2  SockeyeParser.hs: Parser for Sockeye
4  Part of Sockeye
6  Copyright (c) 2017, ETH Zurich.
8  All rights reserved.
10  This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file.
11  If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to:
12  ETH Zurich D-INFK, CAB F.78, Universitaetstrasse 6, CH-8092 Zurich,
13  Attn: Systems Group.
16module SockeyeParser
17( parseSockeye ) where
19import Text.Parsec
20import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P
21import Text.Parsec.Language (javaStyle)
23import qualified SockeyeASTParser as AST
25{- Parser main function -}
26parseSockeye :: String -> String -> Either ParseError AST.SockeyeSpec
27parseSockeye = parse sockeyeFile
29{- Sockeye parsing -}
30sockeyeFile = do
31    whiteSpace
32    spec <- sockeyeSpec
33    eof
34    return spec
36sockeyeSpec = do
37    imports <- many imports
38    modules <- many sockeyeModule
39    net <- many netSpecs
40    return AST.SockeyeSpec
41        { AST.imports = imports
42        , AST.modules = modules
43        , AST.net     = concat net
44        }
46imports = do
47    reserved "import"
48    path <- try importPath <?> "import path"
49    return $ AST.Import path
52sockeyeModule = do
53    reserved "module"
54    name <- moduleName
55    params <- option [] $ parens (commaSep moduleParam)
56    body <- braces moduleBody
57    return AST.Module
58        { AST.name       = name
59        , AST.parameters = params
60        , AST.moduleBody = body
61        }
63moduleParam = do
64    paramType <- choice [intType, addrType] <?> "parameter type"
65    paramName <- parameterName
66    return AST.ModuleParam
67        { AST.paramName = paramName
68        , AST.paramType = paramType
69        }
70    where
71        intType = do
72            symbol "nat"
73            return AST.NaturalParam
74        addrType = do
75            symbol "addr"
76            return AST.AddressParam
78moduleBody = do
79    ports <- many ports
80    net <- many netSpecs
81    return AST.ModuleBody
82        { AST.ports     = concat ports
83        , AST.moduleNet = concat net
84        }
86ports = choice [inputPorts, outputPorts]
87    where
88        inputPorts = do
89            reserved "input"
90            commaSep1 inDef
91        inDef = do
92            (forFn, portId) <- identifierFor
93            symbol "/"
94            portWidth <- decimal <?> "number of bits"
95            let port = AST.InputPort portId portWidth
96            case forFn of
97                Nothing -> return port
98                Just f  -> return $ AST.MultiPort (f port)
99        outputPorts = do
100            reserved "output"
101            commaSep1 outDef
102        outDef = do
103            (forFn, portId) <- identifierFor
104            symbol "/"
105            portWidth <- decimal <?> "number of bits"
106            let port = AST.OutputPort portId portWidth
107            case forFn of
108                Nothing -> return port
109                Just f  -> return $ AST.MultiPort (f port)
111netSpecs = choice [ inst <?> "module instantiation"
112                 , decl <?> "node declaration"
113                 ]
114    where
115        inst = do
116            moduleInst <- moduleInst
117            return $ [AST.ModuleInstSpec moduleInst]
118        decl = do
119            nodeDecls <- nodeDecls
120            return $ [AST.NodeDeclSpec decl | decl <- nodeDecls]
122moduleInst = do
123    (name, args) <- try $ do
124        name <- moduleName
125        args <- option [] $ parens (commaSep moduleArg)
126        symbol "as"
127        return (name, args)
128    (forFn, namespace) <- identifierFor
129    portMappings <- option [] $ symbol "with" *> many1 portMapping
130    return $ let
131        moduleInst = AST.ModuleInst
132            { AST.moduleName = name
133            , AST.namespace  = namespace
134            , AST.arguments  = args
135            , AST.portMappings = portMappings
136            }
137        in case forFn of
138            Nothing -> moduleInst
139            Just f  -> AST.MultiModuleInst $ f moduleInst
141moduleArg = choice [numericalArg, paramArg]
142    where
143        numericalArg = do
144            num <- addressLiteral
145            return $ AST.NumericalArg num
146        paramArg = do
147            name <- parameterName
148            return $ AST.ParamArg name
150portMapping = choice [inputMapping, outputMapping]
151    where
152        inputMapping = do
153            (forFn, mappedId) <- try $ identifierFor <* symbol ">"
154            portId <- identifier
155            return $ let
156                portMap = AST.InputPortMap
157                    { AST.mappedId   = mappedId
158                    , AST.mappedPort = portId
159                    }
160                in case forFn of
161                    Nothing -> portMap
