1:- module(tidy).			% SEPIA header
3:- lib(struct).
4:- import copy_ground/3, subst/3 from struct.
6eval(X) :- call(X).
7add(A,B,C) :- +(A,B,C).
8multiply(A,B,C) :- *(A,B,C).
9power(A,B,C) :- ^(A,B,C).
11:- dynamic simplify_axiom/2.
13simple(X) :- var(X), !.
14simple(X) :- atomic(X).
17/*  File   : TIDY.PL
18    Author : R.A.O'Keefe
19    Updated: 2 June 1984
20    Purpose: Limited algebraic expression simplifier.
22    This is a new implementation of tidy, written in an attempt to remedy
23    some of the deficiencies of the old one.  Unfortunately, it has a few
24    of its own.  The only completely satisfactory approach seems to be to
25    keep all expressions in bag form all the time.
27    Tidy has now been split into two parts: tidy_stmt and tidy_expr.
28	<stmt> ::= <stmt> # <stmt>	%   disjunction
29		|  <stmt> & <stmt>	%   conjunction
30		|  <expr> R <expr>	%   equation/inequality
31	where R is one of = < > \= >= =<
32    An <expr> is an ordinary algebraic expression.  Statements are scanned
33    top-down, and no great effort is expended on them beyond a limited bit
34    of evaluation.  Expressions are scanned bottom-up, and are worked hard.
36    Tidy_stmt works from top down.  It doesn't bother putting statements in
37    bag form, although since & (and) and # (or) are both commutative and
38    associative it could well do so.  It does however do some flattening of
39    statements: (E1 & E2) & E3 -> E1 & (E2 & E3).  This can do no harm.  As
40    an experiment, tidy_stmt tries to put constants on the right-hand-sides
41    of equations.  E.g. "x+y-3 = 0" -> "x+y = 3".  Just how useful this may
42    be remains to be seen.  The code for combine_and and combine_or comes
43    almost directly from the original tidy.
45    The intermediate form makes use of a different representation of bags.
46    A plus (times) bag is stored as +(Tree, Hole, Num) {*(Tree, Hole, Num)}.
47    For example, a+b+c+3 would be stored as
48	+(	+    ,  X,  3)
49	       / \
50	      +   c
51	     / \
52	    +   b
53	   / \
54	  X   a
56    <expr> ::= <expr> + <expr> | <expr> - <expr> | - <expr>
57	    |  <expr> * <expr> | <expr> / <expr>
58	    |  <expr> ^ <expr> | sqrt(<expr>)
59	    |  <special function>(<expr>,...)
60	    |  <atom>		-- algebraic variable
61	    |  <variable>	-- treated like an atom
62	    |  <number>		-- including rational numbers
64    <tidy expr> ::= {like <expr>, but only the first column.  Also,
65	    numeric fragments are combined where possible, and sums
66	    and products are flattened.}
68    <baggy expr> ::= +(Tree, Hole, Num)
69		  |  *(Tree, Hole, Num)
70		  |  <tidy expr> ^ <baggy expr>
71		  |  <tidy expr>
73    BUG: if the exponent of a term eventually simplifies to 1, the base
74    emerges as a <tidy expr>, rather than a <baggy expr>.  Hence some
75    simplifications will be missed.  E.g. "(1+x)^(-1)^(-1) + -1" will end
76    up as "(1+x) + -1" rather than as "x".  There appears to be no easy
77    way around this problem, though keeping the base as a <baggy expr>
78    may yet prove to be feasible.  In any case, the new tidy only has this
79    problem with exponents, which are generally fairly simple.
81    Tidy requires simple/1 and copy_ground/3 from STRUCT.PL.
83    [2 June 1984] Bug fix: the user has always been able to add its
84    own rewrite rules in the form simplify_axiom(Lhs, Rhs), e.g.
85    simplify_axiom(X^log(X,Y), Y).  The result of this rewrite was
86    assumed to be tidy, which was not always true.  The result is
87    now retidied.  This could lead to looping, where the user's rules
88    undo something that tidy does.  Look at your intended use of this
89    hook, and decided whether to do retidying or not.  A related bug
90    was that simplify_axiom was not called for powers.
