1%include polycode.fmt
3%if false
4  Error: DSL for error definition
6  Copyright (c) 2009 ETH Zurich.
7  All rights reserved.
9  This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file.
10  If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to:
11  ETH Zurich D-INFK, Haldeneggsteig 4, CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group.
14%if false
16>  {-# OPTIONS_GHC -XBangPatterns #-}
20%if false
22> module HamletBackend where
24> import Data.Maybe
25> import Data.List
26> import Data.Char
27> import qualified Data.Map as Map
29> import Debug.Trace
31> import Semantics
32> import Constructs
33> import PureExpressions
34> import Expressions
36> import Constructs.Conditionals
37> import Constructs.References
38> import Constructs.Functions
39> import Constructs.Enumerations
40> import Constructs.Structures
41> import Constructs.Unions
43> import Libc.Assert
45> import Libbarrelfish.HasDescendants
46> import Libbarrelfish.MemToPhys
47> import qualified Libbarrelfish.GetAddress as H (get_address)
49> import HamletAst
54> strict x = x
57> boolT :: TypeExpr
58> boolT = typedef uint64T "bool"
60> false :: PureExpr
61> false = uint64 $ 0
63> true :: PureExpr
64> true = uint64 $ 1
66> objtypeT :: TypeExpr
67> objtypeT = typedef uint64T "enum objtype"
69> ctePtrT :: TypeExpr
70> ctePtrT = typedef uint64T "struct cte *"
72> lvaddrT :: TypeExpr
73> lvaddrT = typedef uint64T "lvaddr_t"
75> genpaddrT :: TypeExpr
76> genpaddrT = typedef uint64T "genpaddr_t"
78> gensizeT :: TypeExpr
79> gensizeT = typedef uint64T "gensize_t"
81> getCap cap_pp = (readRef cap_pp >>= readRef)
83> lower = map toLower
85\section{|Objtype| Enumeration}
87> ofObjTypeEnum :: CapName -> PureExpr
88> ofObjTypeEnum (CapName x) =  CLRef Global uint64T (Provided ("ObjType_" ++ x))
91> mkObjTypeEnum :: [Capability] -> Enumeration
92> mkObjTypeEnum caps = enums `seq` objTypeNum `seq`
93>                      objTypeNum : enums 
94>     where (n,enums) = foldl' mkEnumField (0,[]) caps
95>           mkEnumField (!i,!acc) !cap = i' `seq` 
96>                                        (i',acc' )
97>               where CapName capName = name cap 
98>                     strName = "ObjType_" ++ capName
99>                     acc' = strName `seq` (strName, i) : acc
100>                     i' = i + 1
101>           objTypeNum = ("ObjType_Num",n)
103> mkObjDefineList :: [Define] -> [(String, Int)]
104> mkObjDefineList defs = map (\(s, i) -> (map toUpper s, i)) $ mkDefineList defs
106\section{Capabality Structure}
108> capRightsT :: TypeExpr
109> capRightsT = typedef uint8T "CapRights"
112> capNameOf :: Capability -> String
113> capNameOf cap = capName
114>     where CapName capName = name cap
116> mkCapsStruct :: Capabilities -> TFieldList
117> mkCapsStruct caps = strict
118>     [("u", capUnionT),
119>      ("type", objtypeT),
120>      ("rights", capRightsT)]
121>     where capUnionT = unionST "capability_u" ((map (\cap -> (lower $ capNameOf cap, mkCapStructT cap))
122>                                                  (capabilities caps)) )
123>                      -- XXX: Why do I need to define types here when they are already
124>                      -- defined somewhere else? Also as hamlet doesn't handle uintptr_t,
125>                      --  lvaddr is defined as uint64 although that is not always the case.
