2 * Copyright (c) 2012, ETH Zurich. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file.
5 * If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to:
6 * ETH Zurich D-INFK, CAB F.78, Universitaetstr 6, CH-8092 Zurich.
7 * Attn: Systems Group.
8 */
11 * pl130_gic.dev
12 *
13 * DESCRIPTION: PrimeCell PL130 Generic Interrupt Controller
14 *
15 * This is derived from:
16 *
17 * [1] PrimeCell Generic Interrupt Controller PL130
18 *     (DDI0416B_gic_pl390_r0p0_trm.pdf)
19 * [2] ARM Cortex A9 MPCore TRM r2p0
20 * [3] ARM Generic Interrupt Controller v1.0
21 *
22 * Updated to work on PandaBoard according to [2] Table 3-1
23 *
24 * Register map for distributor: [3], chp 4.1.2
25 * Register map for CPU interface: [3], chp 4.1.3
26 */
28device pl130_gic msbfirst (addr dist_base, addr cpu_base)
29    "PrimeCell PL130 Generic Interrupt Controller"
31    //
32    // Distributor register map
33    //
34    register ICDDCR addr(dist_base, 0x0) "Distributor Control" {
35        _       31 rsvd;
36        enable  1 rw            "enable forwarding to CPU interface";
37    };
39    register ICDICTR ro addr(dist_base, 0x4) "Interrupt Controller Type" {
40        _               16;
41        LSPI            5       "maximum number of lockable SPIs";
42        TZ              1       "GIC implements Security Extensions";
43        _               2;
44        cpu_number      3       "number of implemented CPU interfaces";
45        it_lines_num    5       "max. num. (N) interrupts supported 32(N+1)";
46    };
48    register ICDIIDR ro addr(dist_base, 0x8) "Distributor Implementer Ident." {
49        product_id      8       "Product identifier";
50        rev_num         12      "Revision number";
51        implementer     12      "JEP106 code of implementing company";
52    };
54    // Do not read 16 Bit values, only 32 bit ones, otherwise the
55    // Mackerel code will crash on the PandaBoard
56    regarray ICDISR addr(dist_base, 0x80) [32] "SPI Interrupt Security"
57        type(uint32);
58    regarray ICDISER addr(dist_base, 0x100) [32] "Interrupt Set-Enable"
59        type(uint32);
60    regarray ICDICER addr(dist_base, 0x180) [32] "Interrupt Clear-Enable"
61        type(uint32);
62    regarray ICDISPR addr(dist_base, 0x200) [32] "Interrupt Set-Pending"
63        type(uint32);
64    regarray ICDICPR addr(dist_base, 0x280) [32] "Interrupt Clear-Pending"
65        type(uint32);
66    regarray ICDABR ro addr(dist_base, 0x300) [32] "Interrupt Active Bit"
67        type(uint32);
69    regtype priority_reg "Interrupt priority register" {
70        prio_off3       8 rw    "Priority, byte offset 3";
71        prio_off2       8 rw    "Priority, byte offset 2";
72        prio_off1       8 rw    "Priority, byte offset 1";
73        prio_off0       8 rw    "Priority, byte offset 0";
74    };
76    regarray ICDIPR addr(dist_base, 0x400) [31] "Priority Level"
77        type(priority_reg);
79    regtype cpu_targets_reg "CPU targets" {
80        targets_off3    8       rw      "CPU targets, byte offset 3";
81        targets_off2    8       rw      "CPU targets, byte offset 2";
82        targets_off1    8       rw      "CPU targets, byte offset 1";
83        targets_off0    8       rw      "CPU targets, byte offset 0";
84    };
85    regarray ICDIPTR rw addr(dist_base, 0x800) [31]  // only partly rw
86        "Interrupt Processor Targets"
87        type(cpu_targets_reg);
89    regtype conf_reg "Configuration registers" {
90        conf15           2       "Configuration 15";
91        conf14           2       "Configuration 14";
92        conf13           2       "Configuration 13";
93        conf12           2       "Configuration 12";
94        conf11           2       "Configuration 11";
95        conf10           2       "Configuration 10";
96        conf9            2       "Configuration 9";
97        conf8            2       "Configuration 8";
98        conf7            2       "Configuration 7";
99        conf6            2       "Configuration 6";
100        conf5            2       "Configuration 5";
101        conf4            2       "Configuration 4";
102        conf3            2       "Configuration 3";
103        conf2            2       "Configuration 2";
104        conf1            2       "Configuration 1";
105        conf0            2       "Configuration 0";
106    };
107    regarray ICDICR rw addr(dist_base, 0xC00) [16]
108        "Interrupt Configuration Reigsters"
109        type(conf_reg);
111    register PPI_STATUS ro addr(dist_base, 0xd00) "PPI Status" {
112        _               16;
113        ppi_status      16      "Status of PPI0 - PPI15";
114    };
116    regarray SPI_STATUS ro addr(dist_base, 0xd04) [30] "SPI Status"
117        type(uint32);
119    register ICDSGIR wo addr(dist_base, 0xf00) "Software Generated Interrupt" {
120        _                       6 mbz;
121        target_list_filter      2       "Target List Filter";
122        cpu_target_list         8       "CPU Target List";
123        SATT                    1       "Secure Access Bit";
124        _                       11 mbz;
125        SGIINTID                4       "SGI Interrupt ID";
