2 * Version: CMPL 1.1
3 *
4 * The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5 * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6 * in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7 * at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
8 *
9 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11 * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12 * under the License.
13 *
14 * The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System.
15 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc.
16 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17 * Copyright (C) 1989-2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
18 *
19 * Contributor(s):
20 *
24 * VERSION	$Id: bip_serialize.c,v 1.1 2013/09/28 00:25:39 jschimpf Exp $
25 */
28 * IDENTIFICATION:	bip_serialize.c (was part of property.c)
29 *
30 * DESCRIPTION:		Built-ins and functions for term serialization
31 *			- dbformat (term_to_bytes, bytes_to_term)
32 *			- EXDR (read_exdr, write_exdr)
33 *
35 *
36 * AUTHOR:		joachim
37 *
38 */
41#include "config.h"
42#include "sepia.h"
43#include "types.h"
44#include "embed.h"
45#include "error.h"
46#include "mem.h"
47#include "dict.h"
48#include "ec_io.h"
49#include "module.h"
50#include "emu_export.h"
52extern pword	*transf_meta_out(value val, type tag, pword *top, dident mod, pword *presult),
53		*transf_meta_in(pword *pw, dident mod, int *err);
55extern pword	*p_meta_arity_;
57static int	_fill_procedures(pword *prev_ld, dident mod, type tmod);
61 *
62 * Prolog term <==> Database format conversion routines
63 *
64 *	pword *		term_to_dbformat(pword *term)
65 *
66 *	pword *		dbformat_to_term(char *buffer)
67 *
68 * These routines are used to convert Prolog terms into the external database
69 * format and vice versa.
70 * The main differences of the external format compared to standard term
71 * representation are:
72 *
73 *	- no absolute addresses, but relative offsets
74 *	- no dictionary references, but explicit strings
75 *	- no alignment, more compact byte representation
76 *	- a breadth-first, prefix representation
77 *	- machine-independent (byte order, word size)
78 *
79 * Format description:
80 *
81 * <external_term> ::	<termsize>	<simple_term>+
82 *
83 * <simple_term> ::
84 *	TNIL
85 *	TINT		<int>
86 *	TSTRG		<length>	<name>
87 *	TDICT		<arity>		<length>	<name>
88 *	TLIST		<offset>
89 *	TCOMP		<offset>
90 *	TVAR_TAG	<offset>
91 *	TNAME		<offset>	<length>	<name>
92 *	TMETA		<offset>	<length>	<name>
93 *	TUNIV		<offset>	<length>	<name>
94 *	TSUSP		<offset>
95 *	TDE		<flags>
96 *
97 * <flags>	::	<word>
98 * <float>	::	<word>
99 * <termsize>	::	<word>
100 * <int>	::	<compact>
101 * <arity>	::	<compact>
102 * <length>	::	<compact>
103 * <offset>	::	<compact>
104 * <tag>	::	<byte>
105 *
106 * <word>	::	<byte> <byte> <byte> <byte>		(MSB first)
107 * <compact>	::	<1byte>* <0byte>
108 * <1byte>	::	<byte>					(byte >= 0x80)
109 * <0byte>	::	<byte>					(byte <  0x80)
110 * <name>	::	<byte>*
111 *
112 * An <offset> field holds a relative address (in words). When the term is
113 * restored, the start address of the restored term is added to the relative
114 * address to obtain the absolute one. Note that this is not an offset into
115 * the external representation!
116 *
117 * During conversion to external format, in the original term the MARK bit is
118 * used to mark variables that have already been encountered. Their value
119 * field is temporarily overwritten with the proper <offset>. These destructive
120 * modifications are trailed and are undone at the end of the conversion.
121 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
123#define QUEUE_MASK_META		0x80000000
125#define EnQueue_(pw, arity, mark) {					\
126	if (queue_head) {						\
127	    queue_tail[1].val.ptr = (pword *) hg_alloc_size(2*sizeof(pword));\
128	    queue_tail = queue_tail[1].val.ptr;				\
129	} else								\
130	    queue_tail = queue_head = (pword *) hg_alloc_size(2*sizeof(pword));\
131	queue_tail[0].val.ptr = (pw);					\
132	queue_tail[0].tag.kernel = (arity|(mark));			\
133	queue_tail[1].val.ptr = (pword *) 0;				\
136#define DeQueue_(pw, arity, mark) {			\
137	register pword *elem = queue_head;		\
138	(pw) = elem[0].val.ptr;				\
139	(arity) = elem[0].tag.kernel;			\
140	(mark) = (arity) & QUEUE_MASK;			\
141	(arity) = (arity) & ~QUEUE_MASK;		\
142	queue_head = elem[1].val.ptr;			\
143	hg_free_size((generic_ptr)elem, 2*sizeof(pword));	\
146#define EmptyQueue() (!queue_head)
149#define Reserve_Space(nbytes)				\
150	if ((dest + nbytes) > (char *) TG) {		\
151	    TG += (dest + nbytes + 32 - (char*)TG) / sizeof(pword);	\
152	    Check_Gc;					\
153	}
155#define Store_Byte(byte) *dest++ = (char) (byte)
156#define Store_Int32(word) {\
157	    register unsigned long aux = (word);		\
158	    *dest++ = (char) (aux >> 24);			\
159	    *dest++ = (char) (aux >> 16);			\
160	    *dest++ = (char) (aux >> 8);			\
161	    *dest++ = (char) (aux);				\
162	}
163#ifdef OLD_FORMAT
164#define Store_Int(word) \
