ?-
1843    nonvar(Attr0), !,
1844    Attr = Attr0,
1845    get_wholevarconstraint1(X, Attr, Module).
1846get_wholevarconstraint(X, Attr, Module) :-
1847    var(X),
1848    new_chr_attr(X, Attr, Module).
1850get_wholevarconstraint1(_X, SuspSt, Module) :-
1851    var(SuspSt) -> new_cstore(SuspSt, Module); true.
1853get_wholevarconstraint1(_X, ech with [slists: SuspSt,count:C], Module) :-
1854    var(SuspSt) -> new_cstore(SuspSt, Module), C = 0; true.
1857get_varconstraint(X{ech:Attr}, ConstNo, SuspL, Module) ?-
1858     nonvar(Attr), !,
1859     get_varconstraint1(X, ConstNo, SuspL, Attr, Module).
1860get_varconstraint(X, _ConstNo, SuspL, Module) :-
1861     var(X),
1862     SuspL = [],
1863     new_chr_attr(X, _Attr, Module).
1865get_varconstraint1(X, _, SuspL, Attr, Module) :-
1866     var(Attr),
1867     SuspL = [],
1868     new_chr_attr(X, Attr, Module).
1869/*get_varconstraint1(_X, ConstNo, SuspL, Attr, _Module) :-
1870     arg(ConstNo, Attr, SuspL).
1872get_varconstraint1(_X, ConstNo, SuspL, Attr, Module) :-
1873     nonvar(Attr),
1874     Attr = ech with [slists: Ss,count:C],
1875     (var(Ss) -> new_cstore(Ss, Module), C = 0, SuspL = [] ;
1876          arg(ConstNo, Ss, SuspL0),
1877          (C == 10 -> remove_dead_suspensions(SuspL0, SuspL),
1878                setarg(ConstNo, Ss, SuspL), setarg(count of ech, Attr, 0)
1879              ; SuspL = SuspL0, C1 is C + 1,
1880                setarg(count of ech, Attr, C1)
1881          )
1882     ).
1884get_globalconstraint(ConstNo, SuspL, Module) :-
1885     getval_body('CHRcstore', Store, Module),
1886     % Store == 0 if uninitialised.
1887     (Store \== 0 -> arg(ConstNo, Store, SuspL) ; SuspL = []).
1890new_chr_attr(X, Attr, Module) :-  % make a new chr-variable
1891     Attr = ech with [slists: Ss,count: 0],
1892     new_cstore(Ss, Module), add_attribute(X, Attr).
1894new_chr_attr(X, Attr, Module) :-
1895     new_cstore(Attr, Module), add_attribute(X, Attr).
1898new_cstore(Ss, Module) :-
1899     call(number_of_constraints(Size))@Module, % dependent on chr prog. Need to be supplied
1900     functor(Ss, s, Size),
1901     make_empty_lists(Size, Ss).
1904make_empty_lists(N, Ss) :-
1905    N == 0 ->
1906       true
1907     ; N1 is N - 1,
1908       arg(N, Ss, List),
1909       (var(List) -> List = [] ; true),
1910       make_empty_lists(N1, Ss).
1912/* insert(+Constraint, +Susp, +ConstNo)
1913   insert the suspension Susp into variables in the constraint Constraint.
1914   Optimisation should be possible which variables need to be inserted,
1915   and into what list
1917insert(Constraint, Susp, ConstNo, Module) :-
1918      term_variables(Constraint, VarL),
1919      varsuspending(VarL, Susp, ConstNo, Module).
1922varsuspending([], _, _, _).
1923/*varsuspending([V|Vs], Susp, ConstNo, Module) :-
1924   insert_suspension(V, Susp, constrained of suspend, suspend),
1925   %get_wholevarconstraint(V, Attr, Module),
1926   %Attr = ech with [slists: SuspSt],
1927   get_wholevarconstraint(V, SuspSt, Module),
1928   arg(ConstNo, SuspSt, SuspL0),
1929   cleanup(SuspL0, SuspL1),
1930   setarg(ConstNo, SuspSt, [Susp|SuspL1]),
1931   varsuspending(Vs, Susp, ConstNo, Module).
