2  Hake: a meta build system for Barrelfish
4  Copyright (c) 2009, 2015, ETH Zurich.
5  All rights reserved.
7  This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file.
8  If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to:
9  ETH Zurich D-INFK, Universitaetstasse 6, CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group.
12-- Asynchronous IO for walking directories
13import Control.Concurrent.Async
15import Control.Exception.Base
16import Control.Monad
18import Exception
20import Data.Dynamic
21import Data.List
22import Data.Maybe
23import qualified Data.Set as S
25import System.Directory
26import System.Environment
27import System.Exit
28import System.FilePath
29import System.IO
31-- The GHC API.  We use the mtl-compatible version in order to use liftIO
32-- within the GHC monad.
33import GHC hiding (Target, Ghc, runGhc, FunBind, Match)
34import GHC.Paths (libdir)
35import Control.Monad.Ghc
37-- We parse and pretty-print Hakefiles.
38import Language.Haskell.Exts
40-- Hake components
41import RuleDefs
42import HakeTypes
43import qualified Args
44import qualified Config
45import TreeDB
47data HakeError = HakeError String Int
48    deriving (Show, Typeable)
49instance Exception HakeError
52-- Command line options and parsing code
54data Opts = Opts { opt_makefilename :: String,
55                   opt_installdir :: String,
56                   opt_sourcedir :: String,
57                   opt_bfsourcedir :: String,
58                   opt_builddir :: String,
59                   opt_ghc_libdir :: String,
60                   opt_abs_installdir :: String,
61                   opt_abs_sourcedir :: String,
62                   opt_abs_bfsourcedir :: String,
63                   opt_abs_builddir :: String,
64                   opt_usage_error :: Bool,
65                   opt_architectures :: [String],
66                   opt_verbosity :: Integer
67                 }
68          deriving (Show,Eq)
70parse_arguments :: [String] -> Opts
71parse_arguments [] =
72  Opts { opt_makefilename = "Makefile",
73         opt_installdir = Config.install_dir,
74         opt_sourcedir = Config.source_dir,
75         opt_bfsourcedir = Config.source_dir,
76         opt_builddir = ".",
77         opt_ghc_libdir = libdir,
78         opt_abs_installdir = "",
79         opt_abs_sourcedir = "",
80         opt_abs_bfsourcedir = "",
81         opt_abs_builddir = "",
82         opt_usage_error = False, 
83         opt_architectures = [],
84         opt_verbosity = 1 }
85parse_arguments ("--install-dir" : (s : t)) =
86  (parse_arguments t) { opt_installdir = s }
87parse_arguments ("--source-dir" : s : t) =  
88  (parse_arguments t) { opt_sourcedir = s }
89parse_arguments ("--bfsource-dir" : s : t) =  
90  (parse_arguments t) { opt_bfsourcedir = s }
91parse_arguments ("--build-dir" : s : t) =
92  (parse_arguments t) { opt_builddir = s }
93parse_arguments ("--ghc-libdir" : (s : t)) =
94  (parse_arguments t) { opt_ghc_libdir = s }
95parse_arguments ("--output-filename" : s : t) =
96  (parse_arguments t) { opt_makefilename = s }
97parse_arguments ("--quiet" : t ) = 
98  (parse_arguments t) { opt_verbosity = 0 }
99parse_arguments ("--verbose" : t ) = 
100  (parse_arguments t) { opt_verbosity = 2 }
101parse_arguments ("--architecture" : a : t ) = 
102  let 
103    o2 = parse_arguments t
104    arches = (a : opt_architectures o2)
105  in
106    o2 { opt_architectures = arches }
107parse_arguments _ = 
108  (parse_arguments []) { opt_usage_error = True }
110usage :: String
111usage = unlines [ "Usage: hake <options>",
112                  "   --source-dir <dir> (required)",
113                  "   --bfsource-dir <dir> (defaults to source dir)",
114                  "   --install-dir <dir> (defaults to source dir)",
115                  "   --ghc-libdir <dir> (defaults to " ++ libdir ++ ")",
116                  "   --quiet",
117                  "   --verbose"
118                ]
120-- Check the configuration options, returning an error string if they're
121-- invalid.
