2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License. 
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. 
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): Joachim Schimpf.
22% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23% System:	ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System
24% Component:	ECLiPSe III compiler
25% Version:	$Id: ecl_compiler.ecl,v 1.24 2013/02/26 02:10:06 jschimpf Exp $
26% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
28:- module(ecl_compiler).
30:- comment(summary,	"ECLiPSe III compiler - toplevel predicates").
31:- comment(copyright,	"Cisco Technology Inc").
32:- comment(author,	"Joachim Schimpf").
33:- comment(date,	"$Date: 2013/02/26 02:10:06 $").
35:- comment(desc, html("
36    This module contains the toplevel predicates for invoking the
37    compiler. This is where the different compiler passes are chained
38    together, and where the compiler options are defined.  It also
39    contains the code to process source files, and to interpret
40    directives and queries.
41    <P>
42    The top-level interfaces to the compiler are: compile/1,2 for
43    compilation from files, compile_stream/1,2 for compiling from an
44    arbitrary stream, and compile_term/1,2 for compiling data.
45    <P>
46    The predicates themselves are documented in the kernel/database
47    section of the reference manual.
51:- use_module(compiler_common).
52:- use_module(compiler_normalise).
53:- use_module(compiler_analysis).
54:- use_module(compiler_peephole).
55:- use_module(compiler_codegen).
56:- use_module(compiler_varclass).
57:- use_module(compiler_indexing).
58:- use_module(compiler_regassign).
59:- use_module(source_processor).
61:- lib(asm).
62:- lib(hash).
63:- lib(module_options).
65:- import
66	collect_discontiguous_predicates/2,
67	deregister_compiler/0,
68	expand_clause_annotated/4,
69	implicit_local/2,
70	bip_error/1,
71	record_discontiguous_predicate/4,
72	record_inline_source/4,
73	register_compiler/1,
74	set_default_error_handler/2
75   from sepia_kernel.
77:- pragma(system).
81% Compiler Options
84compiler_options_setup(File, OptionList, Options) :-
85	( atom(File) -> atom_string(File, FileS)
86	; string(File) -> FileS = File
87	; term_string(File, FileS)
88	),
90	( OptionList = options{} ->
91	    Options00 = OptionList
92	; get_options(OptionList, Options00)@compiler_common ->
93	    true
94	;
95	    printf(error, "Invalid option list: %w%n", [OptionList]),
96	    print_default_options(error)@compiler_common,
97	    abort
98	),
100	Options00 = options{outdir:OutDir,srcroot:SrcRoot},
101	( SrcRoot == "" ->
102	    Options0 = Options00
103	;
104	    canonical_path_name(SrcRoot, CanSrcRoot),
105	    concat_string([CanSrcRoot], CanSrcRootString),
106	    update_struct(options, [srcroot:CanSrcRootString], Options00, Options0)
107	),
108	( Options0 = options{output:listing(LstFile)} ->
109	    open(LstFile,write,Stream),
110	    update_struct(options, [output:print(Stream)], Options0, Options)
111	; Options0 = options{output:listing} ->
112	    default_output_file(FileS, OutDir, '.lst', LstFile),
113	    open(LstFile,write,Stream),
114	    update_struct(options, [output:print(Stream)], Options0, Options)
115	; Options0 = options{output:eco(EcoFile)} ->
116	    open(EcoFile,write,Stream,[end_of_line(lf)]),
117	    update_struct(options, [output:eco_to_stream(Stream)], Options0, Options)
118	; Options0 = options{output:eco} ->
119	    get_flag(eclipse_object_suffix, ECO),
120	    default_output_file(FileS, OutDir, ECO, EcoFile),
121	    open(EcoFile,write,Stream,[end_of_line(lf)]),
122	    update_struct(options, [output:eco_to_stream(Stream)], Options0, Options)
123	; Options0 = options{output:asm(AsmFile)} ->
124	    open(AsmFile,write,Stream),
125	    update_struct(options, [output:asm_to_stream(Stream)], Options0, Options)
126	; Options0 = options{output:asm} ->
127	    default_output_file(FileS, OutDir, '.asm', AsmFile),
128	    open(AsmFile,write,Stream),
129	    update_struct(options, [output:asm_to_stream(Stream)], Options0, Options)
130	;
131	    Options = Options0
132	).
134    default_output_file(InFile, OutDir, Suffix, OutFile) :-
135	pathname(InFile, Dir, Base, _Suffix),
136	( concat_string([OutDir], "") -> 
137	    concat_string([Dir,Base,Suffix], OutFile)
138	;
139	    concat_string([OutDir,/,Base,Suffix], OutFile)
140	).
143compiler_options_cleanup(Options) :-
144    	( Options = options{output:print(Stream)} ->
145	    close(Stream)
146    	; Options = options{output:eco_to_stream(Stream)} ->
147	    close(Stream)
148    	; Options = options{output:asm_to_stream(Stream)} ->
149	    close(Stream)
150	;
151	    true
152	).
155% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
156% Compile a single predicate.
158% Takes a list of clauses (which must all be for the same predicate),
159% In case of error, succeed with Size = -1.0Inf.
160% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
162compile_predicate(ModulePred, Clauses, AnnClauses, SourcePos, PredsSeen, Options, Size) :-
163	block(
164	    compile_predicate1(ModulePred, Clauses, AnnClauses, SourcePos,
165				PredsSeen, Options, Size),
166	    abort_compile_predicate,
167	    Size = -1.0Inf),
168	( var(Size) -> Size=0 ; true ).
171compile_predicate1(_, [], _, _, _, _, CodeSize) :- !, CodeSize = 0.