1933varsuspending([V|Vs], Susp, ConstNo, Module) :-
1934   insert_suspension(V, Susp, constrained of suspend, suspend),
1935   get_wholevarconstraint(V, Attr, Module),
1936   Attr = ech with [slists: SuspSt],
1937   arg(ConstNo, SuspSt, SuspL0),
1938   cleanup(SuspL0, SuspL1),
1939   setarg(ConstNo, SuspSt, [Susp|SuspL1]),
1940   varsuspending(Vs, Susp, ConstNo, Module).
1943/* cleanup(+SuspLIn, -SuspLOut)
1944   performs some clean up (removal of dead suspensions) from SuspLIn.
1946cleanup(SuspL0, SuspL) :-
1947   SuspL0 = [Susp|SuspL1] ->
1948       (is_suspension(Susp) -> SuspL = SuspL0
1949           ; cleanup(SuspL1, SuspL)
1950       )
1951     ; SuspL = SuspL0.
1955/* suspended constraints looks like:
1956    Name(Index,ConstraintGoal,SuspIndex,ExecInfo,Applied)
1958suspend_constraint(ConstGoal, Constraint, ConstNo, Prio, Module) :-
1959    getval(constraint_number, N),
1960    arg(constraintnum_pos,ConstGoal,N),
1961    incval(constraint_number),
1962    arg(suspendid_pos,ConstGoal,Susp), % to be filled by suspended goal's index
1963    make_suspension(ConstGoal, Prio, Susp, Module),
1964    getval_body('CHRcstore',Store,Module), % need to add it to the global constraint store
1965    insert(Constraint, Susp, ConstNo, Module),
1966    % insert into variables' constraint store
1968    % insert into global constraint store
1969    (Store == 0 -> /* constraint store not yet initialised, initialise it */
1970        new_cstore(Store0, Module),
1971        setval_body('CHRcstore', Store0,Module),
1972        setarg(ConstNo, Store0, [Susp])
1973    ;   arg(ConstNo, Store,  SuspL), setarg(ConstNo, Store, [Susp|SuspL])
1974    ).
1976kill_constraint(ListIndex, Susp, Module) :-
1977    var(Susp) -> true ;
1978    kill_suspension(Susp),
1979    getval_body('CHRcdelete_count'(ListIndex), Count, Module),
1980    (Count == cdelete_threshold ->
1981       setval_body('CHRcdelete_count'(ListIndex), 0, Module),
1982       cleanup_conlist(ListIndex, Module)
1983     ; %Count1 is Count + 1,
1984       %setval('CHRcdelete_count'(ListIndex), Count1)@Module
1985       incval_body('CHRcdelete_count'(ListIndex), Module)
1986    ).
1988cleanup_conlist(ListIndex, Module) :-
1989    getval_body('CHRcstore', ConStore, Module),
1990    arg(ListIndex, ConStore, ConList), % must be already initialised
1991    remove_dead_suspensions(ConList, NewConList),
1992    setarg(ListIndex, ConStore,  NewConList).
1995remove_dead_suspensions_count([], [], 0) :- !.
1996remove_dead_suspensions_count([Susp|ConsList0], ConsList, N) :-
1997   is_suspension(Susp) ->
1998           ConsList = [Susp|ConsList1],
1999           remove_dead_suspensions_count(ConsList0, ConsList1, N)
2000         ; remove_dead_suspensions_count(ConsList0, ConsList, N1),
2001           N is N1 + 1.
2004remove_dead_suspensions([], []) :- !.
2005%remove_dead_suspensions(ConsList, 0, ConsList) :- !.
2006remove_dead_suspensions([Susp|ConsList0], ConsList) :-
2007    is_suspension(Susp) -> ConsList = [Susp|ConsList1],
2008          remove_dead_suspensions(ConsList0, ConsList1)
2009        ; %N1 is N - 1,
2010          remove_dead_suspensions(ConsList0, ConsList).
2016/* check_pairapplied(+RuleNo, ?Applied, +PartnerIndex, -Tail, -Rest, -Status,
2017        +Module)
2018   check that propagation rule RuleNo, which has two heads, has not been
2019   applied with partner with PartnerIndex. As the applied lists are ordered,
2020   checking only needs to be done to where PartnerIndex should be in the
2021   list. Rest is the rest of the list after this position, and Tail is
2022   where the position is. This is to allow for insertion of PartnerIndex
2023   in place if rule is fired. Status returns found or notfound.
