2% Copyright (C) 1993-1999 The University of Melbourne.
3% Copyright (C) 2000 Imperial College London.
4% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
5% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB.
8% File: m_map.pl.
9% Main author: fjh@cs.mu.OZ.AU, conway@cs.mu.OZ.AU.
10% Stability: high.
12% This file provides the (Mercury) 'map' ADT.
13% A map (also known as a dictionary or an associative array) is a collection
14% of (Key,Data) pairs which allows you to look up any Data item given the
15% Key.
17% The implementation is using balanced trees, as provided by
18% m_tree234.pl.  Virtually all the predicates in this file just
19% forward the work to the corresponding predicate in m_tree234.pl.
21% Modified for ECLiPSe by Warwick Harvey <wh@icparc.ic.ac.uk>, April 2000,
22% based on revision 1.71 of file mercury/library/map.m from the
23% Mercury CVS repository.  See http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/mercury for
24% information about obtaining Mercury.
26% The conversion included stripping out the functional versions of
27% predicates and the higher-order predicates.  It also included writing
28% more verbose user-level documentation.
30% Also changed was the type of the second argument of select/3.
31% Since ECLiPSe doesn't have a set ADT, a list has been used instead.
33% This module assumes that keys are ground (so they can't be modified after
34% insertion into the map), but allows the values stored to be variables.
39:- module(m_map).
43% :- type map(_K, _V).
47:- export
48	init/1,
49	is_empty/1,
50	contains/2,
51	member/3,
52	search/3,
53	lookup/3,
54	lower_bound_search/4,
55	lower_bound_lookup/4,
56	upper_bound_search/4,
57	upper_bound_lookup/4,
58	inverse_search/3,
59	insert/4,
60	det_insert/4,
61	det_insert_from_corresponding_lists/4,
62	det_insert_from_assoc_list/3,
63	update/4,
64	det_update/4,
65	set/4,
66	keys/2,
67	sorted_keys/2,
68	values/2,
69	to_assoc_list/2,
70	to_sorted_assoc_list/2,
71	from_assoc_list/2,
72	from_sorted_assoc_list/2,
73	delete/3,
74	delete_list/3,
75	remove/4,
76	det_remove/4,
77	count/2,
78	from_corresponding_lists/3,
79	merge/3,
80	overlay/3,
81	select/3,
82	apply_to_list/3,
83	optimize/2,
84	remove_smallest/4.
86:- comment(categories, ["Data Structures"]).
87:- comment(summary, "The `map' abstract data type.").
88:- comment(author, "Fergus Henderson and Thomas Conway (Mercury) and Warwick Harvey (ECLiPSe)").
89:- comment(desc, html("\
90	<P>
91	This module provides the `map' abstract data type.  A map, also
92	known as a dictionary or an associative array, is a collection of
93	key/value pairs which allows you to look up any data item given its
94	key.
95	</P>
96	<P>
97	Note that keys must be ground, but values are allowed to be
98	variables.
99	</P>
100	")).
102% :- pred init(map(_,_)).
103% :- mode init(uo) is det.
104:- comment(init/1, [
105	amode:		init(-),
106	args:		["Map":"The new map"],
107	summary:	"Initialise a new (empty) map.",
108	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
109	resat:		no,
110	see_also:	[is_empty/1]
113% :- pred is_empty(map(_,_)).
114% :- mode is_empty(in) is semidet.
115:- comment(is_empty/1, [
116	amode:		is_empty(+),
117	args:		["Map":"A map"],
118	summary:	"Check whether a map is empty.",
119	fail_if:	"Fails if Map is not an empty map.",
120	resat:		no,
121	see_also:	[init/1]
124% :- pred contains(map(K,_V), K).
125% :- mode contains(in, in) is semidet.
126:- comment(contains/2, [
127	amode:		contains(+, ++),
128	args:		["Map":"A map",
129			"Key":"The key to look for"],
130	summary:	"Check whether a map contains a key.",
131	fail_if:	"Fails if Key does not appear in Map.",
132	resat:		no,
133	see_also:	[search/3, keys/2, sorted_keys/2],
134	desc:		html("\
135	<P>
136	This predicate checks the map Map to see whether it contains an
137	entry with key Key.
138	</P>
139	<P>
140	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
141	predicates from the map module.
142	</P>
143	")
146% :- pred member(map(K,V), K, V).
147% :- mode member(in, out, out) is nondet.
148:- comment(member/3, [
149	amode:		member(+, ?, ?),
150	args:		["Map":"A map",
151			"Key":"A key from Map",
152			"Value":"The value in Map corresponding to Key"],
153	summary:	"Succeeds if Key and Value unify with a key/value pair from Map.",
154	fail_if:	"Fails if Key and Value do not unify with a key/value pair from Map.",
155	resat:		yes,
156	see_also:	[search/3, lookup/3],
157	desc:		html("\
158	<P>
159	Tries to unify Key and Value with key/value pairs from the map Map.
160	</P>
161	<P>
162	If Key and Value are variables and Map is a map, then all
163	members of the map Map are found on backtracking.
