2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License. 
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. 
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): Joachim Schimpf.
22% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23% System:	ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System
24% Component:	ECLiPSe III compiler
25% Version:	$Id: compiler_varclass.ecl,v 1.15 2009/07/16 09:11:23 jschimpf Exp $
27% Related paper (although we haven't used any of their algorithms):
28% H.Vandecasteele,B.Demoen,G.Janssens: Compiling Large Disjunctions
29% KU Leuven 2001
30% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
33:- module(compiler_varclass).
35:- comment(summary, "ECLiPSe III compiler - variable classification").
36:- comment(copyright, "Cisco Technology Inc").
37:- comment(author, "Joachim Schimpf").
38:- comment(date, "$Date: 2009/07/16 09:11:23 $").
40:- comment(desc, html("
41    This pass (consisting of several phases) does the following jobs:
42    <UL>
43    <LI>
44    Computing the lifetimes of variables, thus classifying them into void
45    variables (for which singleton warnings may be generated), temporary
46    variables (whose lifetime does not extend across regular predicate calls),
47    and permanent variables (which require an environment slot). This
48    information is filled into the class-slots of the Body's variable{}
49    descriptors. Note that variables of the same name which occur only in
50    alternative disjunctive branches, are considered separate variables,
51    and may be assigned difference storage classes. 
52    <LI>
53    Decide whether values should be passed into disjunctions via environment
54    variables or as pseudo-aruments via argument registers.
55    <LI>
56    The second phase assigns concrete environment slots to variables,
57    ordered such that lifetimes that end later are put in slots with
58    lower numbers (if possible), which enables environment trimming.
59    It also computes the total environment size needed.
60    <LI>
61    The third phase computes environment activity maps for every relevant
62    position in the code.  These are needed to tell the garbage collector
63    which slots are not yet initialised, and which slots lifetime has
64    already ended even if the environment hasn't been trimmed (yet).
65    </UL>
66    <P>
67    Note that, in this context, we talk about 'first' and 'last' occurrences
68    only with a granularity of 'call positions', e.g. all occurrences of a
69    variable in the first chunk it occurs in are considered 'first'.
70    That way, later compiler stages are still free to reorder operations
71    within each chunk without affecting the variable classification.
72    <P>
73    This pass recognises the options 'print_lifetimes' (on/off) and
74    'warnings' (on/off) for singleton variable warnings.
78:- lib(hash).
80:- use_module(compiler_common).
81:- use_module(compiler_map).
84% struct(slot) describes one true, distinct variable. There may be more
85% of those than there are variables in the source, because we classify
86% variables in parallel disjunctive branches as being distinct.
88:- local struct(slot(		% one for every truly distinct variable
89	source_info,		% for error messages only
90	firstpos,		% position of first occurrence
91				% (must be first for sorting!)
92	lastpos,		% position of last occurrence
93	class			% shared with all occurrences (struct(variable))
94    )).
96:- comment(struct(slot), [
97    summary:"Temporary data structure during computation of lifetimes",
98    fields:[
99	firstpos:"call position of first variable occurrence",
100	lastpos:"call position of last variable occurrence",
101	class:"shared class-field of all variable occurrences"
102    ],
103    see_also:[struct(variable)]
106% Maybe we could speed up processing by sharing the variable descriptors
107% for each chunk, and keeping them separately. This would benefit the passes
108% compute_lifetimes and assign_env_slots - they would not have to deal
109% with multiple occurrences in the same chunk.
113% Variable lifetimes and detection of false sharing
115% We build a map that stores for each variable the first and last occurrences
116% (in terms of call positions).  This is needed for classifying variables
117% as permanent. We are not interested to know which occurrence _within_ a chunk
118% is first, this will be determined later when generating code for the chunk.
119% This has the advantage that everything within the chunk can still be
120% reordered after this pass.
122% Because of disjunctive branches, there can be more than one
123% first and last occurrence of each variable. Moreover, variables
124% with the same name in different branches are really different
125% variables, so this pass finds out how many different variables
126% there really are.
128% The disjunctions are conceptually traversed in parallel.
129% When joining up, we merge the branches's maps into one.
131% Data structures:
132%    Variable occurrence:
133%	variable(VarId, IsAFirst, IsALast, ClassAndPermLocation)
134%    Maintain map of:
135%	VarId - [slot(FirstPos,LastPos,LastFlag,Location), ...]
136%		one slot for each truly distinct variable
138% The two interesting operations are
140%	- registering a new occurrence of a variable
141%	- merging the information when disjunctive branches join up
144% TODO: could keep slot lists in reverse order wrt firstpos,
145% then they could be merged more efficiently.