162                    Just f  -> AST.MultiPortMap $ f portMap
163        outputMapping = do
164            (forFn, mappedId) <- try $ identifierFor <* symbol "<"
165            portId <- identifier
166            return $ let
167                portMap = AST.OutputPortMap
168                    { AST.mappedId   = mappedId
169                    , AST.mappedPort = portId
170                    }
171                in case forFn of
172                    Nothing -> portMap
173                    Just f  -> AST.MultiPortMap $ f portMap
175nodeDecls = do
176    nodeIds <- choice [try single, try multiple]
177    nodeSpec <- nodeSpec
178    return $ map (toNodeDecl nodeSpec) nodeIds
179    where
180        single = do
181            nodeId <- identifier
182            reserved "is"
183            return [(Nothing, nodeId)]
184        multiple = do
185            nodeIds <- commaSep1 identifierFor
186            reserved "are"
187            return nodeIds
188        toNodeDecl nodeSpec (forFn, ident) = let
189            nodeDecl = AST.NodeDecl
190                { AST.nodeId = ident
191                , AST.nodeSpec = nodeSpec
192                }
193            in case forFn of
194                Nothing -> nodeDecl
195                Just f  -> AST.MultiNodeDecl $ f nodeDecl
197identifier = do
198    (_, ident) <- identifierHelper False
199    return ident
201nodeSpec = do
202    nodeType <- option AST.Other $ try nodeType
203    accept <- option [] accept
204    translate <- option [] tranlsate
205    reserve <- option [] reserve
206    overlay <- optionMaybe overlay
207    return AST.NodeSpec
208        { AST.nodeType  = nodeType
209        , AST.accept    = accept
210        , AST.translate = translate
211        , AST.reserved  = reserve
212        , AST.overlay   = overlay
213        }
214    where
215        accept = do
216            try $ reserved "accept"
217            brackets $ many blockSpec
218        tranlsate = do
219            try $ reserved "map"
220            specs <- brackets $ many mapSpecs
221            return $ concat specs
222        reserve = do
223            try $ reserved "reserved"
224            brackets $ many blockSpec
226nodeType = choice [core, device, memory]
227    where
228        core = do
229            symbol "core"
230            return AST.Core
231        device = do
232            symbol "device"
233            return AST.Device
234        memory = do
235            symbol "memory"
236            return AST.Memory
238blockSpec = do
239    bs <- choice [range, length, singleton]
241    return bs
242    where
243        singleton = do
244            address <- address
245            ps <- propSpec
246            return $ AST.SingletonBlock address ps
247        range = do
248            base <- try $ address <* symbol "-"
249            limit <- address
250            ps <- propSpec
251            return $ AST.RangeBlock base limit ps
252        length = do
253            base <- try $ address <* symbol "/"
254            bits <- decimal <?> "number of bits"
255            ps <- propSpec
256            return $ AST.LengthBlock base bits ps
258propSpec = do
259    props <- option [] propList
260    return $ AST.PropSpec props
261    where
262      propList = do
263        symbol "("
264        propIds <- commaSep1 $ propertyName
265        symbol ")"
266        return propIds
268address = choice [address, param]
269    where
270        address = do
271            addr <- addressLiteral
272            return $ AST.LiteralAddress addr
273        param = do
274            name <- parameterName
275            return $ AST.ParamAddress name
277mapSpecs = do
278    block <- blockSpec
279    reserved "to"
280    dests <- commaSep1 $ mapDest
281    return $ map (toMapSpec block) dests
282    where
283        mapDest = do
284            destNode <- identifier
285            destBase <- optionMaybe $ reserved "at" *> address
286            destProps <- propSpec
287            return (destNode, destBase, destProps)
288        toMapSpec block (destNode, destBase, destProps) = AST.MapSpec
289            { AST.block    = block
290            , AST.destNode = destNode
291            , AST.destBase = destBase
292            , AST.destProps = destProps
293            }
295overlay = do
296    reserved "over"
297    over <- identifier
298    symbol "/"
299    width <- decimal <?> "number of bits"
300    return AST.OverlaySpec
301        { AST.over  = over
302        , AST.width = width
303        }
305identifierFor = identifierHelper True
307forVarRange optVarName
308    | optVarName = do
309        var <- option "#" (try $ variableName <* reserved "in")
310        range var
311    | otherwise = do
312        var <- variableName
313        reserved "in"
314        range var
315    where
316        range var = brackets (do
317            start <- index
318            symbol ".."