164	</P>
165	<P>
166	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
167	predicates from the map module.
168	</P>
169	")
172% :- pred search(map(K,V), K, V).
173% :- mode search(in, in, in) is semidet.	% implied
174% :- mode search(in, in, out) is semidet.
175:- comment(search/3, [
176	amode:		search(+, ++, ?),
177	args:		["Map":"A map",
178			"Key":"A key to search for",
179			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key"],
180	summary:	"Search a map for a key.",
181	fail_if:	"Fails if Key does not appear in Map or if Value does not unify with the corresponding value found.",
182	resat:		no,
183	see_also:	[member/3, lookup/3, inverse_search/3],
184	desc:		html("\
185	<P>
186	This predicate searches the map Map for an entry with key Key.
187	If the key is found, then it attempts to unify the corresponding
188	value with Value.
189	</P>
190	<P>
191	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
192	predicates from the map module.
193	</P>
194	")
197% :- pred lookup(map(K,V), K, V).
198% :- mode lookup(in, in, out) is det.
199:- comment(lookup/3, [
200	amode:		lookup(+, ++, ?),
201	args:		["Map":"A map",
202			"Key":"A key to search for",
203			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key"],
204	summary:	"Search a map for a key.",
205	fail_if:	"Fails if Value does not unify with the value corresponding to Key.",
206	resat:		no,
207	see_also:	[member/3, search/3],
208	desc:		html("\
209	<P>
210	This predicate searches the map Map for an entry with key Key.
211	If the key is found, then it attempts to unify the corresponding
212	value with Value.  If the key is not found, then it aborts with
213	a runtime error.
214	</P>
215	<P>
216	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
217	predicates from the map module.
218	</P>
219	")
222% :- pred lower_bound_search(map(K,V), K, K, V).
223% :- mode lower_bound_search(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
224:- comment(lower_bound_search/4, [
225	amode:		lower_bound_search(+, ++, ?, ?),
226	args:		["Map":"A map",
227			"SearchKey":"A key to search for",
228			"Key":"The key found",
229			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key"],
230	summary:	"Search a map for the smallest key no smaller than SearchKey.",
231	fail_if:	"Fails if there are no keys at least as large as SearchKey in Map or if Key and Value do not unify with the key and value found.",
232	resat:		no,
233	see_also:	[lower_bound_lookup/4,
234			upper_bound_search/4,
235			upper_bound_lookup/4],
236	desc:		html("\
237	<P>
238	This predicate searches the map Map for the entry with the
239	smallest key which is no smaller than SearchKey.  If such a key is
240	found, then it attempts to unify it with Key and the corresponding
241	value with Value.
242	</P>
243	<P>
244	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
245	predicates from the map module.
246	</P>
247	")
250% :- pred lower_bound_lookup(map(K,V), K, K, V).
251% :- mode lower_bound_lookup(in, in, out, out) is det.
252:- comment(lower_bound_lookup/4, [
253	amode:		lower_bound_lookup(+, ++, ?, ?),
254	args:		["Map":"A map",
255			"SearchKey":"A key to search for",
256			"Key":"The key found",
257			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key"],
258	summary:	"Search a map for the smallest key no smaller than SearchKey.",
259	fail_if:	"Fails if Key and Value do not unify with the key and value found.",
260	resat:		no,
261	see_also:	[lower_bound_search/4,
262			upper_bound_search/4,
263			upper_bound_lookup/4],
264	desc:		html("\
265	<P>
266	This predicate searches the map Map for the entry with the
267	smallest key which is no smaller than SearchKey.  If such a key is
268	found, then it attempts to unify it with Key and the corresponding
269	value with Value.  If such a key is not found, then it aborts with
270	a runtime error.
271	</P>
272	<P>
273	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
274	predicates from the map module.
275	</P>
276	")
279% :- pred upper_bound_search(map(K,V), K, K, V).
280% :- mode upper_bound_search(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
281:- comment(upper_bound_search/4, [
282	amode:		upper_bound_search(+, ++, ?, ?),
283	args:		["Map":"A map",
284			"SearchKey":"A key to search for",
285			"Key":"The key found",
286			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key"],
287	summary:	"Search a map for the largest key no larger than SearchKey.",
288	fail_if:	"Fails if there are no keys at least as large as SearchKey in Map or if Key and Value do not unify with the key and value found.",
289	resat:		no,
290	see_also:	[lower_bound_search/4,
291			lower_bound_lookup/4,
292			upper_bound_lookup/4],
293	desc:		html("\
294	<P>
295	This predicate searches the map Map for the entry with the
296	largest key which is no larger than SearchKey.  If such a key is
297	found, then it attempts to unify it with Key and the corresponding
298	value with Value.
299	</P>
300	<P>
301	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
302	predicates from the map module.
303	</P>
304	")
307% :- pred upper_bound_lookup(map(K,V), K, K, V).
308% :- mode upper_bound_lookup(in, in, out, out) is det.
