2 * Copyright (c) 2014, ETH Zurich. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file.
5 * If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to:
6 * ETH Zurich D-INFK, Universitaetsstrasse 6 CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group.
7 */
10 * ioat_dma.dev
11 *
12 * DESCRIPTION: Crystal Beach DMA  Engine register descriptor 
13 * 
14 * This is derived from the "Intel (R) Xeon (R) Processor E5 v2 Product Family", 
15 * chapter 8.4 & 8.5, "Device 4, Function 0-7, Crystal Beach DMA". 
16 * 
17 */
19device ioat_dma msbfirst ( addr cfg_base, addr bar ) "IOAT DMA (Crystal Beach) registers" {
21    /*
22     * Section, Table 1-1: Functions Specifically Handled by the Processor
23     */
24    constants device_ids "Crystal Beach DMA device IDs" {
25        pci_vendorid   =  0x8086 "Intel Corporation";
26        pci_deviceid_0 =  0x0E20 "DMA Channel 0";
27        pci_deviceid_1 =  0x0E21 "DMA Channel 1";
28        pci_deviceid_2 =  0x0E22 "DMA Channel 2";
29        pci_deviceid_3 =  0x0E23 "DMA Channel 3";
30        pci_deviceid_4 =  0x0E24 "DMA Channel 4";
31        pci_deviceid_5 =  0x0E25 "DMA Channel 5";
32        pci_deviceid_6 =  0x0E26 "DMA Channel 6";
33        pci_deviceid_7 =  0x0E27 "DMA Channel 7";
34    };
36    /*
37     * Shift amounts vor various registers
38     */
39    constants shifts "Crystal Beach Shift Values" {
40        shift_baraddr  = 14 "Base Address shift amount";
41        shift_descaddr =  6 "Descriptor addres shift value";
42    };
46    /*
47     * =========================================================================
48     * PCI Configuration and DMA capability registers
49     * 
50     * Section 8.4: Crystal Beach DMA Registers
51     */
53    /*
54     * 8.4.1
55     */
56    register vid ro addr(cfg_base, 0x0) "Vendor Identification Number (0x8086)"
57        type(uint16);
59    /*
60     * 8.4.2
61     */
62    register did ro addr(cfg_base, 0x2) "Device Identification Number" {
63        devid    8 "Device ID always 0x0E";
64        function 8 "Function number: 0-7";
65    }; 
67    /*
68     * 8.4.3
69     */    
70    register pcicmd addr(cfg_base, 0x4) "PCI Command Register" {
71        _            5 rsvd "reserved";
72        intx_disable 1 rw   "";
73        _            1 rsvd   "Always reads zero";
74        serre        1 ro   "";
75        _            1 rsvd "Always reads zero";
76        perre        1 ro   "";
77        _            1 rsvd "Always reads zero";
78        mwie         1 ro   "";
79        sce          1 ro   "";
80        bme          1 rw   "";
81        mse          1 rw   "";
82        iose         1 ro   "";
83    };
85    /*
86     * 8.4.4
87     */    
88    register pcists addr(cfg_base, 0x6) "PCI Status Register" {
89        dpe     1 rw1c  "";
90        sse     1 ro    "";
91        rma     1 ro    "";
92        rta     1 ro    "";
93        sta     1 rw1c  "";
94        _       2 rsvd  "Always reads zero";
95        mdpe    1 rw1c  "";
96        _       3 rsvd  "Always reads zero";
97        caplist 1 ro    "indicates the presence of a capabilities list structure";
98        intxsts 1 ro    "";
99        _       3 rsvd  "reserved";
100    };
102    /*
103     * 8.4.5 / 8.4.6
104     */ 
105    register rid_ccr ro addr(cfg_base, 0x8) "Revision ID and PCI Class" {
106        class      8 "Base class: Generic device";
107        subclass   8 "Sub class: Generic device";
108        rlpi       8 "Register level programming interface (set to 00)";
109        rid        8 "Revision ID";
110    };
112    /*
113     * 8.4.7
114     */     
115    register clsr ro addr(cfg_base, 0xc) "Cache Line Size (always 64b)" 
116        type(uint8);
118    /*
119     * 8.4.8
120     */     
121    register hdr ro addr(cfg_base, 0xe) "PCI Header Register" {
122        mfd         1 ro    "Multifunction device (always 1)";
123        cfglayout   1 ro    "Configuration layout (always 0, endpoint)";
124        _           6 rsvd  "reserved";
125    }; 
127    /*
128     * 8.4.9 Crystal Beach Base Address Register.