122configErrors :: Maybe String
124    | unknownArchs /= [] =
125        Just ("unknown architecture(s) specified: " ++
126        (concat $ intersperse ", " unknownArchs))
127    | Config.architectures == [] =
128        Just "no architectures defined"
129    | Config.lazy_thc && not Config.use_fp =
130        Just "Config.use_fp must be true to use Config.lazy_thc."
131    | otherwise =
132        Nothing
133    where
134        unknownArchs = Config.architectures \\ Args.allArchitectures
136-- Walk the source tree and build a complete list of pathnames, loading any
137-- Hakefiles.
138listFiles :: FilePath -> IO ([FilePath], [(FilePath, String)])
139listFiles root = listFiles' root root
141listFiles' :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ([FilePath], [(FilePath, String)])
142listFiles' root current
143    | ignore (takeFileName current) = return ([], [])
144    | otherwise = do
145        isdir <- doesDirectoryExist current
146        if isdir then do
147            children <- getDirectoryContents current
148            walkchildren $ filter isRealChild children
149        else do
150            hake <- maybeHake current
151            return ([makeRelative root current], hake)
152    where
153        -- Walk the child directories in parallel.  This speeds things up
154        -- dramatically over NFS, with its high latency.
155        walkchildren :: [FilePath] -> IO ([FilePath], [(FilePath, String)])
156        walkchildren children = do
157            children_async <- mapM (async.walkchild) children
158            results <- mapM wait children_async
159            return $ joinResults results
161        joinResults :: [([a],[b])] -> ([a],[b])
162        joinResults [] = ([],[])
163        joinResults ((as,bs):xs) =
164            let (as',bs') = joinResults xs in
165                (as ++ as', bs ++ bs')
167        walkchild :: FilePath -> IO ([FilePath], [(FilePath, String)])
168        walkchild child = listFiles' root (current </> child)
170        -- Load Hakfiles eagerly.  This amounts to <1MB for Barrelfish (2015).
171        maybeHake path
172            | takeFileName path == "Hakefile" = do
173                contents <- readFile path
174                return [(path, contents)]
175            | otherwise = return []
177        -- Don't descend into revision-control or build directories.
178        ignore :: FilePath -> Bool
179        ignore "CMakeFiles" = True
180        ignore ".hg"        = True
181        ignore ".git"       = True
182        ignore ('.':[])     = False
183        ignore ('.':xs)     = True
184        ignore "build"      = True
185        ignore _            = False
187        -- We ignore self-links and parent-links
188        isRealChild :: FilePath -> Bool
189        isRealChild "."  = False
190        isRealChild ".." = False
191        isRealChild _    = True
194-- Hake parsing using the GHC API
197-- We invoke GHC to parse the Hakefiles in a preconfigured environment,
198-- to implement the Hake DSL.
199evalHakeFiles :: FilePath -> Handle -> Opts -> TreeDB -> [(FilePath, String)] ->
200                 IO (S.Set FilePath)
201evalHakeFiles the_libdir makefile o srcDB hakefiles =
202    --defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $
203    errorHandler $
204        runGhc (Just the_libdir) $
205        driveGhc makefile o srcDB hakefiles
207-- This is the code that executes in the GHC monad.
208driveGhc :: Handle -> Opts -> TreeDB -> [(FilePath, String)] ->
209            Ghc (S.Set FilePath)
210driveGhc makefile o srcDB hakefiles = do
211    -- Set the RTS flags
212    dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
213    _ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags {
214        importPaths = module_paths,
215        hiDir = Just "./hake",
216        objectDir = Just "./hake"
217    }
219    -- Set compilation targets i.e. everything that needs to be built from
220    -- source (*.hs).
221    targets <- mapM (\m -> guessTarget m Nothing) source_modules
222    setTargets targets
223    load LoadAllTargets
225    -- Import both system and Hake modules.