309:- comment(upper_bound_lookup/4, [
310	amode:		upper_bound_lookup(+, ++, ?, ?),
311	args:		["Map":"A map",
312			"SearchKey":"A key to search for",
313			"Key":"The key found",
314			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key"],
315	summary:	"Search a map for the largest key no larger than SearchKey.",
316	fail_if:	"Fails if Key and Value do not unify with the key and value found.",
317	resat:		no,
318	see_also:	[lower_bound_search/4,
319			lower_bound_lookup/4,
320			upper_bound_search/4],
321	desc:		html("\
322	<P>
323	This predicate searches the map Map for the entry with the
324	largest key which is no larger than SearchKey.  If such a key is
325	found, then it attempts to unify it with Key and the corresponding
326	value with Value.  If such a key is not found, then it aborts with
327	a runtime error.
328	</P>
329	<P>
330	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
331	predicates from the map module.
332	</P>
333	")
336% :- pred inverse_search(map(K,V), V, K).
337% :- mode inverse_search(in, in, out) is nondet.
338:- comment(inverse_search/3, [
339	amode:		inverse_search(+, ?, ?),
340	args:		["Map":"A map",
341			"Value":"A value to search for",
342			"Key":"A key corresponding to Value"],
343	summary:	"Search a map for a value.",
344	fail_if:	"Fails if Value does not appear in Map or if Key does not unify with any corresponding keys found.",
345	resat:		yes,
346	see_also:	[search/3, member/3],
347	desc:		html("\
348	<P>
349	This predicate searches the map Map for value entries which unify
350	with Value.  If such a value is found, then it attempts to unify the
351	corresponding key with Key.
352	</P>
353	<P>
354	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
355	predicates from the map module.
356	</P>
357	")
360% :- pred insert(map(K,V), K, V, map(K,V)).
361% :- mode insert(in, in, in, out) is semidet.
362:- comment(insert/4, [
363	amode:		insert(+, ++, ?, -),
364	args:		["Map0":"A map",
365			"Key":"A key to insert",
366			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key",
367			"Map":"The map after insertion"],
368	summary:	"Insert a key/value pair into a map, failing if the key already exists.",
369	fail_if:	"Fails if Key already appears in Map0.",
370	resat:		no,
371	see_also:	[det_insert/4, update/4, det_update/4, set/4],
372	desc:		html("\
373	<P>
374	This predicate inserts the key Key with corresponding value Value
375	into the map Map0, resulting in the map Map.  If the key Key is
376	already in the map, then the predicate fails.
377	</P>
378	<P>
379	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
380	predicates from the map module.
381	</P>
382	")
385% :- pred det_insert(map(K,V), K, V, map(K,V)).
386% :- mode det_insert(in, in, in, out) is det.
387:- comment(det_insert/4, [
388	amode:		det_insert(+, ++, ?, -),
389	args:		["Map0":"A map",
390			"Key":"A key to insert",
391			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key",
392			"Map":"The map after insertion"],
393	summary:	"Insert a key/value pair into a map, aborting if the key already exists.",
394	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
395	resat:		no,
396	see_also:	[insert/4, update/4, det_update/4, set/4],
397	desc:		html("\
398	<P>
399	This predicate inserts the key Key with corresponding value Value
400	into the map Map0, resulting in the map Map.  If the key Key is
401	already in the map, then the predicate aborts with a runtime error.
402	</P>
403	<P>
404	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
405	predicates from the map module.
406	</P>
407	")
410% :- pred det_insert_from_corresponding_lists(map(K,V), list(K),
411%						list(V), map(K,V)).
412% :- mode det_insert_from_corresponding_lists(in, in, in, out) is det.
413:- comment(det_insert_from_corresponding_lists/4, [
414	amode:		det_insert_from_corresponding_lists(+, ++, ?, -),
415	args:		["Map0":"A map",
416			"KeyList":"A list of keys to insert",
417			"ValueList":"A list of values corresponding to the keys in KeyList",
418			"Map":"The map after insertion"],
419	summary:	"Insert key/value pairs into a map, aborting if any of the keys already exist.",
420	fail_if:	"Fails if the lists aren't the same length.",
421	resat:		no,
422	see_also:	[det_insert/4, det_insert_from_assoc_list/3, from_corresponding_lists/3],
423	desc:		html("\
424	<P>
425	This predicate takes a map Map0, and for each key Key in KeyList
426	and corresponding value Value from ValueList, calls
427	det_insert/4 to insert the Key/Value pair into the map.
428	The result after all the insertions is the map Map.
429	</P>
430	<P>
431	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
432	predicates from the map module.
433	</P>
434	")
437% :- pred det_insert_from_assoc_list(map(K,V), assoc_list(K, V),
438%						map(K,V)).
439% :- mode det_insert_from_assoc_list(in, in, out) is det.
440:- comment(det_insert_from_assoc_list/3, [
441	amode:		det_insert_from_assoc_list(+, +, -),
442	args:		["Map0":"A map",
443			"List":"A list of Key-Value pairs to insert",
444			"Map":"The map after insertion"],
445	summary:	"Insert key/value pairs into a map, aborting if any of the keys already exist.",
446	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
447	resat:		no,
448	see_also:	[det_insert/4, det_insert_from_corresponding_lists/4, from_assoc_list/2, from_sorted_assoc_list/2],
449	desc:		html("\
450	<P>
451	This predicate takes a map Map0, and for each entry in List (of
452	the form Key-Value), calls det_insert/4 to insert the
453	Key/Value pair into the map.  The result after all the insertions
454	is the map Map.
