2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License. 
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. 
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): 
23:- comment(desc, html("\
25   This library lets you use an external Mathematical Programming solver 
26   from within ECLiPSe. This is done either directly to the solver, like
27   CPLEX, XPRESS-MP or Gurobi, or indirectly via COIN-OR project's Open Solver
28   Interface (OSI), giving access to the CLP, CBC and SYMPHONY solvers.
29   For the commercial solvers, the library provides just the interface, 
30   and does not include the solver or any required licence to use them.
32    The constraints provided are:
33    <DL>
34    <DT>Vs $:: Bound</DT><DD>Bounds on variables</DD>
35    <DT>X $= Y</DT><DD>equality over linear expressions</DD>
36    <DT>X $&gt;= Y</DT><DD>inequality over linear expressions</DD>
37    <DT>X $=&lt; Y</DT><DD>inequality over linear expressions</DD>
38    <DT>integers(Xs)</DT><DD>integrality of variables</DD>
39    <DT>sos1(Xs)</DT><DD>all but one are zero</DD>
40    <DT>sos2(Xs)</DT><DD>all but two consecutive values are zero</DD>
41    <DT>Cond=>Linear</DT><DD>indicator constraint (some solvers only)</DD>
42    </DL>
43    The operational behaviour of the linear constraints is as follows:
45    <LI>When they contain no variables, they simply succeed or fail.
47    <LI>When they contain exactly one variable, they are translated into a
48    bound update on that variable for the external solver instance. This
49    can lead to immediate failure if the lower bound is greater than the upper.
51    <LI>Otherwise, the constraint is transferred to the external solver
52    immediately (or as soon as the solver is set up).
54The following arithmetic expression can be used inside the constraints:
57<DD>Variables. If X is not yet a problem variable for the external solver
58    instance, it  is turned into one via an implicit declaration 
59    <TT>X :: -inf..inf</TT>.
62<DT><STRONG><B>123, 3.4</B></STRONG>
63<DD>Integer or floating point constants.
71<DD>Sign change.
79<DD>Equivalent to the sum of all list elements.
91<DD>Scalar product: The sum of the products of the corresponding
92elements in the two lists.  The lists must be of equal length.
95The external solver can either be explicitly invoked to solve the
96problem represented by the constraints, or be invoked in response to
97certain trigger conditions. This mechanism makes it possible to tailor
98the solving behaviour for a particular application's needs.
102:- comment(lp_get_license/0,  [
103    summary:"Get a runtime license token for the external solver.",
104    fail_if:"Fails if no license can (currently) be obtained",
105    see_also:[lp_get_license/2,lp_release_license/0],
106    desc:html("\
107    	The eplex-library interfaces to an external simplex/MIP solver
108	which might require a license to run (e.g. CPLEX, XPRESS-MP, Gurobi).
109	When the eplex-library is loaded, it tries to obtain a license
110	immediately.  If this is not possible, for example because the
111	license pool is temporarily empty, a warning is printed. The
112	application program should then call lp_get_license/0 later
113	to obtain a license before any eplex functionality is used.
114	If a license is successfully obtained or already held,
115	lp_get_license succeeds, otherwise it fails.
116    <P>
117    	This predicate uses information from the file eplex_lic_info.ecl
118	in the ECLiPSe library directory, or solver specific environment
119	variable settings to locate the licensing information.
120    ")]).
122:- comment(lp_get_license/2,  [
123    amode:     lp_get_license(+,+),
124    args:      ["LicStr":"String or Atom", "LicNum":"Integer"],
125    summary:"Get a runtime license token for the external solver.",
126    fail_if:"Fails if no license can (currently) be obtained",
127    see_also:[lp_get_license/0,lp_release_license/0,lp_get_license_challenge/1],
128    desc:html("\
129    	The eplex-library interfaces to an external simplex/MIP solver
130	which might require a license to run (e.g. CPLEX, XPRESS-MP, Gurobi).
131	When the eplex-library is loaded, it tries to obtain a license
132	immediately.  However, this might not be possible, either
133	because no licenses are currently available, or because
134	specific licensing information needs to be supplied.
135    <P>
136	In the latter case, lp_get_license/2 must be called explicitly
137	by the programmer, and the relevant licensing information must
138	be supplied as arguments.  The meaning of the arguments is
139	specific to the solver used:
140    <PRE>
141                                LicStr          LicNum
143        CPLEX development       unused          unused
144        CPLEX runtime           licenvstring    serialnum
145        XPRESS-MP development   xpress_path     unused
146        XPRESS-MP runtime       xpress_path     response
147        Gurobi                  license_file    unused
148        OSI                     unused          unused
149    </PRE>
150        If LicStr is a file or directory name, it is expected to be in
151	the native operating system syntax.
152    ")]).
154:- comment(lp_get_license_challenge/1,  [
155    amode:     lp_get_license_challenge(-),
156    args:      ["Challenge":"Variable"],
157    summary:"Get parameter for computing license key (some external solvers only)",
158    fail_if:"Fails if the solver doesn't use a challenge-response licensing system",
159    see_also:[lp_get_license/2],
160    eg:"
161     ?- ( lp_get_license_challenge(Challenge) ->
162	    magic_formula(Challenge, Response),
163	    lp_get_license(RuntimeLicenseString, Response)
164	;
165	    lp_get_license(DevelopmentLicensePath, 0)
166	).
167    ",
168    desc:html("\
169	This is only needed for certain OEM versions of external solvers!
170    <P>
171    	The eplex-library interfaces to an external simplex/MIP solver
172	which might require a license to run (e.g. CPLEX, XPRESS-MP).
173	Certain versions of these external solvers use a challenge-
174	response licensing system. Only in such cases is this predicate
175	needed. lp_get_license_challenge/1 returns a value which is used to
176	compute a license key. This key is then passed into lp_get_license/2.
177	For the details of this procedure you will need to consult the
178	documentation of the solver vendor.
179    <P>
180        Be aware that the magic formula supplied by the vendor is usually
181        designed to be performed in a language like C, and may rely on the
182        behaviour of overflowing with 32 bit integers. In ECLiPSe, no
183        overflowing will takes place because of bignums, and this has to be
184        taken into account if the magic formula is calculated in ECLiPSe.
185    <P>
186	If you have a development license of CPLEX or XPRESS-MP, this
187	predicate does not need to be called. If called anyway, it fails.
188    ")]).
190:- comment(lp_release_license/0,  [
191    summary:"Release a runtime license token for the external solver.",
192    see_also:[lp_get_license/0,lp_get_license/2],
193    desc:html("\
194    	The eplex-library interfaces to an external simplex/MIP solver
195	which might require a license to run (e.g. CPLEX, XPRESS-MP, Gurobi).
196	When the eplex-library is loaded, it tries to obtain a license
197	immediately, or a license can be obtained by calling
198	lp_get_license/0.  A held license can then be released using
199	lp_release_license/0.  The predicate always succeeds, even
200	if no license was held.
201    ")]).
203:- comment(integers/1,  [
204    template:  ["integers(?Vars)","EplexInstance:integers(?Vars)"],
205    args:      ["Vars":    "Variable or number, or a list or submatrix of variables/numbers"],
206    see_also:  [_:integers/1,reals/1,(::)/2],
207    summary:   "Constrains Vars to integers for eplex instance EplexInstance.",
208    desc:      html("<P>\
209	Constrains list Vars to integers in the eplex instance
210        EplexInstance. If a variable in Vars is not already a problem
211        variable for EplexInstance, it will be added as a new problem
212        variable. The external solver will then take the integrality into
213        account, i.e. to solve a MIP/MIQP rather than a relaxed LP/QP
214        problem.  Unlike integers/1 constraints from other solvers, the
215        variables are not constrained to be integer type at the ECLiPSe
216        level. However, when a typed_solution is retrieved (e.g. via
217        eplex_var_get/3), this will be rounded to the nearest integer.
218	<P>
219	Note that even when problem variables have been declared as
220        integers in other solvers (ic or other external solver
221        states), if the integrality constraint is not made known to this
222        EplexInstance, any invocation of the eplex external solver (e.g. via
223        eplex_solve/1) will only solve a continuous relaxation.
224	<P>
225	")
226    ]).
229:- comment(sos1/1,  [
230    template:  ["sos1(?Vars)","EplexInstance:sos1(?Vars)"],
231    args:      ["Vars":    "A collection of variables"],
232    see_also:  [_:sos1/1,sos2/1,integers/1],
233    summary:   "Constrains all but one of Vars to be zero.",
234    desc:      html("<P>\
235	Constrains all but one of Vars to be zero.  In MIP terminology
236	this is called a Special Ordered Set (SOS) of type 1.
238	If the variables are also required to be integral, this must
239	be separately declared using integers/1.  Similarly for bounds.
241	")
242    ]).
245:- comment(sos2/1,  [
246    template:  ["sos2(?Vars)","EplexInstance:sos2(?Vars)"],
247    args:      ["Vars":    "A collection of variables"],
248    see_also:  [_:sos2/1,sos1/1,integers/1],
249    summary:   "Constrains all but two consecutive elements of Vars to be zero.",
250    desc:      html("<P>\
251	Constrains all but two consecutive elements of Vars to be zero.  In
252	MIP terminology this is called a Special Ordered Set (SOS) of type 2.
254	If the variables are also required to be integral, this must
255	be separately declared using integers/1.  Similarly for bounds.
257	")
258    ]).
261:- comment(reals/1,  [
262    template:  ["reals(?Vars)","EplexInstance:reals(?Vars)"],
263    args:      ["Vars":    "Variable or number, or a list or submatrix of variables/numbers"],
264    see_also:  [_:reals/1,integers/1,(::)/2],
265    summary:   "Constraints Vars to the real domain for EplexInstance.",
266    fail_if: "Vars contain elements which are neither variable or number.",
267    desc:      html("<P>\
268	Constrains Vars to the real domain in the eplex instance
269        EplexInstance. Any variables that are not problem variables
270        for EplexInstance are added to the problem, with unconstrained
271        bounds (except by the external solver's idea of infinity).
273        Note that the notion of real is used here in the pure mathematical
274        sense, where real numbers subsume the integers. If the variables
275        are already instantiated, this call checks that the variable is
276        instantiated to a number.
278        ")
279    ]).
282:- comment((::)/2,  [
283    amode:     ::(?,++),
284    template: ["?Vars :: ++Lo..Hi","EplexInstance: (?Vars :: ++Lo..Hi)"],
285    args: ["Vars":"Variable or number, or a list or submatrix of variables/numbers",
286	   "Lo..Hi":"Lo, Hi are numbers or arithmetic expressions"
287	],
288    see_also:  [integers/1,reals/1,_:(::)/2,(#::)/2,($::)/2,get_var_bounds/3],
289    summary:   "Constrains list elements to lie between the given bounds.",
290    fail_if: "Lo is greater than Hi.",
291    exceptions: [5: "Lo..Hi is not in correct form",
292                 5: "Lo and Hi are of different numeric types"], 
293    desc:      html("\
294	Constrain a variable (or all variables in a list) to take only
295	values in a given range for the eplex instance EplexInstance. Any
296	variables that are not already problem variables for EplexInstance
297	will be added to the problem. The range information is passed to
298	the external solver state associated with EplexInstance as
299	floats. No type information are implied by the bounds.
300	<P>
301	In particular, if the bounds are given as integers, this
302	information is <STRONG>not</STRONG> passed to the external solver.
303	Unless eplex:integers/1 is invoked, any
304	invocation of the eplex external solver (whether via eplex_solve/1,
305	lp_solve/2, lp_demon_setup/5 or optimize/2) will only solve a
306	continuous relaxation, even when problem variables have been
307	declared as integers in other solvers (e.g. ic).
308        <P>
309        No propagation is done at the ECLiPSe level with the bounds. In
310        particular, the variable is not instantiated even if the lower and
311        upper bounds are identical. The bounds may be inconsistent with the
312        bounds given for the variables in other EplexInstances or solvers
313        (i.e. this will not result in immediate failure).")
314    ]).
316:- comment(($::)/2,  [
317    amode:     $::(?,++),
318    template: ["?Vars $:: ++Lo..Hi","EplexInstance: (?Vars $:: ++Lo..Hi)"],
319    args: ["Vars":"Variable or number or a list of them",
320	   "Lo..Hi":"Lo, Hi are numbers or arithmetic expressions"
321	],
322    see_also:  [integers/1,reals/1,(::)/2,(#::)/2,_:($::)/2],
323    summary:   "Constrains list elements to lie between the given bounds.",
324    exceptions: [5: "Lo..Hi is not in correct form",
325                 5: "Lo and Hi are of different numeric types"], 
326    desc:      html("\
327	Constrain a variable (or all variables in a list) to take only
328	values in a given range for the eplex instance EplexInstance. Any
329	variables that are not already problem variables for EplexInstance
330	will be added to the problem. The range information is passed to
331	the external solver state associated with EplexInstance as
332	floats. No type information are implied by the bounds.
333	<P>
334	In particular, if the bounds are given as integers, this
335	information is <STRONG>not</STRONG> passed to the external solver.
336	Unless eplex:integers/1 is invoked, any
337	invocation of the eplex external solver (whether via eplex_solve/1,
338	lp_solve/2, lp_demon_setup/5 or optimize/2) will only solve a
339	continuous relaxation, even when problem variables have been
340	declared as integers in other solvers (e.g. ic).
341        <P>
342        No propagation is done at the ECLiPSe level with the bounds. In
343        particular, the variable is not instantiated even if the lower and
344        upper bounds are identical. The bounds may be inconsistent with the
345        bounds given for the variables in other EplexInstances or solvers
346        (i.e. this will not result in immediate failure).")
347    ]).
350:- comment(eplex_var_get/3, [
351template:  ["eplex_var_get(+Var, ++What, -Value)","EplexInstance:eplex_var_get(+Var, ++What, -Value)"],
352args:      ["Var":   "A solver problem variable for solver associated with EplexInstance",
353            "What":  "Specification for information wanted (atom)",
354	    "Value": "Returned value of What"
355           ],
356summary:   "Obtain information for an individual solver problem variable Var.",
357exceptions: [
358             6: "What is not a valid value.",
359             6: "Var is not a problem variable for EplexInstance.",
360             6: "What is unavailable; the information was not requested"
361                " at solver setup.",
362            40: "Solver state had been previously destroyed."
363            ],
364desc:      html("\
366   Retrieve information about the (logically) most recent solver state and
367   results related to a particular variable, for the eplex instance
368   EplexInstance.  Fails if no solution has been computed yet.  What can
369   take one of the following values:
372    <DT><TT>solution</TT>
373    <DD>Returns the floating-point solution for variable Var.
376    <DT><TT>typed_solution</TT>
377    <DD>Returns the properly typed (integer or float) solution for variable
378        Var, depending on if the variable was constrained to be an integer
379        or not for EplexInstance.
382    <DT><TT>reduced_cost</TT>
383    <DD>Returns the reduced cost for variable Var. If the problem is a MIP, 
384        then depending on the external solver, this is either unavailable
385        or is the value at the optimal LP node. 
386        Note that reduced cost is defined as the minimal amount the
387        objective value will be changed by if the variable's value is
388        increased by 1 from its solution value.
390    <DT><TT>type</TT>
391    <DD>Returns the type the variable Var is constrained to in
392        EplexInstance. Possible values are integer or real.
395  Note that solution or reduced_cost can only be retrieved
396  when previously requested in the option list of eplex_solver_setup/4,
397  lp_demon_setup/5, lp_setup/4 or with lp_set/3.
401:- comment(lp_var_get/4, [
402amode:     lp_var_get(+,+,++,-),
403args:      ["Handle": "Handle to a solver state",
404            "Var":   "A solver problem variable for Handle",
405            "What":  "Specification for information wanted (atom)",
406	    "Value": "Returned value of What"
407           ],
408summary:   "Obtain information for an individual solver problem variable Var.",
409see_also: [eplex_var_get/3],
410exceptions: [4: "Handle is not instantiated.",
411             5: "Handle is not a compound term.",
412             6: "What is not a valid value.",
413             6: "Var is not a problem variable for Handle.",
414             6: "What is unavailable; the information was not requested"
415                " at solver setup.",
416            40: "Handle not valid: solver state had been destroyed by cleanup"
417            ],
418desc:      html("\
420   Retrieve information about the (logically) most recent solver state and
421   results related to a particular variable, for the solver state
422   represented by Handle. Fails if no solution has been computed yet. What
423   can take the same values as those in eplex_var_get/3.")
429          [template:["suspend_on_change(?Var, +Susp)","EplexInstance:suspend_on_change(?Var, +Susp)"],
430           args:["Var"  : "A solver problem variable for solver associated with EplexInstance",
431                 "Susp" : "Suspension to schedule when the typed solution for this variable changes"],
432          summary:"Record the given suspension to be scheduled whenever a solution is found for the EplexInstance."]).
435          [template:["get_changeable_value(?Var, -Val)","EplexInstance:get_changeable_value(?Var, -Val)"],
436           args:["Var"  : "A solver problem variable for solver associated with EplexInstance",
437                 "Val"  : "The typed_solution value for this variable"],
438           summary:"Interface predicate to access the <EM>changeable</EM> value for this variable."]).
441          [template:"lp_suspend_on_change(+Handle, ?Var, +Susp)",
442           args:["Handle" : "Handle to a solver state",
443                 "Var"  : "A solver problem variable for solver state"
444                          " represented by Handle",
445                 "Susp" : "Suspension to schedule when the typed solution for this variable changes"],
446          summary:"Record the given suspension to be scheduled"
447                  " whenever a solution is found for the Eplex handle."]).
450          [template:"lp_get_changeable_value(+Handle, ?Var, -Val)",
451           args:["Handle" : "Handle to a solver state",
452                 "Var"  : "A solver problem variable for solver state"
453                          " represented by Handle",
454                 "Val"  : "The typed_solution value for this variable"],
455           summary:"Interface predicate to access the <EM>changeable</EM> value for this variable."]).
458:- comment(eplex_instance/1, [
459    amode:eplex_instance(++),
460    args:  ["EplexInstance": "Eplex instance name (atom)"
461           ],
462    summary: "Initialises the eplex instance EplexInstance.",
463    desc: html("\
464  <P>
465  Initialises the eplex instance EplexInstance. An eplex instance is an
466  instance of the eplex solver, to which eplex linear arithmetic and 
467  integrality constraints can be posted, and to which an external LP/MIP
468  solver can be associated and used to optimise the posted constraints
469  with respect to some objective. 
470  </P><P>
471  If EplexInstance is not an already existing eplex instance, a new eplex
472  instance will be created and initialised. If it is an existing eplex
473  instance, and it is not currently being used (having no outstanding posted
474  constraints and no associated solver), it is effectively reinitialised.
475  Otherwise, the predicate aborts with an error. Note that an eplex instance
476  is a module, and each eplex instance can be associated with at most one
477  solver at any time and vice versa. An eplex instance should NOT be
478  erased (e.g. using erase_module/1), as this would only erase the module,
479  but not the information that eplex keeps on it as an eplex instance.
480  </P>
481  "),
482    see_also:   [($=)/2,($=<)/2,($>=)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,(>=)/2,
483                 ($::)/2,(::)/2,integers/1,reals/1,
484                 eplex_solver_setup/1, eplex_solver_setup/4,
485                 eplex_probe/2, eplex_solve/1, 
486                 eplex_get/2, eplex_var_get/3, eplex_cleanup/0
487                ]
490:- comment((>=)/2,  [
491    template:  "EplexInstance:(?X >= ?Y)",
492    args:      ["X":    "Linear expression",
493		"Y":    "Linear expression"
494	       ],
495    see_also:  [_:(>=)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2, 
496                ($>=)/2,($=)/2,($=<)/2, 
497                 eplex_solver_setup/1, eplex_solver_setup/4,
498                 eplex_probe/2, eplex_solve/1, 
499                 eplex_get/2, eplex_var_get/3, eplex_cleanup/0
500                ], 
502    summary:   "Constrains X to be greater than or equal to Y.",
503    desc:      html("\
504	Logically: Constrains X to be greater than or equal to Y.
505	X and Y are linear expressions.
506	Operationally, the constraint gets delayed until the external
507        solver state for EplexInstance is invoked.")
509    ]).
511:- comment(($>=)/2,  [
512    template:  ["?X $>= ?Y","EplexInstance:(?X $>= ?Y)"],
513    args:      ["X":    "Linear expression",
514		"Y":    "Linear expression"
515	       ],
516    see_also:  [(>=)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2, 
517                _:($>=)/2,($=)/2,($=<)/2, 
518                 eplex_solver_setup/1, eplex_solver_setup/4,
519                 eplex_probe/2, eplex_solve/1, 
520                 eplex_get/2, eplex_var_get/3, eplex_cleanup/0
521                ], 
523    summary:   "Constrains X to be greater than or equal to Y.",
524    desc:      html("\
525	Logically: Constrains X to be greater than or equal to Y.
526	X and Y are linear expressions.
527	Operationally, the constraint gets delayed until the external
528        solver state for EplexInstance is invoked.
529        </P><P>
530        The $ version of the arithmetic constraints are provided to allow 
531        code to be written which does not specify the solver. They are
532        equivalent to their eplex instance counterparts without the $ prefix.
535    ]).
537:- comment((=<)/2,  [
538    template:  "EplexInstance:(?X =< ?Y)",
539    args:      ["X":    "Linear expression",
540		"Y":    "Linear expression"
541	       ],
542    see_also:  [(=:=)/2,_:(=<)/2,(>=)/2, 
543                ($>=)/2,($=)/2,($=<)/2, 
544                 eplex_solver_setup/1, eplex_solver_setup/4,
545                 eplex_probe/2, eplex_solve/1, 
546                 eplex_get/2, eplex_var_get/3, eplex_cleanup/0
547                ],
548    summary:   "Constrains X to be less than or equal to Y.",
549    desc:      html("\
550	Logically: Constrains X to be less than or equal to Y.
551	X and Y are linear expressions.
552	Operationally, the constraint gets delayed until the external
553        solver state for EplexInstance is invoked.")
554    ]).
556:- comment(($=<)/2,  [
557    template:  ["?X $=< ?Y","EplexInstance:(?X $=< ?Y)"],
558    args:      ["X":    "Linear expression",
559		"Y":    "Linear expression"
560	       ],
561    see_also:  [(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,(>=)/2, 
562                ($>=)/2,($=)/2,_:($=<)/2, 
563                 eplex_solver_setup/1, eplex_solver_setup/4,
564                 eplex_probe/2, eplex_solve/1, 
565                 eplex_get/2, eplex_var_get/3, eplex_cleanup/0
566                ],
567    summary:   "Constrains X to be less than or equal to Y.",
568    desc:      html("\
569	Logically: Constrains X to be less than or equal to Y.
570	X and Y are linear expressions.
571	Operationally, the constraint gets delayed until the external
572        solver state for EplexInstance is invoked.
573        </P><P>
574        The $ version of the arithmetic constraints are provided to allow 
575        code to be written which does not specify the solver. They are
576        equivalent to their eplex instance counterparts without the $ prefix.
577    ")
580:- comment((=:=)/2,  [
581    template:  "EplexInstance:(?X =:= ?Y)",
582    args:      ["X":    "Linear expression",
583		"Y":    "Linear expression"
584	       ],
585    see_also:  [_:(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,(>=)/2, 
586                ($>=)/2,($=)/2,($=<)/2, 
587                 eplex_solver_setup/1, eplex_solver_setup/4,
588                 eplex_probe/2, eplex_solve/1, 
589                 eplex_get/2, eplex_var_get/3, eplex_cleanup/0
590                ],
591    summary:   "Constrains X to be equal to Y.",
592    desc:      html("\
593	Logically: Constrains X to be equal to Y.
594	X and Y are linear expressions.
595	Operationally, the constraint gets delayed until the external
596        solver state for EplexInstance is invoked.")
597    ]).