172compile_predicate1(ModulePred, Clauses0, AnnClauses0, SourcePos, PredsSeen, Options, CodeSize) :-
173	message(compiling(ModulePred), Options),
174	ModulePred = Module:Pred,
175	Pred = N/A,
176	( atom(N), integer(A) -> true
177	; compiler_event(#illegal_head, SourcePos, _Ann, N, Module)
178	),
179	verify (Clauses0 = [Clause|_], extract_pred(Clause, Pred)),
180	legal_pred_definition(Pred, SourcePos, Module, Options),
181	% Do inlining/goal expansion. This is done here rather than in the
182	% source_processor to make it controllable via pragmas.
183	( Options = options{expand_goals:on} ->
184	    expand_clause_goals(Clauses0, AnnClauses0, Clauses, AnnClauses, Module)
185	;
186	    Clauses = Clauses0, AnnClauses = AnnClauses0
187	),
188	% Distinguish dynamic/discontiguous/static
189	( local_get_flag(Pred, stability, dynamic, Module) ->
190	    CodeSize = 0,
191	    ( foreach(Clause, Clauses), param(SourcePos,Options,Module) do
192		process_query(SourcePos, (?-assertz(Clause)), Options, Module)
193	    )
195	; record_discontiguous_predicate(Pred, Clauses, AnnClauses, Module) ->
196	    % will be compiled later via compile_discontiguous_preds/5
197	    CodeSize = 0
199	; check_redefinition(ModulePred, PredsSeen, SourcePos, Options) ->
200	    compile_static_predicate(Pred, Clauses, AnnClauses, SourcePos, Options, CodeSize, Module)
201	;
202	    CodeSize = 0
203	).
206compile_static_predicate(_Pred, [], _AnnClauses, _SourcePos, _Options, CodeSize, _Module) ?- !,
207	CodeSize = 0.
208compile_static_predicate(Pred, Clauses, AnnClauses, SourcePos, Options, CodeSize, Module) :-
209	compile_pred_to_wam(Pred, Clauses, AnnClauses, WAM, Options, Module),
210	pred_flags(Options, Flags),
211	load_compiled_code(Pred, WAM, CodeSize, Flags, SourcePos, Options, Module),
212	output_compiled_code(Pred, WAM, Clauses, CodeSize, Flags, SourcePos, Options, Module),
213	( var(CodeSize) -> CodeSize=0 ; true ).
216compile_discontiguous_preds(Module, SourcePos, Options, Size0, Size) :-
217	collect_discontiguous_predicates(Module, NonContigPreds),
218	(
219	    foreach(Pred-ClausePairs,NonContigPreds),
220	    fromto(Size0,Size1,Size2,Size),
221	    param(Module, SourcePos, Options)
222	do
223	    (
224		local_get_flag(Pred, source_file, OldFile, Module),
225		SourcePos = source_position{file:NewFile0,line:Line},
226		normalised_source_file(NewFile0, Options, NewFileAtom),
227		OldFile \== NewFileAtom,
228		\+ error(#multifile, (Pred,OldFile,NewFileAtom:Line), Module)
229	    ->
230		% Seen in other file: if handler fails, don't redefine
231		Size2 = Size1
232	    ;
233		( foreach(Clause-AnnClause,ClausePairs),
234		  foreach(Clause,Clauses), foreach(AnnClause,AnnClauses)
235		do
236		    true
237		),
238		block(compile_static_predicate(Pred, Clauses, AnnClauses, SourcePos, Options, CodeSize, Module),
239			abort_compile_predicate,
240			CodeSize = -1.0Inf),
241		Size2 is Size1 + CodeSize
242	    )
243	).
246    load_compiled_code(Pred, WAM, CodeSize, Flags, SourcePos, Options, Module) :-
247	( ( Options = options{load:all} ; Options = options{load:new}, \+ is_predicate(Pred)@Module) ->
248	    % double negation, because asm binds the labels
249	    message("Asm and load", 2, Options),
250	    \+ \+ asm(Pred, WAM, Flags)@Module,
251	    get_flag(Pred, code_size, CodeSize)@Module,
252	    set_pred_pos(Pred, SourcePos, Options, Module)
253	;
254	    true % don't clobber existing code if not loading
255	).
258    output_compiled_code(Pred, WAM, Clauses, CodeSize, Flags, SourcePos, Options, Module) :-
259	( Options = options{output:print} ->
260	    printf("%w:%n", [Pred]),
261	    print_wam(WAM)
263	; Options = options{output:print(Stream)} ->
264	    writeclauses(Stream, Clauses),
265	    get_stream(output, OldOut),
266	    set_stream(output, Stream),
267	    print_wam(WAM),
268	    set_stream(output, OldOut),
269	    writeln(Stream, --------------------)
271	; Options = options{output:eco_to_stream(Stream)} ->
272	    message("Asm", 2, Options),
273	    pasm(WAM, CodeSize, BTPos, Codes),
274	    ( portable_object_code(Codes) ->
275		true
276	    ;
277		get_flag(eclipse_object_suffix, ECO),
278		machine_bits(BPW),
279		printf(warning_output,
280		    "WARNING: the generated %w file will only work reliably on %w bit machines!%n",
281		    [ECO,BPW])
282	    ),
283	    CodeArr =.. [[]|Codes],
284	    get_pred_pos(SourcePos, Options, File, Line, Offset),
285	    StorePred = store_pred(Pred,CodeArr,CodeSize,BTPos,Flags,File,Line,Offset),
286	    ( Module == sepia_kernel ->
287		% call locally, because :/2 may not be defined yet
288		QStorePred = StorePred
289	    ;
290		QStorePred = sepia_kernel:StorePred
291	    ),
292	    message("Output", 2, Options),
293	    printf(Stream, "%ODQKw.%n", [:-QStorePred])@Module
296	; Options = options{output:asm_to_stream(Stream)} ->
297	    message("Output", 2, Options),
298	    pretty_print_asm(WAM, Stream, Pred, Flags, Module)
300	; Options = options{output:none} ->
301	    true
302	;
303	    Options = options{output:Junk},
304	    printf(error, "Invalid output option: %w%n", [Junk]),
305	    abort
306	).