455	</P>
456	<P>
457	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
458	predicates from the map module.
459	</P>
460	")
463% :- pred update(map(K,V), K, V, map(K,V)).
464% :- mode update(in, in, in, out) is semidet.
465:- comment(update/4, [
466	amode:		update(+, ++, ?, -),
467	args:		["Map0":"A map",
468			"Key":"A key to update",
469			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key",
470			"Map":"The map after updating"],
471	summary:	"Update the value corresponding to a key in a map.",
472	fail_if:	"Fails if Key does not appear in Map0.",
473	resat:		no,
474	see_also:	[det_update/4, insert/4, det_insert/4, set/4],
475	desc:		html("\
476	<P>
477	If the key Key already exists in the map Map0, then this predicate
478	updates the corresponding value to be Value.  The resulting map is
479	Map.
480	</P>
481	<P>
482	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
483	predicates from the map module.
484	</P>
485	")
488% :- pred det_update(map(K,V), K, V, map(K,V)).
489% :- mode det_update(in, in, in, out) is det.
490:- comment(det_update/4, [
491	amode:		det_update(+, ++, ?, -),
492	args:		["Map0":"A map",
493			"Key":"A key to update",
494			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key",
495			"Map":"The map after updating"],
496	summary:	"Update the value corresponding to a key in a map, aborting if it doesn't exist.",
497	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
498	resat:		no,
499	see_also:	[update/4, insert/4, det_insert/4, set/4],
500	desc:		html("\
501	<P>
502	If the key Key already exists in the map Map0, then this
503	predicate updates the corresponding value to be Value, resulting
504	in the map Map.  If the key Key is not already in the map,
505	then the predicate aborts with a runtime error.
506	</P>
507	<P>
508	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
509	predicates from the map module.
510	</P>
511	")
514% :- pred set(map(K,V), K, V, map(K,V)).
515% :- mode set(di, di, di, uo) is det.
516% :- mode set(in, in, in, out) is det.
517:- comment(set/4, [
518	amode:		set(+, ++, ?, -),
519	args:		["Map0":"A map",
520			"Key":"A key to set",
521			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key",
522			"Map":"The map after setting"],
523	summary:	"Update the value corresponding to a key in a map, inserting the key if it doesn't exist already.",
524	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
525	resat:		no,
526	see_also:	[insert/4, det_insert/4, update/4, det_update/4],
527	desc:		html("\
528	<P>
529	If the key Key already exists in the map Map0, then this predicate
530	updates the corresponding value to be Value.  Otherwise it inserts
531	the key Key into the map with value Value.  The resulting map is
532	Map.
533	</P>
534	<P>
535	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
536	predicates from the map module.
537	</P>
538	")
541% :- pred keys(map(K, _V), list(K)).
542% :- mode keys(in, out) is det.
543:- comment(keys/2, [
544	amode:		keys(+, -),
545	args:		["Map":"A map",
546			"KeyList":"A list of all the keys from Map"],
547	summary:	"Return all the keys from a map.",
548	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
549	resat:		no,
550	see_also:	[sorted_keys/2, values/2],
551	desc:		html("\
552	<P>
553	KeyList is a list of all the keys appearing in the map Map.
554	</P>
555	<P>
556	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
557	predicates from the map module.
558	</P>
559	")
562% :- pred sorted_keys(map(K, _V), list(K)).
563% :- mode sorted_keys(in, out) is det.
564:- comment(sorted_keys/2, [
565	amode:		sorted_keys(+, -),
566	args:		["Map":"A map",
567			"KeyList":"A list of all the keys from Map"],
568	summary:	"Return all the keys from a map, in sorted order.",
569	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
570	resat:		no,
571	see_also:	[keys/2, values/2],
572	desc:		html("\
573	<P>
574	KeyList is a list of all the keys appearing in the map Map, in
575	sorted order.
576	</P>
577	<P>
578	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
579	predicates from the map module.
580	</P>
581	")
584% :- pred values(map(_K, V), list(V)).
585% :- mode values(in, out) is det.
586:- comment(values/2, [
587	amode:		values(+, -),
588	args:		["Map":"A map",
589			"ValueList":"A list of all the values from Map"],
590	summary:	"Return all the values from a map.",
591	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
592	resat:		no,
593	see_also:	[values/2],
594	desc:		html("\
595	<P>
596	ValueList is a list of all the values appearing in the map Map.
597	</P>
598	<P>
599	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
600	predicates from the map module.
601	</P>
602	")
605% :- pred to_assoc_list(map(K,V), assoc_list(K,V)).
606% :- mode to_assoc_list(in, out) is det.