129     */     
130    register cb_bar addr(cfg_base, 0x10) "Crystal Beach Base Address Register" {
131        bar      50 rw   "16 KB aligned 64-bit base address for MMIO regs";
132        _        10 rsvd "reserved";
133        prefetch  1 ro   "DMA registers are non-prefetchable (always 0)";
134        bartype   2 ro   "The DMA registers is 64-bit address space";
135        memspace  1 ro   "This Base Address Register indicates memory space.";
136    };
138    /*
139     * 8.4.10
140     */     
141    register svid ro addr(cfg_base, 0x2c) "Vendor Identification Number (0x8086)"
142        type(uint16);
144    /*
145     * 8.4.11
146     */     
147    register sdid ro addr(cfg_base, 0x2e) "Subsystem Identification Number"
148        type(uint16);
150    /*
151     * 8.4.12
152     */     
153    register capptr ro addr(cfg_base, 0x34) "Capability Pointer (first cap structure)"
154        type(uint8);
156    /*
157     * 8.4.13
158     */     
159    register intl rw addr(cfg_base, 0x3c) "Interrupt Line (N/A)"
160        type(uint8);
162    /*
163     * 8.4.14
164     * 
165     * The value of this register depends on the function number
166     * 0x1-0x4
167     */     
168    register intpin rw addr(cfg_base, 0x3d) "Interrupt pin (Function dependent)"
169        type(uint8);
171    /*
172     * 8.4.15 - This DEVCFG is for Function 0 only
173     */     
174    register devcfg addr(cfg_base, 0x60) "Device Configuration Register" {
175        numrd_xor   4 rw   "Number of outstanding requests (set to 0 for max)";
176        f1extop     1 rw   "switches in the Function 1 Device ID";
177        f0extop     1 rw   "switches in the Function 0 Device ID";
178        no_snoop    1 rw   "Disable snooping (not recommendend)";
179        _           1 rsvd "Reserved";
180        numrd       4 rw   "Number of outstanding requests";
181        numrfo      4 rw   "Number of outstanding RFOs";
182    };
184    /*
185     * 8.4.16
186     */     
187    register msixcapid ro addr(cfg_base, 0x80) "MSI-X Capability ID"
188        type(uint8);
190    /*
191     * 8.4.17
192     */     
193    register msixnxtptr ro addr(cfg_base, 0x81) "MSI-X Next Pointer"
194        type(uint8);
196    constants msixctrl "MSI-X Control values" {
197        msix_use_intx = 0 "INTx method is used";
198        msix_use_msix = 1 "MSI-X method is used";
199    };
201    /*
202     * 8.4.18
203     */     
204    register msixmsgctl addr(cfg_base, 0x82) "MSI-X Message Control" {
205        msi_x_en        1 rw    "Select MSI-X instead of INTx method";
206        function_mask   1 rw    "Vector mask control";
207        _               3 rsvd  "reserved";
208        table_size     11 ro    "Table size of MSI-X";
209    };
211    /*
212     * 8.4.19 - MSI-X Table Offset and BAR Indicator.
213     */     
214    register tableoff_bir ro addr(cfg_base, 0x84) "MSI-X Table Offset and BAR Indicator" {
215        offset 29 "Offset of the MSI-X structure from the CB_BAR base";
216        bir     3 "Offset of the CB BAR in the Config Space";
217    };
219    /*
220     * 8.4.20
221     */     
222    register pbaoff_bir ro addr(cfg_base, 0x88) "MSI-X PBA Offset" {
223        offset 29 "Offset of the MSI-X PBA structure from the CB_BAR base";
224        bir     3 "Offset of the CB BAR in the Config Space";
225    };
227    /*
228     * 8.4.21 - The PCI Express Capability List register enumerates the PCI 
229     *          Express Capability structure in the PCI 3.0 cfg_baseuration space
230     */     
231    register capid ro addr(cfg_base, 0x90) "Capability ID"
232        type(uint8);
234    /*
235     * 8.4.22 - The PCI Express Capability List register enumerates the PCI 
236     *          Express Capability structure in the PCI 3.0 cfg_baseuration space
237     */     
238    register nextptr addr(cfg_base, 0x91) "Capability Next Pointer"
239        type(uint8);
241    /*
242     * 8.4.23 - The PCI Express Capabilities register identifies the PCI Express 
243    *           device type and associated capabilities
244     */     
245    register expcap ro addr(cfg_base, 0x92) "PCI Express Device Type" {
246        _           2 "Reserved";
247        irq_msg_num 5 "N/A" ;
248        slot_impl   1 "N/A";
249        port_type   4 "Type of the Device";
250        version     4 "Version of the PCI Express capability structure"; 
251    };
253    /*
254     * 8.4.24 - The PCI Express Device Capabilities register identifies device 
255     *          specific information for the device.
256     */     
257    register devcap ro addr(cfg_base, 0x94) "PCI Express Device Capability Register" {
258        _            3 "Reserved";
259        flr          1 "FLR supported";
260        pwr_scale    2 "Captured slot power limit scale";
261        pwr_limit    8 "Captured slot power limit value";
262        _            2 "reserved";
263        err_rep      1 "Role based error reporting";
264        pwr_ind      1 "Power indicator present on device";
265        att_ind      1 "Attention indicator present on device";
266        att_btn      1 "Attention button present on device";
267        ep_latency_1 3 "Endpoint L1 acceptable latency";
268        ep_latency_0 3 "Endpoint L0 acceptable latency";
269        ext_tag      1 "Extended tag supported";
270        phantom      2 "Phantom functions supported";
271        max_payload  3 "Maximum PCIe payload size";
272    };
274    /*
275     * 8.4.25 - The PCI Express Device Control register controls PCI Express 
276     *          specific capabilities parameters associated with the device.
277     */     
278    register devcon addr(cfg_base, 0x98) "The PCI Express Device Control register" {
279        flr         1 rw "Initiate FLR: reset only per FLR ECN";
280        max_rd_sz   3 ro "Maximum read request size";
281        no_snoop    1 rw "Enable the no-snoop functionality";
282        aux_pwr_en  1 ro "Enable Auxiliary power managmenet";
283        phantom_en  1 ro "Enable phantom functions";
284        ext_tag_en  1 ro "Enable extended tab field";
285        max_palyoad 3 ro "Maximum payload size";
286        relaxed_ord 1 rw "Enable Relaxed ordering";
287        unsup_rep   1 ro "Enable unsupported request reporting";
288        fatal_err   1 ro "Enable fatal error reporting";
289        non_fat_err 1 ro "Enable non-fatal error reporting";
290        corr_err    1 ro "Enable correctable error reporting";
291    };
293    /*
294     * 8.4.26 - The PCI Express Device Status register provides information about 
295     *         
296     *          PCI Express device specific parameters associated with the device
297     */     
298    register devsts ro addr(cfg_base, 0x9a) "Device Status Register" {
299        _           10 "reserved";
300        tr_pending   1 "Transaction pending";
301        aux_power    1 "Auxiliary power detected";
302        unsup_req    1 "Unsupported request detected";
303        fatal_err    1 "fatal error detected";
304        non_fat_err  1 "non-fatal error detected";
305        corr_err     1 "correctable error detected";
306    };
308    /*
309     * 8.4.27 - Device Capability register 2
310     */     
311    register devcap2 ro addr(cfg_base, 0xb4) "Device Capability Register 2" {
312        _                     27 "Reserved";
313        compl_timeout_disable  1 "Completion timeout disable supported";
314        compl_timeout_values   4 "Completion timeout values supported";
316    };
318    /*
319     * 8.4.28 - Device Configuration Register 2
320     */      
321    register devcon2 addr(cfg_base, 0xb8) "Device Configuration Register 2" {
322        _                     11 rsvd "Reserved";
323        compl_timeout_disable  1 rw   "Completion timeout disable";
324        compl_timeout_values   4 ro   "Completion timeout values";
325    };
327    /*
328     * 8.4.29 - Power Management Capability.