309    writeclauses(Stream, Clauses) :-
310	get_stream_info(Stream, output_options, Opt),
311	( delete(numbervars(NV), Opt, Opt0) -> true ; NV=false,Opt0=Opt ),
312	set_stream_property(Stream, output_options, [numbervars(true)|Opt0]),
313	( foreach(Clause,Clauses),param(Stream) do
314	    \+ \+ (
315		numbervars(Clause, 0, _),
316		writeclause(Stream, Clause)
317	    )
318	),
319	nl(Stream),
320	set_stream_property(Stream, output_options, [numbervars(NV)|Opt0]).
322    numbervars('$VAR'(N), N, N1) :- !,
323	N1 is N + 1.
324    numbervars(Term, N0, N) :-
325	( foreacharg(Arg,Term), fromto(N0,N1,N2,N) do
326	    numbervars(Arg, N1, N2)
327	).
330    pretty_print_asm(WAM, Stream, Pred, Flags, Module) :-
331        printf(Stream, ":- asm:asm(%DQKw, [%n", [Pred])@Module,
332        ( fromto(WAM, [Instr|Rest],Rest, []), param(Stream, Module) do
333            ( Instr = label(_) ->
334                printf(Stream, "%DQKw", [Instr])@Module % no indent for labels
335            ;
336                printf(Stream, "	%DQKw", [Instr])@Module
337            ),
338            (Rest \== [] -> writeln(Stream, ",") ; nl(Stream))
339        ),
340        printf(Stream, "], %DQKw).%n%n", [Flags]).
344    pred_flags(options{debug:Debug,system:System,skip:Skip}, Flags) ?-
345	( Debug==on -> Flags0 = 16'00080000 ; Flags0 = 0 ),			%'% DEBUG_DB
346	( System==on -> Flags1 is Flags0 \/ 16'40000000 ; Flags1 = Flags0 ),	%'% SYSTEM
347	( Skip==on -> Flags is Flags1 \/ 16'00040000 ; Flags = Flags1 ).	%'% DEBUG_SK
350    set_pred_flags(options{debug:Debug,system:System,skip:Skip}, Pred, Module) ?-
351	set_flag(Pred, debugged, Debug)@Module,
352	set_flag(Pred, skip, Skip)@Module,
353	( System==on -> Type = built_in ; Type = user ),
354	set_flag(Pred, type, Type)@Module.
357    set_pred_pos(Pred, source_position{file:File,line:Line,offset:Offset}, Options, Module) :- !,
358	normalised_source_file(File, Options, SrcFile),
359    	set_flag(Pred, source_file, SrcFile)@Module,
360	( Options = options{debug:on} ->
361	    set_flag(Pred, source_line, Line)@Module,
362	    set_flag(Pred, source_offset, Offset)@Module
363	;
364	    set_flag(Pred, source_line, 0)@Module,
365	    set_flag(Pred, source_offset, 0)@Module
366	).
367    set_pred_pos(_Pred, _Pos, _Options, _Module).
370    get_pred_pos(source_position{file:File,line:Line0,offset:Offset0}, Options, SrcFile, Line, Offset) ?- !,
371	( Options = options{debug:on} ->
372	    Line = Line0, Offset = Offset0
373	;
374	    % hide position in file to avoid irrelevant diffs in .eco files
375	    Line = 0, Offset = 0
376	),
377	normalised_source_file(File, Options, SrcFile).
378    get_pred_pos(_, _, 0, 0, 0).
381    normalised_source_file(File, options{srcroot:Root,debug:Debug}, NormFileAtom) ?-
382	% File is canonical, and either atom or string
383	concat_string([File], FileS),
384	( Debug==off, substring(FileS, 0, PrefixLen, _, Root) ->
385	    substring(FileS, PrefixLen, _, 0, RelFileS)
386	;
387	    RelFileS = FileS
388	),
389	concat_atom([RelFileS], NormFileAtom).
392    % Fail if this is a redefinition that we want to ignore
393    check_redefinition(ModulePred, PredsSeen, SourcePos, Options) :-
394	ModulePred = Module:Pred,
395    	( hash_contains(PredsSeen, ModulePred) ->
396	    % Non-consecutive clauses: if handler fails, don't redefine
397	    compiler_event(#consecutive, SourcePos, _Ann, Pred, Module)
398	; 	
399	    local_get_flag(Pred, source_file, OldFile, Module),
400	    SourcePos = source_position{file:NewFile0,line:Line},
401	    normalised_source_file(NewFile0, Options, NewFileAtom),
402	    OldFile \== NewFileAtom
403	->
404	    % Seen in other file: if handler fails, don't redefine
405	    error(#multifile, (Pred,OldFile,NewFileAtom:Line), Module)
406	;
407	    true
408	),
409	hash_set(PredsSeen, ModulePred, []).
412    % Make sure we can define this predicate
413    legal_pred_definition(Pred, SourcePos, Module, Options) :-
414	( Options = options{load:all} ->
415	    % does all checks, hiding imports, etc
416	    ( implicit_local(Pred, Module) ->
417		true
418	    ;
419		print_error_location(error, _Ann, SourcePos),
420		block(bip_error(Pred)@Module, _Any, exit_block(abort_compile_predicate))
421	    )
422	;
423	    % If not loading, don't create the local predicate.  Problem:
424	    % subsequent calls to get_flag/3 may trigger lazy imports for
425	    % preds that would be hidden when loading, and so give wrong
426	    % flags. That's why we have to use local_get_flag/3 instead.
427	    true
428	),
429	( local_get_flag(Pred, tool, on, Module) ->
430	    block(error(#tool_redef, Pred, Module), _Any, exit_block(abort_compile_predicate))
431	; true ),
432	( local_get_flag(Pred, parallel, on, Module),  Options = options{warnings:on} ->
433	    printf(warning_output, "Parallel-declaration ignored for %w%n", [Module:Pred])
434	; true ).