148:- comment(classify_variables/3, [
149    summary:"Compute variable sharing, lifetimes and storage locations",
150    amode:classify_variables(+,+,+),
151    args:[
152	"Body":"Normalised predicate",
153	"EnvSize":"Extra environment slots needed",
154	"Options":"options-structure"
155    ],
156    see_also:[print_occurrences/1]
159:- export classify_variables/3.
160classify_variables(Body, EnvSize, Options) :-
161	verify EnvSize == 0,	% not yet done
162	compiler_map:init(Lifetimes0),
163	compute_lifetimes(Body, nohead, _PredHead, Lifetimes0, Lifetimes),
164	assign_env_slots(Lifetimes, MaxEnvSize, Options),
165	mark_env_activity(Body, MaxEnvSize),
166	( Options = options{print_lifetimes:on} ->
167	    printf("------ Environment size %d ------%n", [EnvSize]),
168	    print_occurrences(Lifetimes)
169	;
170	    true
171	).
174compute_lifetimes([], _PredHead, nohead, Map, Map).
175compute_lifetimes([Goal|Goals], PredHead0, PredHead, Map0, Map) :-
176	compute_lifetimes(Goal, PredHead0, PredHead1, Map0, Map1),
177	compute_lifetimes(Goals, PredHead1, PredHead, Map1, Map).
179		    branchlabels:BLA, indexvars:IndexArgs,
180		    arity:Arity,args:DisjArgs,branchheadargs:HeadArgsArray},
181		PredHead, nohead, Map0, Map) :-
182	% Index variables are accessed just before the disjunction
183	prev_call_pos(DisjPos, PreDisjPos),
184	compute_lifetimes_term(PreDisjPos, IndexArgs, Map0, Map1),
185	% Select pseudo-arguments to pass into the disjunction
186	select_pseudo_arguments(Branches, PredHead, PreDisjPos, Map1, Map2, DisjArgs, Arity),
187	( DisjArgs == [] ->
188	    HeadArgsArray = []	% instead of []([],...,[]), save some space
189	;
190	    arity(BLA, NBranches),
191	    dim(HeadArgsArray, [NBranches])
192	),
193	(
194	    foreach(Branch,Branches),
195	    foreach(BranchMap,BranchMaps),
196	    count(I,1,_),
197	    param(Map2,DisjArgs,HeadArgsArray,DisjPos,Arity)
198	do
199	    % prefix pseudo-head arguments to the branch
200	    make_branch_head(I, HeadArgsArray, DisjArgs, HeadArgs),
201	    append(DisjPos, [I,1], BranchFirstPos),
202	    compute_lifetimes_term(BranchFirstPos, HeadArgs, Map2, Map3),
203	    compute_lifetimes(Branch, Arity-HeadArgs, _PredHead, Map3, BranchMap)
204	),
205	merge_branches(DisjPos, BranchMaps, Map).
206compute_lifetimes(Goal, PredHead0, PredHead, Map0, Map) :-
207	Goal = goal{kind:Kind,callpos:GoalPos,args:Args,functor:_/Arity},
208	( Kind == head -> verify PredHead0==nohead, PredHead = Arity-Args
209	; Kind == simple -> PredHead = PredHead0
210	; PredHead = nohead
211	),
212	compute_lifetimes_term(GoalPos, Args, Map0, Map).
214    compute_lifetimes_term(CallPos, [X|Xs], Map0, Map) :-
215	compute_lifetimes_term(CallPos, X, Map0, Map1),
216	compute_lifetimes_term(CallPos, Xs, Map1, Map).
217    compute_lifetimes_term(CallPos, Occurrence, Map0, Map) :-
218	Occurrence = variable{},
219	register_occurrence(CallPos, Occurrence, Map0, Map).
220    compute_lifetimes_term(CallPos, attrvar{variable:Avar,meta:Meta}, Map0, Map) :-
221	compute_lifetimes_term(CallPos, Avar, Map0, Map1),
222	compute_lifetimes_term(CallPos, Meta, Map1, Map).
223    compute_lifetimes_term(CallPos, structure{args:Args}, Map0, Map) :-
224	compute_lifetimes_term(CallPos, Args, Map0, Map).
225    compute_lifetimes_term(_CallPos, Term, Map, Map) :- atomic(Term).