329     * 
330     *         The PM Capabilities Register defines the capability ID, next pointer 
331     *         and other power management related support. The following PM 
332     *         registers / capabilities are added for software compliance.
333     */     
334    register pmcap ro addr(cfg_base, 0xe0) "Power Management Capability" {
335        _           5 "Reserved";
336        d2_sup      1 "D2 om state supported";
337        d1_sup      1 "D2 om state supported";
338        aux_current 3 "Auxiliary current";
339        dev_init    1 "Device specific initialization";
340        _           1 "Reserved";
341        pme_clock   1 "Power management clock";
342        version     3 "Power management version";
343        next        8 "Pointer to the next capability field";
344        capid       8 "Capability ID (PM cap ID)";
345    }; 
347    constants power_st "Power States" {
348        pwr_st_d0 = 0 "";
349        pwr_st_d1 = 1 "";
350        pwr_st_d2 = 2 "";
351        pwr_st_d3 = 3 "";
352    };
354    /*
355     * 8.4.30 - Power Management Control and Status.
356     * 
357     *         This register provides status and control information for PM events 
358     *         in the PCI Express port of the IIO.
359     */     
360    register pmcsr addr(cfg_base, 0xe4) "Power Management Control and Status." {
361        data         8 ro   "Data field";
362        clk_ctrl_en  1 ro   "Bus power clock control enabled";
363        b2_b3_sup    1 ro   "B2-B3 Support";
364        _            6 rsvd "reserved";
365        pme_status   1 ro   "PME Status";
366        data_scale   2 ro   "Data Scale";
367        data_select  4 ro   "Data Select";
368        pme_en       1 ro   "Power Management Enabled";
369        _            4 rsvd "reserved";
370        no_soft_rst  1 ro   "No Softreset";
371        _            1 rsvd "reserved";
372        pwr_state    2 rw   "Powerstate to set";
373    };
375    /*
376     * 8.4.31 - DMA Cluster Uncorrectable Error Status (for function 0 only)
377     */     
378    register dmauncerrsts addr(cfg_base, 0x148) "DMA Cluster Uncorrectable Error Status" {
379        _        19 rsvd  "reserved";
380        syndrome  1 rw1cs "Syndrome multiple errors";
381        _         1 rsvd  "reserved";
382        addr_dec  1 rw1cs "Read address decode error statuts";
383        _         2 rsvd  "reserved";
384        compl_hdr 1 rw1cs "Read completion error staturs";
385        _         3 rsvd  "reserved";
386        hw_parity 1 rw1cs "DMA internal HW parity error";
387        dp_status 1 rw1cs "Received poisoned data from dp status";
388        _         2 rsvd  "reserved";
389    };
391    /*
392     * 8.4.32 - DMA Cluster Uncorrectable Error Mask. (for function 0 only)
393     */      
394    register dmauncerrmsk addr(cfg_base, 0x14c) "DMA Cluster Uncorrectable Error Mask" {
395        _        19 rsvd "reserved";
396        syndrome  1 rw   "Syndrome multiple errors";
397        _         1 rsvd "reserved";
398        addr_dec  1 rw   "Read address decode error statuts";
399        _         2 rsvd "reserved";
400        compl_hdr 1 rw   "Read completion error staturs";
401        _         3 rsvd "reserved";
402        hw_parity 1 rw   "DMA internal HW parity error";
403        dp_status 1 rw   "Received poisoned data from dp status";
404        _         2 rsvd "reserved";
405    }; 
407    /*
408     * 8.4.33 - DMA Cluster Uncorrectable Error Severity. (for function 0 only)
409     * 
410     *         This register controls severity of uncorrectable DMA unit errors 
411     *         between fatal and non-fatal.
412     */     
413    register dmauncerrsev addr(cfg_base, 0x150) "DMA Cluster Uncorrectable Error Severity." {
414        _        19 rsvd "reserved";
415        syndrome  1 rw   "Syndrome multiple errors";
416        _         1 rsvd "reserved";
417        addr_dec  1 rw   "Read address decode error statuts";
418        _         2 rsvd "reserved";
419        compl_hdr 1 rw   "Read completion error staturs";
420        _         3 rsvd "reserved";
421        hw_parity 1 rw   "DMA internal HW parity error";
422        dp_status 1 rw   "Received poisoned data from dp status";
423        _         2 rsvd "reserved";
424    };
426    /*
427     * 8.4.34 - DMA Cluster Uncorrectable Error Pointer. (for function 0 only)
428     */     
429    register dmauncerrptr ro addr(cfg_base, 0x154) "DMA Cluster Uncorrectable Error Pointer" {
430        _         3 "Reserved";
431        uncerrptr 5 "oints to the first uncorrectable error logged in the DMAUNCERRSTS register.";
432    };
434    /*
435     * 8.4.35 - DMA Cluster Global Error Pointe(for function 0 only)
436     */     
437    register dmaglberrptr addr(cfg_base, 0x160) "DMA Cluster Global Error Pointer" {
438        _        4 "Reserved";
439        glbl_err 4 "Points to 8 possible sources of uncorrectable rrors";
441    };
443    /*
444     * 8.4.36 - Internal DMA Channel Error Status Registers. 