2025check_pairapplied(RuleNo, Applied, PartnerIndex, Tail, Rest, Status, Module) :-
2026     (nonvar(Applied) ->
2027          get_applied_list(RuleNo, Applied, AppL),
2028          AppL = [_|Rest0],
2029          check_pairapplied_direct(AppL, Rest0, PartnerIndex, Tail, Rest, Status)
2030        ; call(number_of_propagations(Size))@Module, % Need to be supplied by chr program
2031          create_applied(Applied, Size),
2032          get_applied_list(RuleNo, Applied, Tail),
2033	  Rest = [],
2034          Status = notfound
2035     ).
2037check_samepairapplied(RuleNo, Applied, PartnerIndex, Tail, Rest, Status, Module) :-
2038     (nonvar(Applied) ->
2039          get_applied_list(RuleNo, Applied, AppL),
2040          AppL = [_|Rest0],
2041          check_samepairapplied_direct(AppL, Rest0, PartnerIndex, Tail, Rest, Status)
2042        ; call(number_of_propagations(Size))@Module, % Need to be supplied by chr program
2043          create_applied(Applied, Size),
2044          get_applied_list(RuleNo, Applied, Tail),
2045          /* in samepairapplied, so Rest is empty list */
2046          Rest = [],
2047          Status = notfound
2048     ).
2051check_pairapplied_direct(AppL, Rest0, PartnerIndex, Tail, Rest, Status) :-
2052    (Rest0 = [Index|Rest1] ->
2053       (Index \== PartnerIndex ->
2054         (Index > PartnerIndex -> /* still need to search list */
2055            check_pairapplied_direct(Rest0, Rest1, PartnerIndex, Tail, Rest, Status)
2056          ; Tail = AppL, Rest = Rest0, Status = notfound
2057         )
2058        ; Rest = Rest0, Tail = AppL, Status = found
2059       )
2060     ; /* reached end of list - not found */
2061       Tail = AppL, Rest = [], Status = notfound
2062    ).
2064check_samepairapplied_direct(AppL, Rest0, PosPartnerIndex, Tail, Rest, Status) :-
2065    (Rest0 = [PosIndex|Rest1] ->
2066       (PosIndex \== PosPartnerIndex ->
2067         PosIndex = Pos-Index, PosPartnerIndex = _PPos-PartnerIndex,
2068         (Index > PartnerIndex -> /* still need to search list */
2069            check_samepairapplied_direct(Rest0, Rest1, PosPartnerIndex, Tail, Rest, Status)
2070          ; (Index \== PartnerIndex -> Tail = AppL, Rest = Rest0, Status = notfound
2071            ; % Index == PartnerIndex, so Poses must be different
2072              % 3 --> both pos tried
2073              (Pos == 3 -> Rest = Rest0, Tail = AppL, Status = found
2074                ; % Pos = 1 or 2, not tried in PPos' position
2075                  Tail = AppL, Rest = Rest0, Status = notfound
2076              )
2077            )
2078         )
2079       ; % PosIndex == PosPartnerIndex
2080         Tail = AppL, Rest = Rest0, Status = found
2081       )
2082     ; /* reached end of list - not found */
2083       Tail = AppL, Rest = [], Status = notfound
2084    ).
2086check_pairapplied_directmarked(AppL, Rest0, PartnerIndex, Tail, ConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Status, Module) :-
2087    (Rest0 = [Index|Rest1] ->
2088       (Index \== PartnerIndex ->
2089         (Index > PartnerIndex -> /* still need to search list */
2090            check_pairapplied_directmarked(Rest0, Rest1, PartnerIndex, Tail, ConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Status, Module)
2091            ; % first Index < PartnerIndex, so not found and insert it
2092              Status = notfound,
2093              Tail = [PartnerIndex|Rest0],
2094              setarg(2, AppL, Tail),
2095              mark_partnerapplied(ConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Module)
2096         )
2097        ; %Index == PartnerIndex
2098          Status = found,
2099          Tail = Rest0
2100       )
2101     ; % reached end of list - not found
2102       Status = notfound,
2103       Tail = [PartnerIndex],
2104       setarg(2, AppL, Tail),
2105       mark_partnerapplied(ConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Module)
2106    ).