228% When encountering a variable VarId at CallPos:
230% VarId not seen at all so far:
231%	- add new slot entry
232%	- it's the first and last occurrence
234% VarId has one slot:
235%	- it's a new last ocurrence of that variable
236%	- update the slot's last-information
238% VarId has multiple slots:
239%	- the new occurrence means the multiple slots must be merged
240%	- the summary slot takes the common prefix of all first occurrences
241%	- the current occurrence is the last
242%	- the locations are all unified
244register_occurrence(CallPos, Occurrence, Map0, Map) :-
245	Occurrence = variable{source_info:Source,varid:VarId,class:Location},
246	( compiler_map:search(Map0, VarId, OldEntry) ->
247	    OldEntry = [OldSlot|Slots],
248	    OldSlot = slot{firstpos:FP0,class:Location},
249	    merge_slots(Slots, FP0, FP, Location),
250	    update_struct(slot, [firstpos:FP,lastpos:CallPos], OldSlot, NewSlot),
251	    compiler_map:det_update(Map0, VarId, [NewSlot], Map)
252	;
253	    % first occurrence
254	    compiler_map:det_insert(Map0, VarId, [slot{source_info:Source,firstpos:CallPos,
255	    	lastpos:CallPos, class:Location}], Map)
256	).
258    % - unifies all the slot's class fields
259    % - computes the common prefix for the first position
260    merge_slots([], FP, FP, nonvoid(_)).
261    merge_slots([slot{firstpos:ThisFP,class:Location}|Slots], FP0, FP, Location) :-
262    	common_pos(ThisFP, FP0, FP1),
263	merge_slots(Slots, FP1, FP, Location).
266% Merge the slot information from the branches:
268% The maps from the different branches may contain (for a particular VarId):
270% all first occurrence(s) in current disjunction:
271%			---C1--C2--	C1-C2
272%	---------------|				-> C1-C2,D1-D2
273%			---D1--D2--	D1-D2
274%	keep all (they are different)
276% common, identical entries:
277%			-----------	A1-A2
278%	---A1--A2------|				-> A1-A2
279%			-----------	A1-A2
280%	first and last occurrence are older than the disjunction
281%	we keep one of them (they are all the same).
283% multiple entries, last occurrences older than current disjunction:
284%	---A1--A2--	-----------	A1-A2,B1-B2
285%		   |---|				-> A1-A2,B1-B2
286%	---B1--B2--	-----------	A1-A2,B1-B2
287%	keep one of each (they are different)
289% first occurrence older, last in current disjunction:
290% some branches will still have old-old entry
291%			-----C-----	A1-C
292%	---A1--A2------|				-> A1-CD
293%			-----------	A1-A2
294%	where CD is the end of disjunction's callpos (C<CD)
296% first occurrence older, last in current disjunction:
297% some branches may still have old-old entry
298%			-----C-----	A1-C
299%	---A1--A2------|				-> A1-CD
300%			-----D-----	A1-D
301%	where CD is the end of disjunction's callpos (C<CD,D<CD)
303% first occurrences older, last in current disjunction:
304% some branches will still have multiple old-old entries
305%	---A1--A2--	-----C-----	AB-C
306%		   |---|				-> AB-CD
307%	---B1--B2--	-----------	A1-A2,B1-B2
308%	where CD is the end of disjunction's callpos (C<CD)
309%	and AB the common prefix of the first occurrences (AB<A1,AB<B1).
311% first occurrence older, last _is_ current disjunction:
312% some branches may still have multiple old-old entries
313%	---A1--A2--	-----C-----	AB-C
314%		   |---|				-> AB-CD
315%	---B1--B2--	-----D-----	AB-D
316%	where CD is the end of disjunction's callpos (C<CD,D<CD)
317%	and AB the common prefix of the first occurrences (AB<A1,AB<B1).
319% entries with common first and different last occurrences:
320%	- first occurrence is older than the disjunction!
321%	- summarise them into one entry (by taking the common prefix of the
322%	last occurrences, and unifying the class)
324% entries whose first occurrence differs:
325%	- the first occurrence may be in this or in an earlier disjunction!
326%	- keep them both, they represent conceptually different variables.
328merge_branches(DisjPos, BranchMaps, MergedMap) :-
329	(
330	    foreach(Map,BranchMaps),
331	    fromto(Lists, [MapList|Lists1], Lists1, Tail)
332	do
333	    compiler_map:to_sorted_assoc_list(Map, MapList)
334	),
335	merge_sorted_lists(Lists, Tail, MergedList),
336	concat_same_key_values_unstable(MergedList, GroupedList),
337	(
338	    foreach(VarId-Slots,GroupedList),
339	    foreach(VarId-NewSlots,NewGroupedList),
340	    param(DisjPos)
341	do
342	    % remove duplicates AND sort by ascending firstpos
343	    sort(Slots, SortedNoDupSlots),
344	    SortedNoDupSlots = [slot{firstpos:OldestFirst}|_],
345	    (
346		compare_pos(OldestFirst, DisjPos, Res),
347		verify Res = (<),
348	    	slots_ending_ge(DisjPos, SortedNoDupSlots, SlotsEnteringDisj),
349		SlotsEnteringDisj = [Slot1|_]
350	    ->
351		% replace with a single summary slot
352		append(DisjPos, [?,?], DisjEndPos),
353		update_struct(slot, [firstpos:OldestFirst, lastpos:DisjEndPos], Slot1, NewSlot),
354		NewSlots = [NewSlot]
355	    ;
356	    	% all occurrences in current disjunction
357	    	% or all before current disjunction
358		NewSlots = SortedNoDupSlots
359	    )
360	),
361	compiler_map:from_sorted_assoc_list(NewGroupedList, MergedMap).