226    setContext
227        ([IIDecl $ simpleImportDecl $ mkModuleName m |
228            m <- modules] ++
229         [IIDecl $ (simpleImportDecl $ mkModuleName m) {
230                ideclQualified = True
231          } | m <- qualified_modules])
233    -- Emit Makefile sections corresponding to Hakefiles
234    buildSections hakefiles
236    where
237        module_paths = [ (opt_installdir o) </> "hake", ".", 
238                         (opt_bfsourcedir o) </> "hake" ]
239        source_modules = [ "HakeTypes", "RuleDefs", "Args", "Config",
240                           "TreeDB" ]
241        modules = [ "Prelude", "System.FilePath", "HakeTypes", "RuleDefs",
242                    "Args", "TreeDB"  ]
243        qualified_modules = [ "Config", "Data.List" ]
245        -- Evaluate one Hakefile, and emit its Makefile section.  We collect
246        -- referenced directories as we go, to generate the 'directories'
247        -- rules later.
248        buildSections' :: (S.Set FilePath) -> [(FilePath, String)] ->
249                          Ghc (S.Set FilePath)
250        buildSections' dirs [] = return dirs
251        buildSections' dirs ((abs_hakepath, contents):hs) = do
252            let hakepath = makeRelative (opt_sourcedir o) abs_hakepath
253            rule <- evaluate hakepath contents
254            dirs' <- liftIO $ makefileSection makefile o hakepath rule
255            buildSections' (S.union dirs' dirs) hs
257        buildSections :: [(FilePath, String)] -> Ghc (S.Set FilePath)
258        buildSections hs = buildSections' S.empty hs
260        -- Evaluate a Hakefile, returning something of the form
261        -- Rule [...]
262        evaluate :: FilePath -> String -> Ghc HRule
263        evaluate hakepath hake_raw = do
264            case hake_parse of
265                Left hake_expr -> do
266                    let hake_wrapped =
267                            prettyPrintWithMode (defaultMode {layout = PPNoLayout}) $
268                                wrapHake hakepath hake_expr
270                    -- Evaluate in GHC
271                    val <- ghandle handleFailure $
272                                dynCompileExpr $ hake_wrapped ++
273                                                 " :: TreeDB -> HRule"
274                    rule <- 
275                        case fromDynamic val of
276                            Just r -> return r
277                            Nothing -> throw $
278                                HakeError (hakepath ++
279                                           " - Compilation failed") 1
281                    -- Path resolution
282                    let resolved_rule =
283                            resolvePaths o (takeDirectory hakepath)
284                                           (rule srcDB)
285                    return resolved_rule
286                Right hake_error -> throw hake_error
287            where
288                hake_parse = parseHake hakepath hake_raw
290                handleFailure :: SomeException -> Ghc Dynamic
291                handleFailure e
292                    = throw $ HakeError (hakepath ++ ":\n" ++ show e) 1
294errorHandler :: (ExceptionMonad m, MonadIO m) => m a -> m a
295errorHandler inner =
296  ghandle (\exception -> liftIO $ do
297           hFlush stdout
298           handleIOException exception
299           handleAsyncException exception
300           handleExitException exception
301           handleHakeError exception
302           throw exception
303          ) $
305  -- error messages propagated as exceptions
306  ghandle
307            (\(ge :: GhcException) -> liftIO $ do
308                hFlush stdout
309                throw $ HakeError (show ge) 1
310            ) $
311  inner
312  where
313    handleIOException e =
314        case fromException e of
315            Just (ioe :: IOException) ->
316                throw $ HakeError ("IO Exception: " ++ (show ioe)) 1
317            _ -> return ()
319    handleAsyncException e =
320        case fromException e of
321            Just UserInterrupt ->
322                throw $ HakeError "Interrupted" 1
323            Just StackOverflow ->
324                throw $ HakeError ("Stack Overflow: use +RTS " ++
325                                   "-K<size> to increase it") 1
326            _ -> return ()
328    handleExitException e =
329        case fromException e of
330            Just ExitSuccess ->
331                throw $ HakeError "GHC terminated early" 1
332            Just (ExitFailure n) ->
333                throw $ HakeError "GHC terminated early" n
334            _ -> return ()
336    handleHakeError e =
337        case fromException e of
338            Just (HakeError s n) -> throw $ HakeError s n
339            _ -> return ()
341printSrcLoc :: Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc -> String
342printSrcLoc sl =
343    srcFilename sl ++ ":" ++
344    (show $ srcLine sl) ++ "." ++
345    (show $ srcColumn sl)
347-- Parse a Hakefile, prior to wrapping it with Hake definitions
348parseHake :: FilePath -> String -> Either (Exp SrcSpanInfo) HakeError
349parseHake filename contents =
350    case result of
351        ParseOk e -> Left e
352        ParseFailed loc str ->
353            Right $ HakeError (printSrcLoc loc ++ " - " ++ str) 1
354    where
355        result =
356            parseExpWithMode
357                (defaultParseMode {
358                    parseFilename = filename,
359                    baseLanguage = Haskell2010 })
360                contents
362-- Split a Hake rule up by token type.  It's more efficient to do this
363-- in a single pass, than to filter each as it's required.