599:- comment(($=)/2,  [
600    template:  ["?X $= ?Y","EplexInstance:(?X $= ?Y)"],
601    args:      ["X":    "Linear expression",
602		"Y":    "Linear expression"
603	       ],
604    see_also:  [(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,(>=)/2, 
605                ($>=)/2,_:($=)/2,($=<)/2, 
606                 eplex_solver_setup/1, eplex_solver_setup/4,
607                 eplex_probe/2, eplex_solve/1, 
608                 eplex_get/2, eplex_var_get/3, eplex_cleanup/0
609                ],
610    summary:   "Constrains X to be equal to Y.",
611    desc:      html("\
612	Logically: Constrains X to be equal to Y.
613	X and Y are linear expressions.
614	Operationally, the constraint gets delayed until the external
615        solver state for EplexInstance is invoked.
616        </P><P>
617        The $ version of the arithmetic constraints are provided to allow 
618        code to be written which does not specify the solver. They are
619        equivalent to their eplex instance counterparts without the $ prefix.
620    ")
623:- comment((=>)/2,  [
624    template:  ["Ind => LinCon","EplexInstance:(Ind => LinCon)"],
625    args:      ["Ind":    "A binary variable or negated binary variable",
626		"LinCon":    "A linear constraint"
627	       ],
628    see_also:  [ _:(=>)/2, ($>=)/2,($=)/2,($=<)/2, 
629                 eplex_add_constraints/2
630                ],
631    summary:   "Linear constraint conditional on binary variable",
632    desc:      html("<P>\
633	Logical implication Ind =&ge; LinCon.  The linear constraint LinCon
634	is enforced when the indicator Ind is 1, and violation of LinCon
635	forces the indicator Ind to 0.
637	Ind can be a variable, or a subscript expression resulting in a
638	variable.  It can also be negated using the neg/1 prefix operator.
639	Correspondingly, LinCon is either enforced by the binary being 0 or 1.
641	LinCon is any linear constraint accepted by eplex, i.e. an equality
642	or inequality constraint over linear expressions.
644	This constraint does not implicitly impose bounds or a type on the
645	binary variable in Ind.  It will usually make sense to separately
646	impose bounds of 0..1 and invoke integers/1.
648	Indicator constraints are not supported by every external solver.
649	Use lp_get(has_indicator_constraints,yes) to check availability.
651    "),
652    eg:"
653    B => ( X1 $>= X2+8 )
654    neg B => ( X1+5 $=< X2 )
655    B[12] => ( sum(Costs) $= 42 )
659:- comment(eplex_add_constraints/2, [
660 template:  ["eplex_add_constraints(+Constraints,+Integers)",
661	     "EplexInstance: eplex_add_constraints(+Constraints,+Integers)"],
662 args:      [
663             "Constraints": "A (possibly empty) list of equality or inequality constraints",
664             "Integers": "A (possibly empty) list of variables to be considered as integers"
665            ],
666 see_also:  [lp_add_constraints/3,lp_demon_setup/5,lp_add/3,lp_add_constraints/4,
667             ($=)/2,($=<)/2,($>=)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,(>=)/2,sos1/1,sos2/1,(=>)/2],
668 resat:     no,
669 fail_if: "Any ground (no variable) or bound constraints (one variable) is self-inconsistent.",
670 exceptions: [4: "Constraints or Integers uninstantiated.",
671              5: "Some constraint in Constraints is non-linear.",
672             40: "Solver state had been previously destroyed."              
673             ],
674 summary:    "Add new constraints to the eplex instance EplexInstance,"
675             " possibly triggering it.",
676 desc:      html("\
678  Add new constraints (with possibly new variables) to the eplex instance
679  EplexInstance.  Cstrs is a list of equality or inequality constraints; 
680  NewIntegers is a list of (possibly new) variables that should be
681  consider as integers  This is logically the same as posting the
682  constraints one by one to the solver, but it may be more convenient if 
683  the constraints are already collected as a list.
685  Operationally, if a solver state has been associated with the eplex
686  instance, the constraints are added to the solver state in one go. 
687  For some solvers, this can be more efficient than adding the constraints
688  incrementally. 
690  If the new_constraint trigger option was selected, then the solver will
691  be invoked after the adding of the constraints if these constraints are 
692  not already satisfied.  The constraints will be removed on backtracking.
694  The constraints are normalised and simplified before being passed to
695  the external solver. If any constraint is ground, they are tested for
696  consistency.
698  The constraints can be linear equalities and inequalities, sos/1 and
699  sos2/1 constraints, and =&ge;/2 indicator constraints.
701  Note that variables in NewIntegers can be any problem variables. In
702  previous versions of ECLiPSe, there was a restriction that the variables
703  be new problem variables; this restriction has been removed.
706 </P>")
707 ]).
709:- comment(lp_add_constraints/3, [
710 amode:     lp_add_constraints(+,+,++),
711 args:      ["Handle":      "Handle to a solver state",
712             "Constraints": "A (possibly empty) list of equality or inequality constraints",
713             "Integers": "A (possibly empty) list of variables to be"
714                         " considered as integers in the problem"
715            ],
716 see_also:  [lp_demon_setup/5,lp_add/3,lp_add_constraints/4,
717             eplex_add_constraints/2,
718             ($=)/2,($=<)/2,($>=)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,(>=)/2,sos1/1,sos2/1,(=>)/2],
719 resat:     no,
720 fail_if: "Any ground (no variable) or bound constraints (one variable) is self-inconsistent.",
721 exceptions: [4: "Handle, Constraints or Integers uninstantiated.",
722              5: "Some constraint in Constraints is non-linear.",
723              40: "Handle not valid: solver state had been destroyed by cleanup"
725             ],
726 summary:    "Add new constraints to the solver Handle, possibly"
727 " triggering it.",
728 desc:      html("\
730  Add new constraints (with possibly new variables) to a solver.
731  NewIntegers is a list of variables that the external solver should
732  consider as integers  The new constraints will be taken into
733  account the next time the solver is run: if the new_constraint option of
734  lp_demon_setup was turned on, then the solver will be invoked after the
735  adding of the constraints, unless they are already satisfied.  The 
736  constraints will be removed on backtracking.
738  The constraints are normalised and simplified before being passed to
739  the external solver. If any constraint is ground, they are tested for
740  consistency.
742  The constraints can be linear equalities and inequalities, sos/1 and
743  sos2/1 constraints, and =&ge;/2 indicator constraints.
745  Note that variables in NewIntegers can be any problem variables. In
746  previous versions of ECLiPSe, there was a restriction that the variables
747  be new problem variables; this restriction has been removed.
750 </P>")
751 ]).
754:- comment(lp_add_constraints/4, [
755 amode:     lp_add_constraints(+,+,++, -),
756 args:      ["Handle":      "Handle to a solver state",
757             "Constraints": "A (possibly empty) list of expandable"
758                            "linear equality or inequality constraints",
759             "Integers": "A (possibly empty) list of problem variables to be considered as integers",
760             "Indices": "Indices for the constraints in Constraints"
761            ],
762 see_also:  [lp_add_constraints/3,lp_demon_setup/5,lp_add/3,lp_add_columns/2,
763             ($=)/2,($=<)/2,($>=)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,(>=)/2],
764 resat:     no,
765 exceptions: [4: "Handle, Constraints or Integers uninstantiated.",
766              5: "Some constraint in Constraints is ground.",
767              5: "Some constraint in Constraints is non-linear.",
768              40: "Handle not valid: solver state had been destroyed by cleanup"
770             ],
771 summary:    "Add new expandable constraints to the demon solver Handle.",
772 desc:      html("\
774  Add new expandable constraints (with possibly new variables) to a solver.
775  An expandable constraint can be expanded when new variables are added to
776  the problem. These constraints are in the form of having a constant on
777  the right-hand side, and coefficients for the problem variables on the
778  left. When new variables are added (via lp_add_columns/2), the
779  coefficients for these variables can be given for the expandable
780  constraints. Note that the constraints can only be expanded if there are
781  no trigger conditions (i.e. the problem must be solved explicitly), or if
782  the problem is not associated with an eplex instance. Otherwise, the
783  added constraints are treated as normal (non-expandable) constraints.
785  Constraints is a list of expandable constraints.  NewIntegers is a list
786  of variables that the external solver should consider as integers,
787  Indices is a list of the indices for the added constraints. It is
788  returned by the predicate, and has the same length as Constraints. Each
789  element in Indices is the index for the constraint in Constraints at the
790  same position in the list. This index is used to refer to the constraint
791  in lp_add_columns/2.
793  Operationally lp_add_constraints/4 behaves like lp_add_constraints/3,
794  except that it never trigger the solver as a demon:
795  The new constraints will be taken into account the next time the solver
796  is run, and  removed on backtracking. The constraints are normalised 
797  before being passed to the external solver. Unlike lp_add_constraints/3,
798  they are not simplified, and no consistency checks are performed. If any
799  of the constraints are ground, a type error is raised. 
801  Note that variables in NewIntegers can be any problem variables.
802 </P>")
803 ]).
806:- comment(lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4, [
807 amode:     lp_add_cutpool_constraints(+,+,+,-),
808 args:      ["Handle":      "Handle to a solver state",
809             "Constraints": "A (possibly empty) list of equality or inequality constraints",
810             "Options": "A (possibly empty) list of Option:Value pairs",
811             "Indices": "Indices for the constraints in CstrSpecs"
812            ],
813 resat:     no,
814 summary:    "Add constraints to the cutpool associated  with solver state Handle.",
815 exceptions:[6: "Constraints contains variable(s) that is not in the"
816                " problem during setup.",
817             5: "A constraint in Constraints is ground."
818            ],
820 see_also: [lp_get/3, lp_set/3],
821 desc:      html("\
823  Add constraints to the cutpool associated with solver state Handle.
824  Unlike normal constraints, cutpool constraints are not added directly to
825  the problem, and are *NOT* removed on backtracking. Logically, cutpool
826  constraints are valid for all solves of the problem, regardless of when
827  a constraint is added to the pool -- they are `globally valid'. The 
828  purpose of the cutpool is to give the user more flexibility on how
829  constraints are used by the external solver.
831  <TT>Constraints</TT> is the list of constraints to be added to the
832  cutpool. As they are not removed on backtracking, they can only involve
833  variables that are present at problem setup. Otherwise, an out of range
834  error is raised. Variables can be created for a problem before setup by
835  posting normal constraints involving the variables, in particular, using
836  reals/1. The constraints are normalised before being passed to the
837  external solver.  They are not simplified, and no consistency checks
838  are performed. If any of the constraints are ground, a type error is
839  raised. Instantiated variables are treated as constants (i.e. the value
840  they are instantiated to when the predicate is called), even when the
841  execution backtracks to a point before the instantiations.
843  <TT>Options</TT> is a possibly empty list of Option:Value pairs specifying 
844  the options. Valid options are:
848   <DD>specifies if the constraints should be added to the problem matrix
849   before the external solver is invoked. Valid values are <TT>1</TT> for
850   adding the constraints before solving, and <TT>0</TT> for not adding.
851   The default is <TT>1</TT>.
853   <DD>specifies if the constraints should be active. Valid values are 
854   <TT>1</TT> for active, and <TT>0</TT> for non-active. The default is <TT>1</TT>.
856   <DD>specifies the cutpool constraints group that the constraints will be
857   added to. <TT>Value</TT> must be an existing group name for the cutpool,
858   i.e. the default group, or a group name previously created with 
859   the cutpool_group option of lp_set/3. The default is the default group
860   name ([]).
863  Operationally, the cutpool constraints are taken into account when the
864  external solver is invoked, and the user can specify how they are taken
865  into account by setting the status of these constraints: by default,
866  cutpool constraints are active, and are taken into account during solver
867  invocation: none of these constraints will be violated in the solution
868  produced: they are either part of the problem matrix solved by the
869  external solver, or they have been explicitly checked for non-violation. 
870  This is done as follows: active cutpool constraints that are labelled as 
871  `add_initially' (the default) are added to the problem matrix, and the 
872  external solver is invoked. When a solution is produced, the unadded
873  active cutpool constraints are checked to see if they are violated. Any
874  violated constraints are added to the problem matrix and the problem is
875  resolved by the external solver. This is repeated until there are no
876  violated constraints. This approach allows the user to leave out
877  constraints that might be expensive (i.e. slow down the solving) unless
878  they usefully constrain the problem. 
880  Checking for violations require the solution values of the problem
881  variables. Thus, if the <TT>solution</TT> option is turned off and no
882  solution value is available, and there are unadded active cutpool 
883  constraints, an out of range error would be raised when the solver tries
884  to solve the problem.
886  The violation checking is only done if the external solver produces a 
887  solution with solution values. If the problem is unbounded (or unknown,
888  i.e. the solver cannot determine if the problem is infeasible or
889  unbounded), then all the active cutpool constraints are added to the
890  problem without checking for violations, and the problem is resolved once
891  more. This is done because adding constraints to the problem can make the
892  problem become bounded.
894  The user can change a cutpool constraint's status to non-active, in which
895  case it is neither checked for violations nor added to the problem.
896  For logical  correctness, the user should only make a constraint non-active
897  if it is certain that the constraint will not be violated, e.g. if it is
898  superceded by a stronger constraint. 
900  Cutpool constraints are organised into named groups, allowing multiple
901  constraints to be referred to as a unit, e.g. with the cutpool_info
902  option of lp_get/3.
904  Note that as the constraints are added to the cutpool, and not to the
905  problem directly, this is not considered as adding new constraints, and
906  will not cause the solver to trigger with the new_constraint trigger
907  condition set.
908  ")
911:- comment(lp_add_columns/2, [
912 amode:     lp_add_columns(+,+),
913 args:      ["Handle":      "Handle to a solver state",
914             "Columns": "A list of Variable:ColumnSpecification pairs."
915            ],
916 summary: "Add new variables as columns to the external solver's matrix.",
917 exceptions:[4: "Handle or Columns are uninstantiated.",
918             5: "A Variable in Columns is already a problem variable for"
919                " problem represented by Handle.",
920             40: "Handle not valid: solver state had been destroyed by cleanup",
921             abort: "Handle is an eplex instance problem, or trigger"
922                  " conditions have been specified."
923            ],
925 desc:      html("\
927   Add new variables as columns to the external solver's matrix. This 
928   allows non-zero coefficients for the objective and existing constraints
929   to be specified for these variables. 
931   Each column is specified as a Variable:ColumnSpecification pair.
932   Variable is the variable that is being added to the problem, and
933   ColumnSpecification is the specification for the non-zero coefficients
934   for the column representing the variable in the external solver matrix:
935   this is a list of Index:Coefficient pairs. Where index is the index of an
936   existing constraint (obtained when the constraint was added using
937   lp_add_constraints/4), and coefficient is its coefficient.
939   The ColumnSpecification list can optionally start with a special element
940   'obj':Coeff, in which case the coefficient is the objective coefficient
941   for the column (otherwise zero).  This can be optionally followed by two
942   entries of the form 'lo':Lwb,'hi':Upb, which specify initial lower and
943   upper bound on the column variable (otherwise unbounded).  Each
944   constraint coefficient should only occur once. Any index not specified
945   is given a zero value.
947   Note that lp_add_columns/2 essentially modifies the problem represented
948   by Handle. This is not compatible with the view of the problem as a
949   compound constraint, and therefore, lp_add_columns/2 can only be used
950   for problems that are not eplex instances, and/or have no trigger
951   conditions for triggering the external solver. 
953  ")
958:- comment(lp_add_vars/2, [
959 amode:     lp_add_vars(+,+),
960 args:      ["Handle":      "Handle to a solver state",
961             "Vars": "A list of variables or numbers"
962            ],
963 summary: "Declare Vars to be problem variables for the solver state"
964          " Handle",
965 see_also: [lp_setup/4,lp_demon_setup/5],
966 desc:    html("\
968   Declares variables in Vars as problem variables for the solver state
969   represented by Handle. Any of the variables that are not existing 
970   problem variables for Handle are added to the problem. The new
971   variables' bounds are constrained to -infinity..infinity (infinity as 
972   defined by the external solver).
974 fail_if: "Vars contain elements which are neither variables or numbers."]).
978:- comment(normalise_cstrs/3, [
979amode:     normalise_cstrs(+,-,-),
980args:      ["Constraints":     "List of arithmetic relations",
981            "NormConstraints": "Linear constraints from Constraints (normalised)",
982            "NonlinConstraints": "Non-linear constraints from Constraints"
983           ],
984summary:   "Normalise the linear constraints in Constraints.",
985see_also:  [($=)/2,($=<)/2,($>=)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,(>=)/2],
986desc:      html("\
987  Constraints is a list of terms of the form X $= Y, X $>= Y or X $=< Y (or
988  their non-$ equivalents)  where X and Y are arithmetic expressions.  The linear
989  constraints are returned in normalised form in NormConstraints, the
990  nonlinear ones are returned unchanged in NonlinConstr.
994:- comment(eplex_solver_setup/1, [
995template: ["eplex_solver_setup(+Objective)","EplexInstance:eplex_solver_setup(+Objective)"],
996args:    ["Objective":     "Objective function: min(CostExpr) or max(CostExpr)"],
997summary: "Setup an external solver state for eplex instance EplexInstance",
998see_also:[($=)/2,($=<)/2,($>=)/2,(=:=)/2, (>=)/2, (=<)/2, 
999          ($::)/2, (::)/2,integers/1,reals/1,
1000          eplex_solver_setup/4, eplex_probe/2,
1001          eplex_solve/1,
1002          eplex_get/2, eplex_var_get/3
1003         ],
1004desc: html("\
1006  Setup a new external solver state for the eplex instance EplexInstance. 
1007  The solver state will be associated with EplexInstance;
1008  EplexInstance must not already have a solver state associated with it.
1009  Once the solver state is setup, it can be invoked (e.g. via eplex_solve/1 
1010  or eplex_probe/2) to optimise the Objective function. 
1012    CostExpr is a linear expression
1013    (or quadratic if supported by the external solver).
1015  Declaratively, this can be seen as a compound constraint representing all
1016  the individual linear constraints that have been set so far and are going
1017  to be set up later for <TT>EplexInstance</TT>. The invoking of this 
1018  constraint is done explicitly by the user, usually via eplex_solve/1.
1019  Operationally, when the external solver is invoked, the delayed 
1020  constraints posted to <TT>EplexInstance</TT> are collected and taken into
1021  account.
1023  This is a simplified version of eplex_solver_setup/4, it is equivalent to
1024  calling eplex_solver_setup/4 with the following defaults:
1026       eplex_solver_setup(Objective, _, [], [])
1031:- comment(eplex_solver_setup/4, [
1032template: ["eplex_solver_setup(+Objective, ?Cost, ++ListOfOptions, +TriggerModes)",
1033	   "EplexInstance:eplex_solver_setup(+Objective, ?Cost, ++ListOfOptions, +TriggerModes)"],
1034args:      ["Objective":     "Objective function: min(CostExpr) or max(CostExpr)",
1035            "Cost":          "Variable bounded by the optimal solution",
1036            "ListOfOptions": "List of solver options",
1037            "TriggerModes":  "List of conditions for re-triggering solver"
1038           ],
1039summary: "Setup an external solver state for eplex instance EplexInstance",
1040see_also:[($=)/2,($=<)/2,($>=)/2,(=:=)/2, (>=)/2, (=<)/2, 
1041          ($::)/2,(::)/2,integers/1, reals/1,
1042          eplex_solver_setup/1,
1043	  eplex_probe/2, eplex_solve/1,
1044          eplex_get/2, eplex_var_get/3,
1045          eplex_get_iis/4,
1046	  lp_demon_setup/5, lp_setup/4
1047         ],
1048desc: html("\
1050  Setup a new external solver state for the eplex instance EplexInstance. 
1051  The solver state will be associated with EplexInstance;
1052  EplexInstance must not already have a solver state associated with it.
1053  This predicate allow various options to be specified when setting up the
1054  solver state. <TT>ListOfOptions</TT> allows a list of solver options to 
1055  be specified, and <TT>TriggerModes</TT> allows the 
1056  solver state to be set up as a demon so that the external solver is 
1057  automatically invoked when the conditions for re-triggering specified in
1058  <TT>TriggerModes</TT> are met. The external solver can also be invoked 
1059  explicitly via eplex_solve/1. 
1061  Declaratively, this can be seen as a compound constraint representing all
1062  the individual linear constraints that have been set so far and are going
1063  to be set up later for <TT>EplexInstance</TT>. Operationally, when the
1064  external solver is invoked, the delayed constraints posted to 
1065  <TT>EplexInstance</TT> are collected and taken into account.
1067  <TT>CostExpr</TT> is a linear cost expression (or quadratic, if supported
1068  by the external solver).
1070  The external solver's best objective bound will be exported as a bound
1071  for <TT>Cost</TT>: For a minimisation problem, each solution's best bound
1072  becomes a lower bound, for maximisation an upper bound on Cost.  This
1073  technique allows for repeated re-solving with reduced bounds or added
1074  constraints. Note that Cost is not automatically made a problem variable
1075  (it can be a problem variable if there are constraints that involve it),
1076  and thus may not have bounds associated with in. In order for the bounds
1077  information not to be lost, some bounds should be given to <TT>Cost</TT>
1078  (e.g. making it a problem variable (but this might introduce unnecessary
1079  self-waking on bounds change), or via another solver with bounds
1080  (e.g. ic)).
1082  <TT>ListOfOptions</TT> is the same as in the low-level primitive 
1083  lp_demon_setup/5, except that EplexInstance is implicitly associated with
1084  the new external solver state, so the <TT>collect_from</TT> option of
1085  lp_demon_setup/5 is not allowed (it is set to <TT>
1086  collect_from(pool(EplexInstance))</TT> by the predicate). See 
1087  below for more details.
1089  <TT>TriggerModes</TT> specifies under which conditions the external solver
1090  will be re-triggered. If no condition is specified, then the solver must
1091  be explicitly triggered, usually via eplex_solve/1. The conditions are the
1092  same as in the low-level primitive lp_demon_setup/5 called by this predicate.
1093  See below (after <TT>ListOfOptions</TT> descriptions) for more details.
1095  Note: Some external solvers need to write temporary files when they
1096  are solving a problem. These are written to the temporary directory
1097  specified in ECLiPSe's tmp_dir setting (get_flag/2, set_flag/2).
1100ListOfOptions are (unless explicitly specified otherwise, each option should 
1101occur no more than once):
1107    <DD>Specifies if an initial solve (call to the external solver) should
1108    be performed immediately after problem setup.
1109    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1110    <TT>yes</TT> if any trigger condition is specified in TriggerModes, 
1111    <TT>no</TT> if no trigger condition is specified.
1115    <DD>Use the specified method (<TT>default, auto, primal, dual, net,
1116    barrier, sifting, concurrent, concurrent_det</TT>) (representing Primal
1117    Simplex, Dual Simplex, Network Simplex, Barrier, Sifting etc) to solve
1118    the problem. For MIP problems, this specifies the start algorithm (the
1119    one that is used to solve the initial relaxation). See the external
1120    solver's manual for a description of these methods.
1122    For some of the methods, an additional `auxiliary' method may be 
1123    specified in brackets. These are:
1126      <DT><TT>net(Simplex)</TT>: 
1127      <DD>specifies the Simplex method (<TT>primal</TT> or <TT>dual</TT>) to 
1128      follow the network optimisation. For LP problems only.
1130      <DT><TT>barrier(Crossover)</TT>: 
1131      <DD>specifies how the crossover to a basic solution from the barrier
1132      solution is performed. <TT>Crossover</TT> can be <TT>primal</TT>, 
1133      <TT>dual</TT>, or <TT>none</TT>. <TT>none</TT> means no crossover is
1134      performed. 
1136      <DT><TT>sifting(SubMethod)</TT>: 
1137      <DD>specifies the method for solving the sifting subproblem. 
1138      <TT>SubMethod</TT> can be <TT>primal, dual, net, barrier</TT>.
1141    For all the auxiliary methods, <TT>default</TT> can also be specified.
1142    This is equivalent to not specifying an auxiliary method at all. 
1144    Note that not every method is available on every external solver.
1145    The default method would use the solver's default method, or any
1146    selections done via solver-specific optimizer_param(_) settings.