364    slots_ending_ge(_Pos, [], []).
365    slots_ending_ge(Pos, [Slot|Slots], SlotsGe) :-
366	Slot = slot{lastpos:LP},
367	( compare_pos(LP, Pos, Res) ->
368	    verify Res = (<),
369	    slots_ending_ge(Pos, Slots, SlotsGe)
370	;
371	    SlotsGe = [Slot|SlotsGe1],
372	    slots_ending_ge(Pos, Slots, SlotsGe1)
373	).
376% From the candidates in VarIdTable, pick those that (so far) have their only occurrences
377% in the chunk before the disjunction at PreDisjPos. 
378select_pseudo_arguments(Branches, PredHead, PreDisjPos, Map0, Map, DisjArgs, DisjArity) :-
379	vars_in_first_chunks(Branches, VarIdTable),
380	hash_list(VarIdTable, VarIds, _),
381	(
382	    foreach(VarId,VarIds),
383	    fromto(Map0,Map1,Map2,Map),
384	    param(PreDisjPos,VarIdTable)
385	do
386	    % a variable that only occurs in PreDisPos can have only one slot
387	    (
388		compiler_map:search(Map1, VarId, Slots),
389		Slots = [slot{firstpos:PreDisjPos,lastpos:LP,class:Location,source_info:Source}]
390	    ->
391	    	verify PreDisjPos == LP,
392		% instantiate VarId's table entry to argument descriptor
393		hash_get(VarIdTable, VarId, ArgDesc),
394		verify var(ArgDesc),
395		ArgDesc = variable{varid:VarId,class:Location,source_info:Source},
396		% Classify the pre-disjunction occurrence as nonvoid(temp) here,
397		% and remove its entry from the Map.  That way, future
398		% occurrences will be considered first occurrences again.
399		Location = nonvoid(temp),
400		compiler_map:delete(Map1, VarId, Map2)
401	    ;
402		% Not useful as pseudo-argument: delete it from the candidate table
403		hash_delete(VarIdTable, VarId),
404	    	Map1 = Map2
405	    )
406	),
407	% Table now contains the varids we want to use as arguments
408	hash_count(VarIdTable, IdealDisjArity),
409	% For those disjunction-pseudo-args that match clause head args,
410	% put them in the same argument position (provided it is not beyond
411	% the disjunction's arity)
412	( PredHead = HeadArity-HeadArgs ->
413	    (
414		for(_,1,min(HeadArity,IdealDisjArity)),
415		fromto(HeadArgs,[variable{varid:VarId}|HeadArgs1],HeadArgs1,_),
416		fromto(DisjArgs,[ArgDesc|DisjArgs1],DisjArgs1,DisjArgs2),
417		fromto(RemainingPositions,RemPos1,RemPos2,DisjArgs2),
418		param(VarIdTable)
419	    do
420	    	( hash_remove(VarIdTable, VarId, ArgDesc) ->
421		    RemPos1 = RemPos2
422		;
423		    RemPos1 = [ArgDesc|RemPos2]
424		)
425	    )
426	;
427	    verify PredHead==nohead,
428	    RemainingPositions = DisjArgs
429	),
430	DisjArity is min(IdealDisjArity, #wam_registers),
431	length(DisjArgs, DisjArity),
432	hash_list(VarIdTable, _VarIds, RemainingArgDescs0),
433	sort(varid of variable, =<, RemainingArgDescs0, RemainingArgDescs),
434	(
435	    foreach(ArgDesc,RemainingPositions),
436	    fromto(RemainingArgDescs,[ArgDesc|ArgDescs],ArgDescs,Overflow)
437	do
438	    true
439	),
440	verify (Overflow==[] ; IdealDisjArity > DisjArity).
443% Build a hash map of all VarIds that occur in first chunks of
444% the given disjunctive branches. This is just a heuristic, and we do in fact
445% look beyond true/0 to catch some special cases like true,cut_to(C) sequences.
