2 * Copyright (c) 2015, ETH Zurich. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file.
5 * If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to:
6 * ETH Zurich D-INFK, Universitaetsstrasse 6, CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group.
7 */
10 * cpuid_intel.dev
11 *
12 * DESCRIPTION: ia32 CPU ID instruction results
13 * 
14 * See:
15 *   Intel Architecture Manual, Volume 2A, pp. 3-163 - ff., April 2015
16 *   Table 3-17. Information Returned by CPUID Instruction  
17 */
19device cpuid_intel lsbfirst () "ia32 / Intel64 CPUID instruction results" {
21    /*
22     *============================================================================
23     * Basic Information. 
24     *============================================================================
25     */
27    /*
28     * CPUID(0, _)
29     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
30     */
31    datatype basic0 lsbfirst (32) "" {
32        max_cpuid 32 rw "Maximum Input Value for Basic CPUID Information";
33        vendor0   32 rw "Vendor string part 1";
34        vendor2   32 rw "Vendor string part 3";
35        vendor1   32 rw "Vendor string part 2";
36    };
38    /*
39     * CPUID(1, _)
40     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
41     */
42    constants proc_type width(2) "" {
43        original = 0x00 "Original OEM Processor";
44        overdrive= 0x01 "Intel OverDrive(r) Processor";
45        dual     = 0x02 "Dual processor (not applicable to Intel486 processors)";
46        reserved = 0x03 "Intel reserved";
47    };
49    datatype family lsbfirst(32) "" {
50        /* Version Information: Type, Family, Model, and Stepping ID (see Figure 3-5) */
52        stepping    4 rw  "Processor Stepping ID";
53        model       4 rw  "Processor Model";
54        family      4 rw  "Processor Family";
55        proctype    2 rw  "Processor Type";
56        _           2 mbz "Reserved";
57        extmodel    4 rw "Extended Model ID";
58        extfamily   8 rw "Extended Family ID";
59        _           4 mbz "Reserved";
60    };
62    /* EAX=1 */
64    datatype miscinfo lsbfirst(32) "" {
66        brand_idx    8 rw "Brand index";
67        cflush_sz    8 rw "CLFLUSH line size (Value * 8 = cache line size in bytes)";
68        max_log_proc 8 rw "Maximum number of addressable IDs for logical processors"; 
69                           /*in this physical package. 
70                           The nearest power-of-2 integer that is not smaller than 
71                           EBX[23:16] is the number of unique initial APIC IDs 
72                           reserved for addressing different logical processors in a 
73                           physical package. */ 
74        init_apicid  8 rw  "Initial APIC ID";
75    };
77    datatype features lsbfirst(32) "" {
78        /* Feature Information (see Figure 3-6 and Table 3-19) */
79        sse3        1 rw "Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSE3). ";
80        pclmulqdq   1 rw "PCLMULQDQ.";
81        dtes64      1 rw "64-bit DS Area";
82        monitor     1 rw "MONITOR/MWAIT"; 
83        ds_cpl      1 rw "CPL Qualified Debug Store. ";
84        vmx         1 rw "Virtual Machine Extensions";
85        smx         1 rw "Safer Mode Extensions. ";
86        eist        1 rw "Enhanced Intel SpeedStep(r) technology. ";
87        tm2         1 rw "Thermal Monitor 2";
88        ssse3       1 rw "Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSSE3)";
89        cntx_id     1 rw "L1 Context ID. A";
90        sdbg        1 rw "IA32_DEBUG_INTERFACE MSR ";
91        fma         1 rw "FMA extensions using YMM state.";
92        cmpxchg16b  1 rw "CMPXCHG16B Available";
93        xtpr        1 rw "xTPR Update Control";
94        pdcm        1 rw "Perfmon and Debug Capability";
95        _           1 mbz "";
96        pcid        1 rw "Process-context identifiers";
97        dca         1 rw "ability to prefetch data from a memory mapped device.";
98        sse4_1      1 rw "supports SSE4.1. ";
99        sse4_2      1 rw "supports SSE4.2. ";
100        x2apic      1 rw "supports x2APIC feature";
101        movbe       1 rw "supports MOVBE instruction";
102        popcnt      1 rw "supports the POPCNT instruction.";
103        tsc_one     1 rw "local APIC timer supports one-shot operation ";
104        aesni       1 rw " AESNI instruction extensions";
105        xsave       1 rw " XSAVE/XRSTOR processor ";
106        osxsave     1 rw "OS has set CR4.OSXSAVE[bit 18] to enable XSETBV/XGETBV instruction";
107        avx         1 rw "AVX instruction extensions";
108        f16c        1 rw "16-bit floating-point conversion instructions.";
109        rdrand      1 rw "supports RDRAND instruction.";
110        _           1 mbz "";
112        /* Feature Information (see Figure 3-7 and Table 3-20) */
113        fpu         1 rw "Floating Point Unit On-Chip";
114        vme         1 rw "Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements";
115        de          1 rw "Debugging Extensions. ";
116        pse         1 rw "Page Size Extension";
117        tsc         1 rw "Time Stamp Counter.";
118        msr         1 rw "Model Specific Registers RDMSR and WRMSR Instructions";
119        pae         1 rw "Physical Address Extension";
120        mce         1 rw "Machine Check Exception. ";
121        cx8         1 rw "CMPXCHG8B Instruction.";
122        apic        1 rw "APIC On-Chip. ";
123        _           1 mbz "";