126>                      -- Using a type not defined here will generate "type"*
127>                      -- which is obviously broken. -Akhi
128>           mkCapStructT cap = structST (capNameOf cap) (map mkCapField (fields cap))
129>           mkCapField (CapField typ (NameField name)) = (name, toFofType typ)
130>           toFofType UInt8 = uint8T
131>           toFofType UInt16 = uint16T
132>           toFofType UInt32 = uint32T
133>           toFofType UInt64 = uint64T
134>           toFofType Int = int32T
135>           toFofType GenPAddr = typedef uint64T "genpaddr_t"
136>           toFofType GenSize = typedef uint64T "gensize_t"
137>           toFofType LPAddr   = typedef uint64T "lpaddr_t"
138>           toFofType GenVAddr = typedef uint64T "genvaddr_t"
139>           toFofType LVAddr   = typedef uint64T "lvaddr_t"
140>           toFofType CAddr = typedef uint32T "capaddr_t"
141>           toFofType (Pointer s) = typedef uint64T (s ++ "*")
142>           toFofType CapRights = capRightsT
143>           toFofType CoreId = typedef uint8T "coreid_t"
144>           toFofType PasId = typedef uint32T "pasid_t"
146> capsStructT :: Capabilities -> TypeExpr
147> capsStructT cap = structST  "capability" (mkCapsStruct cap)
149\section{Get address and size}
151\subsection{Convert common expressions}
153Generate an expression for the size of a value expressed in "bits"
154i.e. {\tt (((gensize\_t)1) << bits)}
156> mkSize :: PureExpr -> PureExpr
157> mkSize bits = (cast gensizeT (uint64 1)) .<<. bits
159> readCapAttr :: PureExpr -> String -> FoFCode PureExpr
160> readCapAttr cap attr = getCap cap >>= (\c -> readStruct c attr)
162Try and look up a name in a definitions and failing that generated code to look
163it up in the fields of a cap.
165> lookupName :: [(String, Int)] -> PureExpr -> String -> String -> FoFCode PureExpr
166> lookupName defs cap capType name =
167>     case (name `lookup` defs) of
168>       Nothing  -> do
169>                     capU <- readCapAttr cap "u"
170>                     capCStruct <- readUnion capU $ lower $ capType
171>                     readStruct capCStruct name
172>       Just val -> return $ uint64 $ toInteger val
174Generate code to calculate the result of an expression.
176> exprCode :: [(String, Int)] -> PureExpr -> String -> Expr -> FoFCode PureExpr
177> exprCode defs cap capType (NameExpr n) = lookupName defs cap capType n
178> exprCode defs cap capType (AddExpr left right) =
179>     do
180>       lval <- lookupName defs cap capType left
181>       rval <- lookupName defs cap capType right
182>       return (lval .+. rval)
184Generate code to calculate the "address" property of a cap.
186> addressExprCode :: [(String, Int)] -> PureExpr -> String -> AddressExpr -> FoFCode PureExpr
187> addressExprCode defs cap capType (MemToPhysOp expr) =
188>     do
189>       lval <- exprCode defs cap capType expr
190>       mem_to_phys $ cast lvaddrT lval
191> addressExprCode defs cap capType (GetAddrOp expr) =
192>     do
193>       lval <- exprCode defs cap capType expr
194>       H.get_address $ lval
195> addressExprCode defs cap capType (AddressExpr expr) =
196>       exprCode defs cap capType expr
198Generate code to calculate the "size" property of a cap.
200> sizeExprCode :: [(String, Int)] -> PureExpr -> String -> SizeExpr -> FoFCode PureExpr
201> sizeExprCode defs cap capType (ZeroSize) = return $ uint64 0
202> sizeExprCode defs cap capType (SizeExpr expr) = exprCode defs cap capType expr
203> sizeExprCode defs cap capType (SizeBitsExpr expr) =
204>     do
205>       bitsExpr <- exprCode defs cap capType expr
206>       return $ mkSize $ bitsExpr
210> get_address :: Capabilities -> FoFCode PureExpr
211> get_address caps =
212>     def [] "get_address"
213>         (mkGetPropSwitch caps mkGetAddr)
214>         genpaddrT
215>         [(ptrT $ ptrT $ capsStructT caps, Just "cap")]
216>     where
217>         nullptr = cast genpaddrT $ uint64 0
218>         mkGetAddr :: [(String, Int)] -> Capability -> PureExpr -> FoFCode PureExpr
219>         mkGetAddr defines capType cap =
220>             case rangeExpr capType of
221>               Just expr -> mkGetAddrExpr defines capType cap $ fst expr
222>               Nothing   -> returnc nullptr
223>         mkGetAddrExpr defines capType cap expr = 
224>           do
225>             res <- addressExprCode defines cap capName expr
226>             returnc res
227>           where
228>             capName = case name capType of (CapName s) -> s
232> get_size :: Capabilities -> FoFCode PureExpr
233> get_size caps =
234>     def [] "get_size"
235>         (mkGetPropSwitch caps mkGetSize)
236>         gensizeT
237>         [(ptrT $ ptrT $ capsStructT caps, Just "cap")]
238>     where
239>         mkGetSize :: [(String, Int)] -> Capability -> PureExpr -> FoFCode PureExpr
240>         mkGetSize defines capType cap =
241>             case rangeExpr capType of
242>               Just expr -> mkGetSizeExpr defines capType cap $ snd expr
243>               Nothing   -> returnc $ cast gensizeT $ uint64 0
244>         mkGetSizeExpr defines capType cap expr = 
245>           do
246>             res <- sizeExprCode defines cap capName expr
247>             returnc res
248>           where
249>             capName = case name capType of (CapName s) -> s
251\subsection{Generate switch on enum objtype}
253\verb|mkGetPropSwitch| generates a switch statement that switches on the
254objtype of the cap argument and uses mkGetProp to generate code for the
255different cases.