445     *         
446     *          R1CS for function 0, otherwise RO
447     */     
448    register chanerr_int addr(cfg_base, 0x180) "Internal DMA Channel Error Status Registers." {
449        _          13 rsvd  "reserved";
450        desccnterr  1 rw1cs "Descriptor Count error";
451        xorqerr     1 rw1cs "Xor error";
452        crc_err     1 rw1cs "CRC test failed";
453        unaffilerr  1 ro    "Unaffiliated Error";
454        _           1 rsvd  "Unused error";
455        intcfgerr   1 rw1cs "Interrupt confiuguratio error";
456        cmpaddrerr  1 rw1cs "Completion Address error";
457        desclenerr  1 rw1cs "Description length error";
458        descctrlerr 1 rw1cs "Description control  error";
459        wrdataerr   1 rw1cs "Write data error";
460        rddataerr   1 rw1cs "Read Data error";
461        dmadataerr  1 rw1cs "DMA Data Parity error";
462        cdataerr    1 rw1cs "Data parity error";
463        chancmderr  1 rw1cs "Channel command error";
464        chanaddr    1 rw1cs "Channel address value error";
465        descerr     1 rw1cs "Descriptor error";
466        nxtdescerr  1 rw1cs "Next Descriptor Address error";
467        dmaxfererr  1 rw1cs "DMA Transfer Destination address error";
468        dmatranserr 1 rw1cs "DMA Transfer Source address error";
469    };
471    constants chanerr_int_val "Values for enabling/disabling the error intr" {
472        chanerr_int_disabled = 1 "Disable the interrupt";
473        chanerr_int_enabled  = 0 "Enable the interrupt";
474    };
476    /*
477     * 8.4.37 - Internal DMA Channel Error Mask Registers.
478     *         
479     *          R1CS for function 0, otherwise RO
480     */     
481    register chanerrmsk_int addr(cfg_base, 0x184) "Internal DMA Channel Error Mask Registers." {
482        _          13 rsvd  "reserved";
483        desccnterr  1 rw1cs "Descriptor Count error";
484        xorqerr     1 rw1cs "Xor error";
485        crc_err     1 rw1cs "CRC test failed";
486        unaffilerr  1 ro    "Unaffiliated Error";
487        _           1 rsvd  "Unused error";
488        intcfgerr   1 rw1cs "Interrupt confiuguratio error";
489        cmpaddrerr  1 rw1cs "Completion Address error";
490        desclenerr  1 rw1cs "Description length error";
491        descctrlerr 1 rw1cs "Description control  error";
492        wrdataerr   1 rw1cs "Write data error";
493        rddataerr   1 rw1cs "Read Data error";
494        dmadataerr  1 rw1cs "DMA Data Parity error";
495        cdataerr    1 rw1cs "Data parity error";
496        chancmderr  1 rw1cs "Channel command error";
497        chanaddr    1 rw1cs "Channel address value error";
498        descerr     1 rw1cs "Descriptor error";
499        nxtdescerr  1 rw1cs "Next Descriptor Address error";
500        dmaxfererr  1 rw1cs "DMA Transfer Destination address error";
501        dmatranserr 1 rw1cs "DMA Transfer Source address error";
502    };
504    /*
505     * 8.4.38 - Internal DMA Channel Error Severity Registers.
506     *         
507     *          R1CS for function 0, otherwise RO
508     */     
509    register chanerrsev_int addr(cfg_base, 0x188) "Internal DMA Channel Error Severity Registers." {
510        _          13 rsvd  "reserved";
511        desccnterr  1 rw1cs "Descriptor Count error";
512        xorqerr     1 rw1cs "Xor error";
513        crc_err     1 rw1cs "CRC test failed";
514        unaffilerr  1 ro    "Unaffiliated Error";
515        _           1 rsvd  "Unused error";
516        intcfgerr   1 rw1cs "Interrupt confiuguratio error";
517        cmpaddrerr  1 rw1cs "Completion Address error";
518        desclenerr  1 rw1cs "Description length error";
519        descctrlerr 1 rw1cs "Description control  error";
520        wrdataerr   1 rw1cs "Write data error";
521        rddataerr   1 rw1cs "Read Data error";
522        dmadataerr  1 rw1cs "DMA Data Parity error";
523        cdataerr    1 rw1cs "Data parity error";
524        chancmderr  1 rw1cs "Channel command error";
525        chanaddr    1 rw1cs "Channel address value error";
526        descerr     1 rw1cs "Descriptor error";
527        nxtdescerr  1 rw1cs "Next Descriptor Address error";
528        dmaxfererr  1 rw1cs "DMA Transfer Destination address error";
529        dmatranserr 1 rw1cs "DMA Transfer Source address error";
530    };
532    /*
533     * 8.4.39 - DMA Channel Error Pointer
534     */     
535    register chanerrptr ro addr(cfg_base, 0x18c) "DMA Channel Error Pointer." {
536        _            3 "reserved";
537        chan_err_ptr 5 "DMA Channel error pointer";
538    };
541    /*
542     * =========================================================================
543     * PCI Function Regsters
544     * 
545     * Section 8.5: Crystal Beach DMA Registers
546     *
547     * Crystal Beach MMIO Register used to control the DMA functionality. The 
548     * CB_BAR register points to the based address to these registers.
549     * All of these registers are accessible from only the processor. The IIO 
550     * supports accessing the Crystal Beach device memory-mapped registers via 
551     * QWORD reads and writes. The offsets indicated in the following table are 
552     * from the CB_BAR value.