437    % Use this for looking up properties of the predicate being compiled
438    local_get_flag(Pred, Property, Value, Module) :-
439    	( get_flag(Pred, definition_module, Module)@Module ->
440	    get_flag(Pred, Property, Value)@Module
441	; 
442	    get_flag_default(Property, Value)
443	).
445	get_flag_default(tool, off).
446	get_flag_default(parallel, off).
447	get_flag_default(stability, static).
448	%get_flag_default(source_file, _) :- fail.
451% Compile a predicate (list of clauses) to WAM code list
452% This chains together the various stages of the comiler
454compile_pred_to_wam(Pred, Clauses, AnnCs, FinalCode, Options, Module) :-
456	% Create our normal form
457	message("Normalize", 2, Options),
458	normalize_clauses_annotated(Clauses, AnnCs, NormPred0, NVars, Options, Module),
459%	print_normalized_clause(output, NormPred0),
461	% If this predicate is to be unfolded, record its (de)normalised source
462	( get_flag(Pred, inline, unfold/_)@Module ->
463	    denormalize_pred(NormPred0, NVars, Head, SingleClause, AnnSingleClause),
464	    record_inline_source(Head, SingleClause, AnnSingleClause, Module)
465	;
466	    true
467	),
469	% Do some intra-predicate flow analysis
470	message("Analysis", 2, Options),
471	binding_analysis(NormPred0),
473	% Here we could have a simplification pass, exploiting
474	% information from the analysis phase.
476	% Indexing_transformation (needs info from binding_analysis)
477	message("Indexing", 2, Options),
478	indexing_transformation(NormPred0, NormPred, Options),
480	% Variable classification
481	% classify_variables must be after indexing transformation, because
482	% indexing_transformation introduces extra variable occurrences.
483	% Classifies void, temp and permanent vaiables, and assigns environment
484	% slots to the permanent ones. Also adds disjunction pseudo-args.
485	message("Varclass", 2, Options),
486	classify_variables(NormPred, 0, Options),
488	( Options = options{print_normalised:on} ->
489	    print_normalized_clause(output, NormPred)
490	;
491	    true
492	),
494	% Code generation
495	message("Codegen", 2, Options),
496	generate_code(NormPred, RawCode, AuxCode, Options, Module:Pred),
497	( Options = options{print_raw_code:on} ->
498	    print_annotated_code(RawCode)
499	;
500	    true
501	),
503	% Register allocation
504	message("Regassign", 2, Options),
505	assign_am_registers(RawCode, RegCode, AuxCode),
506	( Options = options{print_raw_code:on} ->
507	    print_annotated_code(RegCode)
508	;
509	    true
510	),
512	% WAM level postprocessing
513	message("Simplify", 2, Options),
514	simplify_code(RegCode, FinalCode, Options),
515	( Options = options{print_final_code:on} ->
516	    print_annotated_code(FinalCode)
517	;
518	    true
519	).
523% Error handling
526?- set_default_error_handler(#consecutive, compiler_err_fail_handler/2).
527?- reset_event_handler(#consecutive).
528?- set_default_error_handler(#illegal_head, compiler_err_abort_handler/2).
529?- reset_event_handler(#illegal_head).
530?- set_default_error_handler(#illegal_goal, compiler_err_abort_handler/2).
531?- reset_event_handler(#illegal_goal).
533compiler_err_abort_handler(Error, Culprit) :-
534	print_compiler_message('ERROR', Error, Culprit),
535	exit_block(abort_compile_predicate).
537compiler_err_fail_handler(Error, Culprit) :-
538	print_compiler_message('ERROR', Error, Culprit),
539	fail.
541compiler_warn_cont_handler(Error, Culprit) :-
542	print_compiler_message('WARNING', Error, Culprit).
544    print_compiler_message(Severity, Error, Term@Location) ?-
545	severity_stream(Severity, Stream),
546	printf(Stream, "%w: ", [Severity]),
547	print_location(Stream, Location),
548	error_id(Error, Message), 
549	printf(Stream, "%w: ", [Message]),
550	get_flag(output_options, OutputOptions),
551	write_term(Stream, Term, OutputOptions),
552	nl(Stream),
553	flush(Stream).
555    severity_stream('WARNING', warning_output).
556    severity_stream('ERROR', error).
559:- set_default_error_handler(#multifile, redef_other_file_handler/2).
560?- reset_event_handler(#multifile).
562redef_other_file_handler(_, (Pred, OldFile0, Location)) :-
563	print_location(warning_output, Location),
564	local_file_name(OldFile0, OldFile),
565	printf(warning_output, "WARNING: %Kw replaces previous definition in file %w%n",
566		 [Pred,OldFile]).
570% From-file compiler
573:- export
574	compile/1, compile_/2,
575	compile/2, compile_/3,
576	compile_stream/1, compile_stream_/2,
577	compile_stream/2, compile_stream_/3.
579:- tool(compile/1, compile_/2).
580:- set_flag(compile/1, type, built_in).
581compile_(File, Module) :-
582    compile_(File, [], Module).
585:- tool(compile_stream/1, compile_stream_/2).
586:- set_flag(compile_stream/1, type, built_in).
587compile_stream_(Stream, Module) :-
588    compile_stream_(Stream, [], Module).
591:- tool(compile_stream/2, compile_stream_/3).
592:- set_flag(compile_stream/2, type, built_in).
593compile_stream_(Stream, Options, Module) :-
594    compile_source(stream(Stream), Options, Module).
597:- tool(compile/2, compile_/3).
598:- set_flag(compile/2, type, built_in).
600compile_(Sources, OptionListOrModule, CM) :- Sources = [_|_], !,
601	( foreach(Source,Sources), param(OptionListOrModule, CM) do
602	    compile_source(Source, OptionListOrModule, CM)
603	).
604compile_(Source, OptionListOrModule, CM) :-
605	compile_source(Source, OptionListOrModule, CM).