257> mkGetPropSwitch :: Capabilities
258>                    -> ([(String, Int)] -> Capability -> PureExpr -> FoFCode PureExpr)
259>                    -> ([PureExpr] -> FoFCode PureExpr)
260> mkGetPropSwitch caps mkGetProp = get_prop_int
261>       where
262>         get_prop_int :: [PureExpr] -> FoFCode PureExpr
263>         get_prop_int (cap : []) = 
264>           do
265>             let cases = map (mkGetPropCase cap) (capabilities caps)
266>             capTypeInt <- readCapAttr cap "type"
267>             switch capTypeInt cases ((assert false) >> (returnc $ uint64 0))
268>         mkGetPropCase cap capType =
269>             ((ofObjTypeEnum $ name capType), mkGetProp defineList capType cap)
270>         defineList = mkDefineList $ defines caps
274$get\_type\_root$ gets a number indicating which tree root of the type forest a
275given type belongs to.
277> get_type_root :: Capabilities -> FoFCode PureExpr
278> get_type_root caps =
279>     def [] "get_type_root"
280>         get_type_root_int
281>         uint8T
282>         [(objtypeT, Just "type")]
283>     where
284>         get_type_root_int [typ] =
285>           -- big switch over all types, each just returns the result
286>           switch typ cases (assert false >> returnc false)
287>         cases = map (mkCase . name) $ capTypes
288>         mkCase capName = (ofObjTypeEnum capName, mkGetRoot capName)
289>         -- case body just returns the calculated number
290>         mkGetRoot capName = returnc $ uint8 $ fromIntegral $ fromJust $ elemIndex (typeRoot capName) rootTypeNames
291>         capTypes = capabilities caps
292>         -- cap name -> cap lookup list
293>         capTypesLookup = map (\c -> (name c, c)) capTypes
294>         -- list of names of root types. the index in this list is the final
295>         -- root index
296>         rootTypeNames = map name $ filter (isNothing . from) capTypes
297>         typeRoot capName =
298>           -- recursively walk up retype relations
299>           case from $ fromJust $ lookup capName capTypesLookup of
300>             Just n -> typeRoot n
301>             Nothing -> capName
303$compare\_caps$ returns -1, 0 or 1 indicating the ordering of the given caps.
305\texttt{compare\_caps(left, right) $op$ 0} implies \texttt{left $op$ right}, where op is a numerical comparison.