446vars_in_first_chunks(Branches, Occurs) :-
447	hash_create(Occurs),
448	(
449	    foreach(Branch,Branches),
450	    param(Occurs)
451	do
452	    vars_in_first_chunk(Branch, Occurs)
453	).
455    vars_in_first_chunk([], _Occurs).
456    vars_in_first_chunk([Goal|Goals], Occurs) :-
457	( Goal = goal{kind:Kind,args:Args,functor:F} ->
458	    vars_in_term(Args, Occurs),
459	    ( Kind == regular, F \== true/0 ->
460	    	true
461	    ;
462		vars_in_first_chunk(Goals, Occurs)
463	    )
464	;
465	    true
466	).
468    vars_in_term([X|Xs], Occurs) :-
469	vars_in_term(X, Occurs),
470	vars_in_term(Xs, Occurs).
471    vars_in_term(variable{varid:VarId}, Occurs) :-
472	hash_set(Occurs, VarId, _empty).
473    vars_in_term(attrvar{variable:Avar,meta:Meta}, Occurs) :-
474	vars_in_term(Avar, Occurs),
475	vars_in_term(Meta, Occurs).
476    vars_in_term(structure{args:Args}, Occurs) :-
477	vars_in_term(Args, Occurs).
478    vars_in_term(Term, _Occurs) :- atomic(Term).
481% Make head variables for the branch's pseudo-arguments
482% Set their source_info field to 'none' because we don't want singleton
483% warnings in case they are the only occurrence in a branch and behind.
484make_branch_head(_I, [], [], []) :- !.
485make_branch_head(I, HeadArgsArray, DisjArgs, HeadArgs) :-
486	arg(I, HeadArgsArray, HeadArgs),
487	(
488	    foreach(variable{varid:VarId,source_info:_Source},DisjArgs),
489	    foreach(variable{varid:VarId,source_info:none},HeadArgs)
490	do
491	    true
492	).
495:- comment(print_occurrences/1, [
496    summary:"Debugging: print result of variable lifetime analysis",
497    amode:print_occurrences(+),
498    args:[
499	"Lifetimes":"A map varid->struct(slot)"
500    ],
501    see_also:[classify_variables/3]
504print_occurrences(Map) :-
505	writeln("------ Variable Lifetimes ------"),
506	compiler_map:count(Map, N),
507	( for(VarId,1,N), param(Map) do
508	    compiler_map:lookup(Map, VarId, Slots),
509	    printf("Variable #%d:%n", [VarId]),
510	    ( foreach(Slot,Slots) do printf("  %w%n", [Slot]) ),
511	    nl
512	).
516% This pass does:
517% - Variable classification (void, temp, perm)
518% - Environment slot allocation
519% - Environment size computation:
520%	-1  no environment needed
521%	 0  empty environment needed
522%	>0  environment of given size needed
524% Environment slots are allocated in a similar way as in the WAM or
525% in ECLiPSe I, i.e. ordered according to their last occurrence. This
526% means that the environment can shrink during clause execution (whether
527% physically by trimming, or virtually - for gc only - by size tracking).
529% If we have variables local to branches, they can use the same slot as
530% other local variables in parallel branches.
531% But we do NOT reuse slots for consecutive lifetimes, e.g.
532%	p :- p(X), q(X), r(Y), s(Y).
533% This could only be done when either determinism information is
534% available, or an extra trail check/trailing is accepted:  If there
535% were a choicepoint inside p/1 or q/1, reusing X's slot would require
536% conditional (value-)trailing of the old slot value before it is reused
537% for Y.
539% A problem is posed by variables whose lifetime starts before a disjunction
540% and extends into one or more disjunctive branches (without surviving the
541% disjunction): it may not be possible to compute an optimal slot with
542% minimal lifetime, because the relative order of the ends of lifetimes
543% with other variables may be different in different branches.  We currently
544% treat such slots as always surviving until the end of the disjunction,
545% but note that environment activity maps contain precise information,
546% so that garbage collection is not negatively affected by this.
549assign_env_slots(Map, EnvSize, Options) :-
550	compiler_map:to_assoc_list(Map, MapList),
551	% strip keys and flatten
552	(
553	    foreach(_-Slots,MapList) >> foreach(Slot,Slots),
554	    foreach(Slot,FlatSlots)
555	do
556	    true
557	),
558	classify_voids_and_temps(FlatSlots, PermSlots, Options),
559	% The sorting here is a bit subtle: we rely on the callpos
560	% partial order being compatible with the total term order.
561	sort(firstpos of slot, >=, PermSlots, SlotsIncStart),
562	sort(lastpos of slot, >=, SlotsIncStart, SlotsInc),
563	init_branch(Branch),
564	foreachcallposinbranch(Branch, SlotsInc, SlotsRest, 0, EnvSize),
565	verify SlotsRest==[].