2108mark_partnerapplied(ConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Module) :-
2109   arg(applied_pos, PGoal, PApplied),
2110   (var(PApplied) ->
2111      call(number_of_propagations(Size))@Module,
2112      create_applied(PApplied, Size)
2113    ;true
2114   ),
2115   get_applied_list(RuleNo, PApplied, PartnerAppL),
2116   insert_into_partnerappliedlist(PartnerAppL, ConsNumber).
2118check_samepairapplied_directmarked(AppL, Rest0, PosPartnerIndex, Tail, PosConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Status, Module) :-
2119    (Rest0 = [PosIndex|Rest1] ->
2120       (PosIndex \== PosPartnerIndex ->
2121         PosIndex = Pos-Index, PosPartnerIndex = _PPos-PartnerIndex,
2122         (Index > PartnerIndex -> /* still need to search list */
2123            check_samepairapplied_directmarked(Rest0, Rest1, PosPartnerIndex, Tail, PosConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Status, Module)
2124          ; (Index \== PartnerIndex ->
2125                mark_samepartnerapplied(PosConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Module),
2126                setarg(2, AppL, [PosPartnerIndex|Rest0]),
2127                Tail = Rest0, Status = notfound
2128            ; % Index == PartnerIndex, so Poses must be different
2129              % 3 --> both pos tried
2130              (Pos == 3 -> Tail = Rest0, Status = found
2131                ; % Pos = 1 or 2, not tried in PPos' position, now both tried
2132                  setarg(1,PosIndex, 3), Tail = Rest0,
2134                  mark_samepartnerapplied(PosConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Module),
2136                  Status = notfound
2137              )
2138            )
2139         )
2140       ; % PosIndex == PosPartnerIndex
2141         Tail = Rest0, Status = found
2142       )
2143     ; /* reached end of list - not found */
2144       mark_samepartnerapplied(PosConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Module),
2145       Tail = [PosPartnerIndex],
2146       setarg(2, AppL, Tail), Status = notfound
2147    ).
2149mark_samepartnerapplied(PosConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Module) :-
2150    arg(applied_pos, PGoal, PApplied),
2151    (var(PApplied) ->
2152          call(number_of_propagations(Size))@Module,
2153          create_applied(PApplied, Size)
2154         ;true
2155    ),
2156    get_applied_list(RuleNo, PApplied, PartnerAppL),
2157    insert_into_samepartnerappliedlist(PartnerAppL, PosConsNumber).
2160% like checkpairapplied_direct, except that Index known not to be in list,
2161% just need to find where it should be inserted.
2162find_pairappliedinsertpos(AppL, Rest0, Index, Tail, Rest) :-
2163    (Rest0 = [Index0|Rest1] ->
2164         (Index0 > Index -> /* still need to search list */
2165            check_pairapplied_direct(Rest0, Rest1, Index, Tail, Rest, _)
2166          ; Tail = AppL, Rest = Rest0
2167         )
2168     ; /* reached end of list - not found */
2169       Tail = AppL, Rest = []
2170    ).
2172/*  For multiple heads not yet ready
2173check_multiapplied(RuleNo, Applied, Partners, Tail, Rest, Status, Module) :-
2174    (nonvar(Applied) ->
2175         get_applied_list(RuleNo, Applied, AppL),
2176         check_applied_direct(AppL, Partners, Tail, Rest, Status)
2177       ; call(number_of_propagations(Size))@Module, % Need to be supplied by chr program
2178         create_applied(Applied, Size),
2179         arg(RuleNo, Applied, Tail),
2180         Rest = [],
2181         Status = notfound
2182     ).
2183%%%%%%%%%%%% write rest of code later.
2187insert_pairapplied(PConsNumber, Tail, Rest, ConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Module) :-
2188   setarg(2, Tail, [PConsNumber|Rest]),
2189   arg(applied_pos, PGoal, PApplied),
2190   (var(PApplied) ->
2191      call(number_of_propagations(Size))@Module,
2192      create_applied(PApplied, Size)
2193    ;true
2194   ),
2195   get_applied_list(RuleNo, PApplied, PartnerAppL),
2196   insert_into_partnerappliedlist(PartnerAppL, ConsNumber).