307> compare_caps :: Capabilities ->
308>                 PureExpr ->
309>                 PureExpr ->
310>                 PureExpr ->
311>                 FoFCode PureExpr
312> compare_caps caps get_type_root get_address get_size =
313>     def [] "compare_caps"
314>         (compare_caps_int caps get_type_root get_address get_size)
315>         int8T
316>         [(ptrT $ ptrT $ capsStructT caps, Just "left"),
317>          (ptrT $ ptrT $ capsStructT caps, Just "right"),
318>          (boolT, Just "tiebreak")]
320> compare_caps_int :: Capabilities ->
321>                     PureExpr ->
322>                     PureExpr ->
323>                     PureExpr ->
324>                     [PureExpr] ->
325>                     FoFCode PureExpr
326> compare_caps_int caps get_type_root get_address get_size
327>                  [left_cap_pp, right_cap_pp, tiebreak] =
328>     do
329>       leftCap <- getCap left_cap_pp
330>       rightCap <- getCap right_cap_pp
331>       leftType <- readStruct leftCap "type"
332>       rightType <- readStruct rightCap "type"
333>       -- perform a bunch of global tests
334>       sequence $ map (doCmp left_cap_pp leftCap leftType
335>                             right_cap_pp rightCap rightType) tests
336>       -- at this point we know the caps are the same type
337>       -- also, they are at the same address and have the same size
338>       -- if the cap type has additional "eq" attributes, we now compare those
339>       let haveEqCaps = filter (not . null . eqFields) $ capabilities caps
340>           mkCase capType = ((ofObjTypeEnum $ name capType),
341>                             (mkEqCmp leftCap rightCap capType))
342>           eqCases = map mkCase haveEqCaps
343>       switch leftType eqCases (return false)
344>       -- finally, if the tie break param is true we compare the pointers
345>       ifc (return tiebreak) (mkCmp left_cap_pp right_cap_pp (.<.)) (return false)
346>       returnc $ int8 0
347>     where
349>       -- type-independent tests
350>       -- Note the reversed ordering on the capability size: Ordering
351>       -- capabilities by descending size makes parents that have the same
352>       -- starting address as their children appear before those children in
353>       -- the order.
354>       tests = [(getRoot, (.<.)),
355>                (getAddr, (.<.)),
356>                (getSize, (.>.)),
357>                (getType, (.<.))]
358>       getRoot cpp c ct = call get_type_root [ct]
359>       getAddr cpp c ct = call get_address [cpp]
360>       getSize cpp c ct = call get_size [cpp]
361>       getType cpp c ct = return ct
363>       -- comparison code generators
364>       mkCmp left right op =
365>         ifc (return (left .!=. right)) 
366>             (returnc $ test (left `op` right) (int8 (-1)) (int8 1))
367>             (return false)
368>       doCmp lcpp lc lct rcpp rc rct (f, op) =
369>         do
370>           l <- f lcpp lc lct
371>           r <- f rcpp rc rct
372>           mkCmp l r op
373>       mkEqCmp leftCap rightCap capType =
374>         do
375>           let eqs = map (\(NameField n) -> n) $ eqFields capType
376>           leftCapU <- readStruct leftCap "u"
377>           rightCapU <- readStruct rightCap "u"
378>           let capName = case name capType of CapName n -> n
379>           leftCapS <- readUnion leftCapU $ lower capName
380>           rightCapS <- readUnion rightCapU $ lower capName
381>           sequence $ map (doFieldCmp leftCapS rightCapS) eqs
382>           return false
383>       doFieldCmp lc rc n =
384>         do
385>           l <- readStruct lc n
386>           r <- readStruct rc n
387>           mkCmp l r (.<.)
389\section{Is well founded}
391\subsection{Compute Well-found-ness Relation}
393{\tt is\_well\_founded} checks if {\tt src\_type} can be retyped to {\tt
396> is_well_founded :: [Capability] ->
397>                    FoFCode PureExpr
398> is_well_founded caps =
399>     def [] "is_well_founded"
400>             (is_well_founded_int caps)
401>             boolT
402>             [(objtypeT, Just "src_type"),
403>              (objtypeT, Just "dest_type")]
405> is_well_founded_int caps (src_type : dest_type : []) =
406>     do
407>       switch dest_type cases (returnc false)
408>     where
409>       cases = map mkCase $ filter (\c -> (isJust $ from c) || (fromSelf c)) caps
410>       mkCase capType = ((ofObjTypeEnum $ name capType), (checkIsParent src_type capType))
411>       checkIsParent parent capType = returnc ((checkIsFrom parent capType)  .|. (checkIsFromSelf parent capType))
412>       checkIsFrom parent capType =
413>         case from capType of
414>           Just capName -> (parent .==. (ofObjTypeEnum capName))
415>           Nothing      -> false
416>       checkIsFromSelf parent capType =
417>         if fromSelf capType
418>            then (parent .==. (ofObjTypeEnum $ name capType))
419>            else false
421> is_equal_types :: FoFCode PureExpr
422> is_equal_types =
423>     def [] "is_equal_type"
424>         is_equal_int
425>         boolT
426>         [(objtypeT, Just "left_type"),
427>          (objtypeT, Just "right_type")]
428>     where is_equal_int (src_type : dest_type : []) =
429>             do returnc (src_type .==. dest_type)
431\section{Is revoked first}
433This function queries if the given capability can be retyped in its current
436\subsection{Compute Revocation Paths}
438\verb|revokePaths| indicates for all capability types if the type
439can be retyped multiple times.