93 :- export
94 	tidy/2,				%  general interface
95 	tidy_withvars/2,		%  same as tidy_expr
96 	tidy_expr/2,			%  tidy an expression
97 	tidy_stmt/2.			%  tidy a statement.
100 :- mode
101 	bag_to_tidy(+,-),		%  F(T,H,N) -> T'
102 	bag_to_tidy(+,+,+),
103 	combine_and(+,+,-),		%  X,Y -> X&Y
104 	combine_bags(+,-),		%  apply op to baggy arguments
105 	combine_or(+,+,-),		%  X,Y -> X#Y
106 	combine_power(+,+,-),		%  X,Y -> X^Y
107 	combine_plus(+,+,-),		%  X,Y -> X+Y
108 	combine_rel(+,+,-,-),		%  X(R)Y -> X'(R)Y'
109 	combine_times(+,+,-),		%  X,Y -> X*Y
110 	expr_to_bag(+,-),		%  <expr> -> <baggy expr>
111 	expr_to_bag(+,+,+,+,-),		%  map down args of <expr>
112 	multiply_exp(+,+,-),		%  X,N -> N*X
113 	multiply_out(+,+,-),		%  N,X -> N*X
114 	multiply_out(+,-,+,-),		%  +(T,H),N -> +(T*N,H)
115 	number_check(+,+,-),		%  maintain number-p accum
116 	power_out(+,+,-),
117 	power_out(+,-,+,-),		%  *(T,H),N -> *(T^N,H)
118 	relop_tidy(-,+,+,+),		%  R,X,Y -> X(R)Y or true/false
119 	tidy_expr(+,-),			%  tidy expression
120 	tidy_stmt(+,-),			%  tidy statement
121 	user_tidy(+,-).			%  invoke user's simplify_axioms.
123% Operator declarations from util.ops
125:- op(950,xfy,#).			% Used for disjunction
126:- op(920,xfy,&).
127:- op(700,xfx,\=).
130tidy(Old, New) :-
131	tidy_stmt(Old, Mid), !, New = Mid.	%  which now tries tidy_expr
132tidy(Old, Old) :-
133	write('** failed: '), write(tidy(Old, '_')), nl.
136tidy_withvars(Old, New) :-
137	copy_ground(Old, Ground, Subst),
138	tidy(Ground, Tidier),
139	subst(Subst, Tidier, Mid), !,
140	New = Mid.
143tidy_stmt(Var, _) :-			%  don't do anything with variables
144	var(Var), !, fail.
145tidy_stmt(OldOne # OldTwo, New) :- !,
146	tidy_stmt(OldOne, MidOne),
147	tidy_stmt(OldTwo, MidTwo), !,
148	combine_or(MidOne, MidTwo, New).
149tidy_stmt(OldOne & OldTwo, New) :- !,
150	tidy_stmt(OldOne, MidOne),
151	tidy_stmt(OldTwo, MidTwo), !,
152	combine_and(MidOne, MidTwo, New).
153tidy_stmt(Equation, New) :-
154	tidy_relop(Equation, Relation, OldLhs, OldRhs),
155	!,
156	expr_to_bag(OldLhs, MidLhs),
157	expr_to_bag(OldRhs, MidRhs),
158	combine_rel(MidLhs, MidRhs, NewLhs, NewRhs), !,
159	relop_tidy(New, Relation, NewLhs, NewRhs).
160tidy_stmt(Old, New) :-
161	tidy_expr(Old, New).
164combine_or(true, _, true) :- !.		%  zero element
165combine_or(false, Y, Y) :- !.		%  unit element
166combine_or(_, true, true) :- !.		%  zero element
167combine_or(X, false, X) :- !.		%  unit element
168combine_or(X, X, X) :- !.		%  merging identical elements
169combine_or(W#X, Y, W#(X#Y)) :- !.	%  change association
170combine_or(X, Y, X # Y).		%  general case
172combine_and(false, _, false) :- !.	%  zero element
173combine_and(true, Y, Y) :- !.		%  unit element
174combine_and(_, false, false) :- !.	%  zero element
175combine_and(X, true, X) :- !.		%  unit element
176combine_and(X, X, X) :- !.		%  merging identical elements
177combine_and(W&X, Y, W&(X&Y)) :- !.	%  change association
178combine_and(X, Y, X & Y).		%  general case
181tidy_relop(X = Y,   =, X, Y).