319            end <- index
320            return AST.ForVarRange
321                { AST.var   = var
322                , AST.start = start
323                , AST.end   = end
324                }
325            )
326            <?> "range ([a..b])"
327        index = choice [numberIndex, paramIndex]
328        numberIndex = do
329            num <- numberLiteral
330            return $ AST.LiteralLimit num
331        paramIndex = do
332            name <- parameterName
333            return $ AST.ParamLimit name
335{- Helper functions -}
336lexer = P.makeTokenParser (
337    javaStyle  {
338        {- list of reserved Names -}
339        P.reservedNames = keywords,
341        {- valid identifiers -}
342        P.identStart = letter,
343        P.identLetter = identLetter,
345        {- comment start and end -}
346        P.commentStart = "/*",
347        P.commentEnd = "*/",
348        P.commentLine = "//",
349        P.nestedComments = False
350    })
352whiteSpace    = P.whiteSpace lexer
353reserved      = P.reserved lexer
354parens        = P.parens lexer
355brackets      = P.brackets lexer
356braces        = P.braces lexer
357symbol        = P.symbol lexer
358commaSep      = P.commaSep lexer
359commaSep1     = P.commaSep1 lexer
360identString   = P.identifier lexer
361natural       = P.natural lexer <* whiteSpace
362hexadecimal   = symbol "0" *> P.hexadecimal lexer <* whiteSpace
363decimal       = P.decimal lexer <* whiteSpace
365keywords = ["import", "module",
366            "input", "output",
367            "in",
368            "as", "with",
369            "is", "are",
370            "accept", "map",
371            "reserved", "over",
372            "to", "at"]
374identStart     = letter
375identLetter    = alphaNum <|> char '_' <|> char '-'
377importPath     = many (identLetter <|> char '/') <* whiteSpace
378moduleName     = identString <?> "module name"
379parameterName  = identString <?> "parameter name"
380variableName   = identString <?> "variable name"
381propertyName   = identString <?> "property name"
382identifierName = try ident <?> "identifier"
383    where
384        ident = do
385            start <- identStart
386            rest <- many identLetter
387            let ident = start:rest
388            if ident `elem` keywords
389                then unexpected $ "reserved word \"" ++ ident ++ "\""
390                else return ident
392numberLiteral  = try decimal <?> "number literal"
393addressLiteral = try natural <?> "address literal (hex)"
395identifierHelper inlineFor = do
396    (varRanges, Just ident) <- choice [template identifierName, simple identifierName] <* whiteSpace
397    let
398        forFn = case varRanges of
399         [] -> Nothing
400         _  -> Just $ \body -> AST.For
401                { AST.varRanges = varRanges
402                , AST.body      = body
403                }
404    return (forFn, ident)
405    where
406        simple ident = do
407            name <- ident
408            return $ ([], Just $ AST.SimpleIdent name)
409        template ident = do
410            prefix <- try $ ident <* symbol "{"
411            (ranges, varName, suffix) <- if inlineFor
412                then choice [forTemplate, varTemplate]
413                else varTemplate
414            let
415                ident = Just AST.TemplateIdent
416                    { AST.prefix = prefix
417                    , AST.varName = varName
418                    , AST.suffix = suffix
419                    }
420            return (ranges, ident)
421        varTemplate = do
422            varName <- variableName
423            char '}'
424            (ranges, suffix) <- templateSuffix
425            return (ranges, varName, suffix)
426        forTemplate = do
427            optVarRange <- forVarRange True
428            char '}'
429            (subRanges, suffix) <- templateSuffix
430            return $ let
431                varName = mapOptVarName subRanges (AST.var optVarRange)
432                varRange = optVarRange { AST.var = varName }
433                ranges = varRange:subRanges
434                in (ranges, varName, suffix)
435        templateSuffix = option ([], Nothing) $ choice
436            [ template $ many identLetter
437            , simple $ many1 identLetter
438            ]
439        mapOptVarName prev "#" = "#" ++ (show $ (length prev) + 1)
440        mapOptVarName _ name = name