364data CompiledRule =
365    CompiledRule {
366        ruleOutputs    :: S.Set RuleToken,
367        ruleDepends    :: S.Set RuleToken,
368        rulePreDepends :: S.Set RuleToken,
369        ruleBody       :: [RuleToken],
370        ruleDirs       :: S.Set FilePath
371    }
374-- Get the relative rule from an absolute rule pair
375makeRelativeRule :: RuleToken -> RuleToken
376makeRelativeRule (Abs _ t) = t
377makeRelativeRule t = t
379compileRule :: [RuleToken] -> CompiledRule
380compileRule [] = CompiledRule S.empty  S.empty  S.empty  []  S.empty
381compileRule (t:ts) =
382    let CompiledRule outs deps predeps body dirs = compileRule ts
383        outs'    = if isOutput t then S.insert (makeRelativeRule t) outs else outs
384        deps'    = if isDependency t then S.insert (makeRelativeRule t) deps else deps
385        predeps' = if isPredependency t then S.insert (makeRelativeRule t) predeps else predeps
386        body'    = if inRule t then t:body else body
387        dirs'    = if isFileRef t &&
388                      inTree (frPath t) &&
389                      takeDirectory (frPath t) /= "."
390                   then S.insert (replaceFileName (frPath t) ".marker") dirs
391                   else dirs
392    in
393    CompiledRule outs' deps' predeps' body' dirs'
394    where
395        inTree :: FilePath -> Bool
396        inTree p =
397            case splitDirectories p of
398                "..":_ -> False
399                "/":_ -> False
400                _ -> True
402-- We wrap the AST of the parsed Hakefile to defind the 'find' and 'build'
403-- primitives, and generate the correct expression type (HRule).  The result
404-- is an unevaluted function [FilePath] -> HRule, that needs to be supplied
405-- with the list of all files in the source directory.
406wrapHake :: FilePath -> Exp SrcSpanInfo -> Exp SrcSpanInfo
407wrapHake hakefile hake_exp =
408  Paren loc (
409    Lambda loc [PVar loc (Ident loc "sourceDB")] (
410      Let loc (
411        BDecls loc [
412          FunBind loc [
413             -- This is 'find'
414            Match loc (Ident loc "find")
415              [PVar loc (Ident loc "fn"), PVar loc (Ident loc "arg")]
416              -- Nothing
417              (UnGuardedRhs  loc
418                  (Paren  loc (App loc  (App loc  (App loc  (Var loc  (UnQual loc  (Ident loc  "fn")))
419                                        (Var loc  (UnQual loc  (Ident loc  "sourceDB"))))
420                                   (Lit loc  (String loc hakefile "")))
421                         (Var loc  (UnQual loc  (Ident loc  "arg"))))))
422              (Just (BDecls loc  []))
423          ],
425          FunBind loc [
426            Match loc
427              (Ident loc "build") -- This is 'build'
428              [PVar loc (Ident loc "a")]
429              (UnGuardedRhs loc
430                  (App loc (App loc (App loc (Paren loc (App loc (Var loc (UnQual loc (Ident loc "buildFunction")))
431                                             (Var loc (UnQual loc (Ident loc "a")))))
432                                 (Var loc (UnQual loc (Ident loc "sourceDB"))))
433                            (Lit  loc(String loc hakefile "")))
434                       (Var loc (UnQual loc (Ident loc "a")))))
435              (Just (BDecls loc []))
436          ]
437        ]
438      ) (Paren loc (App loc (Con loc (UnQual loc (Ident loc "Rules"))) hake_exp))
439    )
440  )
441    where
442        dummy_loc = SrcLoc { srcFilename = "<hake internal>",
443                                srcLine = 0, srcColumn = 0 }
444        loc = Language.Haskell.Exts.noSrcSpan
446-- Makefile generation
449-- The Makefile header, generated once.