182tidy_relop(X < Y,   <, X, Y).
183tidy_relop(X > Y,   >, X, Y).
184tidy_relop(X =< Y, =<, X, Y).
185tidy_relop(X >= Y, >=, X, Y).
186tidy_relop(X \= Y, \=, X, Y).
189relop_tidy(Value, Relation, Lhs, Rhs) :-
190	number(Lhs), number(Rhs),
191	tidy_relop(Goal, Relation, Lhs, Rhs), !,
192	eval(Goal, Value).
193relop_tidy(Goal, Relation, Lhs, Rhs) :-
194	tidy_relop(Goal, Relation, Lhs, Rhs).
197combine_rel(+(T1, H1, N1), +(T2, H2, N2), Lhs, Rhs) :- !,
198	bag_to_tidy(+(T1, H1, 0), Lhs),
199	eval(N2-N1, N3),
200	bag_to_tidy(+(T2, H2, N3), Rhs).
201combine_rel(+(T1, H1, N1), N2, Lhs, N3) :-
202	number(N2), !,
203	eval(N2-N1, N3),
204	bag_to_tidy(+(T1, H1, 0), Lhs).
205combine_rel(*(T1, H1, N1), *(T2, H2, N2), Lhs,  Rhs) :-
206	eval(N1 > 0), !,
207	bag_to_tidy(*(T1, H1, 1), Lhs),
208	eval(N2/N1, N3),
209	bag_to_tidy(*(T2, H2, N3), Rhs).
210combine_rel(*(T1, H1, N1), N2, Lhs, N3) :-
211	number(N2),
212	eval(N1 > 0), !,
213	eval(N2/N1, N3),
214	bag_to_tidy(*(T1, H1, 1), Lhs).
215combine_rel(E1, E2, Lhs, Rhs) :-
216	bag_to_tidy(E1, Lhs),
217	bag_to_tidy(E2, Rhs).
221tidy_expr(Old, New) :-
222	expr_to_bag(Old, Mid), !,
223	bag_to_tidy(Mid, New).
225expr_to_bag(Var, _) :-			%  do nothing with variables
226	var(Var), !, fail.
227expr_to_bag(Old, Old) :-
228	simple(Old), !.
229expr_to_bag(Old, New) :-
230	functor(Old, F, N),
231	functor(Mid, F, N),
232	expr_to_bag(N, Old, Mid, yes, New).
234	expr_to_bag(0, _, Mid, yes, New) :- !,
235		eval(Mid, New).
236	expr_to_bag(0, _, Mid, no,  New) :-
237		combine_bags(Mid, New).
238	expr_to_bag(N, Old, Mid, EvalP, New) :-
239		arg(N, Old, OldN),
240		expr_to_bag(OldN, MidN),
241		arg(N, Mid, MidN),
242		number_check(MidN, EvalP, EvalQ),
243		M is N-1, !,
244		expr_to_bag(M, Old, Mid, EvalQ, New).
246		number_check(N, EvalP, EvalP) :-
247			number(N), !.
248		number_check(_, _, no).	%  not a number
251combine_bags(X+Y, New) :- !,
252	combine_plus(X, Y, New).
253combine_bags(X-Y, New) :-
254	multiply_out(-1, Y, Z), !,
255	combine_plus(X, Z, New).
256combine_bags(-Y, New) :- !,
257	multiply_out(-1, Y, New).
258combine_bags(X*Y, New) :- !,
259	combine_times(X, Y, New).
260combine_bags(X/Y, New) :- !,
261	power_out(Y, -1, Z),
262	combine_times(X, Z, New).