165	if ((unsigned long)(word) < 0xff) *dest++ = (char) (word);	\
166	else {							\
167	    *dest++ = (char) 0xff;					\
168	    Store_Int32(word);					\
169	}
171#define Store_Int(w) { \
172	word aux = (word) (w); \
173	if (-64 <= aux && aux <= 63) { \
174	    *dest++ = aux & 0x7f; \
175	} else { \
176	    uword rev = 0; \
177	    int k = 0; \
178	    do { \
179		rev = (rev << 7) | (aux & 0x7f); \
180		aux >>= 7; \
181		++k; \
182	    } while (!(-64 <= aux && aux <= 63)); \
183	    *dest++ = 0x80 | (aux & 0x7f); \
184	    while (--k) { \
185		*dest++ = (rev & 0x7f) | 0x80; \
186		rev >>= 7; \
187	    } \
188	    *dest++ = rev; \
189	} \
193#ifdef OLD_FORMAT
194#define Store_String(length, string) {		\
195	register char *source = (string);	\
196	register long ctr = (length);		\
197	while (ctr-- >= 0) *dest++ = *source++;	\
200#define Store_String(length, string) {		\
201	register char *source = (string);	\
202	register word ctr = (length);		\
203	while (ctr-- > 0) *dest++ = *source++;	\
206#define Align() while ((word) dest % sizeof(pword)) *dest++ = (char) 0;
208#define LoadByte	*buf++
209#define Load_Byte(n)	(n) = LoadByte
210#define Load_Int32(n) {				\
211	(n) = LoadByte;				\
212	(n) = ((n) << 8) | ((LoadByte) & 0xff);	\
213	(n) = ((n) << 8) | ((LoadByte) & 0xff);	\
214	(n) = ((n) << 8) | ((LoadByte) & 0xff);	\
217#ifdef OLD_FORMAT
218#define Load_Int(n)				\
219	{ if (((n) = (unsigned char)(LoadByte)) == 0xff) Load_Int32(n); }
221#define Load_Int(n) { /* n must be of type (signed) word */ \
222	word i = LoadByte; \
223	int shift = BITS_PER_WORD-7; \
224	n = i & 0x7f; \
225	while (i & 0x80) { \
226	    i = LoadByte; \
227	    n = ((n) << 7) | (i & 0x7f); \
228	    shift -= 7; \
229	} \
230	if (shift > 0) \
231	    n = (n << shift) >> shift; /* sign extend */ \
235/* Write an EXDR Nat */
236#define Store_Nat(n) 					\
237	if ((n) == (word)(char)(n)) {			\
238	    *dest++ = (char)((n) | 0x80);		\
239	} else {					\
240	    Store_Int32((n));				\
241	}
243/* Combined macro for Get and Load of a Nat
244 * The macro is combined since it must be responsible
245 * for the loading of either a single byte or a 4 byte
246 * integer/
247 */
248#define GetLoad_Nat(n) 					\
249	Get_Next(1);					\
250	(n) = LoadByte;					\
251	if (n & 0x80) {					\
252	    n = n & 0x7f;				\
253	} else {					\
254	    Get_Next(3);				\
255	    (n) = ((n) << 8) | ((LoadByte) & 0xff);	\
256	    (n) = ((n) << 8) | ((LoadByte) & 0xff);	\
257	    (n) = ((n) << 8) | ((LoadByte) & 0xff);	\
258	}
260#define WordOffset(pw, offset)	((pword*)((uword*)(pw) + (offset)))
261#define Words(pwords)	((sizeof(pword)/sizeof(uword))*(pwords))
264/* dest is assumeed to equal buf on entry
265 * res is set as the result of operations performed by the macro
266 * perr is set for non-fatal errors - a valid EXDR term is written
267 */
268#define Write_String_Or_Ref(nst, strhm, sval)				\
269    {									\
270	pword id;							\
271	if (strhm) {							\
272	    Make_Integer(&id, strhm->nentries);				\
273	    res = store_get_else_set(strhm, sval, tstrg, &id);		\
274	    if (res < PSUCCEED) {					\
275		*perr = res;						\
276		res = PFAIL; /* Write the 'S'tring form instead */	\
277	    }								\
278	} else {							\
279	    res = PFAIL;						\
280	}								\
281	if (res == PSUCCEED) {						\
282	    Store_Byte('R');						\
283	    Store_Nat(id.val.nint);					\
284	    res = ec_outf(nst, buf, dest - buf);			\
285	} else {							\
286	    Store_Byte('S');						\
287	    Store_Nat(StringLength(sval));				\
288	    if ((res = ec_outf(nst, buf, dest - buf)) == PSUCCEED) {	\
289		res = ec_outf(nst, StringStart(sval), StringLength(sval)); \
290	    }								\
291	}								\
292    }
295 * pword * term_to_dbformat(term)
296 *
297 * Convert a general term into external format. This is created on the global
298 * stack in form of a Sepia string. The return value is a pointer to this
299 * string. For the reverse conversion, only the string contents is needed,
300 * not its header! The sharing of variables and suspensions is preserved.
301 */
303pword *
304term_to_dbformat(pword *parg, dident mod)
306    pword **save_tt = TT;
307    register word arity = 1, len;
308    register word curr_offset = 0, top_offset = 2;	/* in 'word's */
309    register pword *queue_tail = (pword *) 0;
310    pword *queue_head = (pword *) 0;
311    register pword *pw;
312    register char *dest, *stop;
313    pword *header;
314    temp_area	meta_attr;
315    int		flag = 0;
317    Temp_Create(meta_attr, 4 * ATTR_IO_TERM_SIZE * sizeof(pword));
318    header = TG;
319    dest = (char *) (header + 1) + 4;	/* space for the TBUFFER pword and for
320					 * the external format header	*/
322    for(;;)	/* handle <arity> consecutive pwords, starting at <parg> */
323    {
324	do	/* handle the pword pointed to by parg */
325	{
326	    pw = parg;
328	    /* I need here a slightly modified version of Dereference_(pw)
329	     * that stops also at MARKed words. Not very nice, I know.