450makefilePreamble :: Handle -> Opts -> [String] -> IO ()
451makefilePreamble h opts args =
452    mapM_ (hPutStrLn h)
453          ([ "# This Makefile is generated by Hake.  Do not edit!",
454             "# ",
455             "# Hake was invoked with the following command line args:" ] ++
456           [ "#        " ++ a | a <- args ] ++
457           [ "# ",
458             "Q=@",
459             "SRCDIR=" ++ opt_sourcedir opts,
460             "HAKE_ARCHS=" ++ intercalate " " Config.architectures,
461             -- Disable built-in implicit rules. GNU make adds environment's MAKEFLAGS too.
462             "MAKEFLAGS=r",
463             -- Explicitly disable the flex and bison implicit rules
464             "%.c : %.y",
465             "%.c : %.l",
466             "INSTALL_PREFIX ?= /home/netos/tftpboot/$(USER)" ])
468-- There a several valid top-level build directores, apart from the
469-- architecture-specific one.
470arch_list :: S.Set String
471arch_list = S.fromList (Config.architectures ++
472                        ["", "src", "hake", "root", "tools", "docs", "cache"])
474-- A rule is included if it applies to only "special" and configured
475-- architectures.
476allowedArchs :: [String] -> Bool
477allowedArchs = all (\a -> a `S.member` arch_list)
479-- The section corresponding to a Hakefile.  These routines all collect
480-- and directories they see.
481makefileSection :: Handle -> Opts -> FilePath -> HRule -> IO (S.Set FilePath)
482makefileSection h opts hakepath rule = do
483    hPutStrLn h $ "# From: " ++ hakepath ++ "\n"
484    makefileRule h rule
486makefileRule :: Handle -> HRule -> IO (S.Set FilePath)
487makefileRule h (Error s) = do
488    hPutStrLn h $ "$(error " ++ s ++ ")\n"
489    return S.empty
490makefileRule h (Rules rules) = do
491    dir_lists <- mapM (makefileRule h) rules
492    return $! S.unions dir_lists
493makefileRule h (Include token) = do
494    when (allowedArchs [frArch token]) $
495        mapM_ (hPutStrLn h) [
496            "ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)",
497            "else ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),rehake)",
498            "else ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),Makefile)",
499            "else",
500            "include " ++ (formatToken token),
501            "endif",
502            "" ]
503    return S.empty
504makefileRule h (HakeTypes.Rule tokens) =
505    if allowedArchs (map frArch tokens)
506        then makefileRuleInner h tokens False
507        else return S.empty
508makefileRule h (Phony name double_colon tokens) = do
509    if allowedArchs (map frArch tokens)
510        then do
511            hPutStrLn h $ ".PHONY: " ++ name
512            makefileRuleInner h (Target "build" name : tokens) double_colon
513        else return S.empty
515printTokens :: Handle -> S.Set RuleToken -> IO ()
516printTokens h tokens =
517    S.foldr (\t m -> hPutStr h (formatToken t) >> m) (return ()) tokens
519printDirs :: Handle -> S.Set FilePath -> IO ()
520printDirs h dirs =
521    S.foldr (\d m -> hPutStr h (d ++ " ") >> m) (return ()) dirs
523makefileRuleInner :: Handle -> [RuleToken] -> Bool -> IO (S.Set FilePath)
524makefileRuleInner h tokens double_colon = do
525    if S.null (ruleOutputs compiledRule)
526    then do
527        hPutStr h "# hake: omitted rule with no output: "
528        doBody
529    else do
530        printTokens h $ ruleOutputs compiledRule
531        if double_colon then hPutStr h ":: " else hPutStr h ": "
532        printTokens h $ ruleDepends compiledRule
533        hPutStr h " | directories "
534        printTokens h $ rulePreDepends compiledRule
535        hPutStrLn h ""
536        doBody
537    where
538        compiledRule = compileRule tokens
540        doBody :: IO (S.Set FilePath)
541        doBody = do
542            when (ruleBody compiledRule /= []) $ do
543                hPutStr h "\t"
544                mapM_ (hPutStr h . formatToken) $ ruleBody compiledRule
545            hPutStrLn h "\n"
546            return $ ruleDirs compiledRule
549-- Functions to resolve path names in rules. 