607:- comment(to_assoc_list/2, [
608	amode:		to_assoc_list(+, -),
609	args:		["Map":"A map",
610			"AssocList":"A list of the key-value pairs from Map"],
611	summary:	"Converts a map into an association list.",
612	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
613	resat:		no,
614	see_also:	[to_sorted_assoc_list/2, from_assoc_list/2],
615	desc:		html("\
616	<P>
617	AssocList is a list containing the key/value pairs from the map
618	Map, in the form Key-Value.
619	</P>
620	<P>
621	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
622	predicates from the map module.
623	</P>
624	")
627% :- pred to_sorted_assoc_list(map(K,V), assoc_list(K,V)).
628% :- mode to_sorted_assoc_list(in, out) is det.
629:- comment(to_sorted_assoc_list/2, [
630	amode:		to_sorted_assoc_list(+, -),
631	args:		["Map":"A map",
632			"AssocList":"A sorted list of the key-value pairs from Map"],
633	summary:	"Converts a map into a (sorted) association list.",
634	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
635	resat:		no,
636	see_also:	[to_assoc_list/2, from_sorted_assoc_list/2],
637	desc:		html("\
638	<P>
639	AssocList is a sorted list containing the key/value pairs from the
640	map Map, in the form Key-Value.
641	</P>
642	<P>
643	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
644	predicates from the map module.
645	</P>
646	")
649% :- pred from_assoc_list(assoc_list(K,V), map(K,V)).
650% :- mode from_assoc_list(in, out) is det.
651:- comment(from_assoc_list/2, [
652	amode:		from_assoc_list(+, -),
653	args:		["AssocList":"A list of key-value pairs",
654			"Map":"A map"],
655	summary:	"Converts an association list into a map.",
656	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
657	resat:		no,
658	see_also:	[to_assoc_list/2, from_sorted_assoc_list/2],
659	desc:		html("\
660	<P>
661	AssocList is a list of key/value pairs of the form Key-Value,
662	and Map is a map containing these key/value pairs.  If a key
663	appears more than once in AssocList, then its corresponding value
664	in the map Map will be the last one appearing in AssocList.
665	</P>
666	")
669% :- pred from_sorted_assoc_list(assoc_list(K,V), map(K,V)).
670% :- mode from_sorted_assoc_list(in, out) is det.
671:- comment(from_sorted_assoc_list/2, [
672	amode:		from_sorted_assoc_list(+, -),
673	args:		["AssocList":"A sorted list of key-value pairs",
674			"Map":"A map"],
675	summary:	"Converts a sorted association list into a map.",
676	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
677	resat:		no,
678	see_also:	[to_sorted_assoc_list/2, from_assoc_list/2],
679	desc:		html("\
680	<P>
681	AssocList is a sorted list of key/value pairs of the form Key-Value,
682	and Map is a map containing these key/value pairs.  If a key
683	appears more than once in AssocList, then its corresponding value
684	in the map Map will be the last one appearing in AssocList.
685	</P>
686	")
689% :- pred delete(map(K,V), K, map(K,V)).
690% :- mode delete(di, in, uo) is det.
691% :- mode delete(in, in, out) is det.
692:- comment(delete/3, [
693	amode:		delete(+, ++, -),
694	args:		["Map0":"A map",
695			"Key":"The key to delete",
696			"Map":"The map after deletion"],
697	summary:	"Delete a key/value pair from a map.",
698	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
699	resat:		no,
700	see_also:	[delete_list/3, remove/4],
701	desc:		html("\
702	<P>
703	If the key Key appears in the map Map0, then remove it and its
704	corresponding value, resulting in the map Map.  If the key Key
705	does not appear, Map is simply bound to Map0.
706	</P>
707	<P>
708	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
709	predicates from the map module.
710	</P>
711	")
714% :- pred delete_list(map(K,V), list(K), map(K,V)).
715% :- mode delete_list(di, in, uo) is det.
716% :- mode delete_list(in, in, out) is det.
717:- comment(delete_list/3, [
718	amode:		delete_list(+, ++, -),
719	args:		["Map0":"A map",
720			"KeyList":"A list of keys to delete",
721			"Map":"The map after deletions"],
722	summary:	"Delete a list of key/value pairs from a map.",
723	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
724	resat:		no,
725	see_also:	[delete/3, remove/4],
726	desc:		html("\
727	<P>
728	This predicate takes a map Map0, and for each key in KeyList,
729	calls delete/3 to delete the key and its corresponding
730	value.  The result after all the deletions is the map Map.
731	</P>
732	<P>
733	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
734	predicates from the map module.
735	</P>
736	")
739% :- pred remove(map(K,V), K, V, map(K,V)).
740% :- mode remove(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
741:- comment(remove/4, [
742	amode:		remove(+, ++, ?, -),
743	args:		["Map0":"A map",
744			"Key":"The key to remove",
745			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key",
746			"Map":"The map after removal"],
747	summary:	"Remove a key/value pair from a map, failing if the key is not present.",
748	fail_if:	"Fails is Key does not appear in Map0 or if Value does not unify with the corresponding value.",
749	resat:		no,
750	see_also:	[delete/3, det_remove/4, remove_smallest/4],
751	desc:		html("\
752	<P>
753	If the key Key appears in the map Map0, then remove it and attempt
754	to unify its corresponding value with Value.  Map is Map0 with the
755	key removed.