330	     */
331	    while (IsRef(pw->tag) && !(pw->tag.kernel & MARK) && !IsSelfRef(pw))
332		pw = pw->val.ptr;
334	    Reserve_Space(6);
336	    if (pw->tag.kernel & MARK)
337	    {
338		if (SameTypeC(pw->tag,TDE))		/* a suspension */
339		{
340		    Store_Byte(Tag(pw->tag.kernel));
341		    Store_Int32((pw[SUSP_FLAGS].tag.kernel & ~MARK));
342		    if (SuspDead(pw)) {
343			curr_offset += Words(SUSP_HEADER_SIZE-1);
344			parg += SUSP_HEADER_SIZE-1;
345			arity -= SUSP_HEADER_SIZE-1;
346		    } else {
347			Store_Byte(SuspPrio(pw) + (SuspRunPrio(pw) << 4));
348			curr_offset += Words(SUSP_GOAL-1);
349			parg += SUSP_GOAL-1;
350			arity -= SUSP_GOAL-1;
351		    }
352		}
353		else if (pw->val.nint == curr_offset)	/* a nonstd variable */
354		{
355		    Store_Byte(Tag(pw->tag.kernel));
356		    Store_Int(pw->val.nint);
357		    if (!IsNamed(pw->tag.kernel))
358		    {
359			Store_Byte(0);
360		    }
361		    else		/* store its name */
362		    {
363			dident vdid = TagDid(pw->tag.kernel);
364			len = DidLength(vdid);
365			Store_Int(len);
366			Reserve_Space(len);
367			Store_String(len, DidName(vdid));
368		    }
369		}
370		else	/* just a reference to an already encountered variable */
371		{
372		    Store_Byte(Tag(TVAR_TAG));
373		    Store_Int(pw->val.nint);
374		}
375	    }
376	    else switch (TagType(pw->tag))
377	    {
378	    case TINT:
379#if SIZEOF_CHAR_P > 4
380		if (pw->val.nint <  WSUF(-2147483648) || WSUF(2147483648) <= pw->val.nint)
381		{
382		    /* store as a bignum (to be readable on 32bit machines) */
383		    len = tag_desc[pw->tag.kernel].string_size(pw->val, pw->tag, 1);
384		    Store_Byte(TBIG);
385		    Store_Int(len);
386		    Reserve_Space(len+1);
387		    stop = dest+len;
388		    dest += tag_desc[pw->tag.kernel].to_string(pw->val, pw->tag,
389			dest, 1);
390		    while (dest <= stop)	/* pad and terminate */
391		    	*dest++ = 0;
392		    break;
393		}
395		Store_Byte(TINT);
396#ifdef OLD_FORMAT
397		Store_Int32(pw->val.nint);
399		Store_Int(pw->val.nint);
401		break;
403	    case TNIL:
404		Store_Byte(Tag(pw->tag.kernel));
405		break;
407	    case TDICT:
408		len = DidLength(pw->val.did);
409		Store_Byte(TDICT);
410		Store_Int(DidArity(pw->val.did));
411		Store_Int(len);
412		Reserve_Space(len);
413		Store_String(len, DidName(pw->val.did));
414		break;
416	    case TDBL:
417	    {
418		ieee_double d;
419		d.as_dbl = Dbl(pw->val);
420		Store_Byte(TDBL);
421		Store_Byte(sizeof(double)-1);	/* backward compat */
422		Reserve_Space(sizeof(double));
423		Store_Int32(d.as_struct.mant1);
424		Store_Int32(d.as_struct.mant0);
425		break;
426	    }
428	    case TIVL:
429	    {
430		ieee_double dlwb, dupb;
431		dlwb.as_dbl = IvlLwb(pw->val.ptr);
432		dupb.as_dbl = IvlUpb(pw->val.ptr);
433		Store_Byte(TIVL);
434		Reserve_Space(2*sizeof(double));
435		Store_Int32(dlwb.as_struct.mant1);
436		Store_Int32(dlwb.as_struct.mant0);
437		Store_Int32(dupb.as_struct.mant1);
438		Store_Int32(dupb.as_struct.mant0);
439		break;
440	    }
442	    case TSTRG:
443		len = StringLength(pw->val);
444		Store_Byte(TSTRG);
445		Store_Int(len);
446		Reserve_Space(len);
447		Store_String(len, StringStart(pw->val));
448		break;
450	    case TVAR_TAG:	/* standard variable */
451		Store_Byte(Tag(TVAR_TAG));
452		Store_Int(curr_offset);
453		Trail_(pw);
454		pw->val.nint = curr_offset;
455		pw->tag.kernel |= MARK;
456		break;
458	    case TNAME:
459	    case TUNIV:
460		Store_Byte(Tag(TVAR_TAG));
461		Store_Int(top_offset);
462		Trail_Tag(pw);
463		pw->val.nint = top_offset;
464		pw->tag.kernel |= MARK;
465		top_offset += 2;
466		EnQueue_(pw, 1, 0);
467		break;
469	    case TMETA:
470		Store_Byte(Tag(TVAR_TAG));
471		Store_Int(top_offset);
472		Trail_Tag(pw);
473		pw->val.nint = top_offset;
474		pw->tag.kernel |= MARK;
475		top_offset += 4;
476		EnQueue_(pw, 2, QUEUE_MASK_META);
477		break;
479	    case TSUSP:
480		Store_Byte(Tag(TSUSP));
481		pw = pw->val.ptr;
482		if (pw->tag.kernel & MARK)	/* not the first encounter */
483		{
484		    Store_Int(pw->val.nint);
485		}
486		else
487		{
488		    Store_Int(top_offset);
489		    Trail_Pword(pw);
490		    pw->tag.kernel |= MARK;
491		    pw->val.nint = top_offset;
492		    if (SuspDead(pw))
493		    {
494			top_offset += Words(SUSP_HEADER_SIZE);	/* for TDE */
495			EnQueue_(pw, SUSP_HEADER_SIZE, 0);
496		    }
497		    else
498		    {
499			top_offset += Words(SUSP_SIZE);	/* for TDE */
500			EnQueue_(pw, SUSP_SIZE, 0);
501		    }
502		}
503		break;
505	    case TLIST:
506		Store_Byte(Tag(TLIST));
507		Store_Int(top_offset);
508		top_offset += 4;
509		EnQueue_(pw->val.ptr, 2, 0);