1150    <DD>For MIP problems only. Use the specified method (<TT>default, primal,
1151    dual, net, barrier, sifting</TT>) to solve the subproblem at each node
1152    of the MIP search-tree, except the root node, which is specified by
1153    <TT>method</TT> option above. See method option for more description of
1154    the methods. Note that there are less choices in the specifications of
1155    the auxiliary methods that in the method option, due to limitations in
1156    the solvers. If a specified auxiliary method cannot be used, `default'
1157    will be used instead.
1161    <DD>Make the solutions available each time the problem has been (re-)solved
1162    successfully.
1163    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1164    <TT>yes</TT>.
1168    <DD>Make the dual solutions available each time the problem has been 
1169    (re-)solved successfully. If the problem is a MIP, then depending on
1170    the external solver, this is either unavailable or are the values for
1171    the optimal LP node. 
1172    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1173    <TT>no</TT>.
1177    <DD>Make the constraint slacks available each time the problem has been 
1178    (re-)solved successfully.
1179    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1180    <TT>no</TT>.
1184    <DD>Make the reduced costs available each time the problem has been 
1185    (re-)solved successfully. If the problem is a MIP, then depending on
1186    the external solver, this is either unavailable or are the values for
1187    the optimal LP node. 
1188    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1189    <TT>no</TT>.
1193    <DD>Store the basis each time the problem has been solved successfully,
1194    and use this basis as a starting point for re-solving next time.
1195    This option only affects performance.
1196    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1197    <TT>no</TT>.
1200    <DT><STRONG><TT>mipstart(+Option)</TT></STRONG>
1201    <DD>Use the previous solution values as a warm-start heuristics for
1202    the MIP search.  This only has an effect for certain solvers (e.g.
1203    Gurobi), if there are integrality constraints, and if there is a 
1204    previous solution available.  Possible values are <TT>none</TT>
1205    (no mipstart values, the default), <TT>all</TT> (use previous
1206    solution for all variables), or <TT>integers</TT> (use previous
1207    solution for all variables that are now constrained to be integral).  
1210    <DT><STRONG><TT>cache_iis(YesNo)</TT></STRONG>
1211     <DD>Specify if an IIS should be computed immediately for an infeasible problem
1212     (if supported by the external solver), and store it so that it can bee retrieved by
1213     eplex_get_iis/4 or lp_get_iis/5 (called from within a user-defined infeasible 
1214     handler). This will be done before the problem can be modified and make the computing 
1215     of the IIS impossible. The IIS will only be available before the problem is solved
1216     again, and also before the infeasible solve is backtracked. This option has no effect  
1217     if the external solver does not support the computation of an IIS. Note that if this 
1218     option is set, eplex will always ask for an IIS to computed for an infeasible problem, 
1219     even if it is immediately backtracked by the infeasible handler failing, and that the 
1220     option is only needed if the problem instance in the external solver is modified 
1221     before eplex_get_iis/4 or lp_get_iis/5 is called. 
1222     YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1223    <TT>no</TT>.
1226<DT><STRONG><TT>demon_tolerance(RealTol, IntTol)</TT></STRONG>
1227    <DD>Specify how far outside a variable's range an lp-solution
1228    can fall before lp_demon_setup/5 re-triggers.
1229    <TT>RealTol</TT> and <TT>IntTol</TT> are floats and default to
1230    0.00001 and 0.5 respectively.
1233<DT><STRONG><TT>sos1(VarList)</TT></STRONG> - deprecated, use sos1/1 constraint
1234    <DD><TT>VarList</TT> is a list of variables which the solver should
1235    treat as variables of a type 1 special ordered set (SOS), i.e. at most
1236    one of the variables in the set can be non-zero. This can occur multiple
1237    times, for different sets of variables.
1240<DT><STRONG><TT>sos2(VarList)</TT></STRONG> - deprecated, use sos2/1 constraint
1241    <DD><TT>VarList</TT> is a list of variables which the solver should
1242    treat as variables of a type 2 special ordered set (SOS), i.e. at most
1243    two of the variables in the set can be non-zero. This can occur multiple
1244    times, for different sets of variables.
1248    <DD>Specify if the external solver should perform presolve for this
1249    problem. With presolving, the external solver will transform the
1250    problem before solving it. This can lead to significantly faster times
1251    to find solutions. However, as the problem has been transformed, some
1252    external solvers have restriction on accessing or changing the problem
1253    state. In addition, if the solver is repeatedly called because the
1254    problem is frequently modified, then presolve may not be an advantage.
1255    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1256    determined by the global setting of <TT>presolve</TT>, which can be
1257    changed via <TT>lp_set/2</TT>. The initial default is <TT>yes</TT>.
1258    Note that the presolve setting cannot be changed for a problem once it
1259    is set.  If the external solver supports per-problem optimizer_params, 
1260    their global defaults will be used for presolve(yes).
1263    <DD>Set the external solver to time-out after <TT>TimeOut</TT> seconds.
1264    <TT>TimeOut</TT> is a positive number. The solver will abort (in either
1265    the abort or suboptimal state, depending on if a suboptimal solution
1266    was found) if the optimal solution was not found within the time
1267    limit. This should be used instead of setting the solver-specific
1268    parameter for time-out directly. In cases where the solver expects an
1269    integer for the time-out interval, the time given is rounded up to the
1270    next integer value. The timeout is set by setting the external
1271    solver's timeout settings, and the exact behaviour may be solver dependent.
1274    <DD>Specifies a user defined goal Goal to handle the case when the
1275    external solver returned a suboptimal solution (because the problem
1276    was aborted). Goal would be run in place of raising the default 
1277    <TT>eplex_suboptimal</TT> event.
1280    <DD>Specifies a user defined goal Goal to handle the case when the
1281    problem is unbounded. Goal would be run in place of raising the  
1282    default <TT>eplex_unbounded</TT> event.
1285    <DD>Specifies a user defined goal Goal to handle the case when the
1286    external solver found that the problem is infeasible. Goal would be run
1287    in place of raising the default <TT>eplex_infeasible</TT> event.  Note
1288    that the default and logically correct behaviour is to fail, this
1289    handler is provided to allow the user to analyse the cause of the
1290    infeasibility. It is recommended that the handler should also fail
1291    after performing the analysis.
1294    <DD>Specifies a user defined goal Goal to handle the case when the
1295    external solver was not able to determine if the problem is unbounded
1296    or infeasible. Goal would be run in place of raising the default 
1297    <TT>eplex_unknown</TT> event.
1300    <DD>Specifies a user defined goal Goal to handle the case when the
1301    external solver aborted without finding any solution. Goal would be 
1302    run in place of raising the default <TT>eplex_abort</TT> event.
1305    <DD>Specify if variable names (set using <TT>set_var_name/2</TT> of the 
1306    var_name library) should be passed to the external solver. If a 
1307    particular variable does not have a name when it is first passed to the
1308    external solver, a default name determined by the solver would be used.
1309    Note that for XPRESS-MP, there is a limit on the length of the name,
1310    which can be changed between 8 and 64 in steps of 8 with the 
1311    parameter <TT>mpsnamelength (XPRS_MPSNAMELENGTH)</TT>. Variable 
1312    names longer than this limit are truncated to the limit. 
1313    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1314    <TT>no</TT>.
1317  <DD><TT>Prio</TT> is the scheduling priority with which the solver gets
1318  woken up.  This priority determines whether the solver is run before or
1319  after other constraints. By default, if no priority is specified, the
1320  default priority (0, mapped to 5 unless changed) is used. Normally, the
1321  default priority should be sufficient and this option is not needed,
1322  unless there is a specific need to have the external solver invoked with
1323  higher or lower priority than some other constraints.
1326    <DD>Some external solvers do not allow a MIP problem to be modified
1327    once the MIP search has been started. Eplex works around this
1328    problem by making a copy of the problem and solving that, so that
1329    the original problem can still be modified. This can be turned off to
1330    avoid the overhead of making this copy, in which case the MIP
1331    problem cannot be modified. This option is used only when solving a
1332    MIP problem, and the external solver does not allow a MIP problem to
1333    be modified; otherwise it is ignored.
1334    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default 
1335    is <TT>yes</TT> so that the problem can be modified.
1338    <DD>This option is most useful for debugging purposes. If given, Eplex
1339    will ask the external solver to dump the problem each time the problem
1340    is solved. This allows the problem in an <TT>eplex_probe/2</TT> or
1341    <TT>lp_probe/3</TT> to be dumped. As in <TT>lp_write/3</TT>,
1342    <TT>Format</TT> is the format of the dumped file and <TT>File</TT> is
1343    its name. Note that the problem is dumped each time the external solver
1344    is invoked if the problem has cutpool constraints, where there may be
1345    multiple invocations of the solver per solver call. 
1346    The default without this option is that the problem would not be dumped.
1349    <DD>This option determines if an equality constraint between two
1350    variables will be posted to the solver when these variables are
1351    unified. Setting <TT>YesNo</TT> to no means that the constraint 
1352    will <EM>not</EM> be posted. Note that this can lead to the
1353    solver's problem becoming inconsistent with ECLiPSe's. 
1354    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1355    <TT>yes</TT>.
1358    <DD>This option determines if the bounds of the problems variables are
1359    synchronised with other solvers (i.e. the generic bounds are obtained
1360    with get_var_bounds/3 and then passed to the external solver) before
1361    the external solver is invoked. This was always done for previous
1362    non-standalone version of eplex. For standalone eplex, as the bounds
1363    are communicated directly to the external solver, the synchronisation
1364    of variable bounds is not needed unless the user is using eplex
1365    co-operatively with other solvers (e.g. ic). Even in such cases, it may
1366    be more efficient to communicate these bounds changes by explicitly
1367    programming it, especially if the problem has many variables and bounds
1368    changes happen only to a few of the variables. Setting <TT>YesNo</TT>
1369    to yes should increase compatibility with previous code (but note that
1370    previous eplex obtained the bounds from a specific bounds keeper like
1371    ic rather than the generic bounds).  YesNo is one of the atoms
1372    <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is <TT>no</TT>.
1376<TT>TriggerModes</TT> can be a list of the following specifiers:
1380  <DT><STRONG><TT>inst</TT></STRONG>
1381  <DD>re-trigger if a problem variable gets instantiated.
1383  <DT><STRONG><TT>ModuleName:Index</TT></STRONG>
1384  <DD>re-trigger when the  suspension list given by ModuleName:Index is woken
1385  for any of the problem variables.
1386  The format for <TT>ModuleName:Index</TT> is the same as for specifying
1387  the suspension list in suspend/3,4.
1389  <DT><STRONG><TT>deviating_inst</TT></STRONG>
1390  <DD>re-trigger if a problem variable gets instantiated
1391      to a value that differs from its lp-solution more than a tolerance.
1393  <DT><STRONG><TT>bounds</TT></STRONG>
1394  <DD>re-trigger each time a variable bound for the solver instance changes.
1396  <DT><STRONG><TT>deviating_bounds</TT></STRONG>
1397  <DD>re-trigger each time a variable's solver instance bound changes
1398      such that its lp-solution gets excluded more than a tolerance.
1400  <DT><STRONG><TT>new_constraint</TT></STRONG>
1401  <DD>re-trigger each time a new (arithmetic or integral) constraint is
1402      added to the solver instance. Note that adding integral constraint
1403      on new problem variables, or adding bounds constraint, or adding 
1404      constraints to the cutpool will *not* re-trigger.
1406  <DT><STRONG><TT>trigger(Atom)</TT></STRONG>
1407  <DD>re-trigger each time the symbolic trigger Atom is pulled by invoking 
1408      schedule_suspensions/1
1410  <DT><STRONG><TT>pre(Goal)</TT></STRONG>
1411  <DD>an additional condition to be used together with other triggers. When 
1412      the demon is triggered, it first executes <TT>PreGoal</TT>. Only if 
1413      that succeeds, does the appropriate external solver get invoked.
1414      This provides a way of reducing the number of (possibly expensive)
1415      solver invocations when given preconditions are not met.
1417  <DT><STRONG><TT>post(Goal)</TT></STRONG>
1418  <DD>this is not a trigger condition, but specifies a goal to be executed
1419      after solver success, but before the Cost variable gets
1420      constrained. It is intended as a hook for exporting solution
1421      information, e.g. copying solutions from the solver state into
1422      variable attributes (eg. tentative value), or computing weights for
1423      labelling heuristics from the solver state.  
1424  <DT><STRONG><TT>suspension(Susp)</TT></STRONG>
1425  <DD>this is not a trigger condition, but instead is used to access the 
1426      demon used to trigger the solver. Susp is instantiated to
1427      the suspension that triggers the solver: by waking Susp, the solver
1428      is triggered. Susp is a demon in that it stays around after being
1429      woken. Accessing Susp allows the user to specify arbitrary conditions 
1430      for triggering the solver.
1433  The tolerances mentioned can be specified in lp_setup/4 or lp_set/3
1434  as <TT>demon_tolerance</TT>.
1437  If several trigger conditions are specified, then any of them will trigger
1438  the solver.
1441  When a solver demon runs frequently on relatively small problems,
1442  it can be important for efficiency to switch off the presolve option
1443  to reduce overheads.
1451:- comment(lp_demon_setup/5, [
1453args:      ["Objective":     "Objective function: min(CostExpr) or max(CostExpr)",
1454            "Cost":          "Variable bounded by the optimal solution",
1455            "ListOfOptions": "List of solver options",
1456            "TriggerModes":  "List of conditions for re-triggering solver",
1457            "Handle":        "handle to solver state"
1458           ],
1459see_also:  [lp_solve/2, lp_set/3, lp_setup/4, lp_get_iis/5,
1460            solution_out_of_range/1, schedule_suspensions/1,
1461	    library(constraint_pools)],
1462summary:   "Setup the external solver as a simplex demon.",
1463eg:        "\
1464   Some common invocations patterns for this predicate are the following.
1465   The first triggers the solver only on instantiation of variables to
1466   values that don't fit with the simplex solution:
1468      lp_demon_setup(min(Expr), C, [], [deviating_inst], H)
1471desc:      html("\
1473  Setup the external solver as a simplex demon. A simplex demon collects
1474  linear constraints and re-solves the problem whenever the triggering
1475  conditions in TriggerModes are met.
1478  Declaratively, this can be seen as a compound constraint representing all
1479  the individual linear constraints that have been set so far and are going
1480  to be set up later.  Operationally, the delayed constraints are collected
1481  and an external solver is set up (as with lp_setup/4).  Then the problem
1482  is solved once initially (if <TT>initial_solve</TT> option is yes) and a
1483  delayed goal lp_demon is set up which will re-trigger the solver when 
1484  certain  conditions are met.
1487  <TT>CostExpr</TT> is a linear cost expression (or quadratic, if supported
1488  by the external solver).
1491  <TT>Handle</TT> refers to the created solver state (as in lp_setup/4 or
1492  lp_read/3 described below). It can be used to access and modify the state
1493  of the solver, retrieve solution information etc. 
1496  Unlike with lp_solve/2, <TT>Cost</TT> will not be instantiated to a
1497  solution's cost, but only be bounded by the best-bound on cost:
1498  For a minimisation problem, each solution's best-bound becomes a lower bound,
1499  for maximisation an upper bound on Cost.  This technique allows for
1500  repeated re-solving with reduced bounds or added constraints. Note that
1501  Cost is not automatically made a problem variable (it can be a problem
1502  variable if there are constraints that involve it), and thus may not have
1503  bounds associated with in. In order for the bounds information not to be
1504  lost, some bounds should be given to <TT>Cost</TT> (e.g. making it a
1505  problem variable (but this might introduce unnecessary self-waking on
1506  bounds change), or via another solver with bounds (e.g. ic)).
1508  <TT>ListOfOptions</TT> is a list of solver options as described for
1509  lp_setup/4. In addition, the following extra options are also available:
1514    <DD>Specifies if this solver state should be associated with an eplex
1515    instance. If Pool is <TT>none</TT>, then the solver is not associated
1516    with an eplex instance. If Pool is <TT>pool(Instance)</TT>, where
1517    Instance is the (atomic) name of an existing eplex instance, then this
1518    eplex instance would be associated with the solver state, i.e. when the
1519    solver is invoked, it will collect constraints posted to
1520    <TT>Instance</TT>.  Note that <TT>Instance</TT> must not be associated
1521    with any other solver state already.
1522    The default value for <TT>Pool</TT> is pool(eplex) (for backward
1523    compatibility).
1526    <DD>Specifies if an initial solve (call to the external solver) should
1527    be performed immediately after problem setup.
1528    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1529    <TT>yes</TT> if any trigger condition is specified in TriggerModes, 
1530    <TT>no</TT> if no trigger condition is specified.
1533    <DD><TT>Prio</TT> is the scheduling priority with which the solver gets
1534    woken up.  This priority determines whether the solver is run before or
1535    after other constraints. By default, if no priority is specified, the
1536    default priority (0, mapped to 5 unless changed) is used. Normally, the
1537    default priority should be sufficient and this option is not needed,
1538    unless there is a specific need to have the external solver invoked with
1539    higher or lower priority than some other constraints.
1544  <TT>TriggerModes</TT> specifies under which conditions the solver demon
1545  will be re-triggered. It can be a list of the following specifiers
1549  <DT><STRONG><TT>inst</TT></STRONG>
1550  <DD>re-trigger if a problem variable gets instantiated.
1552  <DT><STRONG><TT>ModuleName:Index</TT></STRONG>
1553  <DD>re-trigger when the  suspension list given by ModuleName:Index is woken
1554  for any of the problem variables.
1555  The format for <TT>ModuleName:Index</TT> is the same as for specifying
1556  the suspension list in suspend/3,4.
1558  <DT><STRONG><TT>deviating_inst</TT></STRONG>
1559  <DD>re-trigger if a problem variable gets instantiated
1560      to a value that differs from its lp-solution more than a tolerance.
1562  <DT><STRONG><TT>bounds</TT></STRONG>
1563  <DD>re-trigger each time a variable bound for the solver instance changes.
1565  <DT><STRONG><TT>deviating_bounds</TT></STRONG>
1566  <DD>re-trigger each time a variable's solver instance bound changes
1567      such that its lp-solution gets excluded more than a tolerance.
1569  <DT><STRONG><TT>new_constraint</TT></STRONG>
1570  <DD>re-trigger each time a new (arithmetic or integral) constraint is
1571      added to the solver instance. Note that adding integral constraint
1572      on new problem variables, or adding bounds constraint, or adding 
1573      constraints to the cutpool will *not* re-trigger.
1575  <DT><STRONG><TT>trigger(Atom)</TT></STRONG>
1576  <DD>re-trigger each time the symbolic trigger Atom is pulled by invoking 
1577      schedule_suspensions/1
1579  <DT><STRONG><TT>pre(Goal)</TT></STRONG>
1580  <DD>an additional condition to be used together with other triggers. When 
1581      the demon is triggered, it first executes <TT>PreGoal</TT>. Only if 
1582      that succeeds, does the appropriate external solver get invoked.
1583      This provides a way of reducing the number of (possibly expensive)
1584      solver invocations when given preconditions are not met.
1586  <DT><STRONG><TT>post(Goal)</TT></STRONG>
1587  <DD>this is not a trigger condition, but specifies a goal to be executed
1588      after solver success, but before the Cost variable gets
1589      constrained. It is intended as a hook for exporting solution
1590      information, e.g. copying solutions from the solver state into
1591      variable attributes (eg. tentative value), or computing weights for
1592      labelling heuristics from the solver state.  
1593  <DT><STRONG><TT>suspension(Susp)</TT></STRONG>
1594  <DD>this is not a trigger condition, but instead is used to access the 
1595      demon used to trigger the solver. Susp is instantiated to
1596      the suspension that triggers the solver: by waking Susp, the solver
1597      is triggered. Susp is a demon in that it stays around after being
1598      woken. Accessing Susp allows the user to specify arbitrary conditions 
1599      for triggering the solver.
1602  The tolerances mentioned can be specified in lp_setup/4 or lp_set/3
1603  as <TT>demon_tolerance</TT>.
1606  If several trigger conditions are specified, then any of them will trigger
1607  the solver.
1610  When a solver demon runs frequently on relatively small problems,
1611  it can be important for efficiency to switch off the presolve option
1612  to reduce overheads.
1615  The solver demon calls lp_solve/2 when it wakes up. See the description
1616  of lp_solve/2 for the handling of exceptions.
1618  Note: Some external solvers need to write temporary files when they
1619  are solving a problem. These are written to the temporary directory
1620  specified in ECLiPSe's tmp_dir setting (get_flag/2, set_flag/2).
1625:- comment(instantiation_deviates/1, [
1626amode:     instantiation_deviates(+),
1627args:      ["Handle": "Handle to a solver state"],
1628see_also:  [lp_demon_setup/5],
1629summary:   "A trigger goal for lp_demon_setup/5.",
1630desc:      html("\
1633  This is intended as a useful pre(Goal) for lp_demon_setup/5 in connection
1634  with the <TT>inst</TT> trigger mode.  It succeeds if any of the variables
1635  originally involved in Handle have been instantiated to a value that is
1636  not within +/- tolerance from the latest simplex solution for that
1637  variable.  The admissible tolerances can be specified in lp_setup/4 or
1638  lp_set/3 as <TT>demon_tolerance</TT>.
1643:- comment(solution_out_of_range/1, [
1644amode:     solution_out_of_range(+),
1645args:      ["Handle": "Handle to a solver state"],
1646see_also:  [lp_demon_setup/5],
1647summary:   "A trigger goal for lp_demon_setup/5.",
1648desc:      html("\
1650  This is intended as a useful pre(Goal) for lp_demon_setup/5 in connection
1651  with the <TT>bounds</TT> trigger mode.  It succeeds if any of the
1652  solutions (computed by the most recent successful solving) of Handle are
1653  more than a tolerance outside the range of the corresponding variables,
1654  ie. couldn't be instantiated to this value.  The admissible tolerances
1655  can be specified in lp_setup/4 or lp_set/3 as <TT>demon_tolerance</TT>.
1659:- comment(lp_setup/4, [
1660amode:     lp_setup(+,+,++,-),
1661args:      ["NormConstraints": "normalised constraints",
1662            "Objective":       "Objective function: min(CostExpr) or max(CostExpr)",
1663            "ListOfOptions":   "List of solver options",
1664            "Handle":          "handle to solver state"
1665           ],
1666summary:   "Create a new external solver state for the constraints NormConstraints.",
1667see_also:  [lp_add/3, lp_set/3, lp_add_vars/2, lp_add_constraints/3,
1668            lp_solve/2, lp_probe/3, lp_get/3, lp_get_iis/5,
1669            normalise_cstrs/3, lp_write/3],
1670desc:      html("\
1672    Create a new solver state for the set of constraints NormConstraints
1673    (see normalise_cstrs/3 for how to obtain a set of normalised
1674    constraints).  Apart from the explicitly listed constraints, the
1675    variable's ranges will be taken into account as the variable bounds for
1676    the simplex algorithm.  Undeclared variables are implicitly declared as
1677    reals.
1680    However, when variables have been declared integers by other solvers (e.g.
1681    integers/1 of the ic library) that is not taken into account by the
1682    solver by default.  This means that the solver will only work on the
1683    <EM>relaxed problem</EM> (ie. ignoring the integrality constraints),
1684    unless specified otherwise in the options.
1687    CostExpr is a linear expression
1688    (or quadratic if supported by the external solver).
1691    Options is a list of options (see below). Unless explicitly specified
1692    otherwise, each option should occur no more than once.
1696    A solver-handle Handle is returned which is used to refer to the solver
1697    subsequently.
1700    Note: Some external solvers need to write temporary files when they
1701    are solving a problem. These are written to the temporary directory
1702    specified in ECLiPSe's tmp_dir setting (get_flag/2, set_flag/2).
1705The solver Options are:
1709    <DD>Consider the specified variables to be integers (whether or not
1710    they have been declared such).