608compile_source(Source, OptionListOrModule, CM) :-
609	% The subcall is needed to make coroutining in the compiler work,
610	% and to give compiled queries a standard environment to run in.
611	subcall(compile_source1(Source, OptionListOrModule, CM), _Delayed).
613compile_source1(Source, OptionListOrModule, CM) :-
614	valid_source(Source),
615	!,
616	% for backward compatibility, allow compile(Source, Module)
617	% with the module being created if it does not exist
618	( atom(OptionListOrModule), OptionListOrModule \== [] ->
619	    Module = OptionListOrModule, OptionList = [],
620	    ( current_module(Module) -> true ; create_module(Module) )
621	;
622	    Module = CM, OptionList = OptionListOrModule
624	),
625	compiler_options_setup(Source, OptionList, Options),
626	source_processor_options_setup(Options, OpenOptions, CloseOptions),
627	error(#start_compiler, Source, CM),
628	cputime(Tstart),
629	( source_open(Source, [with_annotations|OpenOptions], SourcePos0)@Module ->
630	    SourcePos0 = source_position{stream:Stream,file:CanonicalFile},
631	    get_stream_info(Stream, device, Device),
632	    Options = options{load:Loading},
633	    register_compiler(args(Term,Ann,Loading)-(ecl_compiler:compile_term_annotated(Term,Ann,Options))),
634	    hash_create(PredsSeen),
635	    (
636		fromto(begin, _, Class, end),
637		fromto(SourcePos0, SourcePos1, SourcePos2, SourcePosEnd),
638		fromto(SourcePos0, PredPos1, PredPos2, _),
639		fromto(ClauseTail, Clauses0, Clauses1, []),
640		fromto(ClauseTail, ClauseTail0, ClauseTail1, []),
641		fromto(AnnClauseTail, AnnClauses0, AnnClauses1, []),
642		fromto(AnnClauseTail, AnnClauseTail0, AnnClauseTail1, []),
643                fromto(0, Size0, Size2, Size3), 
644		fromto(none, Pred0, Pred1, none),
645		param(PredsSeen,Options,Module)
646	    do
647		source_read(SourcePos1, SourcePos2, Class, SourceTerm),
648		SourcePos1 = source_position{module:PosModule},
649		SourceTerm = source_term{term:Term,annotated:Ann},
651		( Class = clause ->
652		    accumulate_clauses(Term, Ann, PosModule, Options, SourcePos1, PredsSeen,
653			Size0, Pred0, PredPos1, Clauses0, ClauseTail0, AnnClauses0, AnnClauseTail0,
654			Size2, Pred1, PredPos2, Clauses1, ClauseTail1, AnnClauses1, AnnClauseTail1)
656		; Class = comment ->		% comment, ignore
657                    Size0 = Size2,
658                    Pred1 = Pred0,
659		    ClauseTail1 = ClauseTail0,
660		    Clauses1 = Clauses0,
661		    AnnClauseTail1 = AnnClauseTail0,
662		    AnnClauses1 = AnnClauses0,
663		    PredPos2 = PredPos1
665		; % other classes are taken as predicate separator
666		    ClauseTail0 = [],		% compile previous predicate
667		    AnnClauseTail0 = [],
668		    compile_predicate(Pred0, Clauses0, AnnClauses0, PredPos1, PredsSeen, Options, CSize),
669                    Size1 is Size0 + CSize,
670                    Clauses1 = ClauseTail1,
671		    AnnClauses1 = AnnClauseTail1,
672		    Pred1 = none,
673		    PredPos2 = none,
675		    block(handle_nonclause(Class, Term, Ann, SourcePos1, Size1, Size2, Options, PosModule, Module),
676		    	abort_compile_predicate, Size2 = -1.0Inf)
677		)
678	    ),
680	    % Deal with discontiguous clauses collected above
681	    SourcePosEnd = source_position{module:EndModule},
682	    compile_discontiguous_preds(EndModule, SourcePosEnd, Options, Size3, Size),
684	    % If the compilation was successful, raise various events
685	    ( Size >= 0 ->
686		% Raise event 149, which executes initialization goals, etc.
687		% This must be done before cd-ing back in source_close below.
688		% This event is also raised when the module changes mid-file!
689		( Options = options{load:none} ->
690		    true
691		; EndModule == Module ->
692		    error(#code_unit_loaded, [], EndModule)
693		;
694		    error(#code_unit_loaded, [check], EndModule)
695		),
697		% Raise event 139, which prints the compilation statistics
698		Tcompile is cputime-Tstart,
699		words_to_bytes(Size, SizeInBytes),
700		( Device == file ->
701		    concat_atom([CanonicalFile], CanonicalSource)
702		;
703		    CanonicalSource = source(Device)
704		),
705		error(#compiled_file, (CanonicalSource, SizeInBytes, Tcompile), EndModule),
707		% Raise event 166, which records the compiled_file information
708		% (used for recompilation, make/0 etc)
709		( Options = options{load:none} ->
710		    true
711		; atom(CanonicalSource) ->
712		    error(#record_compiled_file, CanonicalSource-(ecl_compiler:compile(CanonicalSource, OptionList)), Module)
713		;
714		    true
715		)
716	    ;
717		true
718	    ),
719	    deregister_compiler,
720	    source_close(SourcePosEnd, CloseOptions),
721            compiler_options_cleanup(Options),
722	    ( Size >= 0 -> true ;
723		printf(error, "Error(s) occurred while compiling %w%n", [Source]),
724		abort
725	    )
726	;
727	    compiler_options_cleanup(Options),
728	    printf(error, "No such file in %Qw%n", [compile(Source)]),
729	    abort
730	).
731compile_source1(Source, OptionListOrModule, CM) :- var(Source), !,
732	error(#inst_fault, compile(Source, OptionListOrModule), CM).
733compile_source1(Source, OptionListOrModule, CM) :-
734	error(#type_error, compile(Source, OptionListOrModule), CM).
736    valid_source(Source) :- atom(Source).