510		break;
512	    case TCOMP:
513		Store_Byte(Tag(TCOMP));
514		Store_Int(top_offset);
515		if (flag) {
516		    pword pw_out;
517		    (void) transf_meta_out(pw->val, pw->tag,
518			    (pword *) TempAlloc(meta_attr, ATTR_IO_TERM_SIZE * sizeof(pword)),
519			    D_UNKNOWN, &pw_out);
520		    pw = pw_out.val.ptr;
521		    len = 1 + DidArity(pw->val.did);
522		    EnQueue_(pw, len, 0);
523		} else {
524		    len = 1 + DidArity(pw->val.ptr->val.did);
525		    EnQueue_(pw->val.ptr, len, 0);
526		}
527		top_offset += 2*len;
528		break;
530	    default:
531		if (TagType(pw->tag) >= 0 && TagType(pw->tag) <= NTYPES)
532		{
533		    len = tag_desc[TagType(pw->tag)].string_size(pw->val, pw->tag, 1);
534		    Store_Byte(Tag(pw->tag.kernel));
535		    Store_Int(len);
536		    Reserve_Space(len+1);
537		    stop = dest+len;
538		    dest += tag_desc[TagType(pw->tag)].to_string(pw->val, pw->tag,
539			dest, 1);
540		    while (dest <= stop)	/* pad and terminate */
541		    	*dest++ = 0;
542		}
543		else
544		{
545		    p_fprintf(current_err_,
546			"bad type in term_to_dbformat: 0x%x\n",
547			pw->tag.kernel);
548		}
549		break;
550	    }
551	    curr_offset += Words(1);
552	    ++parg;
553	} while (--arity);
554	if (EmptyQueue())
555	    break;
556	DeQueue_(parg, arity, flag);
557    }
558					/* # bytes of external representation */
559    Store_Byte(0);			/* add a terminating 0		*/
560    Set_Buffer_Size(header, dest - (char*) header - sizeof(pword));
561    header->tag.kernel = TBUFFER;
562    Align();				/* align the global stack pointer */
563    TG = (pword *) dest;
564    dest = (char *) (header + 1);	/* fill in the external format header */
565    Store_Int32(top_offset);		/* (size of term after restoring) */
566    Untrail_Variables(save_tt);
567    Temp_Destroy(meta_attr);
568    return header;
572 * pword *dbformat_to_term(buf)
573 *
574 * Decode a term in database format (in the buffer pointed to by buf),
575 * construct it on the global stack and return its address.
576 * Return NULL if there is no space to construct the term.
577 */
579pword *
580dbformat_to_term(register char *buf, dident mod, type tmod)
582    register pword *pw;
583    pword	*p;
584    pword *base, *top;
585    pword *prev_ld = LD;
586    pword	*r;
587    pword	meta;
588    word	n, t;
589    int		res;
591    meta.tag.kernel = TNIL;
592    Load_Int32(n);
593    base = pw = TG;
594    TG = WordOffset(TG, n);
595    if (GlobalStackOverflow)
596    	return (pword *)0;
597    top = TG;
599    while (pw < top)
600    {
601	Load_Byte(t);
602	switch (TagTypeC(t))
603	{
604	case TINT:	/* value */
605#ifdef OLD_FORMAT
606	    Load_Int32(n);
608	    Load_Int(n);
610	    pw->val.nint = n;
611	    pw++->tag.kernel = t;
612	    break;
614	case TNIL:	/* */
615	    pw++->tag.kernel = t;
616	    break;
618	case TVAR_TAG:	/* offset */
619	    Load_Int(n);
620	    pw->val.ptr = WordOffset(base, n);
621	    pw++->tag.kernel = TREF;
622	    break;
624	case TUNIV:	/* offset, length, "string\0" */
625	case TNAME:
626	case TMETA:
627	    Load_Int(n);
628	    pw->val.ptr = WordOffset(base, n);
629	    Load_Int(n);
630	    if (n)
631	    {
632		pw++->tag.kernel = DidTag(t, enter_dict_n(buf, n, 0));
633#ifdef OLD_FORMAT
634		buf += n + 1;
636		buf += n;
638	    }
639	    else
640		pw++->tag.kernel = RefTag(t);	/* no name */
641	    if (TagTypeC(t) == TMETA) {
642		p = TG;
643		TG += 2;
644		Check_Gc
645		p[0].val.ptr = pw;
646		p[0].tag.kernel = TREF;
647		p[1] = meta;
648		meta.val.ptr = p;
649		meta.tag.kernel = TLIST;
650	    }
651	    break;
653	case TSUSP:
654	case TCOMP:
655	case TLIST:
656	    Load_Int(n);
657	    pw->val.ptr = WordOffset(base, n);
658	    pw++->tag.kernel = t;
659	    break;
661	case TDICT:	/* arity, length, "string\0" */
662	    Load_Int(n);
663	    Load_Int(t);
664	    pw->val.did = enter_dict_n(buf, t, (int) n);
665	    pw++->tag.kernel = TDICT;
666#ifdef OLD_FORMAT
667	    buf += t + 1;
669	    buf += t;
671	    break;
673	case TDBL:	/* length, double */
674	    {
675		ieee_double d;
676		Load_Byte(n);	/* backward compatibility */
677		Load_Int32(d.as_struct.mant1);
678		Load_Int32(d.as_struct.mant0);
679		Make_Double(pw, d.as_dbl);
680		pw++;
681	    }
682	    break;
684	case TIVL:	/* double, double */
685	    {
686		ieee_double dlwb, dupb;
687		Load_Int32(dlwb.as_struct.mant1);
688		Load_Int32(dlwb.as_struct.mant0);
689		Load_Int32(dupb.as_struct.mant1);
690		Load_Int32(dupb.as_struct.mant0);
691		Push_Interval(pw->val.ptr, dlwb.as_dbl, dupb.as_dbl);
692		pw++->tag.kernel = TIVL;
693	    }
694	    break;