553     */
555    /*
556     * 8.5.1 - Channel Count
557     *         
558     *         The Channel Count register specifies the number of channels that 
559     *         are implemented.
560     * 
561     *         Note: This will always reads 8, since there are 1 channel per
562     *               function, but 8 functions per device
563     */   
564    register chancnt ro addr(bar, 0x0) "Channel Count" {
565        _   3 rsvd "reserved";
566        num 5 ro   "Number of channels present"; 
567    };
569    /*
570     * 8.5.2 - Transfer Capacity
571     *         
572     *         The Transfer Capacity specifies the minimum of the maximum DMA 
573     *         transfer size supported on all channels. This is in bits.
574     *         CPU supports maximum 1MB (default value 0x14)
575     */  
576    register xfercap ro addr(bar, 0x1) "Transfer Capacity"{
577        _   3 rsvd "reserved";
578        max 5 ro   "Maximum transfer capability"; 
579    };
581    /*
582     * 8.5.3 - DMA General Control
583     *         
584     *         The DMA Control register provides for general control operations.
585     */  
586    register genctrl addr(bar, 0x2) "DMA General Control" {
587        _     7 rsvd "reserved";
588        dbgen 1 rw "DB Generation";
589    }; 
591    /*
592     * 8.5.4 - The Interrupt Control register provides control of DMA interrupts.
593     */  
594    register intrctrl addr(bar, 0x3) "Interrupt Control Register" {
595        _        4 rsvd "reserved";
596        msix_vec 1 rw   "MSI-X Vector Control. (Ignored by CB)";
597        intp     1 ro   "Interrupt. Set when status bit in attention is set";
598        intp_sts 1 ro   "Interrupt status. (not used in MSI-X model)";
599        intp_en  1 rw   "Master interrupt enable bit. (not used in MSI-X model)";
600    }; 
602    /*
603     * 8.5.5 - Attention Status
604     */  
605    register attnstatus ro addr(bar, 0x4) "Attention Status Register" {
606        _        31 "Reserved";
607        chanattn  1 "Channel Attention. Represents the interrupt status";
608    };
610    constants cbversions "Crystal Beach Major Versions" {
611        cbver_1x = 0x1 "Crystal Beach Version 1.xx";
612        cbver_2x = 0x2 "Crystal Beach Version 2.xx";
613        cbver_3x = 0x3 "Crystal Beach Version 3.xx";
614    };
616    /*
617     * 8.5.6 - Crystal Beach Version Number
618     *         
619     *         The CB version register field indicates the version of the CB 
620     *         specification that the IIO implements. The most significant 4-bits 
621     *         (range 7:4) are the major version number and the least significant 
622     *         4-bits (range 3:0) are the minor version number. The IIO 
623     *         implementation for this Crystal Beach version is 3.2 encoded as 
624     *         0b0011 0010.
625     */  
626    register cbver ro addr(bar, 0x8) "Crystal Beach Version Number" {
627        major 4 "Major Version Number";
628        minor 4 "Minor Version Number";
629    };
631    /*
632     * 8.5.7 - Interrupt Delay Register
633     */  
634    register intrdelay addr(bar, 0xc) "Interrupt Delay Register" {
635        coalesc   1 ro   "Interrupt Coalescing is supported";
636        _         1 rsvd "reserved";
637        delay_us 14 rw   "Interrupt delay time in micro seconds";
638    }; 
640    /*
641     * 8.5.8 - Chipset Status Register
642     */  
643    register cs_status ro addr(bar, 0xe) "Chipset Status Register" {
644        _             12 "Reserved";
645        addr_remap     1 "Address Remapping: reflects the TE bit of VT-d";
646        mem_bypass     1 "Memory bypass";
647        mmio_restrict  1 "MMIO Restriction";
648        _              1 "Reserved";
649    }; 
651    /*
652     * 8.5.9 - DMA Capability
653     */  
654    register dmacapability addr(bar, 0x10) "DMA Capability Register" {
655        _           22 rsvd "Reserved";
656        pq           1 ro   "Parity and Quotient Opcodes for RAID 5 / 6";
657        xor          1 ro   "Only XOR for RAID 5 / 6 supported";
658        ext_apic_id  1 ro   "32bit APIC IDs are supported (otherwise 8bit APIC)";
659        block_fill   1 ro   "Block fill OP code is supported";
660        move_crc     1 ro   "Move and CRC op codes are supported";
661        dca          1 rw   "Direct Cache Access is supported";
662        _            1 rsvd "These opcodes have been deprecated in CB DMA v3";
663        markerskip   1 ro   "Marker skipping is supported";
664        crc          1 ro   "CRC generation supported";
665        pagebreak    1 ro   "Transfers crossing physical pages supported";
666    }; 
668    /*
669     * 8.5.10 - DCA offset
670     */  
671    register dcaoffset ro addr(bar, 0x14) "DCA Offset Register"
672        type(uint16);
674    /*
675     * 8.5.11 - CB DMA Priority Register (unused)
676     */  
677    register cbprio ro addr(bar, 0x40) "CB DMA Priority Register"
678        type(uint8);
680    constants chanctrl_snoop "Field values for Snoop Control" {
681        chanctrl_snoop_disabled = 0x1 "Disabled snooping";
682        chanctrl_snoop_enabled  = 0x0 "Enable snooping";
683    };
685    constants chanctrl_features "Field values for Channel Features" {
686        chanctrl_f_enable       = 0x1 "Feature field is enabled";
687        chanctrl_f_disable      = 0x0 "Feature field is disabled";
688    };
690    /*
691     * 8.5.12 - Channel Control Register
692     *
693     *          The Channel Control register controls the behavior of the DMA 
694     *          channel when specific events occur such as completion or errors.