441> revokePaths :: [Capability] -> 
442>                [(PureExpr, Maybe Bool)]
443> revokePaths caps = map revokePath caps
444>     where revokePath cap = strict ( ofObjTypeEnum $ name cap, multiRet cap)
445>           multiRet cap = if null (getChildren cap caps) then Nothing else Just $ multiRetype cap
446>           -- this returns a list of children in the type order for the capability `cap'.
447> 	    getChildren cap capabilities =
448> 	        [ c | c <- capabilities, isChild c cap ] ++
449> 	        (if fromSelf cap then [cap] else [])
450> 	    isChild c p = if isJust (from c) then name p == (fromJust $ from c) else False
452\subsection{Generate Code}
454> is_revoked_first :: [Capability] ->
455>                     FoFCode PureExpr
456> is_revoked_first caps =
457>     def [] 
458>         "is_revoked_first"
459>         (is_revoked_first_int caps)
460>         boolT
461>         [(ctePtrT, Just "src_cte"),
462>          (objtypeT, Just "src_type")]
464> is_revoked_first_int :: [Capability] ->
465>                         [PureExpr] ->
466>                         FoFCode PureExpr
467> is_revoked_first_int caps (src_cte : src_type : []) =
468>     do
469>     let cases = map (mkRevokeCase src_cte) revokeP
470>     switch src_type
471>            cases
472>            (do
473>             returnc false)
474>         -- revokeP contains all cap types that can be retyped
475>         where revokeP = [(st, fromJust rp) | (st, rp) <- revokePaths caps, isJust rp]
476>               mkRevokeCase cte (rType, mult) = (rType, caseCode cte mult)
477>               -- return true if type of cte is multi-retypable or cte has no descendants,
478>               -- else false
479>  		caseCode cte mult = do if mult then returnc true
480>                                              else do b <- has_descendants cte
481>                                                      ifc (return b)
482>                                                          (returnc false)
483>                                                          (returnc true)
485\section{Is copy}
487Check whether two capabilities represent the same object. This is different
488from \texttt{compare\_caps(left, right, false) == 0} in that it respects
489general equality specifiers like \texttt{is\_always\_copy} and
492> is_copy ::  Capabilities -> 
493>             PureExpr ->
494>             FoFCode PureExpr
495> is_copy caps compare_caps =
496>     def [] 
497>         "is_copy" 
498>         (is_copy_int caps compare_caps)
499>         boolT
500>         [(ptrT $ ptrT thisCapsStructT, Just "left"),
501>          (ptrT $ ptrT thisCapsStructT, Just "right")]
502>     where thisCapsStructT = capsStructT caps 
504> is_copy_int :: Capabilities -> 
505>                PureExpr ->
506>                [PureExpr] ->
507>                FoFCode PureExpr
508> is_copy_int caps compare_caps (leftPP : rightPP : []) =
509>     do 
510>       -- compare types
511>       leftCap <- getCap leftPP
512>       rightCap <- getCap rightPP
513>       leftType <- readStruct leftCap "type"
514>       rightType <- readStruct rightCap "type"
515>       ifc (return (leftType .!=. rightType))
516>           (returnc false) (return false)
517>       -- we now have equal types, check general equality for the type
518>       switch leftType generalEqCases (return false)
519>       -- don't have general equality, call compare_caps with tiebreak = false
520>       res <- call compare_caps [leftPP, rightPP, false]
521>       returnc (res .==. (int8 0))
522>     where
523>       -- in general equality switch, only handle cases with such an equality
524>       generalEqCases = map mkGeqCase $
525>                        filter (isJust . generalEquality) $
526>                        capabilities caps
527>       -- case body: just return the value of the equality
528>       mkGeqCase capType = ((ofObjTypeEnum $ name capType),
529>                            (returnc $ fofBool $ fromJust $ generalEquality capType))
530>       fofBool b = if b then true else false
532\section{Is Ancestor}