2198insert_samepairapplied(PosPConsNumber, Tail, Rest, PosConsNumber, PGoal, RuleNo, Module) :-
2199   insert_samepair_atpos(PosPConsNumber, Tail, Rest),
2200   arg(applied_pos, PGoal, PApplied),
2201   (var(PApplied) ->
2202      call(number_of_propagations(Size))@Module,
2203      create_applied(PApplied, Size)
2204    ;true
2205   ),
2206   get_applied_list(RuleNo, PApplied, PartnerAppL),
2207   insert_into_samepartnerappliedlist(PartnerAppL, PosConsNumber).
2209insert_samepair_atpos(PosPConsNumber, Tail, Rest) :-
2210   (Rest = [PosNum|_] ->
2211      PosPConsNumber = _Pos-PConsNumber,
2212      (PosNum = _-PConsNumber ->
2213         % same PConsNumber, must have tried both positions, so set Pos to 3
2214         setarg(1, PosNum, 3)
2215       ; % not same PConsNumber...
2216         setarg(2, Tail, [PosPConsNumber|Rest])
2217      )
2218     ; % Rest is empty list
2219       setarg(2, Tail, [PosPConsNumber])
2220   ).
2222insert_into_partnerappliedlist(PAppL, ConsNum) :-
2223   PAppL = [_|Rest0],
2224   find_pairappliedinsertpos(PAppL, Rest0, ConsNum, Tail, Rest),
2225   setarg(2, Tail, [ConsNum|Rest]).
2227insert_into_samepartnerappliedlist(PAppL, PosPConsNum) :-
2228   PAppL = [_|Rest0],
2229   check_samepairapplied_direct(PAppL, Rest0, PosPConsNum, Tail, Rest, _S),
2230   % defensive check, comment out for max. speed
2231   %(_S == found -> writeln('ECKKKKKK....');true),
2232   insert_samepair_atpos(PosPConsNum, Tail, Rest).
2235add_applied(PartnersNo, Tail) :-
2236     (nonvar(Tail) ->
2237        Tail = [_|Ns],
2238        NewTail = [PartnersNo|Ns],
2239        setarg(2,Tail,NewTail)
2240      ; Tail = [PartnersNo]
2241    ).
2243create_applied(Applied, Size) :-
2244   functor(Applied, a, Size).
2246get_applied_list(N, Applied, List) :-
2247    arg(N, Applied, List),
2248    (var(List) -> List = [1.0Inf] ; true).
2251% Fix for bug 491: when unifying two ech-variables, we wake one (arbitary)
2252% variable's slists.  This will cause multi-head rules to fire which, as a
2253% result of the unification, now have the necessary shared head variables.
2254% This is necessary because since release 5.8 not all suspensions in the
2255% constrained-lists are woken on var-var unifications (only those that the
2256% vars have in common).  Waking a single variable's lists should be
2257% sufficient because either head-partner constraint can find the other.
2259% unify_ech(+Term, Attribute)
2260unify_ech(_, Attr) :-
2261   var(Attr), !.
2262% Fix for bug#745, Kish 2013-02-14 - the ech suspension lists needs to be
2263% inherited by any variables in the compound term.
2264unify_ech(Term, Attr) :-
2265   compound(Term), !,
2266   arg(slists of ech, Attr, CStore),
2267   term_variables(Term, Vars),
2268   ( Vars = [] ->
2269       true
2270   ;
2271       arity(CStore, Size),
2272       (foreach(V, Vars), param(CStore, Size) do
2273           add_chrstore_to_var(V, CStore, Size)
2274       )
2275   ).
2276unify_ech(Term, _) :-
2277   atomic(Term), !.
2278unify_ech(Term{ech:Attr0}, Attr1) ?-
2279   (nonvar(Attr0) ->
2280       /* Term is var, there are chr attributes for both variables */
2281       arg(slists of ech, Attr0, CStore0),
2282       arg(slists of ech, Attr1, CStore1),
2283       chrstore_merge_and_schedule(CStore0, CStore1)
2284   ;
2285       /* Term does not have  chr attribute, just add it in */
2286       add_attribute(Term, Attr)
2287   ).
2290chrstore_merge_and_schedule(CS0, CS1) :-
2291   functor(CS0, F, A),
2292   functor(CS1, F, A),
2293   % merge the lists from Attr1 into Attr0
2294   chrstore_merge_and_schedule(A, CS0, CS1).
2296chrstore_merge_and_schedule(0, _, _) :- !.