756	</P>
757	<P>
758	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
759	predicates from the map module.
760	</P>
761	")
764% :- pred det_remove(map(K,V), K, V, map(K,V)).
765% :- mode det_remove(in, in, out, out) is det.
766:- comment(det_remove/4, [
767	amode:		det_remove(+, ++, ?, -),
768	args:		["Map0":"A map",
769			"Key":"The key to remove",
770			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key",
771			"Map":"The map after removal"],
772	summary:	"Remove a key/value pair from a map, aborting if the key is not present.",
773	fail_if:	"Fails if Value does not unify with the value corresponding to Key.",
774	resat:		no,
775	see_also:	[delete/3, remove/4],
776	desc:		html("\
777	<P>
778	This predicate removes the key Key and its corresponding value from
779	the map Map0, resulting in the map Map.  It then attempts to
780	unify the removed value with Value.  If the key Key was not in the
781	map Map0, then the predicate aborts with a runtime error.
782	</P>
783	<P>
784	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
785	predicates from the map module.
786	</P>
787	")
790% :- pred count(map(K, V), int).
791% :- mode count(in, out) is det.
792:- comment(count/2, [
793	amode:		count(+, ?),
794	args:		["Map":"A map",
795			"Count":"The number of elements in Map"],
796	summary:	"Count the number of elements in a map.",
797	fail_if:	"Fails if Count does not unify with the number of elements in Map.",
798	resat:		no,
799	desc:		html("\
800	<P>
801	Counts the number of elements in the map Map, and attempts to
802	unify the result with Count.
803	</P>
804	<P>
805	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
806	predicates from the map module.
807	</P>
808	")
811% :- pred from_corresponding_lists(list(K), list(V), map(K, V)).
812% :- mode from_corresponding_lists(in, in, out) is det.
813:- comment(from_corresponding_lists/3, [
814	amode:		from_corresponding_lists(++, ?, -),
815	args:		["KeyList":"A list of keys",
816			"ValueList":"A list of values corresponding to the keys in KeyList",
817			"Map":"The created map"],
818	summary:	"Converts a corresponding pair of lists into a map.",
819	fail_if:	"Fails if the lists aren't the same length.",
820	resat:		no,
821	see_also:	[from_assoc_list/2, det_insert_from_corresponding_lists/4],
822	desc:		html("\
823	<P>
824	Converts a list of keys KeyList and a corresponding list of values
825	ValueList into a map Map.  If a key appears more than once in
826	KeyList, then its corresponding value in the map Map will be
827	the last one appearing in AssocList.
828	</P>
829	")
832% :- pred merge(map(K, V), map(K, V), map(K, V)).
833% :- mode merge(in, in, out) is det.
834:- comment(merge/3, [
835	amode:		merge(+, +, -),
836	args:		["MapA":"A map to merge",
837			"MapB":"The other map to merge",
838			"Map":"The merged map"],
839	summary:	"Merges two maps into one.",
840	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
841	resat:		no,
842	see_also:	[overlay/3],
843	desc:		html("\
844	<P>
845	The map Map is the result of merging the map MapA and the map MapB;
846	i.e. Map contains all the key/value pairs from both MapA and MapB.
847	If MapA and MapB have a key in common, then it is not defined
848	which corresponding value will end up associated with that key
849	in Map.
850	</P>
851	<P>
852	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
853	predicates from the map module.
854	</P>
855	")
858% :- pred overlay(map(K,V), map(K,V), map(K,V)).
859% :- mode overlay(in, in, out) is det.
860:- comment(overlay/3, [
861	amode:		overlay(+, +, -),
862	args:		["MapA":"A map",
863			"MapB":"The map to overlay",
864			"Map":"The resulting map"],
865	summary:	"Overlays one map over another.",
866	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
867	resat:		no,
868	see_also:	[merge/3],
869	desc:		html("\
870	<P>
871	The map Map contains a key/value pair for every key that appears in
872	either the map MapA or the map MapB.  If a key Key appears in MapB,
873	then its corresponding value in Map is that appearing in MapB;
874	otherwise it is that appearing in MapA.
875	</P>
876	<P>
877	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
878	predicates from the map module.
879	</P>
880	")
883% Mercury version:
884% :- pred select(map(K,V), set(K), map(K,V)).
885% ECLiPSe version:
886% :- pred select(map(K,V), list(K), map(K,V)).
887% :- mode select(in, in, out) is det.
888:- comment(select/3, [
889	amode:		select(+, ++, -),
890	args:		["Map0":"A map",
891			"KeyList":"A list of keys to select",
892			"Map":"The resulting map"],
893	summary:	"Creates a new map containing just those entries corresponding to a given list of keys.",
894	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
895	resat:		no,
896	desc:		html("\
897	<P>
898	The map Map contains the key/value pairs from the map Map0 where
899	the key appears in the list KeyList.  Keys in KeyList which do not
900	appear in Map0 are ignored.
901	</P>
902	<P>
903	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
904	predicates from the map module.