737    valid_source(Source) :- string(Source).
738    valid_source(library(_)) ?- true.
739    valid_source(stream(_)) ?- true.
742source_processor_options_setup(options{load:Load,expand_clauses:ClauseExp}, OpenOptions, CloseOptions) :-
743	( Load == all ->
744	    OpenOptions = [recreate_modules|OO], CloseOptions = [keep_modules]
745	;
746	    OpenOptions = OO, CloseOptions = []
747	),
748	( ClauseExp == on ->
749	    OO = []
750	;
751	    OO = [no_clause_expansion]
752	).
755% Add a single clause or a list of clauses to what we already have.
756% If a predicate is finished, compile it.
757:- mode accumulate_clauses(+,+,+,+,+,+,+,+,+,?,-,?,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-).
758accumulate_clauses([], [], _Module, _Options, _ClausePos, _PredsSeen,
759		Size0, Pred0, PredPos0, PredCl0, PredClTl0, PredClAnn0, PredClAnnTl0,
760		Size0, Pred0, PredPos0, PredCl0, PredClTl0, PredClAnn0, PredClAnnTl0) :-
761	!.
762accumulate_clauses([Term|Terms], [AnnTerm|AnnTerms], Module, Options, ClausePos, PredsSeen,
763		Size0, Pred0, PredPos0, PredCl0, PredClTl0, PredClAnn0, PredClAnnTl0,
764		Size, Pred, PredPos, PredCl, PredClTl, PredClAnn, PredClAnnTl) :-
765	!,
766	extract_pred(Term, NA),
767	Pred1 = Module:NA,
768	( Pred0 == Pred1 ->
769	    % another clause for Pred0
770	    PredClTl0 = [Term|PredClTl1],
771	    PredClAnnTl0 = [AnnTerm|PredClAnnTl1],
772	    accumulate_clauses(Terms, AnnTerms, Module, Options, ClausePos, PredsSeen,
773	    	Size0, Pred0, PredPos0, PredCl0, PredClTl1, PredClAnn0, PredClAnnTl1,
774		Size, Pred, PredPos, PredCl, PredClTl, PredClAnn, PredClAnnTl)
775	;
776	    % first clause for next predicate Pred1, compile Pred0
777	    PredClTl0 = [], PredClAnnTl0 = [],
778	    compile_predicate(Pred0, PredCl0, PredClAnn0, PredPos0, PredsSeen, Options, CSize),
779            Size1 is Size0 + CSize,
780            PredCl1 = [Term|PredClTl1],
781	    PredClAnn1 = [AnnTerm|PredClAnnTl1],
782	    accumulate_clauses(Terms, AnnTerms, Module, Options, ClausePos, PredsSeen,
783	    	Size1, Pred1, ClausePos, PredCl1, PredClTl1, PredClAnn1, PredClAnnTl1,
784		Size, Pred, PredPos, PredCl, PredClTl, PredClAnn, PredClAnnTl)
785	).
786accumulate_clauses(Term, AnnTerm, Module, Options, ClausePos, PredsSeen,
787		Size0, Pred0, PredPos0, PredCl0, PredClTl0, PredClAnn0, PredClAnnTl0,
788		Size, Pred, PredPos, PredCl, PredClTl, PredClAnn, PredClAnnTl) :-
789	accumulate_clauses([Term], [AnnTerm], Module, Options, ClausePos, PredsSeen,
790		Size0, Pred0, PredPos0, PredCl0, PredClTl0, PredClAnn0, PredClAnnTl0,
791		Size, Pred, PredPos, PredCl, PredClTl, PredClAnn, PredClAnnTl).
793    extract_pred((Head :- _), N/A) :- !,
794    	( var(Head) -> A=0 ; functor(Head, N, A) ).
795    extract_pred((Head ?- _), NA) :- !,
796	extract_pred((Head :- _), NA).
797    extract_pred(Fact, N/A) :-
798    	functor(Fact, N, A).
803% Queries, directives and pragmas
806handle_nonclause(Class, Term, Ann, SourcePos1, Size0, Size, Options, PosModule, Module) :-
807	( Class = directive ->
808	    Size = Size0,
809	    ( old_compiler_directive(Term, Options) ->
810		true
811	    ;
812		process_directive(SourcePos1, Term, Options, PosModule)
813	    )
815	; Class = query ->
816	    Size = Size0,
817	    process_query(SourcePos1, Term, Options, PosModule)
819	; Class = handled_directive ->
820	    ( consider_pragmas(Term, Options, PosModule) ->
821		Size = Size0,
822		emit_directive_or_query(Term, Options, PosModule)
823	    ; handle_module_boundary(Term, Options, PosModule, SourcePos1, Module, Size0, Size) ->
824		emit_directive_or_query(Term, Options, PosModule)
825	    ; Term = (:-meta_attribute(Name,Decls)) ->
826		% This is tricky and needs to be split in two:
827		% - syntax-relevant part: handled in source_processor, and also emitted as directive
828		% - handler part: turned into initialization directive to be executed after loading
829		Size = Size0,
830		meta_attribute_now_later(Decls, UrgentDecls, HandlerDecls),
831		emit_directive_or_query((:-meta_attribute(Name,UrgentDecls)), Options, PosModule),
832		process_directive(SourcePos1, (:-local initialization(meta_attribute(Name,HandlerDecls))), Options, PosModule)
833	    ;
834		Size = Size0,
835		emit_directive_or_query(Term, Options, PosModule)
836	    )
838	; (Class = var ; Class = other) ->
839	    compiler_event(#illegal_head, SourcePos1, Ann, Term, Module),
840	    Size = -1.0Inf
842	; % Class = end_include,end
843	    Size = Size0
844	).