2297chrstore_merge_and_schedule(N, CS0, CS1) :-
2298   schedule_suspensions(N, CS0),	% schedule either CS0 or CS1 here
2299   merge_one_slist(N, CS0, CS1),
2300   N1 is N - 1,
2301   chrstore_merge_and_schedule(N1, CS0, CS1).
2303chrstore_merge(0, _, _) :- !.
2304chrstore_merge(N, CS0, CS1) :-
2305   merge_one_slist(N, CS0, CS1),
2306   N1 is N - 1,
2307   chrstore_merge(N1, CS0, CS1).
2309merge_one_slist(N, CS0, CS1) :-
2310   arg(N, CS0, List0),
2311   arg(N, CS1, List1),
2312   ordered_merge(List0, List1, List),
2313   setarg(N, CS0, List).
2315ordered_merge([], L, L) :- !.
2316ordered_merge(L, [], L) :- !.
2317ordered_merge(L0, L1, L) :-
2318   L0 = [SIndex0|L00],
2319   L1 = [SIndex1|L11],
2320   (get_suspension_data(SIndex0, goal, G0) ->
2321       (get_suspension_data(SIndex1, goal, G1) ->
2322           arg(constraintnum_pos, G0, CN0),
2323           arg(constraintnum_pos, G1, CN1),
2324           (CN0 =:= CN1 ->
2325               L = [SIndex0|L2], % identical, throw one away
2326               ordered_merge(L00, L11, L2)
2327	   ;CN0 > CN1 ->
2328               L = [SIndex0|L2],
2329               ordered_merge(L00, L1, L2)
2330	   ; % CN1 > CN0
2331               L = [SIndex1|L2],
2332               ordered_merge(L0, L11, L2)
2333           )
2334	 ; ordered_merge(L0, L11, L) % throw away dead suspension
2335       )
2336     ; ordered_merge(L00, L1, L) % throw away dead suspension
2338   ).
2341/* add an existing chrstore from one variable to another variable */
2342add_chrstore_to_var(V{Attr1}, Cs, Size) ?- !,
2343        (nonvar(Attr1) ->
2344            % already a CHR module, merge stores
2345            arg(slists of ech, Attr1, Cs1),
2346            arity(Cs1, Size),
2347            chrstore_merge(Size, Cs1, Cs)
2348        ;
2349            % new CHR variable, copy store
2350            duplicate_cstore(Attr, Cs, Size)
2351        ).
2352add_chrstore_to_var(V, Cs, Size) :-
2353        free(V),
2354        duplicate_cstore(Attr, Cs, Size),
2355        add_attribute(V, Attr).
2357duplicate_cstore(NewAttr, OldCs, Size) :-
2358        NewAttr = ech{slists: NewCs, count:0},
2359        functor(OldCs, Name, Size),
2360        functor(NewCs, Name, Size),
2361        (foreacharg(OldL, OldCs), foreacharg(NewL, NewCs) do
2362            (foreach(S, OldL), fromto(NewL, NL1,NL2, []) do
2363                % copy and also clean up lists
2364                (is_suspension(S) -> NL1 = [S|NL2] ; NL1 = NL2)
2365            )
2366        ).
2368chr_clear :-
2369   recorded_list('CHRconst_count', CCountL),
2370   erase_all('CHRconst_count'),
2371   erase_all('CHRprule_count'),
2372   erase_all('CHRadding_code'),
2373   setval(constraint_number, 0),
2374   clean_each_module(CCountL).
2376clean_each_module([]) :- !.
2377clean_each_module([count(Module,_)|L]) :-
2378   erase_all('CHRcode')@Module,
2379   erase_all('CHRconstraints')@Module,
2380   % get around bug b91: reset the store so a new store will not inherit
2381   % incorrect value
2382   setval_body('CHRcstore', 0, Module),
2383   erase_array('CHRcstore')@Module,
2384   clean_each_module(L).
2387is_in_store([CIndex|L], NewCon) :-
2388   (get_suspension_data(CIndex, goal, CGoal) ->
2389       arg(constraint_in_wrapper_pos, CGoal, Con),
2390       (Con == NewCon -> true ; is_in_store(L, NewCon) )
2391     ; is_in_store(L, NewCon)
2392   ).
2395multi_append(Lists, Appended) :-
2396  multi_append1(Lists, [], Appended).
2398multi_append1([], List0, List1) ?- !, List0 = List1.