551-- Absolute paths are interpreted relative to one of the three trees: source,
552-- build or install.  Relative paths are interpreted relative to the directory
553-- containing the Hakefile that referenced them, within one of the above tree.
554-- Both build and install trees are divided by architecture, while the source
555-- tree is not.  All paths are output relative to the build directory.
557-- For example, if we are building for architecture 'x86_64', with build tree
558-- '/home/user/barrelfish/build' and build tree '/home/user/barrelfish'
559-- relative path '../', and we are compiling a Hakefile at 'apps/init/Hakefile'
560-- relative path  '../apps/init/Hakefile', we would resolve as follows:
562--   In SourceTree "../apps/init" "x86_64" "main.c"
563--      -> "../apps/init/main.c"
564--   In BuildTree "../apps/init" "x86_64" "/include/generated.h"
565--      -> "./x86_64/include/generated.h"
566--   Out BuildTree "../apps/init" "root" "/doc/manual.pdf"
567--      -> "./doc/manual.pdf"
569-- Note that the 'root' architecture is special, and always refers to the root
570-- of the relevant tree.
572-- Recurse through the Hake AST
573resolvePaths :: Opts -> FilePath -> HRule -> HRule
574resolvePaths o hakepath (Rules hrules)
575    = Rules $ map (resolvePaths o hakepath) hrules
576resolvePaths o hakepath (HakeTypes.Rule tokens)
577    = HakeTypes.Rule $ map (resolveTokenPath o hakepath) tokens
578resolvePaths o hakepath (Include token)
579    = Include $ resolveTokenPath o hakepath token
580resolvePaths o hakepath (Error s)
581    = Error s
582resolvePaths o hakepath (Phony name dbl tokens)
583    = Phony name dbl $ map (resolveTokenPath o hakepath) tokens
585-- Now resolve at the level of individual rule tokens.  At this level,
586-- we need to take into account the tree (source, build, or install).
587resolveTokenPath :: Opts -> FilePath -> RuleToken -> RuleToken
588-- An input token specifies which tree it refers to.
589resolveTokenPath o hakepath (In tree arch path) = 
590    (In tree arch (treePath o tree arch path hakepath))
591-- An output token implicitly refers to the build tree.
592resolveTokenPath o hakepath (Out arch path) = 
593    (Out arch (treePath o BuildTree arch path hakepath))
594-- A dependency token specifies which tree it refers to.
595resolveTokenPath o hakepath (Dep tree arch path) = 
596    (Dep tree arch (treePath o tree arch path hakepath))
597-- A non-dependency token specifies which tree it refers to.
598resolveTokenPath o hakepath (NoDep tree arch path) = 
599    (NoDep tree arch (treePath o tree arch path hakepath))
600-- A pre-dependency token specifies which tree it refers to.
601resolveTokenPath o hakepath (PreDep tree arch path) = 
602    (PreDep tree arch (treePath o tree arch path hakepath))
603-- An target token implicitly refers to the build tree.