905	</P>
906	")
909% :- pred apply_to_list(list(K), map(K, V), list(V)).
910% :- mode apply_to_list(in, in, out) is det.
911:- comment(apply_to_list/3, [
912	amode:		apply_to_list(++, +, ?),
913	args:		["KeyList":"A list of keys to map",
914			"Map":"The map to apply",
915			"ValueList":"The list of corresponding values"],
916	summary:	"Map a list of keys to their corresponding values.",
917	fail_if:	"Fails if ValueList does not unify with the list of values corresponding to KeyList.",
918	resat:		no,
919	see_also:	[lookup/3],
920	desc:		html("\
921	<P>
922	This predicate applies the map Map to a list of keys KeyList to
923	produce the list of values ValueList; i.e. it maps a list of keys
924	to their corresponding values.  If one of the keys in KeyList is
925	not found in Map, then the predicate aborts witha runtime error.
926	</P>
927	<P>
928	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
929	predicates from the map module.
930	</P>
931	")
934% :- pred optimize(map(K, V), map(K, V)).
935% :- mode optimize(in, out) is det.
936:- comment(optimize/2, [
937	amode:		optimize(+, -),
938	args:		["Map0":"A map to optimize",
939			"Map":"The optimized map"],
940	summary:	"Optimize a map for many lookups but few/no modification.",
941	fail_if:	"Never fails.",
942	resat:		no,
943	desc:		html("\
944	<P>
945	Declaratively, this predicate does nothing (i.e. the map Map is
946	equivalent to the map Map0).  However, operationally it suggests to
947	the implementation that the representation of the map be optimised
948	for lookups, with few or no modifications to be expected.
949	</P>
950	<P>
951	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
952	predicates from the map module.
953	</P>
954	")
957% :- pred remove_smallest(map(K, V), K, V, map(K, V)).
958% :- mode remove_smallest(in, out, out, out) is semidet.
959:- comment(remove_smallest/4, [
960	amode:		remove_smallest(+, ?, ?, -),
961	args:		["Map0":"A map",
962			"Key":"The key removed",
963			"Value":"The value corresponding to Key",
964			"Map":"The map after removal"],
965	summary:	"Remove the smallest key and its corresponding value from a map.",
966	fail_if:	"Fails if Map0 is empty or if Key and Value do not unify with the key and value removed.",
967	resat:		no,
968	see_also:	[remove/4],
969	desc:		html("\
970	<P>
971	Removes the smallest key in the map Map0 (resulting in the
972	map Map), and attempts to unify the removed key with Key and
973	its corresponding value with Value.
974	</P>
975	<P>
976	This predicate should only be called with maps created by other
977	predicates from the map module.
978	</P>
979	")
984:- lib(m_tree234).
985:- lib(mercury).
987% :- type map(K,V)	==	tree234(K,V).
992init(M) :-
993	m_tree234:init(M).
995is_empty(M) :-
996	m_tree234:is_empty(M).
998contains(Map, K) :-
999	search(Map, K, _).
1001member(Map, K, V) :-
1002	m_tree234:member(Map, K, V).
1004search(Map, K, V) :-
1005	m_tree234:search(Map, K, V).
1007lookup(Map, K, V) :-
1008	( m_tree234:search(Map, K, V1) ->
1009		V = V1
1010	;
1011		report_lookup_error("lookup: key not found", K, V)
1012	).
1014lower_bound_search(Map, SearchK, K, V) :-
1015	m_tree234:lower_bound_search(Map, SearchK, K, V).
1017lower_bound_lookup(Map, SearchK, K, V) :-
1018	( m_tree234:lower_bound_search(Map, SearchK, K1, V1) ->
1019		K = K1,
1020		V = V1
1021	;
1022		report_lookup_error("lower_bound_lookup: key not found",
1023			SearchK, V)
1024	).
1026upper_bound_search(Map, SearchK, K, V) :-
1027	m_tree234:upper_bound_search(Map, SearchK, K, V).
1029upper_bound_lookup(Map, SearchK, K, V) :-
1030	( m_tree234:upper_bound_search(Map, SearchK, K1, V1) ->
1031		K = K1,
1032		V = V1
1033	;
1034		report_lookup_error("upper_bound_lookup: key not found",
1035			SearchK, V)
1036	).
1038insert(Map0, K, V, Map) :-
1039	m_tree234:insert(Map0, K, V, Map).
1041det_insert(Map0, K, V, Map) :-
1042	( m_tree234:insert(Map0, K, V, Map1) ->
1043		Map = Map1
1044	;
1045		report_lookup_error("det_insert: key already present",
1046			K, V)
1047	).
1049det_insert_from_corresponding_lists(Map0, Ks, Vs, Map) :-
1050	(
1051		foreach(K, Ks), foreach(V, Vs),
1052		fromto(Map0, Map_In, Map_Out, Map)
1053	do
1054		det_insert(Map_In, K, V, Map_Out)
1055	).
1057det_insert_from_assoc_list(Map, [], Map).
1058det_insert_from_assoc_list(Map0, [K - V | KVs], Map) :-
1059	det_insert(Map0, K, V, Map1),
1060	det_insert_from_assoc_list(Map1, KVs, Map).