696	case TSTRG:	/* length, "string" */
697	    {
698		register char *string;
699		Load_Int(n);
700		Make_Stack_String(n, pw->val, string);
701		pw++->tag.kernel = TSTRG;
702#ifdef OLD_FORMAT
703		while (n-- >= 0) *string++ = *buf++;
705		while (n-- > 0) *string++ = *buf++;
706		*string = 0;
708	    }
709	    break;
711	case TDE:
712	    pw[SUSP_LD].val.ptr = LD;
713	    Update_LD(pw)
714	    Load_Int32(n);
715	    pw[SUSP_FLAGS].tag.kernel = n;
716	    pw[SUSP_PRI].val.ptr = (pword *) 0;		/* missing */
717	    pw[SUSP_INVOC].tag.kernel = 0;
718	    if (!SuspDead(pw)) {
719		Load_Byte(n);
720		Init_Susp_State(pw, n & 0xF, (n>>4) & 0xF);
721		pw += SUSP_GOAL;
722	    } else {
723		pw += SUSP_HEADER_SIZE;
724	    }
725	    break;
727	default:
728	    if (t >= 0 && t <= NTYPES)
729	    {
730		Load_Int(n);
731		pw->tag.kernel = t;	/* from_string() may change tag! */
732		if (tag_desc[t].from_string(buf, pw, 10) != PSUCCEED)
733		{
734		    /* this can happen e.g. if we try to read a bignum
735		     * in an Eclipse that doesn't support them */
736		    Make_Nil(pw);
737		    p_fprintf(current_err_,
738			"dbformat_to_term: cannot represent constant of type %s\n",
739			DidName(tag_desc[t].tag_name));
740		}
741		++pw;
742		buf += n+1;
743	    }
744	    else
745	    {
746		Make_Nil(pw);
747		p_fprintf(current_err_,
748			"bad type in dbformat_to_term: 0x%x\n", t);
749		pw++; buf++;
750	    }
751	    break;
752	}
753    }
754    p = &meta;
755    while (IsList(p->tag)) {
756	p = p->val.ptr;
757	pw = (p++)->val.ptr;
758	r = transf_meta_in(pw, mod, &res);
759	if (!r) {
760	    p_fprintf(current_err_,
761		    "unknown attribute in dbformat_to_term: ");
762	    (void) ec_pwrite(0, 2, current_err_, pw->val, pw->tag, 1200, 0,
763		    mod, tdict);
764	    (void) ec_newline(current_err_);
765	    return (pword *) 0;
766	}
767	pw->val.ptr = r;
768    }
769    res = _fill_procedures(prev_ld, mod, tmod);
770    return (res == PSUCCEED) ? base : 0;
774 * Fill in pri's in the newly read suspensions
775 */
776static int
777_fill_procedures(pword *prev_ld, dident mod, type tmod)
779    pword	*p, *env;
780    dident	pd;
781    dident	module_ref;
782    pri		*proc;
784    for(env=LD; env > prev_ld; env = SuspPrevious(env))
785    {
786	if (!(SuspDead(env)))
787	{
788	    proc = SuspProc(env);
789	    if (!proc) {
790		p = env + SUSP_GOAL;
791		Dereference_(p);
792		pd = p->val.ptr->val.did;
793		p = env + SUSP_MODULE;
794		Dereference_(p);
795		module_ref = p->val.did;
796		/* Create the module if it did not exist */
797		if (!IsModule(module_ref))
798		    (void) ec_create_module(module_ref);
799		proc = visible_procedure(pd, module_ref,
800		    (module_ref == mod) ? tmod : tdict, PRI_CREATE|PRI_REFER);
801		if (!proc) {
802		    int err;
803		    Get_Bip_Error(err);
804		    p_fprintf(current_err_,
805			    "locked module in dbformat_to_term: %s\n",
806			    DidName(module_ref));
807		    return err;
808		}
809		env[SUSP_PRI].val.wptr = (uword *) proc;
810	    }
811	}
812    }
813    return PSUCCEED;
816static int
817p_term_to_bytes(value v, type t, value vs, type ts, value vm, type tm)
819    pword pw, *result;
820    Check_Output_String(ts);
821    Check_Atom(tm);
822    pw.val.all = v.all;
823    pw.tag.all = t.all;
824    result = term_to_dbformat(&pw, vm.did);
825    Return_Unify_String(vs, ts, result);
828static int
829p_bytes_to_term(value vs, type ts, value v, type t, value vmod, type tmod)
831    pword *result;
833    Check_Atom(tmod);
834    Check_String(ts);
835    result = dbformat_to_term(StringStart(vs), vmod.did, tmod);
836    if (!result)
837    {
838	value va;
839	va.did = d_.abort;
840	Bip_Throw(va, tdict);
841    }
842    Return_Unify_Pw(v, t, result->val, result->tag);
848 * Serialisation of ground terms for communication with other languages
849 *
850 * ExdrTerm	::=	'V' Version 'C'? Term
851 * Term		::=	(Integer|Double|String|List|Nil|Struct|Variable)
852 * Integer	::=	('B' <byte> | 'I' XDR_int | 'J' XDR_long)
853 * Double	::=	'D' XDR_double
854 * String	::=	('S' Length <byte>* | 'R' Index)
855 * List		::=	'[' Term (List|Nil)
856 * Nil		::=	']'
857 * Struct	::=	'F' Arity String Term*
858 * Variable	::=	'_'
859 * Length	::=	XDR_nat
860 * Index	::=	XDR_nat
861 * Arity	::=	XDR_nat
862 * Version	::=	<byte>
863 * XDR_int	::=	<4 bytes, msb first>
864 * XDR_long	::=	<8 bytes, msb first>
865 * XDR_double	::=	<8 bytes, ieee double, exponent first>
866 * XDR_nat	::=	<8 bits: 1 + seven bits unsigned value>
867 *			| XDR_int			// >= 0
868 *
869 * NOTE: Eclipse integers are wordsized (TINT) or bignums (TBIG).