695     */  
696    register chanctrl addr(bar, 0x80) "Channel Control Register" {
697        _           6 rsvd "Reserved";
698        dca_en      1 rw   "Direct Cache access enabled";
699        in_use      1 rw   "Channel is in use";
700        _           2 rsvd "reserved";
701        snoop_ctrl  1 rw   "Descriptor address snoop control";
702        err_int_en  1 rw   "Error Interrupt Enabled";
703        err_abort   1 rw   "Any Error Abort Enbled";
704        err_cmp_en  1 rw   "Error Completion Enabled";
705        _           1 rsvd "Reserved";
706        intp_dis    1 rw1c "Interrupt disable";
707    }; 
709    /*
710     * 8.5.13 - DMA Compatibility Register
711     */  
712    register dma_comp ro addr(bar, 0x82) "DMA Compatibility Register" {
713        _  13 "Reserved";
714        v3  1 "Compatible with CB Version 3";
715        v2  1 "Compatible with CB Version 2";
716        v1  1 "NOT compatible with CB Version 1";
717    };
719    /*
720     * 8.5.14 - DMA Channel Command Register
721     * 
722     *          Setting more than one of these bits with the same write operation 
723     *          will result in an Fatal error affiliated.
724     */  
725    register chancmd addr(bar, 0x84) "DMA Channel Command Register." {
726        _      2 rsvd "Reserved";
727        reset  1 rw   "Reset DMA channel";
728        resume 1 rw   "resume";
729        abort  1 rw   "Abort";
730        susp   1 rw   "Suspend the DMA channel";
731        append 1 rw   "Append";
732        start  1 rw   "Start";
733    }; 
735    /*
736     * 8.5.15 - DMA Descriptor Count Register
737     *
738     *          This is the absolute value of the number of valid descriptors in 
739     *          the chain. The hardware sets this register and an internal counter 
740     *          to zero whenever the CHAINADDR register is written. When this 
741     *          register does not equal the value of the internal register, the 
742     *          DMA channel processes descriptors, incrementing the internal 
743     *          counter each time that it completes (or skips) a descriptor.This
744     *          register is RW if CHANCNT register is 1 otherwise this register is RO.
745     */  
746    register dmacount addr(bar, 0x86) "DMA Descriptor Count Register"
747        type(uint16);
750    constants trans_state "DMA Transfer States" {
751        trans_state_idle  = 0x1 "Idle, All DMA transfers done";
752        trans_state_susp  = 0x2 "Suspended";
753        trans_state_halt  = 0x3 "Halted, operation aborted (error)";
754        trans_state_armed = 0x4 "Armed State";
755    };
757    /*
758     * 8.5.16 - Channel Status Lo Register.
759     *
760     *          The Channel Status Register records the address of the last 
761     *          descriptor completed by the DMA channel. Refer to Crystal Beach 
762     *          Architecture Specification 2.0 Rev 1.0 for special hardware 
763     *          requirements when software reads this register.
764     */   
765    register chansts_lo ro addr(bar, 0x88) "Channel Status Lo Register." {
766        cmpdscaddr     26 "Uppder address of the last descriptor processed";
767        _               3 "Reserved";
768        dma_trans_state 3 "DMA transfer State";
769    };
771    /*
772     * 8.5.17 - Channel Status Hi Register.
773     *
774     *          The Channel Status Register records the address of the last 
775     *          descriptor completed by the DMA channel. Refer to Crystal Beach 
776     *          Architecture Specification for special hardware requirements when 
777     *          software reads this register.
778     * 
779     *          Also stores the address of the last processed descriptor
780     */  
781    register chansts_hi ro addr(bar, 0x8c) "Channel Status Hi Register." 
782        type(uint32);
784    /*
785     * 8.5.18 - Descriptor Chain Address Lo Register.
786     *
787     *         This register is written by the processor to specify the first 
788     *         descriptor to be fetched by the DMA channel.
789     *
790     *         This register is RW if CHANCNT register is 1 otherwise this register is RO.
791     */  
792    register chainaddr_lo rw addr(bar, 0x90) "Descriptor Chain Address Lo Register." {
793        descaddr_lo 26 rw  "Address of the first descriptor";
794        _            6 mbz "Must be zero";
795    };
797    /*
798     * 8.5.19 - Descriptor Chain Address Hi Register.
799     *
800     *          This register is written by the processor to specify the first 
801     *          descriptor to be fetched by the DMA channel.
802     * 
803     *          This register is RW if CHANCNT register is 1 otherwise this register is RO.
804     */  
805    register chainaddr_hi rw addr(bar, 0x94) "Descriptor Chain Address Hi Register."
806        type(uint32);
809    /*
810     * 8.5.20 - Channel Completion Address Lo Register.
811     *
812     *          This register specifies the address where the DMA channel writes 
813     *          the completion status upon completion or an error condition i.e. 
814     *          it writes the contents of the CHANSTS register to the destination 
815     *          as pointed by the CHANCMP register.
816     * 
817     *          This register is RW if CHANCNT register is 1 otherwise this register is RO.
818     */   
819    register chancmp_lo addr(bar, 0x98) "Channel Completion Address Lo Register." 
820        type(uint32);
822    /*
823     * 8.5.21 - Channel Completion Address Hi Register.
824     *
825     *          This register specifies the address where the DMA channel writes 
826     *          the completion status upon completion or an error condition i.e. 
827     *          it writes the contents of the CHANSTS register to the destination 
828     *          as pointed by the CHANCMP register.
829     * 
830     *          This register is RW if CHANCNT register is 1 otherwise this register is RO.
831     */  
832    register chancmp_hi addr(bar, 0x9c) "Channel Completion Address Hi Register." 
833        type(uint32);
835    /*
836     * 8.5.22 - Channel Error Register
837     *
838     *          The Channel Error Register records the error conditions occurring 
839     *          within a given DMA channel.