1711    This option will instruct the external solver to use its own MIP solver
1712    (ie. branch-and-bound search happens within the external solver).
1715    <DD>Consider the specified variables to be problem variables, but does
1716    not otherwise constrain the variables. This option allows variables to
1717    be added to the problem without requiring them to occur in other
1718    constraints. 
1721    <DD>Use the specified method (<TT>default, auto, primal, dual, net,
1722    barrier, sifting, concurrent, concurrent_det</TT>) (representing Primal
1723    Simplex, Dual Simplex, Network Simplex, Barrier, Sifting etc) to solve
1724    the problem. For MIP problems, this specifies the start algorithm (the
1725    one that is used to solve the initial relaxation). See the external
1726    solver's manual for a description of these methods.
1728    For some of the methods, an additional `auxiliary' method may be 
1729    specified in brackets. These are:
1732      <DT><TT>net(Simplex)</TT>: 
1733      <DD>specifies the Simplex method (<TT>primal</TT> or <TT>dual</TT>) to 
1734      follow the network optimisation. For LP problems only.
1736      <DT><TT>barrier(Crossover)</TT>: 
1737      <DD>specifies how the crossover to a basic solution from the barrier
1738      solution is performed. <TT>Crossover</TT> can be <TT>primal</TT>, 
1739      <TT>dual</TT>, or <TT>none</TT>. <TT>none</TT> means no crossover is
1740      performed. 
1742      <DT><TT>sifting(SubMethod)</TT>: 
1743      <DD>specifies the method for solving the sifting subproblem. 
1744      <TT>SubMethod</TT> can be <TT>primal, dual, net, barrier</TT>.
1747    For all the auxiliary methods, <TT>default</TT> can also be specified.
1748    This is equivalent to not specifying an auxiliary method at all. 
1750    Note that not every method is available on every external solver.
1751    The default method would use the solver's default method, or any
1752    selections done via solver-specific optimizer_param(_) settings.
1756    <DD>For MIP problems only. Use the specified method (<TT>default, primal,
1757    dual, net, barrier, sifting</TT>) to solve the subproblem at each node
1758    of the MIP search-tree, except the root node, which is specified by
1759    <TT>method</TT> option above. See method option for more description of
1760    the methods. Note that there are less choices in the specifications of
1761    the auxiliary methods that in the method option, due to limitations in
1762    the solvers. If a specified auxiliary method cannot be used, `default'
1763    will be used instead.
1767    <DD>Make the solutions available each time the problem has been (re-)solved
1768    successfully.
1769    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1770    <TT>yes</TT>.
1774    <DD>Make the dual solutions available each time the problem has been 
1775    (re-)solved successfully. If the problem is a MIP, then depending on
1776    the external solver, this is either unavailable or are the values for
1777    the optimal LP node. 
1778    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1779    <TT>no</TT>.
1783    <DD>Make the constraint slacks available each time the problem has been 
1784    (re-)solved successfully.
1785    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1786    <TT>no</TT>.
1790    <DD>Make the reduced costs available each time the problem has been
1791    (re-)solved successfully. If the problem is a MIP, then depending on
1792    the external solver, this is either unavailable or are the values for
1793    the optimal LP node. 
1794    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1795    <TT>no</TT>.
1799    <DD>Store the basis each time the problem has been solved successfully,
1800    and use this basis as a starting point for re-solving next time.
1801    This option only affects performance.
1802    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1803    <TT>no</TT>.
1806    <DT><STRONG><TT>mipstart(+Option)</TT></STRONG>
1807    <DD>Use the previous solution values as a warm-start heuristics for
1808    the MIP search.  This only has an effect for certain solvers (e.g.
1809    Gurobi), if there are integrality constraints, and if there is a 
1810    previous solution available.  Possible values are <TT>none</TT>
1811    (no mipstart values, the default), <TT>all</TT> (use previous
1812    solution for all variables), or <TT>integers</TT> (use previous
1813    solution for all variables that are now constrained to be integral).  
1816    <DT><STRONG><TT>cache_iis(YesNo)</TT></STRONG>
1817     <DD>Specify if an IIS should be computed immediately for an infeasible problem
1818     (if supported by the external solver), and store it so that it can bee retrieved by
1819     eplex_get_iis/4 or lp_get_iis/5 (called from within a user-defined infeasible 
1820     handler). This will be done before the problem can be modified and make the computing 
1821     of the IIS impossible. The IIS will only be available before the problem is solved
1822     again, and also before the infeasible solve is backtracked. This option has no effect  
1823     if the external solver does not support the computation of an IIS. Note that if this 
1824     option is set, eplex will always ask for an IIS to computed for an infeasible problem, 
1825     even if it is immediately backtracked by the infeasible handler failing, and that the 
1826     option is only needed if the problem instance in the external solver is modified 
1827     before eplex_get_iis/4 or lp_get_iis/5 is called. 
1828     YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1829    <TT>no</TT>.
1832<DT><STRONG><TT>demon_tolerance(RealTol, IntTol)</TT></STRONG>
1833    <DD>Specify how far outside a variable's range an lp-solution
1834    can fall before lp_demon_setup/5 re-triggers.
1835    <TT>RealTol</TT> and <TT>IntTol</TT> are floats and default to
1836    0.00001 and 0.5 respectively.
1839    <DD>Consider the specified variables to be integers (whether or not
1840    they have been declared such).
1841    This option will instruct the external solver to use its own MIP solver
1842    (ie. branch-and-bound search happens within the external solver).
1845    <DD><TT>VarList</TT> is a list of variables which the solver should
1846    treat as variables of a type 1 special ordered set (SOS), i.e. at most
1847    one of the variables in the set can be non-zero. This can occur multiple
1848    times, for different sets of variables.
1852    <DD><TT>VarList</TT> is a list of variables which the solver should
1853    treat as variables of a type 2 special ordered set (SOS), i.e. at most
1854    two of the variables in the set can be non-zero. This can occur multiple
1855    times, for different sets of variables.
1859    <DD>Specify if the external solver should perform presolve for this
1860    problem. With presolving, the external solver will transform the
1861    problem before solving it. This can lead to significantly faster times
1862    to find solutions. However, as the problem has been transformed, some
1863    external solvers have restriction on accessing or changing the problem
1864    state. In addition, if the solver is repeatedly called because the
1865    problem is frequently modified, then presolve may not be an advantage.
1866    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1867    determined by the global setting of <TT>presolve</TT>, which can be
1868    changed via <TT>lp_set/2</TT>. The initial default is <TT>yes</TT>.
1869    Note that the presolve setting cannot be changed for a problem once it
1870    is set.  If the external solver supports per-problem optimizer_params, 
1871    their global defaults will be used for presolve(yes).
1874    <DD>Set the external solver to time-out after <TT>TimeOut</TT> seconds.
1875    <TT>TimeOut</TT> is a positive number. The solver will abort (in either
1876    the abort or suboptimal state, depending on if a suboptimal solution
1877    was found) if the optimal solution was not found within the time
1878    limit. This should be used instead of setting the solver-specific
1879    parameter for time-out directly. In cases where the solver expects an
1880    integer for the time-out interval, the time given is rounded up to the
1881    next integer value. The timeout is set by setting the external solver's
1882    timeout settings, and the exact behaviour may be solver dependent.
1885    <DD>Specifies a user defined goal Goal to handle the case when the
1886    external solver returned a suboptimal solution (because the problem
1887    was aborted). Goal would be run in place of raising the default 
1888    <TT>eplex_suboptimal</TT> event.
1891    <DD>Specifies a user defined goal Goal to handle the case when the
1892    problem is unbounded. Goal would be run in place of raising the  
1893    default <TT>eplex_unbounded</TT> event.
1895    <DD>Specifies a user defined goal Goal to handle the case when the
1896    external solver found that the problem is infeasible. Goal would be run
1897    in place of raising the default <TT>eplex_infeasible</TT> event.  Note
1898    that the default and logically correct behaviour is to fail, this
1899    handler is provided to allow the user to analyse the cause of the
1900    infeasibility. It is recommended that the handler should also fail
1901    after performing the analysis.
1905    <DD>Specifies a user defined goal Goal to handle the case when the
1906    external solver was not able to determine if the problem is unbounded
1907    or infeasible. Goal would be run in place of raising the default 
1908    <TT>eplex_unknown</TT> event.
1911    <DD>Specifies a user defined goal Goal to handle the case when the
1912    external solver aborted without finding any solution. Goal would be 
1913    run in place of raising the default <TT>eplex_abort</TT> event.
1916    <DD>Specify if variable names (set using <TT>set_var_name/2</TT> of the 
1917    var_name library) should be passed to the external solver. If a 
1918    particular variable does not have a name when it is first passed to the
1919    external solver, a default name determined by the solver would be used.
1920    Note that for XPRESS-MP, there is a limit on the length of the name,
1921    which can be changed between 8 and 64 in steps of 8 with the 
1922    parameter <TT>mpsnamelength (XPRS_MPSNAMELENGTH)</TT>. Variable 
1923    names longer than this limit are truncated to the limit. 
1924    YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is 
1925    <TT>no</TT>.
1927    <DT><STRONG><TT>mip_use_copy(YesNo)</TT></STRONG>
1928        <DD>Some external solvers do not allow a MIP problem to be modified
1929        once the MIP search has been started. Eplex works around this
1930        problem by making a copy of the problem and solving that, so that
1931        the original problem can still be modified. This can be turned off to
1932        avoid the overhead of making this copy, in which case the MIP
1933        problem cannot be modified. This option is used only when solving a
1934        MIP problem, and the external solver does not allow a MIP problem to
1935        be modified; otherwise it is ignored.
1936        YesNo is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default 
1937        is <TT>yes</TT> so that the problem can be modified.
1939    <DT><STRONG><TT>write_before_solve(Format,File)</TT></STRONG>
1940        <DD>This option is most useful for debugging purposes. If given,
1941        Eplex will ask the external solver to dump the problem each time
1942        the problem is solved. This allows the problem in an
1943        <TT>eplex_probe/2</TT> or <TT>lp_probe/3</TT> to be dumped. As in
1944        <TT>lp_write/3</TT>, <TT>Format</TT> is the format of the dumped
1945        file and <TT>File</TT> is its name. Note that the problem is dumped
1946        each time the external solver is invoked if the problem has cutpool
1947        constraints, where there may be multiple invocations of the solver
1948        per solver call. 
1949        The default without this option is that the problem would not be 
1950        dumped.
1953    <DT><STRONG><TT>post_equality_when_unified(+YesNo)</TT></STRONG>
1954        <DD>This option determines if an equality constraint between two
1955        variables will be posted to the solver when these variables are
1956        unified. Setting <TT>YesNo</TT> to no means that the constraint 
1957        will <EM>not</EM> be posted. Note that this can lead to the
1958        solver's problem becoming inconsistent with ECLiPSe's. 
1961    <DD>This option determines if the bounds of the problems variables are
1962    synchronised with other solvers (i.e. the generic bounds are obtained
1963    with get_var_bounds/3 and then passed to the external solver) before
1964    the external solver is invoked. This was always done for previous
1965    non-standalone version of eplex. For standalone eplex, as the bounds
1966    are communicated directly to the external solver, the synchronisation
1967    of variable bounds is not needed unless the user is using eplex
1968    co-operatively with other solvers (e.g. ic). Even in such cases, it may
1969    be more efficient to communicate these bounds changes by explicitly
1970    programming it, especially if the problem has many variables and bounds
1971    changes happen only to a few of the variables. Setting <TT>YesNo</TT>
1972    to yes should increase compatibility with previous code (but note that
1973    previous eplex obtained the bounds from a specific bounds keeper like
1974    ic rather than the generic bounds).  YesNo is one of the atoms
1975    <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default is <TT>no</TT>.
1981:- comment(lp_add/3, [
1982amode:     lp_add(+,+,+),
1983args:      ["Handle":      "Handle to a solver state",
1984            "NewNormCons": "List of new normalised constraints",
1985            "NewIntegers": "List of variables to be considered as integers"
1986           ],
1987see_also:  [lp_setup/4],
1988resat:     no,
1989summary:   "Add new constraints to a solver state Handle.",
1990desc:      html("\
1992  Add new normalised constraints (with possibly new variables) to a solver.
1993  This is a lower level predicate called by lp_add_constraints/3 and when
1994  constraints are collected from the constraints pool by the solver. The
1995  constraints are not simplified and must already be normalised, so
1996  constraints which would otherwise be simplified away by the higher level
1997  predicates can be added to the external solver. The constraints will be
1998  removed on backtracking. Note that the solver will not be invoked directly.
2000  Note that variables in NewIntegers can be any problem variables. In
2001  previous versions of ECLiPSe, there was a restriction that the variables
2002  be new problem variables; this restriction has been removed.
2007:- comment(eplex_solve/1, [
2008template:  ["eplex_solve(-Cost)","EplexInstance:eplex_solve(-Cost)"],
2009args:      [
2010            "Cost":   "Value of returned solution"
2011           ],
2012summary:   "Explicitly invoke the external solver associated with EplexInstance.",
2013fail_if:   "External solver was unable to find a solution (default behaviour)",
2014see_also:  [eplex_solver_setup/4, eplex_solver_setup/1, eplex_var_get/3, eplex_get/2,
2015            ($=)/2,($=<)/2,($>=)/2,(=:=)/2, (>=)/2, (=<)/2, 
2016            ($::)/2, (::)/2,integers/1, reals/1
2017           ],
2018desc:      html("\
2020   Explicitly triggers the solver associated with the eplex instance 
2021   EplexInstance. If the solver was set up without any trigger conditions,
2022   then it needs to be explicitly triggered via a call to this predicate.
2023   The objective value of the solve is unified with Cost, which should be a
2024   free variable.
2026   The external solver's LP, QP or MIP solver is applied to the
2027   problem represented by the eplex instance.  Precisely which method is used
2028   depends on the options given at set up.  eplex_solve/1 fails if
2029   there is no solution or succeeds if an optimal solution is found,
2030   returning the solution's cost in Cost. After a success, various
2031   solution and status information can be retrieved using eplex_get/2
2032   and eplex_var_get/3.
2034   Normally, the external solver is invoked once per call in this
2035   predicate, but if the problem contain cutpool constraints (see
2036   lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4), then the external solver may be invoked
2037   repeatedly to produce a solution which does not violate the cutpool
2038   constraints. 
2040   When a solver is triggered repeatedly, each invocation will
2041   automatically take into account the current variable bounds.  The set of
2042   constraints considered by the solver is the one given when the solver
2043   was created plus any new constraints that were posted in the
2044   meantime.
2046   The user can define their own handlers (per eplex instance/problem) to
2047   handle cases where there was some  error condition, or some limits were 
2048   exceeded during the solving of the problem. If no handler was defined,
2049   by default an event would be raised. These are:
2051    <DT>suboptimal handler (eplex_suboptimal event)<DD>
2052    	This means that a solution was found but it may be suboptimal.
2053	The default behaviour is to print a warning and succeed.
2054    <DT>unbounded_handler (eplex_unbounded event)<DD>
2055	This means that the problem is unbounded. The default
2056	behaviour is to bind Cost to infinity (positive or negative
2057	depending on the optimisation direction), print a warning and
2058	succeed.  CAUTION: No solution values are computed when the
2059	problem is unbounded, so unless the problem was set up with
2060	the solution(no) option, an error will occur when trying to
2061	continue as if the optimisation had succeeded.
2062    <DT>infeasible_handler (eplex_infeasible event)<DD>
2063    	This means that the problem is infeasible. The default
2064	behaviour is to fail. Redefining this handler allows the 
2065        examination of the failed problem, e.g. obtaining an IIS for it.
2066    <DT>unknown_handler (eplex_unknown event)<DD>
2067    	This means that due to the solution method chosen, it is unknown
2068	whether the problem is unbounded or infeasible. The default
2069	behaviour is to print a warning and fail (even though this
2070	may be logically wrong!).
2071    <DT>abort_handler (eplex_abort event)<DD>
2072    	Some other error condition occurred during optimisation.
2073	The default behaviour is to print an error and abort.
2076   Note that the events are raised for the low-level primitive lp_solve/2,
2077   which is called by eplex_solve/1.
2079    exceptions:[
2080        5: "EplexInstance does not a solver setup for it.",
2081	eplex_suboptimal : "Solution was found, but is possibly suboptimal",
2082	eplex_unbounded : "Problem is unbounded, no solution values",
2083	eplex_unknown : "Result is unknown (infeasible or unbounded)",
2084	eplex_abort : "External solver aborted for some reason",
2085        40: "Solver state had been previously destroyed."
2087        ]
2091:- comment(lp_solve/2, [
2092amode:     lp_solve(+,-),
2093args:      ["Handle": "Handle to a solver state",
2094            "Cost":   "Value of returned solution"
2095           ],
2096summary:   "Explicitly invoke the external solver.",
2097fail_if:   "External solver was unable to find a solution.",
2098see_also:  [lp_setup/4, lp_add/3, lp_get/3, lp_var_get/4,
2099            lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4],
2100desc:      html("\
2102   A solver that was setup manually with lp_solve/2 needs to be 
2103   triggered explicitly using this predicate. 
2105   The external solver's LP, QP or MIP solver is applied to the
2106   problem represented by Handle.  Precisely which method is used
2107   depends on the options given to lp_setup/4.  lp_solve/2 fails if
2108   there is no solution or succeeds if an optimal solution is found,
2109   returning the solution's cost in Cost (unlike with lp_demon_setup/5,
2110   Cost gets instantiated to a number).  After a success, various
2111   solution and status information can be retrieved using lp_get/3
2112   and lp_var_get/4.
2114   Normally, the external solver is invoked once per call in this
2115   predicate, but if the problem contain cutpool constraints (see
2116   lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4), then the external solver may be invoked
2117   repeatedly to produce a solution which does not violate the cutpool
2118   constraints. 
2120   When a solver is triggered repeatedly, each invocation will
2121   automatically take into account the current variable bounds.  The set of
2122   constraints considered by the solver is the one given when the solver
2123   was created plus any new constraints that were added (lp_add/3) in the
2124   meantime.
2126   The user can define their own handlers (per eplex instance/problem) to
2127   handle cases where there was some  error condition, or some limits were 
2128   exceeded during the solving of the problem. If no handler was defined,
2129   by default an event would be raised. These are:
2131    <DT>suboptimal handler (eplex_suboptimal event)<DD>
2132    	This means that a solution was found but it may be suboptimal.
2133	The default behaviour is to print a warning and succeed.
2134    <DT>unbounded_handler (eplex_unbounded event)<DD>
2135	This means that the problem is unbounded.  The default
2136	behaviour is to bind Cost to infinity (positive or negative
2137	depending on the optimisation direction), print a warning and
2138	succeed.  CAUTION: No solution values are computed when the
2139	problem is unbounded, so unless the problem was set up with
2140	the solution(no) option, an error will occur when trying to
2141	continue as if the optimisation had succeeded.
2142    <DT>infeasible_handler (eplex_infeasible event)<DD>
2143    	This means that the problem is infeasible. The default
2144	behaviour is to fail. Redefining this handler allows the 
2145        examination of the failed problem, e.g. obtaining an IIS for it.
2146    <DT>unknown_handler (eplex_unknown event)<DD>
2147    	This means that due to the solution method chosen, it is unknown
2148	whether the problem is unbounded or infeasible. The default
2149	behaviour is to print a warning and fail (even though this
2150	may be logically wrong!).
2151    <DT>abort_handler (eplex_abort event)<DD>
2152    	Some other error condition occurred during optimisation.
2153	The default behaviour is to print an error and abort.
2156    exceptions:[
2157	eplex_suboptimal : "Solution was found, but is possibly suboptimal",
2158	eplex_unbounded : "Problem is unbounded, no solution values",
2159	eplex_unknown : "Result is unknown (infeasible or unbounded)",
2160	eplex_abort : "External solver aborted for some reason",
2161        40: "Handle not valid: solver state had been destroyed by cleanup"
2162   ]
2165:- comment(eplex_probe/2, [
2166template:  ["eplex_probe(+Probes, -Cost)","EplexInstance:eplex_probe(+Probes, -Cost)"],
2167args:      [
2168            "Probes": "Temporary probe specification(s)",
2169            "Cost":      "Value of solution"
2170           ],
2171summary:   "Invoke EplexInstance's external solver, probing the problem"
2172           " temporarily modified by the probe specifications.",
2173see_also:  [eplex_solve/1, eplex_solver_setup/1, eplex_solver_setup/4,
2174            eplex_get/2, eplex_var_get/3, eplex_set/2, lp_add_constraints/4],
2175desc:      html("\
2177   Similar to eplex_solve/1, but the problem is first temporarily modified
2178   as specified in Probes. Probes is a list of one or more probe
2179   specifications that specifies how the problem is modified. The
2180   objective value of the modified problem is unified with Cost
2181   after the solve. Cost should be a free variable.
2183   After the call to this predicate, the problem is restored for the 
2184   external solver. However, the results from the probe (obtainable from
2185   eplex_var_get/3 and eplex_get/2) are retained.
2187   The following probe specifications are allowed:
2189    <DT>min(Expr)/max(Expr)</DT><DD>
2190        Minimise/maximise the problem with the objective function Expr.
2191        Only existing problem variables can be given in Expr. Cannot be
2192        used in conjunction with objsense, objexpr or perturb_obj.</DD>
2193    <DT>objsense(Sense)</DT><DD>
2194        Sense is either min or max. Solves the problem with the original
2195        objective function, but with the sense given in Sense rather than
2196        that specified at setup. If only the sense of the objective is to 
2197        be changed, this changes the objective more efficiently than using
2198        min(Expr)/max(Expr). Cannot be used in conjunction with min/max.</DD>
2199    <DT>objexpr(Expr)</DT><DD>
2200        Optimise the problem with respect to the objective function Expr,
2201        without changing the optimisation direction specified at problem
2202        setup. Cannot be used in conjunction with min/max or perturb_obj.</DD>
2203    <DT>perturb_obj(ObjDeltas)</DT><DD>
2204        Perturb the existing linear objective coefficients as specified by
2205        ObjDeltas. ObjDeltas is a (possibly empty) list of specifications
2206        Var : Delta, where Var is a problem variable and Delta is the
2207        amount its existing objective coefficient should be changed by. For
2208        example, if the existing objective is 2*X + 3*Y + Z, 
2209        perturb_obj([X : 1, Y : -0.5]) will modify the objective to 
2210        3*X + 2.5*Y + Z for the probe. If a variable occurs more than once in
2211        ObjDeltas, the change to the objective coefficient is cumulative.
2212        Perturb_obj is not strictly needed, as its effect can be achieved
2213        by constructing the whole objective and then probing with that.
2214        However, this can be expensive if most of the objective stays 
2215        unchanged, with only a few of its coefficients changed. It is 
2216        recommended that perturb_obj probe be used in such cases. 
2217        Cannot be used in conjunction with objexpr or min/max.</DD>
2218    <DT>rhscoeffs(RhsCoeffs)</DT><DD>
2219        Alter the rhs coefficients of the matrix as specified by RhsCoeffs.
2220        RhsCoeffs is a (possibly empty) list of rhs coefficient
2221        specifications of the form Idx : Rhs, where Idx is the index of the
2222        expandable constraint obtained from using lp_add_constraints/4, and
2223        Rhs is the value for the right-hand side constant to use during the
2224        probe. Any constraints not specified in RhsCoeffs remain unchanged
2225        during the probe. If Idx occurs more than once in RhsCoeffs, the
2226        result is undefined.</DD>
2227    <DT>bounds(BoundsChanges)</DT><DD>
2228        Alter the bounds of problem variables as specified by
2229        BoundsChanges. BoundsChanges is a (possibly empty) list of bounds
2230        changes of the form Var $:: Lo..Hi, where Var is a problem variable
2231        and Lo and Hi are the new lower and upper bounds to use for the
2232        variable during the probe. Unlike normal bound changes, the bounds
2233        can be widened as well narrowed, although failure will still occur
2234        if Hi &lt; Lo. Variables not specified in BoundsChanges retain their
2235        bounds during the probe. If Var occurs more than once in 
2236        BoundsChanges, the result is undefined.</DD>
2237    <DT>fixed</DT><DD>
2238        The problem is solved as an LP problem by `fixing' the integer
2239        variables to their optimal MIP solution values. If there is an
2240        existing MIP solution for the problem, eplex will try to use that;
2241        otherwise, a MIP solution is obtained first.