870 * Values between 2^31..2^63-1 and -2^63+1..-2^31 can be TINT or TBIG,
871 * depending on machine's wordsize.
872 * On the other hand, EXDR 'I' format is always 32 bits and 'J' 64 bits.
873 * As an additional complication, TINT and EXDR I,J are two's complement
874 * representations, but TBIGs are sign/magnitude.
875 * The code must therefore deal with
876 *	TINT <--> I
877 *	TINT <--> J
878 *	TBIG (one limb) <--> J
879 *	TBIG (two limbs) <--> J
880 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
883 * write_exdr/2 fails if the term cannot be represented in EXDR format.
884 * The execute_rpc/1 predicate in kernel.pl relies on that.
885 * Note also that we are careful to always write a complete EXDR term,
886 * even when we fail. This is to avoid the recipient of the term crashing.
887 */
889#define EXDR_VERSION	2
891#define Negate_32_32(_lo, _hi) \
892	_lo = -(_lo); \
893	_hi = _lo ? ~(_hi) : -(_hi);
896static int
897_write_exdr(stream_id nst, pword *pw, t_heap_htable *strhm, int *perr)
899    int		arity, res;
900    pword	*arg;
901    value	val;
902    char	buf[10];
903    char	*dest;
904    ieee_double	d;
906    for(;;)
907    {
908	Dereference_(pw);
909	if (IsRef(pw->tag))
910	{
911	    return ec_outfc(nst, '_');
912	}
913	switch (TagType(pw->tag))
914	{
915	case TDICT:			/* like atom/0 structure */
916	    dest = buf;
917	    Store_Byte('F');
918	    Store_Nat(0);
919	    val.ptr = DidString(pw->val.did);
920	    Write_String_Or_Ref(nst, strhm, val);
921	    return res;
923	case TCOMP:
924	    dest = buf;
925	    arity = DidArity(pw->val.ptr->val.did);
926	    arg = pw->val.ptr;
927	    Store_Byte('F');
928	    Store_Nat(arity);
929	    val.ptr = DidString(arg->val.did);
930	    Write_String_Or_Ref(nst, strhm, val);
931	    if (res != PSUCCEED) return res;
932	    ++arg;
933	    break;
935	case TLIST:
936	    for (;;)
937	    {
938		if ((res = ec_outfc(nst, '[')) != PSUCCEED) return res;
939		pw = pw->val.ptr;		/* write car */
940		if ((res = _write_exdr(nst, pw, strhm, perr)) != PSUCCEED) return res;
941		++pw;
942		Dereference_(pw);		/* check cdr */
943		if (IsNil(pw->tag))		/* proper end */
944		{
945		    return ec_outfc(nst, ']');
946		}
947		else if (!IsList(pw->tag))	/* improper list, truncate */
948		{
949		    *perr = PFAIL;
950		    return ec_outfc(nst, ']');
951		}
952	    }
954	case TNIL:
955	    return ec_outfc(nst, ']');
957	case TINT:
958	    dest = buf;
959	    if (pw->val.nint == (word)(char)pw->val.nint) /* use 'B' format */
960	    {
961		Store_Byte('B');
962		Store_Byte(pw->val.nint);
963		return ec_outf(nst, buf, 2);
964	    }
965#if (SIZEOF_WORD > 4)
966	    if ((int32) pw->val.nint != pw->val.nint)	/* need 'J' format */
967	    {
968		int32 lo, hi;
969		Store_Byte('J');
970		lo = (int32) pw->val.nint;
971		hi = (int32) (pw->val.nint >> 32);
972		Store_Int32(hi);
973		Store_Int32(lo);
974		return ec_outf(nst, buf, 9);
975	    }
977	    Store_Byte('I');
978	    Store_Int32(pw->val.nint);
979	    return ec_outf(nst, buf, 5);
981#if SIZEOF_WORD <= 4
982	case TBIG:
983	{
984	    int32 *limbs = (int32*) BufferStart(pw->val.ptr);
985	    int32 lo, hi;
986	    if (BufferSize(pw->val.ptr) > 8)
987	    {
988		*perr = PFAIL;
989		return ec_outfc(nst, '_');
990	    }
991	    lo = limbs[0];
992	    hi = BufferSize(pw->val.ptr) > 4 ? limbs[1] : 0;
993	    if (BigNegative(pw->val.ptr))
994	    {
995		Negate_32_32(lo, hi);
996		if (hi >= 0)
997		{
998		    *perr = PFAIL;
999		    return ec_outfc(nst, '_');
1000		}
1001	    }
1002	    else
1003	    {
1004		if (hi < 0)
1005		{
1006		    *perr = PFAIL;
1007		    return ec_outfc(nst, '_');
1008		}
1009	    }
1010	    dest = buf;
1011	    Store_Byte('J');
1012	    Store_Int32(hi);
1013	    Store_Int32(lo);
1014	    return ec_outf(nst, buf, 9);
1015	}
1018	case TSTRG:
1019	    dest = buf;