840     */  
841    register chanerr addr(bar, 0xa8) "Channel Error Register" {
842        _          13 rsvd  "reserved";
843        desccnterr  1 rw1cs "Descriptor Count error";
844        xorqerr     1 rw1cs "Xor error";
845        crc_err     1 rw1cs "CRC test failed";
846        unaffilerr  1 ro    "Unaffiliated Error";
847        _           1 rsvd  "Unused error";
848        intcfgerr   1 rw1cs "Interrupt confiuguratio error";
849        cmpaddrerr  1 rw1cs "Completion Address error";
850        desclenerr  1 rw1cs "Description length error";
851        descctrlerr 1 rw1cs "Description control  error";
852        wrdataerr   1 rw1cs "Write data error";
853        rddataerr   1 rw1cs "Read Data error";
854        dmadataerr  1 rw1cs "DMA Data Parity error";
855        cdataerr    1 rw1cs "Data parity error";
856        chancmderr  1 rw1cs "Channel command error";
857        chanaddr    1 rw1cs "Channel address value error";
858        descerr     1 rw1cs "Descriptor error";
859        nxtdescerr  1 rw1cs "Next Descriptor Address error";
860        dmaxfererr  1 rw1cs "DMA Transfer Destination address error";
861        dmatranserr 1 rw1cs "DMA Transfer Source address error";
862    };
864    /*
865     * 8.5.23 - Channel Error Mask Register.
866     */  
867    register chanerrmsk addr(bar, 0xac) "Channel Error Mask Register." {
868        _          13 rsvd  "reserved";
869        desccnterr  1 rw1cs "Descriptor Count error";
870        xorqerr     1 rw1cs "Xor error";
871        crc_err     1 rw1cs "CRC test failed";
872        unaffilerr  1 ro    "Unaffiliated Error";
873        _           1 rsvd  "Unused error";
874        intcfgerr   1 rw1cs "Interrupt confiuguratio error";
875        cmpaddrerr  1 rw1cs "Completion Address error";
876        desclenerr  1 rw1cs "Description length error";
877        descctrlerr 1 rw1cs "Description control  error";
878        wrdataerr   1 rw1cs "Write data error";
879        rddataerr   1 rw1cs "Read Data error";
880        dmadataerr  1 rw1cs "DMA Data Parity error";
881        cdataerr    1 rw1cs "Data parity error";
882        chancmderr  1 rw1cs "Channel command error";
883        chanaddr    1 rw1cs "Channel address value error";
884        descerr     1 rw1cs "Descriptor error";
885        nxtdescerr  1 rw1cs "Next Descriptor Address error";
886        dmaxfererr  1 rw1cs "DMA Transfer Destination address error";
887        dmatranserr 1 rw1cs "DMA Transfer Source address error";
888    };
890    /*
891     * 8.5.24 - DCA Control Register
892     *
893     *          This field is RW if CHANCNT register is 1 otherwise this register is RO
894     */  
895    register dcactrl addr(bar, 0xb0) "DCA Control Register" {
896        _          16 rsvd "Reserved";
897        target_cpu 16 rw   "Specifies the APCI ID of the target CPU for compl writes";
898    }; 
900    /*
901     * 8.5.25 - DCA Version Number Register
902     */  
903    register dca_ver ro addr(bar, 0x100) "DCA Version Number Register" {
904        major 4 "Major Revision Number";
905        minor 4 "Major Revision Number";
906    }; 
908    /*
909     * 8.5.26 - DCA Request ID Offset Register
910     */  
911    register dca_reqid_offset ro addr(bar, 0x102) "DCA Request ID Offset Register" 
912        type(uint16);
914    /*
915     * 8.5.27 - Intel QPI Compability Register
916     */  
917    register csi_capability addr(bar, 0x108) "Intel QPI Compability Register" {
918        _             15 rsvd "Reserved";
919        prefetch_hint  1 ro   "Prefetch hint";
920    }; 
922    /*
923     * 8.5.28 - PCI Express Cabability Register
924     *
925     *          When set in function 0, DCA on PCIe is enabled, else disabled. 
926     *          IIO hardware does not use this bit from functions 1-7. In these 
927     *          functions, this bit is provided primarily for BIOS to communicate 
928     *          to driver that DCA is enabled in the IIO.
929     */  
930    register pcie_capability addr(bar, 0x10a) "PCI Express Cabability Register" {
931        _        15 rsvd "Reserved";
932        memwr_en  1 ro   "Enable Memory Writes on PCI Express";
933    }; 
935    /*
936     * 8.5.29 - Intel QPI Compability Enable Register
937     */  
938    register csi_cap_enable addr(bar, 0x10c) "Intel QPI Compability Enable Register" {
939        _             15 rsvd "Reserved";
940        prefetch_hint  1 rw   "Prefetch hint";
941    }; 
943    /*
944     * 8.5.30 - 
945     */  
946    register pcie_cap_enable addr(bar, 0x10e) "PCI Express Cabability Enable Register" {
947        _        15 rsvd "Reserved";
948        memwr_en  1 rw   "Enable Memory Writes on PCI Express";
949    }; 
951    constants tag_maps "APICID to Tag Map Values" {
952        tag_map_0       = 0x0 "Tag_Map[0]";
953        tag_map_apic    = 0x1 "APICID[ Tag_Map[3:0] ]";
954        tag_map_apicneg = 0x2 "NOT( APICID [Tag_Map_4[3:0] ] )";
955        tag_map_res     = 0x3 "reserved";
956    };
958    datatype tag_map "Tag Map datatype" {
959        maptype 2 rw   "Type as specified in tag_map_* values";
960        _       2 rsvd "reserved";
961        map     4 rw   "Map values";
962    };
964    /*
965     * 8.5.31 - APICID to Tag Map Register.
966     * 
967     *          When DCA is disabled, DMA engine uses all 1s in the tag field of 
968     *          the write. This register is setup by BIOS for the CB driver to read. 