2242        `Fixed' probing is useful for providing reduced costs for
2243        MIP problems. Note that reduced costs for the variables will only be
2244        available if the reduced_cost option for the problem is set to yes
2245        (this can be done either at problem setup, or by using
2246        eplex_set/2). For a problem without integer variables, the original
2247        problem is solved without change.  Note that this probe
2248        specification is not available if the mip_use_copy option is set to
2249        no for external solvers that cannot modify a MIP problem.  Cannot
2250        be used in conjunction with `relaxed'.</DD>
2251    <DT>relaxed</DT><DD>
2252        The problem is solved as an LP problem by relaxing all the integer
2253        constraints.  For a problem with integer variables, this should be
2254        equivalent to the initial relaxation solved at the start of the MIP
2255        search. Depending on the solver, the discreteness of the integer
2256        variables may still be taken into account during presolve. To
2257        ensure that the problem solved is exactly the LP problem without
2258        any integer constraints, presolve should be off. For a problem
2259        without integer variables, the original problem is solved without
2260        change. Note that this probe specification is not available if the
2261        mip_use_copy option is set to no for external solvers that cannot
2262        modify a MIP problem. Cannot be used in conjunction with `fixed'.</DD>
2266fail_if:   "External solver was unable to find a solution, or bounds probe"
2267           " used and the specified interval for some variable is empty",
2269        5: "EplexInstance does not have a solver setup for it.",
2270	eplex_suboptimal : "Solution was found, but is possibly suboptimal",
2271	eplex_unbounded : "Problem is unbounded, no solution values",
2272	eplex_unknown : "Result is unknown (infeasible or unbounded)",
2273	eplex_abort : "External solver aborted for some reason",
2274        abort : "Incorrect specification for the probe(s)",
2275        6: "mip_use_copy option was set to no (solver dependent) for probes"
2276           " that require yes.",
2277        40: "Solver state had been previously destroyed."
2278        ]
2282:- comment(lp_probe/3, [
2283amode:     lp_probe(+,+,-),
2284args:      ["Handle":    "Handle to existing solver state",
2285            "Probes": "Temporary probe specification(s)",
2286            "Cost":      "Value of solution"
2287           ],
2288summary:   "Invoke external solver, probing the problem"
2289           " temporarily modified by the probe specifications.",
2290see_also:  [lp_solve/2, lp_setup/4, lp_var_get/4, lp_get/3, lp_set/3, lp_add_constraints/4],
2291desc:      html("\
2293   Similar to lp_solve/2, but the problem is first temporarily modified
2294   as specified in Probes. Probes is a list of one or more probe
2295   specifications that specifies how the problem is modified. After the call
2296   to this predicate, the problem is restored for the external
2297   solver. However, the results from the probe (obtainable from
2298   lp_var_get/4 and lp_get/3) are retained.
2300   The following probe specifications are allowed:
2302    <DT>min(Expr)/max(Expr)</DT><DD>
2303        Minimise/maximise the problem with the objective function Expr.
2304        Only existing problem variables can be given in Expr. Cannot be
2305        used in conjunction with objsense, objexpr or perturb_obj.</DD>
2306    <DT>objsense(Sense)</DT><DD>
2307        Sense is either min or max. Solves the problem with the original
2308        objective function, but with the sense given in Sense rather than
2309        that specified at setup. If only the sense of the objective is to 
2310        be changed, this changes the objective more efficiently than using
2311        min(Expr)/max(Expr). Cannot be used in conjunction with min/max.</DD>
2312    <DT>objexpr(Expr)</DT><DD>
2313        Optimise the problem with respect to the objective function Expr,
2314        without changing the optimisation direction specified at problem
2315        setup. Cannot be used in conjunction with min/max or perturb_obj.</DD>
2316    <DT>perturb_obj(ObjDeltas)</DT><DD>
2317        Perturb the existing linear objective coefficients as specified by
2318        ObjDeltas. ObjDeltas is a (possibly empty) list of specifications
2319        Var : Delta, where Var is a problem variable and Delta is the
2320        amount its existing objective coefficient should be changed by. For
2321        example, if the existing objective is 2*X + 3*Y + Z, 
2322        perturb_obj([X : 1, Y : -0.5]) will modify the objective to 
2323        3*X + 2.5*Y + Z for the probe. If a variable occurs more than once in
2324        ObjDeltas, the change to the objective coefficient is cumulative.
2325        Perturb_obj is not strictly needed, as its effect can be achieved
2326        by constructing the whole objective and then probing with that.
2327        However, this can be expensive if most of the objective stays 
2328        unchanged, with only a few of its coefficients changed. It is 
2329        recommended that perturb_obj probe be used in such cases. 
2330        Cannot be used in conjunction with objexpr or min/max.</DD>
2331    <DT>rhscoeffs(RhsCoeffs)</DT><DD>
2332        Alter the rhs coefficients of the matrix as specified by RhsCoeffs.
2333        RhsCoeffs is a (possibly empty) list of rhs coefficient
2334        specifications of the form Idx : Rhs, where Idx is the index of the
2335        expandable constraint obtained from using lp_add_constraints/4, and
2336        Rhs is the value for the right-hand side constant to use during the
2337        probe. Any constraints not specified in RhsCoeffs remain unchanged
2338        during the probe. If Idx occurs more than once in RhsCoeffs, the
2339        result is undefined.</DD>
2340    <DT>bounds(BoundsChanges)</DT><DD>
2341        Alter the bounds of problem variables as specified by
2342        BoundsChanges. BoundsChanges is a (possibly empty) list of bounds
2343        changes of the form Var $:: Lo..Hi, where Var is a problem variable
2344        and Lo and Hi are the new lower and upper bounds to use for the
2345        variable during the probe. Unlike normal bound changes, the bounds
2346        can be widened as well narrowed, although failure will still occur
2347        if Hi &lt; Lo. Variables not specified in BoundsChanges retain their
2348        bounds during the probe. If Var occurs more than once in 
2349        BoundsChanges, the result is undefined.</DD>
2350    <DT>fixed</DT><DD>
2351        The problem is solved as an LP problem by `fixing' the integer
2352        variables to their optimal MIP solution values. If there is an
2353        existing MIP solution for the problem, eplex will try to use that;
2354        otherwise, a MIP solution is obtained first.
2355        `Fixed' probing is useful for providing reduced costs for
2356        MIP problems. Note that reduced costs for the variables will only be
2357        available if the reduced_cost option for the problem is set to yes
2358        (this can be done either at problem setup, or by using
2359        eplex_set/2). For a problem without integer variables, the original
2360        problem is solved without change.  Note that this probe
2361        specification is not available if the mip_use_copy option is set to
2362        no for external solvers that cannot modify a MIP problem.  Cannot
2363        be used in conjunction with `relaxed'.</DD>
2364    <DT>relaxed</DT><DD>
2365        The problem is solved as an LP problem by relaxing all the integer
2366        constraints.  For a problem with integer variables, this should be
2367        equivalent to the initial relaxation solved at the start of the MIP
2368        search. Depending on the solver, the discreteness of the integer
2369        variables may still be taken into account during presolve. To
2370        ensure that the problem solved is exactly the LP problem without
2371        any integer constraints, presolve should be off. For a problem
2372        without integer variables, the original problem is solved without
2373        change. Note that this probe specification is not available if the
2374        mip_use_copy option is set to no for external solvers that cannot
2375        modify a MIP problem. Cannot be used in conjunction with `fixed'.</DD>
2379fail_if:   "External solver was unable to find a solution, or bounds probe"
2380           " used and the specified interval for some variable is empty",
2382        5: "EplexInstance does not have a solver setup for it.",
2383	eplex_suboptimal : "Solution was found, but is possibly suboptimal",
2384	eplex_unbounded : "Problem is unbounded, no solution values",
2385	eplex_unknown : "Result is unknown (infeasible or unbounded)",
2386	eplex_abort : "External solver aborted for some reason",
2387        abort : "Incorrect specification for the probe(s)",
2388        6: "mip_use_copy option was set to no (solver dependent) for probes"
2389           " that require yes.",
2390        40: "Handle not valid: solver state had been destroyed by cleanup"
2391           ]
2394:- comment(eplex_cleanup/0, [
2395template:  ["eplex_cleanup","EplexInstance:eplex_cleanup"],
2396summary:   "Destroy the external solver associated with EplexInstance.",
2397desc:      html("\
2399    Destroy the specified solver, free all memory, etc.  Note that ECLiPSe
2400    will normally do the cleanup automatically, for instance when execution
2401    fails across the solver setup. The solver is disassociated with 
2402    EplexInstance, and any outstanding constraints not yet collected by the
2403    solver are removed, with a warning to the user. In effect, EplexInstance
2404    is reinitialised and can now be associated with a new solver without
2405    backtracking. Note that this last behaviour is unlike lp_cleanup/1, which
2406    also destroy the solver and disassociate it from the eplex instance (if 
2407    any), but does not remove any outstanding constraints.
2409    This predicate should be used with caution as the information from the
2410    solver state will no longer be available. In particular, if the program
2411    backtracks to a point between the problem set up and clean up,
2412    accessing the solver state directly or indirectly (e.g. unifying a
2413    problem variable) will result in a stale handle error. 
2418:- comment(lp_cleanup/1, [
2419amode:     lp_cleanup(+),
2420args:      ["Handle":  "Handle to a solver state"],
2421summary:   "Destroy the specified solver Handle and clean up.",
2422desc:      html("\
2424    Destroy the specified solver, free all memory, etc.  Note that ECLiPSe
2425    will normally do the cleanup automatically, for instance when execution
2426    fails across the solver setup, or when a solver handle gets garbage
2427    collected.
2429    This predicate should be used with caution as the information from the
2430    solver state will no longer be available. In particular, if the program
2431    backtracks to a point between the problem set up and clean up,
2432    accessing the solver state directly or indirectly (e.g. unifying a
2433    problem variable) will result in a stale handle error. 
2437:- comment(lp_read/3, [
2438amode:     lp_read(+,++,-),
2439args:      ["File":   "File name",
2440            "Format": "lp or mps",
2441            "Handle": "Returns a handle to the new solver state"
2442           ],
2443see_also:  [lp_write/3, lp_setup/4, eplex_read/2, eplex_write/2, lp_probe/3],
2444summary:   "Read a problem from a file and setup a solver for it.",
2445desc:      html("
2446   Read a problem from a file and setup a solver for it.  Format is
2447   lp or mps. The result is a handle similar to the one obtained by 
2448   lp_setup/4. Note that minimisation of the objective is assumed 
2449   for mps format, as the sense of the objective is not included in 
2450   the mps format. Minimisation is also assumed for external solvers
2451   that ignore the optimisation direction of the lp file (e.g. Xpress).
2452   Note also that although quadratic problems can be read in correctly if
2453   supported by the external solver, the quadratic objective coefficients
2454   are not extracted from the problem by eplex. These coefficients are
2455   used to set/reset the objective when a problem is probed with a
2456   different objective in eplex_probe/2 or lp_probe/3, so the objective
2457   will not be changed or restored correctly in this case.
2461:- comment(eplex_read/2, [
2462template: ["eplex_read(++Format,++File)","EplexInstance:eplex_read(++Format,++File)"],
2463args:      ["Format": "lp or mps",
2464	    "File":   "File name"
2465           ],
2466see_also:  [eplex_write/2, lp_write/3, lp_setup/4, eplex_probe/2],
2467summary:   "Read a problem from a file into eplex instance EplexInstance.",
2468exceptions: [5: "EplexInstance already has a solver setup for it."],
2469desc:      html("
2470   Read a problem from a file and setup a solver for it in EplexInstance.
2471   A solver should not already be setup for EplexInstance. Format is lp or
2472   mps. Note that minimisation of the objective is assumed for mps format,
2473   as the sense of the objective is not included in the mps format.
2474   Minimisation is also assumed for external solvers that ignore the
2475   optimisation direction of the lp file (e.g. Xpress).  Note also that
2476   although quadratic problems can be read in correctly if supported by the
2477   external solver, the quadratic objective coefficients are not extracted
2478   from the problem by eplex. These coefficients are used to set/reset the
2479   objective when a problem is probed with a different objective in
2480   eplex_probe/2 or lp_probe/3, so the objective will not be changed or
2481   restored correctly in this case.  
2485:- comment(lp_write/3, [
2486amode:     lp_write(+,++,+),
2487args:      ["Handle": "Handle to an existing solver state",
2488            "Format": "lp or mps",
2489	    "File":   "File name"
2490           ],
2491see_also:  [lp_read/3, lp_setup/4],
2492summary:   "Write a solver problem to a file.",
2493desc:      html("
2494   Write the problem which corresponds to Handle to a file. The set of
2495   supported formats depends on the actual external solver which is used.
2496   All solvers support the mps format. Some solvers on some operating
2497   system platforms may change or append a suffix to the filename.  Note
2498   that the mps format does not specify the sense (min or max) of the
2499   objective function. Note also that any active cutpool constraints in the
2500   problem will be included in the dump, even though they could be left out
2501   of the problem that the external solver actually solves.")
2504:- comment(eplex_write/2, [
2505template: ["eplex_write(++Format,++File)","EplexInstance:eplex_write(++Format,++File)"],
2506args:      ["Format": "lp or mps",
2507	    "File":   "File name"
2508           ],
2509see_also:  [eplex_read/2, lp_write/3, lp_setup/4],
2510summary:   "Write the problem in the solver for eplex instance"
2511"  EplexInstance to a file.",
2512exceptions: [5: "EplexInstance does not a solver setup for it.",
2513             40: "Solver state had been previously destroyed."
2514             ],
2515desc:      html("
2516   Write the problem in the solver for EplexInstance to a file. The set of
2517   supported formats depends on the actual external solver which is used.
2518   All solvers support the mps format. Some solvers on some operating
2519   system platforms may change or append a suffix to the filename. 
2520   Note that the mps format does not specify the sense (min or max) of the
2521   objective function. Minimisation is also assumed for external solvers
2522   that ignore the optimisation direction of the lp file (e.g. Xpress).
2523   Note also that any active cutpool constraints in the problem will be 
2524   included in the dump, even though they could be left out of the problem
2525   that the external solver actually solves.
2529:- comment(eplex_get/2, [
2530template:  ["eplex_get(++ParamName, -Value)","EplexInstance:eplex_get(++ParamName, -Value)"],
2531args:      [
2532            "ParamName": "Name of parameter (atom)",
2533            "Value":     "Returned value for ParamName"
2534           ],
2535summary:   "Retrieve information about solver state and results for eplex instance EplexInstance.", 
2536exceptions: [5: "EplexInstance does not a solver setup for it.",
2537             40: "Solver state had been previously destroyed."
2538             ],
2539see_also:  [eplex_solver_setup/4, eplex_set/2, lp_set/3, lp_get/3, lp_add_constraints/4],
2540desc:      html("\
2542   Retrieve information about solver state and the logically most recent
2543   results for the eplex instance <TT>EplexInstance</TT>. <TT>ParamName</TT> 
2544   is the same as that for lp_get/3, which retrieves the same information 
2545   via the solver state.
2550     <DT><STRONG><TT>vars</TT></STRONG>
2551     <DD>Returns a term ''(X1,...,Xn) whose arity is the number of
2552         variables involved in the solver's constraint set, and whose
2553         arguments are these variables.
2556     <DT><STRONG><TT>ints</TT></STRONG>
2557     <DD>Returns a list [Xi1,...,Xik] which is the subset of the problem
2558         variables that the solver considers to be integers.
2561     <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints_norm</TT></STRONG>
2562     <DD>Returns a list of the problem constraints (excluding any cutpool
2563         constraints) in normalised form.  They may be simplified with
2564         respect to the originals that were passed to the problem.
2567     <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints</TT></STRONG>
2568     <DD>Returns a list of the problem constraints (excluding any cutppol
2569         constraints) in denormalised (readable) form.  They may be
2570         simplified with respect to the originals that were passed to the
2571         problem.
2574     <DT><STRONG><TT>objective</TT></STRONG>
2575     <DD>Returns a term min(E) or max(E), representing objective function
2576         and optimisation direction. E is a linear expression: any
2577         quadratic components will not be retrieved.
2580     <DT><STRONG><TT>num_cols</TT></STRONG>
2581     <DD>Returns the number of columns (i.e. variables) in the matrix of the
2582     solver state.
2585     <DT><STRONG><TT>num_rows</TT></STRONG>
2586     <DD>Returns the number of rows (i.e. constraints) in the matrix of the
2587     solver state.
2590     <DT><STRONG><TT>num_nonzeros</TT></STRONG>
2591     <DD>Returns the number of non-zero coefficients in the matrix of the
2592     solver state.
2595     <DT><STRONG><TT>num_ints</TT></STRONG>
2596     <DD>Returns the number of columns (i.e. variables) constrained to be
2597     integers in the matrix of the solver state.
2600     <DT><STRONG><TT>num_quads</TT></STRONG>
2601     <DD>Returns the number of non-zero coefficients in the quadratic
2602     coefficient matrix (Q-matrix) of the solver state.
2605     <DT><STRONG><TT>method</TT></STRONG>
2606     <DD>Returns the method that is specified to solve the problem. If an
2607     auxiliary  method can be given for the method, and this auxiliary
2608     method is not <TT>default</TT>, the method will be returned as 
2609     Method(Aux), e.g. <TT>barrier(none)</TT>. The method will be 
2610     <TT>default</TT> unless otherwise specified by the the user (at setup or 
2611     via eplex_setup/2 or lp_setup/3).  In that case, the external solver's
2612     defaults and any settings done via optimizer_param(_) will be used.
2615     <DT><STRONG><TT>node_method</TT></STRONG>
2616     <DD>Applicable to MIP problems only. Returns the method that is
2617     specified to solve the problem at the nodes of the branch-and-bound
2618     tree. If an auxiliary method can be given for the method, and this
2619     auxiliary method is not <TT>default</TT>, the method will be returned
2620     as Method(Aux), e.g. <TT>barrier(none)</TT>. The method will be
2621     <TT>default</TT> unless otherwise specified by the the user (at setup
2622     or via eplex_setup/2 or lp_setup/3).  In that case, the external solver's
2623     defaults and any settings done via optimizer_param(_) will be used.
2626     <DT><STRONG><TT>status</TT></STRONG>
2627     <DD>Status that was returned by the most recent invocation of the 
2628         external solver.
2631     <DT><STRONG><TT>cost</TT></STRONG>
2632     <DD>Objective value (i.e. cost/profit) of the current solution.
2633         Fails if no solution has been computed yet.
2636     <DT><STRONG><TT>best_bound</TT></STRONG>
2637     <DD>The best bound (for minimisation, the lower bound) on the optimal 
2638         objective value for the current problem. Together with the
2639         worst_bound, this specifies the range for the optimal objective
2640         value. Note that a non-empty range does not mean that the problem
2641         is feasible unless an objective value (cost) is also
2642         available. The best_bound is the same as the current objective
2643         value if the problem has been solved to optimality. It can be
2644         better than the objective value either because a) (for MIP
2645         problems only) the problem has been optimised to within the
2646         mipgap tolerance, or b) the problem was not solved to optimality,
2647         i.e. it was aborted before the optimal solution was found.
2649     <DT><STRONG><TT>worst_bound</TT></STRONG>
2650     <DD>The worst bound (for minimisation, the upper bound) on the optimal 
2651         objective value for the current problem. Together with the
2652         best_bound, this specifies the range for the optimal objective
2653         value. Note that a non-empty range does not mean that the problem
2654         is feasible unless an objective value (cost) is also
2655         available. The worst_bound is the same as the current objective
2656         value if a solution has been computed for the problem, whether
2657         the problem was solved to optimality or not. Depending on the 
2658         problem type and method used to solve the problem, a worst bound
2659         can be returned for a problem even if the solving of the problem
2660         was aborted before a solution was obtained. 
2662     <DT><STRONG><TT>typed_solution</TT></STRONG>
2663     <DD>Returns a term ''(X1,...,Xn) whose arguments are the properly
2664         typed (integer or float) solution values for the corresponding
2665         problem variables (<TT>vars</TT>).  The floating point solutions
2666         are the same as returned by <TT>solution</TT>, the integers are
2667         obtained by rounding the corresponding floating-point solution to
2668         the nearest integer.  To instantiate the problem variables to
2669         their solutions, unify this term with the corresponding term
2670         containing the variables. Note that this unification could fail
2671         if two problem variables Xa and Xb were unified after the solution 
2672         was lasted computed, as the solutions values in the Xa and Xb
2673         positions could be different, even though they are now represented 
2674         by one variable.
2675         Fails if no solution has been computed yet.
2678    instantiate_solution(Handle) :-
2679        lp_get(Handle, vars, Vars),
2680        lp_get(Handle, typed_solution, Values),
2681        Vars = Values.
2685    <DT><STRONG><TT>slack</TT></STRONG>
2686    <DD>Returns a list of floating-point values representing the constraint
2687        slacks in the logically last solve. The problem consists of normal
2688        constraints followed by any added cutpool constraints, and the
2689        order corresponds to the list order in <TT>constraints</TT> for
2690        normal constraints, and to cutpool_info(last_added,Info) for the
2691        cutpool constraints.  Fails if no solution has been computed yet.
2694    <DT><STRONG><TT>slack(Indexes)</TT></STRONG>
2695    <DD>Returns a list of floating-point values representing the slack
2696        values for the constraints represented by Indexes. Indexes are a
2697        list of constraint indices (as returned by lp_add_constraints/4 for
2698        normal constraints, and lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4 for cutpool
2699        constraints), and the order of the returned list corresponds to the
2700        order in <TT>Indexes</TT>.  Fails if no slack value has been
2701        computed yet for any of the constraints in Indexes -- note that 
2702        values are only computed for cutpool constraints if they were added
2703        to the problem.
2706    <DT><STRONG><TT>dual_solution</TT></STRONG>
2707    <DD>Returns a list of floating-point values representing the dual
2708        solutions in the logically last solve. The problem consists of
2709        normal constraints followed by any added cutpool constraints, and
2710        the order corresponds to the list order in <TT>constraints</TT> for
2711        normal constraints, and to cutpool_info(last_added,Info) for the
2712        cutpool constraints.  Fails if no solution has been computed yet.
2715    <DT><STRONG><TT>dual_solution(Indexes)</TT></STRONG>
2716    <DD>Returns a list of floating-point values representing the dual
2717        solutions for the constraints represented by Indexes. Indexes are a
2718        list of constraint indices (as returned by lp_add_constraints/4
2719        normal constraints, and lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4 for cutpool
2720        constraints), and the order of the returned list corresponds to the
2721        order in <TT>Indexes</TT>.  Fails if no dual solution has been
2722        computed yet for any of the constraints in Indexes -- note that
2723        values are only computed for cutpool constraints if they were added
2724        to the problem.
2727    <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints(Indexes)</TT></STRONG>
2728    <DD>Returns a list of problem constraints as specified by
2729        Indexes in denormalised form. The constraints can be either 
2730        normal constraints or cutpool constraints.
2732    <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints_norm(Indexes)</TT></STRONG>
2733    <DD>Returns a list of problem constraints as specified by
2734        Indexes in normalised form. The constraints can be either 
2735        normal constraints or cutpool constraints.
2737    <DT><STRONG><TT>cutpool_info(Select,Info)</TT></STRONG>
2738    <DD>Returns the information specified by Info for the cutpool constraints
2739        specified by Select. The returned information is either
2740        i) a pair of lists Indexes-Values where Indexes is the index for
2741        the constraint in the corresponding position of Values, or 
2742        ii) a list of Indexes if the information requested is index. Info 
2743        can be:
2745           <DT><STRONG><TT>index</TT></STRONG>
2746               <DD>the indexes for the selected constraints. A list
2747                   of Indexes are returned.