263combine_bags(X^Y, New) :- !,
264	combine_power(X, Y, Mid),
265	user_tidy(Mid, New).
266combine_bags(Old, New) :-
267	functor(Old, F, N),
268	functor(Mid, F, N),
269	bag_to_tidy(N, Old, Mid),
270	user_tidy(Mid, New).
273user_tidy(Expr, Bag) :-			%  apply user's rules
274	simplify_axiom(Expr, Rewritten),
275	!,				%  omit expr_to_bag call if the
276	expr_to_bag(Rewritten, Bag).	%  Rewritten form is always tidy.
277user_tidy(Expr, Expr).
280bag_to_tidy(0, _, _) :- !.
281bag_to_tidy(N, Old, Mid) :-
282	arg(N, Old, OldN),
283	bag_to_tidy(OldN, MidN),
284	arg(N, Mid, MidN),
285	M is N-1, !,
286	bag_to_tidy(M, Old, Mid).
288bag_to_tidy(+(T+R, R, 0), T) :- !.
289bag_to_tidy(+( T , N, N), T) :- !.
290bag_to_tidy(*( _,  _, 0), 0) :- !.
291bag_to_tidy(*(T*R, R, 1), T) :- !.
292bag_to_tidy(*( T , N, N), T) :- !.
293bag_to_tidy(_^0,	  1) :- !.		%  B^0 = 1
294bag_to_tidy(0^_,	  0) :- !.		%  0^X = 0
295bag_to_tidy(1^_,	  1) :- !.		%  1^X = 1
296bag_to_tidy(B^1,	  B) :- !.		%  B^1 = B (B already <tidy>)
297bag_to_tidy(M^ *(T*R,R,N), B^T) :-		%  M^(N*X) = (M^N)^X
298	number(M),
299	power(M, N, B), !.
300bag_to_tidy(B^X,	   B^T) :- !,		%  B^X, where X is <baggy>
301	bag_to_tidy(X, T).
303	bag_to_tidy(*(_, _, _), _).
305bag_to_tidy(Old, Old).
308combine_plus(+(T1, H1, N1), +(T2, T1, N2), +(T2, H1, N3)) :- !,
309	add(N1, N2, N3).
310combine_plus(+(T1, H1, N1), N2, +(T1, H1, N3)) :-
311	number(N2), !,
312	add(N1, N2, N3).
313combine_plus(+(T1, H1, N1), E2, +(T1+E4, H1, N1)) :- !,
314	bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
315combine_plus(0, E2, E2) :- !.
316combine_plus(N1, +(T2, H2, N2), +(T2, H2, N3)) :-
317	number(N1), !,
318	add(N1, N2, N3).
319combine_plus(E1, +(T2, H2, N2), +(T2+E3, H2, N2)) :- !,
320	bag_to_tidy(E1, E3).
321combine_plus(E1, 0, E1) :- !.
322combine_plus(E1, N2, +(H+E3, H, N2)) :-
323	number(N2), !,
324	bag_to_tidy(E1, E3).
325combine_plus(N1, E2, +(H+E4, H, N1)) :-
326	number(N1), !,
327	bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
328combine_plus(E1, E2, +((H+E3)+E4, H, 0)) :-
329	bag_to_tidy(E1, E3),
330	bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
333combine_times(*(T1, H1, N1), *(T2, T1, N2), *(T2, H1, N3)) :- !,
334	multiply(N1, N2, N3).
335combine_times(N1, E2, Ans) :-
336	number(N1), !,
337	multiply_out(N1, E2, Ans).
338combine_times(E1, N2, Ans) :-
339	number(N2), !,
340	multiply_out(N2, E1, Ans).
341combine_times(*(T1, H1, N1), E2, *(T1*E4, H1, N1)) :- !,
342	bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
343combine_times(E1, *(T2, H2, N2), *(T2*E3, H2, N2)) :- !,
344	bag_to_tidy(E1, E3).
345combine_times(E1, E2, *((H*E3)*E4, H, 1)) :-
346	bag_to_tidy(E1, E3),
347	bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
350multiply_out(0, _, 0) :- !.