604resolveTokenPath o hakepath (Target arch path) = 
605    (Target arch (treePath o BuildTree arch path hakepath))
606-- A target token referring to an absolute resource
607resolveTokenPath o hakepath (Abs rule rule2) =
608    let o' = o {
609            opt_sourcedir = opt_abs_sourcedir o,
610            opt_installdir = opt_abs_installdir o,
611            opt_builddir = opt_abs_builddir o,
612            opt_bfsourcedir = opt_abs_bfsourcedir o
613        }
614    in Abs (resolveTokenPath o' hakepath rule) (resolveTokenPath o hakepath rule2)
615-- Other tokens don't contain paths to resolve.
616resolveTokenPath _ _ token = token
618-- Now we get down to the nitty gritty.  We have, in order:
619--   o:        The options in force
620--   tree:     The tree (source, build, or install)
621--   arch:     The architecture (e.g. armv7)
622--   path:     The pathname we want to resolve
623--   hakepath: The directory containing the Hakefile
624-- If the tree is SrcTree or the architecture is "root", everything
625-- is relative to the top-level directory for that tree.  Otherwise,
626-- it's relative to the top-level directory plus the architecture.
627treePath :: Opts -> TreeRef -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
628-- The architecture 'root' is special.
629treePath o SrcTree "root" path hakepath = 
630    relPath (opt_sourcedir o) path hakepath
631treePath o BFSrcTree "root" path hakepath =
632    relPath (opt_bfsourcedir o) path hakepath
633treePath o BuildTree "root" path hakepath = 
634    relPath (opt_builddir o) path hakepath
635treePath o InstallTree "root" path hakepath = 
636    relPath (opt_installdir o) path hakepath
637-- The architecture 'cache' is special.
638treePath o SrcTree "cache" path hakepath =
639    relPath Config.cache_dir path hakepath
640treePath o BFSrcTree "cache" path hakepath =
641    relPath Config.cache_dir path hakepath
642treePath o BuildTree "cache" path hakepath =
643    relPath Config.cache_dir path hakepath
644treePath o InstallTree "cache" path hakepath =
645    relPath Config.cache_dir path hakepath
646-- Source-tree paths don't get an architecture.
647treePath o SrcTree arch path hakepath =
648    relPath (opt_sourcedir o) path hakepath
649treePath o BFSrcTree arch path hakepath =
650    relPath (opt_bfsourcedir o) path hakepath
651treePath o BuildTree arch path hakepath =
652    relPath ((opt_builddir o) </> arch) path hakepath
653treePath o InstallTree arch path hakepath =
654    relPath (opt_installdir o </> arch) path hakepath
656-- First evaluate the given path 'path', relative to the Hakefile directory
657-- 'hakepath'.  If 'path' is absolute (i.e. begins with a /), it is unchanged.
658-- Otherwise it is appended to 'hakepath'.  We then treat this as a relative
659-- path (by removing any initial /), and append it to the relevant tree root
660-- (which may or may not have an architecture path appended already).
661relPath :: String -> String -> String -> String
662-- The first rule prevents a path of / to be reduced to the empty string
663relPath "." "/" hakepath =
664    "."
665relPath "." path hakepath =
666    stripSlash (hakepath </> path)
667relPath treeroot path hakepath =
668    treeroot </> stripSlash (hakepath </> path)
670-- Strip any leading slash from the filename.  This is much faster than
671-- 'makeRelative "/"'.
672stripSlash :: FilePath -> FilePath
673stripSlash ('/':cs) = cs
674stripSlash cs = cs
676-- Emit the rule to rebuild the Hakefile.
677makeHakeDeps :: Handle -> Opts -> [String] -> IO ()
678makeHakeDeps h o l = do
679    hPutStrLn h "ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),rehake)"
680    makefileRule h rule
681    hPutStrLn h "endif"
682    hPutStrLn h ".DELETE_ON_ERROR:\n" -- this applies to following targets.