969     *          BIOS will map APICID[7:5] to bits Tag[2:0]. BIOS should set Tag[4] to 
970     *          prevent implicit TPH cache target unless it is intended.
971     */  
972    register apicid_tag_map addr(bar, 0x110 ) "APICID to Tag Map Register." {
973        _         24 rsvd "Reserved";
974        tag_map_4  8 "Tag Map 4";
975        tag_map_3  8 "Tag Map 3";
976        tag_map_2  8 "Tag Map 2";
977        tag_map_1  8 "Tag Map 1";
978        tag_map_0  8 "Tag Map 0";
979    }; 
982    /*
983     * 8.5.32 - Global DCA Requester ID Table Registers.
984     */  
985    register dca_reqid0 addr(bar, 0x180) "Global DCA Requester ID Table Registers." {
986        last   1 ro   "Last Requested ID register";
987        _      1 rsvd "reserved";
988        valid  1 rw   "If set, bits 15:0 are used for DCA identification";
989        ignore 1 rw   "If set, function number is ignore for DCA identification";
990        _     12 rsvd "reserved";
991        bus    8 rw   "PCI Bus number";
992        dev    5 rw   "PCI Device Id";
993        fun    3 rw   "PCI Device Function";
994    }; 
996    /*
997     * 8.5.33 - Global DCA Requester ID Table Registers.
998     */  
999    register dca_reqid1 addr(bar, 0x184) "Global DCA Requester ID Table Registers." {
1000        last   1 ro   "Last Requested ID register";
1001        _      1 rsvd "reserved";
1002        valid  1 rw   "If set, bits 15:0 are used for DCA identification";
1003        ignore 1 rw   "If set, function number is ignore for DCA identification";
1004        _     12 rsvd "reserved";
1005        bus    8 rw   "PCI Bus number";
1006        dev    5 rw   "PCI Device Id";
1007        fun    3 rw   "PCI Device Function";
1008    }; 
1010    /*
1011     * 8.5.34 - MSI-X Lower Address Registers.
1012     */  
1013    register msgaddr_lo addr(bar, 0x2000) "MSI-X Lower Address Registers." {
1014        chmsgaddr       30 rw "Specifies the local APIC to which this MSI-X interrupt needs to be sent";
1015        chmsgaddr_const  2 ro "";
1016    }; 
1018    /*
1019     * 8.5.35 - MSI-X Upper Address Registers.
1020     *
1021     *          Reserved to 0 because does not apply to IA. This field is RW for 
1022     *          compatibility reason only.
1023     */  
1024    register msgaddr_hi ro addr(bar, 0x2004) "MSI-X Upper Address Registers."
1025        type(uint32);
1027    /*
1028     * 8.5.36 - MSI-X Data Registers.
1029     *
1030     *          Specifies the vector that needs to be used for interrupts from 
1031     *          the DMA engine. IIO uses the lower 16 bits of this field to form 
1032     *          the data portion of the interrupt on the coherent interface. The 
1033     *          upper 16 bits are not used by IIO and left as RW only for 
1034     *          compatibility reasons.
1035     */  
1036    register msgdata rw addr(bar, 0x2008) "MSI-X Data Registers."
1037        type(uint32);
1039    /*
1040     * 8.5.37 - MSI-X Vector Control Registers.
1041     */  
1042    register vecctrl addr(bar, 0x200c) "MSI-X Vector Control Registers." {
1043        chvecctrlcnst 31 ro "chvecctrlcnst";
1044        chmask         1 rw "When a bit is set, the channel is prohibited from sending a message";
1045    };
1047    /*
1048     * 8.5.38 - MSI-X Interrupt Pending Bits Registers.
1049     */  
1050    register pendingbits addr(bar, 0x3000) "MSI-X Interrupt Pending Bits Registers." {
1051        chmsipendcnst 31 ro "Unused";
1052        chmsipend      1 rw "Pending Bit (when set) indicates that the DMA engine has a pending MSI-X";
1053    }; 
1057    /*
1058     * Descriptor types derrived from the Linux IOAT implementation
1059     */
1061    /*
1062     * Descriptor sizes
1063     * 
1064     * XXX: there are super extended descriptors which are longer in size...
1065     */
1066    constants desc_sizes "IOAT DMA Descriptor Sizes" {
1067        descriptor_size = 64 "Size of the DMA descriptor";
1068    };
1070    /*
1071     * Possible opcodes
1072     */
1073    constants desc_opcodes "IOAT DMA Descriptor OP Codes" {
1074        desc_op_copy    = 0x00 "Copy Operation";
1075        desc_op_memset  = 0x01 "Memset Operation";
1076        desc_op_xor     = 0x87 "For Xor Descriptor";
1077        desc_op_xor_val = 0x88 "For Xor descriptor";
1078    };
1080    datatype desc_ctrl lsbfirst(32) "IOAT DMA Descriptor control field" {
1081        int_en          1 "Interrupt enable";
1082        src_snoop_dis   1 "Disable snooping of source address";
1083        dest_snoop_dis  1 "Disable snooping of destination address";
1084        compl_write     1 "";
1085        fence           1 "";
1086        null            1 "";
1087        src_brk         1 "";
1088        dest_brk        1 "";
1089        bundle          1 "";
1090        dest_dca        1 "";
1091        hint            1 "";
1092        _              13 "Reserved";
1093        op              8 "OP Code to execute";
1094    };
1096    datatype desc lsbfirst(32) "IOAT DMA Descriptor" {
1097        size     32 "Size of the transfer";
1098        ctrl     32 "Descriptor control field";
1099        src      64 "Physical address of the source";
1100        dst      64 "Physical address of the destination";
1101        next     64 "Physical address of the next descriptor";
1102        _        64 "Reserved";
1103        _        64 "Reserved";
1104        user1    64 "";
1105        user2    64 "";
1106    };