124        sep         1 rw "SYSENTER and SYSEXIT Instructions.";
125        mtrr        1 rw "Memory Type Range Registers";
126        pge         1 rw "Page Global Bit";
127        mca         1 rw "Machine Check Architecture.";
128        cmov        1 rw "Conditional Move Instructions";
129        pat         1 rw "Page Attribute Table";
130        pse36       1 rw "36-Bit Page Size Extension";
131        psn         1 rw "Processor Serial Number. ";
132        clfsh       1 rw "CLFLUSH Instruction";
133        _           1 rw "";
134        ds          1 rw "Debug Store";
135        acpi        1 rw "Thermal Monitor and Software Controlled Clock Facilities";
136        mmx         1 rw "Intel MMX Technology";
137        fxsr        1 rw "FXSAVE and FXRSTOR Instructions";
138        sse         1 rw "SSE1";
139        sse2        1 rw "SSE2";
140        ss          1 rw "Self Snoop";
141        htt         1 rw "Max APIC IDs reserved field is Valid";
142        tm          1 rw "Thermal Monitor";
143        _           1 mbz "";
144        pbe         1 rw "Pending Break Enable. ";
145    };
148    /* EAX=2 */
149    datatype cache_info lsbfirst (32) "" {
150        d0      8  "ignored, always 0x01";
151        d1      8  "Descriptor 01";
152        d2      8  "Descriptor 02";
153        d3      7  "Descriptor 03";
154        v0      1 "Contains valid descriptors";                     
155    };
157    /* EAX=3 */
158    /* not used post P3 */
160    /*
161     *---------------------------------------------------------------------
162     * Deterministic Cache Parameters EAX=4, ECX=idx
163     *---------------------------------------------------------------------
164     */
166     constants cache_type "Intel Cache Type values" {
167        cache_type_null     = 0x0 "No more caches";
168        cache_type_data     = 0x1 "data cache";
169        cache_type_instr    = 0x2 "Instruction Cache";
170        cache_type_unified  = 0x3 "Unified Cache";
171     };
173     /* EAX */
174     datatype cache_info_basic lsbfirst (32) "" {
175        ctype        5 "Cache Type Field";
176        level       3 "Cache Level (starts at 1)";
177        selfinit    1 "Self Initializing cache level (does not need SW initialization)";
178        fullyassoc  1 "Fully Associative cache";
179        _           4 "Reserved";
180        maxlog      12 "Maximum number of addressable IDs for logical processors sharing this cache - 1";
181        maxphys     6 "Maximum number of addressable IDs for processor cores in the physical package - 1";     
182     };
184    datatype cache_info_ebx lsbfirst (32) "" {
185       coherency  12 "System Coherency Line Size - 1";
186       partitions 10 "Physical Line partitions - 1";
187       assoc      10 "Ways of associativity - 1";
188    };
190    datatype cache_info_ecx lsbfirst (32) "" {
191       num_sets    32 "The number of Sets - 1";
192    };
194    datatype cache_info_edx lsbfirst (32) "" {
195       wb_inv     1  "Write-Back Invalidate/Invalidate";
196       inclusive  1 "Cache Inclusiveness";
197       cpx_idx    1 "Complex Cache Indexing";
198       _         29 "";
199    };
201    /*
202     * CPUID(0x16, _)  Processor Frequency Information Leaf
203     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
204     */
205     datatype frequency lsbfirst (32) "" {
206        mhz 16 "Processor frequency in mhz";
207        _   16 "Reserved";
208     };
210    /*
211     *---------------------------------------------------------------------
212     * Extended Information
213     *---------------------------------------------------------------------
214     */
216    /* extended topology enumaration leaf, eax = 0xb */
217    datatype topology_eax lsbfirst (32) "" {
218        x2apic_shift 5  "";
219        _            27 "";
220    };
221    datatype topology_ebx lsbfirst (32) "" {
222        logical_proc 16  "";
223        _            16 "";
224    };
225    datatype topology_ecx lsbfirst (32) "" {
226        level_number 8 "";
227        level_type   8 "";
228        _            16 "";
229    };
230    datatype topology_edx lsbfirst (32) "" {
231        x2apic 32 "";
232    };
234    constants topology_level "Intel Cache Type values" {
235        topology_level_invalid     = 0x0 "Invalid";
236        topology_level_smt         = 0x1 "SMT";
237        topology_level_core        = 0x2 "Core";
238        topology_level_package     = 0x3 "Package";
239     };
242    /*
243     * CPUID(0x80000001, _)  Extended Function CPUID Informatio
244     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
245     */
246     datatype features_ext_edx "" {
247        _       11 "";
248        syscall  1 "SYSCALL/SYSRET available in 64-bit mode";
249        _        8 "";
250        nx       1 "Execute Disable Bit available";
251        _        5 "";
252        page1G   1 "1-GByte pages are available if 1";
253        rdtscp   1 "RDTSCP and IA32_TSC_AUX are available if 1";
254        _        1 "";
255        lm       1 "Intel 64 Architecture available if 1";
256        _        2 "";
257     }; 
261    /*
262     * CPUID(0x80000008, _)
263     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
264     */
265    datatype addrspace lsbfirst(32) " Long Mode Address Size Identifiers (eax)" {
266        physical    8 rw  "Maximum physical byte address size in bits";
267        linear      8 rw  "Maximum linear byte address size in bits. ";  
268        _          16 mbz "reserved";
269    };