683    where
684        hake = resolveTokenPath o "" (In InstallTree "root" "/hake/hake")
685        makefile = resolveTokenPath o "/" (Out "root" (opt_makefilename o))
686        rule = HakeTypes.Rule
687                    ( [ hake, 
688                        Str "--source-dir", Str (opt_sourcedir o),
689                        Str "--install-dir", Str (opt_installdir o),
690                        Str "--bfsource-dir", Str (opt_bfsourcedir o),
691                        Str "--output-filename", makefile,
692                        Str "--ghc-libdir", Str (opt_ghc_libdir o)
693                      ] ++
694                      [ Dep SrcTree "root" h | h <- l ]
695                    )
697-- Emit the rules to create the build directories
698makeDirectories :: Handle -> S.Set FilePath -> IO ()
699makeDirectories h dirs = do
700    hPutStrLn h "# Directories follow"
701    hPutStrLn h "DIRECTORIES=\\"
702    mapM_ (\d -> hPutStrLn h $ "    " ++ d ++ " \\") (S.toList dirs)
703    hPutStrLn h "\n"
704    hPutStrLn h ".PHONY: directories"
705    hPutStr h "directories: $(DIRECTORIES)"
706    hPutStrLn h ""
707    hPutStrLn h "%.marker:"
708    hPutStrLn h "\t$(Q)echo \"MKDIR $@\""
709    hPutStrLn h "\t$(Q)mkdir -p `dirname $@`"
710    hPutStrLn h "\t$(Q)touch $@"
713-- The top level
716body :: IO ()
717body =  do
718    -- Parse arguments; architectures default to config file
719    args <- System.Environment.getArgs
720    let o1 = parse_arguments args
721        al = if opt_architectures o1 == [] 
722             then Config.architectures 
723             else opt_architectures o1
724        opts' = o1 { opt_architectures = al }
726    when (opt_usage_error opts') $
727        throw (HakeError usage 1)
729    -- Check configuration settings.
730    -- This is currently known at compile time, but might not always be!
731    when (isJust configErrors) $
732        throw (HakeError ("Error in configuration: " ++
733                         (fromJust configErrors)) 2)
735    -- Canonicalise directories
736    abs_sourcedir   <- canonicalizePath $ opt_sourcedir opts'
737    abs_bfsourcedir <- canonicalizePath $ opt_bfsourcedir opts'
738    abs_installdir  <- canonicalizePath $ opt_installdir opts'
739    abs_builddir    <- canonicalizePath $ "."
740    let opts = opts' { opt_abs_sourcedir   = abs_sourcedir,
741                       opt_abs_bfsourcedir = abs_bfsourcedir,
742                       opt_abs_installdir  = abs_installdir,
743                       opt_abs_builddir    = abs_builddir }
745    putStrLn ("Source directory: " ++ opt_sourcedir opts ++
746                       " (" ++ opt_abs_sourcedir opts ++ ")")
747    putStrLn ("BF Source directory: " ++ opt_bfsourcedir opts ++
748                       " (" ++ opt_abs_bfsourcedir opts ++ ")")
749    putStrLn ("Install directory: " ++ opt_installdir opts ++
750                       " (" ++ opt_abs_installdir opts ++ ")")
751    putStrLn ("GHC libdir: " ++ opt_ghc_libdir opts)
753    -- Find Hakefiles
754    putStrLn "Scanning directory tree..."
755    (relfiles, hakefiles) <- listFiles (opt_sourcedir opts)
756    let srcDB = tdbBuild relfiles
758    -- Open the Makefile and write the preamble
759    putStrLn $ "Creating " ++ (opt_makefilename opts) ++ "..."
760    makefile <- openFile(opt_makefilename opts) WriteMode
761    makefilePreamble makefile opts args
762    makeHakeDeps makefile opts $ map fst hakefiles
764    -- Evaluate Hakefiles
765    putStrLn $ "Evaluating " ++ show (length hakefiles) ++
766                        " Hakefiles..."
767    dirs <- evalHakeFiles (opt_ghc_libdir opts) makefile opts srcDB hakefiles
769    -- Emit directory rules
770    putStrLn $ "Generating build directory dependencies..."
771    makeDirectories makefile dirs
773    hFlush makefile
774    hClose makefile
775    return ()
777main :: IO () 
778main = do
779    r <- body `catch` handleHakeError
780    exitWith ExitSuccess
781    where
782        handleHakeError :: HakeError -> IO ()
783        handleHakeError (HakeError str n) = do
784            putStrLn str
785            exitWith $ ExitFailure n