2748           <DT><STRONG><TT>active</TT></STRONG>
2749               <DD>the current active status of the selected constraints. 
2750                   The status is either 0 (not active) or 1 (active).
2751                   A pair of lists Indexes-ActiveStatus is returned.
2752           <DT><STRONG><TT>add_initially</TT></STRONG>
2753               <DD>the current add_initially status of the selected 
2754                   constraints. The status is either 0 (not add) or 1 (add).
2755                   Note that although inactive constraints have a
2756                   add_initially status, they will not be added to a problem.
2757                   A pair of lists Indexes-AddInitially is returned.
2758           <DT><STRONG><TT>binding_state</TT></STRONG>
2759               <DD>the binding state for the selected constraints in the
2760                   logically last solve for the problem. A pair of lists
2761                   Indexes-BindingStates is returned. To get this
2762                   information, the slack values must be available from the
2763                   last solve.
2764                   The state can be:
2765                   a) binding - the constraint was satisfied and binding, i.e.
2766                      it is within tolerance of its RHS value in the
2767                      normalised form. 
2768                   b) satisfied - the constraint was satisfied but not
2769                      binding. 
2770                   c) inactive - the constraint was inactive.
2771           <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints_norm</TT></STRONG>
2772               <DD>the normalised form of the constraints for the selected 
2773                   constraints is returned in a pair of lists 
2774                   Indexes-Constraints.
2775           <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints</TT></STRONG>
2776               <DD>the denormalised form of the constraints for the selected 
2777                   constraints is returned in a pair of lists 
2778                   Indexes-Constraints.
2781    The constraints are selected by Select, which can be:
2783           <DT><STRONG><TT>cstr(Idx)</TT></STRONG>
2784               <DD>The cutpool constraint as specified by <TT>Idx</TT>. 
2785           <DT><STRONG><TT>group(Name)</TT></STRONG>
2786               <DD>The cutpool constraints in the group <TT>Name</TT>. Both
2787                   active and non-active constraints are returned. Note that
2788                   the name of the default group is the atom nil (<TT>[]</TT>).
2789           <DT><STRONG><TT>last_added</TT></STRONG>
2790               <DD>The cutpool constraints that were added to the
2791                   problem in the logically previous solve of the problem. 
2792                   The constraints were either added initially, or were
2793                   added because they were violated in an intermediate
2794                   invocation. 
2795           <DT><STRONG><TT>last_notadded</TT></STRONG>
2796               <DD>The cutpool constraints that were not added to the
2797                   problem in the logically previous solve of the problem,
2798                   i.e. they were not violated.
2799           <DT><STRONG><TT>last_inactive</TT></STRONG>
2800               <DD>The cutpool constraints that were inactive during the
2801                   logically last solve of the problem. This does not
2802                   include any constraints that were added since the last
2803                   solve. 
2806    <DT><STRONG><TT>demon_tolerance</TT></STRONG>
2807    <DD>Returns a comma-separated pair <TT>(RealTol,IntTol)</TT> of
2808        floating-point values which specify how far outside a variable's
2809        range an lp-solution can fall before lp_demon_setup/5
2810        re-triggers. The tolerances differ for real (default 0.00001) and
2811        integer (default 0.5) variables.
2814    <DT><STRONG><TT>simplex_iterations</TT></STRONG>
2815    <DD>Returns the external solver's count of simplex iterations.
2818    <DT><STRONG><TT>node_count</TT></STRONG>
2819    <DD>Returns the external MIP solver's node count. Note that this may 
2820        or may not include the initial root node.
2822    <DT><STRONG><TT>statistics</TT></STRONG>
2823    <DD>Returns a list of counter values <TT>[Successes, Failures,
2824        Aborts]</TT>, indicating how often lp_solve/2 was invoked on the
2825        Handle, and how many invocations succeeded, failed and aborted
2826        respectively.
2829    <DT><TT>timeout</TT></STRONG>
2830    <DD>Returns the time-out value for the solver state. This is the amount
2831        of CPU time in seconds that the external solver will be allow to
2832        spend solving the problem before timing out. The value is 0 if 
2833        no time-out has been set.
2835     <DT><STRONG><TT>optimizer_param(Param)</TT></STRONG>
2836     <DD>Returns the value of the external solver's parameter Param
2837         for the problem represented by Handle. The external solver 
2838         has a number of parameters that affect the way they work, and 
2839         this queries their values. If Param is not a valid parameter for
2840         the solver, an out of range exception is raised. See below for 
2841         more details on the parameters.
2843    <DT><STRONG><TT>post_equality_when_unified</TT></STRONG>
2844    <DD>Returns the value (yes or no) if an equality constraint will be
2845        posted to a solver if two variables in the solver's problem are 
2846        unified. 
2848    <DT><STRONG><TT>pool</TT></STRONG>
2849    <DD>Returns the name of the eplex instance (if any) associated with 
2850        the solver state. Fails otherwise. Only useful if called with 
2851        lp_get/3.
2853    <DT><STRONG><TT>handle</TT></STRONG>
2854    <DD>Returns the solver state handle (if any) associated with the eplex 
2855        instance. Fails otherwise. Only useful if called with eplex_get/2.
2858Note that reduced_cost, slack, dual_solution can only be retrieved
2859when previously requested in the option list of lp_setup/4 or with lp_set/3.
2860An out of range error will be raised otherwise.
2863For the external solver's control parameter specified by
2864optimizer_param(Param), Param must be an atom. The Value returned is
2865either an integer, float or atom, depending on the parameter. The parameter
2866is generally specific to a solver and version, and also, they may be
2867problem specific, or global, again depending on the solver version. In all
2868cases, the value returned by lp_get/3 is the current value for the parameter
2869for the problem Handle. Refer to the solver documentation for details on the 
2870parameters. The names of the parameters are derived from the names of the 
2871parameters in the external solver. For CPLEX, take the parameter name from 
2872the CPLEX manual (or cplex.h), remove the CPX_PARAM_ prefix and convert the 
2873rest to lower case, e.g.
2876        CPX_PARAM_NODELIM becomes nodelim. 
2878For XPRESS-MP (version 13 and newer), take the parameter name from the 
2879manual (or xpresso.h), remove the XPRS_ prefix (if present) and convert 
2880the rest to lower case, e.g.
2882	XPRS_MAXNODE becomes maxnode. 
2885For Gurobi, take the parameter name from the manual and convert it to
2886all lower case, e.g.
2888	IntFeasTol becomes intfeastol. 
2891For solvers used via the OSI, there are a few generic parameters supported 
2892via OSI, and depending on the actual solver, there may be some additional
2893solver-specific parameters. For the generic parameters, take the parameter
2894name, remove the Osi prefix and convert the rest to lower case, e.g.
2896        OsiPrimalTolerance becomes primaltolerance
2900    The following parameter names are additional aliases that work for
2901    several solvers:
2903    <DT><TT>feasibility_tol</TT>
2905            OsiPrimalTolerance (OSI) or FeasibilityTol (GRB) - float
2906    <DT><TT>integrality</TT>
2908            CbcIntegerTolerance (OSI,Cbc specific) or IntFeasTol (GRB) - float
2909    <DT><TT>iteration_limit</TT>
2911            OsiMaxNumIteration (OSI) or IterationLimit (GRB) - integer
2912    <DT><TT>node_limit</TT>
2914            CbcMaxNumNode (OSI, Cbc specific) or NodeLimit (GRB)- integer
2915    <DT><TT>objdifference</TT>
2917            CbcCutoffIncrement (OSI, Cbc specific) - float
2920            ")
2923:- comment(lp_get/3, [
2924amode:     lp_get(+,++,-),
2925args:      ["Handle":    "Handle to an existing solver state",
2926            "ParamName": "Name of parameter (atom or structure)",
2927            "Value":     "Returned value for ParamName"
2928           ],
2929summary:   "Retrieve information about solver state and results for solver state Handle.", 
2930see_also:  [lp_setup/4, lp_set/3, eplex_get/2, lp_add_constraints/4],
2931desc:      html("\
2933   Retrieve information about solver state and results for the (logically) 
2934   most recent solved solver state represented by <TT>Handle</TT>. 
2935   <TT>ParamName</TT> is the same as that for eplex_get/2, which retrieves 
2936   the same information via the EplexInstance.
2937   It can  be one of:
2942     <DT><STRONG><TT>vars</TT></STRONG>
2943     <DD>Returns a term ''(X1,...,Xn) whose arity is the number of
2944         variables involved in the solver's constraint set, and whose
2945         arguments are these variables.
2948     <DT><STRONG><TT>ints</TT></STRONG>
2949     <DD>Returns a list [Xi1,...,Xik] which is the subset of the problem
2950         variables that the solver considers to be integers.
2953     <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints_norm</TT></STRONG>
2954     <DD>Returns a list of the problem constraints (excluding any cutpool
2955         constraints) in normalised form.  They may be simplified with
2956         respect to the originals that were passed to the problem.
2959     <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints</TT></STRONG>
2960     <DD>Returns a list of the problem constraints (excluding any cutpool
2961         constraints) in denormalised (readable) form.  They may be
2962         simplified with respect to the originals that were passed to the
2963         problem.
2966     <DT><STRONG><TT>objective</TT></STRONG>
2967     <DD>Returns a term min(E) or max(E), representing objective function
2968         and optimisation direction. E is a linear expression: any
2969         quadratic components will not be retrieved.
2972     <DT><STRONG><TT>num_cols</TT></STRONG>
2973     <DD>Returns the number of columns (i.e. variables) in the matrix of the
2974     solver state.
2977     <DT><STRONG><TT>num_rows</TT></STRONG>
2978     <DD>Returns the number of rows (i.e. constraints) in the matrix of the
2979     solver state.
2982     <DT><STRONG><TT>num_nonzeros</TT></STRONG>
2983     <DD>Returns the number of non-zero coefficients in the matrix of the
2984     solver state.
2987     <DT><STRONG><TT>num_ints</TT></STRONG>
2988     <DD>Returns the number of columns (i.e. variables) constrained to be
2989     integers in the matrix of the solver state.
2992     <DT><STRONG><TT>num_quads</TT></STRONG>
2993     <DD>Returns the number of non-zero coefficients in the quadratic
2994     coefficient matrix (Q-matrix) of the solver state.
2997     <DT><STRONG><TT>method</TT></STRONG>
2998     <DD>Returns the method that is specified to solve the problem. If an
2999     auxiliary  method can be given for the method, and this auxiliary
3000     method is not <TT>default</TT>, the method will be returned as 
3001     Method(Aux), e.g. <TT>barrier(none)</TT>. The method will be 
3002     <TT>default</TT> unless otherwise specified by the the user (at setup or 
3003     via eplex_setup/2 or lp_setup/3).  In that case, the external solver's
3004     defaults and any settings done via optimizer_param(_) will be used.
3007     <DT><STRONG><TT>node_method</TT></STRONG>
3008     <DD>Applicable to MIP problems only. Returns the method that is
3009     specified to solve the problem at the nodes of the branch-and-bound
3010     tree. If an auxiliary method can be given for the method, and this
3011     auxiliary method is not <TT>default</TT>, the method will be returned
3012     as Method(Aux), e.g. <TT>barrier(none)</TT>. The method will be
3013     <TT>default</TT> unless otherwise specified by the the user (at setup or
3014     via eplex_setup/2 or lp_setup/3).  In that case, the external solver's
3015     defaults and any settings done via optimizer_param(_) will be used.
3018     <DT><STRONG><TT>status</TT></STRONG>
3019     <DD>Status that was returned by the most recent invocation of the 
3020         external solver.
3023     <DT><STRONG><TT>cost</TT></STRONG>
3024     <DD>Cost of the current solution.
3025         Fails if no solution has been computed yet.
3028     <DT><STRONG><TT>best_bound</TT></STRONG>
3029     <DD>The best bound (for minimisation, the lower bound) on the optimal 
3030         objective value for the current problem. Together with the
3031         worst_bound, this specifies the range for the optimal objective
3032         value. Note that a non-empty range does not mean that the problem
3033         is feasible unless an objective value (cost) is also
3034         available. The best_bound is the same as the current objective
3035         value if the problem has been solved to optimality. It can be
3036         better than the objective value either because a) (for MIP
3037         problems only) the problem has been optimised to within the
3038         mipgap tolerance, or b) the problem was not solved to optimality,
3039         i.e. it was aborted before the optimal solution was found.
3041     <DT><STRONG><TT>worst_bound</TT></STRONG>
3042     <DD>The worst bound (for minimisation, the upper bound) on the optimal 
3043         objective value for the current problem. Together with the
3044         best_bound, this specifies the range for the optimal objective
3045         value. Note that a non-empty range does not mean that the problem
3046         is feasible unless an objective value (cost) is also
3047         available. The worst_bound is the same as the current objective
3048         value if a solution has been computed for the problem, whether
3049         the problem was solved to optimality or not. Depending on the 
3050         problem type and method used to solve the problem, a worst bound
3051         can be returned for a problem even if the solving of the problem
3052         was aborted before a solution was obtained. 
3054     <DT><STRONG><TT>typed_solution</TT></STRONG>
3055     <DD>Returns a term ''(X1,...,Xn) whose arguments are the properly
3056         typed (integer or float) solution values for the corresponding
3057         problem variables (<TT>vars</TT>).  The floating point solutions
3058         are the same as returned by <TT>solution</TT>, the integers are
3059         obtained by rounding the corresponding floating-point solution to
3060         the nearest integer.  To instantiate the problem variables to
3061         their solutions, unify this term with the corresponding term
3062         containing the variables:
3065    instantiate_solution(Handle) :-
3066        lp_get(Handle, vars, Vars),
3067        lp_get(Handle, typed_solution, Values),
3068        Vars = Values.
3071         Note that this unification could fail if two problem variables Xa
3072         and Xb were unified after the solution was lasted computed, as the
3073         solutions values in the Xa and Xb positions could be different,
3074         even though they are now represented by one variable.
3075         Fails if no solution has been computed yet.
3078    <DT><STRONG><TT>slack</TT></STRONG>
3079    <DD>Returns a list of floating-point values representing the constraint
3080        slacks in the logically last solve. The problem consists of normal
3081        constraints followed by any added cutpool constraints, and the
3082        order corresponds to the list order in <TT>constraints</TT> for
3083        normal constraints, and to cutpool_info(last_added,Info) for the
3084        cutpool constraints.  Fails if no solution has been computed yet.
3087    <DT><STRONG><TT>slack(Indexes)</TT></STRONG>
3088    <DD>Returns a list of floating-point values representing the slack
3089        values for the constraints represented by Indexes. Indexes are a
3090        list of constraint indices (as returned by lp_add_constraints/4 for
3091        normal constraints, and lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4 for cutpool
3092        constraints), and the order of the returned list corresponds to the
3093        order in <TT>Indexes</TT>.  Fails if no slack value has been
3094        computed yet for any of the constraints in Indexes -- note that 
3095        values are only computed for cutpool constraints if they were added
3096        to the problem.
3099    <DT><STRONG><TT>dual_solution</TT></STRONG>
3100    <DD>Returns a list of floating-point values representing the dual
3101        solutions in the logically last solve. The problem consists of
3102        normal constraints followed by any added cutpool constraints, and
3103        the order corresponds to the list order in <TT>constraints</TT> for
3104        normal constraints, and to cutpool_info(last_added,Info) for the
3105        cutpool constraints.  Fails if no solution has been computed yet.
3108    <DT><STRONG><TT>dual_solution(Indexes)</TT></STRONG>
3109    <DD>Returns a list of floating-point values representing the dual
3110        solutions for the constraints represented by Indexes. Indexes are a
3111        list of constraint indices (as returned by lp_add_constraints/4
3112        normal constraints, and lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4 for cutpool
3113        constraints), and the order of the returned list corresponds to the
3114        order in <TT>Indexes</TT>.  Fails if no dual solution has been
3115        computed yet for any of the constraints in Indexes -- note that
3116        values are only computed for cutpool constraints if they were added
3117        to the problem.
3120    <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints(Indexes)</TT></STRONG>
3121    <DD>Returns a list of problem constraints as specified by
3122        Indexes in denormalised form. The constraints can be either 
3123        normal constraints or cutpool constraints.
3125    <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints_norm(Indexes)</TT></STRONG>
3126    <DD>Returns a list of problem constraints as specified by
3127        Indexes in normalised form. The constraints can be either 
3128        normal constraints or cutpool constraints.
3130    <DT><STRONG><TT>cutpool_info(Select,Info)</TT></STRONG>
3131    <DD>Returns the information specified by Info for the cutpool constraints
3132        specified by Select. The returned information is either
3133        i) a pair of lists Indexes-Values where Indexes is the index for
3134        the constraint in the corresponding position of Values, or 
3135        ii) a list of Indexes if the information requested is index. Info 
3136        can be:
3138           <DT><STRONG><TT>index</TT></STRONG>
3139               <DD>the indexes for the selected constraints. A list
3140                   of Indexes are returned.
3141           <DT><STRONG><TT>active</TT></STRONG>
3142               <DD>the current active status of the selected constraints. 
3143                   The status is either 0 (not active) or 1 (active).
3144                   A pair of lists Indexes-ActiveStatus is returned.
3145           <DT><STRONG><TT>add_initially</TT></STRONG>
3146               <DD>the current add_initially status of the selected 
3147                   constraints. The status is either 0 (not add) or 1 (add).
3148                   Note that although inactive constraints have a
3149                   add_initially status, they will not be added to a problem.
3150                   A pair of lists Indexes-AddInitially is returned.
3151           <DT><STRONG><TT>binding_state</TT></STRONG>
3152               <DD>the binding state for the selected constraints in the
3153                   logically last solve for the problem. A pair of lists
3154                   Indexes-BindingStates is returned. To get this
3155                   information, the slack values must be available from the
3156                   last solve.
3157                   The state can be:
3158                   a) binding - the constraint was satisfied and binding, i.e.
3159                      it is within tolerance of its RHS value in the
3160                      normalised form. 
3161                   b) satisfied - the constraint was satisfied but not
3162                      binding. 
3163                   c) inactive - the constraint was inactive.
3164           <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints_norm</TT></STRONG>
3165               <DD>the normalised form of the constraints for the selected 
3166                   constraints is returned in a pair of lists 
3167                   Indexes-Constraints.
3168           <DT><STRONG><TT>constraints</TT></STRONG>
3169               <DD>the denormalised form of the constraints for the selected 
3170                   constraints is returned in a pair of lists 
3171                   Indexes-Constraints.
3174    The constraints are selected by Select, which can be:
3176           <DT><STRONG><TT>cstr(Idx)</TT></STRONG>
3177               <DD>The cutpool constraint as specified by <TT>Idx</TT>. 
3178           <DT><STRONG><TT>group(Name)</TT></STRONG>
3179               <DD>The cutpool constraints in the group <TT>Name</TT>. Both
3180                   active and non-active constraints are returned. Note that
3181                   the name of the default group is the atom nil (<TT>[]</TT>).
3182           <DT><STRONG><TT>last_added</TT></STRONG>
3183               <DD>The cutpool constraints that were added to the
3184                   problem in the logically previous solve of the problem. 
3185                   The constraints were either added initially, or were
3186                   added because they were violated in an intermediate
3187                   invocation. 
3188           <DT><STRONG><TT>last_notadded</TT></STRONG>
3189               <DD>The cutpool constraints that were not added to the
3190                   problem in the logically previous solve of the problem,
3191                   i.e. they were not violated.
3192           <DT><STRONG><TT>last_inactive</TT></STRONG>
3193               <DD>The cutpool constraints that were inactive during the
3194                   logically last solve of the problem. This does not
3195                   include any constraints that were added since the last
3196                   solve. 
3200    <DT><STRONG><TT>demon_tolerance</TT></STRONG>
3201    <DD>Returns a comma-separated pair <TT>(RealTol,IntTol)</TT> of
3202        floating-point values which specify how far outside a variable's
3203        range an lp-solution can fall before lp_demon_setup/5
3204        re-triggers. The tolerances differ for real (default 0.00001) and
3205        integer (default 0.5) variables.
3208    <DT><STRONG><TT>simplex_iterations</TT></STRONG>
3209    <DD>Returns the external solver's count of simplex iterations.
3212    <DT><STRONG><TT>node_count</TT></STRONG>
3213    <DD>Returns the external MIP solver's node count.
3216    <DT><STRONG><TT>statistics</TT></STRONG>
3217    <DD>Returns a list of counter values <TT>[Successes, Failures,
3218        Aborts]</TT>, indicating how often lp_solve/2 was invoked on the
3219        Handle, and how many invocations succeeded, failed and aborted
3220        respectively.
3223    <DT><TT>timeout</TT></STRONG>
3224    <DD>Returns the time-out value for the solver state. This is the amount
3225        of CPU time in seconds that the external solver will be allow to
3226        spend solving the problem before timing out. The value is 0 if 
3227        no time-out has been set.
3229     <DT><STRONG><TT>optimizer_param(Param)</TT></STRONG>
3230     <DD>Returns the value of the external solver's parameter Param
3231         for the problem represented by Handle. The external solver 
3232         has a number of parameters that affect the way they work, and 
3233         this queries their values. If Param is not a valid parameter for
3234         the solver, an out of range exception is raised. See below for 
3235         more details on the parameters.
3237    <DT><STRONG><TT>post_equality_when_unified</TT></STRONG>
3238    <DD>Returns the value (yes or no) if an equality constraint will be
3239        posted to a solver if two variables in the solver's problem are 
3240        unified. 
3242    <DT><STRONG><TT>pool</TT></STRONG>
3243    <DD>Returns the name of the eplex instance (if any) associated with 
3244        the solver state. Fails otherwise. Only useful if called with 
3245        lp_get/3.
3247    <DT><STRONG><TT>handle</TT></STRONG>
3248    <DD>Returns the solver state handle (if any) associated with the eplex 
3249        instance. Fails otherwise. Only useful if called with eplex_get/2.
3252Note that reduced_cost, slack, dual_solution can only be retrieved
3253when previously requested in the option list of lp_setup/4 or with lp_set/3.
3254An out of range error would be raised otherwise.
3257For the external solver's control parameter specified by
3258optimizer_param(Param), Param must be an atom. The Value returned is
3259either an integer, float or atom, depending on the parameter. The parameter
3260is generally specific to a solver and version, and also, they may be
3261problem specific, or global, again depending on the solver version. In all
3262cases, the value returned by lp_get/3 is the current value for the parameter
3263for the problem Handle. Refer to the solver documentation for details on the 
3264parameters. The names of the parameters are derived from the names of the 
3265parameters in the external solver. For CPLEX, take the parameter name from 
3266the CPLEX manual (or cplex.h), remove the CPX_PARAM_ prefix and convert the 
3267rest to lower case, e.g.
3270        CPX_PARAM_NODELIM becomes nodelim. 
3272For XPRESS-MP (version 13 and newer), take the parameter name from the 
3273manual (or xpresso.h), remove the XPRS_ prefix (if present) and convert 
3274the rest to lower case, e.g.
3276	XPRS_MAXNODE becomes maxnode. 
3278For Gurobi, take the parameter name from the manual and convert it to
3279all lower case, e.g.
3281	IntFeasTol becomes intfeastol. 
3284For solvers used via the OSI, there are a few generic parameters supported 
3285via OSI, and depending on the actual solver, there may be some additional
3286solver-specific parameters. For the generic parameters, take the parameter
3287name, remove the Osi prefix and convert the rest to lower case, e.g.