351multiply_out(1, Old, Old) :- !.
352/*  The next clause has been replaced by the two following clauses for the
353    sake of Press and attraction.  This clause is correct, but alas, when
354    attraction moves a number out (N*X+N*X)->N*(X+X) tidy moves it back in.
356multiply_out(N, +(OldTree, Hole, OldNum), +(NewTree, Hole, NewNum)) :-
357	multiply(N, OldNum, NewNum), !,
358	multiply_out(OldTree, Hole, N, NewTree).
360multiply_out(-1, +(OldTree, Hole, OldNum), +(NewTree, Hole, NewNum)) :-
361	multiply(-1, OldNum, NewNum), !,
362	multiply_out(OldTree, Hole, -1, NewTree).
363multiply_out(N, +(OldTree, Hole, OldNum), +(NewHole+N*Exp, NewHole, NewNum)) :-
364	multiply(N, OldNum, NewNum), !,
365	bag_to_tidy(+(OldTree, Hole, 0), Exp).
366multiply_out(N, *(OldTree, Hole, OldNum), *(OldTree, Hole, NewNum)) :- !,
367	multiply(N, OldNum, NewNum).
368multiply_out(N, M, P) :-
369	number(M), !,
370	multiply(N, M, P).
371multiply_out(N, Old, *(Hole*Exp, Hole, N)) :- !,
372	bag_to_tidy(Old, Exp).
374multiply_out(Bottom, Hole, _, Bottom) :-
375	Bottom == Hole.
376multiply_out(OldX + OldY, Hole, N, NewX + NewY) :-
377	multiply_exp(OldY, N, NewY), !,
378	multiply_out(OldX, Hole, N, NewX).
380multiply_exp(OldX * OldY, N, NewX * OldY) :- !,
381	multiply_exp(OldX, N, NewX).
382multiply_exp(OldX + OldY, N, NewX + NewY) :-
383	multiply_exp(OldY, N, NewY), !,
384	multiply_exp(OldX, N, NewX).
385multiply_exp(OldNum, N, NewNum) :-
386	number(OldNum), !,
387	multiply(N, OldNum, NewNum).
388multiply_exp(Old, N, N*Old).
391combine_power(B^E1, E2, B^E3) :- !,
392	combine_times(E1, E2, E3).
393combine_power(B, N2, Ans) :-
394	number(N2), !,
395	power_out(B, N2, Ans).
396combine_power(E1, E2, E3^E4) :-
397	bag_to_tidy(E1, E3), !,
398	bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
401power_out(_, 0, 1) :- !.
402power_out(B, 1, B) :- !.
403power_out(B^E1, P, B^E2) :- !,
404	multiply_out(P, E1, E2).
405power_out(*(H1*T1, H1, 1), P, Ans) :-
406	var(H1), !,
407	power_out(T1, P, Ans).
408power_out(*(T1, H1, N1), P, *(T2, H1, N2)) :-
409	power(N1, P, N2), !,
410	power_out(T1, H1, P, T2).
411power_out(*(T1, H2*N1, N1), P, *(T2, H2, 1)) :- !,
412	power_out(T1, H2, P, T2).
413power_out(+(H0+T1, H1, 0), P, Ans) :-
414	H0 == H1 /*DRAT*/, !,
415	power_out(T1, P, Ans).
416power_out(N, P, M) :-
417	number(N),
418	power(N, P, M), !.
419power_out(B, P, E^P) :-
420	bag_to_tidy(B, E).
423power_out(Bottom, Hole, _, Bottom) :-
424	Bottom == Hole, !.
425power_out(OldX * (OldB^OldP), Hole, Num, NewX * NewB) :-
426	multiply_exp(OldP, Num, NewP),
427	(   NewP = 1, NewB = OldB
428	;   NewB = OldB^NewP
429	), !,
430	power_out(OldX, Hole, Num, NewX).
431power_out(OldX * OldY, Hole, Num, NewX * (OldY^Num)) :- !,
432	power_out(OldX, Hole, Num, NewX).