568% Deal with the void and temporary variables, and filter them out
569classify_voids_and_temps(AllSlots, PermSlots, Options) :-
570	(
571	    foreach(Slot,AllSlots),
572	    fromto(PermSlots,PermSlots2,PermSlots1,[]),
573	    param(Options)
574	do
575	    Slot = slot{firstpos:First,lastpos:Last,class:Loc,source_info:Source},
576	    ( var(Loc) ->			% void
577		Loc = void,
578		singleton_warning(Source, Options),
579		PermSlots2=PermSlots1
580	    ;
581		Loc = nonvoid(Where),	% needs assignment
582		verify var(Where),
583		( First == Last ->
584		    Where = temp,
585		    PermSlots2=PermSlots1
586		;
587		    PermSlots2=[Slot|PermSlots1]
588		)
589	    )
590	).
593log_assignment(slot{source_info:Source}, Loc) ?- !,
594	( Source = annotated_term{type:var(Name),line:Line} ->
595	    printf(log_output, "%w	%w (%d)%n", [Loc,Name,Line])
596	;
597	    printf(log_output, "%w	%w%n", [Loc,Source])
598	).
601foreachcallposinbranch(_Branch, [], [], Y, Y).
602foreachcallposinbranch(Branch, [Slot|Slots], RestSlots, Y0, Y) :-
603	% Branch is list of even length, e.g. [], [7,2]
604	% SlotPos is list of odd length, e.g. [7], [7,2,7] but not [7,?,?]
605	Slot = slot{lastpos:SlotPos,class:nonvoid(Loc)},
606	( append(Branch, RelPos, SlotPos) ->
607	    RelPos = [PosInBranch|SubBranch],
608	    verify PosInBranch \== ?,
609	    ( (SubBranch = [] ; SubBranch = [?,?]) ->
610		Y1 is Y0+1, Loc = y(Y1),	% assign env slot
611%		log_assignment(Slot, Loc),
612		Slots1 = Slots
613	    ;
614		% SlotPos is deeper down, RelPos=[7,2,7], [7,2,7,?,?] or longer
615		% process branches at callpos [7]
616		append(Branch, [PosInBranch], Pos),	% nested disjunction
617		foreachbranchatcallpos(Pos, [Slot|Slots], Slots1, Y0, Y0, Y1)
618	    ),
619	    foreachcallposinbranch(Branch, Slots1, RestSlots, Y1, Y)
620	;
621	    % the first slot does not end in this branch, return
622	    RestSlots = [Slot|Slots],
623	    Y = Y0
624	).
626% process all slots that start with Pos
627foreachbranchatcallpos(_Pos, [], [], _Y0, Y, Y).
628foreachbranchatcallpos(Pos, [Slot|Slots], RestSlots, Y0, Ymax0, Ymax) :-
629	% Pos is list of odd length, e.g. [7], [7,2,7], but not [7,?,?]
630	% SlotPos is list of odd length, e.g. [7], [7,2,7] but not [7,?,?]
631	Slot = slot{lastpos:SlotPos},
632	% is Slot in a branch below this callpos? Always true for initial invocation
633	( append(Pos, RelPos, SlotPos) ->
634	    RelPos = [RelBranch|SubPos],
635	    verify RelBranch \== ?,
636	    % RelPos is [2,7] or [2,7,?,?] or [2,7,2,7] or longer
637	    % which means we are going into branch 2 at Pos
638	    ( (SubPos = [_] ; SubPos = [_,?,?]) ->
639		append(Pos, [RelBranch], Branch),
640		foreachcallposinbranch(Branch, [Slot|Slots], Slots1, Y0, Y1),
641		Ymax1 is max(Ymax0,Y1),
642		foreachbranchatcallpos(Pos, Slots1, RestSlots, Y0, Ymax1, Ymax)
643	    ;
644		append(Pos, [_,_], Pos1),	% branch deeper down
645		append(Pos1, _, SlotPos),
646		foreachbranchatcallpos(Pos1, [Slot|Slots], RestSlots, Y0, Ymax0, Ymax)
647	    )
648	;
649	    % Slot not at this callpos, return
650	    RestSlots = [Slot|Slots],
651	    Ymax = Ymax0
652	).
656% Computing environment activity maps
658% We assume that environment slots are already allocated to permanent
659% variables. The job of this phase is to compute environment slot activity
660% maps for various points in the code, in particular call positions
661% and entry and exit points of disjunctive branches. These maps are
662% simple bitmaps, with bit i-1 (i>0) indicating that Yi is active.