126        };
128    register DIST_PERIPH_ID0 ro addr(dist_base, 0xfec) "Peripheral Ident. 0" {
129        _               24;
130        part_number_0   8       "Part Number 0";
131    };
133    register DIST_PERIPH_ID1 ro addr(dist_base, 0xfe8) "Peripheral Ident. 1" {
134        _               24;
135        jep106_id_3_0   4       "JEP106 identity code [3:0]";
136        part_number_1   4       "Part Number 1";
137    };
139    register DIST_PERIPH_ID2 ro addr(dist_base, 0xfe4) "Peripheral Ident. 2" {
140        _               24;
141        architecure     4       "Architecture vers. of GIC";
142        jedec_used      1       "is ID allocated by JEDEC";
143        jep106_id_6_4   3       "JEP106 identity code [6:4]";
144    };
146    register DIST_PERIPH_ID3 ro addr(dist_base, 0xfe0) "Peripheral Ident. 3" {
147        _               24;
148        rev_and         4       "Revision of AND Gates";
149        mod_number      4       "Modification Number";
150    };
152    register DIST_PERIPH_ID4 ro addr(dist_base, 0xfdc) "Peripheral Ident. 4" {
153        _               24;
154        page_count      4       "# of 4KB blocks needed";
155        jep106_c_code   4       "JEP106 continuation code";
156    };
158    register DIST_PERIPH_ID5 ro addr(dist_base, 0xfd8) "Peripheral Ident. 5" {
159        _               24;
160        ppi_number_0    4       "LSBs of # of PPIs in FIC";
161        sgi_number      4       "# of SGIs in GIC";
162    };
164    register DIST_PERIPH_ID6 ro addr(dist_base, 0xfd4) "Peripheral Ident. 6" {
165        _               24;
166        spi_number_0    4       "LSBs of #SPIs GIC provides";
167        ppi_number_1    4       "MSBs of #PPIs GIC provides";
168    };
170    register DIST_PERIPH_ID7 ro addr(dist_base, 0xfd0) "Peripheral Ident. 7" {
171        _               24;
172        tz              1       "# secure states";
173        priority        3       "# priority lvls GIC provides";
174        spi_number_1    4       "MSBs of # SPIs GIC provides";
175    };
177    register DIST_PERIPH_ID8 ro addr(dist_base, 0xfc0) "Peripheral Ident. 8" {
178        _               24;
179        identifier      1       "AMBA interface ID";
180        if_type         2       "AMBA protocoll";
181        cpu_if          3       "# of CPU interfaces";
182        fiq_legacy      1       "Legacy FIQ signals supported";
183        irq_legacy      1       "Legacy IRQ signals supported";
184    };
186    register DIST_COMPONENT_ID0 ro addr(dist_base, 0xffc) "PrimeCell Ident. 0" {
187        _               24;
188        component_id    8;
189    };
191    register DIST_COMPONENT_ID1 ro addr(dist_base, 0xff8) "PrimeCell Ident. 1" {
192        _               24;
193        component_id    8;
194    };
196    register DIST_COMPONENT_ID2 ro addr(dist_base, 0xff4) "PrimeCell Ident. 2" {
197        _               24;
198        component_id    8;
199    };
201    register DIST_COMPONENT_ID3 ro addr(dist_base, 0xff0) "PrimeCell Ident. 3" {
202        _               24;
203        component_id    8;
204    };
207    //
208    // CPU interface register map
209    //
211    register ICCICR addr(cpu_base, 0x0) "CPU Interface Control" {
212        _               31;
213        enable          1       "en. fwding to connected processors";
214    };
216    register ICCPMR addr(cpu_base, 0x4) "Interrupt Priority Mask" {
217        _               24;
218        priority        8       "Priority mask level for CPU Interface";
219    };
221    register ICCBPR addr(cpu_base, 0x8) "Binary Point" {
222        _               29;
223        binary_point    3       "Split Group- and subpriority";
224    };
226    register ICCIAR ro addr(cpu_base, 0xc) "Interrupt Acknowledge" {
227        _               19;
228        cpu_id          3       "Processor ID of interrupting processor";
229        ack_int_id      10      "Interrupt ID";
230    };
232    register ICCEOIR wo addr(cpu_base, 0x10) "End of Interrupt" {
233        _               19 mbz;
234        cpu_id          3       "Proc ID of ICCIAR access";
235        eoi_int_id      10      "ACKINTID of ICCIAR access";
236    };
238    register ICCRPR ro addr(cpu_base, 0x14) "Running Priority" {
239        _               24;
240        priority        8       "Highest priority active interrupt";
241    };
243    register ICCHPIR ro addr(cpu_base, 0x18) "Highest Pending Interrupt" {
244        _               19;
245        cpu_id          3       "ID of interrupting processor";
246        pend_int_id     10      "ID of highest pri. pending int.";
247    };
249    register ICCABPR addr(cpu_base, 0x1c) "Aliased Binary Point" {
250        _               29 rsvd;
251        binary_point    3       "Split Group- and subpriority";
252    };
254    register ICCIIDR ro addr(cpu_base, 0xfc) "CPU Interface Identification" {
255        product_id      12      "Product ID";
256        arch_version    4       "Implemented GIC architecture version";
257        revision        4       "Revision number for the CPU Interface";
258        implementer     12      "JEP106 code of the implementer";
259    };
260 };