847process_directive(SourcePos, Term, Options, Module) :-
848	( current_pragma(iso(strict))@Module, Term=(:-Dir) ->
849	    % ISO directives may not be directly callable
850	    ( iso_directive(Dir, QDir) ->
851		call_directive(SourcePos, (:-QDir), Options, Module),
852		emit_directive_or_query((:-QDir), Options, Module)
853	    ;
854		compiler_error(_Ann, SourcePos, "Non-ISO directive (ignored) %w", [Term])
855	    )
856	;
857	    call_directive(SourcePos, Term, Options, Module),
858	    emit_directive_or_query(Term, Options, Module)
859	).
862process_query(SourcePos, Term, Options, Module) :-
863	( Options = options{load:all} ->
864	    call_directive(SourcePos, Term, Options, Module)
865	;
866	    % new/none
867	    true
868	),
869	emit_directive_or_query(Term, Options, Module).
872call_directive(SourcePos, Dir, Options, Module) :-
873	arg(1, Dir, Goal),
874    	block(
875	    % negate the Goal - don't bind variables!
876	    ( \+ call(Goal)@Module ->
877		compiler_warning(_Ann, SourcePos, "Query failed: %w", Dir, Options)
878	    ;
879	    	true
880	    ),
881	    Tag,
882	    compiler_error(_Ann, SourcePos, "Query exited (%w): %w", [Tag,Dir])
883	).
886% If we see the beginning of a new module, then finalize OldModule
887% (unless it is the compilation's context module, in which case this
888% is the first module directive we encounter)
889handle_module_boundary((:-module(Module,_,_)), Options, OldModule, SourcePos, TopModule, Size0, Size) ?- !,
890	handle_module_boundary((:-module(Module)), Options, OldModule, SourcePos, TopModule, Size0, Size).
891handle_module_boundary((:-module(_Module)), Options, OldModule, SourcePos, TopModule, Size0, Size) ?- !,
892	( Options = options{load:none} ->
893	    Size = Size0
894	; OldModule == TopModule ->
895	    Size = Size0
896	;
897	    compile_discontiguous_preds(OldModule, SourcePos, Options, Size0, Size),
898	    error(#code_unit_loaded, [check], OldModule)
899	).
902% Adjust compiler options according to pragmas
904consider_pragmas((:-pragma(Pragma)), Options, M) ?-
905	consider_pragma(Pragma, Options, M).
907consider_pragma(debug, Options, _) :- !,
908	setarg(debug of options, Options, on).
909consider_pragma(nodebug, Options, _) :- !,
910	setarg(debug of options, Options, off).
911consider_pragma(system, Options, _) :- !,
912	setarg(system of options, Options, on).
913consider_pragma(skip, Options, _) :- !,
914	setarg(skip of options, Options, on).
915consider_pragma(noskip, Options, _) :- !,
916	setarg(skip of options, Options, off).
917consider_pragma(warnings, Options, _) :- !,
918	setarg(warnings of options, Options, on).
919consider_pragma(nowarnings, Options, _) :- !,
920	setarg(warnings of options, Options, off).
921consider_pragma(expand, Options, _) :- !,
922	setarg(expand_goals of options, Options, on).
923consider_pragma(noexpand, Options, _) :- !,
924	setarg(expand_goals of options, Options, off).
925consider_pragma(opt_level(Level), Options, _) :- integer(Level), !,
926	setarg(opt_level of options, Options, Level).
927consider_pragma(Pragma, _, M) :-
928	error(#bad_pragma, pragma(Pragma), M).	% make accessible via current_pragma/1
931% For compatibility with old compiler
932old_compiler_directive((:-system), Options) ?- !,
933	setarg(system of options, Options, on),
934	setarg(debug of options, Options, off),
935	setarg(skip of options, Options, on),
936	setarg(expand_goals of options, Options, on).
937old_compiler_directive((:-system_debug), Options) ?- !,
938	setarg(system of options, Options, on),
939	setarg(debug of options, Options, on),
940	setarg(skip of options, Options, off).
941old_compiler_directive((:-dbgcomp), Options) ?- !,
942	set_flag(debug_compile, on),
943	setarg(debug of options, Options, on).
944old_compiler_directive((:-nodbgcomp), Options) ?- !,
945	set_flag(debug_compile, off),
946	setarg(expand_goals of options, Options, on),
947	setarg(debug of options, Options, off).
950% Valid ISO-Prolog directives
951% We qualify those that are not built-ins
952iso_directive(dynamic(P),	eclipse_language:dynamic(P)).
953iso_directive(multifile(P),	multifile:multifile(P)).
954iso_directive(discontiguous(P),	eclipse_language:discontiguous(P)).
955iso_directive(op(P,A,O),	op(P,A,O)).
956iso_directive(char_conversion(X,Y), char_conversion(X,Y)).
957iso_directive(initialization(G), iso:initialization(G)).
958iso_directive(include(_),	true).	% already handled
959iso_directive(ensure_loaded(F),	eclipse_language:ensure_loaded(F)).
960iso_directive(set_prolog_flag(F,V), set_prolog_flag(F,V)).
963% copy directives and queries to the eco file
964% omit comments and includes
965% do copy pragmas, since some of them have load-time effect
966% (e.g. suppress deprecation warnings)
967emit_directive_or_query((:-comment(_,_)), _Options, _Module) ?- !.
968emit_directive_or_query((:-include(_)), _Options, _Module) ?- !.
969emit_directive_or_query((:-[_|_]), _Options, _Module) ?- !.
970emit_directive_or_query(Dir, Options, Module) :-
971	numbervars(Dir, 0, _),
972	( Options = options{output:print} ->
973	    printf("%Iw.%n", [Dir])
974	; Options = options{output:print(Stream)} ->
975	    printf(Stream, "%Iw.%n", [Dir])
976	; Options = options{output:eco_to_stream(Stream)} ->
977	    printf(Stream, "%IODQKw.%n", [Dir])@Module
978	; Options = options{output:asm_to_stream(Stream)} ->
979	    printf(Stream, "%IDQKw.%n", [Dir])@Module
980	; Options = options{output:none} ->
981	    true
982	;
983	    Options = options{output:Junk},
984	    printf(error, "Invalid output option: %w%n", [Junk]),
985	    abort
986	),
987	fail.	% to undo numbervars
988emit_directive_or_query(_, _, _).