2399multi_append1([List|Ls], App1, Appended) ?-
2400   nonvar(List),
2401   append(List, App1, App2),
2402   multi_append1(Ls, App2, Appended).
2405chr_get_gconstraint(Constraint, Module) :-
2406    (nonvar(Constraint) ->
2407	recorded_list('CHRconstraints', ConList)@Module,
2408	functor(Constraint, F, A),
2409	chr_constraint_info(ConList,  F/A, ConsNo, _),
2410	get_global_constraint(ConsNo, SuspL, Module),
2411	matching_constraint(SuspL, Constraint, CIndex)
2412    ;   getval_body('CHRcstore', Store, Module),
2413	functor(Store, _, Size),
2414	get_all_sconstraints(Size, Store, Constraint, ConsNo, CIndex)
2415    ),
2416    kill_constraint(ConsNo, CIndex, Module).
2418get_all_sconstraints(0, _, _, _, _) :- !, fail.
2419get_all_sconstraints(N, Store, Constraint, N, CIndex) :-
2420	arg(N, Store, SuspL),
2421	matching_constraint(SuspL, Constraint, CIndex).
2422get_all_sconstraints(N, Store, Constraint, CurrentN, CIndex) :-
2423	N1 is N - 1,
2424	get_all_sconstraints(N1, Store, Constraint, CurrentN, CIndex).
2426matching_constraint([CIndex0|_], Constraint, CIndex) :-
2427	get_suspension_data(CIndex0, goal, CGoal),
2428	arg(constraint_in_wrapper_pos, CGoal, Constraint),
2429	CIndex = CIndex0.
2430matching_constraint([_|L], Constraint, CIndex) :-
2431	matching_constraint(L, Constraint, CIndex).
2434chr_get_vconstraint(_V{ech:Attr}, Constraint, Module) ?-
2435	nonvar(Attr),
2436	Attr = ech with [slists:Ss],
2437	nonvar(Ss),
2438	(nonvar(Constraint) ->
2439	    recorded_list('CHRconstraints', ConList)@Module,
2440	    functor(Constraint, F, A),
2441	    chr_constraint_info(ConList,  F/A, ConsNo, _),
2442	    arg(ConsNo, Ss, SuspL),
2443	    matching_constraint(SuspL, Constraint, CIndex)
2444	; functor(Ss, _, Size),
2445	  get_all_sconstraints(Size, Ss, Constraint, ConsNo, CIndex)
2446        ),
2447	kill_constraint(ConsNo, CIndex, Module).
2450in_chrstore(Constraint, Module) :-
2451    recorded_list('CHRconstraints', ConList)@Module,
2452    functor(Constraint, F, A),
2453    chr_constraint_info(ConList,  F/A, ConsNo, _),
2454    get_global_constraint(ConsNo, SuspL, Module),
2455    is_in_store(SuspL, Constraint).
2457option(default_chr_priority, Prio, _) ?- !,
2458        (integer(Prio),
2459         Prio > 0,
2460         Prio < 12 ->
2461             setval(chr_priority, Prio),
2462             printf(log_output, "Changed default chr priority to %d%n",
2463                    [Prio])
2464        ;
2465             printf(error, "Invalid chr priority: %d. Priority is uncahnged."
2466                    "%n", [Prio])
2467        ).
2468option(Option, State, Module) :-
2469    is_valid_option(Option, OptionName) ->
2470       may_erase(OptionName, Module),
2471       update_option(State, OptionName, Module)
2472     ; printf(error, "'%w' is not a valid option.\n", [Option]).
2474update_option(on, _OptionName, _Module) ?- !.
2475update_option(off, OptionName, Module) ?- !,
2476    recorda(OptionName, Module).
2477update_option(State, _, _) :-
2478    printf(error, "'%w' is an invalid state for options.\n",[State]).
2480is_valid_option(check_guard_bindings, 'CHRdont_guard_bindings').
2481is_valid_option(already_in_store, 'CHRdont_in_store').
2482is_valid_option(single_symmetric_simpagation, 'CHRdont_simpa_symmetric').
2484may_erase(Key, Value) :-
2485   erase(Key, Value), !.
2486may_erase(_, _).
2490:- comment(categories, ["Constraints","Techniques"]).
2491:- comment(summary, "Extended constraint handling rules library").