1062update(Map0, K, V, Map) :-
1063	m_tree234:update(Map0, K, V, Map).
1065det_update(Map0, K, V, Map) :-
1066	( m_tree234:update(Map0, K, V, Map1) ->
1067		Map = Map1
1068	;
1069		report_lookup_error("det_update: key not found", K, V)
1070	).
1072set(Map0, K, V, Map) :-
1073	m_tree234:set(Map0, K, V, Map).
1075keys(Map, KeyList) :-
1076	m_tree234:keys(Map, KeyList).
1078sorted_keys(Map, KeyList) :-
1079	% Guaranteed to yield sorted lists.
1080	m_tree234:keys(Map, KeyList).
1082values(Map, KeyList) :-
1083	m_tree234:values(Map, KeyList).
1085to_assoc_list(M, L) :-
1086	m_tree234:tree234_to_assoc_list(M, L).
1088to_sorted_assoc_list(M, L) :-
1089	% Guaranteed to yield sorted lists.
1090	m_tree234:tree234_to_assoc_list(M, L).
1092from_assoc_list(L, M) :-
1093	m_tree234:assoc_list_to_tree234(L, M).
1095from_sorted_assoc_list(L, M) :-
1096	m_tree234:assoc_list_to_tree234(L, M).
1098delete(Map0, Key, Map) :-
1099	m_tree234:delete(Map0, Key, Map).
1101delete_list(Map, [], Map).
1102delete_list(Map0, [Key | Keys], Map) :-
1103	delete(Map0, Key, Map1),
1104	delete_list(Map1, Keys, Map).
1106remove(Map0, Key, Value, Map) :-
1107	m_tree234:remove(Map0, Key, Value, Map).
1109det_remove(Map0, Key, Value, Map) :-
1110	( m_tree234:remove(Map0, Key, Value1, Map1) ->
1111		Value = Value1,
1112		Map = Map1
1113	;
1114		report_lookup_error("det_remove: key not found",
1115			Key, Value)
1116	).
1118count(Map, Count) :-
1119	m_tree234:count(Map, Count).
1123	% XXX inefficient
1125inverse_search(Map, V, K) :-
1126	m_tree234:tree234_to_assoc_list(Map, AssocList),
1127	assoc_list_member(K, V, AssocList).
1131	% The code here is deliberately written using very simple
1132	% modes.
1133	% The reason we don't just use member/2 is that we want to
1134	% bootstrap this thing ASAP.
1136% :- pred assoc_list_member(K, V, list(pair(K,V))).
1137% :- mode assoc_list_member(in, out, in) is nondet.
1138% :- mode assoc_list_member(out, in, in) is nondet.
1139% :- mode assoc_list_member(in, in, in) is semidet.
1140assoc_list_member(K, V, [K - V | _]).
1141assoc_list_member(K, V, [_ | Xs]) :-
1142	assoc_list_member(K, V, Xs).
1146from_corresponding_lists(Keys, Values, Map) :-
1147	%assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Keys, Values, AssocList),
1148	(
1149		foreach(K, Keys), foreach(V, Values), foreach(KV, AssocList)
1150	do
1151		KV = K - V
1152	),
1153	m_tree234:assoc_list_to_tree234(AssocList, Map).
1157merge(M0, M1, M) :-
1158	to_assoc_list(M0, ML0),
1159	to_assoc_list(M1, ML1),
1160	%list__merge(ML0, ML1, ML),
1161	eclipse_language:merge(ML0, ML1, ML),
1162	from_sorted_assoc_list(ML, M).
1166optimize(Map, Map).
1170overlay(Map0, Map1, Map) :-
1171	to_assoc_list(Map1, AssocList),
1172	overlay_2(AssocList, Map0, Map).
1174% :- pred overlay_2(assoc_list(K,V), map(K,V), map(K,V)).
1175% :- mode overlay_2(in, in, out) is det.
1177overlay_2([], Map, Map).
1178overlay_2([K - V | AssocList], Map0, Map) :-
1179	set(Map0, K, V, Map1),
1180	overlay_2(AssocList, Map1, Map).
1184select(Original, KeyList, NewMap) :-
1185	init(NewMap0),
1186	select_2(KeyList, Original, NewMap0, NewMap).
1188% :- pred select_2(list(K), map(K,V), map(K,V), map(K,V)).
1189% :- mode select_2(in, in, in, out) is det.
1191select_2([], _Original, New, New).
1192select_2([K|Ks], Original, New0, New) :-
1193	(
1194		search(Original, K, V)
1195	->
1196		set(New0, K, V, New1)
1197	;
1198		New1 = New0
1199	),
1200	select_2(Ks, Original, New1, New).
1204apply_to_list([], _, []).
1205apply_to_list([K | Ks], Map, [V | Vs]) :-
1206	lookup(Map, K, V),
1207	apply_to_list(Ks, Map, Vs).
1211remove_smallest(Map0, K, V, Map) :-
1212	m_tree234:remove_smallest(Map0, K, V, Map).