534{\tt is\_ancestor} checks if one cap is an immediate ancestor of another (note:
535if ancestor and child are of the same type, a non-immediate ancestor will also
538> is_ancestor :: Capabilities ->
539>                PureExpr ->
540>                PureExpr ->
541>                PureExpr ->
542>                FoFCode PureExpr
543> is_ancestor caps is_well_founded get_address get_size =
544>     def [] 
545>         "is_ancestor" 
546>         (is_ancestor_int caps is_well_founded get_address get_size)
547>         boolT
548>         [(ptrT $ ptrT thisCapsStructT, Just "child"),
549>          (ptrT $ ptrT thisCapsStructT, Just "parent")] 
550>     where thisCapsStructT = capsStructT caps 
552> is_ancestor_int :: Capabilities ->
553>                    PureExpr ->
554>                    PureExpr ->
555>                    PureExpr ->
556>                    [PureExpr] ->
557>                    FoFCode PureExpr
558> is_ancestor_int caps is_well_founded get_address get_size (childPP : parentPP : []) =
559>     do
560>       child <- getCap childPP
561>       parent <- getCap parentPP
562>       childType <- readStruct child "type"
563>       parentType <- readStruct parent "type"
565>       -- fail if relationship is not "well founded"
566>       wellFounded <- call is_well_founded [parentType, childType]
567>       ifc (return $ neg $ wellFounded)
568>           (returnc false) (return void)
570>       -- compute begin and end of parent and child
571>       parentAddr <- call get_address [parentPP]
572>       childAddr <- call get_address [childPP]
573>       parentSize <- call get_size [parentPP]
574>       childSize <- call get_size [childPP]
575>       parentEnd <- return $ parentAddr .+. parentSize
576>       childEnd <- return $ childAddr .+. childSize
578>       -- check that the child is inside the parent
579>       ifc (return (childType .==. parentType))
580>           -- for self-retypes the ancestor must be strictly greater than the child
581>           (checkStrictInside parentAddr parentEnd childAddr childEnd)
582>           (checkInside parentAddr parentEnd childAddr childEnd)
584>     where
585>       checkStrictInside parentAddr parentEnd childAddr childEnd =
586>         do returnc (((parentAddr .<. childAddr) .&. (parentEnd .>=. childEnd))
587>                     .|. ((parentAddr .<=. childAddr) .&. (parentEnd .>. childEnd)))
588>       checkInside parentAddr parentEnd childAddr childEnd =
589>         do returnc ((parentAddr .<=. childAddr) .&. (parentEnd .>=. childEnd))
594> backend :: Capabilities -> FoFCode PureExpr
595> backend caps =
596>     do dummy <- newEnum "__attribute__((__packed__)) objtype" enums "ObjType_Num"
597>        dummy <- newEnum "objdefines" defs "ObjDefines_Num"
598>        getAddress <- get_address caps
599>        getSize <- get_size caps
600>        getTypeRoot <- get_type_root caps
601>        compareCaps <- compare_caps caps getTypeRoot getAddress getSize
602>        isWellFounded <- is_well_founded capList
603>        isEqualTypes <- is_equal_types
604>        isRevokedFirst <- is_revoked_first capList
605>        isCopy <- is_copy caps compareCaps
606>        isAncestor <- is_ancestor caps isWellFounded getAddress getSize
607>        return void
608>     where capList = capabilities caps
609>           enums = mkObjTypeEnum capList
610>           defs = mkObjDefineList $ defines caps
612> userbackend :: Capabilities -> FoFCode PureExpr
613> userbackend caps =
614>     do dummy <- newEnum "objtype" enums "ObjType_Num"
615>        getAddress <- get_address caps
616>        getSize <- get_size caps
617>        getTypeRoot <- get_type_root caps
618>        compareCaps <- compare_caps caps getTypeRoot getAddress getSize
619>        isWellFounded <- is_well_founded capList
620>        isEqualTypes <- is_equal_types
621>        isCopy <- is_copy caps compareCaps
622>        isAncestor <- is_ancestor caps isWellFounded getAddress getSize
623>        return void
624>     where capList = capabilities caps
625>           enums = mkObjTypeEnum capList