992% Compile term/list
995:- export
996	compile_term/1, compile_term_/2,
997	compile_term/2, compile_term_/3,
998	compile_term_annotated/3, compile_term_annotated_/4.
1000:- tool(compile_term/1, compile_term_/2).
1001:- set_flag(compile_term/1, type, built_in).
1002compile_term_(Clauses, Module) :-
1003	compile_term_(Clauses, [], Module).
1006:- tool(compile_term/2, compile_term_/3).
1007:- set_flag(compile_term/2, type, built_in).
1009compile_term_(List, OptionList, Module) :-
1010        compile_term_annotated_(List, _, OptionList, Module).
1012:- tool(compile_term_annotated/3, compile_term_annotated_/4).
1013:- set_flag(compile_term_annotated/3, type, built_in).
1015compile_term_annotated_(List, AnnList, OptionList, Module) :-
1016	compiler_options_setup('_term', OptionList, Options),
1017	hash_create(PredsSeen),
1018	% The subcall is needed to make coroutining in the compiler work,
1019	% and to give compiled queries a standard environment to run in.
1020	subcall(compile_list(List, AnnList, first, Clauses, Clauses, AnnC, AnnC,
1021                     0, Size, PredsSeen, Options, Module), _Delays),
1022%	compiler_options_cleanup(Options).	% don't close files
1023	( Size < 0 ->
1024	    exit_block(abort)	% because of errors during compile
1025	;
1026	    true
1027	).
1030compile_list(Term, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _PredsSeen, Options, Module) :- var(Term), !,
1031	error(#inst_fault, compile_term(Term, Options), Module).
1032compile_list([], _, Pred, Clauses, Tail, AnnC, AnnCTail, Size0, Size, PredsSeen, Options, _Module) :- !,
1033	Tail = [],
1034        AnnCTail = [],
1035	compile_predicate(Pred, Clauses, AnnC, term, PredsSeen, Options, Size1),
1036	Size is Size0+Size1.
1037compile_list([Term|Terms], AnnTermList, Pred, Clauses, Tail, AnnC, AnnCTail, Size0, Size, PredsSeen, Options, Module) :- !,
1038        (nonvar(AnnTermList) -> 
1039            AnnTermList = annotated_term{term:[AnnTerm|AnnTerms]}
1040        ;
1041            true
1042        ),
1043        ( var(Term) ->
1044	    error(#inst_fault, compile_term([Term|Terms], Options), Module)
1046	; Term = (:-_) ->
1047	    % separator, compile the preceding predicate
1048	    Tail = [],
1049            AnnCTail = [],
1050	    compile_predicate(Pred, Clauses, AnnC, term, PredsSeen, Options, Size1),
1051	    Size2 is Size0+Size1,
1052	    % unlike compile(file), interpret only pragmas,
1053	    % not directives like module/1, include/1, etc
1054	    ( consider_pragmas(Term, Options, Module) ->
1055		true
1056	    ;
1057		process_directive(no_source, Term, Options, Module)
1058	    ),
1059	    compile_list(Terms, AnnTerms, none, Clauses1, Clauses1,
1060                         AnnC1, AnnC1, Size2, Size, PredsSeen, Options, Module)
1062        ; Term = (?-_) ->
1063	    % separator, compile the preceding predicate
1064	    Tail = [],
1065            AnnCTail = [],
1066	    compile_predicate(Pred, Clauses, AnnC, term, PredsSeen, Options, Size1),
1067	    Size2 is Size0+Size1,
1068	    process_query(no_source, Term, Options, Module),
1069	    compile_list(Terms, AnnTerms, none, Clauses1, Clauses1,
1070                         AnnC1, AnnC1, Size2, Size, PredsSeen, Options, Module)
1071	; callable(Term) ->
1072	    optional_clause_expansion(Term, AnnTerm, TransTerm, AnnTrans, Options, Module),
1073	    % TransTerm may be a list of clauses!
1074	    accumulate_clauses(TransTerm, AnnTrans, Module, Options, term, PredsSeen,
1075		    Size0, Pred, term, Clauses, Tail, AnnC, AnnCTail,
1076		    Size1, Pred1, _Pos, Clauses1, Tail1, AnnC1, AnnCTail1),
1077	    compile_list(Terms, AnnTerms, Pred1, Clauses1, Tail1, 
1078                    AnnC1, AnnCTail1, Size1, Size, PredsSeen, Options, Module)
1079	;
1080	    ( block(compiler_event(#illegal_head, term, AnnTerm, Term, Module), abort_compile_predicate, true) -> true ; true ),
1081	    Size = -1.0Inf
1082	).
1083compile_list(Term, AnnTerm, Pred, Clauses, Tail, AnnC, AnnCTail, Size0, Size, PredsSeen, Options, Module) :-
1084	( Pred == first ->
1085	    % allow to omit list brackets for single term
1086            (nonvar(AnnTerm) ->
1087                AnnTermList = annotated_term{term:[annotated_term{term:AnnTerm}|annotated_term{term:[]}]}
1088            ;
1089                true
1090            ),
1091	    compile_list([Term], AnnTermList, none, Clauses, Tail, AnnC, AnnCTail, Size0, Size, PredsSeen, Options, Module)
1092	;
1093	    error(#type_error, compile_term(Term, Options), Module)
1094	).
1097    optional_clause_expansion(Term, AnnTerm, TransTerm, AnnTransTerm, options{expand_clauses:CFlag}, Module) :-
1098	( CFlag == on ->
1099	    expand_clause_annotated(Term, AnnTerm, TransTerm, AnnTransTerm)@Module
1100	;
1101	    TransTerm=Term, AnnTransTerm=AnnTerm
1102	).