664% We make a forward and a backward pass through the directed acyclic
665% graph formed by the normalised clause. During the forward pass, we
666% annotate every goal with two sets:
667%	- seen_before (the slots that occurred before this goal)
668%	- seen_here (the slots that occur in this goal)
670% Then we make a backward pass to discover the last occurrences and
671% compute the actual environment activity maps. With the current strategy
672% of globalising all environment variables, a slot's activity ends at
673% the call that has its last occurrence(s).
676% Auxiliary structures built during forward pass, and traversed backward
677:- local struct(rev_goal(	% wrapper for goal{}
678    	goal,		% the goal{} all this belongs to
679	max_y,		% max y slot accessed in this goal
680	seen_before,	% bitmap of variables seen before this goal
681	seen_here)	% bitmap of variables occurring in this goal
682    ).
684:- local struct(rev_disj(	% wrapper for disjunction{}
685	disjunction,	% the disjunction{} all this belongs to
686    	rev_branches,	% list of reversed branches, for backward traversal
687	max_y_setup,	% max y slot in setup before disjunction entry
688	max_y_heads,	% max y slot accessed in all branch heads
689	seen_before,	% bitmap of variables seen before this branch
690	seen_at_end,	% bitmap of variables seen at end of each branch
691	seen_at_ends)	% list of bitmaps of variables seen at end of each branch
692    ).
695mark_env_activity(Clause, MaxEnvSize) :-
696	mark_env_activity_fwd(Clause, 0, _Before, [], Reverse),
697	mark_env_activity_bwd(Reverse, 0, _After, -1, EntryEnvSize),
698	verify MaxEnvSize =:= max(EntryEnvSize,0).
701mark_env_activity_fwd([], Seen, Seen, Reverse, Reverse).
702mark_env_activity_fwd([Goal|Goals], Seen0, Seen, Reverse0, Reverse) :-
703	mark_env_activity_fwd(Goal, Seen0, Seen1, Reverse0, Reverse1),
704	mark_env_activity_fwd(Goals, Seen1, Seen, Reverse1, Reverse).
705mark_env_activity_fwd(Disjunction, Seen0, Seen, Reverse, [RevDisj|Reverse]) :-
706	Disjunction = disjunction{branches:Branches,args:DisjArgs,
707		branchheadargs:HeadArgsArray,indexvars:IndexVars},
708	RevDisj = rev_disj{rev_branches:RevBranches,disjunction:Disjunction,
709		max_y_setup:MaxYSetup, max_y_heads:MaxYHeads,
710		seen_before:SeenBefore, seen_at_end:Seen, seen_at_ends:SeenEnds},
711	mark_env_activity_args(IndexVars, Seen0, Seen1, -1, MaxY1),
712	mark_env_activity_args(DisjArgs, Seen1, SeenBefore, MaxY1, MaxYSetup),
713	(
714	    foreach(Branch,Branches),
715	    foreach(RevBranch,RevBranches),
716	    foreach(SeenEndBranch,SeenEnds),
717	    fromto(SeenBefore,Seen3,Seen4,Seen),
718	    fromto(-1,MaxY1,MaxY2,MaxYHeads),
719	    count(BranchI,1,_),
720	    param(SeenBefore,HeadArgsArray)
721	do
722	    ( HeadArgsArray == [] ->
723		SeenAfterHead = SeenBefore, MaxY1 = MaxY2
724	    ;
725		arg(BranchI, HeadArgsArray, HeadArgs),
726		mark_env_activity_args(HeadArgs, SeenBefore, SeenAfterHead, MaxY1, MaxY2)
727	    ),
728	    mark_env_activity_fwd(Branch, SeenAfterHead, SeenEndBranch, [], RevBranch),
729	    Seen4 is Seen3 \/ SeenEndBranch
730	).
731mark_env_activity_fwd(Goal, Seen0, Seen, Reverse, [RevGoal|Reverse]) :-
732	Goal = goal{args:Args},
733	RevGoal = rev_goal{max_y:MaxY,seen_here:UsedHere,seen_before:Seen0,goal:Goal},
734	mark_env_activity_args(Args, 0, UsedHere, -1, MaxY),
735	Seen is Seen0 \/ UsedHere.
738    :- mode mark_env_activity_args(+,+,-,+,-).
739    mark_env_activity_args([], EAM, EAM, MaxY, MaxY).
740    mark_env_activity_args([X|Xs], EAM0, EAM, MaxY0, MaxY) :-
741	mark_env_activity_term(X, EAM0, EAM1, MaxY0, MaxY1),
742	mark_env_activity_args(Xs, EAM1, EAM, MaxY1, MaxY).
744    :- mode mark_env_activity_term(+,+,-,+,-).