3289        OsiPrimalTolerance becomes primaltolerance
3293    The following parameter names are additional aliases that work for
3294    either solver:
3296    <DT><TT>feasibility_tol</TT>
3298            OsiPrimalTolerance (OSI) or FeasibilityTol (GRB) - float
3299    <DT><TT>integrality</TT>
3301            CbcIntegerTolerance (OSI,Cbc specific) or IntFeasTol (GRB) - float
3302    <DT><TT>iteration_limit</TT>
3304            OsiMaxNumIteration (OSI) or IterationLimit (GRB) - integer
3305    <DT><TT>node_limit</TT>
3307            CbcMaxNumNode (OSI, Cbc specific) or NodeLimit (GRB)- integer
3308    <DT><TT>objdifference</TT>
3310            CbcCutoffIncrement (OSI, Cbc specific) - float
3317:- comment(lp_set/3, [
3318amode:     lp_set(+,++,+),
3319args:      ["Handle": "Handle to a solver state",
3320            "What":   "Option to set",
3321            "Value":  "Value being set"
3322           ],
3323resat:     no,
3324summary:   "Change initial options for solver state Handle.",
3325see_also:  [lp_setup/4, lp_get/3, lp_var_get/4, lp_get_iis/5, eplex_set/2],
3326desc:      html("\
3328This primitive can be used to change some of the initial options
3329even after setup. 
3330<EM>Handle</EM> refers to an existing solver state,
3331<EM>What</EM> can be one of the following:
3335    <DT><STRONG><TT>method</TT></STRONG>
3336        <DD>Set the method that will be used to solve the problem.  Value
3337        is one of <TT>default, auto, primal, dual, net, net(Simplex), barrier,
3338        barrier(Crossover), sifting, sifting(SubMethod), concurrent,
3339	concurrent_det</TT>.  Simplex can be one of <TT>default, auto, primal, dual</TT>,
3340	specifying the Simplex method to use in the Network Simplex algorithm.
3341	Crossover can be one of <TT>default, auto, primal, dual, none</TT>,
3342	specifying the crossover method to use for the barrier method.
3343	SubMethod could be one of default, auto, primal, dual, net, barrier</TT>,
3344	specifying the method to use for the subproblems in the sifting method.
3345	Note that not every method is available on every external solver.
3346	In case of MIP solving, this is the start algorithm (the one that
3347	is used to solve the initial relaxation). This method setting will
3348	override similar settings done via optimizer_param(_).
3351    <DT><STRONG><TT>node_method</TT></STRONG>
3352        <DD>Applicable to MIP problems only. Set the method that will be
3353        used to solve the problem at the nodes (except the root) of the 
3354        branch-and-bound tree. Note that the method for solving the root
3355        node is controlled by the <TT>method</TT> option. Value can be set
3356        to the same values as in the <TT>method</TT> option, although 
3357        there may be more restrictions on what the actual methods/auxiliary
3358        methods that are allowed in combination with the root method,
3359        due to limitations/restrictions from the external solver. A warning
3360        will be given when the problem is solved if this is the case, and 
3361        the default method used instead.  This node_method setting will
3362	override similar settings done via optimizer_param(_).
3365    <DT><STRONG><TT>solution</TT></STRONG>
3366        <DD>Make the solutions available each time the problem has been
3367        (re-)solved successfully.
3368        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3371    <DT><STRONG><TT>reduced_cost</TT></STRONG>
3372        <DD>Make the reduced costs available each time the problem has been
3373        (re-)solved successfully. If the problem is a MIP, then depending on
3374        the external solver, this is either unavailable or are the values for
3375        the optimal LP node. 
3376        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3379    <DT><STRONG><TT>slack</TT></STRONG>
3380        <DD>Make the constraint slacks available each time the problem has been
3381        (re-)solved successfully.
3382        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3385    <DT><STRONG><TT>dual_solution</TT></STRONG>
3386       <DD>Make the dual solutions available each time the problem has been
3387       (re-)solved successfully.  If the problem is a MIP, then depending on
3388        the external solver, this is either unavailable or are the values for
3389        the optimal LP node. 
3390        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3393    <DT><STRONG><TT>keep_basis</TT></STRONG>
3394        <DD>Store the basis each time the problem has been solved successfully,
3395        and use this basis as a starting point for re-solving next time.
3396        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3399    <DT><STRONG><TT>mipstart</TT></STRONG>
3400        <DD>Use the previous solution values as a warm-start heuristics for
3401	the MIP search.  This only has an effect for certain solvers (e.g.
3402	Gurobi), if there are integrality constraints, and if there is a 
3403	previous solution available.  Possible values are <TT>none</TT>
3404	(no mipstart values, the default), <TT>all</TT> (use previous
3405	solution for all variables), or <TT>integers</TT> (use previous
3406	solution for all variables that are now constrained to be integral).  
3409    <DT><STRONG><TT>cache_iis</TT></STRONG>
3410        <DD>When a problem is found to be infeasible, compute an IIS for the problem
3411        (if supported by the external solver), and store it so that it can bee retrieved
3412        by eplex_get_iis/4 or lp_get_iis/5. This will be done before the problem can
3413        be modified and make the computing of the IIS impossible. The IIS will oulu
3414        be available before the problem is solved again, and before the infeasible  
3415        solve is backtracked. This option has no effect if the external solver does not 
3416        support the finding of IIS. Note that if this option is set, eplex will always ask
3417        for an IIS to computed for an infeasible problem, even if it is immediately backtracked 
3418        by the infeasible handler failing, and that the option is only needed if the problem 
3419        instance in the external solver is modified before eplex_get_iis/4 or lp_get_iis/5 is called. 
3420        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3423    <DT><STRONG><TT>demon_tolerance</TT></STRONG>
3424        <DD>Specify how far outside a variable's range an lp-solution
3425        can fall before lp_demon_setup/5 re-triggers.
3426        Value is a comma-separated pair <TT>(RealTol,IntTol)</TT> of 
3427        floating-point values (default <TT>(0.00001,0.5)</TT>).
3430    <DT><STRONG><TT>use_var_names</TT></STRONG>
3431        <DD>Specify if variable names (set using <TT>set_var_name/2</TT> of
3432        the var_name library) should be passed to the external solver. If a
3433        particular variable does not have a name, a solver's default name
3434        would be used. Note that for XPRESS-MP, there is a limit on the length
3435        of the name, which can be changed between 8 and 64 in steps of 8 with
3436        the parameter <TT>N_NAMLEN</TT>. Variable names longer than this limit
3437        are truncated to the limit.  
3438        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>, the default 
3439        is <TT>no</TT>.
3442    <DT><STRONG><TT>timeout</TT></STRONG>
3443        <DD>Set the external solver to time-out after <TT>Value</TT>
3444        seconds.  The solver will abort (in either the abort or suboptimal
3445        state, depending on if a suboptimal solution was found) if the
3446        optimal solution was not found within the time limit. In cases
3447        where the solver expects an integer for the time-out interval, the
3448        time given is rounded up to the next integer value. This should be
3449        used instead of the solver specific optimizer_param(Param) for
3450        setting timeouts, as eplex sets these parameter(s) itself. Note
3451        that the exact behaviour of the timeout setting is solver dependent.
3452        Value is a positive number.
3454    <DT><STRONG><TT>cutpool_option(Idx,Option)</TT></STRONG>
3455        <DD>Set the option Option as specified by Value for the cutpool
3456        constraint with index Idx. Option is one of the following:
3458           <DT><STRONG><TT>active</TT></STRONG>
3459               <DD>Set the active status for the constraint Idx to Value.
3460                   Value can be 0 or 1. 0 is non-active, 1 is active.
3461           <DT><STRONG><TT>add_initially</TT></STRONG>
3462               <DD>Specify if the constraint Idx should be added to a
3463                   problem before the solver is invoked. 
3464                   Value can be 0 or 1. 1 is to add initially, 0 not.
3467        Note that the option is <STRONG>not</STRONG> undone on
3468        backtracking.
3470    <DT><STRONG><TT>cutpool_group</TT></STRONG>
3471        <DD>Value is an atom, and is used to specify the name of a group of
3472        cutpool constraints. If Name is not a current group name, a new
3473        group with that name is created. Once created, a named group exists
3474        until the problem is destroyed. The default group (with the atom
3475        nil (<TT>[]</TT>) as its name) is predefined and does not need to
3476        be created with <TT>cutpool_group</TT>.
3478    <DT><STRONG><TT>suboptimal_handler</TT></STRONG>
3479        <DD>Value is a user defined goal to handle the case when the
3480        external solver returned a suboptimal solution (because the problem
3481        was aborted). Value would replace any existing suboptimal handler,
3482        and would also be run in place of raising the default
3483        <TT>eplex_suboptimal</TT> event.
3485    <DT><STRONG><TT>unbounded_handler</TT></STRONG>
3486        <DD>Value is a user defined goal to handle the case when the
3487        problem is unbounded. Value would replace any existing unbounded
3488        handler, and would be run in place of raising the default
3489        <TT>eplex_unbounded</TT> event.
3491    <DT><STRONG><TT>infeasible_handler</TT></STRONG>
3492        <DD>Value is a user defined goal to handle the case when the
3493        external solver found the problem to be infeasible. Value would
3494        replace any existing infeasible handler, and would be run in place
3495        of raising the default <TT>eplex_infeasible</TT> event. Note that
3496        the default and logically correct behaviour is to fail, this
3497        handler is provided to allow the user to analyse the cause of the
3498        infeasibility. It is recommended that the handler should also fail
3499        after performing the analysis.
3501    <DT><STRONG><TT>unknown_handler</TT></STRONG>
3502        <DD>Value is a user defined goal to handle the case when the
3503        external solver was not able to determine if the problem is
3504        unbounded Value would replace any existing unknown handler, and
3505        would be run in place of raising the default <TT>eplex_unknown</TT>
3506        event.
3508    <DT><STRONG><TT>abort_handler</TT></STRONG>
3509        <DD>Value is a user defined goal to handle the case when the
3510        external solver aborted without finding any solution.  Value would
3511        replace any existing abort handler, and would be run in place of
3512        raising the default <TT>eplex_abort</TT> event.
3514    <DT><STRONG><TT>optimizer_param(Param)</TT></STRONG>
3515        <DD>Set the external solver's control parameter Param for the problem
3516        <TT>Handle</TT>. If the solver's parameters are global and not
3517        problem specific, an unimplemented functionality exception would
3518        be raised. See lp_get/3 for more details on the external solver's
3519        parameters. Note that the new setting is <EM>not</EM> undone on 
3520        backtracking.
3522    <DT><STRONG><TT>write_before_solve</TT></STRONG>
3523       <DD>Value can be the pair (Format,File) or the atom no. If
3524       (Format,File) is given, Eplex will ask the external solver to dump
3525       the problem each time the solver is solved. This allows the problem
3526       in an <TT>eplex_probe/2</TT> or <TT>lp_probe/3</TT> to be dumped. As
3527       in <TT>lp_write/3</TT>, <TT>Format</TT> is the format of the dumped
3528       problem, and File is the filename. See for more details. Note that
3529       the problem is dumped each time the external solver is invoked if
3530       the problem has cutpool constraints, where there may be multiple
3531       invocations of the solver per solver call.  `no' for Value will turn
3532       off this dumping.
3534    <DT><STRONG><TT>post_equality_when_unified</TT></STRONG>
3535        <DD>Value can be the atoms yes or no. Determines if an equality
3536        constraint between two solver variables will be posted to the
3537        solver when these variables are unified. Setting Value to no means
3538        that the constraint will <EM>not</EM> be posted. Note that this can
3539        lead to the solver's problem becoming inconsistent with
3540        ECLiPSe's. 
3543  Making solutions available means that they can be retrieved using
3544  lp_get/3 or lp_var_get/4 after the solver has been run successfully.
3546  All settings apart from optimizer_param(Param) and cutpool settings 
3547  will be undone on backtracking!
3551:- comment(eplex_set/2, [
3552template:  ["eplex_set(++ParamName, -Value)","EplexInstance:eplex_set(++ParamName, -Value)"],
3553args:      [
3554            "ParamName": "Name of parameter (atom)",
3555            "Value":     "New value for ParamName"
3556           ],
3557resat:     no,
3558summary:   "Change initial options for solver state associated with EplexInstance",
3559exceptions: [5: "EplexInstance does not a solver setup for it.",
3560             40: "Solver state had been previously destroyed."
3561             ],
3562see_also:  [eplex_solver_setup/4, eplex_set/2, eplex_get_iis/4, lp_set/3, lp_get/3],
3563desc:      html("\
3565This primitive can be used to change some of the initial options
3566even after setup of a solver for eplex instance <EM>EplexInstance</EM>.
3567<EM>What</EM> can be one of the following:
3570    <DT><STRONG><TT>method</TT></STRONG>
3571        <DD>Set the method that will be used to solve the problem.  Value
3572        is one of <TT>default, auto, primal, dual, net, net(Simplex), barrier,
3573        barrier(Crossover), sifting, sifting(SubMethod), concurrent,
3574	concurrent_det</TT>.  Simplex can be one of <TT>default, auto, primal, dual</TT>,
3575	specifying the Simplex method to use in the Network Simplex algorithm.
3576	Crossover can be one of <TT>default, auto, primal, dual, none</TT>,
3577	specifying the crossover method to use for the barrier method.
3578	SubMethod could be one of default, auto, primal, dual, net, barrier</TT>,
3579	specifying the method to use for the subproblems in the sifting method.
3580	Note that not every method is available on every external solver.
3581	In case of MIP solving, this is the start algorithm (the one that
3582	is used to solve the initial relaxation). This method setting will
3583	override similar settings done via optimizer_param(_).
3586    <DT><STRONG><TT>node_method</TT></STRONG>
3587        <DD>Applicable to MIP problems only. Set the method that will be
3588        used to solve the problem at the nodes (except the root) of the 
3589        branch-and-bound tree. Note that the method for solving the root
3590        node is controlled by the <TT>method</TT> option. Value can be set
3591        to the same values as in the <TT>method</TT> option, although 
3592        there may be more restrictions on what the actual methods/auxiliary
3593        methods that are allowed in combination with the root method,
3594        due to limitations/restrictions from the external solver. A warning
3595        will be given when the problem is solved if this is the case, and 
3596        the default method used instead.  This node_method setting will
3597	override similar settings done via optimizer_param(_).
3600    <DT><STRONG><TT>solution</TT></STRONG>
3601        <DD>Make the solutions available each time the problem has been
3602        (re-)solved successfully.
3603        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3606    <DT><STRONG><TT>reduced_cost</TT></STRONG>
3607        <DD>Make the reduced costs available each time the problem has been
3608        (re-)solved successfully. If the problem is a MIP, then depending on
3609        the external solver, this is either unavailable or are the values
3610        for the optimal LP node. 
3611        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3614    <DT><STRONG><TT>slack</TT></STRONG>
3615        <DD>Make the constraint slacks available each time the problem has been
3616        (re-)solved successfully.
3617        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3620    <DT><STRONG><TT>dual_solution</TT></STRONG>
3621        <DD>Make the dual solutions available each time the problem has been
3622        (re-)solved successfully. If the problem is a MIP, then depending on
3623        the external solver, this is either unavailable or are the values
3624        for the optimal LP node. 
3625        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3628    <DT><STRONG><TT>keep_basis</TT></STRONG>
3629        <DD>Store the basis each time the problem has been solved successfully,
3630        and use this basis as a starting point for re-solving next time.
3631        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3634    <DT><STRONG><TT>mipstart</TT></STRONG>
3635        <DD>Use the previous solution values as a warm-start heuristics for
3636	the MIP search.  This only has an effect for certain solvers (e.g.
3637	Gurobi), if there are integrality constraints, and if there is a 
3638	previous solution available.  Possible values are <TT>none</TT>
3639	(no mipstart values, the default), <TT>all</TT> (use previous
3640	solution for all variables), or <TT>integers</TT> (use previous
3641	solution for all variables that are now constrained to be integral).  
3644    <DT><STRONG><TT>cache_iis</TT></STRONG>
3645        <DD>When a problem is found to be infeasible, compute an IIS for the problem
3646        (if supported by the external solver), and store it so that it can bee retrieved
3647        by eplex_get_iis/4 or lp_get_iis/5. This will be done before the problem can
3648        be modified and make the computing of the IIS impossible. The IIS will only
3649        be available before the problem is solved again, and before the infeasible  
3650        solve is backtracked. This option has no effect if the external solver does not 
3651        support the finding of IIS. Note that if this option is set, eplex will always ask
3652        for an IIS to computed for an infeasible problem, even if it is immediately backtracked 
3653        by the infeasible handler failing, and that the option is only needed if the problem 
3654        instance in the external solver is modified before eplex_get_iis/4 or lp_get_iis/5 is called. 
3655        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3658    <DT><STRONG><TT>demon_tolerance</TT></STRONG>
3659        <DD>Specify how far outside a variable's range an lp-solution
3660        can fall before lp_demon_setup/5 re-triggers.
3661        Value is a comma-separated pair <TT>(RealTol,IntTol)</TT> of 
3662        floating-point values (default <TT>(0.00001,0.5)</TT>).
3665    <DT><STRONG><TT>use_var_names</TT></STRONG>
3666        <DD>Specify if variable names (set using <TT>set_var_name/2</TT> of the
3667        var_name library) should be passed to the external solver. If a
3668        particular variable does not have a name, a solver's default name
3669        would be used. Note that for XPRESS-MP, there is a limit on the
3670        length of the name, which can be changed between 8 and 64 in steps
3671        of 8 with the parameter <TT>N_NAMLEN</TT>. Variable names longer
3672        than this limit are truncated to the limit. Note also that only 
3673        new variables from constraints added after the <TT>lp_set/3</TT> call 
3674        will pass their names to the external solver.
3675        Value is one of the atoms <TT>yes</TT> or <TT>no</TT>.
3677    <DT><STRONG><TT>timeout</TT></STRONG>
3678        <DD>Set the external solver to time-out after <TT>Value</TT>
3679        seconds.  The solver will abort (in either the abort or suboptimal
3680        state, depending on if a suboptimal solution was found) if the
3681        optimal solution was not found within the time limit. In cases
3682        where the solver expects an integer for the time-out interval, the
3683        time given is rounded up to the next integer value. This should be
3684        used instead of the solver specific optimizer_param(Param) for
3685        setting timeouts, as eplex sets these parameter(s) itself. Note
3686        that the exact behaviour of the timeout setting is solver dependent.
3687        Value is a positive number.
3690        <DD>Value is a user defined goal to handle the case when the
3691        external solver returned a suboptimal solution (because the problem
3692        was aborted). Value would replace any existing suboptimal handler,
3693        and would also be run in place of raising the default
3694        <TT>eplex_suboptimal</TT> event.
3697        <DD>Value is a user defined goal to handle the case when the
3698        problem is unbounded. Value would replace any existing unbounded
3699        handler, and would be run in place of raising the default
3700        <TT>eplex_unbounded</TT> event.
3703        <DD>Value is a user defined goal to handle the case when the
3704        external solver found the problem to be infeasible. Value would
3705        replace any existing infeasible handler, and would be run in place
3706        of raising the default <TT>eplex_infeasible</TT> event. Note that
3707        the default and logically correct behaviour is to fail, this
3708        handler is provided to allow the user to analyse the cause of the
3709        infeasibility. It is recommended that the handler should also fail
3710        after performing the analysis.
3713        <DD>Value is a user defined goal to handle the case when the
3714        external solver was not able to determine if the problem is
3715        unbounded Value would replace any existing unknown handler, and
3716        would be run in place of raising the default <TT>eplex_unknown</TT>
3717        event.
3720        <DD>Value is a user defined goal to handle the case when the
3721        external solver aborted without finding any solution.  Value would
3722        replace any existing abort handler, and would be run in place of
3723        raising the default <TT>eplex_abort</TT> event.
3725    <DT><STRONG><TT>optimizer_param(Param)</TT></STRONG>
3726        <DD>Set the external solver's control parameter Param for the problem
3727        <TT>Handle</TT>. If the solver's parameters are global and not
3728        problem specific, an unimplemented functionality exception would
3729        be raised. See lp_get/3 for more details on the external solver's
3730        parameters. Note that the new setting is <EM>not</EM> undone on 
3731        backtracking.
3733    <DT><STRONG><TT>write_before_solve</TT></STRONG>
3734       <DD>Value can be the pair (Format,File) or the atom no. If
3735       (Format,File) is given, Eplex will ask the external solver to dump
3736       the problem each time the solver is solved. This allows the problem
3737       in an <TT>eplex_probe/2</TT> or <TT>lp_probe/3</TT> to be dumped. As
3738       in <TT>lp_write/3</TT>, <TT>Format</TT> is the format of the dumped
3739       problem, and File is the filename. See for more details. Note that
3740       the problem is dumped each time the external solver is invoked if
3741       the problem has cutpool constraints, where there may be multiple
3742       invocations of the solver per solver call.  `no' for Value will turn
3743       off this dumping.
3745    <DT><STRONG><TT>post_equality_when_unified</TT></STRONG>
3746        <DD>Value can be the atoms yes or no. Determines if an equality
3747        constraint will be posted to a solver when two of its variables are
3748        unified. Setting Value to no means that the constraint will not be
3749        posted. Note that this could mean that the
3750        solver's problem may become inconsistent with ECLiPSe's. 
3753  Making solutions available means that they can be retrieved using
3754  lp_get/3 or lp_var_get/4 after the solver has been run successfully.
3756  All settings apart from optimizer_param(Param) will be undone on backtracking!
3762:- comment(lp_get/2, [
3763amode:     lp_get(++,-),
3764amode:     lp_get(++,+),
3765args:      ["ParamName":   "Atom or structure",
3766            "Value":       "Variable, integer, float or atom"
3767           ],
3768summary:   "Obtain the value of a global parameter.",
3769see_also:  [lp_set/2],
3770desc:      html("\
3771    Eplex has a number of global (i.e. not specific to a
3772    particular problem) parameters. These can be queried using this 
3773    predicate.
3775    <DT><TT>has_indicator_constraints</TT>
3776	<DD>Returns 'yes' if the solver supports =&ge;/2 indicator constraints,
3777	else 'no'.
3778    <DT><TT>has_miqp</TT>
3779	<DD>Returns 'yes' if the solver supports mixed integer problems
3780	with quadratic objectives, else 'no'.
3781    <DT><TT>has_qp</TT>
3782	<DD>Returns 'yes' if the solver supports quadratic objectives,
3783	else 'no'.
3784    <DT><TT>optimizer</TT>
3785	<DD>Returns the name of the external solver, currently
3786	'cplex', 'xpress', 'osi' or gurobi.
3787    <DT><TT>optimizer_version</TT>
3788	<DD>Returns an integer derived from the version of the
3789	external solver (for osi, the version is the actual solvers
3790        used, including any significant third-party packages such as 
3791        sparse matrix ordering packages required by the barrier solver)
3792    <DT><TT>presolve</TT>
3793	<DD>Returns the default presolve setting for solver setup, i.e. the
3794        presolve setting that a solver state would be given if it was not
3795        directly specified during setup. A value of 0 disables presolving.
3796	A value of 1 either enables presolving (for external solvers that
3797	have only global parameters), or uses the default optimizer_param
3798	settings (for external solvers with per-problem parameters).
3799    <DT><TT>timeout</TT>
3800        <DD>Returns the default time-out setting that a solver state would
3801        be given if it was not directly specified during setup. Value is
3802        0 if there is no time-out.
3803    <DT><TT>optimizer_param(Param)</TT>
3804        <DD>Get the Value of the external solver's parameter <TT>Param</TT>.
3805        The exact behaviour and available parameters are dependent on the 
3806        external solver: if the external solver has only problem specific 
3807        parameters (e.g. XPRESS-MP 13 and later), this gets the default 
3808        setting that would be used for new problems; if the external solver
3809        has global parameters, this gets the global value for the parameter.
3810        If Param is not a valid parameter for the solver, an out of range 
3811        error is raised. See lp_get/3 for more details on the parameters. 