1020	    Write_String_Or_Ref(nst, strhm, pw->val);
1021	    return res;
1023	case TDBL:
1024	    dest = buf;
1025	    d.as_dbl = Dbl(pw->val);
1026	    Store_Byte('D');
1027	    Store_Int32(d.as_struct.mant1);
1028	    Store_Int32(d.as_struct.mant0);
1029	    return ec_outf(nst, buf, 9);
1031	default:
1032	    *perr = PFAIL;
1033	    return ec_outfc(nst, '_');
1034	}
1035	for (; arity > 1; arity--,arg++)
1036	{
1037	    if ((res = _write_exdr(nst, arg, strhm, perr)) != PSUCCEED)
1038	    	return res;
1039	}
1040	pw = arg;		/* tail recursion optimised */
1041    }
1045int p_write_exdr(value vs, type ts, value v, type t)
1047    int res, err;
1048    pword vt;
1049    char buf[2];
1050    char *dest = buf;
1051    t_heap_htable *strhm = NULL;
1053    stream_id nst = get_stream_id(vs, ts, SWRITE, &res);
1054    if (nst == NO_STREAM)
1055    	return res;
1056    if (!IsWriteStream(nst))
1057	return STREAM_MODE;
1058    Store_Byte('V');
1059    Store_Byte(EXDR_VERSION);
1060    if ((res = ec_outf(nst, buf, 2)) != PSUCCEED)
1061    	return res;
1062    if (StreamMode(nst) & SCOMPRESS)
1063    {
1064	if ((res = ec_outfc(nst, 'C')) != PSUCCEED)
1065	    return res;
1066	strhm = htable_new(HTABLE_INTERNAL);
1067    }
1068    vt.val.all = v.all;
1069    vt.tag.all = t.all;
1070    err = PSUCCEED;
1071    res = _write_exdr(nst, &vt, strhm, &err);
1072    if (strhm)
1073	htable_free(strhm);
1074    if (res != PSUCCEED)
1075    	return res;		/* fatal error, exdr incomplete */
1076    if (err != PSUCCEED)
1077    	return err;		/* non-fatal, exdr sane but wrong */
1078    Succeed_;
1082#define Get_Next(n) {					\
1083    buf = (char *) StreamPtr(nst);			\
1084    if (StreamBuf(nst) + StreamCnt(nst) >= (unsigned char*) (buf + n))	\
1085	StreamPtr(nst) = (unsigned char*) (buf + n);	\
1086    else {						\
1087	word _l;					\
1088    	buf = ec_getstring(nst, n, &_l);		\
1089	if (_l < n) buf = 0;				\
1090    }							\
1093static int
1094_read_exdr(stream_id nst, t_heap_htable *strhm, pword *pw)
1096    word arity, len;
1097    char *buf;
1098    ieee_double d;
1099    pword *arg, key, valpw;
1100    int res;
1101    dident functor;
1103    for (;;)
1104    {
1105	Get_Next(1);
1106	switch(*buf)
1107	{
1108	case '_':
1109	    Make_Var(pw);
1110	    return PSUCCEED;
1112	case 'B':
1113	    Get_Next(1);
1114	    Load_Byte(len);
1115	    Make_Integer(pw, len);
1116	    return PSUCCEED;
1118	case 'I':
1119	    Get_Next(4);
1120	    Load_Int32(len);
1121	    Make_Integer(pw, len);
1122	    return PSUCCEED;
1124	case 'J':
1125	{
1126	    int32 hi, lo;
1127	    Get_Next(8);
1128	    Load_Int32(hi);
1129	    Load_Int32(lo);
1130#if (SIZEOF_WORD >= 8)
1131	    Make_Integer(pw, ((word) hi << 32) + (uint32) lo);
1133	    arg = TG;
1134	    Push_Buffer(8);
1135	    if (hi < 0)		/* convert to sign/magnitude */
1136	    {
1137		Negate_32_32(lo, hi);
1138	    	arg->tag.kernel |= BIGSIGN;
1139	    }
1140	    ((int32 *) BufferStart(arg))[0] = lo;
1141	    if (hi)		/* need two limbs */
1142	    {
1143		((int32 *) BufferStart(arg))[1] = hi;
1144	    }
1145	    else		/* need only one limb */
1146	    {
1147		Trim_Buffer(arg, 4);
1148	    }
1149	    pw->tag.kernel = TBIG;
1150	    pw->val.ptr = arg;
1152	    return PSUCCEED;
1153	}
1155	case 'D':
1156	    Get_Next(8);
1157	    Load_Int32(d.as_struct.mant1);
1158	    Load_Int32(d.as_struct.mant0);
1159	    Make_Float(pw, d.as_dbl);
1160	    return PSUCCEED;
1162	case ']':
1163	    Make_Nil(pw);
1164	    return PSUCCEED;
1166	case 'R':
1167	    if (!strhm) return BAD_FORMAT_STRING;
1168	    GetLoad_Nat(len);
1169	    Make_Integer(&key, len);
1170	    res = store_get(strhm, key.val, key.tag, pw);
1171            if (res != PSUCCEED) return res;
1172	    /* What is retrieved from the store may be a string,
1173	     * or a dictionary entry!