745    mark_env_activity_term(Var, EAM0, EAM, MaxY0, MaxY) :-
746	Var = variable{class:Loc},
747	( Loc = nonvoid(y(Y)) ->
748	    EAM is setbit(EAM0, Y-1),		% set the seen-flag
749	    MaxY is max(MaxY0,Y)
750	;
751	    EAM0=EAM, MaxY0=MaxY
752	).
753    mark_env_activity_term(attrvar{variable:Avar,meta:Meta}, EAM0, EAM, MaxY0, MaxY) :-
754	mark_env_activity_term(Avar, EAM0, EAM1, MaxY0, MaxY1),
755	mark_env_activity_term(Meta, EAM1, EAM, MaxY1, MaxY).
756    mark_env_activity_term([X|Xs], EAM0, EAM, MaxY0, MaxY) :-
757	mark_env_activity_term(X, EAM0, EAM1, MaxY0, MaxY1),
758	mark_env_activity_term(Xs, EAM1, EAM, MaxY1, MaxY).
759    mark_env_activity_term(structure{args:Args}, EAM0, EAM, MaxY0, MaxY) :-
760	mark_env_activity_term(Args, EAM0, EAM, MaxY0, MaxY).
761    mark_env_activity_term(Term, EAM, EAM, MaxY, MaxY) :- atomic(Term).
765% Backwards traversal of the clause DAG to discover last occurrences.
766% Using the auxiliary data structure created during the forward pass,
767% and the seen_before/seen_here-fields filled in during the forward pass.
769mark_env_activity_bwd([], After, After, ESize, ESize).
770mark_env_activity_bwd([Goal|Goals], After0, After, ESize0, ESize) :-
771	mark_env_activity_bwd(Goal, After0, After1, ESize0, ESize1),
772	mark_env_activity_bwd(Goals, After1, After, ESize1, ESize).
774			max_y_setup:MaxYSetup,
775			max_y_heads:MaxYHeads,
776			seen_before:SeenBeforeDisj,
777			seen_at_end:SeenEndDisj,
778			seen_at_ends:SeenEnds,
779			disjunction:disjunction{
780			    entrymap:DisjEntryEAM,
781			    exitmap:DisjExitEAM,
782			    entrysize:EntryESize,
783			    exitsize:ExitESize,
784			    branchentrymaps:BranchEntryEamArray,
785			    branchinitmaps:BranchExitInits}},
786		After0, After, ExitESize, ESize) :-
787	% EAM after exiting the disjunction
788	DisjExitEAM is SeenEndDisj /\ After0,
789	(
790	    foreach(Branch,Branches),
791	    foreach(SeenEnd,SeenEnds),
792	    foreach(BranchEntryEAM,BranchEntryEAMs),
793	    foreach(BranchExitInit,BranchExitInits),
794	    fromto(After0,After1,After2,After),
795	    fromto(ExitESize,ESize1,ESize2,ESize3),
796	    param(SeenBeforeDisj,After0,ExitESize,DisjExitEAM)
797	do
798	    % slots that are active after the disjunction, but not
799	    % at the end of the branch, must be initialised
800	    % on branch exit!
801	    BranchExitEAM is SeenEnd /\ After0,
802	    BranchExitInit is DisjExitEAM /\ \BranchExitEAM,
803	    mark_env_activity_bwd(Branch, After0, BranchAndAfter, ExitESize, BranchEntryESize),
804	    ESize2 is max(ESize1,BranchEntryESize),
805	    BranchEntryEAM is SeenBeforeDisj /\ BranchAndAfter,
806	    After2 is After1 \/ BranchAndAfter
807	),
808	% EntryESize is at least 0 because disjunctions are assumed
809	% to be regular and require at least an empty environment
810	EntryESize is max(0,max(ESize3,MaxYHeads)),
811	ESize is max(EntryESize,MaxYSetup),
812	% EAM before entering the disjunction
813	DisjEntryEAM is SeenBeforeDisj /\ After,
814	BranchEntryEamArray =.. [[]|BranchEntryEAMs].
815mark_env_activity_bwd(rev_goal{max_y:MaxY,seen_before:Before,seen_here:UsedHere,goal:Goal}, After0, After, ESize0, ESize) :-
816	Goal = goal{envmap:EAM,envsize:ESize0},
817	ESize is max(max(0,ESize0),MaxY),	% need at least empty environment
818	% if variables were not globalised, slots would remain active during call:
819%	EAM is UsedHere \/ (Before /\ After0),
820	% when unsafe variables are globalised, slots are released on call:
821	EAM is (UsedHere \/ Before) /\ After0,
822	After is After0 \/ UsedHere.