3816:- comment(lp_set/2, [
3817amode:     lp_set(++,++),
3818args:      ["ParamName": "Atom or structure",
3819            "Value": "Integer, float, string or structure"
3820           ],
3821see_also:  [lp_get/2],
3822resat:     no,
3823summary:   "Set a global parameter for the external solver.",
3824desc:      html("
3826    Set a global parameter. The parameter names are the same as described
3827    in lp_get/2. For the timeout parameter, Value can be of any numeric
3828    type. Note that for the external solver's parameters (set via
3829    optimizer_param(Param)), the exact behaviour is solver dependent: if
3830    the solver has global parameters, this sets the value of the parameter
3831    globally; otherwise, this sets the default value of the parameter that
3832    would be assigned to a new problem. The setting is <EM>not</EM> undone 
3833    on backtracking.
3835    In addition, lp_set/2 is used to control the output from the external 
3836    solver:
3838    <DT><TT>lp_set(SolverChannel, +(Stream))</TT>
3839       <DD>Send output from SolverChannel to the ECLiPSe I/O stream Stream.
3840    <DT><TT>lp_set(SolverChannel, -(Stream))</TT>
3841       <DD>Stop sending output from SolverChannel to the ECLiPSe I/O stream 
3842       Stream.
3844    SolverChannel is one of <TT>result_channel, error_channel, warning_channel, 
3845    log_channel</TT>, and Stream is an ECLiPSe stream identifier (e.g. 
3846    <TT>output</TT>, or the result of an open/3 operation).
3848    By default, <TT>error_channel</TT> is directed to ECLiPSe's
3849    <TT>error</TT> stream, <TT>warning_channel</TT> to <TT>warning_output</TT>
3850    while <TT>result_channel</TT> and <TT>log_channel</TT> are suppressed.
3851    To see the output on these channels, do
3854   :- lp_set(result_channel, +output).
3855   :- lp_set(log_channel, +log_output).
3858Similarly, to create a log file:
3860   :- open('mylog.log', write, logstream), lp_set(log_channel, +logstream).
3862and to stop logging:
3864   :- lp_set(log_channel, -logstream), close(logstream).
3869:- comment(reduced_cost_pruning/2, [
3870summary:"Prune bounds of all problem variables based on their reduced costs",
3871amode:     reduced_cost_pruning(+,?),
3872args:      ["Handle": "Handle to a (solved) solver state",
3873            "GlobalCost": "Bounded global cost variable"],
3874see_also:  [lp_demon_setup/5],
3875fail_if:   "None",
3877    <P>
3878    Handle is a problem handle referring to the linear relaxation of
3879    a more complex problem. GlobalCost is the overall cost variable
3880    of the complex problem.
3881    </P><P>
3882    This predicate tries to prune the bounds of all variables that
3883    occur in the linear relaxation, based on their reduced costs,
3884    the optimum of the relaxation, and the currently known bounds
3885    (lower if maximising, upper if minimising) on the global cost.
3886    </P><P>
3887    This predicate should be called just after the Handle has been solved.
3888    In particular, it can be used as the post-goal in an lp-demon.
3889    The solver should have been set up with the <TT>reduced_cost(yes)</TT>
3890    option.
3891    </P><P>
3892    Note that the bounds of GlobalCost is obtained using the generic
3893    get_var_bounds/3. For correct pruning, GlobalCost should only have
3894    bounds that are relevant to this problem. 
3898:- comment(lp_var_occurrence/3, [
3899amode:   lp_var_occurrence(?,+,-),
3900amode:   lp_var_occurrence(?,-,-),
3901args:    ["Var": "Variable",
3902          "Handle": "Handle to a solver state, or a variable",
3903	  "Index": "Column number for Var in Handle's matrix (integer)"
3904	 ],
3905summary: "Returns the column number Index for Var in the external solver represented by Handle",
3906resat: "Yes (if Handle is a variable).",
3907desc: html("
3908    <P>
3909    If Handle is a problem handle, then Index is the column number for the
3910    variable Var in the problem matrix of the external solver presented by
3911    Handle. If Handle is a variable, then the predicate returns the handles
3912    and index for each problem handle the variable non-determinately. 
3913    </P>
3917:- comment(eplex_var_get_bounds/3, [
3918 template:  ["eplex_var_get_bounds(+Var, -Lo, -Hi)","EplexInstance:eplex_var_get_bounds(+Var, -Lo, -Hi)"],
3919args:    [
3920          "Var":    "A problem variable for EplexInstance",
3921          "Lo":     "Lower bound for Var",
3922          "Hi":     "Upper bound for Var"
3923         ], 
3924summary: "Returns the bounds stored in the solver state for Var in eplex instance EplexInstance.",
3925resat: no,
3926exceptions: [5: "EplexInstance does not a solver setup for it.",
3927             6: "Var is not a problem variable for EplexInstance.",
3928             40: "Solver state had been previously destroyed."
3929            ],
3930see_also: [lp_var_get_bounds/4,eplex_solver_setup/1, eplex_solver_setup/4],
3931desc: html("
3932    <P>
3933    Returns the numeric bounds for Var stored in the solver state
3934    associated with the eplex instance EplexInstance. The bounds are
3935    returned as floats. Var must be an existing problem variable for
3936    EplexInstance. ")
3939:- comment(lp_var_get_bounds/4, [
3940amode:   lp_var_get_bounds(+,?,-,-),
3941args:    ["Handle": "Handle to a solver state",
3942          "Var":    "A solver problem variable for Handle",
3943          "Lo":     "Lower bound for Var",
3944          "Hi":     "Upper bound for Var"
3945         ], 
3946summary: "Returns the bounds stored in the solver state of Handle for Var.",
3947resat: no,
3948see_also: [eplex_var_get_bounds/3, lp_var_set_bounds/4],
3949exceptions: [5: "Handle is not in the form of a solver handle.",
3950             6: "Var is not a problem variable for Handle.",
3951             40: "Handle not valid: solver state had been destroyed by cleanup"
3953            ],
3954desc: html("
3955    <P>
3956    Returns the numeric bounds stored in the solver state of Handle for the
3957    variable Var. The bounds are returned as floats. Var must be an
3958    existing problem variable for Handle, i.e. it must occur in the 
3959    constraints posted to the solver state. ")
3962:- comment(lp_var_set_bounds/4, [
3963amode:   lp_var_set_bounds(+,?,+,+),
3964args:    ["Handle": "Handle to a solver state",
3965          "Var":    "A solver problem variable for Handle",
3966          "Lo":     "New lower bound for Var (number)",
3967          "Hi":     "New upper bound for Var (number)"
3968         ], 
3969summary: "Imposes new bounds for Var on the solver state of Handle.",
3970resat: no,
3971see_also: [lp_var_get_bounds/4],
3972fail_if: "Lo is greater than Hi.",
3973exceptions: [5: "Handle is not in the form of a solver handle.",
3974             6: "Var is not a problem variable for Handle.",
3975             40: "Handle not valid: solver state had been destroyed by cleanup"
3976            ],
3977desc: html("
3978    <P>
3979    Imposes numeric bounds on the solver state of Handle for the variable
3980    Var. Each bound is only updated if it is more narrow than the current
3981    bound for the variable. The bounds are converted to floats before they
3982    are imposed, and no typing is implied by the type of the numbers. It is
3983    possible to impose incompatible bounds for the same variable on
3984    different solver states. Var must be an existing problem variable for
3985    Handle, i.e. it must occur in the constraints posted to the solver
3986    state. ")
3989:- comment(eplex_get_iis/4, [
3990        summary: "Returns an IIS for an infeasible problem associated with EplexInstance.",
3991        template: ["eplex_get_iis(-NumConstraints, -NumVars, -ConstraintIdxs, -VarInfos)",
3992		   "EplexInstance:eplex_get_iis(-NumConstraints, -NumVars, -ConstraintIdxs, -VarInfos)"],
3993        exceptions: [141: "External solver does not support finding IIS",
3994                     213: "Error in external solver while getting IIS"
3995                    ],
3996        args: ["NumConstraints" : "Number of constraints in the IIS",
3997               "NumVars" : "Number of variables in the IIS",
3998               "ConstraintIdxs": "List of Indexes of the constraints in the IIS", 
3999               "VarInfos": "List of Variable:Status pairs where Variables"
4000                          " are the variables in the IIS and Status is the"
4001                          " status of that variable"
4002              ],
4003        amode: eplex_get_iis(-,-,-,-),
4004        see_also: [lp_get_iis/5, eplex_solver_setup/4, eplex_solve/1, eplex_probe/2,
4005                   eplex_get/2, eplex_set/2, 
4006                   lp_add_constraints/4, lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4], 
4007        eg: "
4008 % simple inconsistency, get the constraints with constraints option of eplex_get/2
4009 [eclipse 6]: eplex:(X=:=Y),
4010        eplex:(X+Y>=3),
4011        eplex:(X+Y=<2),
4012        eplex_solver_setup(min(X)),
4013        eplex_set(cache_iis, yes),
4014        eplex_set(infeasible_handler,
4015             eplex_get_iis(NC,BV, Is, Vs),
4016             eplex_get(constraints(Is), Cs))),
4017        eplex_solve(C).
4018  CPLEX Error  1217: No solution exists.
4020  X = X{-1e+20 .. 1e+20}
4021  Y = Y{-1e+20 .. 1e+20}
4022  NC = 2
4023  BV = 0
4024  Is = [0, 1]
4025  Vs = []
4026  Cs = [X{-1e+20 .. 1e+20} + Y{-1e+20 .. 1e+20} =< 2.0, X + Y >= 3.0]
4027  C = C
4028  Yes (0.00s cpu)
4029  [eclipse 7]:
4031  % simple example using cutpool constraints and cache_iis option
4032  [eclipse 7]:         eplex:(X=:=Y), eplex_solver_setup(min(X)),
4033        eplex_set(cache_iis, yes), eplex_set(infeasible_handler, eplex_get_iis(NC,NV,Is,Vs)),
4034        eplex_get(handle, H),
4035        lp_add_cutpool_constraints(H, [(X+Y>=4),(2*X =:= 2*Y), (X+Y=<3)], [], Idxs),
4036        eplex_solve(C).
4038                                CPLEX Error  1217: No solution exists.
4040  X = X{-1e+20 .. 1e+20}
4041  Y = Y{-1e+20 .. 1e+20}
4042  NC = 2
4043  NV = 0
4044  Is = [g(2, 0), g(2, 2)]
4045  Vs = []
4046  H = lp_handle(0)
4047  Idxs = [g(2, 0), g(2, 1), g(2, 2)]
4048  C = C
4049  Yes (0.00s cpu)
4050  [eclipse 8]:
4051  ",         
4052        desc: html("\
4053    <P>
4054    If the solver found that the problem was infeasible, this predicate
4055    will return an IIS (Irreducible Infeasible Subsystem or Irreducible
4056    Inconsistent Subsystem) for the problem, if supported by the solver. 
4058    This predicate must be called from within a user defined 
4059    infeasible_handler, and with the cache_iis option set to yes (both
4060    can be set during solver set-up or using eplex_set/2). The reason for
4061    this is the IIS must be computed by the solver before the failed
4062    solver state changes, and backtracking pass the failure (the normal 
4063    behaviour when a problem is infeasible) will logically remove the failed 
4064    state. cache_iis is needed because the default setting for this
4065    option is no, as the IIS need to be computed as an extra step, so
4066    IIS is normally not computed.
4068    An IIS is a subset of the problem constraints and variables which
4069    defines an infeasible subproblem. It is usually irreducible in that
4070    any proper subset of the IIS is feasible. Finding an IIS allows the
4071    diagnostic analysis of the infeasible problem. Note that a problem
4072    may have more than one infeasibility, and thus more than one IIS, 
4073    but this predicate only returns one. 
4074    </P><P>
4075    NumConstraints and NumVars are the number of constraints and variables
4076    that are in the IIS. ConstraintIdxs is a list of the constraint indexes
4077    of the constraints in the IIS, these indexes are the indexes that are
4078    returned by lp_add_constraints/4 and lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4, and can 
4079    also be used to retrieve the constraint with the constraints_norm(Indexes)
4080    and constraints(Indexes) options of eplex_get/2 and lp_get/3. VarInfos gives
4081    information for the variables in the IIS, and is a list of Var:Status
4082    pair, where Var is a variable in the IIS, and Status is its status.
4083    Status is a one character string, and can be:
4085       <DT>\"b\": <DD>if both bounds of the variable are involved in the infeasibility
4086       <DT>\"u\": <DD>if the upper bound of the variable is involved in the infeasibility
4087       <DT>\"l\": <DD>if the lower bound of the variable is involved in the infeasibility
4088       <DT>\"x\": <DD>if it is unknown which bound is involved in the infeasibility
4090    An IIS is returned only if finding IIS is supported by the external
4091    solver. In addition, the solver may limit the type of problems and the
4092    information returned by the IIS, for example, finding an IIS may be
4093    limited to linear problems, and/or bound status information may be
4094    unavailable for the variables (hence the need for the \"x\" status).
4095    Consult the solver's manual entry for infeasibility analyses for more detail.   
4097    For some external solvers, and for problems on the boundary between
4098    feasible and infeasible, it is possible that the routine that finds
4099    the IIS will conclude that the problem is feasible, even though it was
4100    considered infeasible when the problem was solved. In such cases, an
4101    empty IIS will be returned.
4105:- comment(lp_get_iis/5, [
4106        summary: "Returns an IIS for an infeasible problem.",
4107        args: ["Handle" : "Handle to a solver state",
4108               "NumConstraints" : "Number of constraints in the IIS",
4109               "NumVars" : "Number of variables in the IIS",
4110               "ConstraintIdxs": "List of Indexes of the constraints in the IIS", 
4111               "VarInfos": "List of Variable:Status pairs where Variables"
4112                          " are the variables in the IIS and Status is the"
4113                          " status of that variable"
4114              ],
4115        amode: lp_get_iis(+,-,-,-,-),
4116        exceptions: [141: "External solver does not support finding IIS"],
4117        see_also: [eplex_get_iis/4, lp_setup/4, lp_demon_setup/5, lp_solve/2, lp_probe/3,
4118                   lp_get/3, lp_set/3, lp_add_constraints/4, lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4], 
4119        desc: html("\
4120    <P>
4121    If the solver found that the problem was infeasible, this predicate
4122    will return an IIS (Irreducible Infeasible Subsystem or Irreducible
4123    Inconsistent Subsystem) for the problem, if supported by the solver. 
4124    </P><P>
4125    This predicate must be called from within a user defined 
4126    infeasible_handler, and with the cache_iis option set to yes (both
4127    can be set during solver set-up or using lp_set/2). The reason for
4128    this is the IIS must be computed by the solver before the failed
4129    solver state changes, and backtracking pass the failure (the normal 
4130    behaviour when a problem is infeasible) will logically remove the failed 
4131    state. cache_iis is needed because the default setting for this
4132    option is no, as the IIS need to be computed as an extra step, so
4133    IIS is normally not computed.
4134    </P><P>
4135    An IIS is a subset of the problem constraints and variables which
4136    defines an infeasible subproblem. It is usually irreducible in that
4137    any proper subset of the IIS is feasible. Finding an IIS allows the
4138    diagnostic analysis of the infeasible problem. Note that a problem
4139    may have more than one infeasibility, and thus more than one IIS, 
4140    but this predicate only returns one. 
4141    </P><P>
4142    NumConstraints and NumVars are the number of constraints and variables
4143    that are in the IIS. ConstraintIdxs is a list of the constraint indexes
4144    of the constraints in the IIS, these indexes are the indexes that are
4145    returned by lp_add_constraints/4 and lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4, and can 
4146    also be used to retrieve the constraint with the constraints_norm(Indexes)
4147    and constraints(Indexes) options of eplex_get/2 and lp_get/3. VarInfos gives
4148    information for the variables in the IIS, and is a list of Var:Status
4149    pair, where Var is a variable in the IIS, and Status is its status.
4150    Status is a one character string, and can be:
4152       <DT>\"b\": <DD>if both bounds of the variable are involved in the infeasibility
4153       <DT>\"u\": <DD>if the upper bound of the variable is involved in the infeasibility
4154       <DT>\"l\": <DD>if the lower bound of the variable is involved in the infeasibility
4155       <DT>\"x\": <DD>if it is unknown which bound is involved in the infeasibility
4157    An IIS is returned only if finding IIS is supported by the external
4158    solver. In addition, the solver may limit the type of problems and the
4159    information returned by the IIS, for example, finding an IIS may be
4160    limited to linear problems, and/or bound status information may be
4161    unavailable for the variables (hence the need for the \"x\" status).
4162    Consult the manual entry for infeasibility analyses for more detail.   
4164    For some external solvers, and for problems on the boundary between
4165    feasible and infeasible, it is possible that the routine that finds
4166    the IIS will conclude that the problem is feasible, even though it was
4167    considered infeasible when the problem was solved. In such cases, an
4168    empty IIS will be returned.
4173:- comment(eplex_verify_solution/2, [
4174        summary: "Verifies the current solution for the problem associated with EplexInstance.",
4175        template:["eplex_verify_solution(-ViolatedCstrs,-ViolatedVars)",
4176		  "EplexInstance:eplex_verify_solution(-ViolatedCstrs,-ViolatedVars)"],
4177        args: ["ViolatedCstrs": "List of violated Constraints.", 
4178               "ViolatedVars": "List of violated variables."
4179              ],
4180        amode: eplex_verify_solution(-,-),
4181        desc: html(
4183 This predicate checks the current solution for the problem associated with
4184 EplexInstance. It verifies that all the constraints are satisfied by the
4185 solution values for the problem variables, and that the solution values do
4186 not violate their bounds, and the values are integral for integer variables.
4187 Violated Constraints are returned in ViolatedCstrs, and violated variables in 
4188 ViolatedVars.
4190 Under normal circumstances, if the external solver produces a solution, it 
4191 should produce no violations. Any violation probably indicates a problem
4192 with the external solver. However, because the external solver is a complex
4193 piece of software and may contain problems, it is a good idea to verify the
4194 solution, and this predicate provides an easy way to do this.
4196 Each violation is returned as a structure of the following form:
4197 <PRE>  vio(type,delta,idx,item) </PRE>
4198 where
4200       <DT>type:   <DD>the type of violation:
4201          <DL>
4202              <DT>norm:   <DD>the violated item is a normal constraint.
4203              <DT>condcp: <DD>the violated item is an active cutpool constraint.
4204              <DT>int:    <DD>the violated item is an integer variable whose 
4205                      solution value is not integral.                    
4206              <DT>lower:  <DD>the violated item is a variable whose solution value
4207                      is less than the lower bound.                     
4208              <DT>upper:  <DD>the violated item is a variable whose solution value
4209                      is greater than the upper bound.                     
4210           </DL>
4211        <DT>delta: <DD>the absolute value of the violation. 
4212        <DT>idx:   <DD>the index used by the external solver for the item (most
4213               likely the row/column number in the problem matrix). This 
4214               is needed to locate the violation in the solver for reporting
4215               or investigating the problem.
4216         <DT>item:  <DD>the violated item, i.e. the constraint or variable.
4218 For checking of constraints, a fresh copy of the constraint is made with
4219 the solution values, as this avoids binding the original variables. Any active
4220 cutpool constraints in the (logically) last solve of the problem are checked,
4221 along with the normal constraints. A constraint is considered to be  violated
4222 if the difference between the sum of the left-hand side and the right-hand side 
4223 for the constraint is greater than the feasibility tolerance (feasibility_tol)
4224 parameter for the instance. For variables, a bound is considered violated if
4225 the solution value falls outside the bound by more than feasibility tolerance,
4226 and integrality is considered to be violated if the fractional part of the
4227 soltuion is greater than the integrality parameter for the instance. 
4229 fail_if: "no solution values are available."
4232:- comment(lp_verify_solution/3, [
4233        summary: "Verifies the current solution for the problem associated with Handle.",
4234        args: ["Handle": "Handle to a solver state",
4235               "ViolatedCstrs": "List of violated Constraints.", 
4236               "ViolatedVars": "List of violated variables."
4237              ],
4238        amode: lp_verify_solution(+,-,-),
4239        desc: html(
4241 This predicate checks the current solution for the problem associated with
4242 Handle. It verifies that all the constraints are satisfied by the
4243 solution values for the problem variables, and that the solution values do
4244 not violate their bounds, and the values are integral for integer variables.
4245 Violated Constraints are returned in ViolatedCstrs, and violated variables in 
4246 ViolatedVars.
4248 Under normal circumstances, if the external solver produces a solution, it 
4249 should produce no violations. Any violation probably indicates a problem
4250 with the external solver. However, because the external solver is a complex
4251 piece of software and may contain problems, it is a good idea to verify the
4252 solution, and this predicate provides an easy way to do this.
4254 Each violation is returned as a structure of the following form:
4255 <PRE>  vio(type,delta,idx,item) </PRE>
4256 where
4258       <DT>type:   <DD>the type of violation:
4259          <DL>
4260              <DT>norm:   <DD>the violated item is a normal constraint.
4261              <DT>condcp: <DD>the violated item is an active cutpool constraint.
4262              <DT>int:    <DD>the violated item is an integer variable whose 
4263                      solution value is not integral.                    
4264              <DT>lower:  <DD>the violated item is a variable whose solution value
4265                      is less than the lower bound.                     
4266              <DT>upper:  <DD>the violated item is a variable whose solution value
4267                      is greater than the upper bound.                     
4268           </DL>
4269        <DT>delta: <DD>the absolute value of the violation. 
4270        <DT>idx:   <DD>the index used by the external solver for the item (most
4271               likely the row/column number in the problem matrix). This 
4272               is needed to locate the violation in the solver for reporting
4273               or investigating the problem.
4274         <DT>item:  <DD>the violated item, i.e. the constraint or variable.
4276 For checking of constraints, a fresh copy of the constraint is made with
4277 the solution values, as this avoids binding the original variables. Any active
4278 cutpool constraints in the (logically) last solve of the problem are checked,
4279 along with the normal constraints. A constraint is considered to be  violated
4280 if the difference between the sum of the left-hand side and the right-hand side 
4281 for the constraint is greater than the feasibility tolerance (feasibility_tol)
4282 parameter for the instance. For variables, a bound is considered violated if
4283 the solution value falls outside the bound by more than feasibility tolerance,
4284 and integrality is considered to be violated if the fractional part of the
4285 soltuion is greater than the integrality parameter for the instance. 
4287 fail_if: "no solution values are available."
4290:- comment(piecewise_linear_hull/3, [
4291template:["piecewise_linear_hull(?X, ++Points, ?Y)",
4292	  "EplexInstance:piecewise_linear_hull(?X, ++Points, ?Y)"],
4293args:["X":"Parameter/domain of the piecewise function",
4294      "Points":"List of points defining the piecewise function",
4295      "Y":"Result/range of piecewise the function"
4296     ],
4297summary: "Relates X and Y according to a piecewise linear function.",
4298see_also: [_:piecewise_linear/3],
4299desc: html("\
4301This predicate is intended for use with hybrid ic/eplex solving. It
4302imposes the constraint Y = f(X), where f is a piecewise
4303linear function defined by Points: the piecewise_linear/3 constraint for
4304 the ic solver, and a linear relaxation of it for the eplex instance
4305 EplexInstance. Please see the documentation for
4306piecewise_linear/3 for details of how the piecewise linear function is
4309This predicate extends lib(ic)'s piecewise_linear/3 by also computing the convex hull
4310of the portions of the constraint which are feasible with respect to the
4311current bounds (stored with the IC bounds) of X and Y.  Constraints (and
4312 bounds) defining this convex hull are then
4313passed to the eplex instance.  Changes in the IC bounds of the variables are
4314 automatically forwarded to the eplex instance, so that these constraints are updated whenever new
4315bounds on X or Y change the convex hull. Note that the reverse, i.e. bounds
4316  changes on the eplex instance,  are NOT forwarded to the IC bounds. 
4318This implementation of the piecewise
4319constraint accepts bounded reals in its arguments, but it
4320does not fully support bounded reals of non-zero width (i.e.
4321those which do not correspond to a single floating point value).  As a
4322result, use of such bounded reals is not recommended at this time.</P>
4326:- comment(lp_add_indexed/4, hidden).
4327:- comment(eplex_solver_setup/5, hidden).