1174	     */
1175	    if (!IsString(pw->tag)) {
1176		pw->val.ptr = DidString(pw->val.did);
1177		pw->tag.kernel = TSTRG;
1178	    }
1179	    return PSUCCEED;
1181	case 'S':
1182	    GetLoad_Nat(len);
1183	    Get_Next(len);
1184	    pw->tag.kernel = TSTRG;
1185	    pw->val.ptr = TG;
1186	    Push_Buffer(len+1);
1187	    Copy_Bytes(StringStart(pw->val), buf, len);
1188	    StringStart(pw->val)[len] = 0;
1189	    if (strhm) {
1190		Make_Integer(&key, strhm->nentries);
1191		return store_set(strhm, key.val, key.tag, pw);
1192	    }
1193	    return PSUCCEED;
1195	case 'F':
1196	    GetLoad_Nat(arity);
1197	    Get_Next(1);
1198	    if (arity < 0 ) return BAD_FORMAT_STRING;
1199	    Load_Byte(len);
1200	    if ( len == 'S') {
1201		GetLoad_Nat(len);
1202		Get_Next(len);
1203		functor = enter_dict_n(buf, len, arity);
1204		if (strhm) {
1205		    Make_Integer(&key, strhm->nentries);
1206		    Make_Atom(&valpw, functor);
1207		    res = store_set(strhm, key.val, key.tag, &valpw);
1208		    if (res != PSUCCEED) return res;
1209		}
1210	    } else if (len == 'R') {
1211		if (!strhm) return BAD_FORMAT_STRING;
1212		GetLoad_Nat(len);
1213		Make_Integer(&key, len);
1214		res = store_get(strhm, key.val, key.tag, &valpw);
1215		if (res != PSUCCEED) return res;
1216		/* What is retrieved from the store may be a string,
1217		 * or a dictionary entry with correct/incorrect arity.
1218		 */
1219		if (IsString(valpw.tag)) {
1220		    functor = enter_dict_n(StringStart(valpw.val),
1221						StringLength(valpw.val), arity);
1222		} else if (DidArity(valpw.val.did) == arity) {
1223		    functor = valpw.val.did;
1224		} else {
1225		    functor = add_dict(valpw.val.did, arity);
1226		}
1227            } else return BAD_FORMAT_STRING;
1228	    if (arity == 0) {
1229		if (functor == d_.nil) {
1230		    Make_Nil(pw);
1231		} else {
1232		    Make_Atom(pw, functor);
1233		}
1234		return PSUCCEED;
1235	    }
1236	    arg = TG;
1237	    if (functor == d_.list) {
1238		Make_List(pw, arg);
1239		Push_List_Frame();
1240	    } else {
1241		Make_Struct(pw, arg);
1242		Push_Struct_Frame(functor);
1243		++arg;
1244	    }
1245	    break;
1247	case '[':
1248	    arity = 2;
1249	    arg = TG;
1250	    Make_List(pw, arg);
1251	    Push_List_Frame();
1252	    break;
1254	default:
1255	    return BAD_FORMAT_STRING;
1256	}
1257	for (; arity > 1; arity--,arg++)
1258	{
1259	    if ((res = _read_exdr(nst, strhm, arg)) != PSUCCEED)
1260	    	return res;
1261	}
1262	pw = arg;		/* tail recursion optimised */
1263    }
1267int p_read_exdr(value vs, type ts, value v, type t)
1269    char *buf;
1270    pword vt;
1271    int res;
1272    t_heap_htable *strhm = NULL;
1274    stream_id nst = get_stream_id(vs, ts, SREAD, &res);
1275    if (nst == NO_STREAM)
1276    	return res;
1277    if (nst == null_)
1278	return PEOF;
1279    if (!(IsReadStream(nst)))
1280	return STREAM_MODE;
1281    Get_Next(3);
1282    if (!buf)
1283    	return PEOF;
1284    if (*buf++ != 'V')
1285    	return NOT_DUMP_FILE;
1286    if (*buf++ > EXDR_VERSION)
1287    	return BAD_DUMP_VERSION;
1288    if (*buf == 'C')		/* is it compressed exdr format? */
1289    {
1290	strhm = htable_new(HTABLE_INTERNAL);
1291    }
1292    else
1293    {
1294	res = ec_ungetch(nst);
1295	if (res != PSUCCEED) return res;
1296    }
1297    res = _read_exdr(nst, strhm, &vt);
1298    if (strhm)
1299	htable_free(strhm);
1300    if (res != PSUCCEED) {
1301    	return res;
1302    }
1303    if (!(IsRef(vt.tag) && vt.val.ptr == &vt))
1304    {
1305	Return_Unify_Pw(v, t, vt.val, vt.tag);
1306    }
1307    Succeed_
1312 * Routines to convert from to simple types and xdr format
1313 * used by VB interface since it VB has no bit manipulation stuff
1314 */
1315void Winapi
1316ec_double_xdr(double *d, char *dest)
1318	ieee_double id;
1320	id.as_dbl = *d;
1321	Store_Int32(id.as_struct.mant1);
1322	Store_Int32(id.as_struct.mant0);
1325void Winapi
1326ec_xdr_double(char *buf, double *d)
1328	ieee_double id;
1330	Load_Int32(id.as_struct.mant1);
1331	Load_Int32(id.as_struct.mant0);
1332	*d = id.as_dbl;
1334void Winapi
1335ec_int32_xdr(int32 *l, char *dest)
1337	Store_Int32(*l);
1340void Winapi
1341ec_xdr_int32(char *buf, int32 *l)
1343	Load_Int32(*l);
1348 * Init
1349 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1352bip_serialize_init(int flags)
1354    if (!(flags & INIT_SHARED))
1355	return;
1356    (void) built_in(in_dict("write_exdr", 2),
1357				p_write_exdr,	B_SAFE);
1358    (void) built_in(in_dict("read_exdr", 2),
1359				p_read_exdr,	B_UNSAFE|U_FRESH);
1360    (void) exported_built_in(in_dict("term_to_bytes_", 3),
1361				p_term_to_bytes,	B_UNSAFE|U_SIMPLE);
1362    (void) exported_built_in(in_dict("bytes_to_term_", 3),
1363				p_bytes_to_term,	B_UNSAFE|U_FRESH);