2493:- comment(desc, html("\
2494   This library allows the user to write constraint handling rules (CHR) in
2495   their ECLiPSe programs. CHR is a high-level language extension for writing
2496   user-defined constraints, allowing for rapid prototyping of constraints.
2498   This library provides some extensions over the older chr library:
2500    <LI> support for multi (>2) headed simplification and simpagation rules
2502    <LI> cleanup of semantics and syntax of CHRs
2504    <LI> faster execution
2506    <LI> more convenient compilation and mixing with ECLiPSe code
2508   CHRs are compiled by source-to-source transformation into ECLiPSe code that
2509   make calls to many ech library predicates that implements the CHR
2510   functionality. Thus, most exported predicates predicates  are not intended
2511   to be used by the user directly, and are not documented.
2514:- comment((constraints)/1, [
2515	summary: "Directive for declaring SpecList to be CHR constraints",
2516	amode: constraints(+),
2517	args: ["SpecList": "Sequence of the form Atom/Integer, or Atom/Integer:PrioSpec"],
2518	eg: "\
2519   :- constraints leq/2.
2520   :- op(700, xfx, leq).
2522   X leq Y <=> \\+nonground(X), \\+nonground(Y) | X @=< Y.
2523   X leq X <=> true.
2525	desc: html("\
2526   Declares the predicates specified in SpecList as CHR constraints. This
2527   allows the predicate to appear in the head of a CHR rule. A constraint
2528   can be follwed by a priority specification PrioSpec, which can be one of:
2530      1. at_lower(++N) 2. at_higher(++N) 3. at_absolute_priority(++N)
2532   where N is an integer. This specifies the priority the CHR rules will be
2533   executed at if the specified constraint is the active constraint.
2534   at_lower and at_higher specifies that the priority is N lower or higher
2535   than the default CHR priority, and for at_absolute_priority, it is the
2536   actual priority.
2538   Note that a predicate declared as a CHR constraint should not appear as
2539   a normal ECLiPSe predicate. Any such definition of the predicate in the
2540   user's program would be replaced by the CHR definition.
2544:- comment(in_chrstore/1, [
2545	summary: "Test if CHRConst is in the CHR constraint store or not",
2546	amode: in_chrstore(+),
2547	args: ["CHRConst": "A CHR constraint"],
2548	eg: "\
2549    X leq Y, Y leq Z ==> \\+in_chrstore(X leq Z)| X leq Z.
2551	desc: html("\
2552  This predicate is used to test if a particular CHR constraint is in the
2553  CHR constraint store or not. It can be used to prevent the addition of
2554  redundant constraints. This only useful if the 'already_in_store'
2555  option is off.
2559:- comment(option/2, [
2560	summary: "Specify options for controlling ech compilation",
2561	amode: option(++,++),
2562	args: ["Option": "Option Name (Atom)",
2563               "On_or_Off":  "If Option should be on ('on') or off ('off'),"
2564               " or an integer between 1 and 11"
2565	      ],
2566	desc: html("\
2567   Allows the user to set options that affect the way the CHRs are compiled.
2568   These options can be turned on or off, with the default state being on.
2569   The options controls if certain run-time safety checks are performed or
2570   not. With the option off, the associated safety check will not be generated
2571   for the CHR code when compiled. Such code can run more efficiently, but
2572   can lead to incorrect behaviour that the checks would have been able to
2573   prevent.
2576     <DT>check_guard_bindings
2577          <DD> When executing a guard in a CHR rule, checks are performed
2578          so that if a guard goal attemps to touch a global variable (i.e. a
2579          variable which occurs in the rule head), the guard will fail. With
2580          this option set to `off', then the checks are not performed.
2582     <DT>already_in_store
2583          <DD> Before adding a user-defined CHR constraint to the constraint
2584          store, a check is performed to see if the particular constraint
2585          (i.e. with exactly the same variables) is already in the store.
2586          If this option is set to `off', then the check is not performed.
2587          The user can explicitly check if a constraint is in store by the
2588          in_chrstore/1 predicate.
2590     <DT>chr_priority
2591          <DD> On_or_Off is an integer between 1 and 11, specifying the
2592          default priority for CHR constraints generated by the compiler.
2593          It also specifies the priority that at_lower/at_higher
2594          declarations will be calculated from in the constraints/1
2595          declarations. Note that all priorities are determined at the
2596          point of the constraint declaration and is not affected by any
2597          subsequent changes in chr_priority.